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Document Creation Date: 
September 25, 2024
Document Release Date: 
September 8, 1976
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Case Number: 
Publication Date: 
May 7, 1959
' r , 5/12/59 ) 5/11/60. 9-2502-75-902 45,000.00 59 - 9/23/60 10525-1009-4902 10,400.00 . 13 Jul 59 $5;200.00 5 Aug 59 1 $15,600:00 0 Aug 59 $15,600.00 39,800.00 1 24,200.00 8)(00.00 24 Sept 59. '40 )100.00 19,000.60 rN 2i it 59; $19,000.00 0 11 45.7 /So? 4.5�.2� � I Eilkirk),,, C:4 IiiittrItcj; 5 "1.�,-;;;.c.--.0e) 1959 . pte)�:`,T.:117.1.111 1 JP-11.-tc.-xy . : t�O CO.) t t � G-11-1.briAn zvla Val&I f-cr-.:'�c; tj ,:..x.:;rf.i of 637:0121t3 v113, 1�2; -1-.J.c,.;,a-c.:;c1 tor in .1.----11V:4>1. coutirtvi?1,; tion. or tbw.c. 74,P,x.1 for uct...1 '3,11 GtuAlot$0, Vc,)rh teen Gt-Fxt, to ilovoit)l) T-1101.;:,; 0,1 C1AVA ...eoqwst* P Y nv DATE � VOUCHER NO, 2.12 ellef.VIOIN ' "VW W 8 ilWe f V 4 faIWO,W i. $ FCR ADVANCE PERIOD OF ACCOUNTING ,... ,^ ' 7 749 q2,2 FEB 2.(i 6 i F X .FROM "r�O i VOTE. Follow instructions on iteyerse 1 - let..., --..;,r .2.('�4) ,,,.. , 1. CASH ON HAND BEGINNING OF PERIOD 645 5. EXPENSES THIS PERIOD; i . OUTSTANDING ADVANCES BEG RING OF PERIOD VNOLUBH,ERR D A T E DESCRIPTION A OUN, p. RECEIPTS THIS PERIOD; "TL70�e'..-i:er...."4-14.7.17..Ent41.1r-eeett, "----WTZEIPT NUMBER DATE DESCRIPTION . 4,4 P 1 TOTAL EXPENSES $ 6. REFUNDED HEREWITH CASH CHECK MONEY �ROTA 25 -. .77745 i 7� OUTSTANDING ADVANCES END OF PERIOD (Attach 1 a inl) III. CASH ON HAND END OF PERIOD OR SAL NCE DUE ADVANCEE 4. JTAL TO ACCOUNT FOR .1$,..---24,114;1.----- 9' TOTAL ACCOUNTED FOR S C r,. I CERTIFY FUNDS ARE AVAILABLE APPROVE .... .,..s I certify that the expenditures listed hereon an OBLI .REF. NO. I 974 CHARGE FAN ACCOUNT NO. � 22.25..7.1742 DATE TGNATURE OF APPROVING OFFICER , ST:l'ilt.. JT4.�$' on any attachments were incurred for official pur- poses :of a confidential nature, that payment or crectit therefor has not been received, and that this accounting is true and correct. ATE sic,NAttRE�Dr -AUTWORIZING OFFICER "1"2:4 1 . i , CERT I F I ED FOR * rAYMtN i 'OR` .D IT.' SIGNATURE OF PAYEE DATE SIGNATURE OF CERTIFYING OFFICER SPACE BELOW FOR EACLU 9Vc. USE OF OFFICE OF FNANCE , DESCRIPTION- ALL OTHER ACCOUNTS 13.33 34.39 40. 42.41 J 48. 49 50 5.54 1 55-56 e 67.70 71.030 28-33 TIC m *. STATION CODE 41 E X OSLIG. , REF. NO. ..... PAY PER. CA OR , , COST .. FAN GENERAL ACCOUNT SYMBOL OBJECT LASS AMOUNT DESCRIPTION - k SHIP sac �VANCE ACCOUNTS 13.27 I�. 1 � ., "C' R" . 33 PROJECT NO. P 0 b ADVANCE . N ACkT. O. w '' ��.. N EMT. O. 0 0. CODE C .' i 1 YR. LEDGER . . ACCTNO r , , ? DK S i 61-66 CIS. NO X ear. no. 66.70 OUE DATE DEarr ' CREDIT /7,,e;{ ',172 � .. : ,(. 7/7/7-( 4,,,,,,I,-;�,./1 7./."),,,,2_, ,z47, 4 -i47, :, -i: : : : ,.z 4 - , 2 9/ 6 _/./.4) ----=---t � . . ,: . . ...... . .:, . ,..-: : . ;.-- . .I : --74-e4----- ,--- Ze44-4f---, ).:-:-.;( ',.1/: :.e,'W :4'./7:- .2.-sc , :- 4' ' ;46:-) if ,40:7/ / � ........ � . ,,/,�4/: -?---(357/7-:-1-11 - i ./,,,), � . , DATE PREPARED . ...--- i ..." 1 . �t:',,, 71 - GATE REVIEWED SY � TOTALS , e zj FOFIM OSSOLETE r 4. 5 .6.'4. tOIT.ONS i1.492 Line or Section 1. 2. INSTRUCTIONS Enter on line 1 the amount of cash on hand at the beginning of the period. Enter on line 2 the amount of outstanding advances made to third parties, brought forward from the previous accounting period. Enter in this section the amount of each receipt during the accounting period showing pertinent data, i.e., method or source of acquisition and applicable rate of exchange, if indigenous currency. .If more space is required to explain receipts, prepare receipt form, number and attach hereto. In every case, completely identify the source of receipts. Enter on this line the amount to be accounted for which shall be the sum of amounts shown in 1, 2, and 3. 5. Each amount listed in this section shall be supported by a voucher consisting of either the receipt obtained from the payee or in lieu thereof a'certification explaining the lack of a receipt. If the number of entries exceeds the available space they may be consolidated .as one entry in section 5 and supported by a listing of the individual entries on a separate sheet. 6. Enter on this line the amount of any refunds of advances by the advancee indicating whether by cash, check, or money order. "7. Advances made to third parties which remain outstanding at the end of the accounting period shall be consolidated and the .total entered as a single amount on this line supported by a ,listing on a separate sheet. Final credit will not be given for disbursements which are advances to be accounted for.. When accountings for advances are obtained, list as expenses or refunds of cash, as appropriate. 