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Document Creation Date: 
August 23, 2024
Document Release Date: 
September 8, 1976
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Case Number: 
Publication Date: 
April 13, 1953
- CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY WASHINGTON 25, D. C. OFFICE OF THE DIRECTOR �1 111"3 7 MEMORANDUM FOR: DEPUTY DIRECTOR (ADMINISTRATION) SUBJECT : Project MKULTRA - Extremely Sensitive Research and Development Program , 1. On 6 June. 1952, the Project Review Committee approved the DD/P/TSS Research'Program and allotted o the Program for Fiscal Year 1953. This sum provided for research and for operating costs. 2. The PRC approval authorized the Director of Research, at his discretion and with the approval of the Research Chairman, to obligate the research funds an apportion them among individual pro- jects, such projects to be subject to the usual Agency procedures and administrative controls. 3� A small part of the Research Program contemplated by TSS and discussed with rue consists of ultra-sensitive work. The nature of- the research and the security considerations involved preclude handling the projects by means of the usual contractual agreements. 4. I have, therefore, approved the obligation and expenditure by TSS of $300,000 of the total of Illralready 'approved by the PRC for research for FY '53 without the signing of the usual contracts or other written agreements. 5. This sum or ill be handled as Project MKULTRA. Would you please make the necessary arrangements so that invoices forwarded by TSS applying to MKULTRA will be paid, provided that: a) in the aggregate, they do not exceed without further authorization from me; or FY '53 each'invoice is to bear a certification by the Chief, DD/P/TSS, as the Research Director, that the invoice applies to Project MKULTRA and that the conditions outlined in the DD/P memorandum for DCI dated 3 April have been complied with. The certification will also request that payment be made; the invoice shall bear the certification of the Executive Secretary of the Research Board that the scope of the program has been approved;-- - the invoice shall bear the certification of the cognizant TSS Division Chief that the_work has been satisfactorily performed from a technical point of view and has been carried outfin accordance with the understandings reached between TSS and the individual or concern doing the work. 6. No further documents will be required to justify payment of the invokes. Exacting control will be maintained over the Project by TSS. Although no formal contract will be signed, it will occasionally be possible for TSS to sign an informal agreement with the individual or concern performing the work. In such cases, TSS will retain in its files all documents. TSS will endeavor wherever possible to obtain documentary support of invoices, such as cancelled checks, receipted bills, etc, , and these will remain in TSS files. Such documents at best will only cover a portion of the total expenditures, and the regular audit procedure will not be followed. 7. Other provisions and control over the Research Program specified in the original PRC approval remain unaltered. The monthly budget and financial record being submitted by TSS to DD/A will include financial information o i being conducted under Project mKu.LTRA, showing how much of th has been committed, how much has � been sper.t, and how MuCh remains. Distribution: ...Addressee Orig. & 1 1311/13 - Tssioc - 1 Exec. Registry - 1 - 2 - ,747,-707' W4,DULLES Director, Central Intelligence - � t.;'� .rss� CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGEN . WASHINGTON 25. Do. C. OFFICE OF IHE DIRECTOR E'MORANDUM FOR: DEPUTY DIRECTOR (ADMINISTRATION) ATTENTION Comptroller SUBJECT 1. In accordance with previous arrangements, TSS has been authorized to spend of its annual Research and Development budget in accordance with procedures and controls approved by me for Project MKULTRA. 