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Publication Date: 
January 18, 1954
Description ;,/t�ei ir - !ULTRA Sub-Project. 37 _ _ Oblitations ' Expendit _ /7.1 _ _ 45illefool -es ! Balance ! ii�:.1/ 41' z PT�Ami�MIN�0941=imemplalimmait. Date initiatods 22 Uovember 1954 Date Expires: 15 March 1962 Funda7current 'ear s 484000 Purpose: To procure and grow_certain:botanicals of interest -tin TSD and" _services and consultation regarding the testing und evaluation of materials. Status: A regular eupply of tticuna is grown each year� -A supply of Rhymosta vbaaGoolotdes is currently being groin for USS in our natural product otudies. - ."6-1frErwaaae' Cost Account Object Class � Date JUN 1963 10 NOV LO 1963 Remarks and References Obligations Obligations Unliquidated Incurred Liquidated Balance MUM Sub -t 37 3,000.00 S'4 Pd4,-J-c-ce) 4 (When Filled In) =FO-W14.- - MUMORANDUM FOR: CiTSDIFASS SUBJECT Date- 29 MKULTRA, Subprojec._� No. 37 -32 Under the authority granted in the memorandum dated 11 April 1953, horn the DC1 to the DO/A, and the extension of this authority in subs rne:ncranda, Subproject 37 hs been approved, and 43,000.00 of the over-all Project MKULTRA funds have been obligated to cover subproject's expenses and should be charged to cost center 31254390.'3902. - Asst. Chiet, TS1) for R&D APPROVED FOR OBLIGATION OF FUNDS: DD/P/TSD Date- C)riI - Addy en - TS D BB r, ime � cipadi'. ta1111000110111116%4 I CERTIFY TtiAT FUNDS ARE AVAILABLE ottiGktioN RittPINCE CttAKE 10 ALIODANT No,_424.71a9a4903._ AUTItORIZING OFFICER (..irt Lill 1. re,o1 rrtzt ciov,11.g n de( Las::: i) LA -MNIMMINEIMMINIMININa (When Filled in) _ NAME OF ,ADVANCEE DATE , AMOUNT , VOUCHER :NO. ESussue use only) REQUEST FOR ADVANCE --Z.:7 5 Vovcrtbr 19Cn 0..0. nnn C., .,-....., � OF FUNDS 1I I 1 --:-LC"'-.4=-11-1,4 PAYABLE TO' ROOM: , I BUILDING : , _ TELEPHONE EXT. gGe�attP;a1147-04-9-2-17�8 PURPOSE , n rf., tidvance toHITZULT7..A Subproject # Z7, invoice # 22 ler activity approved by:.C/T,M on ,.9 ,,,-y 1063. Accountin7Ifor this a4vmace twill be in accordance vith attachment :A of rxuLTnA Fiscal Annex. .., 1 I , 1 . 1 , .. ... . . , ... ^ - � - 4.'"7,47,3,1473--_pt _CS r.r. LI', te'r thern STATUS OF OUTSTAND I NG ADVANCES .. agree that I viiii fully account for this advance by aubmisttion of.vonchera and re fund of any unexpended balance to the reporting point stated and by the due date checked below. in the event *fay failure to so account and refund eny unexpended balance. I authorise deduction from lay eatery to effect settlement. DATE AMOUNT UNACCOUNTED BALANCE REPORTING POINT DUE DATE , F NANCE DIVISION - 14EA000ARTERS ON ARRIVAL AT DESTINATION ON OR ABOUT I MONTHLY � ON THE LAST WORKDAY OF EACH MONTH I I REQUESTING OFFICER APPROVED 1 RECEIPT FOR FUNDS ADVANCED DATE 1 � r� . SIGNATURE ' DATE 1 SIGNATURE l' OF APPROVING OFFICER I acknowledge :receipt of fund, in the amount stated bete- under to be used for the purpose stated and eccounted for se shown above. 