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Publication Date: 
January 1, 1978
tAKI.11,TRA Institution'! Notification:5. An.c.^ rican Pz.:ych 'logical Association _ Arn::ri car. P5: ycholog� ,ical A;tciaU 1i.)0 Dat Stn.:et, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20036 � 1)?..cte.rioWca1 and Pharmaceutical Consultant, Inc. � Subprojects 78; 110 , (also MKSEARCH) ; . Suhpvoje ts 107.* 125 Bio-Research, Inc._ not sent 1 t st,- it0 7 . � Bra^ stenda1t1 FiAindation- . see )1.J. Rawl Foundation) ,Subproject 22 _ - --- � Suliptgrect 142 � SuVp-c.J.cts 91, 94 --8ubProjcts-8, 10,63, 66 75, 1".. (alsio13.1,UE/AR'r) - �. _ - 1 St:Ibiirojectt; 53, 12.0' � .1: 11 Dun c 11.1lin.1 and .11ealtb - .1.3utleV110::pif.d and Ileatii CLIact _ 333 Grotto A P rCiOdenc... ititOde 15:1i111 El 02906 -1;:it.,:i.snti aeaal Summer V ith _ _ 7 � RFD f.-1 � Ellsworth, Maine 04,605 - � - Columbia Uniwrsit � Columbia Universit� y-- Morningside Heights � New York, New York 10027 Cornell Universit - Sikbpt-ojects _sUbp.roject 103 Su.bprojectS 7, 27, _40____ � _ _ e -�= Subprojects 323e l.30 - � � ' .e Medical School at Cornell � Subp_oz jes' t_s.40, 61, 65, 81, 1 (also BLUE/ART � CornelIlIpiversity and the Medical School at Cornell � ' � .� Ithaca, New York -14857 _ � - - � , s University of Denver - University of De If liver � 2301 South Gayford St. Denver, Colorado 80210 - = - � � - . � Subprojects 51, _ Subproje-ets/ 5; 29, 49 , � Subproject 127 'e _ . � � - � � " � e � 'SA � . 1 � � � � A ne r,ourational. TtstingService - � Uctue:( t1 Tel.ting Service !Inset:Lae Ra. Princeton New 3e -cy- 0a52;0 Rinclry Universitr Emory Voive,..rsity Atlanta. Ch:orgi.a 303Z2 � University of Florid. &Ansi-111e, Florida 32601 ' Geolml_elasbington Univert orge 'Slashing o versity. Washington, D.C. _ 20052 � Harvard Univers! 1�ta.,1;litchtlsetts 0213B � Svbproj -ct � ...)1,1 : Su.birToject 116. 116 (also MKSEARC11)-- Jects 2 � :- � " . � Subt 126 projet _ = Subprojects 23; 35; 45. Ji.S. , -� ".� Subiiojects 57, i24� � � r � ��� Subikioleet 129 � t � Subpi-ojects 84, 92 - Subproject 102 r � � r ' � ve� � � # � � 4, , ..� - "rtity of Irooston Texas 77004 of 1114.01.�; tinir!:rsity Urbana. Illinois 61801 � -----_, I) rersit I Idi Ha, Bloomington, Incli Ina 47401 . Ionia Stite Iloaiii.-fOr Criminallyjn_sane --- _____ � see Psychopathic Clinic of the Recorders Courts, City of Detroit) � � . � Stilyroi Subprojcct. (.1Is) BLUE/ART) '121.21ohns University _ . . �� The�Johndipplons_liniversity Chitle-s and 34-al-Streets Baltimore, Maryland 21218 Eh ly p_any 30-7.E. McCarty St. Indianapolis, Indiana 46206 tJnisityofMztrtnd � University f P;Iiyiind Witte Park MEI : Z074 Z. � ��� -*D.* ���%Air� � -- � � Subprojec�t'87 , � � s. � Sit-hp-rrojecti 23 _ � - 3 7 ; 147 � , 1/4 St-0:-. 9, ;:i; � � * Subpl-oject 59 - - .,., � � � � -.�77.4 � j. . � to:titttto of Teretuo t�Z- 4'1 � '54 � '" � r.e. Lias.sacittisotts Iitstitute _ Center. tor II 41. ernatkih-i-11...Stuclies Cambridge, Mass. CP. 139 UnivinIgly_sf Mi_nn.esota ��� � University of Minnesota Minneapolis, Minn. 55455 � Montana. StatrIlle Montana State o Bozeman,- Montana 59715 tIii*t-(kie:cl. 90 � Saprojects 5 � 25 - � (also BLUE/ART) - .