2. Subproject 35 of MICULTRA in the amount o has been discussed with, and approved by, me. Sine this subproject was not contemplated when the MKULTRA budget was prepavd, it is possible that present FY 1955 MKULTRA funds may prove insuf- � ficient to cover both subproject 35 and other contemplated subprojects, 3. In the event that this proves to be the case TSS is authorized to. transfer, when necessary, an additional to MKULTRA from the balance of the FY 1955 R&D budget, No new funds are involved, and this authorization, in itself, does not constitute an increase in the TSS Research budget. ALLEN W. DULLES Director rcu 140:1ANDLINI /OA: -Dmr.,c-Tol.t, CENTRAL, INIT. LIG SU33-2.CT CIA Research DoArd at, 1. Late In 1951, at the request of the ncy, 1,11Ashin;tort to help establish a'research prosrant dosigned to- the covert Offices of thi Agency) the weapons, devtees, methods needed to accomplish the respective missions, 2. The first task confrontir..; me was to cvoive a �don to make i posz.ible to carry out research effectively within the qgency structure and to secure the high quality of personnel required to produce the craality of results dictatrd by foreign competition. 3, In June 1952 you and Gen. Smith. a-92roved rny the Technical Services Stag., overating under a p,,e search junction with a Research Chtirman and an advisory holed dististguiahed scientists and engineers. 4. During the formative period of organiv.acion. It been - necessz.v.:y for me to t:;_tke part in a good deal of adnlinitrative arta ergani. ..vork in order to carry out the orisinal concept of the Vit.' orgahi-:-- zation and to aacurne wider resn.onibilities than art, norrrally, assumed by the chai:rr.u.a of an ;advisory body. 5: 1 itave fro .1-11 th,2 rely work should flat only trehnica.1 cornpecucy h-at toward the deveinr,tkut of an ,.)re,:zoi..,..ation rocedurca wdchconttnue. t. be4.-(f:,...ctive.' iorak after I cea, tt,) rco:Irt ff.bow. (007:130t17....otly, I fi-o7n tirae, relinqu,itihe41 - placing � a 'V �'11 '-1�:-..z7d. aridcri!It r& C :14.1 �-� of .-ny t!):, arti �"-a.c:I.Air.:-An-rp.- a :t dvioy t1;. ty:11 T � � r�V t cI V,,:utnrci-... in the toy 4'r of a yearly Ti1": 4:1 f, t4) niect tit-;44: tO te; zr.a.!�,,z w;-.chr a it may see he Or it.3 irmtan. AliT.o it is lz:tendeti Cils Board shall b, �s.- ���-: ttive ;:ta5lstance and advicz to the LnrecV-,r and tie 4taft wheleValr 8. - The Chairman should keep tn ctct with the luf.vf f ISS anci keep thct Board acquainted with its important technical probie'sns and rnattere involving teetmical policy and spend a 1111,q6T part of his time scare:Ana for new sources-of pertinent technical knowledge. 9. It nevi appears to be unneceseary, and I believe orgaMzatio-i:ka 1 . undesirable, for tile ftesearigi Chairman' to- certify 'each -vrok..ct _ In tile alread- approved program. The present orgard�ation under Dr. 11-$$ demonutrated its ability to carry out the approved rograin anci to handle its budget properly and give �tlie DDLiti a clear monthly statement of its financial i-ftesition with resetizt to its allocated funcle. ar cti l ' It'- t i izp-iing off on individual erojects is a fatetiom which shouiq be vested in the Research Director with exis ting accounting controls ,ind after the initial technical a:f.roval of the Board and its i.;triodic review-of tile prograrn.-:Ilie IteaearClirsirector'i aeproval cf= a ;:rojnct should be considered as an indication that the project falls with. in the proc.:-cazzi consitiered by the Board and- ro countersignature by a int:n:1;er of t EQird stould i qvired. Actually no additional directive it; 11:-!ccleci to !...i-tift in T.2.F.,:izon-Ability zs Cie project clirective.ts' Changf,... vilikh is of mino--: nr-iztr excti.:t tit it it wilt facititati.1 securing Vv.: services a a fklivare fr the Tite.t.....;ar Lo-tril. � ;13 ;.