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FO 7262,00 2.3 0 of AW_ffe /rYliveD -.3 ?000ct � , S folel qa.ce) 37194 � cro g Pie I/1Z cca'rrne.ATIos This Ls to oertlittbat w have the final actocaskting for grants nu% to HOLM Sub.Project TO. The aocounting beim retained TSD tiler" it nay 1* revleveil by tbo Corti. Wing Officer upon reveat� t Atrtbisr certWthat satlefactory writ*, bay* been retoelveli_ana_that_to the beat of sty knovlexIge, the Atids &dm- _ oed for SUCh 11741rfieeill ire expended-for the purposeTriutbccli�ed tbe project appr�ovel., � OCUIUGI (When Flitted In) ACCOUNTING BY � IND I V I DUA L FOR ADVANCE , 4 4,407E: Follow Instructions on Reverse, VOMITTE0 OT , . secoureAs floN,Prolort wi IDATE . VOUCHER NO. 2.1 PER I OD , OF ACCOUNTING � FROM T 30_1Soverber 3,961 1. CASH ON HAND MEG INNING OF PERIOD $ 5. 5. EXPENSES THIS PERIOD; 2. OUTSTANDING ADVANCES BEG PRONG OF PER100 , ' VOuCHER NURSER DATE DESCRIPTION � AMOUNT 3. RECEIPTS THIS PER1001 Se& littachaa Cipirt/ettura gen I RECEIPT NUmBER 1 DATE DESCRIPTION I 'tab� Z52r1,5 i . firm. 4 it- 1 1 1 1 TOTAL EXPENSES 11. 6. REFUNDED:HEBER!". I IcAs I IL IC Cc6 ImONsv 844 � OUTSTANDINGADVANC 511 ENDi OFHPER40011(Att688 li Ain�, I V i *. CASH ON HAND IEND I Of PERIOD ORHOALANCUOUE A0Vo44CEE , � TOTAL TO ACCOUNT FOR 1 422,00 11 6. H�llild'd1 1 II k HEOTAL.ACCOUNTED FOR 'I 1 1 IS 11/422.00 CERTIFY FUNDS ARE AVAILABLE II APPROVED :. 11 1! 11! :di: 1, k 1 !::: I ipertlit4,P:me! Ali's expenriiturom listed hsreon an U$LI.WCF. NO. CHARGE FAN ACcOuNT 1 NO. oAYE . SIGNATURE ' mum OF . APPROVING y tiwy OFFICER ., 1,1 Her:sr/Ili 10. onl,nny'Lattmehments soselli 008 scCoun4lni o6 ,l'Icnnilwieniial. iherelor wersilincurred lorHslliciel ?put. nature. 'that peyosni or Aelv not haven .rsceivs4. and 0.14 ile true; And cop:rect. DATE !S GNATuRE OF 1 AUTHORIZING OFFICER CERTIFIED /OR PAYMENT OR !CREDIT 11 H1 .5,1! NATURE OF *AVEC,: !, ,i OAT 1 I SIGNATURE OF CERTIFYING 'OFFICER I � SPACE BELOW; FOR ExcLusivE USE OF OFFICE OF FINANCE- ! OCSCRIPTION.ALI. OTHER ACCOUNTS 13.33 34-39 STATION CODE 1. I ..,: . !...1'.. .!7:147 .1 0,. 4' 1 : 0 m � 42.'1.47 OBLIG. REF. NO. i "WA": Acc1. :...........CODE (Mr. NO. 1 48.50 ' AS 'PAY 1. ft41. , fl ,CA '4:114 : G S T y . 510.54 . GENERAL 1 . 155.661. , COST - FAN AccOuper SVMBOLH 1 .1! 1. 67.70 OBJECT CLASS 71.90 AMOUNT DESCRIPTION ADVANCE ACCOUNTS .PER. 13.27 .: , 28.33 ! T/A NO. 4011*.00K.NO.41".4r7. ,:... ... ,.. ... ACCT. 1 I 1! LEO(ER .1 1 No. . . l'*"' V::: 1.10 . ' al." .. 1 ... .,'"' K Oir.100., :16-70 :AWE � � We � DEBIT CREDIT ! . *1 � � PI 0 � � . ..� p! � � ' �' � � � 1 � .1, � � � ao. il .e. i 1 1 6 1 � a 1 ! 1: '. 'H :I'll ...,1'..r.. 1 i� '� � P p � � 1 � ei a � � . � �' � � � i � � IV 1 1 � � ! 1 . :', � � � � ! � � � � � � � 1 � , � 0 � � . 1 � : I � , . i . 711- . 10 � � � � � .. � � : � � 1 1 . , ! � ' % � ' � � ',1 , 1.� 1. � . � � . � � :� M ..... � � � ''� . � . ' � � , � � P 1 1 -,. ',� ' . . . � I. , I. . .i , : '� � , � � .... :.� � 0 �� � � .... � � gi � � � � 1 � � 1 I , 1 ,I . � .0 DATE PREPARED BY I ' DATE , REVIEWED i IIT i TOTALS ttlIZIFT INCRTVICA-. this is to certify that 1,4 hive tbgt final accounting for greats sada WilLTRA Sub7.1Yoject770* The accoutking is biting rataing4 in TED vbere it Ley be revievesi t tbs Certi- Wind Officer won requests I. iNgrtbsr certify that satisfactory services have beta receive4 saA. that_to_thstAnst_of_rfy loloviedea, the funds atirTin- +:*1 fat such services_vere_expoled for ths mose-autborised by the yroject apyrovals cae_Sclentist, . jam SUBMITTED BY ,DATE � VOUCHER NO. 2.12 ACCOUNTING BY INDIVIDUAL FOR ADVANCE NOTE Follow inetructions on Revere. CAS4 ON NANO BEGINNING OF PERIOD 2. OUTSTANDING ADVANCES SEGINNING OF PERsoo TRA, 70 PER 100 OF ACCOUNTING ON 3. RECEIPTS THIS PERIOD, ECEeP UMBER .OAT( DESCRIPT I ON 7_6(.M___2531018 comp may 4 mai-814 TOTAL TO ACCOUNT FOR CE TIFY FUN S ARE AVM' A LE * 1)&22.00 $ 4'122.00 APPROVED TO Remember 1961 1.34) S. EXPENSES THIS PERIOD, VOUCHER .DATE 1 DESCRIPTION NUMBER MOUNT 9 I 1,1 I See Atteebett Certifleatierk 422.M. ITOTAL Acco,uNTE0 Fop ODLIG. EF. NO. DA C ^ROC FAN ACCOU I I I ATU �0 OFFICER CERTIFIEWFOR SIGNATURE OF ,APPROVING EoFFice; 1 ; I 1;.II; r III I 1 i SIDIM; itorractit tictrat PAYMENT OR CREO 1 DATE SIGNATURE OF CERTIFYING ' OFFICER !; II 1042.2 f certify thee he expendrea; limited hereon an "11)."T 4,Jetechmentn wet. incurred for, officiatpur. poaeo ofljall'tonfidentiall attire, that payment or credit therefor ;hal moil; been received. lend ' theA Clii. account me is true and COffeer. SIGNATURE OF PAYEE SPACE;BELOWfOR EXCLUSIVE USE OF OFF CEIOF FINANCE;;; CROPTION.ALL OTHER. ACCOUNTS 13.33 I I DESCRIPTION ADVANCE ACCOUNTS 2 20.3 -RIR MO. S01r.O0C.,'OO. 000000 ao'emple Wr 34.4B STATION plc 000JECT AO.; �DRAG. E : REF. NO. , � p 00VANC0 E ACC1. ;MO. .... . 4��� O tor.; me. 11112.42 401. SO 40 CA PAY OR TER. C 0 LIO. S CODE T YR. 91.154 ;GENERAL LEOGER ACCT. NO 155.461 COSY � FAN ACCOUNT SVmSOU I 1' I $7.70 ORJECT CLASS AMOUNT 10: do � .0. *0. 