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Publication Date: 
April 8, 1957
TL,-:k :you :kieft for your Final l'�eport pnd your stat:ent TLey re hoth Lach approol7ited. ple:led with thf. rsults of ::our or anit nre --rd to tho diortation. 711414#xl 31 1960 YftN-gAMMINA Sinco antmittal of the gecil-Annual Report *4 thio eoriti e dicoortation proponel vac oolopletod 1 tor . aed oonaultatiou with advitors of The propoeal V,74 R ; A of-the-rot-toed dicoor4ntion preposoll hvie provionely-boon n,l.hcitiod to the A f_the dincertation %tacit to partially vaploted; A pre cohedull for completing it ovinot bv given at ',recent booRnee of detnile to bo norkod out wIth-a A41/ Kosher of tho oomittoo. It to oxpeotod_thet it will be ompleted in tine for an avord of the PhD degree during the a:arm* yeer. Ynndo provided by t34 grant 1111.vo b,00noo7apletoly expendod. (Vol "Sta4cmont.of rxpendttaroo" caol000d.) Tho grant viNo nnoi- for znintelmoo of colt ond foaAly daring the poriod jaly 12 1957 to jnno 11 1958 ntld July 19 1959 to Ootolm 11 1959, leas a OW or 44 daFc darirg theno'poriao OA which deie ale-grantee WWI Oth'Il10100 tzvloyod., Interruption er lc _on t for other mploy-Qentleas ondoroed by the aoeording to e letter Iraq %ha Rteoutive otor d Oi 19,8, /3 tho oocurirg app.Q'i for pnformod nmdor vNioh v tablV flflyportititutod� rienood in making eirengvalonta With for A diecortation ocuaittoo anA in posal. The Pa4or Portion of the work 4 wee done in a000rdanoq 141411 a Prokaaal o the dieoertetion wmittce that V44 To kA0p the work th from being valeted effort *or publioation hawed in popore ere ti,e follkvas _ 4 not Do need in the diaeortation 111,4 ooverel P Pora mole or pert OA ittiR xeoeerehu Thee, Roporis on thiis rooestroh 144/0 uloo promoated in p tho followins aol ntifio rater:lel fret; tir h *1 t'@ nrifl4, Beinz inecwoorete4 in reyorto or Xolotod rOoo oh by VA, - 4rentoo, foliewes Atte!,Alvmnts ivi Ripvt or di 'arcs UN14400.1P-ORIXT-FR July 14 1951'17D4o- rvving houehoLd good and family Travel for. at gva or ultajjt � adviwea 4114.KIA 81,000.09 426,86 rookie 16963 53.62 Stationery, suiTlio 4duplicating rOress oharges for timefor of data-- 17.00 4Pd tranafor 0e400 Noretarial�help iBflie � 120.00 4nd rasoaroh Postage 8.50 Wolephons 19.22 reserved for final tyi4issertation � and fec43 Wing coats, oelep4family WW1 � have oxamined and approved th pxpenditures. Cl WS/Chemical Divluion %to:. 7.?//aAJL, 1960 Omitted 150.00 pjgq�ag, 10pOOMO 25 January 19 MORANDUM FOR: WE RECORD SUBJECT : Action on FIKULTRA Audit Exceptions - TSS/CD (MKULTRA 76) As of this dat:e the has contacted reques or ounting has been u that it v111 b forthcoting9 and an �i ional gave all assUrance TSS/Chernical 1Ltv. no tho fun-!,s? of ho:: to Tny nptomber 17. 1959 tin choohinv., through ollr projeot files in order to detemine reoolved acoo=tinj, frola eoh or our eyantws'for our auditors. not find ono fro: ,1 you. Perhsps, you hwe not finished using ou have ;.ulf.11 if you could :,;orld. Lzo 5�7czilary strito;.';orit, cre eX1d0d � it would bo of reat Nik.> to G. � thanhs. FOo .0a1 oes well pith you Lnd.yours. is our chock krtflo3rJ quori-erly cn .srzint. It VIRV�3 !t1C4%.3 COZW0foi.C-111' il*:;t 411 1.-0, triC440ci quaricily paytx..nt Or:74 t:vo count. Th )1U ( iiiknd ri1. e;.1 gill INA"; o%' 1-u-n-;ir,--3 .y.3.:AF1e p-:,-...viuctivs3, f:tkrt en th re sc.( ruh -rre3 r.k-ascrici will Lc hoh�ful. r" .1 Wu iarl ena cyst wcts reovcd, end tl.;rityou ee r. '.:11t1.1 I hoi u cc f.rkSk �-'`.11J re.,7)rd3. RECEIPT -Receipt_ is hereby acknowledged of the following check: Cashier's Check No. 209- 079 clated September 16, 1957, drawn-on in the amount of $10,000. The abeve check is made payable to -77 Attarhfx1 grant- which to apply in tho thn-del; ur cht, in pant of two qu;Irtors of the ir:a.