8. Enter on this line the amount. of cash on hand, or if the amount of the disbursements exceeds the amount advanced the balance due the advancee shall be shown in parenthesis, i.e. and treated as a minus amount in arriving at the 'Total Accounted For", line 9. Reflect on this line the "Total Accounted For" which must agree with the amount shown on line 4, "Total To Account For". 1.1-211a=OUTEPOt : Tha Ilacord SUX.Y.CT : falitTRA Ev2borojeet 94 1. I. Wowojeet 94 vaa teroiratod in VoYembr 1962, Tbe acc tint: subtteel. by tlla Iroject ccNieer reflectcd (.1,9anaiture3 of 51:,93:1,45 irt aa adwace of 05;222.90. De reainino, funds ' by the projcizt aficFzT \Lire refunded by chee3t nads payable to P. Aaalysle a the binit $tocomt reveals tbat this 1-0 tvl fu.ld vA not re.r:ovaed in b f.accouat. Tha custoaiaa 14 of the cceet Li H,Nt 14-1,40 a, refund oT tbia a- munt or to N.z�0 this mount available T'or use by tte pceaey. AA the activity bz's eloni an mount of 4;291,45 abould be 0:1A=;.W0a 5:.rofft tLa V.lar,:re:r_011:-.4 Account (T60.0) and tha veviously 1-ccof'd Oxonditi)re, 2125.1390-3902 MR-974. I :17.:CY3 � 1 yo, 9:Lt. 471117 rrt trint 3. . rer 101 47.);:�z_t�..; c.1.1 7.;N:A771- 4,7 � 3) "Ct, ..�1 ,`;;; a It'A 4.X a_.33 37.4:%.34 91. 147.11..e � tI: (.1:` k ,sz, ACCOUNTING BY INDIVIDUAL I. FOR ADVANCE i Cr tAMTI Follow Instructions on Reverse SUBMITTED BY VOUCHER NO. (Finance use only) PERIOD OF ACCOUNTING FROM . I ..4.,,c,4 � .A :LW) TO 30 lqakrerilIer 1%1 RECEIPTS DISBURSEMENTS , I. CASH ON HAND BEGINNING OF PERIOD $ VOUCHER � NUMBER DATE DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 157.-7----1 2' R,Wg: DATE DESCRIPTION ..., ... 4z ',; . . V=00 ' ,;�:.i .:L �, ..''''' _ Ji. d I 1 1� TOTAL EXPENSES , k t.'.. :......1 S ...).71....4���,,. 35. 4. REFUNDED HEREWITH 1 cAsI. CHECK iNONEY OPOEK 1 I B. CASH ON HAND END OF PERIOD TOTAL TO ACCOUNT FOR 5 27s'.. TOTAL ACCOUNTED FOR ,e. 1 � .4. .. ',.0 I CERTIFY FUNDS ARE AVA1OA8LE APPROVED I certify that the expenditures listed hereon and OBLIGATION REFERENCE NO. 215 CHARGE ALLOTMENT I X525.1C9�h.2 NO. DATE SIGNATURE OF APPROVING OFFICER zr:I.If C.1:71.11.1F,D1 rt/To on any attachments were incurred for official pur- poses of a confidential; nature, that Payment or credit therefor has not been received, and that this accouniing is true and correct. DATE !SIGNATUREOF!AMTHORaiNGOFFICER 1 n Itulti tEe., I '" 1 1 CERTIFIED FOR PAYMENT OR CREDIT SIGNATURE OF PAYEE DATE SIGNATURE OF CERTIFYING OFFICER . SPACE BELOW FOR EXCLUSIVE USE OF FINANCE DIVISION PREPARED BY REVIEWED BY 1, VOUCHER NO. 7.12 ,i'ESCRIPTION � ALL OTHER ACCOUNTS 3.33 34.39 4042 .5.45 43 4 7 2 1 54.57 55.67 65.70 71.50 48.33 7/A No. 4TA,ION CODE EXPEND F PAY N4.S p.-.4. 3 RE, GENERAL ALLATer.074(FOST DUE DATE . Am6uNT . i:DESCRIPTION - ADVANCE ACCOUNTS 13,27 1. .w.o. NO. PROP. NO. CODE N 0 PER. LID. CA YR LEDGER ACCT. NO. 52.57 CS. NO. ..... OBJECT s 133'33 Div. PROJECT NO. Fy S AV'CVTANIP. CODE ....: . ..- ENP. NO. x ii", No. CLASS OEN I I [Repoli' I T . T I 111111111 1 1 1 1 ' 1 111111 1 I iI r r r i i I i I I I I I I .Tfll II 1 111 1 1 1 � 1111111 4 11 4 14 4 f f ! f II It . TOTALS g I I FORM f) 9.61 tut.. ur,E riocvo *us toi/i0o.s. "1=111111.1111.11111M11 INSTRUCTIONS If funds, in the folw of other than U.S. Dollars were on hand, received, or disbursed during the accounting period, all pertinent data, i.e., rate, method of acquisition, etc., must be shown. If advances have been made to third parties, enter the total of such adyances outstanding at the beginning of the accounting period on line la. 2. If more space isrequired to explain receipts, prepare receipt form, number and attach hereto. In every case, completely identify the source of receipLs. 3. Attach a voucher for each expenditure and assign a number thereto innumerical sequence. The voucher may be the rece:Lpt obtained from the payee. When a receipt is not obtained, prepare a certificate and attach as a voucher. When space on form is not sufficient to list all vouchers, prepare a listing on a separate sheet and enter the total under item 3. If advances to third parties are outstanding at the close of the account- ing period, attach an itemized list and enter the total on line 3a. � 4. Final credit will not be given for disbursements which are advances to be accounted for. When accounting' for advances are obtained, list as expenditures or refund of cash, as appropriate. 