01. $4 :No. � l� O Nc!r. No.; : DUE '400E I. DEBIT CRIED IT � ..... � � � � � � OOO � � � � ... � ... ... � . . . .......... DATE REPAIRED SY .1 I; DATE FORM Finn � .404 Ltsri:Imv 4.4s ;: 011R vteus I. MOW= PUT TM{ =CD 1/ June 1964 !MEM MMTRA-SaVro4iW4 7�, 51, $4 �al 135 7O1 Since the:cctipletion_of the audit_cd_PrOject NICULVA for_thoeri 1960 t4rpuel-31,-,k**:tx 1963,�id-66tiattatta have been received - � I n the amount of $93,67(;23. -5114 ambunt 117.93 balance to he accounted to_by tees at the end of the audit perioL- Ouhproject_70-ineUkrod-diroot coats of $2,518:34 and t27,872.16 transferred fros_Subprojett 941 for a total of 430,350.50. Subproject : � imeurred expenses:Of-471,324.87, but Usneforred 0,165.71 to albpro- 4act 91 at t2bap.3:6_towaTcoevt, 7, 1as7ir( a net _ COSt _of39,2O0. It vas decidolito_divert_the_fumds_for_aftroject 135 to SUbproject therefore theaseccosts_vere_inalddod in_W4 accounting-from $ubyrolect 91. Tnasmuch as; 1) sal four of tho subprojecta bad the_sameAtasic re- search goal inland,- =2) the great length of time thatkos_elaysod,sicos the grants uere madeiand -3) the difficulty In getting accountings of any sort from-the-grantee, it is recomended that loa facilitate_this_mat ter toratcounting for the balances as bova in-the Confidential nods_ 41, ofthe Audit Division, 760 account-for these_subprovts. The above has teen concUrred in by Staff. . Chief Scientist TW la-? lad In) 1 SUBMIT-TED BY � VOUCHER no. (Finance woe only) ACCOUNTING BY INDIVIDUAL IPLKOZXRA Sub 70 . FOR ADVANCE .. , PERIOD,OF ACCOUNTING oe'.' NOTE: Follow Instructions on R FROM 5 1 Oototecr 1960 . . TO 30 FicToptbeir 1961 , � RECEIPTS DISBURSEMENTS I. EAsol ON HAND 8EGINNING OF PERIOD s VOUCHER 3. NUMIIER DATE OESCRIPTION AMOUNT %a. 2 WI:17 DATE DESCRIPTIO rov 1,12MILTRA Advance .,.... Xnvooe IBLI..� 390.50 � ttaatbadfication 1 1 ! 11 I TOTAL EXPENSES ! 3a. A: REFUNDO HEREWITH III CAIN �c oth &IONE..., ORDEM 1 5, icAim am!1:ammakmo OF rfalool .; TOTAL TO ACCOUNT FOP $ - :11111111111 1 1 TOTALI: FOR I CERTIFY FUNDS ARE AVAILABLE il I-APPROVED ) L., 11 H ,OUNTED cart! that the 1 tiars;et4itorei thatad'hereon and OBLIGATION REFERENCENO. 1 CHARGE ALLOTMENT le25"40094902, O. DATE . 1 1 ' , SICHAI71 sXDIST #3011 C171 *PPR. , 1,' ; :!OFf! . 01 C on pow** credit this Any', iittlichnonif theaafor acchontring 1 A :IconfidepOsal worn him Iles tiriso , not r incurl noripro,Hthet boon and: corfroci0 1 for:Lofficial payliormo Irac.ived.. and . 1 lyr,- or that I ; DAT" SIGNATURE OF AUTNONOZINOOFFICEN CERTIFIED A DIT SIGNATURE OF PAYEE 1 1 1 S JUN ,q64 6" I � DATE 1 SIGNATURE; OF CERTIFyIN 1 OFFICER "� ' .. � SPACE BELOW FoR!Exo_usivElLisE OF FINANCE DIVISION , , PARED BY REVIEWED BY H 1 d 1 I 1: 1 VOUCHER I NO. 7.12 DESCRIPTION - ALL OTHFR ACCDuNTS 13.33 3"P : � .11,L44 43 6518 1 41'12' -56.'57 : OUE 28.3 STATION CODE 1 .- .. ,.E44 F PAY 08LIG. . REF. No ' 53 GENERAL ALLOT., OR ACCT. NO. COST DATE AMOUNT 1 DESCRIPTION' ADVANCE ACCOUNTS 03.22 i/A 0.0. I s.61.7gas. . ....1. Px0PH11 00. cop 1 I u � N: � PER. "4' .4.-.I..... SCpjrAII!To.YR CA: LEDGER A.-CT.:1mm , 62.87 el. Ro. Ricrac"' DEOlyr C111101T 1 7 H32".133v. 1../e0,1}1':NO, S c * A HCAISS 1111 0 1 $ 11111 -1-771 ' 1I 'II 1 1 MIN I r I . I 1 r ; 1 I 1 1 i 1 i I ;I alilla 11111.111,1 I I I I;I 1 I 4 iiiiiiiii I 1 o 11111111111111 111.1 11111111 I II TorAf4 1 1 , FO" 282 1 6.61 use Poe *us EDITIONS. 1; � 41) RESEARCHADISLEEP�AND 1JNCONSCIOUSNESS -(PROJECT_ 520 W) October 1 1960 To November 30 1961 - . Grant Income $ 33,390.50 Costs - October 1, 1960 To November 30 1961 - Salaries $ 1,580.25 61.77 Payroll Taxes�and Insurance Laboratory Supplies-and Expense 408.47 2,050,59 Allocation ofGand- A Expense 467.75 2 518.34 27,872,16 _27872.16 r Transfer of Costs=from-Project 510 WSW) , (When Filled Filled In) CONFIDENTIAL FUNDS POSTING VOUCHER VOUCHER NO. 7-12 DATE 2-6 VOUCHER NO. 7'12 DESCRIPTION-ALL 0 HER ACCOUNTS 131.33 34.39 STATION 40-42 CODE 43 f U N 45 .4 PAY PER. tc.;:i 47.52 1 ODLIGJ REF. NO. 2c"4 EMP. AO. 53 CA VA 54.57 GENERAL 58.67 ALLOT. OR COST ACCT. NO. 68-70 DUE DATE 71-80 . AMOUNT DESCRIPTION- ADVANCE ACCOUNTS 13.27 p.o. No. :z..33.0�,,,,,c, olovJ CODE 'EXPEND PROP. NO. .z. LEDGER ACCT. NO. 62.67 cw.0.0. ......... X mt.. Mo. 094CCT CLASS OelsOT CP101/. . v 33:01-07 --- : 72%40 tidtifir .....7fr: 44 Mt itg' Sly 60,61 v-r- / o'er /904#7- 7.6-- . ... . . . 5�Vidf�03,7 _ride. . . 71;" . . . ' .7f7 . .. FY)001 7-74 Cr** 6 4, b e, .211,0 2, -to -ea i � . . � � . . Mi3i5P13-4 . 1 "Za � iee?..r. 4104e, 1 1 1 V-C-/ge 9 - 9. `.'t 0 7". ' . 4 � � � � � 1 � � � � �� OP � 0 ilLif gi) � � : i 1 1 . 1 . L... � 1 1 "14 1141/1.:1:7?Ph . � �I 1 1 1 1 1 / :IF/ h4 . . � . .1. . � .1 .1 . .11 . A � � � � � 0 0 � " � � � � � . � .1 1 � 1 � � I. � . . � . � � � � .1 . . � . .1 �I .1 � el. � � � � � � *"'� ; 1 C ?i ' 1 I I � � � � � � � � � . � � � � I: . 1---4 , I I � � I � ' � 'I I. : . � :I � � � � � I I I � � � EXPLANATION OF ENTRY TOTALS 1 .3a0714/ le :Alin� il, 0 0 4.,�..e. � . re,..---/ DATE PREPARED RV DATE REV (WED OV CERT IF IED FOR PAYMCREDT 7 /1 1 DATE 1 SIGNATURE V MI .. I FFIC 11414"C ' FORM 110.5, 06 USE INEVIOUS EDIYIONS. I .MOMMOIMOIM=MMft, I ., , 10.49) 3 Jorember 1 MEMORAIDURFORI CHIK441KADC3 -DIVIZION- VIA _TSD/Dudget Officer VIND7r MUM, Sibpro4ect No. 70 Invoice NO-. 4, Allotment 1123-,1009.1902 10InvOiee No. 14 in the amount of $33,028.12 covering the atcme7sUbproject is attached. Bowyer duo-to refunds of $1,422.00 froaother_Projects (aa per attaehments) payment should be made as follow: 2.-Iblease_forvard_the_checks to Chiefs:MD/Research Branch, through MO-mast �triter, no, later than ThLitetelah 17 Itommter_1960. 3. This is a final inlViCa� BOVOYer, FkinCa=it-i$ - anticipated that additional fUOds vill7be obligated-for this project, the files should not be closed. ! Chief V...D/Fie search Braiich AttaChaantal Invo/ce_&-Ce�rtifieationg _ EC Ki1,1 Distribution: Orig& 2 4. Addressee 1 - TSD/FASS Y C i=a1ro�OlrrA*1-- (3) It is hereby certified that the prograe under Subproject 72 has been satiafactorily completed ancl returned iarrused Amiss Now. evert Subproject_70Iwhich is still continuing also refunded money which vas-left over at _cutout from previous grant. Itereforeo it is requested that the amounts as shown below on Invoice N. 4, of Subproject 70 be credited to the subprojects u shove Amount NOR Allotment #72 072.03 2769 7-2502-10-001 )70 1150.00 571 0525.