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Publication Date: 
August 15, 1955
DA:12.3 1444r444.4 444-4-4444-� cre) 4.14-.44.2�44 7 4-, ,limeass*gm. =za,m14, r � evia ,a _ - _ v .44444- 444-4114404441. .4414,--4 ."4-...-4�41444114-44 444444 044. 447. - crs..4r.41 /7 Q o.a.� Arecte..'_ 07.6. ...77-c5/6..3 UT I NG -. AND '', '' . .a.-2: -t. .'...---... 't..."....'f:-...--- � - ,-; RECORD: -,`,-. ...' . SHEET' ---k� 7t'," " '-'t '1'..,,'" ! t - 2' ' ; .:-, 1, A; .rt :',''. , . INSTRUCTIONS; Officer clesignations-shauld be 'ised ,n the ,!, TO" CnitiMn. `lUnder eacKcomment a line dri.wn across sheet ani..l. each comment numbered to correspond with the nurnber in the '''TO:: cotiarrin�: Each ffcer so dnt4aI (check mark insufficient): _ before further roUting._, -nit Routing and Record Shiet should be returned to Registry. ,: - '.,-.�'..-`-r.....:',..::-. -�%--- - . t� --,;,,i?-: ...::?'.., .--P,',::::.= '..-'2:' ..:'' ..-2.i`;`:' --:::',>,,. ,?...1,.. -,,.., ,-,,%-;::;::: ..i..-:- --, :- 'v . (ROM , , - _. . . . . . .-...- ,�� .. _ -Z6 ,..:- T N. . _.. DATE-- ' . . I. SeTtembey 195 ,.; ..� . � ' 1547EKtaS '' ''''' 3-I-EjtiCill T "..1-''..;- , ' - ,i,' ' ' it � D , . DillIAL.S. , , t , --, - MIAVITS 4-..,�����1:, :- .�..-: , .;�TSS/C t---�4.. � 35. " �'� , ' 7.. at ..... e /, -...4, - s+ '' ---fa ?... .a fS 1. ...�, 4' . ::-- t'.: .,. /.. -a. ...- -.. - "1 .r . .. 1-1 d ..: � - . , , .... " - .... : ''' -....:7 i .� - ..?�'t ,-._ -..- .-..: ''.." f:1" 1.--a ret ' ";-*-A- tZ . � ''' 4, .. 3_24)44/. ... . ,. - ... ;/.., -.Z.. , 4.?' /4-4 , - . ...:. / - - ',V. ....-t . at. . ' . z., 4-, , . , z ._ ._ -���1- ac,,f- ' t:. ,c; . II .. .N. --..5-4-.-2. .... , ,--?. _.,..S L, a , =at , 13 . � �,..� -..� 14. :- . . .. s., - 4.: . IS.-- , . , ' .. . Mid ',1A1153 u! � REPLAMS FORM BAR ' yin! MAY BE Wit � - � , s.**.�sorni., *no r* 4 NFIDENTIAL. 16156-4 . � � 26 September 1955 MEMORANDUM FOR: TSS/CD ATTENTION SUBJECT : MKULTRA Subprojects 30 and 50 1. The report of audit dated 17-June 1955 prepared by Mr. afiirilificovering Project MKULTRA for the period 15 January 1954 through 30 April 1955, recommended in connection with subproject 30 as follows: It is suggested that this project be placed on a revolving fund basis, i. e., establish a fixed amount of about $500,00 or any other amount that will meet the needs of the project for- a reasonable periocl-of time and reimburse the fund on the basis of accountings submitted at-least quarterly.� The fixed amount may be increased or decreased as the need demands and will be recorded on the books of the-Finance DiVision as an Imprest Fund. The same certification should be used for reimbursing the imprest fund as is now authorized by the MKULTRA plan. Charges to expense would be made only on the basis of an accounting properly approved and the accountings would remain in the MKULTRA files of TSS._This-poposed revision will permit more accurate distribution of expenses to the proper fiscal year and will require approval by operating officials prior to reimbursing the fund for expenditures made." 2. It is my understanding that correspondence with Deputy Chief, Finance Divisionhas led to the conclusion that any Imprest Fund reported on-the books of the Finance Division as such is subject to rules and regulations which are not compatible with the procedures