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Publication Date: 
June 13, 1958
- At, - 7.10� //9 ,sev� �,.....e�le5rae�.1* 51, _ Adaa�ftsalholoW WNW Vil2a* II JUL - II Jut- 1953 " 111:11A110118 OklakTIMS, 741,241),TAM FlY.A1--X3 AN) FOTIFETE3 LXWITcl LAMMED BAIR= .,A�e7414 464. -1::�,12:,y,T' - _Afkt- ' 47/ � - - - - ���,-.Vee 195$ MEMORAND ; COMPTROLLER -- ATTENTION : Fla:me* Division SUBISCT MKULTRA. Subproject No. IS Under the authority granted in the Memorandum dated 13 April t955 from the DCI to the DD/A, &ad the extension of this authority la subsectuent memoranda, Subproject SS has be.. opprov*d and $5,000.00 of the over-all Project MKULTRA funds have been obligated to cover the subproject's expenses and should be charged to Allotment 9-250Z-10401. ye z- Chief TSS/Chemical Division APPROVED FOLOBUGATIQN OF FUNDS; Date: CERIPt r.!`-ir:.f.: A Distribution; Orig & i � Addressee I � TSS/OC /1- Tss/FA313 1 � TSS/SRB A'; '.��� � 10 July 195$ FO : C LET, FINANCE DIVISION VIA SUBJECT TSSiBud et Officer MICULTRA, Subproject 88, Invoice No. 1 Allotment 94502.10-001 1. Invoice No. 1 for the above subproject is attached. Pay. meat should be made as follows: Cashier's check in the amount of $5,000.00, drawn ank and made payable to the . Pleas. forward the check to Chief/TSS/Chemical Division through TSS/Budget Officer by_ThUrsday. 24 July 1958. 3._Tttis is a final invoice. A total of $5,000.00 was obli- gated under this subproject during FY 59. However, eince it is antici- pated that additional funds will be-obligated for this project, the files should not be closed. Attachments: emical Division lI CHE.1.3K-ii-.7...:4^.1 THE A.N.N.:1uNT 0F. Invoice it Certifications RFECFM;FD. A. � Dia ribution: rig & 2- Addressee 5? Sry cc//f Cc/& �Teerc. fiN*1,,,..tioxf,r,k�Steqesimoso,,meowom January 1959 emorandum Subject: We received the sum of$5i000.00-for the special four -months study to product a-series of cultural studies. The consultant fee of $3,000.00 was paid directly to and the (-1� sum of $310.00 was paid to-him-forTtypitg-expenses. ,This leaves a balance of $1,69p.o0 in the account. _ October 24, 1958 Enclosed is the check. I am still reading the lost material. I find that I'm way behind on all of my reading, including your lost section, for which I oPologize. I shall be away much of next week but will be in touch by telephone to try and arrange an appointment, Regards to the family; ' Sincerely yours, five Secretory Enc: 1 RECEIPT hereby acknowledged for 8 I 58 drawn oa the ia the amouat of k No. ZZ641Z, VIA SUBJECT " 10 July 191$ NDUM FOR: CHIEF, FINANCE DIVISION TSS/Eudget Officer t UKULTRA, Subproject $8, Allotment 9-250240.001 ice No. I ?P 7 1. Invoice No. Ifov the above subproje ts attached. Pay meat shoald be made as follows: 2. Please forward the check to Chief/TSS/Chernical Division through TS'S inudget Officer by Thursday. 24 Jult19515. 3. This is a final invoice. A total of $5,000.00 was obli� gated under this subproject during FY 59. However, since it if: antici- pated that additional funds will b� obli stet' for this project, the files should not be closed. Attachments: _ Invoice It Certifications Distribution: Orig & 2- Addressee 1 - :SS/FASB TSS/CD TSS/CD ITSS/Chemical Division a M a * WWWW a a CERTIFICATIONS rr--7 $5# 000. 00 (1) It I. hereby certified that this is Invoice No. I applying to Subproject No. 88 of biKULTRA, that performance is satisfactory, that services are being accomplished in accordance with mutual agrimments, that a detailed agenda of the payments and receipts is on file in TSS/CD. that this bill is just and correct and that payment thereof has not yet been made. Date: Chief, TSS Chemical Division (Z) It is hereby certified that this invoice applies to Subproject No. 68 Of MICULTRA which was duly approved, and that the project is being carried out in accordance with the rnemokandurn df.13 