-.104094901 _ Date: Date: -51-er,-TraD e�T's-r---arch-Branch Re search Dire INVOI For SerVices 32 .worammtAira,wksa.mwardsuembammalkoomawiratrimpa4swomwavirimswartalwsowir drwawywma,qgroweww ammo." CIRTIFICATIONS (1) It Is hereby certified that this is Invoice No. 4 applying to Subproject 70 cf-MKULTRA, that performance is satisfactory, that services are being accomplished in accordance -with mutual agreemente, that a detalled_agenda of the payments and receipts__ is filed in TD/R3, thet this bill is juatend correct andi that payment thereof has not yet been made. aief, TSD/SescarCh7Branch Datei (2) it is hereby certified that this lnyoice applies to Subproject 70 under 140.11,11WV1lie2 vas duly approved am% that the projeot Ss being carried out in accord:Mee lath the meracTend= dated 13 April 1953 from the Da1to_tbelD0/A, and the extebeion-_of this authorit in subsequentimemoranies De.te: aD 1^ (3) It is hereby certified that the program uMer Subproject 72 has been satisfactorily congested -and returned %mused Auld*. Sow. ever, Subproject 70,LiCh is stilt continuing-also refunded money which vas left oNtrat cutout from previous grant. Therefore, it is requested that the anwunts as shaitn below ci invoice No. k of Subproject 70 be credited to the subprojects as shcArn, below. Date Date: trpject __Amount MOS Allotment #72. *72_40� 2768 14509,CO, - 571 0525T1009-11902-- PrO sw- riisear groxicli Reses.rch�Director aSawesrase TO; TSS/OC I. Date of Obligation: 2. Purpose of Project: To conduct research to define mechanisms involved in production of involuntary sleep,. and related unconscious statest. A�Progress to Date: Satisfactory ratioa-Dau: 31 September 1961 5. Project Mato : FROPIITSSIX RB Room IVNIC West 04.T3bUildinf,, al*** Xbaint 119 2292 DoWngeaded - by autheri* 14 October 1960 MEMORANDUM-FOR; THE RECORD SUBJECT - ; MKULTR.A, Subproject No. 70- - 1. The purpose otthis subproject is to provide funds for coatinuation_of research on the "K" (uncosciousraese producing) problem. Z. There exists within the Agency a continuing require- ment for highly potent, quick-acting substances that will rtncler an individual helpless and immobile, preferably in an unconscious state. It is anticipated that this program will provide funda.mental information needed for soliTtion oflhis problem. -The-s-cope of thip research program is intended to cover investigations on the mechanisms in which certain drugs induce anesthesia or narcosis, elucidate the basic mechanisms of action involved and uncover and evaluate materials_which have value because of their potency, phy- sical characteristics, and biological activity. 3. While information and materials available to date are inadequate to satisfy Agency requirements, there are model com- pounds which ,�_because of their potency, biological activity, or Downgraded to: tiTAI-- by authority of: tag" date: June 1977 IMFDET ; CIA Bygsgs, JOP SECP;F: IM?DET; CL BY4110011114 chemical characteristics, permit a prediction that an adequate research program-stands a good chance of developing an under- standing of the mechanism a.nd should result in the development of a material suitable for operational use. 4. The- will serve as cut out and cover for this eubprojet. The necessary research and development will-tie' conducted throug will submit to th mary alecounting of funds received from the foundation and will re- tura any unused funds remainOg at the conclusion-of the program. The estimated_cost of the work for a period of one year is $31,812.50. To thii sum must be added_a four per cent service-charge for the ;Ali= amounting to $1,272.48 making the total cost of thia program $33,084.98. Total cost of the project for one year will not exceed $33,084.98. Charges should be made against Allotment No. 1525- 1009-1902. 6. It is not anticipated that any permanent equipment will. be required for this program. 7. Documentation and accounting for travel expenses which are reimbursable by Dom73z' :d t mmina � b7 au! ,orit of: extt . jIbn 1977 T; CL BY �11. conform to the ac- � cepted practices of that organization. 8. The requirement for a semi-annual in orrnal accounting on the part of the investigator is',v.Paived'. /5 9. All personnel connected with the planning and monitoring of results of this program possess TOP SECRET approva � The pro- ject is unclassified after it leaves tht TSDIResearch Branch APPROVED FOR�OBLIGATION OF FUNDS: Date: ( Resear_ch ector Attachment: Proposed Budget Distribution: Original only 0: COMINTIV. .7 of 1977 ; CI! Ety� 19^ MSEARCHIPROPOSAL _ It is proposed to continue basic resesrohTonisleep and unconsciousnessialOng-the-lints laid down7by-the Sponsor and hisLtechnical consultanta. principalIinvestigator will exert-hisAestefforts in conduting research_to_deflne_the___ mechanisms-underlying proill&tion of involuntary sleep and to differentiate_the_mechaniams involvedr in the7production of_this__ form of_unconsciousness from other states ot_unconsciousness-or_ rented_behavior Because of generally poorstate_of knowledge in this area-of work and furthermore, because_of_the peculiar_ _____ requirements_of_the_SponsOr as distinguished frnm tee: usual medical requirements, it is understood that the major framework of the research design:for_this work Will be provided_by the Sponsor. Reports will-be rendered on progress of such studies and investigations as significant advances are accomplieled. _ ESTIMATED BUDGET � aiff��� SALARIES: Bio-Chemist $10, 000. 