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Publication Date: 
February 4, 1958
September 15,1960 -Memo c. � Subject; This is _a memoradum-for your file regarding the status of-this project. The_original grant to this -projeet. receiired_from the Sponsor was $15;000.00. The grant to_the project directlY *as $13.611.23 or f:_h We forwarded 26,000-r on-April 23, 1958 and the remainder n November 11, 1958. The balance of 41,388.7? has-been held here in t siV16C-6anrfor'the-purposetof supplying further sums that,may-be necessary in the publicatIon-of-thetreport. PeriodiCallyi-the-InstItute-sendul-an accounting that is up to date _ as to theitexpenditures on-the-$11,611,723T1'eastest_accounting--- _-, showed a .tbtal of expenses through'february 29, 1960_0 or $12,406-.26 using the offitial-r-ate.Of= to $1.00. Attachad-is_e_copy of accounting. __ 1.3 Accounts US$ Amount - Study of literature Construction Test b4tte27 and - questionnaire Pretest 560.24 r.?.finite interview _ 1.902 Contact ory of refugees 25.81 Mrch 15. 1960 Field Study and-translation of- the-data1998.83 - _ �� Team discussion 1184.44 . Reports. - - 4968.30 4968.3Q Meetings of Research-Staff-- 437.9? Publication Travelling and-livinve nses - 1033.12 Unforeseen expenses 474.3,31- Total expenses as of= the above date$12,406.26 7; This rue tatement or the'accountingas_received: nilturol.. nd.converted from at the rate of ), subsrt,Ad, if TSS/Chemical Division - January_26, 1960 1.74' Attach te:accounting from the 001m -flamed � project. I $400 and 'using/Ito l'approximately. the tothl e �n u S. Allars is U1,459.43.71iThere - is a balance used for the- .of12.151.78 which will-probably be continued to be formulation_of_the_final_report._ 40, C Items Estimate of costs Febr. 4th 1958 Total expen- saa-on-Nov. 30th 1959 Deo. 1st - Dec. 31st- Total expert- - see on Dec. 51st 1959 1959 1. Stuiy of litel-ature . Construction Test , .-, s . , H,- . H . ti , . . s , - s . . u ii . It . s batteri and ques-- tionnaire 5. Pretest . 4. Definite interview 5. Contactory of,regm-- fees 6. Field study apd translation of the data 7. Team discussions _ 8. Report 9. Meetings of Research Staff 10. Publication . . .___ . --,1 � " , s . _ . __ , � 11. Travelling and ___ living expense 12. Unforeseen expenses- ,.. , . . . r/5 P-11 rba7e c:m7_7M t-0 rAz mittei oxpenditu: u TSiCheuical Division Dstat � Decenber_ Pear nr.6001Mk (- Marc" thkalks.-for-y04r=1etter_ore740b0t7..267a.nd-its_enclosu appre�ciatelrec!Aving-tha-MArici4177accouhting-. -1959 Wa ara-looking=forwatd-to reealVing the final report. antetely, I have pleasure-in-sending you & financial a�ecount regard to the project. - - The account covera several stagee_of_the research-work. . _ We, apologize for not writing_earlier. We decided it_iOuld_be_hetter_if_we_conh_iilee_socie-of -the itetnes during thi�fieldetudy, for insta111-44ranslatione.: - were made of interviev3�an1 teats. - _ � - ��� ,..The.iteTs..nexpaneas not foreseen` " wased .to finance_the_- . �� ...general managesailt fof_the reaearch wOrye-then the.ntudy was --'151a'nn�d:v(4-4id. nog- expect, that iivcifittlftition was-,to be ,payed. : to attliritfea'neoessar:y to SuperViee:end condtuott1..eentire7progiam; At the momelit-ie just ttaTied. iith 0';p4itupsitOioes...oi.the.. fifet parts'of:thCrePort'01-W-04k-.31100:fiail4Lape; . - 1. 