� ech 19 F3 .1) CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY WASHINGTON ZS, D. C. ;* OFFICE OF Ti-X DIPSCTOR yn..0414 FOR: DEPUTY DIRECTOR (ADMINISTRATION $ TSS Research Program -1. On 6 June 19 63644 which _a ocate of th ,ese support research an document established carried out, 2 I I approved PI C recommendation TS No. or Fiscal Year. ''' ' the initial phase h 1'ro r.n,of which s . was to ' to meet operating cos S. This same - he fipmework under which the program ha$ been 2. It is desired that the TSS Research Program continue to be carried out under the procedures, authorities and controls outlined in the PRO approval although, of course, the sum of money available under the budget may charge from one Fiscal Year to another. 3. A memorandum from the undersigned to tha DD/A, dated 13 April 1953, sub3ect:_-1F-U1TRA, outlined certain procedures and controls under which TSS was authorized during Fiscal Year 1953 to handle certain extremely sensitive research and development pro,grams. The authority granted in that memorandum is hertby extended to cover Fiscal Year 1954. During o first six months of Fiscal Year 1994,-TSS is-authorized to Obligate of the annual research-budget (exclusive of the amount budgetee fo operating costs) in the manner outlined in that memorandum. All pro ederes ee and controls covering MKULTRA-remain-unchanged. TSS/OC: 16 June 1953) ,Listributient tedrossee - Orig. t: 1 T35/0(.3 - 1 ,3/AWIP/BakkZ - 1 Lrl 1 ALL.iI d. DULLES Director, Irte11igenc MEMORANDUM FOR: COMPTROLLER ATTENTION CFD SUBJECT : DD/P/TSS Project MKULTRA - Extremely Sensitive Research and Development Programs I. On 6 June 1952, the Project Review Cm the DD/P/TSS Research Program and allotte Program for Fiscal Year 1953 This sum provide research an or operating costs. 2. The PRC approval authorized the Director of Research, at his discretion and with the approval of the Research Chairman,- to obligate the research funds and apportion them among individual pro- jects, such projects to be subject to the usual Agency procedures and-- administrative controls. - ; 3. A small part of the research program contemplated by TSS consists of ultra-sensaive work. The nature of the research and security considerations involved preclude handling the projects by means of the usual contractual agreements. By memorandum, the DCI has informed ' that he has approved the obligation and expenditure by TSS �fa )f the total of lready approved by the PRC for research for FY '53 without the signing of the usual contracts or other written agreements. 4. This sum o will be handled as Project MKULTRA. Please consider this your authority to pay invoices forwarded by TSS applying to MKULTRA, provided that: (a) in the aggregate,- they do not exec without further authorization from me; for FY '53 (b) each invoice is to bear a certification by the Chief, DD/P/TSS, as the Research Director, that the invoice applies to Project MKULTRA and that' the conditions outlined in the DD/P memorandum for DCI dated 3 April have been complied with. The certification will also request that payment be made; (c) the invoice shall bear the certification of the Executive Secretary of the Research Board that the scope of the ogram has been approved; (d) the invoice shall bear the certification of the cognizant TSS Division Chief that the work has been satisfactorily performed front a technical point of view and has been carried out in accordance with the understandings reached between TSS and the individual or concern doing the work. S. No further documents will be required