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Publication Date: 
January 7, 1960
Enit: UST -lavanA Sa-ivoject At Dat,'z of Orlainal r104 Extw.qed Autbol.,imtion. Cowred To Aantiona - 1,..atte1 Tine XtitsndcA Autboritioag CovereA To Invoic:o Fimber Date - AlltrintN/t AE4untor 7kTber Ofqiusit Allotront Vaber AnwNkA a - Obligat1.47271 Auct t W1/7,in,cte 4 rorp000: To do a aeries of -psychiatr c sociological stualPs, ca. of cak: year Liv_ration. Specifically, to cAlzly the interaction ot tho . mutal.%y aisturbed anil their cavireamnt (cULTLA U5)1 to sttsiy the treant or psychiatric tiisturtancea by '-r.Rit 121); eal to study voting recor OriCULTia )21). _ _ _ _ Initiated: EMMA 115 August 19(0 ENULWAN 121 - Awyst 196) VOLTRA 127 - October 1960 Cost: 115): 01035.-00 i 121): 43,850,00 127): 4Y,490.00 natl.'s: MR Ivo; no reports have *Wen receivi, I No. Cost Account � 41,70- Objec t Clas1 Date Itemarks and References Obligations Incutred Obligations Liquidated untiquidated Balance --.._ 22 Au-q , /es 47,41" 105471 ______Ited4.,!a _uLti I i -.......-- - - -. - , _.....___ - � ..... 1cotJau.4 ar ; bprojact 115 tfoil Fiv.vaee DiNiSien 67,Atherity grt44 in the --sralultrt 13 tpril 3.9;$3 INco. tb XX to thg.. or41 the ca.tvir,ion Vac, f_LvtLQrlty 11), ubr1t xMi,S'AnW01.-Ct 1/5 IMO bels,rt (.1.-4,A�ovt:d. .00 or tria over.1:t11.10.rif.MI. pivjeet tar4s hfa-3 t�/ CA) 1,4ted1QCriVar ttAu CrilbprOiWt Irbia Obli.ti,30 ftulda Shriald cht,,d, to Anotty2nt 14`ebsl: 1125- 1C,09-1902. � Otvtiolt Ovig 6 2 tdd e. ee 1 - TSD/OC 77-1 - TI3D/FAS3 I CERV,FY THAT FUNDS ASE AVAILA131.t; LuEp.E,Ict olAiGEioMt,,. //it sir".. /40 i���� /7 � crCk Aljf rij;;; ,3. 24 toaust 1960 1-1cX07 � cim, PJ rci iIVX3XON WA t/1,"uavt Officer ?:zau� f.Aavroject i1, Inv-oic no, 1. Allotocat Liat7lx,a. 152().1C09-1902 1. Imre cc ro. 1 covrtng-thd &lova subpro4ct to at Paww.f.:,nti should bc nAdc as follows: 2. phoula forgardrA to Chief, 1.,i7sZCs throu42 (ifficers vo tbzo 11704:1Zefie,,Vp 196O. 3, rza3 la a final nusg:wry ulAco it ia o,ntictrated. `bo obli,E.ated ..ft:,r thin pivject, the not bo cloccd. AtiAchell � invacct& Cert1C1tiOiW DiotriWtioas Orie: 2 - WrerAeo '1VD/FASS LIM:TY GOnii NputY Chi.e.4f Tal)/W�;*vrth Bmmh CERIIFY TIIAT fUNDS AV,Mt.Atitti OtAGATION F.EiEk:,z4CE Ns, PIARGE It) f.94, jCE � (;) OF RECE1VEL.:, 24 Augwt 1960 leZMWRATA kVA:- OEM, km= r vm TSD/Ludcpt �facer SUDTXT 1 VNULTRA, Raproject 115, Invoice Vo. 1 AllotDent Loober 1525-1001-1902 1. voIco No. 1 covering the tbove subproject is attc.chad. Payx-,nt shoad. ba mlo as follovs: Cashier's &Vc t (nonnt of $4,085.00 .avtble dram on to R. The Cheekth Branch) throuja TSD/En. 7 Copte.a.7a. 190. 3. This is a final invoice. R',over, circa it ia anti iw.tea that tdational.funds be oblicatrAi for this pro42ct, the illes shoula not be closcd. A 'A: invoice & Certifications Distribution: . f:ackrosseet _7. forwarded to Chief, VD/Research Officer, no later than Wedneasy, ZID= ccutsa NIT,uty ChIctf TOD/R:;ssarch rxrneh CHECir - AMOUNT 0 RECE;VELD.,> PIMECE ')riIoN Orficer AWAIT 1. Xnvo �- - - FAILTRAA Wbprolc.,-ct 115, Invoice Wu. 1 AllotmInt R-U-A1x:3r 154.1009-1902 c Eo, 1 covering the novo &ubproject i5 at r;ado as follow4: --A the Tottat chcel throuGh f1rt Officer) no ltAter 'than Vccinazdnyj y Oepttl-ob.:r 1960. 