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Publication Date: 
January 15, 1959
9/1 "E'Pr.*AiffS ff.In: LI '171..Ezt ky1:71.77..1-;;�; _ ) I :7111:g 6 I 2e) C-6 Peae...7.`Zto A. _ 067167(,_. 6-9 ree ce-o - / ,c/ t: L4A I -74 .61,2 e ke. is contlnuati n of sub-c=11,191, Advanced animal screening preclinical pharmacological testing. Project 1.MICRA, Subpro Date .Initiateds 15 Januar/ 1959 Pate Expire: 1 tebruary 1962 Funds-atuTent year; $.148,000 Purpose: To provide *A advanced. ardoal screening and predoliniced, phaxascolog.teal testing of toxics and drugs affecting human behavior vith special reference to drug effects-and Molecular structure relation.. ships a:xi avoidance of undesirable effects. Status: A continuing program of ad hoc screening ard, testing utilising protocols provided by and closely monitored by ?SD. 1 MEMORAMUM FOR : Th RECORD SIBJECT MKULTRA Subprojects 70, 91, 94 and 135 letion of the audit of Project NOMA for the period - January -1963,-aceoUntings have been received In the amount of *93,67.50. s amount ance to-be-accounted-for b grantees at the end of the audit peri Subproject 70 incurred direct-costs of *2,518.34 and $27,872.16 transferred from Subproject 94, fora total�of7$30,-390.50. Subproject 94 incurred expenses of $734324-.87,_bilt�transferred $4,165.71 to Subpro- ject 91 and 27,872.16 to Subproject-(0i-leaving-a-net cost of $39,287.00. It was decided to divert the-funds-for-Subproject 135 te-Subproject 91, therefore these costs vere included-in.the-accounting from Subproject 91. Inasmuch as: 1) all four:of-the subProjects had the dame basic re- search goal in mind, 2) the great length_of_time that has eL.7:led since the grants vere made, and 3) the difficulty in getting accountings of any sort from the grantee, it-is-recommended th we ter by ace ng for the balances:as:shown count for these subprojects. The above had been concurred in bl Staff. of the Audit . . -&-vtAke)t-Letrze-41., 461' XisAe-44, trri Ar-At.e.� � 1,-KA.A.Ali.A.L.el eu, iS34 jiaT Aftto, kite, , /0-612.kue � P44;4 AP-a, , 07c6-4-4, 1a-66210.4A,c,e,. 741.0- exinunvg, 4fit4e4 2j Avaz, ,otwiivect -441. /4.44-iveL6 dt4e-- a-to-autt- ese_ a4rn-w-4-J. 27.e. 116,14..;_itte, izfie,y1.4 /7-644-4}71-4-, 12'4 01-).� ,t3frz qsz. 5 eti1.1.ACZ 4Cte-s4.3, 24 Y%3..3 1354- frae ;tLe J4 jc eve AL, 11b1C-- ....14 42.-, Z-C, et-- 90 -- V- ; 1 il -- 5, (1 1 � 40' � tPli---.-C � G. , eal-G.... It" ;-tke--44.-e ` tee -tie g � E ; t-A,ret Ct �4-1-1Lt7114.; jtL &CC- t-ke- etts-ite --eke , 1 -ILA if4e ee., it it, -4--itt..tiZt: _ . :tiLcperLe--).1.el . 6-ek.4..., 1-e et�tc C et" "rz , 44_ ...-Itt---t-tACAR., ) -ke:t, Aett If ec4-4cCtecy tic tlect:1- � A" -44 ie ; .� It et-et �,6 Mitesz..k, C 1 IL6-ek�.,-1:-t .titS, vt-C-`1.1# (C17:" -42.;--LC tii( 12-"it: tn, 7de (LC- " 31,4 'I I * LC. d I et , itrai --CCty'e�- e-ct-u-c� cember 1,_19 1_to_july_31, 19 Grants_ February 1, 1961 to January 31, 1962 SO, 000, 00 Less, previously reported 404100.00 $3,000.00 24,000.00 $32,000.00 February 1, 1962 to July 31, 1962_ Total Accounted for, as follows: Salaries Payroll Taxes Employee Benefits Laboratory -Supplies: and.Bxpense-- - Travel Other Direct Costs Indirect Costs Total Costs Less, Previously reported Total AccoUnted FOr I. I certify that services or mhterials Imve beitft satisfactorily received npl the e;0-11ditUra Nir.ers ;Incurred on official huts. - $28,131.14 1,400.08 355.68 3,541.48 50.61 2,569.17 36,372.26 72,939.42 121:02/13_61- W-,151 9/ February 1, 1961 To November 30, 1961 Grant Income:: - -February 1, 1961 to January 31, 1962 Less, Deferred Income Costs - February 1,_1961_To November 30, 1961 $ 48,000.00 8 000.00 40,000.00 Salaries $ 18,570.83 Payroll Taxes and_InSurance 899.48 - Employees' Hospitalization-and Benefits Ins. 355.68 Laboratory Supplies and Expense- -- 2,532.91, Travel 426.61. Other Costs 2,69,71 25,354.68_. Allocation of G and A_Expenses 10,373.97- 35,728.65 4,271.35 Transfer of Costs from Project 510 4,165.71 Excess of Income 105.64 1 ends. closed here *th February 20, 1963 t f S from nd Herewith is a statement of the funds expended in behalf of the project on pharmacological screening and testing. Wo-tftet-that it will be ade4wate for youripurpoaew. PHARMAGOLOGICAL_SCREENING AND_TESTING FebeVary_11 1961 To January 31,_1962 Grant Income Costs - Feb._ 1, 1961 To-Jani-l1-1962 Salaries $ 23,1.89.27 Payroll Taxes and Insurance 1,027.36 Employees' Hospitalization and Benefit 16 .19 Laboratory Supplies and Expense Travel Other Costs Allocation of G&td A &pens. $ 48 000.00 5. ffio 3,999.17 _ 12506.12 3,847.60 4 34,2d5.Th 2212a1E2 Inva C.71=7_7:-"3 7-1 48100040_ TSSICIcal Div44 +M. MEMORANDUM FOR: THE RECORD SUBJECT 10 November 1961 : Correction to Project M(ULTRA, Subproject 91, Authorization No. 5, dated 27 Time 1961. 1. The referenced subproject was extended in June for only six months when the intention was to extend for one year in time, but to finance the first six months only at the time of renewal. 2. In order to clear up this matter, tSubproject 91 is hereby extended in time only for six months beginning 1 February 1962. TSD/Ree-earth Branch: ./7 No. Cost Account .4A60A04r� At" "Jjea Object Class Date I AUG 1961 3 AV Remarks and References 4=1.