00 Pharmacologist _ 7, 500, 00 Anim.al_Ctaker 1, COO. 00 _ OAS' State-Unemployment Ins. 1,850. 00 00 Supplies and Expendable Materials 2 000. Animals and Feed 2, 000. 00 600. 00 R eproduction ervice s Travel 500. 00 IIMIEMIOMIREMEN4 Subtotal $25,450.00 Overhead (25% 6, 362. 50 TOTAL $31, 812. 50 Grant for : NeuxophySiological Effects of Sedative Agents Financial Statement June 1.1958 to July 1, 1959 Funds received _ Expenditures: 19,800.00 Wages & salaries Equipment 1,543. 86 Supplies 1,04861 Overhead 3,134.94 Total expenditures - 25527.41 Balance July 1,1959 ( ( $ 100.41) July 2, 1959 l'ave tha ; Grant for: Besearch-on SleeVamd Unconsciousness � Amount of G E____E41.1aEtt - M.M-1011DMINIM MS al Silk 4.13 0 900 00 - . . Salaries and Wages $12,824.60 Materials�and-Supplies 9212.97 . Travel - Services Social-Sm., Ins, etc. __ Overhead _153.92- 3,26.94i 1-4636-.W 3,206.15, 301,90/.00. '0;900.00 Balance - _ (When Filled In) No dr,/ Cost Aecotint /ffi,e Object Class Date 'Remarks and ReferencesIncurred Obligations _ _ ligatio Obligations Liquidated Dnliquidated Balance 27 P9c6re. _ �Id . 7 -I (ize-gi _ asay,9, v 1560 i:_4_____ , 1,1 2 , -- - -- - : TI _ . .. _ , '4E*eRtrrw""a6*4fts.�.- (When Filled In) 14 October 1940 MEMORANDUM OR: COMPTROLLER ATTENTION : Finance DIvisloa SUBJECT MKULTRA, Subproject No. 70 Additional_Authorization No. 3 Ueder the aulnority granted la the mernorandana_dated 13 April 1953 from the DC1 to the DNA. and the eagle:taloa of this authority in subsequent naernoranSa. Sub-project 70 ha been approved and $33.0784;98 eiThe over-all 14KULTR A pro. ject luude hiie been obligated to etre.? the subproject expenses. This obligation of fUnds sbi�1d be charged to Allotment 1525- 10094902._ TSD/Research Branch � APPROVED-1'0R OBLIGATION OIP FUNDS: Research Director Date: DIstributtoo: Orig. & Z � Mdressee TSD/OC ve. TSD/FASS Z TSD/RB TSD/RB 14 Oct. '60) ef/4 7 January 1960 MEMORANDUM FOR :__THE RECORDiITIT SUBJECT : Action on MKULTRA Audit Exceptions - TSS/CD SP#70 The $450,00 balance, expenditure of which was unaccounted for in this folder, is being held in th vow account and will be returned. Chief TSS/Chemical Division 18_Ju1y 1960 Recent_technical develorments and-the continuing availability of \ adequate research-facilities-,--along with tbe increased pressure - on the-production of a practil end. product related tithis projvt, indicate-that there vill be a continuing and, probably increased.-effort in this area. In view of-this, it has been decided that the funds mentioned above yill be retained for use in connection with the next re-financing of this project, rather than being carried over to scime_other_subproject by the usual- procedure-i- This project Will, as-presently scheduled,- be refinanced on-a-continuing basis in- October 1960. 30 October 1959 MEMORANDUM FOR: THE RECORD SUBJECT : MKULTRA NO. 70 The following endorsed and cancelled checks (photostat copies) issued by the re applicable to MKULTR4t No. 70. They are for salary expenditures on this subproject and are held in lieu of formal receipts which were not requested. Th normally_require_receipts for salary checks which endorsed,- cashed, or deposited constitute_acknowledgment of payment, - VAC-1 Aug 13, 1957 . $1500 #105 Oct 1, 1957 . $1500 #114 Jan 2, 1958 $1500 1122 Apr 1, 1958 ' $1500 Distribution: Orig only. Total $6000 TSSiChemical Division "Late Gentlemen: funds: z September 30, 1959 We are pieadto be able to transmit to you the 1foflovl Csshi r Chedk No. 00635 dravn on the for $30,900-.00. Treasurer's check - No. 2.235 drawn on for 4,236.00, Theae funds represent a contribution for tbe_use or your directors in carrying out the very vorthvhile researCh-goals-of your organization. Encl. sir -trulI No. �7, Cost Account AO. 'mar! "eriA Object Class Date Obligations Liquidated Unliquidated BsJuice Obligations Incurred Remarks and References - -- 96 -w 25 ilii do . 4,..." � . .� _ _-_ ___ _ _ � . _......... .__ _ . ..., _ , - -1 � 23_S4ptealbor 195 MEMORANDUM FOR: CHIEF, FINANCE DIVISION VIA ITSS/Budget Officer. suarECT ILICULTRASubprojoict 70, InvoLce #3 Allotment 05ZS4009-4902 �1. lavoice 13 coveriag the above subproject Is attached. Payment_sho_uld b_e_rnalle as. follows: Casblees_chi-ck in the asng� $30.900.00. drawn on payable to 2. Please forward the checks to Chief, TSS/Chernical Division. through TS3/An3get Officer, no later than Wednesday. 7 October 1959. � 3. 'This is a ftcal. invoice. However, since it is anticipated that additional funds will be obligated for this_project..the files should not b_st closed. Attachments: Invoice k Certificationps Dietributio Orig fa� Addressee *. 'NEC EIVZD 30 5-E? rbao.-f (When Filled In) � CONF IDENTIAL FUNDS POSTING VOUCHER VOUCHER NO. 7-112 DATE 2-4 VOUCHER NO. 7-12 �����, DESCRIPTION-ALL OTHER ACCOUNTI OX-SS 34.34 STATION 140,42 CODE SCRIPTION EXPEND p.o. ADVANCE ACCOUNTS IX.XT NO. ...... . cope PROP. NO. DE- ' � t .5f.$21 �701.0.S.C.0 N7C7. 00*+ ..... ... ..... : : :1-12; 3'te-Y 4; � � � � � � .1)./e. 0, � � � �/ � � � � � � � ... ea 44.44 PAT PER. 110. CODE 47-52 OWL 40. REF. NO. tecve5A. AMP. NO. - CA TR 54-S7 GENERAL LEDGER ACCT. NO. 54-67 ALLOT. OR COST ACCT. NO. 42.07 CA.AO. A NAP. NO. 9-70 DUE DATE 71-40 � AMOUNT 00.0[CT CLASS , , *.� (4- 0 � � :t: . . � .