1 17..T.I CO 7:17, I7."7-1, � ,...e, � A... .r. ! ,i 44...Li A AT E AMOUNT I CRT IF Y ARE A Lon OBLIGATION R.EFERENCE .NO,... 1 i 6 :1;1' .j477-- CHARGE _ALLOTmENT ;10 2' r 2".-0��..a X4.1.-; '3 F', r . . , , el. �7,- FN ,f;I` CERTIFIED FOR PAYMENT OR CREDIT ATE AUTHORIZED 'CERTIFYING 'OFFICER ,, SIGNATURE OF ADVA CEE , DATE 1 NAT RE : I SPACE BELOW FOR EXCLUSIVE USE OF FINANCE DIVISION 0 BY REVIEWED BY VOUCHER NO. 7-12 DESCRIPTION-ALL OTHER ACCOUNTS 13-33 34-393 STATION CODE PRO P.MO. 40-42 EXPEND 1 CODE 1 I U D 45.46 RAY PER. LIO. CODE -. 47-62 OBLIG. REF. NO, � N AOlad A ' ccr op � � � -� L EMP. CO. .. 70 54-57 GENERA -67 ALLOT. OR COST ACCT. NO. ' 66-70 DUE DATE Ft-BO AMOUNT DESCRIPTION- ADVANCE 13-21 28-3 TIN NO. 1 P.O. NO. j CA vp .- LEDGER ACCT. NO. AF 'n 4 REF. NO. OSJECT CLASS OCOOT CMCO 1 ACCOUNTS 122.33 , ' P 1110JeCT NO. trY I 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 !Mill IIIII I I 1 i � I I I I I tH,Ec.1K,ir, I. C:),.. , 7 " 1 il IL...r.:' %. 17.1.1%6 IT 0 i-. .,:raug.,144-6, 0-6, I I I 1 1 1 I 1 1 I I I I i f III 1111111111 I i III III 1 1 RE - --7i, Ecj I I I I I 1 II I r I t e iii II III III I III e t 11111111 11111 I I I I r t 1 II e i I I i t I I I I I I t 1 .1 I I 1 1 1 m 1 I I I i I e TOTALS I I --- - - - - i r FORM S� -281 PaCV101.111 COITIONS. 1316�ASI (When Filter, In) NAME OF CLAIMANT [ - MBURSEMENT VOUCHER FOR PURCHASES AND I �. ;"7/7- ' 1r tl'l �_..eir VOUCHER NO. (FAu"" u" only) I 1 SERVICES OTHER THAN PERSONAL CHARGE TO ALLOTMENT OR PROJECT ' REIMBURSEMENT OR PAYMENT IS CLAIMED FOR MATERIALS, SERVICES OR OTHER EXPENDITURES ITEMIZED BELOW WHICH ARE PROPERLY CHARGEABLE TO THE ALLOTMENT OR PROJECT GESIGNATED. DESCRIPTION OF EXPEND IT ATTACH RECEIPTS AND OTHER SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS AMOUNT P:..yncnt t for Znvice 0 1/ for the perii.X. 1 Jay 2.SC3 tbru r0 Ctrpteer 10E53, ni.:,,L7g.e. S....t4,1mject 37 per paragraph IV-D ,..1r 'Coe YKULTnA rjscal Anno.n. / certiry that to the ::.,est of r.y %rowledge alle telief the na:curt ellavn has tcc...t il;sb...Irsed fro'r �cDc7 zut.!:a.f.yrizee act'AvitIcs, ane services cr raterials have C) er. rezeivce. 7e eix.,ments up:in which tbis statement is based-are maintah:cd in l'..c files c.d. Tf.7� for security reasons, are rill be made availst, the certIfyin%,; 0 (1ficcr at his ref�oest.' , 4.--r-v#1'' 1") ryn,-.7nirr 1-.)-my, 1SP/1r no /ittc,r, 17 rct-7---' 17;r:C . Se"401-4.1.7f, I CERTIFY THAT THIS VOUCHER AND ANY ATTACHMENTS ARE CORRECT. THE EXPENDITURES WERE INCURRED ON OFFICIAL BUSINESS OF A CONFIDENTIAL. EXTRAORDINARY. OR EMERGENCY NATURES PAYMENT OR CREDIT HAS NOT BEEN RECEIVED. AND I SHALL NOT BE REIMBURSED FROM ANY OTHER SOURCE. 