3. TNtu Is that cnOltiollal ft4-411 shoulA not be cld* At2chAl Invor'4,co L CerirtccUaiiu Dictributioa: OrIg & a . Pci,dr,ze.soe a . TSD/Bil 1 - TWFASS rorwrde to Chiefj, TED/Eesarch nvolco. liovewrj Sit= it i nticipate4 obligatud for this pro�lectj the 1110,3 TSD/RB/ 24- August 1960) D,LTuty Cbiz.f TODlit�-ze-vmh ;irsnch CIMIFICATIONS (1) It is horeby certified that this is InvoiCe No. 1 armlying to Subprojc;et 115 of MATRA, that pereomanee is sattsfactorys that serviccv are being accoll2lisbed in aceorelAnee with mutual agree- nonts, that a detailcd c.....mda of th3 pqy4..tmt3 and receipts is on file in TSD/F0$ that this bill is just and correct end that payteat thereet,has rkot:Ygt /-Y-?:eu mac. Date: (2) It is ITY.L.say corti iea that this invoice applies to Subproject No. 115 of 1aUlMwhich vre) duly approved, and thatthe:project 10 -- boles Orried os.t in vecordsuce with the muoraadum of 13 April 1953 frall Ule WI to the DD/A, v.nd the extension of this authority in sub- sccint mcnaoranaa. Date; 4,S,Mq Research Director CONF ;DENT I AL FUNDS POSTING VOUCHER VOUCHER NO, 7.12 DATE 2.6 ; 'VOUCHER o - . NO. 7.12 DESCRIPTION-ALL OTHER ACCOUNTS 13.33 34.89 STATION I.-. 40.42 45.46 47.52, OBL1G. r� 5 56.67 54.57 ALLOT. OR 68.70 COST DUE 71.110 CODE 1,A.F3ig. EXPEND F u . 'AY PER. REF. NO. I GENERAL ACCT. NO, DATE AMOUNT DESCRIPTION. ADVANCE ACCOUNTS 13.27 ' P.�.' ". P"P" NO CODE N Lb. ' ADVANCE ,,. .'. :CA YR LEDGER I ACCT. NO. 62.67 ex. NO. ORJECT( OESIT CREDIT .1,,,.PROJECT NO. 'FY s CODE .... ' imp. No. ....... REF. NO. CLAES , 1 . . ,... . . - --�,�,- , ; i � . . . , :':�1.1�(, ...- . ., . . � � ifr P/I. .....-7 4.47./ ///41�; fr . . 1 I ; � ; II 11 EXPLANATION OF ENTRY TOTALS ...........�-,1 AZ..-�(-f-P.--�---- ...........- , DATE J --7,1 I.,,,,. PREPAAO SY DATE REVIEWED SY CERT I F g ED F PAYMENT OP ClD I T 'SIGNATURE OF CERTIFYING 'F ER FCASJ . ACCOUNTING SY INDIVIDUAL ... FOR ADVANCE NOTE: Follow Instructions on Reverse SUBMITTED 8Y 11 VOUCHER NO. (Finance ese only) . . PERIOD OF ACCOUNTING F OM 5 .q.' , .... *0 TO 23 April 1953 RECEIPTS DISBURSEMENTS 1 CASH ON HAND BEGINNING OF PERIOD ' �VIOFfia DATE PT ION AMOUNT . , umBRECEIEPTR N DATE DESCRIPTION r....,'.,7Z4 rci.777r.:AVA-72r.L."=CC3I P At ' a Certlficatioa 41.1.LAAd 3LaVt7L5T;171 TOTAL EXPENSES 3.... /,.7,b -...4..7 3a. 4. REFUNDED HERENIrN OASN OK MOM Y 0 DEP . CASH ON IAND END OF PERIOD TOTAL TO ACCOUNT FOR .00 TOTAL ACCOUN�E0 FOR S I CERTIFY FUNDS ARE AVAILABLE APPROVED i 1Z certify that the expenditures listed hereon and SLIGATION REFERENCE NO. 3% CHARGE ALLOTMENT 5-13PO-393:a NO. DATE SIGNATURE OF APPROV NO OFFICER ! 1 ' ' ' �., Corm .on any poses 'credit this attachments were incurred for official pur- of' a confidential nature, that pAyeent or therefor has not bees received, And that :Accounting is true and correct. GATE SIGNATURE 0-AUT44DRIZINOOFFICER CERTIFIED FOR PAYMENT OR 1Cq.ED T SIGNATURE r r OF 1 I 1PAYEE � I IDATE 11 1 h SIGNATURE OF CERTIFYING , , II !OFF! cell h I SPACE BELOW FOR EXCLUSIVE USE OF 1FlINANCE. D V S 0 PREPARED BY /.,..\ REVIEWED SY 1 .. ' _, VOUCHER NO. 7.12 LZSCRIPT:ON - ALL OTHER ACCOUNTS 15-55 I 34.3S . I '40.42 3'45.46 7 47.52' 8457 I ! : 56 67 .1'1 � L.!. 68. 70 OR'OST., : DuE 71.86 28.35, STATION r:nnr , EXPEND F ..