� IAVL / '35 � � � � � � . ... ..... � � � � F-100�0-������������,*����-��������--.- � 0 � .EXPLAWATION OF ENTRY , TOTALS r DATE PREPARED (11, DATE REVIEWED WV I FORM , 4-540 OW) unt intriv enoTgome. DATE I i� r / CERT F 1E0 FOR PAYMENT OR CR 01 IT TURE OF CERTIFYING (40. 4 urrotcr- For Services .. $32.136. 00 - fitatWA� IWO . Oft0001,04, WWWWW -OM WW 41.10.4�4040MMWWW CRRTIFICATIONS� (1) it is hereby cert.ifi*d-that this La Invoice #3 applying to Subproject 70 of MICULTRAthat perfo-rmance is satisfactory, - that services are being accomplished in accordance with mutual agreements, that a dstail4fd agenda of thti+ payments acid receipts is filed in TSS/CD, that this bill is just-and corract and that pay- ment thereof has not yet been made. Date: Chief, TSS/Chemical Division � (2) It isThereby-cortifled th-at this Invoice applies to Subproject 70- under IIKULTR-A which was duly approved and that the project is being carried ont in accordivn-ce-with the merooranduzzi dated 13 April 1953-from the Da to the DIVA, and the extension of this authority In subsequent memoranda. Date: Research Director xsaara za ce5FMINTIAL of: 1977 111FDLT; CL Byelaw.' MEMORANDUM FOR: THE RECORD D R AFT 18 September 1959 SUBJECT : MKULTRA, Subproject 70 1. The purpose of this subproject is to provide funds for a . air continuatioa of research on_the "K" (knock--out) problem. 2. There existsvithin the Agency a continuing requirement for highly potent, quick-acting substances that will reader an Individual helpless -and immobile, preferably in an unconscious-state. It is anticipated that_thie_program will provide fundamental information needed for solutiorL0f_this_pr_oigelyt, The scop.e-of this research program is intended to cover investigations on the manner in which certain drugs induce anesthesia or narcosis, elucidate the mechanism of action-of such compounds and uncover and evaluate materials which have pateatial value because of their potency, physical characteristics, and biological activity. 3. While information and materials available_to (late are inadequate to satisfy Ageacy requirements, there are model compouads lii_ which, because of their-potency, biological activity, or chemical characteristics, permit a prediction that an adequate research program stands a-good chance of developing a material suitable for operational Do- by dat of: 1977 'MET; CL BY -2- cut out and cover for this subproject. The neces research and development_ ill be conducted b� mit to h who will suba- a summary account- ing of funds received from the foundation and willreturnanyunu.ed funds remaining at the conclusion of the program. The estimated _ � cost of the_work for a period of one year is $30,900.00. To this sum must be added a four_per cent service charge for_the amounting to $1, 236.00 making the total coat of this_program $32,136.00. 5;-Total cost_of the_project for one year-will aot exceed $32,136.00. Charges should be made against Allotment No. 0525- 1009-4902. 6. It is not anticipated that any p rmanent equipment will be required for this program. Document.a.tion and accounting for travel expenses which are reimbursable by will conform to the-accepted J practices-of thatorganization. 8. The requirement for a semi-annual informal accounting on the part ci the principal iavestigator is waived. NV:13ra ed to erVc""1"1"1 by et rity of:- eato Juzo - Do iriaintirdlit/W ����\ y of: o1977 �2 ; Cis BYVOIllakmir 9. All personnel contiesied_with the planning and monitoring Downgt- - by - of results of this program possess TOP SECRET approval. The project is unclassified after it leaves the APPROVED FOR OBLIGATION OF FUNDS: Date: TSS/Chemical Division APPROVED: � 'Chief e earch '%rector TSS/Chernical Division Attachment: Proposed Budget Distribution: Original only to: CURIUMt ty of: 3 1977 CL -��54 PROPOrED�BVIMET-7 500. 00 Salaries$22, Overhead (ZO% of salaries) 4 500. 00 2400. 00 Supplies arid materials 1, 000. 00 Surviges 500. 00 Travel $30;900. 00 � 4 � sow-abet 1959 14.0d0RAI4dUht FOla: CObdPTROLLZit ATTENTION . : InJ111446 Divides 31111JEGT 14KU1411.4._$_ehpreisat � 171toltitt Ott sotherity gssated it the otsznottoduro_datsd � U Ara 19S3 ism the DC t to thii-DIVA, t$ the eitsasioss of - this sathosity it sebsottotot raszoonioda, Sobproject 70 Ms beteg tppeeved tad SSZe U6.00of tk. ever-s11,14KULTBA projec funds has best ohligat4d to cover this sebproject Sepsesss. This obligitloo of foods *Mold bt charged to Allotment 0$15-1009.A902. APPROVED-r0 Or FUNDS: TS'S/Chemical Divisloo OBT.IGAT LON Ross:ire% rector .batst Distribution: *rig & Addrassis "AL � OFFICE OP CONTROLLER Fianial-Statement Ju1y_4_1957_to_June 30,_1958: Funds received-L_ Expenditures: 41�1111. / $15;39000\:i1 I -Salaries $10,164.54- - Animal_Houses 2,73119 General_Sunplies 367.88 Tr�:Honorariu 85.00 Overhead - Total Expenditures Balance aine-A0958-(Deficit) June 23,1959 - 15,438.61. ($, 48.61) Assistant-Controller haver.examinedtfld:ApprOVtd tbe submitt047.-- AxpendIttito8,j- - - Date: Chie TSS/Cbsmical Division .MEMORANDUM-FOR THE RECORD _ SUBJECT Request for Authorization of Changer MKULTRA #90 �. 1: Authorizatioil to use outaid laborator facility requested by letter 9 June .1958 fro received 11 June 1958. Z. Verb�al authorization granted (by te1ephone)12 June 1958. WAR OT SE' ty NTE SOUR AN M D'VOLVO. 