=����1�11" Obligations Obligations Unliquidated Incurred Liquidated � Balance 41,t41'60. Al, 40451 Undertb. authority granted in the nemoraneaus dated 13 April 1953/ to the WA and the extension of tht3 uthority la eub- the DC *quest cancgrandaSublaroject_21.7viks previously approved. Under the ee authority an additional sea of 124)90.00 hni bow% authorited to over the subprojects expenses, tote charged nainst cost center Not 2123-141)0-X04 4-arth Branch Date: I CERTIFY TriAT FUN D APE AVAI!A3LE4 0Aucmic,:i_tEri:ro,.:IcrN. /144 11:11AFC3/4 10 � N.13Jr.:4/71. j pi 2- AUTHOZ.ZING OFFICER Dietributd OrlairAd TSD/R13 2 �Addressae Vf - TSD/FASS 2 - TSD/RB 7 June 1961 VIA 4 aUsgust 1961 It: CHILY, MANGE DIVISION TSD/Budget Officer kilCULTRA. Subproject 91, v ce f5 Allotment 21254390�3902 Invoke 15 covering the above subproject is a should be made as follows: ched. �isbIi1r's�cklth. am tot $960.00 plow* to drawn on ?/ iy 2. e rward the checks to Chief, TSD/Research Branch through TSDAtudget Officer by 21 August 101. 3. Mit ist a final invoice. However since it is antici- pated that additional Auld* �vill be obligated f�t1Is project, the files should not be closed. Attachments: Invoice & Certifica Distribution: Orig & 2 � Mdrei ci ranch .4' 1 "LI ei*c�/ - 4 Aulfult 1761 wow, rnaricz DIMON TSD/Budget Officer MKULTftA. Subproject 914 Invoice IFS Allotment 2135-1390-3702 L Ceficovsrfrg the above subproject is attached Payment should be made ass follows: 2. Please forward the checks to Chief, TSD/Research Branch through TSD/Budget Officer by 7.1 August 1961. 3. This to a final invoke. However. Once it is antici- pated thet add:mania funds will be obligated for this project. the files should not he closed. Attachments: Invoice & Certifications Distribution: Orig & 2 � Addressee TSD/FASS TSD/RB Chief -- T /Research Branch I CERTIFY TriAT FUNDS ARE AVA/LABLEi pRoc,oN Rfli N.depfkp ci-v-.4-Qk TO TSD/R134P4 August 1961) AL:TdCR,ZING OFFICER 17 August 1961 Gentlemen: _ We are pleased to be able to tranaollt to yots the following funds: These fwzds represent a contribution for the use of your directors in carrying out the very worthwhile research goals of your obligationa. Mtaclvneite (2) Yours truly, For Se. INVOICE C RTIFICATIO14S --424i 9 !,1) It is hereby tertifted th3t this is 7.nvoice5_ apAing to Sub-project No_AL__ YIKULTR21,, that performance i* etatittf4tWry4 that iservi,:;ts are bang accompti shed in accordance with mutual agree- aunts, that 4 detailed agt.nda of thil pkvments-4nd rueipts is CA file in TSD/RB,, that the bill is jt t:krd -.'orrect and that p4yrnent thareof h-3.3 not yet been rnada. hief, TSO/ReAearch Brantth ...�������=ok Ditel h is hereby certifted that this invoice applien to Subproject a MICULTItA which was duly appre.,:r.ed, and that the, project 13 being carried out in'cordance with the trierm,r1ndtlyn a 13 April 1953 from the DC! to Vic.t DD/A� And the t7'...f>t&IISkri, Of this authority in 41tbeequent m e rn. r nd Rel)ear4-h Dar ecte.r CONFIDENTIAL FUNDS POSTING VOUCHER VOUCHER NO. 7.12 DATE 2.6 !VOUCHER NO. 7.12 DESCRIPTION-AL(. OTHER ACCOUNTS .43-33 DESCRIPTION. ADVANCE ACCOUNTS 13.27 3 'VIA NO. 34.39 STATION CODE P.O. NO. PROP. NO. . 32.33 Oil. PROJECT MR 40.42 EXPEND CODE FY 49 45.46 ORLIG.s7 54.57 PAY REF. NO. GENERAL PER. ...ADVANCE CA LEDGER LIO. ACCT. NO. .. YR ACCT. NO. CODE ... EMP. MO. 58.671 ALLOT, OR COST ACCT. NO. 0.70 DUE: DATE AMOUNT 52.67 : CR. NO. ONJECT CI. ASS NIT CREDIT t,. : : ..... . .44:12 ........ ZZ 46/0 rirtz 075 -- /35*-0 -3(141- ?, /406' .... ..... XPLANAT1ON OF ENTRY TOTALS frc' ATE PREPARE FORM 10.59 606 USE "'NERVOUS (DITOO DATE �AgiOr "11? EVIEWED RY DATE CERTIFIED FOP PAYMENT OR CREDIT SIGNATUR 0 ICER f10.49) KINORANDIN4 FOR: THE CORD 27 June 1961 OUEJECT : Continuation of Pojet KULTRAi-Suhproject 91 Authorization #5 1. Theprpoeeofthiu6ubrojectie to provide fundA to_continue the research program vbich-fUtnithes advanced animal screening and ;Technical pharmacological testing required by theprogram-On the development of new psychochemicals. The program is. providing --- fUndamental information bearing On the problem of structure:activity relationshipleamong_these c 2. The research-groupconducting the investigations are exerting their testjefforts to_provide the data requiremente imposed on them. The - experimental vork-beingTcarried outlunder this_project is oriented and _ programmed to meet our planned-research and deVelopment needi. In order-to bring Cie. program into alignment vith contemplated researches-and possible modifications -that maybe dictated by anticipated results from the current research, this program vill_be extended for a six month period, 3. Theicost of this program for a period of six months beginning 1 August,1961-it estimated to be- 424,000.00. To this sum must be added *960,00 resenting a foOrlier_cent ieryice charge t who viii act at cut out so that the total cost of the project vill not exceed $24:960.00. Charges should be made against A1lotaient No, 2125-1390-3902. - received Zr ha requested that bait to them a summary accounting of funds . that they return any unused funds remaining at the end of the grant period. 