April 1953 from the DCI to the DD/A, and the extension of this authority in subsequent memoranda. Date: Re arch D r actor tyw? 111- MEMORANDUM FOR: COMPTROLLER ATTENTION I s Sinaace Division SUBJECT s MICULTRA, Subproject No. MI Under the authority granted Lo the Memorandum date 13 April 19$3 from the DCI-Wthe DD/A. and the ertensioa of Ibis authority In subsequent rnentoranda. Subproject 88 hts been approved and $5,000;0041 the over.ull Project MKULTRAltands have been obligated to cover the subproject's expenses and should be charged to Allotment 9 4isoa*totot1. , 5c �.2 - APPROV 'D OBLIGATION OF FUNDS: Date: RaseAreb rector 01B,aa Chief TSSLChrmical Division - Distribution: Ori 14 Z Addresses 1 - TSS / OC 1 - T SS IFASB 1 - TSS / SRB J - DEAF 9 July 1958 MEMORANDUM FOR: THE RECORD SUBJECT : Project MKULTRA, Subproject 88 I. The purpose of this subproject is to provide funds for the compilation of information and background material for a short course in Culture Appraisal. This work is undertaken in re5p0n3e to a requirement established with TSS by th will essentially_follow the attached proposal. 2. witting consultant of the has agreed to act as principal investigator and to an un- produce the required material within the time limitation specified by .The cover used to explain this requirement t is outlined in the last paragraph of the proposal. 3. The funding and nominal supervision of this project will be handled by the in the regular manner. Accounting for the funds expended will be according to the procedures previously established for th relative to grants to unwitting agents.- Any unused funds remaining at the conclusion of the project will be returned to the Agency. It is not anticipated that any permanent equipment will be acquired during the project. Travel funds will be accounted for in a manner - consistent with the established practice of the 61- . The total cost of this project fora period of four months beginning 1 July 1958 will not exceed $5,000.00 including those administrative costs borne by th Charges should be made agaist Allotment 9-Z50Z-10-001. Approved for_Obligation of Funds-: Date: (le,_ 7,4 - TSStChemical Division Attachment: Research Proposal Distribution: Original Only It Is esicttIaI that Anoti penouei In untcct1on wh divWuok of Fe of a foreign country hove a clics understonding of the "sack chereette" of that countrY. In order I* achIeve such an undentondtng, the Au-4cent whether he be in business, In govrnmnt oe a tourist,hit own society and how it Influences his perceptions and behavior. The task-of developing this und torsding has never bean- .. fully appreciated In the American culture, despite the foot that the social sciences have ,iz�d for rnoey years the necessity foe developing frames of reference, training pro I specifi c 13ine for behavior under given situations. Row con the knowleige the . Gni skI Its ofifsocloi sctsntist be best opIkd te this critical, notional problem? It is felt that the writings in the fields of cultural anthropology, sociology, social psychology, political science und economics contain adequate InFonnation at the present time to erect a theoretical fromeworic for conmun1ctlng to the neophyte In intonational offal es: a, on undorstavJing of current literature about his own or any fordn area b, an undsntondlng of the power and social structure of mest ore of this world c, a system for rapid assessment of the interplay the various social and cultural forces In a given area wually concluded that it was better to have no knowledge then to have incomplete know. It was felt that short-term training In such a complicated aree could at best produce only pseuda�sophistication which, in most cases, is MOM deromIng than ignorance. The _ tra!rhop Woks have been relocated to attempts to convey specific substance pertaining t events of a piven area titer than atterripts to