31.a.:,,y 5, C...10. :Ana LL. tne ' 7. : 9. Yee Un-'s of Research Staff ; . ica ti �is . Trave 1 l'�-�.; eAoervaes ,.;11; oreween r c ..rrency roiiates 10.725.44 U.S Aga. � go � To :ft.Ly ; Sr; 1.,.7.1.c...erLtI ctobrIr , neI4 t. ".1:st 4t) ft 1st Octot.,�;r $ v Ir.j(cc," Datn: 3.".44 ; tiovegber1.1, 3.958 irp Attentionl Dear will sathorize-you-to send the-sura o to tWfoliowing accounts This -will furtherauthorise you t�hargs_our account for the equivalent amount in U. S.-dollars as well. .41-your chaivas notifioat ion of Jthie-tran sAc tion. Thank you for your cooperation in this natter. Sincerely, - Assist t Trea r November 1958 -r ting our bank to forward to your account the _ swa o which represents payment oaths grant made to your organization by t -Fp? We wish to take this Ocortunity of wishing you well, i the continuation of _your research and will-look�forward to the results. Sincere_ly - RECEIPT Receipt ir hereby acknowledged for Cashier' Check No. A197115. - ed co, drawn th 1111 0.1 � to the -12 ATY latritATTO . _ 24 a' Ap . 1358 Lag 240-7,-Ak _44 zi �411M � _0_1� af-r ,arlfanIti 1:17:14AririAEFIFE.F51.W1--. Irialt�FIZ2 LA - 1958 MEMORANDUM FOR: CHIEF, FINANCE DIVISION VIA TSS/Budget Officer SUBJECT MKULTRA Subproject 8Z, Invoice No. 1 Alletment 8-Z50Z40-001 1. Invoice No. 1 for the above subproject is attached. Payment should be made as follows: Cashier's chec'i. the amount of $15 000. 00drawn Z;I Please forward tho check to Chief, TSS/Chernical Divi lora through T5$/Budget Officer by Wednesday, Z July 1958. I. - This is a 14131 invoice. A total of $15,000.00 was obligated_under this subproject during 1? 58. Howeversince it is anticipated that additiOML1 funds will be obligated for this project, the files -shotald not be closed. Attachments: Invoice & Cetifications Distribution: � Orig & I -Addressee Chief TSS/Chernical Divialon -1/?7"�3 - , �, � p6fe ;v4e,5-- /7�..Z /1/4ce-c.cto I VOICE For sevices a. S. CERTIPICATIONS (1) It is hereby certified that this is Invoice No. 1 applying to Subproject 82 of IMKULTRA, that performance has been setisflactory, that the serv- ices have been accomplished in acerdanee with mutual agreements, that a detailed agenda of the payments and receipts is on Main TSS/CD, that this bill le just and correct and that payment thereof has not yet been made. Date: .TSS/Chernical Diviaion (2) It is hereby_certified thnt this invoice applies to Subproject 82 under BAKULT_WA which was duly approved and tt4t the project is being carried _tr: in_accordace with the mlmorandum dated 12 April 1953 from th-eDC1 to the DDM, and the extension of this authority 1n aubseguent memoranda. Date: ch Director )4tMCAWDUM fORz COMPTROLL ATTENTION Finance DM-lion SUIVECT 14 Apr U I ?AMHARA, Subproject No. 8 Under_Ntolltority granted In 114 Memorandum dated 15 Apr111953 front the DCI to the DDIA, and th* osteueion of this authority in subsequent zuernoranda, Subproject 8Z has be approve,44n4 $15,000.00 of this over-all Project hiKULTRA Condi have_been_ohligatiod to cOVer the subproject's expenses and sti uld_be_chaysed to AlWasout 8.2502=10001. TSS/Cisetnical Division � APPROVED-FOR OBLIGATION OF FUNDS: Dates I CZ;Jiri THAT ft;N7;S +:01 oraj:Arif:g; {M Q All - / Distributions Ori & & � Addressee `--1---TSS/FASB c.);410EA - 1 the conduct of a study toalORA.NDUM FOR: THE RECORD DRAFT 11 April 1958 SUBJECT : Project,MIXLTRA: Subproject 82 1. The purpose-of this subproject is to provide_fundsfoy., efugees who Were-admitted - ter the As indi:ated in the ed protosall e-worlc:tri-11-be ca ried out by-Prbfessor 15 - Extensive confertences on the 'subject vere-carried-oUt between Profee-so re-. e- presentatives-of-th CY:Profes o 13V of thelji has apProved the project. 