�1,4 to you. qhe-folloving conditions A tcr.,infa re;:ort i$ to be s.abtted after tho 000pletivo of the pm of rf::s:T.,rob covered by thts A terInnl accounting of fuzds-ex0mded In obtail procs$1ng and rocortind data shall be provided � for Qum record.% Any tochnicoi reports or paers vhioh grow out of tho stuly snpportod undm. this grant shall contain the folluAn notice; "This 1ra rintfrw) th no Board of Dirootews Rnd the scIentific adv54-ors to tha oln ve in vishinz you voll in-thif; endeavor. armee call or 'any .7t,F8itnce that we tiny be ;h10 to provide. 7 Sincerely, outio S tary and Treasurer DR.ES foams Etroazirxs , ., 15,',''.`,*, 1 .4_ _e_ -14/.-z-,---2-..,_ k. ..�20_........_1.... 1 ce, .101 *AY. - c=1,:Ce fe cPeie - - - 01-11XLVIONS OTAJOATIONS etrATIATIVE DICI:0R1FD LI:Q.0171WD EXPVID. &ler � el 0 - o a 1 4.^10,00�01_ AM1,1�, egskSree--,adr..-..."44,51.14-saiOago t;:71 VIA JB-31;;CT Payni it Au IkIDLII.1;1Q1.I CI1141?, FINANCE DIV --ION T Sitwig:A Officer iziNuLTn.n t:,-q:bprojcct, 76, Invoice fl ,t1lottaeat a-10-001 I. Invoice No. 1 ,o math:: E-,4 ti--co. above bpoJect it atath varclpd to Chief, Tssichemict ,04 Officer, n Itr.tiran FeLlay, 16 Atigue;t 197. -The check. skould 3. it 13 a ,fi1 invoice. .A tottil of $10,000.00 WA0 obligated cr tussubi,rojecZ: elai:;,,,114 ;TY f...13. ivr cince it is aildition.31 funds will Le obligated for 1/110 project, the filea ctctb oa4c1. Attiscacnt.,5,1 rt E, 0 2' ig : PAltlreSseo Comptroller TSS/FASB 2 - TSS/CD Lit E' CHIEF, INANCL DIVISION VIA_ ..�(.1WECT 1-$5 ifludgct MY:fit:VIA bubproj1 76, Itivole - iltiute-4.50Z -10-001 1. 1 f..a. bove aubprojcctia attached_ etiatadb4ruatcloaifullowa: Z. throue,h z3z-3 k $houLl for-war Chemical Offic4,:sr, 1cr f'r y16 A..*t. 19)7. - 3. Thi, 13 a, invotc-c. A tQtal of $10, 001. 00 was . obur-1.;�qc7f.i uttle.x.&toll'aprolact do.virtg !.)13.C4PVCZ611C;(3 it CW,,ZAWitiOnalLd will b obliLotf..;.d for tLtisj oject, tho bcf,-,1c.f.led. 14tach,i-o. ViEtrib:3. A I -en� 1 Cezniatreller TSS /CD: Z August 1957) 1 - TSS/FAS13 l'SS/CD INVOICE For servicee $10, 000. 00 ��� 0, CP:RTIFICATIONS (1) t i certified that this it Invoice iF1 applying to Subproject 076 1%txt.thr.i.:A, that performance has been saticfz,ctory, that services have Le-4 accczwlished in accord:w.ce vvith mutual ttgreerner4ts, that a cletai!:A auda of thc payxncats avad receipts is on file in TSS/C1). that this bill is jut and correct and that payinent thereof has not yet been made .A.ctirag chief, IS/ Chemical Division Date: (2.) It is hereby certified that thin Lwoice a,?plies to Subproject 76 of tilc.ULTI1A Which was duly approved, and that the project has been carricd ov.ti.aceeril.tnee with the rnex.noratidwn dated 13 April 1953 ot.i the DCI to the DD /A, and the extension of this authority in Enb- Nue:Fit memoranda. Research Director Date: t" L DJ L CT Uc3tr th wthqt.ity tcd la th�s M 11 -01 L93 ti 1 tothe /A1 INFA t tcxiorof th A ���ty i.tle! zpid ":40� Lmie Inca oDlit:',atod to COY Finance Divioloa MliuLTRA � Sobp N, flcs -a Ica to AlIotaxent 8-2.5020-10 )131.1ATI-014 1)ix'OCOr nt-c0)1,tic1t: Z AddV03),i14�� 1 'fSS/OC 1. - '1:33/F.ASD 1 "I'SS/5/113 --TSS/CD TSS/CD. Z9 .1 y 57) oct 76 dum ryjc:ct has b 1. ojct ULTRA furld a oject'A oF.t. (1 'should DRAFT 29 July 1957 MEMORANDUM FOR: THE RECORD SUBJECT MKULTRA Subproject No. 76 1. ThepurpoeofSubprojectNo the research begun by worked for five years for t has en active in his field and has written many valuable publications. A list of his publications are appended herewith. 