- PAY 5t OSL1NO G, Er. .1 53 8. ENERAL I ALLOT.! C DATE , AMOUNT IIDESCRIPTION � ADVANCE ACCOUNTS13.27 �i;."4:.575(5:�r.p;.0.p: ..... . ..,:,.;.., ' .8.0... .... ... Ce." N D V". LIO. tA="mt, r.� '''' CA YR LEDGER ACCT . NO . E. NO. ....... ObJECT DEBI/ CREDIT .---: DIV. PROJECT co. [ Y CODE ...---..- ENO. NO. 1 x AEF.NO. CLASS 1 1 3 r ,I I I i I i I I II 1 1 1 I I , I 1 I 1 1 111 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I I I .o - , 11 6 ! ! t i 1 i ' 1 1 1 i I i I I , 1 4I 1 1 I 6 I Ir 5 I I I I I I III I I. r /5- I II I I I I I I I 1 1 I I % TOTALS I I FORM 8.61 ,hr 282 USE PREVIOUS EDITIONS. Receipt is hereby acknowledged of the following &leek: Official Cheek No. 209-438205 dated September 1 1960, in the amount of $4,085.00 drawn on ayable to EXpehditures Salaries 3,483.00 Pensions 9.00 Translations' 153.00 -_-_ Wplicating costs 45.o0 Conputer costs Total l'IXpenditures 00 This is a-_true_statei of expenditures and ace antingfor funds �iven- to _as reported certify _that 6ervicor -,.tprials have been satisfactorily reoeived_�' f!�., _oxpendltures vere-insUrred on �Moil' i..winoss. Tate flcm �bor 17114.r..e.,�3iirt L;t11).743 �41 Ugial t-..t,thortty 111.11,7A datxri 39`,..)-3 trora tt.a t/a tha I, A zel tha trx.tico of ti.;.thority it tqttift';c3vris Cutproy:-.e.t, 115 boeil (,7,;,*e,4 Ott." L3 ltt'01.1.,:-::;!.t-Vi to covvr tho ,A76�J;;Pla) Faa tafiVallA C?ir 5 7,1'Ja� 1 *.VD/OC / * TSDAMS 2 - TWO Aus 60) DM" 15 Au MEMORALDUM FOR: THE RECORD SUBJECT : Project MUM, Subproject 115 190 1. The purpose of Saprojeat 115 is to provide funds to conduct a study of the Interaction Between the Mentally Distuibi and The vi- ronment. The research vill be carried out b 2. The primary reason for supporting this study in terms of Agency interest is to gain further insight into additional factors which may influence human behavior. The problems vhich the psychiatrically disturbed face in returning to the community and the factors vhiCh result in their failure cud subsequent return to-institutional care can posstbly throv some light upon the attitudes and cammunity pressures which affect the behavioral reactions of this limited Population. The advantages of --- doing the resear01 as indicated in the attached proposal, are two: (1) The -ulture is undergoing diatinct changes in at itu es toward the psyehintrically-disturbed. (2) A comparison vith several similar-studies done in U.S. co:Totalities may reveal factors not correlated with the specific cultural environment in 'which the results were obtained.- - intends to study intensively a population of psychiatricnily disturbed parsons, one member of the immediate family of each patient and a number of "norm speakers" who will provide the generalized attitude of the community toward the psychiatrically disturbed patient. It is hoped that a small nUmber of simple dimensions viii emerge _Which will account for the behavioral success or failure of the subjects. 3. There ore additional advantages to the Agency for supporting this research. will achieve farther development- at its:world:Wide activities, 41111111111, /7 I. The cost of this project wil be $4,035,51D_for _one year from 1 September 1960. It will be funded as a-grant!