4 I June 9,1958 � In view of a moving ., from' u .wn t in the first part of the coming year, and -the resultant limitation of space and curtailment of activities, it is requested that authorization be'sgiven by you to the Foundation to have the second year of --researc activities on the art o be p1ced1h an outside.laboratory fact - lity. A letter fro- requesting the change is attached hereto for your perusal. There are no_objections-on the part of the Foundation to the chanp. ICindly notify us at your earliest convenience of your decision. Sincerel ecu ve_Secretary - Treasurer SITI INV" E SOL CES AND M._ 110 INVOLVED - emu e 44, MEMORANDUM FOR: The Record 'SUBJECT : Authorization for Facility Chahg , M ULTRA/70 . By letter dated 5 June 1958 from request was made for permission to_use outside facilities to continue second year-of_research. 2. Verbal authorization. for requested change la facility was granted 9 June 1958. As you know,- the is moving from In the early part of the coming year. On a phasing out schechile, many of the Departments, including Neurology, are to commence moving of facilities and personnel starting January 1959. You can not imagine the chaos and turmoil already in progress. For all intent and purpose, 'I would say that any productive work mould not be forthc,orang for the next two, if not three , fears. Since the completion of the nevurnedical school behind schedule, it would be difficult to predict when adequate space will be availablfor all the different departments. It ha l�eady been determhled-Ufat doubling up of both research and clinic space will be the order of the day, : As an interbil procedure, many of the research sections have looked to the use of outside laboratory facilities to fill the gap that will exist at school. The University recopizes the urgent need and necessity of outside facilities and will authorize the use of same. In order to conduct my activities in a smooth and orderly fashion, I would like pe,nnissiorcto place my second year of research in-an-outside oratory facility, namely, AM* Preliminary-discussions-With the De4n of the Medical School show no objections on his part to the use of the facility. mat If the relocation of the research project is accecptable, please notify me at the earliest opportunity. Your support has been greatly appreciated. Yours trtaic Associate Clinical Profesor 1 Atlas t Vs are pleased, to be able to transmit to you the folloving cb4a--118 1246 3 dra 945.24.r. - Mese funts represent a contribution forthe_use_of_your direetorivin-LcazTying out the very vorthvbile research goalvof - your organization. trtcl. OUrY- -1113.,y ,�11 CbiKka4e1 Ditision MAT 'NAP-MI.1f - - Distribution* Orig & 2 � Addressee 4..41 4/77 0 -� 1113 : � ;des � mitawrotat CaMis, nun= DITISICY VIA as' ISSIbudeet �Moor soon wanaR4 subyroNt To, inoraol Anotatilt_74932,4o-co1 1. Tavola. So., 2 eovertos the above subproject is attathed. Pteleent should be made as Wiwi: Cafehterte check stamot at $2%10.2.001 to Paltainfsr Cathie:Os Check in the amount or $945,2h Areva-4:4 a to 7-- 2. Please format the cbsoiks to CWiti /C cal Divisions tkrou& WA/Budget Officer, no later then Wedaesley, 28 Hey 1953. 3. %sit tarot** revestate ther total &moat current/y author* Lod volariAltItatjact 70. Bowever, since it is anticipated that additicoallfUndsoirill taLARNIAgatad for this project, the files thoad- pot be closed. , Attecheentis: ToYoke Ce�rtificatione J1,1,LIPs " - 1..1:�f: A.J. F v.:�..; _ CISTIFICATIONI selilit heteby certified-that this is Undo, fa applying to Subproject of XICULTRAi that porton:woe is astisfactory,-that services are being accomplished in accordence with matual agreements, that a detailed sgenda of_the payments anl receipts is on file in TB8/CD, that this bill is just ard *moot and that meant thereof has-not ret been cad** Dates (2) It is_hareby oertiSisUthatthiir invoice applies to Subproject & of $1311101A-uLich vas _duly approved, t4 that the project is being carried out in accordance with the_meteorandum dated-13 April 453 froa the COI to the DD/A, and the extsnsico of this authority in all:sect/eat aemorands. ftetarch Director - ;ow 28_Axivist 1.957 .� Ve araLpletted to be able to transmWto you.the follotringlundst Chiek drew oft tbe fOr tai840-.00- 2774 &min ott the for 4945.24 r f, Mese funds represent a contribution for the use-of your dIreotorsillt darning out the very vorthvhile researdh-goals of your organisation,- - September 11 1957� - Thu is to acknowledge the receipt of the following checksi for $21,840.00 -442774 drawn on r$94524 _ YoUr generous contribudons are irreatly Jppreciated. The fund/Will be utilized by otrr Board_of_Dtrectors Le7.1!inhering worthwhile, research projects in the field of medical. sciences� � Your s truly, ia � : Ilterf_OFFtet DIP/ATM CellinAt eus,ains=i 4,11 PIP64.11 FOR illtreuell 1St Ttl ar341 Mr NEN? OF PC.PAGL OEM MilITRUCTIOK1.-44ow RAMO. addreta and rioinber of bafos..� Coarptota "Instructions To Deliaerinj on 01?.! aide, when appbeabta.Moisten lkaanatild apa and 'pourer attach ,o back of muckier.