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Document Creation Date: 
November 22, 2024
Document Release Date: 
January 15, 1983
Sequence Number: 
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Publication Date: 
July 14, 1952
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-11r,04"-----6.*tr1"111.74211. - � 147.1.rovri�iir4 � ��.% MEMORAMUM POR: Deputy Director (Plans) VIA � . : � . 7 � � ./.� rmwlerrer5,4 44.-A " :7 � ��- . JUL 14. 1252 � (1) Deputy Director (Intelligence) (2) Deputy Director (Administration) SUBJECT : Project ARTICROEM � 1. /n accordance with 0/DDi? TS memorandum of 17 JUne on the above subject, a meeting was held today to reach final recom- mendations for ))D/P's decision. Present were: OSO Mr.iet::=2=Mil'auaft. OPC - Mr. .2=4=MMOCZISII OTS - Ite.SO - Mr. irr Dr."te726iChief, CIA Medical Staff, was unable to be present due to illness. 2. It was agreed by those present that over-all resmonsi- bility for Project Artichoke should be transferred from CSI to ,e I&SO, with fr.:111 resnonsibility for research being allocated to OTS. It was understood apdavec& that there should be the closest )c,� coardination.between *S0.4411:6:�0TS with commlete intercha�?e of in, formation .concerning research a:A. testing within the purposes of Project Artichoke. It was understood also that I&SO has.a funda- mental security responsibility in relation to the appropriateness � and propriety of any research itrojects undertaken by the Agency and - additionally, due to the high sensitivity of research projects in this particular field, such projects should be cleared through ILSO. . 1 3. Under this broad allocation of resmonsibilities, it vas axe ed that detailed responsibilities'should be allocated, as follows: .1:I.'. �-�.***. t.,1 t . s it .44 : � -lit . V� .4 4 . � 1 4 ii! i v 4 I � 1, . i v %; � . t: ! .- : > .:. , ). . . .. 1 t 1 a. Tho training, staffing and directing of all field. . teams should be the responsibility of.I&SO with the under. standing that in the field all activities are under the control of the CIA mission chief .concerned. In the discharge-- of this responsibility L'ISO will coordinate with CPC and S3 for operational support and with CIA Medical Staff for ��.� necessary medical support. . - b. Responsibility for the foreign intelligence aspects f this subject should remain in CSI.. Cppl....�������4....;4-4, 407.'71'r 7. iF -%����717 � ��� (7) larlf � o� . � %f � o� --"Perrml**ffrar. � ,.,_�tegAMer:! , C. The responsiulAirt;-lor monitoring the stu.37 by tho Rosoarch and Development Board, Department of Defenrc, should be transferred from OSI to CTS in line With the latteris crt:er- all research responsibility.- � v- . d. Responsibility for Continuing contAct with the De- partment of Defense representatives, established at the re-s* quest of the DCI in the IAC Executive Session of 2 4:11' .1931, should be transferred from OSI to OTS. 4. It was understood and confirmed by those present that, in spite of various interim definitions, the scope of Project Artichoke is research and testing to arrive at means of control, rather thnn the more limited concept embodied in "special interrogationt". 5. It was recommended that DD/P confirm and order the above allocations of responsibilities. CONCUR=CvS: relwlirr777777:17�xmw -� � . . Acting ^ssit4ant DIrec;or Scientific Intelligc=ce :Issis.ant Director for Special Op-4-,tions A � 4. �e07."1.r.11V41.A"'17:4211$ � 'gttistant Director for Policy Cisordination -e Acting Chief, Office of Technical Services 1/4.1; e.7.FM.1.."AtT:14W1.11 LtIrct.f.-AF. - e; 0*-tx.21,1146*N"-��*"2"�441:1,.."1"- AsSiotant Dc7:e.^lor (Administration) for Security . Dato--- /44) Date V OVA"' oAte Date Chief, Xedical Staff Date 7. � It6r.:"1"; � � /7776, � � � � �1'1"---��,1",-.P."!4�:?,;',!��.T`7":".";.�1":f:;;',XAML9ne�VY"'' �