-.1n.a4d through 1011111NOmo and the handling of fUnl:te disbursed will follow the stmulard:practice set up for that organization. Charges should to made against Allotment 1525- 1009-1902. and other persofls associated witlAbe project will_ remain unwitting of Spaasor. APPROVED FOR OBLIGATION OF FUND3: Reseorc r,ctor Date: 9) L11100 Attached: Proposal Distribution: Original only Chief - TBD/Rescareh Brunch RESEARCH PROPOSAL 11 On into aetion_between_the_mentally disturbed and their environment; Phases I and 11 J ,0 I frl months) rhe first oaI will ha a thurouh inventory and ex i m.n of literature coacerning the research problem. The main sourc wll1 be sleted from sociological and psychiatrical literature, but because of' the interdiscil,linary nal-ore of this research, socioErsychitric�sociopsychole,:Fical, and psychoanalytical works will also be used. As far as we k o prewious research work has been carried out on premises essentjn.11y similar to thee planned as the basis of our -tud:r. Theretlore, it wT11.--1 be of great il-rtahce for the success of the whole research to enter this early stage as carefully as Possible, Our opinion is that it is most essential to have a sound and cohesive theoretical frame of reference. For e tre being, dowever, it is hardly rewarding to outline any final theoretical constructions; consequently, hypotheses, if ary, can be but forth only in very general terms. We plan to center the nain. interest of the research on the:interi.,ersonal situations throu4 which persons manifest tilental health an.-1 mental iisorler" (Sullivan). In Order to do this it will be necessary to study the structure of the patients social environment as, for instance, Follingsbead & 'Redlich Myers & ;=:oberte, Li d & Li '(z, etc. indicate. 7er'o're start l the work At would oviousLy be ailvantac7eoue to ty to OW! a thr et cul. 'efinition to the interlIersonal 1,c;Jnir_ of a mental diseae. A Teatally.11sturVed person may be consiierel as i ki ad or "protest phennf:enon" .that tends to evoke flear, a,,,!ression, ani 'r'i:,tration in persons who come itlto %,.iti4 him Iti0; on Ia other hand, it may be quite reasonable to assume that a mentally disturb "necessity" for his own interpersonal system, espediafly f the maintenance of its balance. Any assumptions of this kind must however, be submitted to thorough scrutiny before using them as a basis for specific hypotheses or construction of research instruments. When describing and analyzing phenomena of this kind it seems suitable to make use of the concept of anomie introduced by Eurkheiid (illustrated on the personality level by items such as rigidity, frustration, withdrawal, etc. anomie might also be concidered a phenomenon emerging from the interaction of personality and sociocultural variables). One might assume that the occurence of anomie would be significantly more eminent in the patient than is a neighbor or fellow worker, for instance, But in order to be authorized to raise this hypothesie(or-anyconnected with the problems to be taken into consideration) a thorough familiarity with relevant literature must have been established. After a sufficient number of-hypotheses has been deduced - on the basis of literature - the measuring instruments will be constructed, This in planned to be done in accordance with the linos sketched in passage 2.b.) in the initial research proposal. Naturally all variables and views indicated to be relevant by any competent