approved by the DCI under which MKULTRA is handled. Imprest Fund regulations apparently require that expenses and accountings be forwarded to Finance Division when reimbursement is requested. The security maintained for MKULTRA is such that it is not feasible to forward to the Finance Division a list of items purchased under this project since the nature of these items and the reasons for their purchase (particularly the occasional destruction of what would normally be considered unexpendable equipment) would dis- close too much of the nature of the sensitive work being handled under MKULTRA, 3. For this reason I believe it will be satisfactory to continue with subproject 30 and convert it to an Imprest Fund rather than terminate it and establish a new subproject 50 as an Imprest Fund. This will re- sult in our following all, of the recommendations in Mr. report A with the sole exception that subproject 30 will not be recorded on the books of the Finance Division as an Tmprest Fund. A 4. I understand that Majo as recently returned with a complete detailed list of recent expenditures under this subproject. It is my sug- gestion that these evidences of expenditures be placed in your files and that you determine the exact cash on hand. With this figure in mind, I suggest that you obligate under subproject 30 the exact sum required which, when added to the cash on handwill bring your total cash funds to $1,000. One thousand dollars is the sum which I believe you have determined to be necessary under this project rather than the amount of $500.00 mentioned as an example by Mr. A 5. When this additional obligation is on hand and you have exactly $1,000 in cash, you should operate the project as an Imprest Fund, a. e. , future reimbursements should be made at least quarterly and in an amount exactly equal to the new accumulation of vouchers which thus result in in the project's funds being brought back to precisely $1, 000 each time it is replenished. Care should be taken to replenish the fund and bring it back -- to $1, 000 toward the end of each Fiscal Year so that expenses incurred during a particular Fiscal Year will be covered by that FY's funds. As mentioned in Mr report, charges to expense would thus be made only on the basis of in accounting properlyt, -and-the accountings would remain in the MKULTRA files of TSS. If your quarterly accountings coincide with the end of a Fiscal Year, I believe that th's will also satisfy Mr � in that reimbursements will be made to the project with FY funds corresponding to the FY in which the expenses were incurred; and of course, approval of operating officials will have been obtained prior to reimbursement to the project for these expenditures. 6. You might discuss this with Mr. the next time he is in your office. Steps should also be taken if necessary to cancel subproject 50 and the sum of $500.00 which Mr. VOrrnay show on his books as obligated. (26 September 1955) Distri tion: dressee - Orig. only TSS/OC - 1 -2- /9 uNelAssiFIE . . � UTING AND RECORD SHEE -- � _ � - ,INSIRUCTIONS: Officer designationi should be used in the ''TC)" colum. Under each comment a tine should be drawn across sheet -,.. and each comment numbered to correspond with the number in '!he 5-'TO" &Amin._ Each officer shoUld initial (check markinsufficient). _ before further