5. It is not anticipated that any permanent equipment vill be required for this program. 6. It hsa been agreed that documentation and accounting for travel expenses which are reimbursable shall conform to the accepted practices of the organization conductingithe_researeh. 7. The-requirement for a semi-annual informal accounting on the part of the principal investigator has been valved. 8. All personnel connectedwith_the_planning and monitoring-of this program possesses -Agency TOP-81CRET approval� The project_villte unclassified_after_it_leaves_the TED/Research Branch APPROVED PR OBLIGATION OF FUNDS: Date:_ 3061 Attachments: Budget and propose Distribution: Original only. FROPOSAL It is proposed to continue certain biological tests of a pharmacological nature as directed by the Sponsor of this project -on-chemical materials and extracts to-he furnished hy the sponsor. These tests involve-small animal studies and/or clinical work in certain eases as indicated in each particular instance. _Theeponsor _ will have hill control of 0/methods and procedures to be folloued in the work and it is understood that these will vary -during the -course of the project-depending upon research findings in other facilities working in this same general-biological.program. In addition, as time and funds allow,-pilot experiments viii be performed utilising various known substances having-effects on the- central nervous-system in an effort to refine and improve the present capability of detecting and Characteriting such activity in small -animals. Attention vill-elao be given to the problem of-eXtftpolation of results between varicAm species of animals. - It is expected that the attached budget viii be required to carry out the program outlined above for a period of six months. BUDGET ll�ff/=~..=1/ Salaries 45,000 Overloud (25$ of Salaries) 3,750 Travel boo Services (Analytical,et*.) 1,400 Supplies and Materials 1,000 Animals 2,250 Total $24,000 15 February 1961 Gentlemen: We are pleased to be able to transmit to you the following funds: Mese funds represent a contribution for the use of your directors in carrying-out the very worthwhile research goals of your obligations. Tours truly, tnclosure (2) Date Remarks and References Obligations Incurred Obligations Liquidated Unliquidated Balance "9%1 004,1644i, .11 N .MiZir '1r, 7 7 a 1951 .../eil2A._. i . I ._ 1 4 4 WaTRAVDUMF_ OCVROZILla AlTaTIOD Finanno Divialon EtEji3GT _ WEERA, Et"Spr joot_lk, A;Ithortzation Utds_ye tho autrl,ty Grsnted in tho tn;momraa7m1ateA 13 April 1953, isma t,z,e DOI to tho rO/A evi ti a extzw,lon of this wncrit7 in aub- esqpz,Lt al,f_zo-?en13., 5111Qrejt 91 -nre7Scy.t1z. spyzovoa. Ulaer tha alatIlorlW aa o:?___4111400,001.:vonwizea to (..lav:T tTfo aivb-,:xo4oets o7,-;,-,,enss, to be 6.0,a-a ocst 110-23906,902- 10 Dotr.: Orlz. 2,- TSD/FASS 2 - TSDAB -OS !F.,fID/Reich Zsraneh lalatAlealt CEO?, FLU= DIVISIOS 2 February 3.961 lailudget Officer s IOW1M2A0kbproject 91, ivoi Allotment 1125-1390-3902 le inyoice 14 co, rine tbs above subproject is attache4. Past shouiA be axle as fo1lows:- 2. Please fOrvard the checks to Chief, TD/search Branch threw& ISDAudget Officer-by 15-74brusey 1961, , 3. This-Is a final invoice. Bovever-since it Is at1cipeteil that additional fUndt-vill be obligated for this project tbe files tbould not be closed. Chief TOD/Beitarch Branch Attacbmentst &I/400: Invoice is CertificaticaLG!.. .; , CONF I DENT I A L FUNDS POSTING VOUCHER VOUCHER NO, 7.12 DATE 2.8 !VOUCHER NO. 7-12 DESCRIPTION-ALL OTHER ACCOUNTS 13.33 34.39 STATION 40.42 45'4 PAY PER. 47.52 OOLIG. REF. NO. 53 54.57 GENERAL 58.67 ALLOT. OR COST ACCT. NO. 68.70 DUE DATE 71-80 AMOUNT i DESCRIPTION- ADVANCE ACCOUNTS 13�27 VA. NO. T.O. NO.No. CODE EXPEND CODE U N D Ll. om. CODE :pp . Emp. No. CA YR LEDGER AJECTJ CCT. NO. 62.67 CO.NO. ......... x �Er. ... OS CLASS DEBIT CREDIT -2.213%170.J.E.0 .01V. .1 . " N .1' s 4P)% . : ..... ..... � IMO � �� . 2 . . ...... . 0 � � 0 . � � . � � I jai 1 1 I , S a 0 � � � 0 � � � 0 � P 0 � � � � 0 ......... � . 0 0 � 4 EXPL NAT:ON Or ENTRY TOTALS 1111MPIM I �cee..e... . 1 1 1 DATE Pa .ir DATE !REVIEWED OY CPTFlEI FOR PA ENT OR CREDIT DATE! 4.4 SIGNATURE 0 FFICER FORM 10.55 606 USE FACTIOUS EDITIONS. 400.411 YEMORANMUM FOR TM RECORD SUBJECT: Project NICULTRA Subproject 91 1. The purpose of this subiroject is to provide funds to continue the research program which furnishes advanced animal - screening and preclinical pharmacological-testing required by the program on the development of new psychoehemicals. The program is providing fundamental information bearing on the problem of structure activity relationships among these compounds. 2.__The research group conducting the investigations are exert- ing their best efforts to provide the data requirements imposed on them. The experimental-work being carried out under _this project is otiented and programed to meet our planned research and development needs. In order to bring the program into alignment with contemplated researches and possible modififIstions that may be dictated by_anti--_ cipated results from the current research, this program will be extended for a six month period. 