sources will to carefully taken into consideration. The last stage in Phase I will be the checking of the sick- reports of the protest sample. The purpose of this procedure is to run a kind of psychiatric census ad modam Hollingshead Redlich. An additional goal is to discover whether there is in the sick-reports any relevant sociological material to be extracted and, at the same time, to obtain information about stresses preceding the overt illness - to the extent possible. Phase) II (5 months) . 1) Data collection (2 months) We ,plan to pretest the methods In; taking about 25 patients and their nearest ola i (one for every patient) as subjecta. Thus the number will not be very large; yet we think it is sufficient for our purposes. The reasons for choosing the nearest relative Us the additional subject are: Ho (or she) is usually_within easy rach. Furthcr moral it can be assumed that te is the person in the most provocative Situation; consequently, hisvreaction can be thought to be "ideal" when testing the measuring instruments. . 2) Preliminary analysis (3 montho) The data will be submitted to Eppropr1ate statisticel procedures. The resulta,eill be presented in a preliminary report. 130,Vt (Phases I & II) 2) Supplies 3) Consultation staff assistant 5) IBM-eoets 344.2 23'1,74 � 4.084.5o. Our .reard has responded faysrably to yovx propoz,n1. Pending final approval, howover, they have a*ei that you sus-It a new prope:,-al eerccrnod with Phases T and ii only, in oor,owhat omandcd - fort vith it3 OWA bet. It oeosis aivisablo for fimnelal z.nd for eetentifio re'�s;ns to look upon a project ouch as yours an oonsisting of a preli:Anry stu2,y for planatn,-; and develo:t.lental purposes to bo follo-;ed by the rajor stody, 1.:%ich nay be nit'ored in design as a rf.uult of c'fnlyel:3 of tbo prellniAlry results. After (1'0,1P cmpletion of ihaso IT, vo would xIXct a rarort which vould 10 your pro� poo1 fInd ludet for tho raining vork.- hot,:o this is f,..1 iofetory to you.' neo tbo rolrd w&ors aro alro-..dy fiUar %.,ith your totallroject snd since their attitede is F,enerally fav%)r-lae, they should be able to roach a decision vory cpickly--p,..rh, within sevorn1 days. so accc2i', our tlianks for your effort 5 on behalf o I have received a note trey. report eascnt and tucees5fnl visit, 5incero14 youre, I herewith submit a proposal for a stuly.of the interaction between the mentally -disturbed and the"r-envirement for considera- tion of study would seem to be particularly interesting from the viswvoinv ry of rapid changes now taking plaoe The proposal has grown out of a request f f- attitudes tOward the mentally-disturbod, (-Molded at an w=.rIty stage v howsvers that using pul5lic opinion polling methods in measuring the attitudes toward the mentally disturbed would_provido onV-saperficial data, Therefora,1 _ha.s_plannQd_a_pn4ec volvin siuqy of mentally -disturbed persons in interaetion with hsir trnmadiate eaViroTIMOTit v I wil frankly say tt aub!aissie;c1 of the propoml to ANW 141 birt niJiwaAaUd by the following faotors: fire to we would likt to obtain suffcient firaincial support in order carry cut a thovoilb pe1.6ntific study on the matte-4I oeoonda we huvo be.:m high?'y ltnro8bpd by progrm of' coul elo&urti000la ayvl *1111101111111111111211111.1 Eammummimmism 2 T1.1 