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Case Number: 
Publication Date: 
January 1, 1952
..) TO ' VIA VIA SUBJECT 4 : Special Resegrch. Bluebird (3/e �. ./41/4`-; //o) 2. General Problem For the past several months Bluebird-hao been :endeavoring to : ascertain by research, study, instruction and some practice what value if any) can be derived from SI and H techniques when applied to war and specific Agency problems. These broad problems; using knowri'SI and H techniques, ray be classified as follows: A. Can accurate information be obtained from willing or unwilling individuals. B. Can Ageney.-personnel (or persons of interest to this agency) be conditioned to prevent iny outside power from obtaining information from them by any 1:nom means? C. Can we obtain control of the future activities (physical and mental) of any given individual, willing or unwilling by application of SI and H techniques?.. D. Can we prevent any outside powef.from gaining control of Suture actiirities (physical_ane-renLal) of agency personnel by any mann? Bluebird believes Ovat A (abox.e) can be answerod in the affirmntive. using SI nnd H techniques. Bluebird is not fully satisfied with :results to date, but believes with:continued mor). and study remarkable an profitable results can be .obLnined regularly. Houever, B, C, and D (above) are as yet unanswereable although Bluebird is of the opinion that there is a worthwhile chance that all three may at some future dale be .answered affirmatively. This opinion is sunported generally g21 ONE by numerous individuals having knowledo of thcne techniques and by much literature and intelligence in this field. Since an affirmative proof of B, C and D would be of incredible value to this agency Bluebird'i:general problem is to :et up, conduct and carry out .research (practical - not theoretical) in this direction. Set out below is one, specific proposal nimici tit achieving our ends as rapidly as possible and with a maximum of seCurit. � . Through internal agency channels, Brnebird was given the name of411111111 IIIIIIIIIIan individual f1 traction and not a citizen of the United States ...- M/ who had been givnn cnrtain operational senurity clearance.W vas reported to have done considerable work in SI and H and to have an unusaa. and interesting general background. 11111111pas also reported as being reliable, trustworthy, a known anti-Communist. In view of the above and on the instructions df the Director of I&33, 'was brought to a safe area nelr headquarters and interviewed interroga,tnd and obsetved. by Bluebird on 19,20 and 21 February 1951. personality,-obility, inll teigence, sincerity and apparent security 111111111111111 . I mindednesswere irpressim. Bfliebird officers were unable to find any indications � � of deviousness or pro-Soviet interests turing these observations.. ������� only apparent obvious weaknesses were his foreign bacRground and non-United States - . � citizenship. � According LAMM he was born in in � 111 ��� � � : r. al: � t�:�� � t'2A1 � � 011 0 11���� S. � � � NMdiscussed at vnrious times his work and interest in the SI and II techniques. De claimed that most of hi n present work was nlong the lines of hypotherapy which involves post�H suggestion, but.pdmitted that his c:perinnce with drugs, gases, etc., in conjunction with SI and D Was somewhat limited, although _ he was familiar with much or the literature (U.S. and foreign) in these fields. IIIIIIIIIrdmitted that sInce he had been in tile U.S. he had induced H conditions in at least several hundred individuals, male and fehale (in all are gr,%ups).1111111111 demonstrated successfully some of his operating methods before the B officers on the � 19th, 20th and '21st. For matter of record ias briefed on the security aspects of B work and cautioned against all and any discussion outside concerning these matters.111111111rigned the standard.secrecy agreement. III. GENillAL PROPOSALS On the basis of 1111111111rapparent ability, relatively simple and cony cover, backE7round, personality and interest, it is proposed thalallUe either directly employed or cpntracthally'employed by MY; for the specific purpose of � engaging in guided renearcii, tenting, and =perimentatidon along SI and H linos under '7 the genewalc-direction of the Director of MSS and under the immediate direction of B. . , IV. smciFic rRrP:GALS A. It is proposed that be brought to headquarter immediately 11111111 . __ and formally interviewd byj1111111111111111r11111101111,11111111111i7 - 1111111111111111V trl terview to include .basis of arrangements, cover, locations, salary, operational funds, and securing of PBS). : � . B. ' It is proposed thatAIIIIIIIIoc given A full and detailed-Polygraph examination by on materia] prepared bytinnifillini C. It is proposed that immediately a full field investigetion be started on Illato include chocking of all names, places, squAdrons, etc., rentiened by him (111CH PRIORITY). ..