to justify payment of the invoices. Exacting control will be maintained over the Project by TSS. Although no formal contract will be signed, it will occasionally be possible for TSS to-sign an informal agreement with the individual or concern performing the work. In such cases, TSS will retain in its files all documents. TSS willsendeavor wherever possible to obtain - documentary support of invoices, such as cancelled checks, receipted bills, etc. , and these will remcin in-TSS files. Such documents at best will only cover a portion of the total expenditures, and the regular audit procedure will not be followed. 6. Checks in payment of invoices for Project MKULTRA will be sent to TSS, A,vho will be responsible for their safe delivery to the individual or concern submitting the invoice. The monthly budget and - financial record being submitted by TSS to DD/A will include financial information on the work being conducted under this .Project showing how much of th has been committed, how much has been spent, and how much remains. Unvouchered funds should be used, and charges should be made against Allotment No. 2,50 Distribution: ,Addressee - Orig. and 1 ,TSS/OC - 1 TSS/Adrnin - 1 DD/A Files - 1 MIURA 0.-16-,.d information has been prepared to assist 0 & L auditors a14 ISO personnel in processing EXUMA vouchers. � 1. Vouchers received from TSD are original and two. Entries should be placed on all three and they are to be forwarded as follows: Original - use as official voucher.' 1st copy - file copy for 0 & L section. 2nd copy to be forwarded with original for - � Accouts Branch to stamp with vou- cher and then be returned to TSD-fer their files. 2. MUM has the following the :project funding mechanisms: The division-and-preTet-hUMbers for-OeneralLedger Ac oUnt - No. 12.9 pertaining to-thelIKULTRA funding mechanisms are - as follows: h. Research Branch activit are identified by a numbered desig. fied by an alphabetida designation. As th � e search Branch8s grants are always in the form of reiMbursement, the attached information does not apply to that phase of - IMITARA. ; trcr: _ �77.Reseo.rc IN.-a.114L1) veNt4 e. r � t- ,1 rise / Annex 9overits !;Prajec/ *�-flana z roccdt,t.r,3s: � ii111111 I � /w Ch fldIfl S) AccuTh?s ar.4.Accts 11 . 4 ' 1 Attachment A ; Paect kcs 6:ran fee. it'e9ucs-t_fo.r 771.ynlelt: , :46/ 0 _ _e '.7,,r0 Aileze.hineni 23 Thrz. Tiqictinl... Mech. Wcyesf fr Advzc.e / 412.9-170.d � . I ed h chayie 'Y fee. tha,:t fuvIels }lave bec p 0.sse 1, +0 &Tat.% -Ices by c1.44:rietly calls .Suppor,4-el� pot' sIMs oc eks WAA. gC110� *6 0/.0_ . C 7. rtA2-' � I I ill II, ; 1_ _ t ti c e etch iwe rhret:Caido-ts,...Toctiv. kettnlaYsd Gro:nIcee R4iles for. o_ Mvnce am barse .113 k. 1 � �1� 1� nice. A4Krow/ed/emely-t.-..of Receipt 6..Pf 7:ands by G-famtee. - Pr. 0 ,Cr._ t �1 ---r-t7 i I t- ' : crInfeeir win 5.1xtortil,t, cy.cor.mAktytriS: Vrtro,.8-41�4, ChrtkvIrt V4 to the .sc4sstwit,p o-P. the. ye�sed.reh the et.ccdantinis are. y e lcry: rap. taillp .-coyurja._eaS ceri s fincknce.. Itvs 4 0-sion A.ccots."-ityls;servlee 1 If Eta [it% Q. a..VIA/Cr r Ve.CIArnatV. bC,ebl Ecevie-a� etnkt ecox�ilikt iS .010,y 1,e :IA V/ R4.)�..4. ekt t : I I ! --t--- Pi --4 � r cal is el, frreirie,ia,vy IP,1�07, ct.cts f�cmdi n dad144.4c. laarterly Se.Aerdttle. Grett-rt. a..-eco hi' p ed.k.14.: ILL fea.v Ina.' tie ret:-.) t."1. -� rcc. J't -RekmsernevIA, Vol.,� ... IS svWczYted. b y f, -r4 e s'�awie A CC:DtA2ft%I'llS _ St et a c,ef-ti c�c�._,..i.�,Q. vi....s._._ t i i � ---,-- !-1- ___ ___4_ ' - �I' F- I Hi� 4 � thechati is on for oaarRA s. t -0 . ' � C: re-. AAvytt4 r/a/AtirC13p/131a/t/ Oft. Inocesses eh -t,15.1m �130,0 ehfries` int kicaeL by Acc ts13r. !rem! to ry_Br, spins ch. 4 0,,,-110- issfte 7,K A.�" C Grants Ala Tun,is Vcbc. �rrans cerj rtn,Trojeci - I - CrizANITES A. "Pkod�i.c.r rAps rufepittS- _ AgP Gg.