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Publication Date: 
July 20, 1953
scription Wit 49atie.6 " I - 1 47 te t . _ Subproje,ot 14. Obligations Expenditures Balance I 1 � � I : 13.57e> a 00 - 11- I :4n,ai,C) ___ Li .:-1 I- : . i H L . i I . '! _ 1. _ . . ,.,--3 s la , : I 1 I I j I riiI lit :j1 � ' J - . ; 1 -----MUMOMMWM.MMW May 25, 1954 7tic,z Received of Dr. S. Gottlieb the sum of $833,40 (Eight hundred thirty'three, dollars and fourty cents) which pays in full and closes the account Of pursuant to 30th, 1954. _ memorandum dated April 19 f IT;:**4.1CV1,1-V,11 , C1L2 VT.At ZUX.37T4 13 ,I=s-y 19> 0..�i'vrolcet 1t, roct TZ,.�'.11LVIA0 Imolea ro. ii.1-4,nt 1. Ir.voiert 1%To. 2 for :.'"apro.licet lk -or Proleat MYITD7RA tc attaehod.A1IJ io the ono_to under- 'n-vor.taet 14 i1. -fl paid, Cuer*tltutez cc:;121eto Iniiwat of *le pro:!,..,:et. It 1.3 ravailtQathat_Toyz.ant be 1.1a3o la ca7..11 (533.40) . . throuzh.Z1V by olcuo . 154. 2. tv lavolcaa eovorina tl2l3 Sttvrsresata teAlch ia tho tc=tal avItropri.Itton C rubPrOIV;I: 14, t raveateA that t11,1 filig; on thlu-3tbprok... -111 a1ov41. Attaalment: "Involce.1 No, 2 4 14Jin Certifications DiAtrilution: 0:?-10,e / --- t,/ - - I CERTIFY THAT FUNDS ARE AVAILABLE OBLICIATIZ,,N Ilaf:!;a1Cf: 1-fra maxa3 Chi'ats eten1os1 Dlvlalaa� T33 r:o. MAY 17 ENP3 CA431-I M ENT IN AM LIU NT � REtnINED, MAY 2 it MEMORANDUM RECE I PT I hereby acknowledge receipt of the following: CASH PAYMENT IN P.! CUNT OF $,AEVala RECEIVED. Please return aigned-copylies) o this receiPt TO FORM NO. 36.66 MAR 1369 MAY 24 1954 � CrtaTinf:: .���� (1) It 1..z certificil thIn r.o. 2 r 14. c: zthflt ba3 3:41.atter:it t:atn. roa1.4.:',.;?..,.1. 1)-111 13 (Wits 1�::, tit, it et 147;ar1 h. IXtet (') titt13rcicerti-fi5:1 tlat this anr17.1.1.03 to 1.721,-.1-ca� .o 1. t1-.0 7.q.oloat, 11:13 becm zarried ou=6.-, vi.t`a Vilt3 Ix," I tr 11 Al7L-1/ 1)53 . I'aym-r4t :La c,* cald raceao3ted�. ot.....t.citra CO/INJ -nate� * Ittlz4-arch Iroctor VERIBMINIMMINIMS April 30 1954 Fer services rendered November 13, 1933 through_ Jtnuory 15, 1954. ..17,7sz,x7;A57,-,*1.;,1 1;1, "195It :32,3 far 1roje:7:4 � : ';.;:ta.17�3xt� p loot 1,I-14. Lz.,s.z.ioret.ntlail Yoe: 1953 -,avpro )tile 1.4 11.;1 oa-vv.::r_I-.,1;-0 or-A-Ata Vila ,73.13440 rldit...o.1 4;4,0 tl-O Ist,il.nal b3&L t WI t � tr.:11,Sgt1,:lf11, Division) 41; 057;f!;;.'44011 � .1.6.1. �-lIP-WR, gmr-or.,e, Ar � � ��� r 4 2 1 . (Ii.��0.10-X1) j.7 �.C.� A I CERTIFY Ti-Lvr 7,1'7 AVAILABLE: : LIU is- o � IMORANDUM FOR THE RECORD Final Settlement of,ke'count with in Relationship to Reimbursement of 1. The original request that as made for reimbursenent o involved $3,500.00. 2. We are in receipt-of a memorandum from- the indicating an overage of $833.40 incurred due to the aet--- that worked fer-ua Cull time for an additional month and a half. 3. This reiinbxrsement i1lcpletelyterminte thi8rranemcnt. Original Only. SID GOTTLIEB - Chief Chemical Division APPROVED FOR OBLIGATION OF FUNDS: : Research Direct� Date: 111--$1--//-i4"--- 0 roam Fig. C4 Office Memorandum � UNITED sTArEs GOVERNMENT r. S. Gottlieb Central,Intelligeaco Agency FROM EAMECT: 7.eimbur3ement of salary and expenses fo DAVI: April 30 1954 Fursuant to the orevious-arra uement_you.are advised that - - there is due the the -fel 0 amount.. incurred for salary an expenses by vihile on special assignment with your agency: Balance due as per statement dated January 4, 1954- 253.86 _ December 1953 5a1ary (12 days) 403.44 Travel Expenses 176.10 Total due 833.40 Zr. S. Cottlieb Central Intelligence Agency Reimbureement Pursuant to the 'CV.C.Us arrangeluent you are advised that there is due th,� the-following a:nount incurreI for salary anu_c 1.:_;4s. , '.:1LlC f4..1.0 put azency: Balance due as per .staienmt dated January 4-, 1954- C253-86 December 1953 Saiary (12-dus) 403.44 UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT &f,41,TAFMTVAMUXCI Office Memorandum M. S.