5. Total receipts entered on the line "Total to Account For" must agree with the total disbursements entered on the line following "Total Accounted For.' ������������� t . kUROPHYSIOLOCICAL FUNCTIONS OF TRE DO , October 1 1960 to November 30,1961 Grant Income _ _ $39,287.00 Costs - October 1 1960 to November-:30 ,-1961 Salaries $14,580.17 PaYroll Taxes and Insura-c7'- _740.25 Enployeesl Hospitalization and Benefits Ins, 235.77 Laboratory Supplies and Expeiise 11,158.25 Travel 6,082.63'( Other Costs 18 404 18 51,201.25_ Allocation of G and A Expeises - 20,123.62 �41,324.87 Overdraft Deduct: Transfer of Costs to Project Transfer of Costs to Project colqify ro.,;( zaticifaao, - 3. were c- havo been -1 fto m:-.7:11turos flat 1.7 /- (32,037.87) 4.165.71 27,172,16� 32 037 87 $ easurer ZO Ant 9i3 l)c-ptIty Ciikf1Hit subpro.jat 94 w I. vesV071., C.' to your ncivivy rozarcl;:p.3 the =_10.-,t' I A 1 - t :!..\;';I:,.131,,Titti.. v1h t:1-.,Lic..ztol. botweea Tf.3).) .f., to you th.o t x . ,_ a .-: for t7w it,.:,zo-�1.1(1-.:t.toz1 22 Novel-y:1,4z 19C)/ wai, I -,raint 3 .t,I.,.3. of ret:c.,a:�e-h. la Ito arnowtt of -:-;.-5E:�, 2;4:4.90 2. 1.rri(-...t p.:i Illi.7.g.1 \:o IF.NCtrod t....) in establit;i t!io t/:',1(_,:e1Fti,... '..71.,1:_ri.sejz2cto. A n-0.--:roor;L,TIS.3.314,T ..i.C.C.O.Cd ,,IV.,: IcreILT.1...1 Li thlo case. '.:re.:011.ovi at. :.-A:a-iproje,ct 94, to r---;.e-,..-!.:.;e1.,1(.1-,1,.-n t.t:-01.�1;-it..,...,s 11:1..!..a.c1,1on. .4.;.-:. (;),TIO'Llt artd t4 l. i'lJo 1.-.: .-: .. alz,c, rivavideu fo.o ..-... tel.' ro-Itlel the 1-3,...: -art of c.-;ceoe.1,,',tht-ItTi.. for tra.VC� "Peitge3 1...1 a .r.: G:f.:W.1.7)..-- Vital tt",!.., ,.::a,t�riv:11c.t-11)-,,,ice3 vf 8 �4.,,,..:-.;,-, ,,,q Al t.r.:t,:f. -..2d.P...--,-1.(to rerh..;34.).ta,,,,, ict the :,,.. zt-araf;s_t 'ihe co.ovalviurn otat �axx or till-. I:a:ill, 3. A inen-lor,7.11,,.1.,Arl. fv eatezi 1,1 ))e.--,,c�1-nb'Or .1.-e.1=1) it�1�,-;11711-ttetl eit acevisstl'ing for S.:1)4,93 ,., refund : -o-_-_-,1-5edih.13,1,,-....s. III. Vac: zi:i..-,7..i.t of .� The acco...'.1�.),ting for funcl,, Vat'J ia V.,.,..`,,,c0I'claricc.1 v;i1,4 the t-::leri-,z�Yeo,e.G.Iltr,),-.)r t:va reco-17,,-,:1 the. ?elle: ir,,,,,i .- - -ItVet to t'As . 5.1c overall 8 p-,-,i4f,-:,:ev.,.:-,,,-,-...,,, by A'atil ht -,:),:t., :.:1,i:;`,..1t7..i.;.7.1(ADI./ 1 A co-', y of ttt,-.3 t.-:t c,-,-1,..,Tite;u-,;:n. for Iii.o. recoi:a on.�1 th.3 acco7Azitingo are �a fib IA av(1. -,-.,-,ay-1),..-., viewer:11v pre-y?r,;1..� cf.;.iciaift. . Or13 r:; 1 -ii,io:)�7.f);.: C/TSD/5 1-- Project File 1 - Chrono �Ge.atlemen: -Approximately on eceived a grant-in-aid fron lor 5. ?.2.2._90 �support our �vorl: on nevi approadhes to pharmacological assay techniques. It was und,rstood this support would relate to project expenses incurred Q n and ,?..ftar I Ic.. 1961 a.nd that a financial report would be rendered to t the. end of the grant year. Please find this report en sod. \ , Sinc, 1 f; found it necesskry to terminate all activity on this project as of 30 November 1962 and since this coincides with the corn- pletion of a grant year, we find that in accordance with our agreement, B' the ur.�:::-;.peuded balance of funds in the amount of ';'i,_291.115iis due and roturw.Ule t Our cheek for Ifif6-- -amount is . enclo:wd. Your support in this important area of research has been greatly appreciated. May we express the hope that possibly sometime in the future so:w other area of research may be determined to be of mutual Interest. Encl. Yours very truly, NANCIAL 111.3P0 PROJEC TC7/ Origlual Budget -- $55, 222. 90 December 1961 - 30 November 1962 � Direct Labor OVO ri-IC au io ''et of Direct Labor Direct ;',,,-.ateriale; viirr: et El< per1.9e Rent til itio st elepbo--ho Rerairs ar.f1 Ma.'atenance Jmuirance $ 20, 01'0. 00 677.73 E.93, 15 407. 34 343.35 Slip les Z. 00 Travel 3,454. 73 Automobile Rental z;.nd Expenses 4, 092.00 61.54 Sulncriptions Payroll '17 ToLal Ind ect Expenses Total P11 Project Costs 726.6? 1.1�-...v o z 30, 658. 51 $54, 931.45 No.' Cost Account 419 Object Class ._ Date Remarks and Refereuecs � Obligations Incurred bligationa Liquidated Unliquid4tecl Balance .. 1�----/ � 47 --ATI e _ , - . . . . � L_ - - _ 1�11, i :11; .ko For Sev.ices INVOICE C;Nit.TIFICATION3 $57,431.82 24 Uovember 1 cc, (1) h io he y tett:died that this is 'Invoice ,5 app4ing to Sub ,p1.....