2� has undertaken a study of how indi- viduals and groups who are subject to apparently all-powerful, coercive authority. successfully defy this authority i pursuit of their own goals. It is the intention of o study the method which prisoners use to defy authority while under the extreme restrictions of a prison _environment.- This type of study is a natural extension of our previous work-on-Communist Prison Methods and provides the necessary follow up for the development of systems for -- resisting interrogation in imprisonment. 3. When this project was originally planned it was believed hat it wo.ild serve a useful purpose under Sub roect No. was known to two members of th and the stron ly npportc his further researc . n addition 's a repre- sents a 'discipline that, to date, las not e adequate y covered in the activities. However, as the project .emerge'd, it became apparent that it had definite Agency relevance Dnd would be befit funded as a special project. The project was circularized to the mem- bers of t o rd of Directors and a) roved in principkby deferre judgment on the as's tIit e did not eel competent to CVZI uate this particular , project but indicated that he v ul 1 ept the opinions of the other members of the Board. who previously had no contact e., with, He C to with t herewith. indicated the greatest support for this project. d his willingness to give professional consultive advice d 1 nning conferences have already been held evaluation of the project is forwarded 4. _ It is pro osed tha independently in the and will take advantage of the research fa and the et�,. 11 work rea. Initially he The s indicated their approval of the study and a committee: has been formed to furnish professional guidance. Thus, monitorin of the project will come from three sources: (I) �(2) nd (3) TSS/C0 personnel. h will not be witting of the true source of the Grant. unding of the project will be handl don a.uarterl basis with payments made directly by the of monies advanced him to the ance with the By laws of the vide a detailed accounting --- - This iirocedure is in accord-,z5' and will-be in the nature of a /5 fellowship rant. Equipment purchased will become the property of the although it is anticipated that equipment costs wilt be prac many negligible in this project.-_ _ 5, The total cost will be $10,000.00 for a period of one year beginning 1 July 1957 and will not be renewable. Charges will .be made against Allotment 8-2502-10-001 Chic , Branch Ill TSS/Chemical Division APPROVED FOR OBLIGATION Approved: OF FUNDS: � Researeh 'recto Date: Attached: As Stated above � Distribution: Originit1 only - /#:17 ng hief, TSs emicidDivision July 26, 1957 Dear Attached is the summary pert4Ining to a proposal by You will note that the majoritYof our Directors have approved. It is recommended that this_project be-initiated as of July 1st and funded in the amount of $10,000. neAps. Oar rroh was .to and oprAtIone. tly tcr,tArd tho problome of C1ubtudy will invastiato vor0 of tho e raote&tC5 0 thf) sociel sitlItton d!nermino whotheT or not nti-, nuthorit:wian afF-iltirront3 a ,1/2 oxF.roat,ed in :ulti--Aftthoritarian mi which infl=rgze t tom nuch activity loy take). 1:y of fort durin:: t ytar Ix) to earns ofat a Irostaxch and ,hor-py tcri r jattor, Thif3 reroarch and 0ducation wiI bT) r.1.