3. The cost of this program for a period of six months beginning 1 February-1961 is estimated to be $24,000.00. To this sum must be added 06 representing a four per cent service charge to the who will act as cut out, so that the total cost of the project will not exceed $24,960.00. Charges should be made against Allotment Noi-1125=1390-3902. !Th s requested them a summary, accounting of d that they, return any unu ed funds remaining at the end of the grant period. : 5. It is not anticipated that any permanent equipment viii be required for this program. It has been agreed that documentation and accounting for travel expenses which7are_reimburscable shall conform to the accepted- � - practices of the organization-conducting the research. 7. The requirement for a semi-annual informal -accounting on the , part of the_prineipal--inveatigatOr has been waived - 8. All personnelconnected with the planning and monitoring of this program possesses Agency TOP-SECRET approval.�The project-will-- be unclassified.-afterit-leaves APPR D FOR 0 TIO OF FUNDS: Date Attachrents: Budget and proposal Distribution: Original only. Chief - TSD/Reseerch Branch PROPOSAL. It is proposed to continue certain biological tests of a pharmacological nature as directed by the Sponsor of this project on chemical materials and extracts to be furnished by the Sponsor. These tests involve small animal studies and/or clinical work in certain cases as indicated in each particular instance The sponsor will have full control-bf_the methods and procedures to be followed in the work and it is understood that these vill vary during the course of the project depending upon research findings in other facilities working in-this same general biological program. In addition-,-as_time and funds allow, pilot experiments will be performed utilizing various-known substances having effects on the central nervous system in an effort to refine and improve the present capability of detecting and zharacterizing such activity in small animals. Attention will-also be given to the problem of_extrapolation of results between various-species of animals. It is expected that the attached budget will be required to carry out the program outlined above-for a period ef six months. 9/,-,2() BUDGET Salaries.. . . $15,000 Overhead (25% of Salaries) 3,750 Travel boo Services (Analytical, 1,400 etc.) Supplies and Materials 1,000 , 2,250 . Animals Total $24,000 Amount of Grant - Expenditures $20,000.00 Salaries and wages t4605.50 Materials and Supplies 3943.00 Rent and Utilities 8349.22 - Travel - 573;30 Services 789.624 Social Sec. Ins. etc. 587.96 - Overhead 1151.38/_ 20, 20,000.00 BaLsnce 9/ 15 March 1960 Gentlemen: We are pleased to be able to transmit to youths following funds: urer's Check No. 248053 drawn on , for $1,800.00 2861 drawn, or $45.000. These funds represent a contribution for the use of your directors in carrying out the very worthwhile research goals of your organisation. Enclosures (Z) Yours truly, � No. MA" Cost Account 1:07"," 1,1,* 4441 Object Class Date arks and References - Obligations Incurred Obligations Unliquidated Liquidated Balance 29 17680 A1 f8 i; 04- yk- �"-.0 ',fussy 1960 0 A.NDU14 FOR: COMPT 01,1.1CR 1' ION s rINANct DIVISION MKULTRA, iv.bpi.jsd 91, Ad41ttont Authorleatioa Nes 3 Vader thenuthority grantod she snoseeresdum ted 3 ApsU 1933 firma the OCI to the DD/As and the eXt0411101% Of this authority le lehetquezt Inenneranda Subprojett 91 ha* bete approved and $46i1100.00 Of the ovor.all MRULTRA project flied* he* boo* obligatod to cover the eubproject ospeesea. This shiigatiou el feeds should be ehangod to Allotoseet 0523-1009-4902. APPROYZDrOR MAGNI 0 or ruNDS: TSS/Cheralcal DiViriOtt ati:TY THAT rulq3s ;1,71.e Ottgleo.1.7.N AA,'Pol'?" ,;(7E2 - *south (rector � IOW* 1 f_TSS/OC TSS/FASB Z. /CD TSS/CD 11 Feb 60) TO: FROM: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM RECEIPT I hereby acknowledge receipt of the following: Please reti&rn s en.. copy(l ) of this receipt To FORM NO 7c2 REPLACES FORM 36.44 1 AUG SS' ''' WRICH MAY 4E USED.- TO: FROM: SUBJECT: V GNAT RE OF R CI IE NoteRttilwb (33) MEMORANDUM RECEIPT I hereby acknowledge receipt of the following: ,e�c) e Please return signed copplies) of this receipt To FORM NO. 752 REPLACES FORM 34.46 1 AUG SSE WHICH MAY BE USED. _ t/d /DATE ENT /17 6L): DATE RECEIVED 4331 MEMOS VIA SUSIE T 9/.2 1 March 1940 DUM F ; CHIEF, YINANCE DiVISION TSD/Iludget Officer kLICULTRA, Subproject 9l Invoice 13 Allotment 0525.100-4902 Invoice 13 covering the above subproject le atteched. Payment should be made as follows: 2. Please forward the cheeks to Chief. TSD/Chennical Branch through TSD/Budget Officer by 15 Marchi 1960. 1. Thie is a, final invoice. However. since it is anticipated that additional funds will be obligated for this project, the files should not be closed. Chief TM/Chemical Stanch Attachme s: Invoice & Certifications Owl Addressee 4.4 3 4CEME0 INVOICE for Services $46,800.00 Cm4ste.M4041, ...... 