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Document Creation Date: 
August 23, 2024
Document Release Date: 
September 8, 1976
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Case Number: 
Publication Date: 
January 19, 1962
/9 6'0 cry � ..11 , 11L4 Ciller,- �I'velizaota Eeriicts LIY/1104 1. Atte the issetzArrte in J ry196 of tte aapert of Andlt o pro nranA for the partod 1 Kareia .*30P"---;;rch 1961, VL firt4re..4. :were die ct-..f;ftel tt--..,-*I'e,platy Urectori::74471:orts-et,,zetroller,=_Chle4 Atb-lito Etat,' The atiof, a*Ibnicial -er-1c ivItoa. f o re3ult ot the oletus-4ton*,ztiL..-eztatat of rovi-tr-illa,n tbel 14 C4,10 talt JAI VIN>ktitlire3- thint:1. effint, sr..1 reri-z.tms ttesa to pro/1de contra of each -01.1;b4rte4 votle entlorittee precritvil 2. It uus fonnd Le the zt.evieg that the ilookrtaatatLon the mst rzrt ot,u7fIclent for the moat:wee-1.1Z clf dlsbaraodk =I It VAa. rj 4x4.1..y to eltablizh staiIgyaltirq,. st-311:1-aas,to be app1.t0 'et theF Ywri_otm -r.---z4..nt.4 of cz..:--b--erz-evant.4...tallity.--!;* it-Account Irkg etenilAtati tante te* re* to o urIttclz rroqe_tharetsi tha_f4x7f, of 11 kartric. ..uwa rtg - tire 421.1.,urr,e.;14 JjdirvattA.laC tha Teclzaitfal r.:2:r4leesth marl.,Nix--nt of t.zzAd fOr thew .1:tarAs by') i ti:4-,h-4ele trwt: _ trottnii utlah tto iJ istritt:*4 � - 3, 71:,i tattkblie.lint th4 contras. pro42.0:1 by, tt41.71I'..41:114. rkeesLeary to zaal.,,,ir.e,Tjust trenwt-attwe /21 or-,!, bring tat" -tottro Alt C.rtilN ElIOV.11A7. east% 4f-J,t1AitiAINI 1114 not rat. CAV:V'alti *z.zita haw)Lc. it 1eil.-.1ra;Trule vay.xtred to vtri-ToA the initial ont nee t theorawl reeortleouU - relleglr, 1114 14-r...okintii 11-:44 by tx.o.....h g_raate.oj, pr94tot, v_att out.ontri identifind by zfottr r-t2b-n-N-et It te rac:�,74..,ated thlt o. cripy ot�hz---'-at-LI% fta:allell to t.1*-.4 =3�.'e tisLo. tblt tVkiCe01.21tea for' e..t1th Laid b-Lr Lt,projettA&1ctit-oiltol .tral orate- LA the corAtvl, trug.13.;:rt.torr_4-V1,11. utab,11:-;.:1,tO Matt-NI b.11111,./\!� Zt L et-_.-7,-,:.4asietta 12-41.-_tent--svtarja.of t-1^.4. Plezat 47:1",004:ad 14! 4...el.e (..;P,AN! TS I ' t � � OrnE a 1-a run Fe,...7 /VII) ni.5! r:- Fr restr;: i ra Iv 1-S AJd�/T1f!&Ej ' A tire ET:5 ACC00,4 - Ly4R r rsp fist papc!r� 1:: pix.e/- 1 Lcorients Accirj rosAing tO .ts'AIICC / .01VIS;AP ' 11Pare3 4erv4ce j 7e---- tii.:-._-�....,--- � _.1 r T ,-E: i-7-- ...�:�...__ . , _ 12 - , iffec-rs -t- l� r ,TrAtit 5 Proc-. Scr,i1-.4.1, � ;Aree�vatini I_ tenit7A:".:1 -j ?41 - � ,.:.�- eat f. 1,4 2,:i Arcc-A-rCr 1,1,4 crsie 2. Aetiti ! _ r - i feitaier tv,-;... le-ct�-lasi I ,-,-.4�".r411,. 1 to�-to-,�% a. 1 C5.n .r 1 1 tv-i:....cAr.) - ,1 13.1, jz,r0.0/tZ j 1 PI:=C+-Cf4+01,1 o e.r ea rilb$rte41:4 1.3 ettirvi,11- ! t t1-4., Vet. j 0 I�rt . 