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Document Creation Date: 
September 25, 2024
Document Release Date: 
October 4, 1999
Sequence Number: 
Case Number: 
Publication Date: 
October 29, 1952
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� � * .29 October 1952 Between the las /indicated date (9 April 1952) and mid-October 1952, and the writer conductold Artichoke experimentation nt.te trips. The first trip was in June and the se n tr p extended from mid-August to early September. In view of these trips and in view of the additional work and confusion resulting rout preparations for the trips, it was agreed by all hands in botnin- t ces to abaondon the H experimentation during the summer. .t eter returning from and the writer held of conferences concerning the eiPerimentation with rman.and it was decided that. the.experimentation shOu d not 4giumrY, � on y egi again, but it should be broadened and the experiments made ' More compl cated and more of an operational type. bleannerm sup- ' orted hes proposals and stated that he was certaihat oul now give consent to more complicated experiments, parti- cularly due to the fact that I&SO was now to completely control the .Artichoke work nd that OSI was no longer to be the controlling influ- ence. . 4f='' f. \\\ and\the writer agreed to conduct work along two 11.A4. separate lin�s. The first would be a continuation of basic experiments with new personnel and the second involving the more advanced type of work with thoroughly e erienced individuals, particularly in regard ravel and operations 4V1 to t nvolving long-range control both as to time 141;4-and to space.. It was als agreed that H experimentation would begin . at once. - 1-41,7;i: .- ..,,:,... . . ��. � , . - . - '`,5:�;rI% 0;11: lr � ; , 4giADLRNI ; Avg � .� ;.� � .; ��`1. ,A.V� � .144 � -Oct. � � ' ? � -P � . ,� � t. P -plc; .65 ;����i14-it`. , ���� � �",,!1-...;,;: 7 /40.4. \Zi,:1,::::7#41.1.1�PIA,"*1�t! ...it �;f114,1.1..t.,*: r"1,