routine. This Routing and Rear(' Sheet 'A-00d be returned to Registry: , ROM: Mk:PHONE NO. � , REPLACES MIRA 51145 WHICH MAY BE UNCLASSIFIED V XXVII FIATIK1 ONTI,11 % FROM : UNITED _STATES GOVERNMENT Chief, T$S Chemical Division Acting Deputy Chief, Finance Division SUBJECT: Request for Imprest Fund MISULTRA__ DATE' _20 3 tember1955 1. The request_contained in your memorandum, dated _ 14 September 1955,-establishing-an-imprest-fund for MOLTRA in the amount_of 000.00 is returned without approval by this office as not meeting-the-requirements of regulations establishing an imprest fund. 2. Regulation I dated 26 March 1955, governing imprest fund states-that-"A-complete-accounting will_be_submitted monthly," whereas paragraph_4_of_your-reqUest-states,that_theae t funds will be accounted-for-lnLaccordarice_vith MKULTRA procedures. 3. In the ev that accountings-can be submitted in accordance with this request should be re-submitted._ UNCLASSIFIED - CONFIDENTIAL - : ROUTING AND'RECORD SH . - . . � INSTRUCTIONS: Officer designations should be used in the "TO" column. Under each comment a line should be drawn across sheet and each comn-le. rt. t numbered to correspond with the number in the "TO" column. Each officer should initial (check mark insufficient) before further routing. This Routing and Record Sheet should be returned to _Registry. � FROM: 5. I ��.../SC*4 6. 7511 tte.s-.6 15. hiFe" 51-1 0 PREVIOUS ELRTIONS . AY 54 - MAY 05 USED _ q ICI - _16TM SECRET TELUWONE TNITICERIAL5S TELEPH�NE CONFIDENTIAL UNCLASSIFIED (40) 14 Sept nb r 1955 � M4CPAMUM FR: CHF,FINANCEDIVI8ION ATTENTIQN : Mr. P\ SUBJECT : Request for Imprest Petty Cash Fund 1. At the request-of the-Chief, Audit-Staff, TSS is requesting the establishment of an imprest petty cash fund in connection with a subproject of NKU1TRA. This petty cash fund is to-be-established with an initial grant of $500.00. From time to time as these funds are depleted, reimbursement will be requested. - 2. The-followintperson_nel-of TSS/CDHare appointed-- responsible-officers-for-the fund: 3. sAfe. Custodian Deputy A The money-wi-11=be kept-in=an-approved combination 4. This imprest fund is beLng set up in-connection with a subprojeet of MKULTRA. -Therefore, records and accountings will be maintained in-accordance with regulations and procedure' approved by the DOI in the memorandum dated 13 April 1953 to tne DD/A and the extension of tills-authority in subsequent memoranda. All recDrds and-accountings are kept in the files of the Chemical Division where they are-available for inspection by the auditor appointed by the DD/a to inspect and audit NAMARA files. "Chief, TSS hemical Division Research Director- Distribution: Orig 8t. 2 - Addressee 1 - Comptroller Pk (14 September 1955) Date: be .XV7; accordance-with Ch16f,-TSS Chemical Division Acting Deputy Chief, Finance-Division Request for Imprest FUnd NMULTRA 20 September2955 1. The request contained in your memorandum, dated - 14 September 1955, establishing an imprest fund for NXDITRA in the amount of $500.00 is returned without approval by this office as not meeting tho requirements of regulations establishing an imprest fund. . 