2. -primary reason for-the necessity of conducting a _ further studyoftheserebagece lies in the fact that those people _ who were. aitW., ..tt_ithei-USi after -the made up a highly selected group BeUseiioriitheiiioimtgrationrestrictions, this-group consisted of the western-tied rightist elements wilo had never been accepted comnletply in-the-presen ociety. As such they spent their lives-being-discriminated-against and suspected by the commanists in their own country. Knowledge of such individuals - can contribute little_toward_aniunderstanding of the dynamics of ,the -2-- h Lother hshay-tbos rip to the various countries such 'a cross section-of7the included many-ex-c regime and so yho were:admitted_-___ Consisted of a lation and as such- ists who bad-become disillusioned -with the t who still have a basic stike in the eventual conversion of thtir native country to a more acceptable political status. In short these are the people who: are-basieally interesting .the will produce the patriots-who will return t way or another. COntiiiiie-the-Str4gle against- communism-in-one- as been consulted on this matter and the_ - people concernea7have-indicated-that they regard-it as an-important research a ojeIiiThey also pointed out that they had-been asked-by the to supply any possible h 1p that they can in con- . -0:' 05nection with_the Waspects of the liVingii Any such infortation turned up in the project could_very-easil -be- . made available forthis-purpose. I. A further and very important aspect of this subproject is the fact that it will-provide an entree into-one-of the foremost ychological research centers. Such a connection has manifold cover and testing possibilMes as well as-providing a base from vhichlto_takc aavantage of developments in that area-of the world. 5. This project will bandied as a rese from th - 3 - 1/11.1 be handled irvacordance- -with the rules laid darn by the accountancy .department of Evidence � that-the funds have -been disbursed by the shall be considered_suffieient accounting therefore. 6. . The -cost of this subprojt viii it -exceed $15;000.00- for a period_of_one year beginning May 1958. -Charges should be made agains t _Allotment -8-2500210-001. 7. After_the_ project leaves the t is unclassified. and -no-cleared-or witting personnel'vill�be_inikolved in it. Original-only _ Attachment: Proposal -..mmismmessm.a. ANEW" Deer D Or -behalf,c17-Prolt400ry who stays abroad at this moment andwitliteturftfonly-in-a-few weeks' --.time I send-you - -- - two copies of our- lanrof-a-reseercn project on the_psychological- situation o the. project. - ifugees and-of the estimate oficosts Profess� as discussed this plan with the staff of our-institute-in-such detail as is -possibleat_this moment and he approves-fully-of-tht-twxt-l-am-sending you. We present_this planTto=you with a request for your-- -- approvement andlook_forcard_to hearing from you. PLAN OF A USEAROR-PROJEOT ON TEX After the have been. diteL found a place7in: ammiumw februery RP UGJIS sole regugess this moment mast:of-thei have economy. The the at, 100ia situation, howewerceusasiometimes x It is of�great-Anterest to make 4 OtUdylof theidaplation of the rupee to thivnew - When coming to t ey_probablyibuilt up A Set Of expeotatioasLconcerning-the situation they would finiThese oxpeotations probably wert_shapoi_by their personally struoture,_environmental influencer; ((including.cullurel'Antluences), amount an conteatinforMatiOn-mn the countriel_r_partioularly _ r_ , stereotypes, tote. After theiz'trri'rati which in some-or-other way-differed-from what thevhatLeapectedi-i.e. there arose ooifliot betwean_the expected-litilation