provide a bread unhrtoniInj. Further, Metals of t vo sur hair training prOWOMS to the theory that to fill the cisof�nyglventhf�T Ap- chkes .1 Solution". It is felt that the efficacy of short t-erm troIn1npi.oprums has tested. No concentrated attempt has fully t those portions ofsockl Wen, lore which ccn be readily assimilated by the neophyte od a2pIk4 for his own lob. As an experiment, it Is propoaed that the Miowing be compiled for U51 in teachinp a course in "cultUre Me3sinent": a. on integrated report coverling the molar literature on social chorocter b. on annotated bibliocoophy appropriately catwrizing major considerations oulture assessrnetit oflnterncit1niI affairsto be brief r of American nuflenat character tUIy1 00 tatton k t. a to* o syste itlzod nthod of votIonpiviJ1n3 e (Ins for comparison can in comparitively short time equip an h v1dualongoe in intercItucoI affairs with greeter efficiency and con-, uquently 1MptOVOd Of success a the proficiency whether it t 4s training 1,0 carefully evaluat to exttnd such training to other geographic or for ssrviei from the s bee* **(sir to a am me � reviiremeats you have outlined. Urn.. it is Irapossild* to guarantee meeting the =W- ombat MS deatliao,, bet every effort will be made to do so. �. TSS/CD will act as my 'trip. *staidly* La p SDI 414 g this projeet. It is hoped that you wilt feel temilately (re* Co afar whatever advice, guide*** sad plasslag Is noteseary to !nears that this activity will meet our steeds. iI *Antoci uSgvelvi that �0014 SS practicable La ardor to tmulats the, project pti for my Mal approval. TSS/CDi 9 Ju 2. ta the emitine, however, there is one projeet I should like to reiiut, to be undertaken at the earliest practical at, and completed kriald-Sel4 teller, 1993. Pis project concerns the devel cent of a package which can be i$o& in the training of the to enhance his understanding of his ow and other culteres, The -ability to develop favorable__ rtiationships with individuals in a foreign country, Is clearly haele requirement for the Sliebt an underetanding should be 'based upon a knowledg, of: a. Aserleartcharacter - end how it Influence. � theway the M.rtcaa looks-at himself, at foreigners, aM many different phasesof his living.-. oolalt , -character of the country to which the Is being assigned, and how it will influence - -- the attitudes ant values of the natives of that country, % More liPeafitt1441 it-le-requesteti that two produced, 45A0 Orb:erica& culture, and one for Ihrei-froa a survey of avallialle-knoelefte *Joh will contain � following Mattel for eaoh-oolturst b. A bibliography of the major literature categorlted in some appropriate fashion with c summary of the major potato covered in each area. - a, A listing and brief description of major readings which would be most useful to the beginning student. Li 1G3dIL1US 1121.11,it iS tit te toscriptioa of the differitat approaaboo iddelt ays beei vast to GM/ Mariam social &water, or any parts an& oltaaplaa of ropretontative findings which bars - � t 04th aPirt4a4a� lor oisnele, tktriategratel report i1% i2o1uds a discussion of the *ore pluenil attitvivis ant relatedto Anoticsa social eharaoter1 attitatto an& values associate4 with sootat olatto eat attitudes *a& Talus &statists& with partosaliti erianisatite� lilastraticus of th4, three different levels sliest ineltdo *Attila'ss towards fatiga ant othate pimple pattons of up-mobility striving,* associated with partioulu tool&l-olass anti attivatisa studios at the Aso& such a* the Itolorkettantss needs &twists& with oortsla aspects of conformity lieluvelor� � of the time liaitaticao larolsod, it it olctr that the initial-packaito acid not be taioi oa sztaustivo survey the litoratero, lint *Ott oa a rorettatatits will% . . projoct the Chia � 11 discauta with PAM* represent& re the p. on to persuaded to ..- . tiske it. oat a--would t- the � and t