1 I CERTIFY FUNDS ARE AVAILABLE APPROVED I DATE 1 n/1 ;Dirr: SIGNATURE OF PAYEE . ORLIGATICI4 REFERENCE NO. /L 3-- CHARGE ALLOTMENT NO. DATE I / , SIGNATURE OF APPROVING I -.7.r.7 -7 "nr:3 OFFICER .T:n. 1 i',..7/Wr% PAYMENT RECEIVED IN THE AMOUNT OF $ DATE SIATUDE OF AUTHORIZING OFFICER CERTIFIED FOR PAYMENT OR CREDIT -----t DATE SIGNATURE 1 I I OF CERTIFYING OFFICER I CATE SIGNATURE OF RECOPIENT SPACE BELOW FOR EXCLUSIVE USE OF FINANCE DIVISION I 1.',EPARED BY ) REVIEWED BY I I I I I VOUCHER O. 7.2 I I DRIPTION.ALL OTHER ACCOUNTS 13.33 34'3g STATION COOE PROP. NO. Y MO: 40.42 EXPEND 43 FUNDS 45.44 47.52 OBLIG. PAY REF. NO. PER� "invAtrce 53 CA 54-67 I GENERAL I 5547 ALLOT OR COST ACC'T. NO. 68.70 DUE DATE 71.80 AMOUNT 0 IPTION-ADVANCE ACCOUNTS 13.27 L...... ,711 .33 IA A6 ' PUR.OROERNO .3a...;;;;LC OLOOT Caleb!, CODE LID. ACC."7", R LEDGER 42.47 CA. NO.. on. Jim., CLASS Y CO" CUP. NO. ACCOUNT NO. x rect. NO. ii.........,..._ 1 ....... . ClUL3q7 1-17 05 5,e+.4 /V V/ � . , , ....... .... ..r... , . � ... � � ... . . ....... . 1 TOTALS foot, , ..f ..... OuS (AB) 44r�4,444To Date 15 149A61 At ?9c61; (When Filled In) No. /43g Cost Account 3'74.7-- Object Class ks and References Obligations Incurred Obligations Liquidated Unliquidated Balance 1icti_Ergi4� sub 7 3 .3606 . 410. 913. 94 2 6 ci 3 , � (When Filled In) fV.,..,1,7.7 " 0 ffollifoissmagfomp I m Emc.11AVDT,114. FOR; TITIL' COMPTROLLER A T TIoN FinanooCieii SQ1-13..;7;e717. MKULTFasa, Undar the.4 ar.thority estsantAtd i 'thz tidun". dated 13 195.3 I rom thoDCX t. th 01)/.4... arid th ext.o,:,1.vior., of thi authority in tv.Abseco,:teut: niztriorzcvd.a., pas -a,act - of tho -all P.roject lvikaiLTRA funds have beer: _fAcligoteti to corer tho. subproject:la e:Oil'ases and 3114yald be charged. to--c crJr443.4.1199 4.90.2_ APP.T.k0 E.C; FOR 03 1.IGATION OF FUNDS; x...1/4:xxxxlmeaccomme Chief, Technical Services Division 1.11,ter Chief. TSDIRzzeitT,-,..h � CEIjirl' � 910 1. T - l'IMO:V:i.-)1.111 :K41: CIIII�:17, DrITG1011 TZWBviiset Offle3r 1 IdaiLTAA, SuWroj.1(zt Co. 37, TUVOiCe ro. 10 /. Invoice No. 10 cOvring tt..1 nhovo eubprOject 1a Other involcaad11 follow.. It lu revit51ictd that, py.i,,cat LAtia as follow: Cashier's thea In the await 30. local bankl4ayab.koA0 2. The et4ck ahouldt Thrvarded to Chior, TM/Researell Drench,throuch TSD/Duik.,et Ofi'lcer, no later than 2;:',N3rch 1962. Attachalantst ' 2 - - TWFASS 2 ,TSD/REt � CV.MT Aj ne4 M.,' 7. on,ic,83L:Ttl 4.1. ptOC: la ti;�.;:.i: ti22. 5: /eel- /He, ',Ze � CHECKO._ IN THE AMOUNT OF. RECLIVED. 41,444 .2 /*,- .?,�+ No, Cost Account!_�_2169/- Object Class Dote Remarks and References Obligations Incurred Obligations Unliquidated Liquidated Balance - if .07 .4 _ .-- 11.190_ 7.9 i9u6i 4'..rzo � fa ___ertra.4741 - f - kW � fri _79 ele. �� 3, 000.00 arskatitood"' comMOUgH 21nAroca Ettl'atT tIcc3-1Z17,A) CA'''-.1-,project Urszt:IrV ittrXt7 143:1 thtto liazwrozatrt doted,. 13 April 3..53 tro,,,- t I to the LID/A, mi_tho oxtlnalon Vita authority in ou'ortoitant KszwiwAss aarproyiet37rga bean - - i',A,G.C:09�00 et VA oNtzrwal Frot 15V,IMIA Au/4a IkErzo toiat iolgiatts.V. to covqr ttto riai.;.rojetztfo cy..7�JI1314 anit shoulxi te olsrsed to Altotwnt 0525-1Cri).