��� v,e)o � D. It is proposed that immedintely after ".ns be..!n riv,A1 full security clesrince he will he thoroughly briefed, given all necessary funds and instructed to begin resenich and testing along lines set out in 5 (below). E. It is proposed that after n mll'imum of .time to per741111111.full opportunity to satisfactorily.become operational, B officers and trainees will (under suitable cover) rarticipate in and assist with the re7carch and testing for purposes of training and eiperience. � � V. BLUEBIRD � roscirac rRomols Set out below. are specific problems which can only be rrsolved by. experiment testing and research as proposed in the paragrsphs nbows. These are not in any sense all of the problems B is considering, but are merely' typical and point up the need for practical re:cal-ch. 4 1. Cen we "conaiti:n" by post-11 su7E:Von agency employees .(or persons of interest to thissr.gcncy) to prevent them from giving information to any unauthor� ized source or for coMMitting any act on behalf, of a foreign or domestic enemy? 2. Can we in a matter of an hour', two hours,- one day, etc., induce an H 4 . condition in an unwilling subject to such an extent that he will perform an act for our benefit?.(Lonq. range). 3. Can we create icy post�L eonlirol an action contrary to an individual's .basic moral principles? - 4. Could we seize n subject and in the space of an hour or two by post�H control have him .crash an nArplene, wreck a train, etc.?: (Short, immediate activity) � � y7t) �11. �. 54 Can we by :"a rind H.techuilpen force n rolbj,.!ct. (unwilltw; or other- wise) to travel long distances, cpmmit specified nets and return to us or bring .t documents or materials? Can a person acting under-post-H control successfully travel long distnnees? 6. Can we urpe SI and H to combat ,&.tigue,-Produce extreme mental effort? 7. Can we guarantee total amnesia under any and all conditions? 8. Can we "alter" a person's Personality? How long will it hold? 9. an we design tests to determipd whether or not an enemy agent has been conditioned by SI nnd H or any other method? � 10. Can we detect SI and II by use of SI and H (regression)7. 11. Can we make a "conditioned" subject revenl by SI-and H specifically ' bow they were conditioned (drugs, torture, fatigue, hostage pressure, techniques)? OEN � 4 � 12. Can we devise a system for making unwilling subjects lnto-Willing agents end then transfer that control to untrained agency cgcnts in the field by use of codes or identif7ing signs or credentials? 13. Hoy long can.we sustain a pos.t-H sugr;estion-unaided-with reinforcement. 14. -Ukat wouldrbe fastest way to induce SI and H conditions - with drugs- -- or without any mechanical aids? 15. Can we devise a standoff simple relatively fast technique for inducing .SI and H conditions thnt cnnbe used 'by untrained agents (with or without drugs)? 16. Is it. possible to Sind e-g.As that can 1:e used to gain L'.1 control from a gas pencil; odorless, colorless, one shot, etc.? 17. what are full'dttails on "sleep-inducing machine"? � ���� 18. How can sodium A or P or any oLh,:r sleep inducing ncent le tent concealed in a normal or commonplace item, such az.candy, Cigarettes, liquior, wines,: coffee, tea, beer, gum water, aspirin tablets, common medicines, coke, tooth paste? 19. How effective can the "carotid artery technique" be made? Can it be used while subject is unconscious? Is it resat= than cther techniquos? 20. Can we, using SI and H extraot complicated formula from scientists, engineers, etc., if unwilling? Can we extract details or gun emplacements, landing fields, factories, mines? � � 41. � 21. Can we,4while a subject is under SI and H control, show them a nap and have them point out specific items, locations, etc., on the map? Can we slso have them make detailed drawings, sketches, plans? .1110. Could any of-the above be done under field conditions and in-i very short space of time? � 4 11��