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Document Creation Date:
November 22, 2024
Document Release Date:
January 15, 1983
Sequence Number:
Case Number:
Publication Date:
March 22, 1951
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1M 5
22 1.c.arch 1951.
Colonel Sheffield Edwards
Chief, Inspection & Security Staff
- Chief, Staff'
SUBJECT: BLUEBIRD Possible Recruitment ofveraliVis
itliribiavcrmA �
1. In connection with the recent special operation ircc.,
involving the services of the BLUEBIRD team, a senior iThstaff officer
had occasion to call uponts�S.'" -."7=21, who is
presently attached to the �e-Gencral Hospital Lt. our
behest, C.,--.7"--,-.4.-.M.parfOrmed certain medical ex nations after being
informed of the fact that the requests were part of a clandestine intel-
ligence operation. 1=7,0745=0,612expressed considerable interest in the
field of intelligence activities and asked if there were any sectors of
intelligence work to which a doctor could make a contribution.
2. who was trained ats,Z=42ftze&is a speciAist in
cardio and neuro-vascular matters and has studied in the fields of
psychology and psychiatry. According to his Commanding Officer, he is
highly regarded for his professional proficiency. It should be noted
also that he made a most favorable impression on the staff officer who
contacted him..
3. In IfiGIX of the difficulty in
medical men for the BLUEBIRD project,
might make a more than acceptable rec
suggested that you give consideration
by assignment from the Army or othervi
for use in this connection.
scouring com.petont and adi.ptable
it would appear that,
ruit for BLUEBIRD work. It is
to procuring his services, either
se if you consider it advisable,
4. It will be appreciated if you will advise us whether or not-
youiptave any interest in attempting to procure tho services of ,e4=1110..
We are obligated to eivo him an answer of some kind in view of
his definite expression of interest in a position involving both the .
medical profession and intelligence.
� �Isprrippro
5. Our field rcprenont:ttives arc 17!enc advic,od of the referral
of this mattor and instructed to take no further action.pendina additional
instructions from beadluartt,rs. If you desire us to take any action ;with
retard to approaching lite would'be happy to do so.