�W rs NIA' PA :41511 I iG11%/411tV GRT.5 - - -, meal rs _ OTHER 7-SD �70 concap wrailni h re't rant-ces (Ina_ ___ Anal/ Yerilarieni-Sk2cf S iqc,Ts Fracese5 ,Acenuni-thq txternert TS te, Noii For restr(c� rar.1%t GRAtfrec's Arca 0/4110G-S re 70 R P Ott _TAP For 1,r4er Pnating to Cora � psheANA- 4.51%n re-] acteted service 0.4-1.. TR, ece.r.-_ reees.res Sthett'ale3 GrontS � hob arei�f 142.s� � p 'k--.7 � ,� 0 " W ma i 1.1 LI )� .- . � � � . � � 07 � 0 - VG 0 2 � LA .r., ... .. . � 1.5_I. � 4: � � mu. �,..a 'V ow ...v... . 2 g, � ...4 � id � a N4% CY � qt. , . * ). . � Li . CC 0 0 11-0 WI 0 . . IL -I CI --,.... X Nr * , � 1- ,r44.) #1,%. 0 Z 0 W 0 X W W 0 la 0 .1 . � a * - � � � oL a ............ . r J'" - 1. 0 � '� 6. 20 z � o' t �:', . .. � � _ _ � tv - . - �f. 1 ; i 0 ���� � � ----I . DESCRIPTION.ALL OTHER ACCOUNTS 12.33 . " .� . . ri/alt .; ..gc z . � - e� : � it. � � � � 1 I MOW, " . - i Zr'-:' . � � A, K : � i� ' 4 � . 6 a � . � � , �.:,. 6 � DESCRIPTfON. ADVANCE ACCOUNTS 13.2? W � . \IN .'..1 �Z � � � A .. W p r- -4 � " b. � � � � . . ��i; ..) � � � � ����1 ....., - s� � ...... . , - 6 . 5... , � ... .... . . . , ' � . ......... 6. 1 .:' i ' � � a N... . ..... � � 'N, � ,I, � � � � � .. _ __�...----...-. ! � � � �:,.. l� � 6 � � 11, � � � . , : 6 � 1 � � , 4 � . � r � � . . .... . O. a � � � � � � � � . . A AC 4ENT B Payments to MXULTRA Project Funding Mechanisms for Passing to Grantees *2 See a copy Of the MIURA Fiscal Annex "Attachment B" which is attached. Refer to this Attachgent to make certain ifou - --- cher falls -under this category or meets-the accounting re- quirements before_processing. Entries: (See attached samples for detailed ments.) oding require- a. 'Processing "ReqUeWfor Advance"-vouchers Dr. .142.9 (Advances in Transit Cr. Cash - When evidenee-received-that Grantee has received funds ;from Project Funding Efechanisn - .Dr. -601.0 (Costed) Cr. 1420:,9 Tr. 705._750401�7' (Establish Memo Accoun C. Processing accounting - Dr. Cr. 799.0 75007 Y40.0 � Refunds - see-separate-tab. Ind harge a fee of h% for grants they handle. he cos of these fees should be immediately costed to G.L. Account No. 601.0 - - - - - Due dates will be established to allow eighteen from date of request. , et- z.,-,/,./Va...pz.ffe,) a- � 717-7-777 177. ."r1,7,4 yea 1JL'I 'UtX R;rpr ot =3 � Df.;n:,?..11.� A. Accountability for frncta 1,?colei ttason8h projeate taearer.tho eon or at:313 cis Other 4%tontry ili follz-4 the tmnsferci' Gtzeth fiands,- 011 be ,..Irc2pcd only 'when the funas tere beim aocollated for or pa5361 to entAty ever vhisfe the ii_seoey exerciaes O contl, cov,./ementa eon f..A:z.1.11.4-to,jeats.4U bo- directoli to foi=i1311�iiD ao4 fiaarLee Division w. d.cdueotary o5.-idonoa of each vtieh trensfer Ldik0 04 bohelf or 101:04. 1). ctwitrol of=the isovecnt of.vach fu naa rests *with c mtrol ana nettomaJw24 recortioldil be rigintained_vithio TOD torindieate .ho statc,s oP Ooze fianAs sA all time for corizotneizt tta eualt,p472zaa, eMICIAL;a7vDrE.Takrao - A. s!,_-:04 reac to_projoeU or other entitioa Ameer Aceney' contra for Farrcat-4:, of I-mai-13 :-.1:71=M criAnteas mat to clearly iclont1fie4 onch) in ort'..=5zr to :.-o.r.-zt,rete. fron cdviirieVEi fo..1 UN; opzrtttiono1 thol projci,:t. fu.nds tv.irianced_to tir..z entities vill be troLtted 1-4..res tramit oni aceoteltaillAY-fOr thttio. Zunde _uiiil rceoipt of_cvncooe tIKt to tu b.ove boon et to tit* vaate0,-, . . B. Pm:loot:3 c,..r otamr- lq,s-oner entities bit1 to: forath flot t1 n thc3oerttoe.L�Ury_evidoticec tii,Atittrz6r-�'ont Tlatic to vrorit.�-...Ns.4 behalf of Mali ill AP � , C. ect-tt,r01. -re..;crir4t1-__%412. reti,dovb:- the otetal 811 fw xi to Ay or.titioo. for flyr.