-Cottlieb Central Inte11ignce Agency SOWCV: Reimbursement of salaT and exTenses:for TB; January 4, 1954 Pursuant to our previous arrangement, the following statement covers the itemization of the amounts incurred for salary and expenses by while Month Salary* _ Exxon es- Total 1953 July 0606.46 - $266.5Q $ 872.96 August 336.92 144-.00 . 480.92 September_ 741.22 - 270.00 1,011.22 October 741.22 279.00-- 1,020.22 - November_ 26954- 99.00 368.54 Totals. $2,695.36-_ $1,058.50 $3,753.86 Advance received StpteAer 10 1953.. � � 3500.2 Balance due.. $253.-8.6 December obligations will b in addition to this, Lf.r. S. ettlieb Otaltral intollivnee Agency t of salary and_expeases o Pursuant to our previous ar an4emon statement, covers tho itesization for salary and expenses by Vihile on special aSsignment i your 1.-=�ffla. Salsa Jiary 4$ 1954 ExTyan Total _ - jay 06.46 ,t1266.50 $ 02.96 Ast..nist 336.92 144.00 460.92 � Septeml-ier 741.22 270.00 1,011.22 October. 741.22 279.00 November7 99.00, Totals � Advance received $2,695.36 t11058.50 September 10,- 1953.-.... $3,73.b6 24500.00. Balance due 0��� 4,253.66 December obligutiovs will be in addition to this. AP. 3epteniber 10 1953. Received from Mr.. S. Gottlieb,the sum of Thirty�five hundrec, Dollars (3,500600) as an advance reimbursement for salary and expenses beginningiqUlyli 1953 fo for which a statement of actual obligations will be submitted later., StaTaX3: CancellatioA of Prevlou3 of ronJu to th,. R7.-TER:TWL: '26 Am $t 1953 Memoralatuu-ror: froneD/T3S, Cated CD/T13 camels the requeut for 4:,31,500 to be rade available to thos venortind Distribution: AllresJice - Or. & 1_ . _ 7:xse. 0:...!e�y., Rea. Bd. - 1 aa reve3te4 in *6q reforencea._ T`,r4T1 GOMISD. Chief Cheolcal Div1d.o1v233 - 1 - Cotrollor - 1 - 1 - 1 CD/T.33 - 2 c MEMORANDUM RECEIPT TO: FROM: Sidney Gottlieb Budget Office, TSS SUBJECT: Cash 0500 I hereby acknowledce receipt of the followinE: aCey 45; -4> 33. Ji.14 1933 Three thousand five hundred_dollares_($3,500.00) in cash for ' Reimbursement of services and material for use in connection with _ Project MAMMA. Please r.turit signed copyllesi of this receipt To FORM NO. 39.66 MAR 1949 DATE DATf RECE,VDD � 4 POR: CTficer Tx:voice 3ubpro,:ont 14, s) b2IULT.M. InvoitD No. 1 forubprojolt 14 or Prot 1411102.i7Rkin ottaehea. It itv.%veatt4 that .maLrmLt_bo raae in orob 03,530) to Chief,. CO/Z:;;A-throuh 411G1.1:31: 1933* _ Attehna-nt: CortWitations DiatribtiGn: c1-14. & 1 ta. 40Mir't by olozo '1,1s1rAon 5- SXNTY' COTTLrU Ii Chief Cbonlcal DIVi3led AUG Evi no (1) t'..r.t 14 hereby eerZ.ifiel thla 13 Invoice 17o. 1, t !net 14 of 7,.r:.,:,ect; tezInnic3.1 13 s1t1Actory, 1,11,-_-,t t orz ii1.1e1ir,cici ult11 tritb. bill la ,:ro3t ar-.1 eer.rect a1 tt zyorit threof n 4 bearl 41.1,04..411.1 11)CfEcAl CM0f, CJ/r4%i7i;" cortifIca th-c.t Vita -1rn-tolee aplAies ta suin-projec...t P-rejet tT zMh17;1,3 duly r*pro,:el f:Zs1 'ea nre:;eet hz-3,3Ctearriea out in, lath t to 0,:j1 cir.teil 3 1^,,,y;-....11 1953, tl:e'1):::(r or.n1irto ,14ttel 13. ??..Atil 1953,r..the 141 f..tued. 19 Juno 1)53., _ rate: repTv.74!