-fjet,t No. 94 vf MR,III.,TRA, that pk-...A4renTtnte is Nalisfactory, that cc Y...icoo z�.:ke bc-ing t Of. ErspAtihscl ex e, w-ith mutual. agree- rtv:ti,' a deiled r,T,E111(18, CAl the prtyrnentd reci)ipts is on file 5D/R13� 1.17::,.; this bill is jut and correct 'and that wxyenortt alert:of ha4 nr.,t yet Ix :rt made,. M,k to: Cttief� TSD/Rose,arch Branch 94 (Z) t it; 1:,,;avoby certified tiat thie invoice applies to Subprojct ME.ULTLIA. wcti vrao duly 611;prov�.,d, mei that tha projet.t is being eutvir:d out in,orclaneo witi the tnemo-4anditun of 13 April 1953 from thu DC X to thct DEV.A, cud tho eztonaon oC this authority in sub:levant -R.Q.bearett DIrector - I cit is 11y aciz,ao-vile1 of ,IL 1061 in tc amount Pate: 90. payable 9 RECEIPT Receipt is hereby acknowledged of Cashier's check dated December 1.1, 1961, drawn on in the amount of Date: 94-12 2, 208. 92, payable to E MORA N D FOR: THE COMPTROLL AT - SUBMT 7',E1031..,TRA, Su z-- t;,,ot 694 Additlw,zi Under th*. zt,..4.thority granNd i tha ale/notanclurn &It:5d 13 April 13, fr tr,.. the 1).7,7;i to he 7013/A� and the t.::,xte,;.-Ashv. of thl3 4/1;7:40-xifty i.askibsegiuillt mernoran,..1.a, Si.brojet 94 hat; bem il 570. 431. ea of tho over-all PctMKULTRA Sun4.15 have' ibligated to ;ter the subproject7o eNpcnfie8, and should he chva.god to coF.41% ceatzirZ/25-1390-390Z � APPROVED FOR OB. !CATION OF FUNDS Date; A loar( Lirocztor IC 94 I40v Dtct.hioo Origirol 71- AcIcire.o,:ne, TSD/FASS 2.. TSD/RB Ch1:7.-17� TSD/R Bearth 1 01.13,11:: i�lc ;;; � 94-l4 22 November 1961 MEMORANDUM FOR: THE RECORD SUBJECT : Project MKULTRA, S-ubp oject No. 94 1. The purpose of this subproject is to provide a continua- tion of activities in selected species of animals. Miniaturized stimulating electrode implants in-specific brain center areas will be utilized. 2, Initial biological work on techniques and brain locations essential to providing conditioning and control of animals has been completed. The feasibility of remote control of activities in several species of animals has been demonstrated, The present investigations are directed toward improvement of techniques and will provide a precise mapping of the useful brain centers in selected species. The ultimate objective of this research is to provide an understanding of the mechanisms involved in the direc- tional control of animals and to provide practical systems suitable for application. .71 --,. 1d2 (i A',21-4,-1 , /53,,,67c.1) ,,60 I2eii .,,,,::.... ) :74,1- --tef , 11 function - as cutout and Cover for this subproject. The research and develop- ment win be conducted in facilities provid 1 by- . _ who will submit! t tea a n stir ary accounting of funds at the conclusion of the program Any unused funds remaining at that time will be returned t 4. The cost of the program for a period of one year begin- s ning 1 Deceinbe 1961 is estimated to be $55, 222. 90. To this sum must be added $2, 208, 92 which represents the 4% service charge rhe total cost of the project for a period of one year will, therefore, not exceed $57, 431. 82. Charges should be made against a_nottnent '.125-1390- 39o.� 5. It is not anticipated that any perrn.anent equipment will be needed for this program. Documentation and accounting for travel expenses which are reirnbiTrsablb will conform to the accepted practices of that organization, 6. The requirement for a semi-annual inform 1 accounting on the part of the principal investigator is waived. 94-14 -3- 7. All personnet connected with the planning :and rnonito ing of this Program possess TOP SECRET approval. The project will be tmcla --;sified after it leave � A Chief TSD/Research Branch APPROVED FOR OBLIGATION OF FUNDS: Date: r.t. N 0 V i9451 Attachments Proposal an et Budget Distribut.:+1.1: Orig. ox,iy BUDGET - Annual Salaries Person to be added) 3, 600. 00 1, 660. 00 10, 635.00 . � 15, 895. 00 .Taxes Payroll 1, 587. 90 Physical Plant Rent 20, 000. 00 Repairs & Maintenance 2, 000. 00 Insurance (Liability & Equipment) 500. 00 Operating Expense 3,140. 00 Automobiles (1 ea. Corvair & Pick-up) Laboratory Supplies & New Equipment __ 4, 100. 00 Experimental Organisms 2, 000. 00 Animal Food & Veteranary Services 1, 000. 00 Utilities 750. 00 Telephone 500. 00 Postage 100.00 Miscellaneosu s (Laundry, Office Supplies, etc.) 300. 00 Travel and Express 2, 400. 00 Fringe (Employee Insurance) 350. 00 $ 55, Z22. 