- In. ' � itoNat.,-vaf'` � ikon trent et article- RIQUISIED. �an fiTal 0 r FACE F R fr"- w-ttatt-4 � :MEMORANDUM FOR: MEP', FINANCE DIVISION Y/41 TSS/IWIdget OUIcer SUBJECTi IttlfULTP.A, Sobproject_t0. lirt*IC41 11 Allotivaot 7-2S02-10A)01 haveteis it cov4ring the above subproject le attached. . Other 10VOLC4111 Win 60110W. It it requested that payment bit made is follows; Z. This clitit stuiuld be forwarded to_Clatef, TSSiChemic DIvIsloa through 133i Bidget Officer, st4n later_thaa _Friday, '12-='-::-'W/.3 16 Auguet 1957: _ �r. elite: - lavolce sod CeStlficetIons� DIstribution: Ortiz &2 - Addrestee - Comptroller TSS/FASB Z TSSLCD ..Vbairitromainwww. . I i 4.1Q' w.01 � IN IR WIN �a'� 111,0-411 4,0,11,10 a I! WV ;ID � MOO Mt SIAS 0-611_MILMa == cERTLFICATIONS � (1) It is hereby certified that this is Invoice 11 applying to Subproject 170 of MICULTRA, that performance is satisfactory,- that services are being accomplished In accordance with mutual agreements, that a detailed agenda of the payments and receipts is on file_in_TSS/CD� thTit this bill le just and correct and that payment thereof has not yet be-en - made. - � ' sm..11 Actizig Chief, TSS/Chemical Division .1 (2) It is hereby ceitilii-d-that-this Invoice applies-to Subproject 170 of - ItICULTRA_which was duly approved, and that-tbe-project is being carried out in-icordazicevrith_the memorandum dated 13 April 1953 from the DC/ to the DD/A, and the- extension of this authority in sub-; sequent memoranda. Date: Riliearch Dirlactor I 4 June 1957 MEMORANDUM FOR: THE RECORD SUBJECT F - Assignment of One IBM Electric_Type- writer to MKULTRA Subproject 70 la One IBM electric typewriter, No. 151957 (reclaimed from MKULTRA Subproject 57 upon its termination on 31 May 1957) has been assigned for use to MKULTRA Subproject No. 70. AM. � 2. Receipt ihereby acknowledged of one typewriter (IBM - Electric) No. 151957on 1 June 1957. The typewriter will be physically located inth Branch II_ TSS/Chemical Division Distribution: Orig &2 - TSS/CD ^ �Nes - a Ple AV a :744 - ...., � ,......, .........,,,n�-����-� ...����� _... _ r4.5 i'P ".. '. '',' ..-1.���,"..S =.4,4 TV.. ,..e.,1 7-111 ' 1,1.:.;!7..:,) :::VCeD i a 1.". '�'-':'4 ...,,__,..,...., ......, , ,.... .., v� . 41,4 0.4,..:5 L 4:1$ al oa, VV4 4a �����!Li::0.� o L. 1 � ����,-.1, 34 '..15,..b : siti-S �,.i...,,, 4424-1 im: va,:: ;la ......�����m���....., 4 - .....0. 10., SO 4.,... id, � � I I. i � 1.�������-����=a���ili� ....D. -....... �������4 �,,�������*-4-��������,�,..����- . *eq. a**. ...,......... aer--t� .��������-� sor�-������.4. ����A- .......--����� ...............e. ��� en,..,--�� ar�mir.� * �����-.. �������-�.� ..� - -.1 "A471-4 1 0 � r - � AP.edrAPkv..1 ��� M - w ff."1.. 016P: int* �57-4,. � - �-��,�� Is. M. VW-TM-A. M 4.1 WV - /111. VOWS - S. � -Wee, �rwa � 1 May 1957 MEMORANDUM -FOR: TUB CO4rthoLvell ATTENTION riaance SUBJECII _ mKulanA-Subproject 70 Under the authority granted In the Memorandum dated 13 A ril 1953 from_the_DC1 to Mir DO/A and the extension of this 'authority in subsequent memoranda. Subipreject /0 has been sp.. proved and 249;152.43 a the over-all Project MKULTRA funds .:YS beettobligated to cover the subproject'ilexpenses and should be charged ta Allotment 74502440-001. SG. SIDNEY Giyrrutu - Chief. TSS/Chamical Division 'APPROVED F611-1)BLICATION OF FUNDS: - - es;arch Director IhK1.1\ Distribution:, Ortg & 2 Addressee - 1 - TSS/OC ,-.TSS-/FASB 1 �TSS/SRB TSS/CD (1 May 1957) SUBJECT: MKULTRA-Subproject 70 1. The purpose of Subproject 70 is to initiate research work on the HICI(Knockout) Problem at the .2. The scope of the research program is outlined in the attached research proposal. There exists within the Agency a con- tinuing requirement from the Operating Divisions for a substance or substances_that will render an Individual or animal helpless and immobile either consciously or unconsciously, until definite control measures_can be institVitd,T-It is envisioned that this program will - supply some of the answers so sorely needed. A.% . �;10.114* %mow 3._ It is expetted-th-at will monitor and direct and actively partici ate in this proje'ot_as_principal investigator from the as an where arran ements have been made for his appointment � 4. In view of the magnitude and scope of the proct, it is felt that a-t-wo-yeAr period is required for realization of some answers to this intricate and complex problem. Therefore, a two-year re- search proposal is attached. The cost of this program Is estimated at $21,840.00 for the first year; $25, 422.00. for_the second year; for a total of $47,262.00. To this sum must be added $1, 89048 repr s ntin a four percent service charge to the making the total amount for two years $49,152.48, The Foundation will function as cutout and cover for this grant. The cover title of_the project i MN* and is presumably being suppo t4:1 by a research grant from - the Foundation. 5. The total cost of the project for a period of two years will not exceed $49,152.48. Charges should be made against Alto rry�lerst 7-2502-10-001 116 D by 011 67 -4115111rt 6. The Foundation has requested the University to submit a summary accounting of monies received and to return any unex- pended grant funds at the end of the project year. 7. Title to any permanent equipment purchased by funds _ granted the Untversity-shaWb�ta1nedbj1hemth lieu of higher overhead rates. 8. It was mutt.Tally agreed_that documentation and accounting for travel expenses which are reimbursable by the University shall conform with the accepted practices of that institution. _ 9.� The requirement for a six months' informal accounting on the part of the princl2a1 investigator is waived. � 10. is cleared through TOP-SECRET and is aware of the true purposes of ihUprogram. Also, he_has_agreed to comply with the-requiritnents of the Memorandum of Agreement, Chief, _Bra�cbJl TSS/Chemical Division APPROVED�FOR�OBLIGATION Approved: OF FUNDS__ Researc Director- TS eretcal Division �r Date: 1,57 Attached: Research proposal Distribution: Original only t Jr' Ell. 1.1t11.:.rity Juno j77 17.