0000 CERTIFICATIONS (1) It is hereby certified that this is Invoice f3 applying to Subproject 9101 IiIKULTRA. that performance is satisfactory, that service. are being accomplished in accordance with mutual agreements that a detailed agenda of the payments and receipts is tiled In TSD/CB, that this bill Is just and correct and that payment thereof haa not yet been made. Date: Chief, TSD Chemical Branch (2) It is hereby certified that this invoice appliesto Subproject 91 under MKULTRA which was duly approved and that the project is being carried out in accordance with the rnmorandum dated 18 Apr111933 from the DCI to th-e-DD/A. and the extension of this authority in subsequent memoranda. Date: Research Direct� CONFIDENTIAL FUNDS POSTING VOUCHER VOUCHER NO. 7.12 DATE 2.6 VOUCHER NO. 7.12; DESCRIPTION.ALL OTHER ACCOUNTS 5.35 34.39 5yATIDN CODE . PROP. NO. 40.42 ExpEND CODE 49 p u N 0 45.4 PAY PER. LIO. CODE�i;u7,7;07: 47.52 OBLIG. REF. NO. i.R111454. 55 CA YR 54.57 GENERAL LEDGER ACCT. NO. 58.67 ALLOT. OR COST ACCT. NO. 1DATE DESCRIPTION. ADVANCE ACCOUNTS 10.27 g� g . . 8.0, pip V 62.67 CR . 140. ir !Al ..''e� : lel: I. .r ' r ...1-7760 ** : .. 1 i , 2s. fi, e, e e t, ,,".. t . . . . . . l .. . � � . . . . � . /. . � . ,..., � � : �1' ..- � .. . , 1 1EXPLANATION OF ENTRY - TOTALS e. ,f7 I "" ...0 r2 e-e. eele-, 7YR0154..t! si'e , Y- I t' i.".� ,.. , � , Ci 'VA f /77/gr. & j c :. ,--/- / e _/5 DATE PREPARED NY DATE REVIEWED DY CERT IF I ED FOR PAY P ., r I DATE 1:f.., 4% � Sle FORM cAe 10.59 VW, USE POICVIOUS COITION . 9/'97 DRAFT 11 February 1960 MEMORANDUM FOR: THE RECORD SUBJECT : Project MKULTRA, _Subproject 91 . The purpose of this subproject is to provide funds to continue the research program which furnishes advanced animal screening and preclinical pharmacological testing required by the program on the develop- ment of new psychochemicals. The program is providing fundamental informa- tion bearing on the problem of structure activity relationships among these compounds. Z. The state of knowledge in areas of influencing human behavior has been steadily improving and the experimental work being carried out under this project is meeting our programmed needs. � The sponsor has obtained and assigned highly competent technical personnel and is exerting his best efforts to provide the data requirements imposed on him. 3. The cost of this program for a period of one year beginning 1 February 1960 is estimated to be $45, 000.00. To this sum must be added $1,800.00 representing a four per cent service charge t who will act as cut out, so that the total cost of the project will not exceed $46,800.00. Charges should be made against Allotment No. 0525-100 4902. and that they return any un the end of the grant period. d funds aining at . It is not anticipated that any permanent equipment will be required for this progra 6. It has been agreed that documentation. and accounting for travel expenses which are reimbursable shall conform to the accepted practices of the' organization conducting the research. 7. The requirement for a semi-annual informal accounting on the part of the principal investigator has been waived. 8. All personnel connected with the planning and monitoring of this program possess Ag..--.-mcy TOP SECRET approval. The pro ct will be unclassified after it leaves t APPROVED FOR OBLIGATION OF FUNDS: Date: Attachments: Budget and proposal Distribution: Original only TSS emica Division APPROVED; -_ � Chic TSS/Chernical Division BUDGET Salaries $28, 800 ?, �7, ZOO. Overhead (25% of Salaries) Travel 1,200 Services (Analytical, etc.) _1, 800 /,Y;s2.0 � Supplies and Materials 4, 200 Animals 1,800 /0- Total $45-,- 000 December 31,1959 Grant for Pharmacological screening and testing Funds received: Exp 20, 500. 00 nditures Wages and salaries 10, 907.60 Equipment 3, 623. 93 Supplies; expendables 1,303. 41 Animals 1, 783, 84 Overhead 2, 880. 60 _ 20,A99.38 Total expenditures 20, 499. 38 Balance .62 /3 . 9/ - =27 30 September 1.959 Gentlemen: We are pleased to be able to transmit to you the following funds: drawn rtg3oo eck No. 22231F drawn on for $20000.0O These_funde-represent-a-contribution for the use of_your directors_in carrying out the very votthithile -research goals _ of Your organization. Tours itruly, Enelosures_(2) No 9/ Cost Account e9.6-AP. /07,Y. 4+0 Object Class Date and References Obligations Incurred Obligations Unliquidated Liquidated Balance -AP 1959 � �1 4 13 September 1959 UMORANDUMtQRCHUF. FINANCE DLYLSION 153/5u4get Officer SUBJECT 14KULTRA; Subproject 91, luvolc. fa Allotment 0525-1009-4901 1. Invoice No. 2 covert-as the abev subproject is attached. Payment should be mtde as followss Z. Pleas� forward the checks to Chief. TSS/Chernical Division through /SS/Budget Officer by 7 October 1959. 