90 It is proposed to conduct investigations as directed by the sponsor of the action of localized neurological and physiological stimulants on the balance mechanisms-in mammal.:3 and bird. The sponsor will have full control of species of animais. to be utilized . together with methods and procedures to be followed in the rtlsearebes. Special investigations and evaluations will le conducted toward the application of selected elements of these techniques to man. Pilot experiments-will-le performed under field conditions to permit the critical evaluation of methods and procedures. The parameters of effectiveness and the action of potential interfering phenomna will be determined. The following budget is required to carry-out the program outlined above for one year. We aro p3cozol. to to ale to trammit to ycu the following ar-thiertg an on (13,7 (In. ep+n OA 571.000te jorcy.00 UlosO fuuan represent a contributioa for tha to of your Oir.:totors-in (1Qwying out tile very voIthvhile rosoLroh goals of yoAr organizatiou. ywra try', Eucl. CMcks (2) 94-16 Cost Account Object Class Date . Remarks and References Obligations Incurred Obliftations Liquidated Unliquiclated Balance - 1 St..�0 -2':��-`5.' 06 0 1 .,;_'.4t,":�-ro-e0.,.----.1_.---fhlt/a-3 0 p- � ft 4. , 1.0_to li .1 i. c .� : , � , , ._. ._....._ _ Z8 Octobor 1960 � MOc ANDUM FOR: CHIEF, FINANCE DIVISION VIA : T5D/3udgct ()Ricci SUBJE:CT : 1.iIcULTRA Sol:project 94, Invoice #5 tiktriltn-tt Number's 9.-250Z-75.90Z aod 052.50,009-490Z Iuvoice 115 cove Pay w.tshould be riv-AtIe Cashier's c..ack pay?.ble he at eve subj W !.anou t. of $1 571. 00 is attached. � Z. 1)1s-ase forward the checks to Chief, TSD/Ilesearch Er4nch, thro.;v;hT6D/Budzet Officer, no later than Friday, � H November 19CO, 3. This is a final invoice, nov.-ever, since it is auidpattd that additional funds will ho obligated for this pro- jct. the fles sboold not be closed. (arch Branch .Attachretents: Invoice ft Ceraficatiotis C�. z kr_-! ZO October 1960 AN1)UM .111NANCI:: VIA l'81..)/1)nc1is-et 0 fl S1,113.T.E2GT. : 'MAW LT F. A, Sup 94, lu.voice es AnotivAct.t Narabora 9-n0z.75.9oznd 05Z5-1009.490Z. 14 Invoice 4:5 covering the above subproject is attached, eat aboeld be fai;..-1;..4 as follows: Cavizier's cheek in Z. Plema Col:ward the checks to Chief, 11`51 /Research 1= - Ovelpdi TS1)Putic� Ofliczr, no later than Friday, ii Uoveiy,:.:zil. 1360. Th.L., in a fin.7.1 invoice. However, since it ariticipatul Olt itiou,1 bands will be obligated for this Ject, t i1C0 sholil net be closed. Iv:voice & Certifications I - Tt�;1)/1'AS;..3 Z �I311.11)1% TS9/r: imvoIc37; For $40.3 .00 11. 1$ 'Mk IN I. Old 6.. ON AV 48 Cfit ew mo. +A, li"ffit CiErcei:F1 (1) !F' is tv::4-;,�byctckd t3 is Int:I-Ace 05 apFlyin3 to t;:31,1�Y05,;,,-.3 9.1 r.T1ttlxt por(vraalaace ia n:,,ai5factory, .3 aCt.:.-i.74..1.1E.:ti.;t1 accordArtco with rsutts?! t;- q 4t.:zZjilk4 ev::coe.a Of jrAymentil rinciptu is filed In T61.1"/:)). that t;:'c) tti) is �Itv..t aLd correct that yt.t i:4i1;c-rt BratiCh Date: (E) It 15 hercby rtiftcd Cot tNis Iwctc pp1iei to Sabproject \-hich was duly pprvecI andthat, the Fro- cavz:ici out in accordance with the memorandum elatcl 13 April hora ev.t 1..)C1 to the DNA, and the extenglon of thin ze..1;thori;Ly ibac; rnemeraghla. itenearc rect CONFIDENTIAL FUNDS POSTING VOUCHER VOUCHER NO 72 7 2 1 DATE 2.6 VOUCHER NO, 7-12 DESCRIPTION-ALL OTHER ACCOUNTS 13.33 34.39 STATION corn "" PROP NO. 40.42 EXPEND CODE 4 45-4C U PAY N PER. L 1 0 � 071.Isc.;1. REF. NO. tee TA ."Plo . 53 CA 54.57 GENERAL 58.67 ALLOT. ORICOST ACCT. NO. 68.70 71.80 DUE DATE AMOUNT � DESCRIPTION. ADVANCE ACCOUNTS 13.27 . . p.o. No. " � 32. nov LEDGER ACCT. NO. 62.67 CB,NO. ......... REF. MO. OBJECT "A DEBIT CREDIT �." ' PROJECT NO. Y s CODE EMI.. NO. , i , 2,-. en ./ b. o r? , . . . . .. . . 1 ' .... . I - - .... �...� I EXPLANATION OF ENTRY 1 TOTALS 14-/).: .:." (;�". " if., ',�-',: . / .. .,11 DATE , 'REPARED BY , r 'DATE r REVIEWED BY CEP-1'1F 4ED FOR PAYMENT OP CREO T DATE . 1 1 iii ,14: r) ',SIGNATURE OF CERTIFY1, C E''^ER I FORM 10-59 606 USE PREVIOUB EDtTIONS. 94 - 9 18 October 1960 MEMORANDUM FOR: THE RECORD SUBJECT Project MKULT A, Subproject No. 94 1. The purpose of this subproject is to provide for a continuation of investigations on the remote directional con- trol of activities in selected species of animals. Miniaturized stimulating electrode implants in specific brain center areas will be utilized. 