� � ,Sithproject .2 - _ � � � � � � � . . - �� .J.P.fclorgan and Co-, Inc. . Subproject 53 . . . J.P. Morgan and Co., Inc. -- 23 Wall Street� New York, NY. 1G015 atory at Bordentown New Jersey Reformatory at 4 � e.1-4�1�':�; Vox 509 new t; . � � r�I.! uro-As siatricinstitute New olery tleuropsychiatric Institute Box 100 Sekillmau, . 08558 r .� SubprojeCts 7 *.27 40 � (also BLUE/ART) � . � � .1. � � ft � � � . � � � � - � ,.. � � �� �" � � . -- 4 "g � Subproject 47 Subproject 47 - (als.o AKSEARCII) � 44. � � A. 4 � � � _ � . � � Otti3 _ - 0:tio 43210 - � Up i�evrsily 01.1lithoma Universikialloata - - - � 660 Tarring ton �mai Normin,, Oklahoma __-7.1019 - oromic_Researdi, Inc . not s t � 7.* � _ -Chemical Company, Inc. Noose Chinfcal Company, Inc. Manrfactures of Orgo_nieChemicals . . Lock liavon; Pennsylvania � Uthvetty of Pcnnylvna , University t� Pennsylvania �'rhiladelphia, Pa._ 1917.1� nnsyl vat� -1i State Usiiversitt Pertrt.SylV-Ini.1 State �AsiZy 201 0.1.! I , Pciatt.ylv,711aLt. 1680Z 11.1t1liCOO � Princcii(g,t vvr:lity Princcton, N . 0854G .� - Subproject_94 - Stibp �Sects 20,31, . . � � . ..ttbproje .-1; � � SO.T1-9 ects 1;- 88 op 1:18,.:69., 10.;..i *ztatt..:1106:pital c Ironi. , tilichigau 48846 Ottec.a$.: Colte City littive-rsity ii114ttiv Yo-1-17. F):).:71-tirtg, New York -11361 toers Rutgers University. - - New BiliniWick, N.3. 68903 11.3. Rand-Foundation - Brzs1.!; ounrha_ 12720 Lake Shore-Dril7e:.______ Cleveland, Ohio__ titt:110 .� Resources ReSearch,Inc. - not st-nt University of iit.ichmocul___- - University of Richmond Richmond, Va. 23173 � � t � Subproject 106_ ** � , � IP � 1�Subpxojects.17., 46 .148 (also BEAM/ART) Subproject 146 * , r � � ' � ' - - - Stanford Universit School - - - - ' UniVersity Sehaol of Medicin- Stanford, California _94305 ." University of Texas 601 Colorado Stet Austin, Texas. =78701. . � Texas CfrxistianUfltrL . Texas Christian University . � Port Worth, Texas 76129 � Universit - of Wisconsin :Zo i� it.. v.:. 53*(06. � : � 1 � - � - Subproject 109 ��" � �:� Subproject 138 � � � � � ' Saproject .119. " � Subprojects 97; 105 � � SuivrtIct.1% 124. 140 (Ama ?.1K,SEARCI ) St; � � �� ` � � � , Subproject 11 It: _ 81,1)projects 70, 71; 86'., 85b2 -* � � ." 1 a � � � t a � � an^' � � - A�g ...� �� � � � - � � tAKUL`,C.RA Add ition..1 lr;tit 4iid I. A U.= t ti A Federal Pealti ry_ - - t.Sttreau of Prisons 320 First. Street. NW. Wa.;hingto.-e, 2: Bureau of I�1- Drug Enforcement Administration 1405 1 Stre-et,--11. W. WashingIon_C _ 20537- - 3. Coznputer Analysls Unable to locate - not sent_ J . Leler UnivesAty Georia. Unable to locate - not sent LexirtrIton tuek._y Narcotics Farm - National Ifistitute on Drug Abuse 11400 Rockville Pike " Ratloaell Building Rockville. Maryland 20352 7, McGill UniverLity I-- P. O. Vt.:, 4070 mon tre:,1 Quebt,--.c I .3C_34/. (S,Abproje(.t CI) - itp `, (Sibpojects 3, 14, 4? 149) , - (oject 125) (Silbproloct 5 Cosponsor) (Subproject 129)' ;.Su,bproject i .� T.