$:varit to rgy intereot in tho , nora problo:ir,of bow . indivi.duaod yo4;,, who an nub ect to ap;:)1rontly all-poworful, cof:xel.v6 Eo.1toritywcoaBfully dory this Imthority In 'eArDnit of tair o=nn 1ntret in tUs topic, ,i4111 zly 'tattoo of it as a Een0ral tQ)iQ in ,ha te.ra Sis4F.3 coo what 1 come-Ivo 413 a cciwon throad rianaIr,g .mh of ti a novo ch I uwo For tha pat th�rc,7 yo art, f ry tilv) ini$i boon. oovoted to otodying.th0 ichtions for th of, th0 tro of .the muril.tAT:. Thin to!wAlation wo.s obviou ths to many of th's Central p'iobiev2 of thi.. Dariv,s tho ontirefivc iiod t in wriz ccenei to Oanntir, and C71vg it ret;earOh uhic:1 trovontly Involved th0 ntudy or nimila Isw;ort Con:,Nuc.nt1y, it wi)a crientod AlIi: wilatlonm. 1 b,sgika a! vtlniy -t:AAncol in vhich ind .,vearch in April 1953 LI 0111 pa, conrly 1,;00...ifJ3 II W!in w::vona, ornIzationo. AeKitir,acw, p. � 511COw aittd a eceRtingly all-powerful toltborltY (04. prison riots, henger trikas, gonsral. strikes, work slow-downs, boycottl, terrorism, oto.). Th, objcctive was to determina whether thera wrvrinci2les which could be btatod at some high level or gan.47,rolity would to true of ell, or of broad oltlusqs,, . of such events. Tho practical sin was to provide potontial advice, on h night to und to slport and. control them I ha1. conpletd a field otudy of A prison rlot bofore stating thio project �� . in for,. 1 tem 6 As tho initial focus oL the project itscaf, the gcnral utrik$ wat3 hessn au a topic. A prelimimry rovisv lad WI: to the conclusion that the genoral nt Ike was ono or tto - most likely foral in h&C t Europan F2tollite dic,00ntnnt riht tyko tY.*t revolutionary form. -The occurrence of genaral strikes also - appeared to Tza to be a sitaation in uhtch hAd a potl.ntio1 b"). role as h. ccntrollinN or supporting force. Priority which was given to tho on this; study of the gonoral qtrilso thres months aftor I baron to,. raviolviiterm.turs on this too. The cq)cr1c71 wss eafficienu to Convinle'rAl that it vcad bo po ;ible to d'x prioi1os of considerable powcr rol4tine both to th,.) genwation snJ the Oatcom.o of - (le:finnco of corciv uthor%y. Thi�m stoh of the bank/y.3,1nd of my irtoreit identifies it voat trw.dly. 3� J anA e,.fictrtca1twobltIn in this cenoraA arct. rivt t!n ;rit t.Twl a tyatiaa. T W(h to ccipioto u paixtr Tehtnh t.11. bo ea a dian...notr on foy, tho D. in problorA mlui7od na to $uspend work thl, Ny research dlu,ing the year bo on a al other requirpiront ince I Immo oo, a dq'ree. IVOtild prOci0V to looata wolf rpr the period at such place a4 appears to ma to h.:Nld rorth groat $t promise as a source of data for a well!. definod problem in this general field and of proresaiona1 guidance and assistance. I would romedy-those-daficiancies in My educational baokgroand in which the, inatitution at which I locate iS particulorly strong, horil 17, 1457 Vete in frvor of r Jrrnt cf 1fl.OY to from the. ,ss st in studyI-r hov .-rouPs who are S.ubject to rporrent1y r11-pc.:.-erfn1, coercive authority su.cessfully defy this suthority in purult or their ovn goals. _ It.Js sensIbl of hie to Dien to-do-hiS Investiative in r fnshicn gnd uner rusniCes whih will get him Ph.D. degvee. I trust-, however, -Vast in doIne, 60 he 7.7111 succssftlly-onrsue his own vorls with n high depr.e of in..,.ellectual intoc!.rity rnd indeneurlerIce of the "roparently all- powerful, eoeroive authovit1.0 of the deqree-17ireting instiion. thIs T Inter d no disnrrae:erent of the intitution of his choice,--I merslv mean to th,it the grant IP to him for .his stut., not dependent uron conforming- to degree rouirerents. SPP reson to hope tIvit tis approach 5nd the publication of his resnits (rid tJte subseouent a,;ademie scru4.:'Uy of his study) will helo to estahlish a rore clenrly ection-orlented conn-!tntion of the eo,cent of "ttitude," vhich has been too much "nsper-ani-nenil" oriented in 'the literature of soiolo7Y and social osvchology. One