`Z":.Yr�":- B .11�A t I er; er, BY here ex sts within the _Agency a continuing requirement from the Operating Divisions for a substance or substances that will render an individual or animal helpless and immobile, either consciously or unconsciously, until definite control measures can be instituted. The Instances and situations where such an advantage can be utilized are - too numerous to be mentioned. Within TSSICD this problem has been designated the "Kli (Knockout) Problem. From various sources (scientific literature, TSS/CD projects, etc.) numerous bits of disjointed information have been accumulated in - � this area. Many provocative suggestions were raised that warrant - further investigation. To date, there are no active projects or indivi- duals specifically established by TSS/CD for the investigation of this problern_. Therefore, this project was designed for the purposes of centralizing all efforts in this field, consolidating the existing data, and initiating active research on some of the many existing provocative suggestions. - - The project will be established within the divided as follows: _ Initially, the research activity will be . Th-e-Experimental Evaluation of Sedative Agents A. TicWParalysis Certain species of ticks (genus Dermacentor) have been incriminated in a clinical syndrome commonly referred to as "tick paralysis". This syndrome occurs in both man-and animals. It results from a tick bite, and is characterized brascending flaccid paralysis of the musculature. Removal of the tick is usually followed by complete_and rapias spontaneous recovery. Thiology of tick paralysis remains obscure. The disease is believed to result from the inoculation of some unidentified tick-generated, toxic substance 'which appears to be neurotropic. As a by-product of Project Naomi, a sizeable amount of this neurotropitoxisubstance is being isolated. The development and experimental evaluation of this substance as a sedative agent will be carried out within the scope of thi"K" Problem project. . Downgraded to:=0001,- by atithortCY.of: : date: Juno 1977 'VZ MUT: CL BY � B. Narcotic Effect a Fatty Acids As a result of preliminary investigations carried out within MKULTRA Subproject 57 (terminated 31 May 1957), it was found that the parenteral administration of fatty acids-induced-a state of uncon- sciousness in small animals which when examined by_electroencephalo- gram techniques turned out to be similar to ordinary_skep. The ' length of narcosis varied with the dose of the fatty acid administered. Of extreme interest is the fact that fatty ac14s, unlike other narcotic agents, are normal constituents of the diet and_body_tissues. Investigation will be carried oUt on: 1. Mechanism of fatty acid narcosis- � 2. Effective modes of administration other than parenteral,ia. oral, respiratory, - Additional fatty acids = short or tong chain, saturated and unsaturated. C. Assay of New Sedative Agents _ The methods usually employed fc14-th6 assay of sedative drugs-- are not specifically directed toward the evaluation of sedative activity although all methods utilize one or another of the characteristics of - "sleep" as the criterion of effect. In the absence of a pharmacological definition of sleep, evaluation of sedative action has been conducted at different levels of this state, ranging from sleep itself to hypnosis, and even to general anesthesia. It is apparent that theriteria or endpoints employed in such evaluations have either overshot the target of sedation_or_have not bracketed it adequately. This then leads to a state of general confusion in the evaluation of the newer_sedative agents. To utilize effedively the sedative agents available, both tested and untested, requires the development of a systematic method of testing and systematic method of characterizing the drug, both in terms of the symptomatology produced and in terms of describing potency in producing given effects by means of standardized and valid statisticaiprticedures. An objective report will be designed that will attempt to standardize the reporting procedure for all TSS/CD research Downsraded to: COMM by authority of:ANININRww, do.te: JIM) 1977 E2 1.7Z:,; CT.,137 �-411 7-4 ' � '41,4 by .a4thority datoi Jurie 1977 3 E2 11.2DET; Cl, BY projects employing aninial experimental procedures. IL Incapacitating Agents -'.." 26)"- As a result of animal testing proceduresa number of centrally acting skeletal muscle relaxants WZire be found. Several --- are or have been evaluated clinically in man with varying results. Occasionally,- cliriical reports appear claiming that certain pharrna cological agents that have minimal muscle relaxant effects in some experimental animal preparations produce drathattc_reitef of spasticity in man, Clinical Impressions are the usual criteria of effectiveness. . 'There exists within the the o ortunity_or clinical evaluations of some centrally aitingikeletal muscle riraiiiitebiithe-therapeutic-- relief of spasticity in man. ( rownsreded to: COIFICRIVAL by authority of: date: .711:::e 1977 E2 C7, LY DorVad � by a !..t?Dra; cis BY 11 TIM First year. Neurophysiologist (M.D..) �7-- �6,000.00 Research associate (Ph.D.) 4 000.00 Lab technician 3,000.00 Lab_assiliant and secretary 3,000.00 Equipment, apparatus 2,-501::c 00 Supplies, expendables 1,000.00 University overhead (14%)- Second year A $19,500.00 2,340.00 $21,840.04 Neurophysiologlst (1k/I.D ) 7,000.00 Rdearch associate (Ph.D. ) 4,500.00 3;30000 - Lab technician Lab assistant and secretary 3,200.00 Equiptne-nt, apparatus, etc. 1,50G00 Supplies, expendables, animals 1,000.00 Animal keeper 1,80M0 $22,300.00 University overhead (14%) 3,122.00 $25,422.00 Doing -ed t. 6Ft6thT(AL by thori. of: bOknntul.i-- d : 177 2: Cr3 B 1111110120.