-tal?� OMIGATI 0.2 IUD3t kttreatAr,teUr Dt4trilArtion: Orig & L1.,-Idree3e0 T8D/FASS �����., **,������meola 1.,11.���� � .:. t:ZZ:77Y vpx, TMY ..�����������..0,V.,�,-������,�,a����-�����dt:Yrin 1 April 1960 MEMORANDUM FOR: Clil�F, FINANCE DIV.'S' VIA � : TSDaludget Officer SIMIL.f7CT MKULTI1A. Z3uhproject No. 37, Invoice No. Allotment 6-Z50240-0U ($1, 000. 00) Allotment 0525.1009�490a ($2. 000.00 1, Invoice No. 8 covering the above eubproje attached. Other invoices will follow. It is requested that payment be made as fe/lows: Ceshier'e check in the amount of $3, 00.00 dra en aalairt bank. payable t 2. Tho chock ohoold be forwarded to Chief. TSD/Chcraical Bre...nth, throuah TUD/Budget Officer, no later than IS April 1960. ' hernical Branch Attaches,. ate: Invoice tt Cer C 10113 Diztributi Orig ay- Adregae _ CONFIDENTIAL FUNDS POSTING VOUCHER 0 Z tc tar I 0 0 > . .- . . ta . . . . .. .... "S 9. r) .. a in - - .. . . - ... .. . ... . �������N........ V. } ..; ) .,,,...N ' -N� 'LI \ ). ,......e..:t ..... .4. %.. 54 Z t� CS.= ��......, sa. I. ,..., ka 1***, 4.: vi s ..r1 � *a 4.-- t 1/4.......t t I I CERTIFIED FOR PAYMENT OR DATE 71. AMO r .. 4 bi V... 0 .s b T.} C:\ ei 0 41 40 �-� a tt ' � , op u �,>�. N. ���\_ Qr.-. N.. ".... NI -J CA �4".� .771.� 56.67 'ALLOT. OR COST '1 ACCT. NO., , - . � � e -0 .9. z � . . . � I.. 'C'. : : - ....) Ci -0 - 0 IF 0 .0 T 1- ;53, 54.5v GENERAL CA LEDGER YR ACCT. NO. -...s: 'CZ) ',..�.9 .....z � ca � ,,,s ....,____., et i- z -., ... z 0 4 A a, X )... , .. ... .0 .... a " LI Z � t.i� . M �.0 i.,.. � .....1. . � , 0,... %,-..... 0 ,.., � ....1 � 2 � � '' t........ iNI cx CI � � 43 gt>gro0 MI EL * � � .� V....N�A Ili i. �C 0 .. . ... . . . � . . ,- Z Se tf ? LL [PREPARED 101, � � � � ' � . � � ' * � * * . � � . . . . ..... � a . - - . ...... . . . � . . . . . . . . - - 1 DESCRIPTION-ALL OTHER ACCOUNTS 13-33 26.33 !ITANO. DESCRIPTION. . ... ADVANCE ACCOUNTS 13.27 P.O. NO. � 3i134 " � � . . .. � t-i .i.r.:... . . 7.0.�, . . : ',/ - - � �-, o � � �?.. . . ..,n , . � � 4 _ �er - - .. VA . . k's.. . . CO , � %PI. � � � ,.:!. � � .,n, . 4 6 �� v't . � - �- . . � - t � � 11.... . .....4 � �,.. s� _..... � � fl.'" ---�;.,�.., . " � " .... . ..... . ..... ..... ..... � . . . . . � � a � . . . . � � � � . . . . � . . . � � � � ta s� 4 0 �� I April 100 1,117,41051AZICAThi FOA: CIF FINANC: rIVIsloN VIA Stil3JLICT TS.D/Budget orftce : IvILCULTTIA, Subproject No. 37. Invoice No. Allotracnt 6-2:i0Z-10-001 (S1, 000. OC) Allotmeut Z5-1009 -490a. ($a. 0(0. 00) 1. Invoice No. 8 coverin3 the above st.t)project Le attached. Other invoices v,LII follow. It is requested ttiat riayrannt be made as felletWe: � Cashier's check lu the amount of $3 0 0 ON drawn on a JUL bath, aYablo to C-. a. The chock should be forwarded to Chief, TI-.3)/Chemica1 Bianchi threnh TSD/Budget Gificer, no later than 15 AprIl 1960. Attachments: Invoice r..c Certlacatione Distribution: Oris Ci Z - Ad4reosee - TSD/CB TSD/CB cfaTIFY V.