--.1ing:.14-alLfraA Etch � reeor4 rt-..tr3zct ti rcra4lat 4:�,,.20.....7,4cd to .t;17.,,e erAity be.kin.a the 1't:1114'o t-453 1-Ktvaco1 en-tit:Ica FaXaitti�7, GvIntee. - � - rreein tetal igttcr D--4te3 Actu-ance,01 614 3.aance., ThE4_,1oo.era. � will be 1-x;:.3t.--e-A in t.1.-4_c katysncee,ColufAn *with er,ounts passoti to the prOjeotii� and ii t 41c-eoraltin:Ip f:i.!*i7.0-..Amtc.:(Ltobi.:t3zei to rT:fiarallA ErAntoesL 51x."4:73- aP-Dr'owl from tte , ::sccountir43 *dill to. tv,.e., 711,V thy. .0:f1ef ar the respoasiblo broo prior to thoir being I-zoo:1,1�d In t rktrol D. 571-:c rol'ipmnible brunch viI1 propere a zeperato aUtecient for icittteh.:�., 1 fo y b 'in t . ! ,t-..e.nt to el.z.,..1 1 zueili-,rec,eu...' Itin.-3. _T .-At 7..,t,a-t4tr *ec. r.,,--,..1.e tz. = of . a .. - , 1 �iln,t.l; tz) tlua At.141Th,v1,:x.,i1 C;Irtlizils G;%-.10:...c.-.1. and. will cl,ntt;In the certlficato ! ni� ti lJ nnV7ff or tzn2 r:':-,-.1?oacibit 1..111 thgt '4.1" certify -C:! to elle' to',-zit: of su.'- 11:Tra14:1---tc? k;.11--1 1::ellsz'fry- tblr tI5Otk,-74 t (0 ) illttriln,-,:z..eA to KalL.T:It'i on the ottzched i �,-- aozountiv,:;. wcr;:o JL.:1,-.icr.L-cl. at .A=.-2my dirctica to awilkorloza cetiv1tic40_ -: aervWes te.11..'-.:1 h..-..:ve tien r,.7.e.....listca.. cni. furt.J..inr citron:eon ea ray as cli.----1." 171y 4..;;:e. E. The Authorized Certifying Officer 4.e eiPpovered to .1,k e-sta rrnt in pu.ra II D above for the azounte therein as the Lela for ontrioa - creditin:: the accoant of tha poplot vhich trmalitteet tha for rld for mo.,110r,t; c:.ropritt41 coz,t ontriee. Concurrently the Certityins Officer will -_reco.fd ti:zeunte in the Ponorarefivm tccount of tha wntce Vaoro,thoylill ba btaglice, oa odvmcau to Ext.:Aces es CeecaLed in etteohrzont A.. , NA REQUEST FOR ADVANCE DATE I AMOUNT VOLICWER N . firinant� 1t on!; , 47 500 00 '4, , � OF ' .kPAYABLE TO . CONFIDENTIAL FUNDS j See attathed ROOM 8-E-63 BUILDING TELEPRONE EXT. L x-67891 ...POSE . . . - , . To for funding linTLTRA Su)-Project #142, Invoice #25, which activity was approved by'lChief �'. TS o 1962. . . . / . . . � \ .-: Accounting to be in accordance it Admin Plan and Iv/ULTRA Fiscal Anno4peAttachmen B. , . ._..... _.. _ '' STATUS OF OUTSTANDING ADVANCES � I ',tree that XW1Jfully account for thee advance by'�ubmiarrion of vouchers end re fund of any unexpended 1 betimes to the reporting point stated end by the due date checked below. In the event o f my failure toe. account and refund any unexpendedibalanc�,. I authorise deduction from my salary t effect *ettlement. I DATE QIJMT MACCOUNTED ALANC:I REPORTING: POINT . . I DUE DATE 1 . FINANCE ;YOS1604 .1 HEADQUARTERS i . ,.. ' , ON ARRIVAL AT DESTINATION .:, ON OR ABOUT , 9MONTHLY .1 ON THE LAST ' . 1 OF EACH MONTH HmDRADAY USX FOR PASfilrG TO E UEcTING OFFICER APPROVED , i RECEIPT FOR FUNDS ADVANCED DATE SIGNATURE ' , DATE II SIGNATURE OF APPROVING OFFICER 1� Z mcknopiedge receipt of funds in the amount stete4 hereunder to be, used for the purpose stated and uc.1 counted For !es shown ahoy...! I CERTIFY FUN ARE AV ILABLE Responsible ranch DATE AMOUNT OBLIGATION REFERENCE NO. 123 ,CHARGE ALLOTMENT NO. 125...1390...3902 \1/ATE -� I CERTIFIED FOP PAYMENT. OR CREDIT . 4 AUTHORIZED CERTIFYANG'DFFICER I � 11 .. SIGNATURE OF AOVANCEE , IDATE ' SIGNATURE E & F Officer . SPACE BELOW FOR EXCLUSIVE USE OF FINANCE DIVISION . ,,,,-, rho:ARE� BY REVIEWED BY 1 VOUCHER NO. 7.12 9 .. Pi C3 4r, ., 04 a 1 rtl 0 ,..p. 74 DESCRIPTION � ALL ER ACCOUNTS 3. 40.42 r4S�4I 47�52 53. 54.57 . 59.67 68.70 71,80 DESCRIPTION � oop /TENS 13.33 � 34.39 PAY 081.10. F GENERAL ALLOT. LEDGER AccOuNT N10 ' DUE DATE AMOUNT PAYABLE TRANS. PER. MCORp. ** ". � "1"" --- 62.67 13.24 I 0.,... . ,,,....�.,,s J VOucHER NO.. CODE LIO. CODE ADVANCE ACCT. NO. FYI'. NO. N. ACCOUNT NO. P vvv. I ... 1 'OBJECT CLASS *EMIT CF4OtT 7 /4.C' /N' ...? .5"- 4.