ar,udy han. been planned on an interdis iplinary basis, el�The a a- (! sociologist and the dcsignstsd pr..ject 'ts a clinical pyc1ic1o1w ciUth noc-!,c, tzaini g, We hav'al90 aaked the following p sons to scrve as an advisory e_committeeL' Yours_ sincerelyt RfAfith0092 _ oft :tritsmatiGn _t,4twitt.ta tug tiatt etiat .Lyt4 tif1.61.r ti 1/5 XA Q4Astattxpa 9f thp resiww01 a) PgAckziwnd :.040 of tho udi a tn menta -;:laJapez Luvit otron-,liy c:Ipheize4 the control s1g2i1f1canno o%! the interaction oi tha of mT,nta 4iootwas, It :Ina prolm4 frult1",11 to connider the 'that* of th ot vociol and continual cx::.erifIncr,a nlent the oxporio1..0 DO PX. to obtain 4 LAanin::ral pitur c the netura Vaane plicuorx,:w.* rhue the attitudoe acquir*.i. a 1:�v pcultion in the dcYclo.41? tvotola of concept* of zocial p4khopatholo6ye _IA attitudes toward the nontallj dioturbed rxt rIthu dcciaivoly datrmimul by culture: the paroon Jefinsd no nentally F ill in ero-ctaturo tr.f-Ay-b norrsal ia-anotbar at,avhlro la tho Yostern world att1tu4on to�rd the alen 31.1y have. d.r.m.! ,i,td in a idore rqalintic :iir4ot1on along with ho- izeetr; arprocintion of hoUth la ,:,onsral, 3uch a Gontsrailutiono however eavou a very narrow and inadovn p:xculre w: the proh1a.k,_00nci4cript., tho olz.nificonoe of thie prob16::4 J.:, in invc.rt:.nt to oArry out extontilve_etwilea. Per covoral roA.voona it would sec-gm 'fruitful. to carry out ouch n inalvidual uad Ain envIronnent 114 tlic .f,"(i':01 in aad prtlf;1 ntudI I) tke rm,ad vocial ohange CLarik0 probub4 cant4tIna generol . otrictura facto whiol-riny ntgniaoe;ntly influenco &ttitui:f. toward 1.-v:.ntria d1$0agov 610 L;la :i:4ontally.Jintartod; 2) the ;-..-4121ta Arlo nvntally ilisturbed io nowndaye tilt* obj piA14,0 in1.4.:re2to oncerv1n4 _their nt-lis_dioturb (16 3) the c pvcoAram 0 victim amol14 profog:-ional 41pq of tht-- paycictpio prefcaniono: no Weil Qt.! A.-41,1v*OA orriciGncy in metlAoft 6,)f! truntrAint hava_poIntaay-LtItni the inkortanoe of atrjttAdz..) n conLection .I 1:J; the oitroblakc of rehabilitation. t: '0Toovr,%401 very nature of 2tractitro'. rittmn ati ore esolly - le a notettovttg oneourncIns roc.oaroto ... ..... b) 'mediate ob � A watally diatitAKiti pareen o�fere u pa tiou nay wlun frorA tha vienoint or ooeiaI obtiervntiont the Idio- wioad ai;veartM04 of 1natilletiYa-b5ftexior trlite avaal nrulue4s concoloue ar aneonneioa4 aaxioiy in Me oberver. AttitIlek tam consrated ta 14 otional cittlo i Ln.t tii� probalAy bo described within u.:,,fo-11 independent diueneiono, It W be prelizAnArily alit:coned that, for inztano6v th* dintnivas ayaphatay antiphatay and observine; - mantpalotlu fl1.App0b:es A mora me%,urato 4afinit1on of the dier,ziolle io plafod on thoo baolo of c�upirioal_proXL%Anaryinquiriee, Aftcr the dinonsioro aro aeenpnieky dofinad, it Ln iritGAdlid tO eleriy tha depondemoa of attiturn-d&ffeTont-tiOolal It it ivvoeoiblo to revatAlate n4re exkliat lkypet4sNta 4t thia otaof trxi; it is prci70Bsd to eonuider Nt-Imet tho followlag foetoret 1) tho &wee of inta,vation ot tho eurinaKitn 2) th4J nntu:N of 31oorg2pizat1on ulthin the oowilmity and tha eormlAto' Qultural Procimmai 3)_mml-urban-diehatoNye 4) aUv-a. 1640 5) coolti v:obility; 6) ao0ial ya�tteiratieng, 7) zeoiml rontroAPT; urA control-I 8) cee10-eamovte_etataab-9)-norme