1 el 1 lAccorn i 1.":-.� ite.0.11/. 14 3. ro 0.._ 1,���d� rt. - 1 � j1t44-4-,t1,-.�. i kj,e4_,L, i 4.--c. :.19-2r ' 4.---t. � - -.,. , i� ..-1, ,,� . t 4 C 442-:t,-1--0 . 4.1_.1172-4,-It; .. .t-allit.1".1. t 7 , ,e) - �-�� ' ihoti4.111 . /, e:..e,, #0(---. C- i4.-e.-_,,,,k--0......, 1---t, e.. A.), LA,. 4�I fewi--1,-4-41...4 41.4.e 1.___e_t_ i , 414 frctLtAi ft-44A-, f4 et-a,"`" et-i-etft4- l at. ; i sm, MORA/MUM FOR: Chief Support, T8D ATTENTION : I .1. Sub'ect MKULTRA vouchers 611 21 JanUary 1964, VO -1i; ($4,500), and #428 .8 468) were adjusted by transfer from the 142.9 account to the t42.9 account. In the future it is requested that similar vouchers centin the crypt� of the funding mechanism to be used .as originally requested and shown on the sample vouchers furnished to your office. 2. The last two vouchers submitted for MKULTRA sub project 110, invoices 9 and 10, were submitted on Request for Advance forms and not Request for Payment forms as the payment requires. 3. Due to the complexity of MKULTRA's program, you are kindly requested to use care in preparing vouchers for their submission to this office. 7,`"'" � -..,,,'.77V-7,-'.7���""="rr�tV-7.,:..., rtp, ET (When Ii i FROM [DATE lik , VOUCHER NO. (Finonce use only) REQUEST FOR PAYMENT , , CONMENTIAL Fr " 1 Sec attached payment instructfocnc (if check requested) coNFrr,ENTIAL FU APE OVESTED FOR OFFICIAL BUSINESS OF A CONFIDENTIAL. EXTRAORDINARY OR EMERGENCY NATURE AND ARE INTENDED FOR USE AS FOLLOWS: Ldvance ...nvoice #1, for activity approved by Chief, TM cm . � . ... . Accoutiig for this advance 141: he in accordance uith nX71,72.1, Fiscalkanox� Attacbmott A. � 'PAYEE PAYMENT INSTRUCTIONS AMOUNT � 05 C00.00 I THE AMOUNT REQUESTED IS DUE THE PAYEE FOR SATISFA.T- Y PERFORMANCE OF DUTIES IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE TERMS OF HIS CONTRACT ORTHE ITTEN OR ORAL AGREE. ble) MERITS. (TO be sin 0 o ger! ,en pplien , APPROVED DATE SIGNATURE OF APPREII.ING OFFICER DATE TITLE /4.IGNATURE I Responsible 2ranch Chief. CERTEFICATE FOR PAYMENT OR CREDIT DATE SIGNATURE OF CERTIFYING OFFICER I CERTIFY FuN s RE A-crritmt^ OBLIGATION REFERENCE NO. I CHARGE ALLOTMENT NO. 754 4125-1390-3901 RECEIPT FOR FUNDS . I ACKNOWLEDGE RECEIPT or FUNDS TO DE USED FOR THE PURPOSE STATED ABOVE DAT9 !SIGNATURE 1 T .i.N.T./.3F OATE 1 AMOUNT 1 SIGNATURE OF PAYEE SPACE 8 I. FOR EXCLUSIVE USE OF FINANCE DIVISION PREPARED OV REVIEWED BM VOUCHER NO. 7.12 DESCR PTION.ALL OWEQ ACCOUNTS 13.33 34.39 43 F U N 45.45 PAY pep. 00. COOE 47-52 onm. REF. NO. �GENERAL ...... 