(''relre041 /A 3 1.54z 7. ..r. A-0 AO. CO i ...i. ric....8 7 Jr .60 _........ ,. ....,_,, 1--- . . ' 1 ....... �.... - . , o 6*..1000.� ,............................ ACCOUNTING 'JM tNDIV1DUAL 1:,., FOR ADVANCE , NOTE: Follow Instructions on; Reverse SUB ITT � :, VOUCHER NO. (Finance use ,CAly) PERIOD OF ACCOUNTING FROM NA TO RECEIPTS 0 SBUR E ENTS h CASH 0 HAND BEGINNING OF PERIOD VOUCHER 'NUILD111 DATE DESCRIPTION AmOLver ----- , la. . , See attached documentatio 2.145.gWRI 1 DATE DESCRIPTION evidencino funds oassed to MXULTRA Grantee 7 6-c,e,. 0 Advance to fund MKULTILI114_,J ' Invoice #25 7 .00 , , 3a. 4. REFUNDED HEREWITH i I AAR C CA imoNCY OADCA s. 5. CASH ON hAND END CF PE R100 TOTAL TO ACCOUNT FOR $7,OO.Ocj TOTAL ACCOUNTED FOR 57.5-00.00 CERTIFY FUNDS ARE AVAILABLE , APPROVED 1 certify that the expenditures listed on any attachments were incurred for poses of a confidential nature that credit therefor has not been received. this accounting; is true and correct. hereon and official put. ! payment or and that 0LIOATION REFERENCEO. 223 CHARGE ALLOTMENT NO, : ... ! 3125 �^1390=.3502 1 DATE �! SIGNATURE Responsible OF APPROVING OFFICER ' 1 ' Branch Chief ,DATE SIGNATURE OF AUTHORIZING 'S'tc 1' Officer OFFICER �CERTIFIED FOR PAYMENT OR CREDIT 'Inp j! SIGNATURE Of PAYEE . I % SI,GM6TURE 1 1 1 OF CERTIFYING OFFICER 1 c SPACE BELOW FOR EXCLUSIVE USE OF FiNANCEHDIVIS ON. REPARED BY / 1 REVIEWED eV . .,; 1 1 1 youcHEA HO. 1.12 . DESCRIPTION � ALL. OTHER 8CCOUNTS' , AO. 42 ' 5- 46 PAY XPENDIPER. ',II,.. 6Z. 081- I G 13.15!�.m. 3 Fl 54957. ' GENERA17 oo.87 : AL.1.1.WER 68.70 71.80 DUE AMOUNT DATE DESCRIPTION � AtI, ITEMS 13'33 �..,/ 36.3 L10. CODE oevooco YR LEDGER ACCT. NO. 62.67 OBJECT DESCRIPTION . ADVANCE ACCOUNTS 13.24, ' PAYABLE VO 0 ICODE .A.C.G.Te.119. CRP. NO. co . Ac. A VOU.NO CLASS cool, cAtolo ...e Pt Kt? I 4-4. I hl V 44:., PA71/ 413 1 e et. e ,2 5- 1 , 1 5,6 V6 ,,,.. 70e ,15-Co.ce 1-2 3 /1.Q.44,______, ii 00,o 4 f/4' 6 7 0 , 1.2. 3 "/ ,(7.2 0 / 21 I 10/ .7 f L 7' R. / 4 / 44 .Z. _7keor 7yy..0 I 7.0 � 6 I 1 J e FORM NO. 2A2 UAL Powell (nig I MAR 57 CAI TIARA. II) !CID cL) la (11F:ilornil.t4� CONFIDENTIAL FUNDS POSTING VOUCHER � VOUCHER NO. 7.I2 DATE 2.6 VOUCHER NO. 7-12 11 DESCRIPTION ALL OTHER ACCOUNTS 13.33 SON CODE PROP. NO. 40.42 EXPEND CODE 4: u M Es s 45.4�I fl:g. 1 LIO. CODE 47.52 OBLIG. 15-31 . REF.. NO:.,t. ;I.'. ' ' IIMP. NO. CA YR 54.57 GENERAL LEDGER ACCT. NO. 56.57 ALLOT. OR COST ACCT. NO. 68-70 DUE DATE 1 71.60 AMOUNT DESCRIPTION. ADVANCE ACCOUNTs t3.2, .33 A NO � p.o. No . .. ..."i3 oov 62.67 Ex.**. x AXF. soo.L 011.1ECT ELAss , ERI CREDIT ; ;07C.CV 1U. .1, v I'l � K.Y . .... � � � � 6 0 0 6 6 La"f' t:,'.A� *1 �14%.2' : � � I � 6 � 6 � � � � � .... 77e1. 0 \00,-, ...CO es .00 � � . . � . . � � � .... � � � a fl � � 0 � � � � � 0 � � il- ^ , 0 " � � � � � . 7:5-oo :oz, 1 1 �.: , � - .. , . .... i ..,..�., ,---.. - . ... . .... . ... . � , ,.. ,,, Jili.s.� q 4 , .." N. . . . . ... � U. . ... ' ' � � ^ .... 1 . . . , . .. . . . . , EXPLANATION OF ENTRY e r ot/ C.,� /A.', .7:LC�-' 0 'TOTALS ' AfeeeP 2,A 4/ 0 6.7." VW 7 10 M )� U L. 7. R OL) 7; s-e A 1 1 , DATE PREPARED BY DATE 1 REVIEWED BY CEPT t F ! EO FOR PAYMENT OR CRCD ICY ATE SIGNATURE OF CERTIFYING OFFICER I WORM 110.5, 606 USE PREVIOUS COITION.. . ATTACHMENT C :-Payment to individuals Cutouts, and oth Passing to Grantees See a dopy of the MKVLTRA Fiscal Annex "Attachment C" which is attached. Refer to this Attachment to make certain voucher falls under this category or meets the accounting require- ments before processing. 