3. This is a final invoice. However. since it is anticipated that additional funds will be obligated for this project, the files should not be closed. Attachments: Invoice k Cer ific Distribution; Or' kr= Addressee Ody-4,73' Chief � TM/Chemical Division L., C T EC ErlEir.1.304-Ep INVOICE CERTIFICATIONS (1) It is hereby certified that this is Invoice n applying to Subproject 91 of 14KULTRATthat-performance is satiefactory, that services are being accorstplished in accordance with mutual agree- _ mints, that a detailed agenda of the payments and receipts is filed In T83/CD, that this bill is just and correct and that payment thereof has not yet been made. 3/ Date: NIFF.N�Ma Chief, TSS/Chemical Division (2)It is hereby certified that this invoice applile to Subproject 91 under MISULTRich was duly approved and that the project is being carried out in accordance with the memorandum dated 13 April 1953 from the DCI to the DD/A. and the extension of this authority in subsequent memoranda. Date: Research Director CONFIDENTIAL FUNDS POSTING VOUCHER VOUCHER NO. 7.12 DATE 2.6 VOUCHER NO. 1.12 1 DESCRIPTION.ALL OTHER ACCOUNTS 13.33 34.39 STATION CODE PROP. NO. No. 40.42 EXPEND CODE 43 F u N 0 45 .46 PAT PER. Lio. CODE ODLIG. REF. No. . mew w CNN. No. 53 CA YR 54.57 GENERAL LEDGER ACCT. NO. . 58.67 ALLOT. OR COST i ACCT. NO. 8.70 ' DUE DATE 1 I 71.80 AMOUNT : DESCRIPTION- ADVANCE ACCOUNTS 13..27 4tg. P.O. INO. .".PROJECT 82.67 CR. NO. ........ X REF. NO. , 1 ORJECT' "A" .DESIT CREDIT .. ''7 7,- // , Yr .s . ,- c /, , . 0,- i ,/ ,. . e y . : ) . .�:' ..,4 4.,...:!. de 0 le.gv% � . i'w4/1 . . ..:),� e e e . ,e. 1 :I :. ,f,�4 . -.16..- � L ...... , ...... ........ � . . ... ; . ...... .. . . V: T , . EXPLANATION OF ENTRY TOTALS . . ...... ec.--- DATE PREPARED DY � DATE REVIEWED DY I C RT IF I ED FOP PA ENT ORCPEOIT DATE ... L 7' i � S FORM 6-59 606 USE PREVIOUS EDITIONS. DRAFT 18 September 1959 MEMORANDUM FOR: THE RECORD SUBJECT : Supplement to Project MKULTRA, Subproject 91 1. The purpose of this supplement is to provide additional funds to carry out an expanded animal screening of selected compounds directly related to the development of new chemicals which influence human behavior. The program provides fundamental information on structure- activity relationships among new psychochemicals. It will provide an insight into the activity of chemical compounds of possible value for operational applications. The studies are directed toward elucidating the relationship between this parameter and personality structure and Z. In order to keep abreast of new co pounds hich have been recently uncovered and synthesized, it becomes necessary to increase the advanced animal screening. It is expected that results obtained from the advanced screening will provide basic information required for research into the pharmacodynamics of new and more effective compounds. The additional funds required for this program for the year amount to $20,000.00. To this sum must be added $800.00 representing a four per cent service charge to ho act as cut out, making the total amount $20,800.00. Charges should be made against Allotment No. 05.254009-4902. has requested sub it to them a summary accounting of funds or received fro and that they return any unused funds remaining at the conclusion of the program. 4. It is not anticipated that any permanent equipment will be required for this program. 5. It has been agreed that documentation a accounting for travel expenses which are reimbursable by conform to the accepted practice of that organization. 6. The requirement for a serni-annual informal accounting has been waived. 7. All personnel connected with the planning and monitoring of this program possess Agency TOP SECRET approval. The project will be unclassified after it leaves APPROVED FOR OBLIGATION OF FUNDS: Date: Distribution: Original only TS cal Division APPROVED: TSS/Chemical Division shall Mt0LkNLUM fOR: COMPTROLL FINANCE DIVISION SUBJECT i 34KULTRA, Sabproject 91" - or the airthority grouted La the asszaoreadura dated U April from the DCI to the DD/A-trid the eliteasioa 01 Ude sethovity La eubsotrieat arsattorsade, Subproject II bee boea approved s& $20,1100.00 of the over-all 14KULTRA projoct toads has Delo oblisated to cover the eabproject eapeaeos. Tide obit sties of foods shoold be charged to Alloto: 0S2S-1009-4902. A TTXTCTION APPROV D 0 011 OF FUNDS: search Director Diattibwtioa: Orli It i - A:We:rase I = TSS/OC I - TSS/FASB -2�;-TS3/CD TSS/C 185ept'59) 9/ 3 3 2 Pabruary 1959 Gentlemen; We are pleased tote able to transmit to you the following funds These funda represent a eontributiOn for the 1.140 of your -,direetors in-earrying out the very worthwhile researeb goals of your organization. trlayi Snelosurea (2) SZKOAMMNAl i azzip-rnmat masxos tss/tuaaot Officer MULTak, Subproject 91, InVOICO #1 Allotment 9-25C245,.902 ViA ellBJICT 26 January 19$9 1. Invoice #1 covering the above subproject is attached. Payment shoullbe made as foiiovss 2. Plea*, forma the checks to Chief, TSB/Chemical Division through TSB/Padget Officer IrY $24041117, February 9,-1959. 