awA th taoRp- groana (roligioaasOiti4ani otAcv idoolog10o). A w, Of cwakermc-(inflaontials) te linked to tlds all4a t a nePrat(11 flArthiFir otaTe It 13 UlgO 1.4"cipatAtk I0 111 sSn4a a? voateoron rima vzriatl*s moaearing hOY4 oovifilat ul paestV14 twzis variables of tho pkyohavy tkwwwwitv. A* attcmpt rould thus be nada to 0.14r14 tia correlatioadi botiupau uttituCles mid cools/ faot,ara mnd at tho-aelvzo tlna nicht bo obtaimal about tho iteauins of mliAl hitructufec3 froa point of Yiav of tha onvois and tINaintanawW of migva eitEelaeat, o) :.04,10-rtutge objeoSives Ui inportaviI n4tivis e. a5.areh 13-ocu Cho 1 oslptim thnt there rive r altroAlititio end asam ivo a titudoto toward matql eitiOmOOP,th itoifivAnse of c&tch roX t M ba vwy flAtU for the ag6rAlmtt4 radidirAtion. Tivreefoey iN yrODOW.%T. mfNcsr the ty9lttl ''attitude-44e4APA ottueWn otiaf4utzttAual :tzola blkm Lsz�q1604 out - t* inwWgaft th1 r IPA Or C1MParfa thWO nttitadoig, r Otaeq tlihictmood 4cre aot :iM- fl 4u-'1.7 lent baoin for WAs purp0o61 aUi vtudlou bravo W4ctu plfulnedo t�to Pirat of whIcAl would trc,�1, of n, 1,T.,:rtant nora r4eakoruP I.I. ato cane of tho .nent;:.11;:; All la ;Ile eount.rn mtch fto i(N.enamig a, ot( .t 4114 b) in tr,-.11-3, the. bocial vOlPuro thc ooci,A1 boarg 41U4,cnco botwocu thet_air;u:ition in-zrown iht 4Intly in eac'h t!4At tt GOW:�J0 n-.::cw:uery to .4kle-of mAch 3ir;'ztont i:ritsr1:2 in elloctiatt eroApn, ?. ttrt co (trout a varlotj (vat do;)th o: tw'oriatetion an p0.7411Olo t io prGed to carry clot ueh froo patlfmt�ontrod unigsot r:o that it td11 co-0r vonual patit4otr, w011 am the nedreot rolativ6, onn wr the ormt the oloatit noidhbouro Laid 6 l'ollow wortor of onoh patleht4 i.e. 51-.0 pal6t.`tr-i2 in n11. In thin LAy of mIpWicitallt1 6: co-Arta vr:titude mcoarch 7hq foilowlm6 pvineiplz (1111 b obw.,rved in_Chemlection of oubjcotfl4s etinturbild r - 5fl: !vrom ata 24114or boarital iv .:;,':;tAs *mono ar rri d earoi 5, na1,4 Controcto Waottio, ail 1,ejohotio5 ChA60 not lAoludod); rAlmtn: ar wifo tho ,44rolla A in or:ter of preformeo motAorp A 01,0n,alt Ivita911r , tho Raext�doo0 uoiGhboilr f211.910, " Ono with v41oti thw patient basfQOd Wors honpitaliLution. It io thou6ht that tiuch a piw 1Llrovual ufs anay el1er4 or tim pro'Acrik an .poceiblo nincu followin:; ar.pbt=t4 71A1 b4 ropron.Arti; the patient hiolf tAn axOctoti'nfa (And Th0 att1tLula or tho oo;:.:wnity torard tho ptwturo &Awn by `ail) hatwle or 171fo to a "dole�ale� o' CIO prot qittlation6 rhilo 'ht vxroht giVi41 "t114vU�op" Or Lit* rortAtiV4 yeMI16 tho- noqr IwobAbly deoerihoo the � nttitudoe of the' oollunity in tho firot viacei tho follow worker e,min thy via-: lirht oa the quoation from tile etandpoiot of an outnidor o hrte to luta with a mentEaly ill peruon :%) co or oireumntancua, b) 1;otoarott tzothode &n.atteR:tpt will h4 &ado to att n objectivae of th*. etu inoludinc in tho tooting of aoh aubk;ct: 1) PAli. ariaancotio azxt3 with particular atton ion to tho attitudoo of tho mattoIly ill toward other pacploi cttitudoe of otherc llleauurcd ty cvalcKiu which the foll,oqua. wypocte will be conaiderodt Veto about tiato Aonocioi 4ttration and racidivation of mental liacneea; idolw alfout tha daN.forounooet of the ill poroon mod at)out treatmont; the attitudo tovegrd mehlatrie prtoi io.SnbaOt trontmeat poveibllitieng to 3) mattourao of : conflictav oroto prontAtroo, to 4) totlo "pD.por and it,moll"..typa pore$onality toot. Aul,nernovo, all almilabl otatitiaal and othor data will niturally bo put to ooe. mathQdu of amillysiu nro difflotttt-to d oribe in detail tthis ota,se of reoenkth._gowovert-oomo of ti;o fInts- oan ba analyzeel by tho aid of factor aitslyeio and diMrant typoq of pc.