and-_theleroeirel ',Mations This conflimtmay-have lad to different types of-gdaptivebehaviomr. The question -we should ve to tackle is; What_are the main problels of adaptotionotithe_ refugees, what sticssesidox_theVexp_erienee; in which wiyetttitthey try to solve their oonflietsiand which . if kny - are_ ,the main molotm2flealoplat1m they display. In doing this we plan to take into accountthe_personalily-s ru tux., and environ .ntsliii leultwral influences. , Partioularl shall try to ascertain what_wtethe�basie motivetion_ or leaving- .g. fear for puniehment, the desirt-te work for broad, sheer adventure. It also seems ef:great-importamoe to firl out if anyofilterefugies should be looked upon as maladjusted prior to their arrivalia eenparison-of these maladjusted eases with_the_mentall h lth7 in terns of theirAaiNsAtent_to_lhe conslitifule-of life-in may be regarded as an -experiment of the- -ex Init facto_typa---- - We intend_to_senduet._this,study with a number of refugees (some 70 or SO),' so as to maks:possible a broad oliniCal-approaoh-.- We shall not look for statistical representeliveness, but Ahell_only_tryLto gather ene.tigh information'to_build_oomprehensive case -studies By studying ant comparing ti 00 these we hops to find-commoft traits which can lead to formulation of hypotheses for further -research on more -extensive groups of refugees. The instruments -to be used aret 1. i battery of psychological tests. This will. Include the-Titheler,..Bellovue, Roschaoh and T A TI as they are-in common usage in this country and also have been used by our American -colleagues. To this we-may-add-the 'Ascher Colour Preference Test, The P-scale, and a personality inventory of the M P.I of Maudeley 2. A non-directive-interview which will struoturet-so as to cover the - areas of opinion, -feeling and behaviour- entioned above._Beith7tests and interviews willbe administered -by apeakingsocial scientists (both psychologists and Sociologists). is these speoislists-ars-generally engage-1 in relief work for compatriots in they-li*S-in, they will do their interviewing and groups in other toyns. The intery mere set h. -ar henselves, have left before We have bad a few talks with social-workers-on :t staff o/ the official refuges-organisationsi-They have formulated _questions of great practical interest-to-their work. However, we feel that it is to gather more knowledge about the problems concerned. before trying to lay down rules for social aotlon.-- ESTIMATE-OF:COSTI I. Study of availabielliterature_and_coontacte II. Construction of test-battery-and questionnairei translation III. Pretest of_interview _ _ IV. Construction of definite-interview V. Finding oradressesi-contacting of-refuves VI. Field stuy VII. Translai�LDn of tieId-study data VIII. TeaMillscussion-on-fieldIstudy data IX. -Preparing case.T.studies X. First draft-of-finaIL-report XI. Meetings Of Tjjearch-team-with-scientific boarg of Inetitu_te XI I. Final versionofreporoutlonk-on futUre-rn-tenrch XIII. Publication- XIV. Trave1lingTandliWingTOPtns:e1:- - XV. 5% Unforeseenexpenses Estimated_length 0 project; one-year. The basiS7ofca1ou1ation of costs is in accord cewith-the rules 1d down by the ad0aun4a_ncy department-Tor-111A- as set-up or scientific-research out of forsignTfund- Calculated-by-the nffinill rate of exchange as per 1 February alTiffie3 LIST xn, rat rpt,v-olso _ Dt 0.7 07:5-Fgr,ssi. P-wrIca. Authorit4stical - Ct.var-A � To _ EVV-,ta _ p tt- 1 _ 411.-mr.luZ ftu .-Aerfs r tItorilyLca-te--,Z , r _ --1�,,were - i ore,I.Arm 1 1 � , 1 I I I 1 I : BraAIR:1,3 , - � _