3. This is a final invoice. Roveverp-since it is anticipated that additional funds v111 be obligeted for this project, the files Mould not be closed. Attachmenta Invoice A Certifications 1 stribution g Arldrease. CHECKJAVIN THE ANIcILINT OF RECF.IVED. 4 Chief TSB Chemical Division CERTVICAITOSS (1) It is hereby certifted that this is Invoice #1 spplying to Subproject 91-Of MATRA, that performance is satisfactory, that services are being accompliehed in a000riance with mutual agree. outs, that adetailed mends of the-payments and receipts is filed in TSS/bEr, that this bill is just and correct and that payment thereof .has not it been 'saes Dates Wir"fflr�M-E""--"i, Mead vision (2) It is hereby certified that this invoice applies to Subproject 91 under MULTRA-vhich vse-dulyepproved and that-the project is 'being carried out in accordance vith the memorandum dated 13 _April 19,3 from the DOI to the DOA, end the of this authority ia subsequent memoranda. lkesearabirettor CONFIDENTIAL FUNDS POSTING VOUCHER .. VOUCHER NO. 7. 12 DATE 2-6 I .- .., VOUCHER NO. 7^ 12 DESCR IPTI ON- ALL OTHER ACCOUNTS 13-33 3A- 39 STATION ' 4042 45- 46 47. 52 OBL I G. 59- 67 68- 70 I ALLOT. 1 DUE 7 I. 60 28- 33 CODE ..... EXPEND P AT PER REF. NO, . ' � 117.! LEDGER G:t411:1AL ACCT. NO. ' DATE 1 AMOUNT CIE scit I PT1 ON- ADVANCE ACCOUNTS 13-ti _...71P.M.... FUR . ORDER NO. ..... PROP. NO. CODE � L. O. A.O.V.AVCE. ACCT. NO. ... - " LEDGER T 1 62- 67 1 ,Alt.... OBJECT 1 � � . ' 32* 33 ' � i v. r *CACI' we. CODE 14; : . 4 O : " A CC . NO. .3.0.�. x REF, NO, DEBIT CL ASS CREDIT I 1-11'.1 I I 9 I I I I II ,I I I I I I I I I I I I ; III 9 I i 1 I I I 9 fe'l I I, I I � --, I .. I I., 9...1. I I I I I 9 1�MI1 I I I I I I I I 1 I I sr. 1 1111 I III I I III 111111111111 I 1 1 I I I 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 I 1111 I Ii 1 I I IiI I I I I 1 1 1 1 III I I I I I I 1 1 1 1 I I I 1 1 I I 1 1 1 I 1 1111 11111 I 1 ' I 1 1 1 1 I 11111111111111 11111111111111 11111 11111 I 1,1 LIU . rfr t I I 1 1 1 11111111 I I I 11 1 I III I I I I I 9 I I I I I I I I I 1111 I II ' I I 1 I I I III I I I I I I I III i I I 9 I I I I i I I I I I I 1111 I I I I I� I I I I I I I I 9 I 9 �.1 1,91 I I I I 9 I 9 II 9 i 9 I I 9 I I I I I I I I , EAr LANAT li ON OF ENTRY TOTALS I I 1 I I I 1 1 � eir,~1111111 _...._ 1 , 4. DATE PREPARED BY DATE REVIEWED BY CERTIFIED FOR PAYMNT OR CREDIT ' DATE ......' 1.^ c�-� SI ,CIlIIcYIVG OFFICER FORM ,A, 58 WU use PREV100 EPP 'EONS. 1.01CRIMI 031PMLak AMMONs newts Dixie-ion MT= PrNeet XKUMA, Dottro400t 91 : Mier the wthority greatei is the foleuersodue 4404 13 ittPril 1953 fros the DU to the /A, *r4 the estmesioa of this authority 1a. TaliatreaSt SatippljeCt 94 he* Uwe approved, Kid 'OW2040 of the over-all project 14=M-fund5 has how obligate& to (mew the tohprojeot's *versos so4 eboU34 be thargoti to Mama% 9-2ge.75-9C2* "--.."-UMWIlre."1"1""w""otor Date I MEN THAT MHOS AU AYAttAk.694 csioaricw 1Cat1r4 N., /03- oiArca TO AITOT,4041 4e Distritutioas Cris 4 2 ii4dreasee 1 - T68/00 MAIM 1 - TS8/Bro3 2 - T58/CD ISS/CD 5 17.21 59 AlittiORIZNQ Offla - ; 9/37 DRAFT 15 January 1959 MORANDO/4 FOR THE RECORD SUBJECT: Project NKULTRA, Subproject 91 1. The purpose of this subproject is to provide funds to carry on the advanced animal screening and certain parts of the pre-clinical pharmacology required by the program on the development of new psycho- chemicals. In addition, this phase of the program viii. automatically provide fundamental information bearing on the problem of the structure- activity relationships among these compounds. It will, also give e. better insight into the problem of compound selection for operational applica- tions and the relationship betweenTarameter and the personality structure of the particular person being studied. 2. Prelizinary_scree on the materials involved in this study has gbeen carried out a over the past three years. During this_time_t e eta e of knowledge in this area has steadily improved so that it is no longer possible for the work to be carried out by this contractor. The type of experimental work now required in the program is simply far beyond his capability both in terms of equipment and personnel required for-thW..--Ftt-this reason the rate of expenditure Satellon this preliminary screening work has steadily dropped with time while facilities capable of carrying-out the more advanced phases of the program were being located. Thkpresent-vielt is that ht ove glap during this year between these projects, portion vill be phased out at the end of the year to be replaced new facility. 3. The experimental design in this Subproject is based upon results gderiVed frouvsUbprojecte,22i-,514770,-, 8-53,-46, 44, 45, theWOrk of the past three years, and-prOjec The personnel and consultants C! in 0 consist of CD Branch II personnel working with Because the work leads off almost imme tely Lnto completely own areas, all of these consultants will maintain a very close but informal surveillance of the raw data as the work progresses so as to be able to take advantage of every new development as it comes to light in guiding further work in the project. 