0:"1 :..CA - '1 .... ...YR Elio. NO. 5 58.67 54.5? ALLOT. OR ACCT. NO. COST 88.70 DUE DATE AMOUNT 1 TPAN(?1. DESCRIPTIOR'ADVANCEACCOUNTS 13.27 p.p. so. STATION CODE p,op. No. 40.42 EXPEND CODE OBJECT' CLAN S 1 OESIT R �0 IT LEDGER ACCT. NO. 6Z67. ,o. N c. ric..1 . to,, PROJECT NO. et' I I P 1 I I I I I 1 1 133 I !III I I . E 1 I I � 1 I 1 1 I I / I I I I ' I 1 I 1 I I I 1 1 I I I 1,............................4 t 141 I 1 I I I I I ' 1 1 I I I I I I I I I I I 1111 I I 1 � I I 7 1 1 I I' 1 I ..... 1 I 1717777771 1 E E 1 1 1 1 L & TOTALS .. CDov VELC 7:77,5111,110*. 1 .N.IE or Ao� A - .CIATE ' AMOUNT , OsoucHER vo. ffinonce ugc AY) , 5 February 1964 Z 5,000.00 ... REQUEST FOR ADVANCE i OF FUNDS FAVAi1L,,: 0 r- ROOM ... � . BUILDING I TELEPHONE EXT. : '...ectout ...........:.-- p . f.u2,dine, :,:i.L:ULTF.A Sub�Pro.ject Z010 Invoice 1, which activity was approved by..;.(..le.L, ..., Le. � _ � . Acceunting.ta Lc in accordance with aULTRA Fiscal AL= Attachment B. , STATUS OF OUTSTANDING ADVANCES 1 S z agree that Z will fully account for thia advance by submission of voucher* and refund of any unexpended balance to the reporting point stated and by the due date checked below. In the event ofmy failure to so account and refund : any unexpended balanc m e. 7 authorise deduction fro rev salary to effect settlement. DATE AMOUNT UNACCOUNTED BALANCE REPORT ING POINT DUE DATE V 1 , FINANCE D 1 V IS ON � `rIEADOUARTERS (18 months 'from this month) ON ARRIVAL AT DESTINATION ON OR MOUT ' MONTHLY � ON THE LAST WORKDAY OF EACH, MONTH . , ... . 4. REOUEST !NG OFFICER APPROVED 1 I . RECE :PT FOR FUNDS ADVANCED . DATE SIGNATURE nes�onsib/e 2ranch Chief DATJE ' SIGNATURE OF APPROVING OFFICER 1 I 1 Ziocknowledge under as recegpt of funds in the amount stated here- to be used for-the purpose stated and accounted for shawl above. 1 I :ERT I FY FUNDS ARE AVAILABLE , SIZNEYGOTTtIEB DC/TSD DATE AMOUNT . D'LLtGATtON REFERENCE NO. CHARGE ALLOTMENT NO. CE TIF'IED FOR PAYMENT OR'CRED! 754 4725"::' 904'3901 ! DATE , AUTHORIZED CERTIFYING OFFICER SIGNATURE OF ADVA CEE TE SIGNATURE 7.474rBT.7 . SPACE BELOW FR EXCLUSIVE USE OF FINANCE 0 V iS ON PPARED BY REVIEWED BY VOUCHER NO. 7.112 ' DESCR PT ON� AL' OTHER ACCOUNTS 13. 33 34.39 L. d.., AD '''''"*".� 'AS.AS 47'52 .. .0 SEI� f 7 68-70 71-80 DUE 23-33PAY T/ANO. STATION CODE .EXPEND F u : ORLI G. REF. NO. sa. 57 ALLOT. OR COST GENERAL ,^ ACCT. NO. DATE AMOUNT DESCR : PT1 ON - ADVANCE ID- 27 P.O. NO. .1 ..... � � PROP.NO.I CODE D PER. : 1.10. ',4N,C4Ei' .A.c.o.T....T 0 ���, - CA va �- LEDGER . ^ 52.� 67 ....;-4....t2: . ' 010JtCT met, FTCA I T ACCOUNTS 1,,,,,,,RoJecT NO.i 'FY s CODE Fut. , NO. ACCT. NO. ' X retr. No. CLASS 1 1 1 1 . i I I ; I I I I i I 0 i i ill Id lilt II Si IlltIttit I I 1 Id !IT III � d I : ! m m 1 t I ! ! 1 I 1 1 1 i 1 ; i I 11:Jilli I I 1 1 I 1 ! 1 I I ! 1 i r J 1 r"---- TOTALS FCM , 8.40 4.01 VIE FACTIOUS COITION*.