* � � � _ - ,,t E. National 10!;titutz of nealth t-a 1--t- � " itockvilkt. Pi:so ?OOP; 9. National Institute of Mental. Itc..-altit Director Parklawn 13uildn' Room 17-99 � � 5600 Fishers l.ane - Rockville, Maryland 20851 .)14.9).--oiccin 36. 45, 0. _ 10. National (Subproject 58 - Cosponsor) Unable C.o locate - rot sent � .� _ 12. National Research Council � Unable to locate-not sent � 13. Office. of Naval Re a ch (Sutptoje.A 7 - Cosponsor, eIsa 54 - cjncelled) � � - . . Office of Naval Research 800 N. Quincy Street _ . Arlington, Virginia 22217 � 14. }Aeolic. Health Service Assistant oecretary for health 5600 Eisht-ws Lune Itvez.vittt.. 6a � ".: .;:rf� � . � (Subproject 7 - Cosponsor. also4.46) (Subproject 94)- . .- Val,* � W � � fiae, � � . . 18. Veteran; Kdinintstration Center, Mart_ bur .1nta nsburg, W. Virginia 25401 � 19 Worcester oJxpe;imtal Biology - � - Unable,to locate not sent ql. (Subp ojcc 7 18,140 lip,� (Su-)projects 103I 1 . 121) (subproject Tz5) % (Subproject 81 - � . � � 11 � � e- 1.-KSEARCIi ittltio:Izt I .....,cc..ttitve. Bureau of Narcotics ' Drug Enforce:Pie:A Adzumst ation 1405 1 Street', N.W. Washington,: D.C. 20537. s a HKS ARCH 3 AKSE R I Z � � � � � � MKSEARCM 5: s � k � ARC II 3 I � s � � 4 � . � � � � %v. to � � - uniy.ychiaric lust-Apt: ( fIcAv Jeiey Nt:urnpr.-y-c.)iatrie Institute itox 106 N.J. � 08:-.!..8 Vacaville S ate Prison talifoinia Medical Facilit Vacavire, California 951,88 � � � � � � � ��� lit.ttEnitt.D/ARTICliO%t.: I: 13ureau of Narcotics - ug grtforcernellt Adininistratio 1405 I�Street, Nan/. . . Washington, D.C. 20537 t Cornel iLv Cornell University and the Me al School at Cornell Ithaca, New York 14857 9 De-)artineat az .5i,riculture ' Secretary of-Agriculture Washington, D.C. 20250 UniversitIlhroi University of Illinois Urbara, Iflinois 61801 Eli LillySon2E.ailx Eli Lilly Company 30/ E. McCarty St., indiana 46206 , " Us ti v rif Michigan � Univc.:�ity 4 Michigm Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109 Unix or� Minrwnota kiitInf,:;ott Miniteapoli, Minn. 55455 � National Ins,tituto_of licatth _ � � F�f' 900 itockville Pike Bethesda, Maryland 20014 Public Health Service Assistant Secretary for Health 5600 Fishers Lane Rockville, Maryland 20853 2.1 � , �- , . ,� ' ' f014'.0.A*010,404f 0,���.** � � ��� � � � � � � . � W. � v**,�� OTHER. PROJECTS= Children's International Summer Villaaes, Inc. (CISV) _ CISV has requesterUhe following statement be supplied to persons receiving notice that it was included among the institutions notified by CIA: a CISV unwittingly received a grant for research. from CIA; and CIA in no way participated in the design and execution of�t.he research. Massachusetts Institute of Technolny (M(T) MIT has requested the tollownij-aatement be supplie to persons receiving notice that it was included among the institutions notiqed b CIA: .1 The activIt conducted-at MIT involved a study of the scientist � in the:-.- to produce a descriptive model of the type � likely to come in-contact with Americans. The'project was . cow!u.-t�:r1 by a gu.:st of MIT and rtAther :...e.tainistered nor funded through MIT. � � : ik st