Final Response; DIF/GLOMAR/Standard

Document Type: 
Document Number (FOIA) /ESDN (CREST): 
Release Decision: 
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Document Page Count: 
Document Creation Date: 
September 26, 2024
Document Release Date: 
August 13, 2024
Sequence Number: 
Case Number: 
Publication Date: 
December 2, 2015
Approved for Release: 2024/08/09 C06496619 Central Intelligence Agency Washington, D.C. 20505 14 December 2015 Mr. Martin Peck MuckRock News DEPT MR 18848 P.O. Box 55819 Boston, MA 02205-5819 Reference: F-2015-01937 Dear Mr. Peck: This is a final response to your 18 June 2015 Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request for the following: 1. "...records associated with coordination or interaction with the Israeli Unit 8200, also known as Unit 8200, Yehida Shmoneh-Matayim, or ykhydh. May also appear as Central Collection Unit of the Intelligence Corps, or Israeli SIGINT National Unit (ISNU)." 2. "...processing notes in response to this request." We have assigned your request the reference number above. Please use this number when corresponding so that we can identify it easily. With regard to Item 1, in accordance with section 3.6(a) of Executive Order 13526, the CIA can neither confirm nor deny the existence or nonexistence of records responsive to your request. The fact of the existence or nonexistence of such records is itself currently and properly classified and is intelligence sources and methods information protected from disclosure by Section 6 of the CIA Act of 1949, as amended, and Section 102A(i)(1) of the National Security Act of 1947, as amended. Therefore, your request is denied pursuant to FOIA exemptions (b)(1) and (b)(3). I have enclosed an explanation of these exemptions for your reference and retention. As the CIA Information and Privacy Coordinator, I am the CIA official responsible for this determination. You have the right to appeal this response to the Agency Release Panel, in my care, within 45 days from the date of this letter. Please include the basis of your appeal. With regard to Item 2, the FOIA was enacted to provide a means for the general public to access government records. Under the provisions of the FOIA, federal agencies are not required to perform research, answer questions, create records, or conduct unreasonable searches through a body of material to see if any of it is related to a particular request. Therefore, we must decline your request. Sincerely, itAk-1 tyytker�e---, Michael Lavergne Information and Privacy Coordinator Approved for Release: 2024/08/09 C06496619 Approved for Release: 2024/08/09 C06496619 Enclosure Approved for Release: 2024/08/09 C06496619