2. Initial biological work on techniques and brain lo- cations essential to providing conditioning and control of animals has been completed. The feasibility of remote con- trol of activities in several species of animals has been nstratcd. The present investigations are directed to- ward improvement of techniques and will provide a precise mapping of the useful brain centers in selected species. The ultimate objective of this research is to provide an under- standing of the mechanisms involved in the directional con- trol of animals and to provide practical systems suitable for , 9 - 9 functions as cut out and cover for this subproject. The necessary re- search and development is being conducted throng who will submit to a summary accounting of funds at the'. -conclusion of the program. Any unused funds remaining at the conclusion of the program will be returned t 4. The cost of this program for a period of one year is estimated to be $39, 287. 00. To this stun must be added $1, 571. 00 representing a 4% service charge t The total cost of the project for one year will riot exceed $40,858.00. Charges should be made against Allotment 1525-10094902. 5. It is not anticipated that any permanent cqu!pment will be needed for this program. Documentation and accounthig for travel expenses which are reimbursable b. will conform to the accepted oractic s of this organization. 6. The requircnint for a semi-annual informal ac- counting on the part of the principal investigator is waived. 7. All personnel connected with the planning and moni- toring of this program possess TOP SECRET approval. The project will be unclassified after it lea TSD/Research Branch APPROVED FOR OBLIGATION OF FUNDS: Date: B ti Distribution: ' Orig. only ESTIMATED BUDGET SALARIES: � � Principal Investigator $ 8, 000. 00 Medical Investigator 2, 000. 00 Pharmacologist 5, 000. 00 Research Technician 4, 000. 00 Animal Caretaker 2, 300. 00 tate Unemployment Ins. 1, 830. 00 Supplies and Expendable Materials 3,000. 00 Animals and Feed 2, 600. 00 Technical Services 1, NO. 00 Travel 700. 00 Reproduction Services BOO. 00 Sub-total $31, 430. 00 Overhead (25% of total) 7 857.00 Total $39, 287. 00 94-ZO Octobo 960 ATS CT . Crader tt:to Foa:(koLujr rs-g � � : oavc..coIit 6r. -",rited ojoct 91. 1-.v.Vco-JrIzatiora N.o. 3 $ 13 t1r.�11. ii3fro;�.1 C:ket ma to tho ) �f; auth,.)vity 117 IA b i7:1/ 1,4Pi - thu ot;th-r t t tho .z.ef, 4O8LOO of..1.114 ct faad a hs cili.:.,ate).1 to . /1_4 of fkeu.13 Lt 19U. Car ; �07Li!..-;.VH,-�; � :1 /045. '" AqiF; 17re'.2 Oral.. for: Nurophysioloicl Th�otios of the Dog Amount of Grant - - K 1.� F,M1211-tures- Salaries ana wages $5708.28 Materials and, Supplies 9184.03 Travel 376.82 Srvices 847.37 Social Sec. Ins. etc. 728.38 Overhead 1427.07 113; 272.06� am et ^ $18,,272.00 Balance $2-8,272'99 January 4,1960 Grant for : Supplementary pharmacological screenings and testings (1959) Funds received: Expenditures : 15,000.00 Wages and salaries 8,685.67 Eir,aipment 2,070.21 Supplies, expendables 1,982.84 A!limals 985.67 Overhead 1 , 338.94 15,063.33 Total expenditures: 15,063.33 Balance (deficit) (63.33) s Qti t,ti /5'4' r/ 9423 Decezaber 30,19 Grant for � Neurophysiological determinations in the dog Funds received: 20, 000. 00 Expenditures Wages and salaries 9,234. 27 Equipment 3, 740. 97 Supplies, expendable 2, 821. 99 Animals, dogs 540,00 Overhead 3 710. 00 20, 047. 23 Total expenditures 20, 047. 23 Balance (deficit) (47,23) r , ; t iy6c...7 No. Cost Account 94-24 1: - Object Class Date Remarks and References Obligations Incurred Obligations Liquidated Unliquitlated Balance � 2(114 ...-1.' yi . 16 etf-' ..i., .i... - / .....c, csal a re ... , 4 - .2_41c, � ell, e - ..3 140. o t As a co &_0_09 */.41,r100 40; - li: DI,R3 �Vi.1 /4- 4 tz")_�. ,,:ii,,-;: 0 a � c L 4.92Z.0 e . .._, � _. _ . . .. CONFIDENTfAL FUNDS POSTNO VOUCHER riL.CHEri NO. 7. 12 DATE 2.6 VOUCH ER NO. 7. 12 DESCR I PT1 ON� ALL OTHER ACCOUNTS 13�33 :34. 39 S TAT I ON CODE P.R�OP�. ..... . PROJECT NO, 40.42 EXPEND CODE 47. 52 4546 "L. i G. PAY REF. NO. PER. I-...n � � .A.D.V.A.N.C.E. ACCT. NO, CODE �E,;,;:-� r5.3 GE5r4;ER57AL ' m. ALCT.0 NEDGERO. 59.67 ALLOT. LEDGER ACCT. NO. 68- 70 DUE DATE 71-80 AMOUNT DESCRIPTION-ADVANCE ACCOUNTS 1 3' 27 28. 33 ..T1b.1:19:. ..... P.I.TR . OR D E R WO% 32' 33 6 2.67 C. . K NO .........0 X REF. NO. , BJECT CLASS DEBIT CREDIT F.., 1 I Il 111 1111 11111 i 111 1 I. VI I /1A" *vil 1111 , 1 I 1 1 4 i 1 1 1 , . ,a1 1 - ' 1 1 , 4 .1 11III I 1 i 11111 ...."'i' (ICU 4-: 7: ;:r.%"/. I j1 1 1 1 .1/ - / - i � Cr ! 4 4 4 11111 1 II ^ I c --,- ' 1 r 1 I ! 1 Ii ' 1 ' :I 1 ' 1 ' 1 4 1 i I 1 4 I i ., 1 1 I III 1 1 II 1 i 1 ' 1 � 1 IiiiII1 1II I I 1 I III II 4 4 1 I i 1 1 L 1 I 1 II 1 I c � ri . 