2. Regulation dated 2.6 Narch 19, governing imprest fund-states tha "Alcomplete accounting Will be submitted - moathly.,* whereas paragraph 4 of your request states that these funds will be _accounted for in accordance with EXULTRA procedures. ' 3. ttheevitthat accountings can be submitted in this request should be resubmitted. r. Chief, TSS Chemical Diviaion tin Deputy Chief, Finance Division Request for Impreat PL4 IMULTRA 1, The request contained in your memorandum, -dated 14 September 19$5,-esteblishing a imprest fund for =Ala in the amount of 0500.00 is returned without approval by this office aa not mestipg the requirements of regulations establishing an imprest fund, VT 2 Regulation dated 26 Xarob, 1955, governing . impreat fund states t al complete accounting will be submitted monthly'', whereas.paragraph 4 of your request states that these fund s will be =counted for in accordance with MUM% procedures. 3. In the ei that accountings can be submitted in accordance_vi this request should he ro-submitted. /WAD � UNc.LASStFIED � CONFTRENTIAL SECRET � � (sopa WILL- CIRCLE CUE 'DON TOP AND 90170,4) CENTP.A% INTELLIGENCE ACENCY OFFICIAL ROUTING- SLIP - IN I TI ALS DATE I-1 APPROVAL L- I INFORMATION I SIGNATURE 1-1 ., ACTION ' DIRECT REPLY I I RETURN . . - ., � ' COMMENT J PREPARATION OF REPLY �r--1 DISPATCH _ _ r--7-1 CONCURRENCE f---;-7-1 RECOMMENDATION _(-----1 ME Remarks: . SEMET.. - CONFIDEN;FIAL 'UNCLASSIFIED /UN NO. nn_A ProTious edItiocs tascy 5,1 ass& 'IRON 53 %MP 1- ts.s. sot WIALAT RRINTIP14 � le-4041-2 � _- (49 26 September 1955 MORANDUM FOR: THE REMO SUBJECT : M(ULTRA Subprojeot 50 1. This memorandum is written to record the purpose of Sub- project 50, t1"..3 reasons for establishing it, and the mechanics by which it will be aAmenistered. 2. The.jbove subproject has been created to continue the support to IPIDivision, which was previously furnished by Subprojects 13 and 30. Si" apport will be over and above the yearly financial support of Project MKNAOMI and will fall into two categories: (1) the purchase of certain materials, supplies and equipment where the use of other-funds would cause either excessive delay in operations or undue security hazards; and (2) the support of activities in-which Agency sponsorship makes it /- difficult for Division to obtain financial support from normal sources since ose sources require an undesirable amount of justi- fication. 3. The subproject has been created at the sp ciao request of Mr. and with the approval of General in order to rr correct undesirable administrative procedures evi ent in the handling ' of Subprojects 13 and 30. - 4. This subproject will be handled as an imprest fund with an initial grant of $500.00. As expenses are incurred and upon presentation of vouchered proof of expenditure, _subsequent grants will be made in the amounts expended. The cash on hand and/or receipts of expenditure will total $500.00 at all times. In- structions to the Fund Custodian are-attached. 5. This is a continuing project with no specific amount earmarked per unit time. �Budget estimates will�be based on ex- perience in Subprojects 13 and 30. 