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,440, ApTAIMPAiregle ? CIA-RDP82-00457R010500050004-0 Germalr:? (Soviet Zone) SEC ia'AIV. 25X1 f?P JNTRY ...............--.......- ? IC_ Usilitarv Information from `..luensdorf 1411,EIROJWIt EVALUATION see below 40,1-19i 25X1 rr 29 November to 31 December 1951 rftAnnr. nroa-mor DATE PREPARED?. r 25X1 16 January 1952 ? PAGES ENCLOSURES (NO. & TYPE) REMARKS ?4311.0.21 151 eas-41,.? 25X1 MitiLialsel...0.2.05420.141M SO,rrara....II??????????????????aw 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 During the Period from 15 to 20 December, numerous convoys of trucks loaded with billeting equipme it arrived at the 1,-Puensdorf-Zossen (N 53/Z 91) military post from the directica of Luckenwalde (N 53/z 90). /host of the trucks were unloaded in the Panzertru-.)pen Schule at the intersection of nigh-ray No 96 and Zehrensdorfer- stresses and th: convoys returned empty to Luckenwaldeo inprs slenn enterino: the Panzertruppen schule on 15 Decori - A motor ,?Jnvoyo seen parking on the eastern exit of Kunraersdorf with the vehicles 25X1- headed tuvard7uensdorf on 18 December, consisted of: 25X1 3 amphibious cars; 3 sedans; .3 x t30-am AA. guns towed by trucks; and about Li. x 16-rera AT guns, Lost of.: - the trv.cks seen driving to Uuensdorf between 13 and 20 December were loaded with billet-Lig equipment. The Panzertruppen.Schule in 'ruensdorf was fully lighted for the fi3st time at 4 p.m. on 20 December * Pc. On 23 December., Camp Zossen on the east side of Highway No 96 was occupied by troops who wore red-bordered black epaulets with motor transport insignia. The 25X1 camn buildinrs were 30 to 40 percent lihted duritr: the evoninr: hours. 25X1 30 Bistween 16 and 21 December, .trucks were seen entering the 1:Tusensdor2 military post jidividually and in -convoys. 1.7ost of then moved into the l'anzertruppen Schule and the Hindenburg Kaserne on the east side of Highway No 96. A resident CLASSIFICATIOkrFCMUDElt L25X1 Document No. saef- No Change -": - C1377. 1'3 S (..1) 25X1 Ah,: L., 2 Approved For Release 2003/08/06 : CIA-RDP82.1144fTFM*12454004-0 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/08/06 ? CIA-RDP82-00457R010500050004-0 25X1 25X1 CONFIUM, - 2 ? from Luekenvaide said that all vehicles involved in the Movement belonged to units that had been stationed in Luckenwalde up to that time During the evening hours of 16 December, a convoy of about 20 sedans was seam moving into the Panzertruppen achule. Twelve sVecar motorcycles were observed among the equipment unloaded from a train at the Whensdorf railroad station during the night of 18 Decenber, * A railroad siding 'Wks under construction between the 1Uenedorf railroad station and.. the Iluansdorf-Zosen roacU It was planned to continue the track beyond the road and, according to rumors, to extend the track to an assembly workshop which was ta be ccnstructed north of the Panzer- trupnen Schule. *** 25X1 5 On 21 December? Observed that a board faice was being constructodaaround the partially destroyed Langemarck Block) a foraer officers settlement east of the Lutz Kaserne on Highway-No 96, It wee rumornd that the settlement would be reconditioned. ** 25X1 25X1 T-34 tanks left thc Hindeiburg Kaserne toward Baruth on 3 December. At about 630 aona on 5 Docenber, tha sirens of the Hindenburg Kaserne sounded an air raid warning, whereupon ;he whale installation 7Tee blacked out at once, and all troops hurried through the northern gate to the training field* '2he all-clear signal was given at 12 a.m.? and al_ troops returned to their quarters* At 5 pen*, 15 trucks carrying troops an torieg AT guns were seen driving from the Hindenburg Kaserne to the rkensdorf railread station, where an entraining practice was held up to 6 p.m. At 6:15 Nm., unit of 1 lieutenant colonel, 2 senior lieutenants and 70 nen with redaeorderd black epaulets was seen marching from the Hindenburg 1:aserne toward the trainirn area. The soldier n carried submachine gnns, 12 AT rifles and 10 wahine nins, and towed one field howitzer by Fame The troops in the Hindenburg Yaserne oserved the following duty routine on all days, including Sundays, in ear le Decenaer: duty from 7 aJA. to 2 a break from 2 to 4 p.m., duty from 4 te 8 paa), super, duty fron 9 to 11:30 pate., and taps at 11:30 p.m, Troops were seen irilli..ig every evening at a field lit by arc lamps. 7.0 Twenty-five lieutenants and senior liertenants 'oaring tank insignia were seen on their way from the Lutz Kaserne to the ,Juensderf. railroad station on 22 november. They bought tickets to Jueterbog (N 52/E 69), Letanig (4 52/k 69), Dresden Ca 52/F 29), Zossen and Rangsdorf, whieh is located 15Iza north of VUensdorf.ea* 80 Four T-34/85 tanks and two railroad earloads of :tank notoro were unloaded at the Tivenedorf railroad station oh 23 December, and manna machine tools on 30 and 31 December. It was rumored that the tank repair shod from Kunnersdorf would be moved to 'aUensdorf aild re-established theme Public retices -announced the immediate hiring of 500 workers. **i 25X1 029T4LAW.3 Approved For Release 2003/08/06 : CIA-RDP82-00457R010500050004-0 Approved For Release 2003/08/06 : CIA-RDP82-00457R010500050004-0 25X1 'rologftztig 25X1 25X1 Gement. The. movement of the Ilq Third Gds. Llocz Ariay with . yty head? 25X1 gear-1, rs units from Luolenwalde to Viensdorf has been confirmed 1 uerous rvr SOUTCOS from Lackonvalde. 25X1 Je more mi:litary train en route from Luckonwaldo to auenscorl. . - repartee is not hi another rource on .114 December 1951. Although the present report specific enou;ii to identify the troops in the individual barracks installationsv .it tlicates that the Panzertruppen Schule houses the 'Tcli ? d Ods l'eez Army; ? 0 . 25X1 ormuentt, The tamaining barracks installations apparently oontinte to :___-----, ous?rinits and officer training courses of the 00FG a 25X1 ' *** Cement. Tia location of a tank repair shop at Kurnorsdorf, as reported 11S4 paragrapW8,, hie ?proriously been known only from reports on the arrival of shipments of datized tanks and tank spare parts? Pararraphs 4 and .8 of the present report irdicate2 ha/toyer, that the movement of this repair shop from Kumnersdorf to Vluensdorf is a distinct possibility. 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/08/06 : CIA-RDP82-00457R010500050004-0