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Approved for Release: 2024/08/22 CO2343657
Nod *NV
There are few, if any, types of personnel investigations which are
more complex, more sensitiVe, or more specialized thain the investi-
gation of homosexuals. These cases often, in fact, require the exercise
of the full range of investigative techniques; they demand the utmost
In tact, discretion, and investigative ingenuity. During every step of a
homosexual investigation, the responsibility to protect the innocent must
be kept constantly in mind.
One of the most common mistakes made by the average person is
the conviction that he can recognize a homosexual on sight. This is
similar to recognizing a Communist. The subject has a mental Or
emotional problem rather than a physical one. There is no way to spot
a homosexual.
The homosexual has a problem. He may not consider himself
"queer," he may accept his psychological deviation from the normal,
but he recognizes that society frowns on him; his associations and acti-
vities are, from a social standpoint, something other than "nice." He
often uses the word "problem" in discussing his own homosexuality or
that of one of his friends.
Recognizing the existence of his problem and living with it require
certain adjustmentS,and certain-cover in the day-to-day life of the higher
class homosexual who is our usual subject. Very few employees come
to work wearing eye makeup or "My Sin." That type of homosexual,
needless to say, rarely gets by the Personnel interviewer. If he does,
the interviewer may bear greater scrutiny.
The homosexual subject is usually regarded as an above-average
employee. His work habits are good, he is punctual, responsive 4.,o
authority, cooperative, friendly, a credit to the organization. :r
character-background investigations, the average interview elits no
derogatory informationil from supe rvis Or s and fellow employees.
But our subject leads a Ielatyll-Hyde etisten.ce, constantly cautious,
constantly aware that his "Mr. Hyde" will be exposed. He frequently
uses a Post Office Box to receive mail from trusted friends, although
bills, ads, junk mail, and letters from relatives are received at his resi-
dence. His telephone number is often. unlisted; he does his own, shopping,
avoiding where possible delivery people or other outsiders coming to his
home. His car (preferably foreign) is often, reserved for weekends,
rarely driven to the office.
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Our subject is intimately acquainted with a life totally unknown to
society in general. He has his own language, his own social customs
and mores. He reacts acutely to certain words, certain_ physical habits,
certain affectations of dress. These he knows instinctively; theli'existence
he will deny almost to his last breath.
The homosexual has "pass words" or auditory signals with which to
test a chance acquaintance. As in the field of narcotics investigation.s,
the investigator of homosexuals must know the proper language before
attempting any close contact or pretext operations. Here are some of the
popular terms of today's homosexual society:
Gay This remains as the most common term in the deviate's
vocabulary. "Gay" means homosexual. It is used to describe
people, places (favorite hangouts), parties, and groups. Any
use of the word is significant and it may be used as a test by
one homosexual to see if a stranger reacts to it properly.
Straight - This word means "normal," not homosexual and the opposite
of gay.
Bi -Bisexual, Interested equally in homosexual and heterosexual
The question "Are you gay, straight, or bi?" has been used with
marked success in interviews of suspected homosexuals. Because of its
odd wording, any reaction or recognition of its true meaning will tell an
investigator that the person he's interviewing is probably a homosexual.
Those are but a few. There are many others. One of the recently
popular introductory remarks is "Aren't you Jack from the North?" This
question varies as to name and area, but it is always phrased the same way.
The other party is supposed to answer, "No, I'm Joe (or any other name)
from the North." The word "North" (or South, East, West Coast, etc.) is
the code word. It means homosexual. The person asking the question knows
at once from the response whether the other person is or is not homosexual
and whether continued conversation may be profitable.
There is a popular misconception that homosexuals fall into two dis-
tinct categories of male and female. This is not true. Although this is a
zommon breakdown, many homosexuals fall into both categories. It is not
uncommon for two extremely effeminate (or extremely masculine) homo-
aexuals to participate in sex relations with each other. It is also not un-
common for two homosexuals to live together and not engage in mutual sex
activity but to have completely separate sex partners. Investigatively, it is
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a serious error to believe that these people fall into set patterns or cate-
gories - they are abnormal mentally and emotionally; their behavior
patterns are, therefore, completely abnormal and unpredictable.
If our subject is "married" he will be much more difficult to detect.