6. Subproject 30 will b�eplosed out and cash on hand will be returned to Finance on receipt of the initial $500,00 grant. Distribution: Orig TSS/CD .1 - Chrono (b) TSS/CD (26 Septembe 1955) IF r 7),.............75�....... ,,_ ,r � i � - . - A v-REQUEST FOR ADVANCE DATE 16 September 1955 . IT IS REQUESTED THAT CONFIDENTIAL FUNDS BE ADVANCED TO: Mt , IN THE AMOUNT OF Five Hundred DOLLARS 5OOOO 2. THESE FUNDS ARE REQUIRE� FOR OFFICIAL BUSINESS OF A CONFIDENTIAL NATURE AND THEIR USE WILL BE CONFINED TO THE FOLLOWING GENERAL PURPOSE: Imprest Petty Cash Fund (See attached m orandum) / . T:415 ADVANCE IS WITHIN THE SCOPE OF, AND PROPERLY CHARGEABLE TO ' 6-2502-10-001 _ APPROVED PROJECT. ALLOTMEMT. ETC. 4. THIS ADVANCE WILL BE ACCOUNTED FOR FULLY, IN ACCORDANCE WITH CONFIDENTIAL FUNDS REGULATIONS, AND ALL UNEXPENDED FUNDS RETURNED, IN THE FOLLOWING MANNER: (COMPLETE AND/OR INITIAL APPLICABLE STATEMENT BELOW) . _ (A) WITHIN DAYS, ACCOUNTING AND/OR REFUND WILL BE MADE TO CHIEF. CONFIDENTIAL FUNDS. (B) WITHIN OAYS AFTER ARRIVAL AT DESTINATION ACCOUNTING AND/OR REFUND WILL BE MADE TO CONFIDENTIAL FUNDS REPRESENTATIVE AT _ nalIC A FULL ACCOUNTING WILL BE RENDERED Al THE END OF EACH MONTH UNTIL ALL FUNDS ARE ACCOUNTED FOR, SUCH ACCOUNTING WILL BE MADE TO THE CHIEF, CONFIDENTIAL FUNDS. OR TO HIS DESIGN& ED REPRESENT TI . . . , .. - � 0,. / R STING OFFICER � . APPROVED: � � 16-September N. 1 TSS CD DATE TITLE SIGNATURE 6, I CERTIFY that this request for advance is in accordance with existing regulations; has been approved b proper authorihthandAW. fynds . allotment indicated ....:,.., .5�.0 0_ 4,.0 . ,t� . .� � � c_e_ ) � ,5--ace1 ov 7 � i 77,179v� ,1;ay APPROPRIATION ALLOTWENT .FFICER / . RECEIVED FROM Finance $ 500.00 IN THE FORM OF 0.9.311 FOR THE PURPOSE STATED, AND WILL BE ACCOUNTED FOR FULLY BY ME IN ACCORDANCE WITH PARAGRAPH 8 ABC E . . A . , 1 � OATE . IMINI NO 22.I3 PREVIOUS ED:TIONS NAY BE USER. JUN 111411 56r --,57r MOCUINDUX I MUTTON s Mr. SUBJECT 14 September 195, FIRANCE DIVIS/011 Pt I Request or Uproot, Petty CastiFund 1. At the request of tie Chief, Autlit Staff, TSS is requesting the establishment of an imprest petty cash fund -in oonneotion with a eubprojeot of MAMA. This petty calla fund is to be established with an Initial grant of 000.00. From time to time as_these funds are depleted, reimbursement will be requested, 2. The following personnel of TS$/CD are appointed responsible officers for the funds. 3. The money will. be kept in an approved combination Safes 4. This imprest fund is being setup in connection vithIi a subprojeet of !MUM, IITherefore,'reoords and accountings will be maintained in acoordance with regulations and procedures approved by the DOI in the memorandas dated 13 April 1951t0 the DOA and the-extension of this authority in subsequent memoranda. All records -and accountings are kept in the files of the Chemical Division where_they are available for inspection by the auditor appointed by the DD/4 to inspect and audit NEULTRA files. APPR Research Director Dietributiont Orig & 2 - Addressee 3. - Comptroller c- - T83/C0 (14 September 1955) Ciief, TSS/Chemical Division Date )467 1. REQUEST FOR ADVANCE IT IS REQUESTED THAT CONFIDENTIAL FUNDS BE ADVANCED TO: live Ruadred IN THE AMOUNT OF DATE 16 September 19 50),(ND DOLLARS $ _ NAME 2.