_riezeozeltDireetor,' (3) ":t il" hereby -eertirlea thnt the .0.w..)0 or the -, or - 0�carproL!elt 14 or Project IAX:ZTRA has been w,t.itIroved. Dt_Nta: I� .1.i:.t7�!.1, C:3: P..17:1:17102,1 : Pi 4sr.i.z. 0 t VI Pro,s., r.11:13=1Ny. "ezt Ltram the tr1t tltio mnoranitra datel 13 Arentl tho f.urtIlizer tLtritycz6zted tbaIito elate:a 17 41 on. tbo alf:eicet: r,eol.cot rvtekny tai,to to tt the (13t,e Sur.o Vi53, 'rca titO Lr;I to the.sexterdirk3 tho authority to teo-ler iL Ystir 17641 1OOt i L la:en 0.71nrove32 ara. -c=r thez ovar-tal. tha expillloc 341 A '� OONNair ��� / .r7 ��� 1;3 - Grf.:2-1.17,-11 , Lc. C DS. Vi ion, -733 --D44P,ATI OlterCiATION - AUG 4 Mt IWO:INDIA:I FOR TIE RECORD SUBJECT: Discussion wi 1. TI' of the period Au6mt 1 1953 throuch Odtobe scussed the Problem of rembursement services during the 2. problem was that he desired to have detailed o our 'work or major portion of his time du irvIP He ac;rees r--of_the_conli ential work nor of the tr-encY will maintain completely his status a aLent durins this three month pericd. seems to be anxiotis to have an entry Innis indicatins a va I roirfuurse-: =tit of funds to cover this period of activities. 3. The funds are not to exceed. :)3500 for this three4donth-period, on a reimbursable basis. Pf.loaRAN App Rolm Ar,D REct a MIMED: Date: earch iniran , Orij_nal Only. SIDNEY G TTLIM Chief TS APPROVED FOR OBLIGATION OF FUND3: Resarch Direc Date: MEMORANDUM FOR THE RECORD SUBJECT: Discussion wi of DRAFT- 20 July 195 and 1. This mornin- the writer discussed the problem_of_reimbursement_ of the for Mr. 'serVices during the period Au, st 1 1953 throuh October 3 2. problem was that he desired to have detai)ed to our work for a major portion of his time durin-,: t.e above- mentioned period. Because of several pclitical factors attendant to the change-over of administrations,-he desires to have a lausible reason for � absence from his assigned office in He agrees e.C... not to di he nature of the-confiacntial or nor of the Agency cc'ncerre.l will maintain completely his status as addiftp , 02, agent during this three month period. . , SCCV.3 to be anxious _to have an entry-ih-his books indicatin a valid reimburse- ment of funds to cover this period of .. . 3. The funds are not to exceed 43500 for this three-month period, ' on a reimbursable basis. PE,CYRNI! ...'D7K7ED PD :IBC Q22EI:DED: Date: ' Ori,:.inal Only. s activities. SIDNEY G iLIE' Chief_ Chemical Division, TS3 � ARFROM Fa; (D=ATIcr OF-FUrD3: � Bseearch Director Date: '4`' L. - 20 July 195'3 --- --I- - Ac/e:d 46/4' available to . the arxinc; the period, A*Luat 1. to of-:furft.e is to, x�.irlburae the -Zor tlie. o."Canemploycep' who will. yroYide . I AIL; zervicea period. 2. In comlinicatire, with that contaata i re with an,1 that .1'c:1'el-once 1x ede -to a--convereation--in-Ilia of of July 211 1353 vith the writer in-connection with 3. To ah.n icai--11-a en- th -..the will be zinirttained by Dr...Sic_ItcyGotaiel:)i Ccci, C pcJ P.1)MOT.,..'D AIM t ie dcare4 GOIVLIP,11 Ciao: Chemical Dry-it:Joni Ti33 170:1 OBLIGNIII01 OF FLrk: 1,mmmyd0w ����MI.- 1-l3sarch Cairrn zearch.Direccor Date:. Attachrcre.4 iZevisition Diatribution: AZIa_leso - Orl. t, 1 3ea'y., Id* - 1 --1 2 f..--- letTy ba�v: _ 153 -7 It 13 reciwowt-thzt. iwc:13 be,--trc,i-zt,fQrroa tha thr- aliza INA*: � -atoi. 20 July fror. Subjeot::=1- Trareafer7Oi to 4-1- C, 01\14174(1 ..&("747-/ZTCZYM XXXXX.,`C7.,..11n.' 1:=ILSCIA trs tzIttA. g 1, '3. te'T A trN aeZ .513 teet,5:1 t ik".1r,t'ixtut Prz.v.114. � $1--250,2- � e 1 ArtAt, t./ oral Rtz le .1 T.I.7.1,,% ,Itr. 4.1 1-,.tz�sr,*t, t-re.Ar,:t ci: Aixt.7....z1r-til:Li:%�tr.. 0-- -....-- t --- 0 ^1 .4,5 ' t- , �r__ .. __var.. 1..., .. � �...--... ...,�110.�� 'MS 1 1