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Document Creation Date: 
August 23, 2024
Document Release Date: 
September 8, 1976
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Publication Date: 
August 3, 1953
�;.�,:r of (T.if,1.1z,1 1-...11.7.1 T. '.�z,.? i)7",. :t3,70:.ti% -.1% .4,1-..:�:,:;:,t i7,, e i .....,:',.".�::: i tr.,,:l en C t' ';'-! :1 i til rt ' t...--T, I-, ; Ai- 5,-: la -- ..: ,_� ' � ' 3A'u ,-...)-3 i .6" -,62- ? 3& 1 . 6-7.-- ;$1 -,,.z,fro,,2-."7 gief oft 7e0, c....����=teo 1 * -4 � 13 4'0 - kt�SItts.vat l',t rik,t3. ' - Tirol. Y-v,, - Ill 1 Lt.-174 t 4, ;tt'r.--: ;it% .14' . Ai.ttIll.,-,rf attti 3 t7,-.:::,,!ter'3, i-;,,,,r!..;,-.). to ;%-n:tftt� C--....13t.,,t,l,r:A � .F.,..........----....-..,-~.....,........ -eft ...-e- ,eeetre - rTre,elre ee-ale . eVelue.i. ,,eee,r, or:ewe...wee* Rae..., e e. ,i 1. -a, e ee- - --eve,. e �Pora-Peltel -- -, ti i t I - r------,- I I � re�reeeee-e.dibreee*. ....rt. awra er�tee a. rwr.e.s.-- I wee reeer-e�oe raw-wee .-/...........1111.W...1.11^ weeouie.e.ree�sereme=er I * / 1 'VP. I MI ler IV' +.�1a....1.0. reevee.ver-weeezveree meevaesee. -ea ttratem-, W.-tn. r eettere,,eee eerdaeeee.e-eree..mwer. eeereeemeeer,- aane-reera.eseaeni - er+e,eePre=ceeem.reeffLeer..-eieeereLreer ittdertrettettl.t.... lyeneelreesot. rake - ,._ea,eareeseavete reet..�ww..e. �� !row to .4 r roe., ee tr....YAW...W., . tvitivs7 4.7)CUSt, � t� t wa..mtaart,.*det ao 6-3 La, es!, � ; ; r rtfttett.t.4�0V. .1.!Mr2C1;: .rer l������������������������i ...�������� ����� � � � - . . palvir 3 AUGust 1953 1-7,MGRAIDUI4 FOR Thl: RECORD SUBJECT: Project mruum, Subproject 75 CD/TSS Memorandun for the Record, Subject: Project MKULTRAI Sub21o1ect-4-i- dated 4 May 1953 - 1. The purpose of subProject 15 is to expand the. original provisions of subproject 4 to include an allowance for travel form. and_for opera.aionalipplieb--Used in the course of this 2. Subproject 4 rceuire37frequent consUltations between I. and CD/T3S. The travel-allowance_will provide funds for ' to come to Ilbshinston for some of these consultations. 3. Certain-)ortions:of-subprolect-4 require experimental verificatf.on by � The item for operational supplies is intended to Provide for the purchase of supplies used to test or verify ideas. 4. The cost estimate for subproject 1 is -$700.00 for a period of six months. PROf.ERAM APP2OVED --AND - - RECOMETIDED: Date: !Atilt - Oriz.jnal Only. SIDITAY r TILTED Chief - 'Chemical Division, T3S APPROVED na OBLIGATION OF FUrD3: 1 Date: �IC) Research Director Travel Supplies COST E STIPATE $500.00 200.00 $766:5-0 Lclzu Fimrice L4'3 11:1-1t)? tho_tr..-L1:::,r.'0...-7_Fritr.kte. ti 1tr4.'zitf.11 13A-1413. n" _to thii-TIVA, t151:1 Eritti-7af.-Aali 17 ib t 04, r 4.:,..);) - Proqsz..1�.- and thtl-te.,:;:,ozazy.tva 19 12,-trzyr. t ir V�01.-.����-�������������� - , � 4.1.�1 le V � 1- .v.ttltorIty t.c.) COY:1" , .1;4)4 - t--,t,rs:1-1 ve 40' '0,111 01 tho__ r.1'4:74 t>,0:tr. 1i cvt � �Ja ��� na->������������� ,771: ; r�� �"1" 3�L�0.11.1,�'�ii Ch;:nriszr.O. r 11,.;01 ;11 t 4r. �/,��, 1 ���� ������������� At Your suggestion-as_to plane I have purchased a ticket Ciorflightiakof__-the for August -14th. That , plain leaveS.wialiaitailo, at and is due at at -I shall be on that plane an. -withoutiany:furthur communication with you about the_ matter. -I purchased a _round trip_ ticket hit made no reservation_for-thereturn trip. _ I paid _n_ for c, the round trip ticket. C 2 - (7/ I shall gO to there until returning:t6 omorrow-and shall be on the evening_of1the:13th. Sincerely_yours !I.:X. .4 if:7�...0 RVI fiti xoto.... VITA, Vw:to 194% Oracer__ _ Involee, No,-11-Zu'onmleotH134 T1,42.toico'Pa, 1 to i;Opro.10_,It_15$ *i'n.);ect1i.A io attached,. it la x,,veated-ttat plvnev,t_or,-thz3(,51 nade by cao3e vow r.iboull be cent-to Cb5e1.- c;/;, ti OffiCeZi oiciNst uoTTL1L2 aerlical Pavluioa Ws; Att74h!nnta:. InvQ12,t3, ce-ifirlcatIon 11113trr,:q.,tloitI tt., _ - 1 / - r: 3f,;,7; - 2 AUG 2 0 Bill (1) it IF; 1.7.-:.,rc)y _t11.1t, t 11 1 lu to30�I rtTity1r.71to 15 of 174., by 1,111!,t thr..! z�,) no: vpi.z r�c,:::::-..-.1111.31-ma w;f4 t;;;;., ;)=t; cX1ec;.;',:vattt1,,,ar%ent. thareor rzde. 411111.� 2E' 1,4 _ (2) " It is horelq =ertLfttt tTthtJ- I nvol e-n n ppl!0,1- to ect 15 N411-221- Vi:atzt- CLivi Vat,t hag bOCM ca:7171,24 out In rteco:f:Icince- with tki..) 1,4? r, to all.. dated 3 i 19531 tho 13 1553, tnd L..1..r,o-ran...43 to tho DO/A _dated 19 -Juno-1953k rette: -Angatolwanc-Ir Irc (3) "Tti1c NrNalay certifiel that the sco;e-cor the nroi:=14 of udiyoro. cc 15 of: Project tAULTaA harr,bc.on chpDroved, Dato:,�...,����Agrtgol-,,,ile......� - .ill'or.e