-THESE FUNDS ARE REQUIRED FOR OFFICIAL BUSINESS OF A CONFIDENTIAL NATURE AND THEIR USE WILL BE CONFINED TO THE FOLLOWING GENERAL PURPOSE: � Invest Petty Ca& d (See attached mainctiandaa) 3. THIS ADVANCE IS WITHIN THE SCOPE OF, AND PROPERLY CHARGEABLE TO �250240,4/01 APPROVED_ALAAJTEG_T. ALLOTMENT. ETC. N. THIS ADVANCE WILL SE ACCOUNTED FOR FULLY. IN ACCORDANCE_WITH CONFIDENTIAL FUNDS REGULATIONS. AND ALL UNEXPENDED FUNDS RETURNED, IN THE FOLLOWING MANNER:: (COMPLETE AND/OR �INITIAL APPLICABLE STATEMENT BELOW) (A) WITHIN _DAYS, ACCOUNTING AND/OR REFUND WILL SE_MADE TO CHIEF _CONFIDENTIAL FUNDS.' (8) WITHIN DAYS AFTER ARRIVAL AT DESTINATION ACCOUNTING AND/OR REFUND WILL BE MADE TO CONFIDENTIAL FUNDS REPRESENTATIVE AT WA FULL ACCOUNTING WILL BE RENDERED AT THE END_OF EACH MONTH UNTIL ALL FUNDS ARE.ACCOUNT D OR, SUCH ACCOUNTING WILl. BE MADE To THE CHIEF. c9NfIDENTIAL FUNDS.-OR TO HIS cEsIN,ecoRcp TIV S. APPROVED: 16 SOPteDtOr 1955 Iss/a) 4.8IDNEE OOTTLI3 DATE TITLE SIGNATUrE- 6. I CERTIFY /that this request for advance is in accordance with existing regulations; has been approved by proper author -4; and that-fords ar apotmeAtjndioated. 4,7, 51 Id- .0; ALLOTHENT P14. j. A PmgruribN liMnce 7. RECEIVED FROM IN THE FORM OF FOR THE PURPOSE STATED, AND WILL BE ACCOUNTED FOR FULLY BY ME IN ACCORDANCE wi FORM NO. Cash DATE $16NATURE s 1. At the request of the Chief, *it Staffs TSS is requeitting the eeteblishnerit of en ivrest petty cash fund Ia eosneotion with a enbprojeot of mum. This petty oaoht Amid 3.41 to be established with an initial it of i500.(x). ritu tizo to time as thece_fards are depleted) reimbursement will be requeeted. 2. - The follaving personnel.Cf ISSPIt are appoleted _ reepoesible officers for the ,fundt Cestodian Deputy , 3. The limey 1411 be kept in - approved combine ion safe. 4. This impreat fund is being set up 1.12 42CCOOOtiOO, vith a subprojeet of LIOMA. Therefore) records and acoountines will be neletained Ia 4,004yetuute with regulations and procedures approved by the DCZ iZk the AtatOrzahlont dated 13 April-1933 to the WA and the extension of thilf euthority In subsequent memoranda. All records and accountino are kept in the files of the Chemical Division where they are aveilable for inspection by the 41:41tor 'minted by the DO to inspeet and audit MUM files. ati-TfXR------.C4tteeical Division 1 - TSSARB 2 - TSSAD 1-7. \V = P:e :4: ,r_. _Iw..,I.____...,._ REQUEST FOR ADVANCE � 16 Uptsmiber 195, OM / . IT IS REQUESTED THAT CONFIDENTIAL FUNDS BE ADVANCED TO: KAI., Fin audreS SODA� IN THE AMOUNT OF DOLLARS $ 2. THESE FUNDS ARE REQUIRED FOR OFFICIAL BUSINESS OF A CONFIDENTIAL-NATURE AND THEIR USE WILL BE CONFINED TO THE FOLLOWING GENERAL PURPOSE: 14210elt ?WI Cat% taill (soe attlecil meaorandas) . THIS ADVANCE IS WITHIN THE SCOPE OF. AND PROPERLY CHARGEABLE TO � APPROVED PPOJICS. ALLOTMENT SIC. N. THIS ADVANCE WILL BE ACCOUNTED FOR FULLY, IN ACCORDANCE WITH CONFIDENTIAL FUNDS REGULATIONS, AND ALL UNEXPENDED FUNOS RETURNED, IN THE FOLLOWING MANNER: (COMPLETE AND/OR INITIAL APPLICABLE STATEMENT BELCW) (A) WITHIN DAYS, ACCOUNTI G AND/OR REFUND WILL BE MADE-TO CHIEF, CONFIDENTIAL FUNDS. (8) WITHIN DAYS AFTER ARRIVAL AT DESTINATION ACCOUNTING AND/OR REFUND WILL BE MADE TO CONFIDENTIAL FUNDS REPRESENTATIVE AT Ncg A FULL ACCOUNTING WILL BE RENDERED AT THE END OF EACH MONTH UNTIL ALL FUNDS ARE ACCOUNTED FOR, SUCH ACCOUNTING WILL BE MADE TO THE CHEF, CONFIDENTIALFUNDS, OR TO HIS DESIGNATED REPRESENTATIVE. ' . .� REM TINT OFFICER . APPROVED: - lb Sopteciblo 1955 Mies MAT) awn oomiss . DATE TITLE SIGNACURE 6. I CERTIFY that this request TOT advance is in accordance with existing regulations; has been approved by proper authority; and that funds are available in the appropriation and allotment indicated. 