aspect of hip basic 2�51em. which SOMs to re of the Treatest practical importance, rs well as the theoretical signifleance, Tfr; be ststed: Bow cos one cstalish and traintr,N morale�rn integrat1n7 sense of ' shared ccrmitrrent to a highly valued cause--;,hen the others (those with vhom one share the comAtment) are "Imrgined" persons, remote, or in indirect contact, rather than physically prevent, in direct contact? My daily vork presents to me Pvtients (schizophrenic patients) some of whom appear to me to be out of rapport with those In authority, yet seeking to mplotaIn some --uise of rovale through awkwsrd hallw.inatory nnd delusional lmninati :adeship with iden1.17e1 figures. SchizoW.rerle atients do not deVe. very robust or effective integration in such r shared commitment. It Is LI" Al be silly, sentimentai and stubborn. The phenomenon page 2. does howevrr se!:-. to prestnt somerhet the are mv.stion th%.t I ientIon the precedirT wlragraph, which I tAke to 1,e a rruel e-e in 7,1r000sal. S5ncettiv yours, 'rezre-vait c � 0.4;e42 7.1-e�Lif /7.44:4"4/ 241-141-Pli . , (p7.- ' 9 � I 2. oe,e46e 03-1 AtAL__ ert 1-C114-A Cif:"Med ete�-k t.e.-out,e4.41.-Z;6-04.-r � t,eik46,4.--, r4-447:47 .9 -itak, 1)1061- It,4:e-044-eta ? f C,,fr...-a-cAs, � 441., Geole,4. te.444-11 e'") � - , � 1- _---- ) ditLto 1"-`2"1-ez.e4L, a-***1 � otelias "am---(L4,71t41:40.41 411. - ateer Zete, /30 #1-.W A.,14../ � a��71,...4�ege.�6.,/.."-s�-00- CV/ :21:464,... tj ctt- /t:# 11464-6:v ill � 41 e400/02.44. thte�cee, Ac-de. Ppipteeit -eres, 7-6 g (a-0-49-pv, Ale& cie.4-1,04 _ 4, 61-404-66-Z, � f, 4:4 � ) '"c*-44-44�. 7). 4........-, ,I' .04 . c't'..,...1.',...,t. -V.:' ' '':' Pf' c::::Vi (.)) t-a �-� to er- � ol. g 0... + t-v� T:A....,..-$...-1-, q EA 0. ... :,...,,cvN '..ti o f4 .4 - 0 , P. .., ..--,..,.. ,��:::'.:�,�1 Z-4'.� -.:-., ,- ... tt G 9 ..z.-II-z-�:-.,,,,t, r:t'. , t& . '2- et �-, -1 `''k. i, - . clt� !-i. ''f....:�10..-.`.:::.�-U 0 -.....t.4 - A -,� .., 0 0 9 j.... ' -����� \'�,...�,..."'\*C44::-..4 . - i IT 4 M . t--* C . .W. i tl, 0 V-1. :3 ' �:.3 f 3 C't . on .:44. � (..1 � . - , I-m ca 0 � '1',...',.., 1-:-.0 '04' 0 .4;. i...-- .1."Ali? ...r A'',)=',. ,�- 1,A. = .-4 .....A .47', ,,,- ' t1/4 7.50i: LI #.1 :3 ' ct� 4 , ':�.,,..:�..1=i-.71, cx v,,,,,,,,..� .=....., f I ';) 0 -,. 'i. -.n---1'..'%''4;*-',". ': g-::ti::::.:;% 'rl ''''''�V..- . . . � gt'! 0. :3 " cn .o ttz, N.,;(� /9 1-4. , V-� - t-- 0 0.. 0 0 o � 0 � � � _+ e 0 � 0 "C C.? 0 0 0 0 Cs, t...) tk4i4 1OP.Ataiil. TO: AIL rras DIa8CTUS FECI: subject: Project PropOsaf April .8, 1957 if Attached is a proposal,fr7.m who has been concerned for recent months with the Problem. Fe has conducted as well as monitored research in this area for th His organization, the beina -olved in a Current re-organization of and are familiar nth Nr. is. a ha s suggested that. research. accomplishments. prime :example of the'cr. young scientist with ideas and initiative who constitute the best of America's hope for innovation. I heartly agree although my judgment _ may be pre'udi od by having workedwith for three years (1, in th The proposal would not only explore a rather new area in-inter,,. cultural, socio-political-studies,-but would-enable to (:lualify for his Ph. D. degree. The proposal, is recommended to you for your coNments.: Do you agree with me- that this proposal. could -- constitute one of tne small grants to be made during 1957.' TEUTATIft pRopos,AL A STUDY OF Airri,A5TEORITARYAN BEHAVIOR The study will investigate some of the characteristics of the social situation which determine whether or not anti- authoritarian sentiments are expressed in anti-authoritarian acts