4 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I 1 I 1 1 I � , 1 41 ot 11 I 1 4144141 I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I 1 tI 1144II 4 i I ,I I II Ill II 4 III I 1. , I1 II i 4 0 �I- I' 1 14144 I 1 1 III 4 , 1 44 I 4 I I 1 I 0 1 1 I 1 1I I t I- i4 1 i I 1 I I III ' IIII 4.I I I 4 41 IT 11 4 4 I I 4. 1 I 3 I � EXPLANATION Of ENTRY I TOTALS 1 1 1 ,... AT"' PREPARED BY DATE REVIEWED BY 1 DATE CERTIFIED FOR PAYMENT OR tRED1T FORM 6 �, LI 2.58 VJV USE PREVIOUS COITIONS. SIGNATURE OF. CERT TING OFFICER I 10.49) I.:CKER NO. 7.12 CONFIDENTIAL FUNDS POSTING DATE 2.6 VOUCHER VOUCHER NO. 7.12 D SCRIPTION.ALL OTHER ACCOUNTS 13.33 DESCRIPT/ON.ADVANCE ACCOUNTS 13.27 28� 33 T/A NO. PUR. ORDER NO. 34.39 STATION CODE PROP. NO. 40.42 EXPEND CODE 1t2.33 OP Y OJECY NO. 45.46 PAY PER. L. 0. CODE 47.52 ODLIG. REF. NO. ADVANCE ACCT. NO. 53 CA YR 54.57 GENERAL LEDGER ACCT. NO. 55.67 ALLOT. LEDGER ACCT. NO. 68.70 DUE DATE 62.67 AR.... OBJECT x RE/. NO. CLASS I I I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I. 1 I I 1 I. I , 1 'I I t + 4 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 71.80 AMOUNT DEBIT CREDIT I I I I 1 I . 1 I 1 I I 1 I I 1 1 I d I i I 1 1 r 0 I 1 I I I 7 1 I I I 1 i I I I I I I I I ! I I 1 r I I I 7 1 I I I I I I I I .1) 4. t�jt Ns..3.31) 'EXPLANAT ON OF ENTRY TOTALS FJ.B).1 2,58 606 USE PREVIOUS EDITIONS. TiOATE REVIEWED BY CRT FIE FCR PAYMENT OR CREOIT ATE SIGNATURE. OF CERTIFYING OFfl CONFIDENTIAL FUNDS POSTING %INNER . 7- 2 , Cr DATE 2- 8 IVOUCHER NO, 7.32 i. DESCRIPTION- ALL OIlIER ACCOUNTS 13. 3,1 .4 34. 39 STATION CODE PROP. NO. 40'42 EXPEND CODE 45- 46 PAY 4752 OBL, I G. REF. NO. 5- 54.57 GENERAL 59-67 ALLOT. LEDGER ACCT. NO. 68-70 DUE DATE 71� 80 AMOUNT t DESCR IPT:ON� ADVANCE ACCOUN 35 13- 27 i el/P. ORDER NO 22:Ya I DI, ,j. 5C3. L. Q. CODE, ---...---. A OVAh CE ACCT. NO. -g;;:11�7j.� CA �,R ' LEDGER ACCT. NO. 62. th 7 .CR.. .N.0... . x REF. NO. OBJECT CLASS DEBIT CREDIT PROJECT NO. 1 Fr 1 I 3 I i 3 I I I I I 1 I 1/ iv , I 1 I I I ' i M1 I .Sky;12 1//; ,z e .4.41 z- el,4" ,,rri, /12 /7',( I I 1 1 1 I I I I I i I I I i I t i I . 1166I,Ill I I 4 / .1411/( ILI 4-1 f V 1,eZP II II I 1 i 1 I ! I i I i I 1,:e ce *,-:-e. 3131111t.,I ,,,I,:iiii, I II I " I, 1 I I I 1 1 I I I I I f I I : 1 1 3 i I I13 1 i :14411II 1 I I I I 1 I ! 1 I 1 , 1 .1 I I:11111411I I y I 111111 I I 6 II I I I 9 1 t I I I I I,,__I I I I _II III '111'111III I � I I IIIIIII -1' III I I4I 1 II I I I I I I 1111 III I III I II I I III 3 4 i I I I I I 1 I I I 1 I I / I 1 1 I I I 1 II1 II II I I I I I 1 3111 I I III III I III 1 1 1 1 I 3 II 1 I 3 3 III I I I 1 1 I I 1 1 . , I II D T , I TI 1 1 I 1 1 III i i , I 11 i1 I 1 III 1I I III 3 I I 4 I + i 1 I 6 I 1I I I I EXPLANATION OF ENTRY z . I TOTALS I I i 6 , -- r, _L "": � ...... �--- _elf 7,--: , / .s.t..---r-.'4,r.--........ r 0 T I PREPARED Sy f DATE h REVi EviED BY CERTtFIED FOR RAYM NT OR CRED6T DATE, .3.1 UP ' ' G OFFICER Rar 2. ss 1.1M1Q USE P IMPIOUS EDITIONS. 28 October 5, 1959 Gentlemen: 9 We � pleased to be able to transmit to you the following s�rer's Check These fund3 represent a contribution for the use of your di.c,,;etot: in carrying out the very worthwhile research goals of your oraniaation. gnel. - Cheeks (2) Yours truly, 90 I iv exaat,r4 in 13 :1!)3 i'rco 1.1,s7; PUY.' o or 5.2a mal,L--.)--,t*nt, mt.crAtr?-,'ol 17,1)1:13A-.z,,V,;g11; tk-,K.11 f,PY.C9Z(.a, t, iltn.v):15,?,en -to cf..1'0-zr.t1 ckltN.-:0,,Ice a Olirknflzail fi 107: y grsAf.,..-. Av,,, 1 - Tssioo --I --Tss/PAT1 ti-13;3/eD rA1/00011111111.59 A cy No. 94o Cost Account 0-5:15-� eat,. .A0112 Object Class _ Obligations Incurred Obligations Liquidated Unliquidated Balance Date Remarks and References 0 1959 , 0/ �10 IQ._ 7- I = ..- _ _ ...... ___ ... _ _ - Z1,241-017,4v19:59 ME:L;t0ata.IDU1.: FOR: crulf.r. FINANc OLlicer Allottat Nusi--.1!4-4; (643-1009-190:t L Invoice coveri! Paylp eat eLcou14 ao 101 �,.2 ate, the choe:03 DivWc.A, Officer,. rfr.o Octio7f:.r 1�,159. XVI ii ON Intvoicet A OZ-73-90Z ai.4,..rojoct ig attached. ?. 00 pl.y..1.ble on 3. 'fhim d F144 ets: Idr�& Cer tificon Ft - At1-.3,7.430.sco 4 - TS'S /FASB TS/CD invoice. Er.o.:7t)tO it is a olAlt-ta the sIccI Div), � Tr:i cr.f.%�.;:. r _ Aur , CERVIrICATIO.1\'1.3 (1) Xt. t rbycertified tit thiu is Invoice ti'.4 appiying to - uko:i1T-c,pc.:t 9 fr, f JfAtiAat perforirance is vE.tisfactory, �that services are. being�accompliCaed in i-.ecw.-dance with 2,7.1utu4 arcervie.iqx, tiAt a &tailed of the pay.e.riets and reeeiptv, is file,d iu TSS/C9,, that this biq is jt correct cox) that 11-tly- ment thereof ha5 not yt-A been rrIc.;;10. Chief, 0.1) it Le 17,.erelay certified that this inveice applies to Subp..: MKULTP.A which was c'hliy approved aqd that ti),..) pJct is beitic carried cutja ..ccorda,nce with ths inei-noran,.