Many "upper-class" homosexuals seek permanent living arrangements
with others of their kind. There is much less possibility of detection,
trouble with the law, or susceptibility to robbery or blackmail. If our
subject and "spouse" have many neighbors, they can be expected to move
often. If the neighborhood is toltirant, they will settle down to domestic
bliss of the highest degree. Landlords often encourage rentals to homo-
sexuals since they are neat, generally quiet, interested in keeping their
apartments in good condition, and dependable when it comes to finances,
The "happily married" homosexual wants trouble with no one and conducts
himself accordingly. This can hamper an. investigator in developing true
facts during a neighborhood check. He must be alert for something more
than good neighborhood reputation.
Many homosexual\ha are actually married. Informants have advised
that they estimate at least fifty percent of homosexuals are either married
or divorced. Motives for these marriages vary. Some are honest efforts
to solve the "problem;" most are for the sake of convenience, to buy
respectability, to provide a "front" behind which the homosexual can
exist free of public criticism. Numerous instances have been. encountered
wherein homosexuals are married to lesbians. These are truly "front"
or "cover" marriages and often cloak activities disgusting beyond the
wildest imagination. A suspected homosexual should never be cleared of
suspicion, therefore simply because he is married.
The homosexual is a complex.; intelligent, interesting, and mixed-up
individual. He may not possess all the traits and characteristics mentioned
above, but he undoubtedly will possess some of them. He is a man with. a
No greater opportunity will ever present itself for the successful
exposure of homosexuals than that furnished by the character investigation,
The detection of a homosexual in a character investigation depends wholly
on. awareness of the possibility that the subject may be a homosexual. The
warning signs are invariably present. Alertness to them is a necessity.
The Subject's Biography furnishes the first indications that he is a
homosexual. To detect him it is vital tha the investigator be inquisitive.
What is his age? What is his marital status? Is he 35 years old, single,
never been married? Why? What were his previous employments? What
is his education background? Are his references all women? What are his
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ILobbies, his outside interests? Does a male reference have the sante
address as the employee? Is the subject well-educated and yet have a
history of menial positions? Has he moved around the country for no
apparent reason? What reasons are given for leaving past employments?
Is there any extreme physical characteristic such as small stature, obesity,
deformity, etc.? These are details available to every Agent. They can
open many doors that are clearly marked.
If available, the subject's personnel file is the next profitable
source; med-J'cal history, reference lettters, and particularly insurance
beneficiary forms. One homosexual investigation was triggered through
tile alertness of an agent who questioned .a subject's designating a male
friend as his insurance beneficiary instead of his wife.
A check of police and credit files on personal references may pro-
vide extremely significant information. In checks of credit and police
records, particular attention should be given to any arrests for disorderly
conduct, disturbing the peace, or similar offenses. If question
e:Kists, the arresting officers should be sought out and intelerwed.
These steps may well show the alert investigator that his subject is very
possibly a homosexual.
It should go without saying that none of the subjects s friends, neigh-
bors, or associates can be asked if they think he is a homosexual. That
is not a recognized or approved means of ferreting out hornitsexuals.
It is unpardonable. Yet, many informants can be made to tell an investi-
gator exactly that without ever realizing they have been asked or that
they are furnishing such information.
Of primary importance in developing information in these cases
is alertness to the availability of first-band knotw of a subject's
habits, character, and associates. If an informant states that the subject
is quite a lathes' man, he should be asked tactfully how he knows this.
If his answer indicates he knows because the subject told him, it should
be obvious that further steps will be necessary before the conclusion is
reached that the subject is, in fact, a ladies' man. Extreme care must
be taken to ascertain that informants, particularly neighbors and fellow
employees, know of their own knowledge just how the subject spends his
time. There :is a wide difference and, all too often, an investigator will
accept an informant's statements without ever determining the basis for
those statements.
Each informant or reference should be questioned carefully and dis-
creetly and in detail about the subject's activities and associates. What
are his interests? What does he discuss? What does he do in his spate
time? With what kind of people does he associate? What are his men
friends like? What are his girl friends like? What is their reputation?
It .Ls often surprising what information such simple questions can elicit
if the investigator is truly aware what he is obtaining.
Approved for Release: 2024/08/22 CO2343657