4. As indicated in the attached prbposal, the cost of this program �for a period of one year will amount to $20,500.00. be added tip. 4% service charge to th who will act as cutout so that the otal-cost Of the pro eat exceed $21,320.00. Charges should be made against allotment 9-250245-9020 5 The e reggested that ubmit to them a summary tng of funds received rcn that they return any unused funds remaining at the cone usion 0 he pr 6. It is not anticipated that any permanent equipment will be required for this phase of the program. _7. It has been agreed that expenses which are reimbursable b the accepted practice of that org 8. The requirement for-a-semlannual informal accounting has been waived. count:40r travel hall conform to 9. All personnel connected with the plopping and.maistspiping of - results of this pr'- possess_ ency TOP SECRET approval, however none Bof the personnelo with the exception _o cleared and none will be made witting of Gov ere 8 will be unclassified after it letiVol-t APPROVED FOR OBLIGATION OF FUNDS: Date 'R seatc ), Orig only. Attachment - Proposal TSS/Chemidal Division 9/ - .32 1-47 q4u^" �PROPOSAL It is proposed to conduct certain biological tests of a pharma, cological nature as directed by the Sponsor of this project on chemical- =---- -- materials and extracts-to be-furnished by the Sponsor. These teats may - involve enzyme preparations, small-animal vork and/or clinical vork in certain cases as indicated-in each-particular instance. The Sponsor will have full control of the methods and procedures-to be followed intbe work and it is understood-that-these-will vary duritarthe course-of the project depending upon research_findings7in-other fadilities.vorkingjnnthis sam-u general biological program. In additiOn,_asItime and flinds allow, pilot experiments will be per- formed utilizing _various knowru-substances haVing effects on the central nervous system-in an effort to refine and improve the present capability of detecting and characterizing-such activity-in small animals Attention viii also be given- to problem of extrapolation of results _between various speciesof_animals It is expected that-the attachea-budget-Vill be requiredto carryiout the program outlined-abOve-for-a-period of one year. BUDGET . Salaries . � � . .-� � . . ._ . � � . . 412,000 Overhead (25% of Salaries) . . . .. . .. 3,000 Travel . . . .._ ........ . � � . . 500 _ _ Serviee,(Analytical, -etc;) . � � � � � �- . 1)500, Supplies and -Materials 3,000 Contingencies � � � � . . . � � � . 4 .. 500_ Total420,500 PROPOSAL During the past few years a great deal of progress has been made in relation to the function and metabolism of various anatomical divisions of the human central nervous system. This progress has to a great extent been fostered and abetted by the study of the effects of drugs on this very complex system. These drugs have mainly been utilized as tools in attempts to develop the relationships between cerebral metabolic processes and brain functioa as expressed by individual mood and behavioral changes. In general, pharmacologists are just beginning to realize the potentialities of work in this field and have not as yet adjusted their research goals and techniques to take full advantage of existing knowledge. The general tendency in this respect is to attempt to apply sim pie modifications of existing techniques to the study of these phenomena. This approach is useful but entirely inadequate to pro- duce progress consistent with that in other fields of medical research. A further problem of significance in relation to this work is the fact that it has developed to a great extent on the clinical side with far too little attention-paid to the general pharmacology of the drugs concerned. Without such basic work progress will continue only on a pure chance basis with little theoretical background. Therefor4 it is proposed to: 1. Design and test methods involving experimental animals which will discriminate between drug-produced generalized depressed states and generalized excited states of the central nervous system and thoise particular and_specific states or effects which can eventually be related to overt behavioral responses of a sort which entail some possibility of practical exploitation. In this process it would be ex- pected that drugs having a more "pure" type of action than those presently available would be discovered. 2. Discover and test materials having specific effects either in the periphery or the central nervous system which result in the distortion of nerve impulses in the sensory tracts of the nervous system. 3. Validate the above methods and effects in normal humans and relate them to alterations in mood and behavior in as objective a fashion as possible. 5v" 4. Establish and maintain facilities for those general pharmacological procedures, i.e., the relationships of the unknown drugs to the known humoral agents, etc., which are necessary in order to describe intelligently the action of the new drugs for their application in the above-mentioned tests. It is felt on the basis of present knowledge that such a program as that outlined above will go far to bridge the tremendous gap in knowledge which presently exists between known drug-substrate relationships and the overt manifestations of these drugs. 9/- CURRICULUM yrrAE Memberships: Society Experimental Biology SocietyPh�lgyII Cancer -Society Academy of Medicine Research: Conducted intensive research on: endocrine glands, (insulin, posterior pituitary, thyroid, anterior pituitary) chemotherapy, alcohol, virus and cancer. Pharmacology of dinitrophenol