-RT .�,VAit.ABLE: �071:311 11 APR AA 1'450 ''..3 7 ��� ^ - SA.1.%/497-04.0., , CHEF; KiMUgir I � AMOUNT OF 1)1W {D4 von: -ctarri rillAnlY DIVISION VIA I TSS/Dulget Officer - 22 Juno 1 9 - - start= 102CULVA, Subproject ro. 371 Invoice No 7 Allotment 6-2502-10-001 le. Invoice 7covering the above sUbproject is attached. _ Other invoices vill folloue It la requestod that payment to rade ralove: &miller's check in the -mount- or $3 draim on -a %II bank, payable to 2., The check should be forvarded to Chief, IM/Chemical Division, throuOTS3/Budaet-Officer, no later- than Monday, 6 July 1959. Attachn. invoica Cerificatione - Distribation: Orig te 2 7 Addressee TSS/FASB 4 - Chic? T83/C1eical Division CERTiFY 19.V1 FUNDS AE AVAILAGLE4 V.;;VNCE igs'41 ttitt:GE AtiCTA'.:tiT ,,,,,,,,,, � ofi. Oiriag --osokmegre ...1:)%!NT rar Cif 'Or , ��� at41, ( en FJ lied In) CONF I DENT I AL FUNDS POSTING, VOUCHER 1 1 vowcmesi NO, 7-12 DATE 2.6 VOUC ER NO. 7" 12 ; DESCR IPTI ON� ALL OTHER ACCOUNTS 13.33 3! 4. 39 i� 43. 42 45' 4 417" 52 , 013L I G. ' ;REF. NO ........ � . o A CST. No. 'll.;;: ND... I 53 CA T; , 54. 57 GENERAL SD- 67 , I ALLOT. LEDGER I ACCT. NO: 64- 70 DUE . DATE 71.80 AMOUNT DESCR1PTI ON- ADVANCE ACCOUNTS I3�27 ,3t.zg " "2" .."... ����' PUN. ORDER .NO. 1 STATION , cooe � .� ' .P.R.O.P.. *WO. exPeNol CODE PAY PER. L.O. LEDGER ACCT NO. I. 62- 67 C. NO x PE,. to. OBJECT CLASS DEBIT CREDIT ' '''''' ' ''''' ' � 13021,33 ' � � " � '''' PROJoCT so. q ry :CODE 11111 111,1111111 1111111)1i !III, ' _if, 0..1;4" '',;,' i li Al4 yi i 'A ' 11111 11111 1 LVAV I-- i 4'1 ../e , li-ec . 1 :).!? 09 e ..e' / /J 'i' 1 1 1 ,.-3.r.c...c1 e-.1 1 I i I I 11111111 I I I'� 1 1 1 ' 1,1 1 �...1 �A- /1 III < A LI i, le 1I i v�i� I �I � III 1 i � 1 1 I 11 i 1 1 ii4 itst, F 0 I 3 I 1 11 I 1 I 1 1 I i 1 I� I I I 1 I I I c c c I I I 1 r�, III11 I1 c II c 1 I I I 1 I 1 1 I 1 III II IIIIIIII1 111 1111111111 11111 11111 1 I 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 III IIIi111111 I 1 1 11111111111 11111 11111 1 1 1 1 1 1 t 1 I 1 1 11116111111114 11111111111111 I IlItitil I L I 11111 11111 I li I 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 11111111111111 I I 11111111 1 1 1 1 I, 11 I 1 1 I 1 1 1 I 1 I I I I 1 1 1 I 1 1 i , 1 ' 11111111111111 1 I 1 111111 I I 1 ,� 11111 I III I I I 1 I 1 1 1 III!I 111111111 11111111111111 41 1 - I II II_ 11111 11111 14 II I I I 1 I 1I 1 I 1 1 I I I. I I I I I I I I III I I I I I I I I I I I II I I till 0 till I I I I I I I I I / I i I I I i 1 I I 1 1 1 I I I e 1 1 I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 c ..c. .1 c I 1 c t 4 ! j i I I 1 I 1 1 1 I 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 c I I 1 ,... ANAT ION OF ENTRY ,.. � isc ..,,,. TOTALS t � I I I t 1 --, / ' --".' ...-----