-7uTn. dated - 13 Api,i1 U53 feein the DCI to the i.7.0/A. atld the ext*NlEtion of Clio athcity ...sube.:vicot. memoranda. Date: eacarc actor 94 -32, DRAFT 22 September 1959 MEMORANDUM FOR: THE RECORD SUBJECT Supplement to Project MKULTRA, Sub- project 94 1.j The purpose of this supplement is_to_provide additional funds whereby investigations on the remote directional control of activities of selected species of animals may be continued and extended. A system of localized stimulation of the brain is being utilized. Z. Initial biological work on .;echniclues and brain locations imparting specific stimulation which permits directional control of rats and burros will be e7.tended to dogs. The feasibility of remote control of activities in two species of roe mals has been demon- strated by limited trials. In order to capitalize on this technical break-through further investigations are necessary. The investiga- tions are being directed toward refinement of teclaniques with the ultimate objective being to provide practical systems suitable for operational application. 3. ctions ag cut out and cover for this subproject._The necessary research and development is being conducted b mit to who will sub- summary accounting � of funds at the conclusion of the program. Any unused lands remain- ing at the conclusion of the program ill te ned-to 4. The program will require a minimum of two. years for - completion. The additional fucds.:requi. cd for the first year are $10,000.00. To this sum must be added $400.00 representing a four per cent service charge to making the total amount $10,400.00. 5. Total cost of the project for one year will not exceed $55,400.00 of which $45,000.00 has previously been obligated. Charges should be made against Allotment lo. 05Z5-1009-490Z. C.. It is not anticipated th � any permanent equipment will be needed for this program. 7. Documentation and accounting for travel expenses which will corlform to the accepted are reimbursable by practices of this organisation. 8. The requirement for a serni.annuaI informal accounting on the part of the principal investigator is waived. -3- 9. All personnel connected with the planning and rn of this program posse lt Top Secret approval. APPROVED FOR OBLIGATION OF FUNDS: - , Date: Research nroctor Distribution: Original only itoring T.lChra vision APPROVE Chic TSS/Chemical Division _ _ 94-33 RECEIPT Receipt is hereby acknowledged for Treasurer's checks for $15, 000. 00 and for $600:00 dated ,Z7 Auoust 1959, drawn on and payablet Asst Secty/Treas dated 2 September 1959 241 NTT I 1(,.�Z-; Ar!rIittorati,,rizz,t1;,,li h. 18, a tt PLSYtiAtC:d tit:* 3&tC4��- 13. A.,...;q11 ci t4 t9 thiv t 1*,)V D 4:::',.T,,.1�GATION Oi , - Ot13.! ,,e.ler.,,...vrworee I " T5S CI C, /U0 /CP (2,''.kittfpc;) ten:14 on. tz�if nt 117-03i.V.IA � Qject 44 1�Inyot X959 � �-t 4,7�14.11.L'V', 1)1V VL 1.).a.s.t T$S/FASI. 2 - TSS/C11 ; Officce, Xv1t 113 C t C s I c htc c:.!.u..:ck. In z � 904 invoke 4'3 la atticImEl, . ;0 paya..1'ilt, -:1--�.r.� t 1;".,;3 if'Iccr by -A !As:: V's c' ice 216 use aa ..... leo CS ,OP 41. WV OP SP 1. �ffil, Y11,114 5/MAIF. CFA . (1) ..f.t is lloreby certified th:lt this is telvoicc) eo.:q-Aying to t'lub.- proi,:ct 9,1 of ti13t perZoea Isn ti1ctory Cott services arc.: bein3 accoc.1;:lishr:(1 i e.CCOS:0:-Atlf:C1 with triuto-A F.gree- thze,t a dciailf):1 agoaslil. o nd reccir.:ro is cm. filc. 1,1 T,!.-33/CD., th7st bill is j-.1�czctenn..1 that )...-.1y.--clent Uereef bas hot yet boen Chkof, TSS Date!: ('�II i .hercby certified 01 this involc ?Uo to Subproject .94. of 1,1.Y.ULTII.C, w!lich duly approvul and tint Vie project is being carricd out in accord..:.i.neo with the mu.aorarm.lmri delcd. 13 April 1953 1ron,1 the.DC1 to Oa DD/A. and th2 cnio' of Vita authority in stabsc, rae.worandc.. Date: T.1110�,41,1F21,111,4,,,,,..1.044 Diro 14% 14 Auguet 1959 leaten: 14.7, are llrigInea to ba able to traitt to you the follming funds; ,draun OA or 45,000.00. Mose Zunds reprczent a contribution for the use of your directors in carrying out the very worthIlhile research goals of yow ortanization. Your truly, Encl. Checks (2) 94-437 RECEIPT Receipt is hereby acknowle ed for Treaeurer's Cheekoarl E for $15.000,00 and �r "600.00 dated August 12, 1959, drawn � and payable Date: (.5 z t 1959 tliI4ORUU FO GIMP, FINATT.F. }:)IV 'ION VIA ; 1113,-j/Ltadget Of,ficer Sub pro6cc,:t 94, laxolco Q td