0 Entries: (See attached samples for detailed coding ments.) Processing Request for Advance" vouchers Dr. 142.9 (Advances in Transit) Cr. Cash When evidence received that Grantee-has received funds from individual, cutouti-or project - Dr. 601.0 (Costed) Cr. iT 142.9 Dr. 74.01775040* (Establish Memo Account Cr. ---799.0 Process'ing_accounting_-__ Refunas Dr. 799.0 Cr. -750-i-0-- 74-0.0 ePpc,e- see separate tab. * Due dates will be established to allow_eighte n (18) mon from date of request. � ....N.100. , �� � rurpa riP.sma) TEOUGJ cle-cum A. Funds advanced to and held by-cut-outs fOr the purpose of fending -NCULYRA iiysntece are considered to be within the control of the Money and wi21 to so treated within Agency.record� Accountability for such funda-Vill' o follow the transfer or the_fundsiand will be dropped onlorvben futds have been accounted for or passed to a grantee. - � � B. Agreenents rade with cut-outs will be reduced -to writingf contain the basic elez3ents of a-contrect) including the fee to be veid by-o the A&eoey; will orotiide for financial reports_as_prescribed by the Agency; ,and will provide that any unuoed granto are the proporty-ofothe ?-1.genoy. C. tEcnty fonds adva9ced to out-outs will be :deposited to bank accounts establif:hed for _the sole4urgoleoofireceiviro -and disboraino, Aoeacy funieso The cut-out will execute a Declaration of !Zruot that tho funds therein are�. � the pro-oorty of the United Btates-Uovernmat. " --D. Aorroprinte eentrel-reeode-for ranogenent and nudit Virpose be rain;olined at all tiples within 11;13B to indicate tha statueof:funde to cut-outs. : 21. Fr,71:11CIAL AD;. 3TRATION , - -A. Funds advanced to cut-outs will beireated es furies in.trancit and. .7. aCcouotability for theilc funds:uill-be rainteined,until receipt of evidence::O. that funds hove:been passed to the grantee.-Reouests for advances will . inaicato the anount 'of the advonoc-ohich will-be_pasaed to the 8rrintee ana the amount wIlieb will be retained-by-the out-out esfeeso Wil advan � . . B. Cut-outs 'will be directed to subnit a report at 1 ast_quarterly reflectioo tloi status of all fonds advanced by the-keno:J.�The-report will- reflect the OIshmo3eoouts identified-to-specific grantees and/or projects) and the Oolcooecn lond at th� end of the mricd.--The cut-out accoontind. will r000in In t:,.e fileo of TSD.1 A-photostotic cooy of the bank atatecent: too-th oith ceoloos of the cancelleU checks vill be subrAtted:ae soon as000 poslible o_rter their receipt by the cut-out. . C. :Iolividnol control record e will be rointainod in TD to reflect- 'e ttUL(-f all fonds odvancod to cut-oute for MULTRA nctivitica. Foch record . will rooloot; the no or cryptonyo assignod to the cut-out and vill have ' colltone t.itledr.ecooding Date) Crantee Llontification) Tranomittal Letter o. � ,r-,x,zontings) ani Pelanco. Tv� ver:orseam eoinuns vill nalilted7-A 1�,y a.:41endsr ..k.T..,or to rclaect t te7.,cuot or Yee for caell grant a El eue2ktive arieunt of all fc,e3: 2.10 recera e? ech oat-out will be po tel in t.t..-; L.Ivaneos Lwffin itht.:neurits panb-e4 to thr, cut-o-Jt) ott to Aecountiaes tiith die'z-.3r474.d 10 afed aceomtie front eot-out: l'ae3 to the cute-otrzt -42.1. be. pcted to t1v.! rzeorl at th...1 � ., tir-aLie..,'.17:41c1,..- to the ,...?tat-wt i3racorbel. 1.����1Yi04 evis If c..attcre,otory: ar.orotre4 by tte Ctieriof the respon:.-ible braneh IG to t.eb r io the (awa). meerd: � 1.). Fre r,..zaeasible braneh vill pxa forwar4"t0 tbe 1-1 Dtvialt,}3 cow.rate "0-toter/sat:I for toth tieeettntirz meetral, fr.= a tut-olAt r.-7,7 be in tbe foro ce a 2,-2:-;1:-.:t?ran.711,1is culdreael to to txtborir44 ' erfleer 'ma will� reacet the tar.,-,e *rid. status or funds bell by thav antl. to 1:LTAteta kitsburaszi to eaeb The statz.lennt utLtsizo trActizikl tho ber!AZie,Ao 0? the tilief t ivib1 brtth th i certify to t bw ot 13,1 /*WA" the mco-unta 5t1 63 mints ott the abovo tttatent vore dic.,!-.'-ure,zd at AcI1ay-41rection to aiathorize1a3t1vitio3i fees h-slve. been, e?..i�reQd n1lurther_a4MTICea t aNy be