-alinc wathodno Z;e140 Importont hypothoos Can be drawn ftw the rtit. of analI 6rcup ro:soarch. It dooe not seem outAz6102 to prosent taoherent theorotical nohom4 at thio ntogov 0.10 ''..h.nt%1 in pInnnott a$ a thlrtp-four Danth IT ,1 thy leatin1 planning to vonplotion-uf-ana ibw 7he tiuo le to bo alloow0d ao tollevai 1)1YA-.44�itt -121:011.9flAmo 2nattii9 ;?4tqa X. InitUA planning nvo a Atha Juno.4ctober ;r1rt!t3r eovelopnent of 1960 44111 hyl'othoari of qmotionwAtv4t ani (.thor &Jvicoa, soluQuon) II. ;rottoting asul final TWO mantsbal liovo'lbft%. plwa.11b1 PeoaAiser 1 60 1,-,, C,Wly Lor 11T, b'llt:4 1(;,z,Atom by 1:1 0,0,4 st-at ot-f.,wevati of lbli at,Wa.mitioo mima66 IV. rAll:::ArmWA for avalyAno a4diag et*, AvAlyzle of ftta em4 pra"e0,04 01! rcaults The pl'opo -Soct 'thf) Itobi.r *team ?iftoetA monthe 1 IA, hemeiAd by Wzalatian tg 0.0yie of V61 wasva eiigAxl.p.4t41, e tho th* ValAs ef Xkat7iv1-- ria), 12 lAcill,th.o n(a liteTt _ ftar J1,11-tarva "k- -fiad ot 1TUVA Clela1k-it astatAV0/14 (coli-mgv oc4.1111 es0.1 0!). TIWI t-V-4)0 m Smolto.50 krimtSmso ovAqmallii CamAll.tWoA 00 holy of WoiteltAiUi ate, -110ra jorvg41,41W 1'361 ',41*yttivIMII4rum DOOefilbar 1961. JuraAV 1962 5Areil 03 10.062 sollans3,533) 2e2.43 1,303. 461 312 MVO e-ifq To* wiathly stxp;r Vcr t 3 pro oo 'Qctr nw 1 tho eoata t:rtst intevitewo zre nom4brAtt h1gh9e '640,n gonortalY k4tudios. 'Ible-lo-aa to thv faut th t the tudy propoms0 1.2 non* reapri to requirom aor* N?octie1ir2.ed ekille than Koot of our tioelolO,Jsta or eovielq-6i0nIlY txvlined inUrviewors pot4e5o, fait -TLAS.10,:pr( nd alLPAOA1- . MN otady will Va 6ftrri."0 out 1t tho 1ttUot a2ttirig of �1 -pro diroot, 9 :!i.l. h4!3-11- or_ in love1741oty 11 1 OA-Jo uo',IpluacInt3 Me gtudtee with a xa,lor 6-5n mool*I06Y0 hAe spooioltt:eT:4 4n ()Unica paycholog/G lAmt I'm) bson on? of our fwm mr oii * ln droug._ L.5Ayeh.e_tto211),- A h. 1i htraixving Ln pploholo6t.zA otntiatien 44 vamo woXI-evipped to onrry the main bviof the prejekno rooaroll nesintmnt who ta'A16 bo in charge of the cova[untt?, Ncoriptioli ctutl Cho intorvieq7s of norm wpaohor (iptlawit b.40 1-$.;5t rot sclortodo We would liko�to dolWir the aolqie of the rorAarOa anoiataat antil it lo aAsured thnt th(3 tonly vill proeoodo -2tos lateri.vaoral wlil hoodIA tho projk-klt ho intemiMorn vo will theovio olthve euvorionevd tman worhora nurn4 tgpaeialSxod in 6i,ololog1eal gc&totue, 'ato otmft will ba teidod Ly ma a4ivisory oomlittoo oontlitotli,5 lko, a Viv,) vo4 Ott& root.7.J.voh.c4Q114twat can te ololoar,ta3 fYoa h UAtt20 2:00 etlories oft leriaa A.Imiatemt eind xe.kko intot can mt b* ex.,,Aptod freA to pAyment of titaino F;F Vo yroja, taea vz any Olt oe with oxa Oar foolin5 la tbsit with ite wry mai *4.3anl providtq.i bxollout ()lawI 1400 in ottia 54-4.,11 w0 have 110% rov,-a*kid rriatIklvt, ua Udi vQy tbftt ywoceta of 3Tla rAblAched otheyftt a &trot4st attrzlIntien14 tho rlaa of ahamala 4 0