1ATE APPROPRIATION ALLOTMENT CERTIFYING OFFICER Lame -WRY- . RECEIVED FROM Ottil EN TIE FORM OF - FOR THE PURPOSE STATED, AND WILL SE ACCOUNTED FOR FULLY BY ME IN ACCORDANCE WITH PARAGRAPH N ABOVE. /g DATE t !..4,.:;:r ' SIGNATURE ------,--__ MIS PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY REUSED. 1041 _ 414,2 J 64 - Office Memorandum vL-C-) UNITED STATE'S GOVERNMENT DATE; WrAPCARet 84 ) Office Memorandum TO � OkiWilie79 ,i420# /714e1,-;ef-eLe-;, mitiezrk9 aidt, .-/Por& n kite ,hot UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT DATE: .flaetA .444 at" ae--edor-,c4r- 1 4,0~e �74%Atve-etiete- --; MEMORANDU ATTENTION SUBJECT P.2 COMPTROLLER Finance Division MKULTRA, Subproject 50 1. Under the autkority granted in ft e rnemoranduzn dated 13 April 1953, from the DCI to the DD/A and extension of this authority in sub- sequent memoranda, subproject 50 has been approved. 2. At the suggestion of Chief, Audit Staff, W. project is being set up as an imprest petty cash fund in the amount of $500.00. It is requested that $500.00 in cash be forwarded to Chief, T53/CD through TSS Budget Officer. 3. Periodic reimbursements of this imprest fund will be requested as expenses are incurred. Funds provided for this project are to be charged to allotment 6.2502-10.001. APPROVED FOR OBLIGATION OF FUNDS: e;sr SIDNEY GOTTL1E,B Chief, TSS/Chernical Division Date: Research Director 15 August 1955) Distribution: Addressee - Orig. & 2 TSS OC - 1 S/FASB - 1 TSS/SRB - 1 TSS/CD 1 CERN? 7 i 4 7 dfF :C6,1 MEMORANDUM FOR THE RECORD SUBJECT : MKULTRA, Subproject 50 1. The purpose of subproject 50 is to continue to provide the support previously furnished to the under sub- project 30. Support will be furnished to certain TSS/CD activities carried out by the or in conjunction with the Cr- 2. In accordance with the suggestion made by Mr. in his memorandum dated 17 June 1955 which was approved by Gen this project is being set up as an imprest petty cash fund with an initial grant of $500.00. From time to time as these funds are depleted, reimbursement will be requested, acc ompanied by vouchered proof of expenditures by the using agency in accordance with the written agreement between that agency and TSS/CD. 3. The support will primarily fall in two general categories:. one, the purchase of certain materials, supplies and equipment where the use by the of other funds would either delay operations excessively or result in security problems in view of the peculiar nature of the items to,be 6-- purchased; and two, activities where the unusual security considerations_ ---- - surrounding Agency sponsorship of th make it difficult for th #10160114 to obtain financial support from customary sources since such 3 n-xt- c es would require an undesirable amount of written or oral justification. Suis2--:�oject 50 funds will thus be used to pay for purchase of unusual supplies, materials and equipment a, well as for occasional unusual services, travel., expenses and honoraria. 4. A-i soon as the initial $500.00 under_subproject 50 has been made available to t:le SO Division, 5ubpr3ject 30 will be closed out and any unspent balance reto.1-rid to the Agency. APPROVED FOR OBLIGATION OF FUN Direc .00SIDNEY TTLIEB Chief, TSS/C mical Division TSS/CD: (15 August 1955) TSS/CD - 2 (subprojects 30 and 50)