and which influence the forms such ectivity may take. _ Yy effort during the year will be to carry out a research and to further my educational preparation. This research and education will be relevant to my interest in the general problem of how individuals and groups who are subject to apparently all-powerful, coercive authority successfully defy this authority in pursuit of their own goals. yy interest in this topic,_4nd my formulation of it As a general topic�in the above terms, stems from what .I conceive as a coMMon thread running through much of the researed 1- have done. For the past three years; most of my time has_heen_devoted to studyine the . implicatiens for th of the capture of. by the , Communists. This formulation was of obvious-relevance to many of the 'central exoblems of the During the entire five year period I apert in study. esearch, was coecerned in planning and carrying out research which frequently__ involved the study of similar relationships. Our research was to and special operations. support Consequently, it was oriented frequently toward the problems of captive popW.atiOns. I began an reeeerch in April 1953 I plannbd io study instances in which indieideale and groups, seemingly powerless in toms of numbers. weapons, organiz3tions and legitimacy. 23 successfully resisteU a seemingly all-powerful authority prison riots, hunger strikes, general strikes, work slow-downs, boycotts, terrorism, etc.). The objective was to determine whether there were !xincillles which could be stated at some hIgh level of generality which would be true of all, or of broad classes, of such events. The practical aim was to provide potential advice fon hov -might 1--e used to support and control them. I had completed a field study of a prison riot before stating this project in formal terms. As the initial foCUS Of the project itself, the general strike was chosen as a topic. A preliminary review led me to the conclusion that the general strike was one of the most likely forms in which East European -satellite discontent might take overt revolutionary form. The occurrence of general strikes also appeared to me to; be a situation in which role as a controlling or supporting force. Pricrity which was given to the on this Study of the general strike three months after I began to review literature on this topic. The experience was sufficient to convince_ me that it would be possible to derive principles of considerable power re ating both to the generation and the outcome of defiance of coercive authority. This sketch of the background of my interest identifies it most broadly. I propose that my research during the year be on a limited 4nd highly specific empirical :problem in this genenl area, rather than aspiring toward a-treatise. I wish to complete a paper which will be acceptable as a dissertation for the Ph. D. in problem required me to suspend work since I have completed all other requirements-there-for this degree: I would propose to locate myself for the period at such place as appears to me to hold forth greatest promise as a source of data for_a_well- defined problem in this general field_and.of professional guidance and assistance. I would seek to remedy those deficiencies in my educational background in.which_the_institution at which I -- locate is particularly strung. BUDGET Stipend (Continuation of present- salary4$9000) plus retirement annuity. payments) $9,540.00 Estima d of moving family_and-movinvorstoring household goods 800.00 Research expenditures (cl,n-ical and data processing) 1,000.00 Travel for consultation -- 500.00 Academic fees 14_,Q0QAP0 Total Required $ 12..e49490