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Publication Date: 
June 24, 1960
INVOI0.11 faTii!.101( LIST JLT,14 eub-vojact. At Dste of Original Authorization Autlx)riv.;�setots rxtended Covercd Allotnzmt ,Aloint of DIritizrO1tczticfl Ti=t F,xtz,rAccl Allotmant Cove:es/ To invoirn rimbez* Date Lte4:9 / icVa � 2 Z.- , Pzaunt-a Obligation 1 Arocunt palwee - $13 /2 MATRA, Subprolect Ik4- _ - Purposa:- To develop a more sePhistic,m.,- %dioxide tension and pH of body fluids; to study pH and psychophysiological variables. � Initiated: September 1960 Contractor: Cott: $6 500.00 Status: TO: 1. Date of Obligation: 11/41/A .01�041010.101.1���ressINSIVRES. 2. Purpose of Project: Research-in -"The boIo1,icOrre1aSOf . Carbon Dioxide Environment" ����11�����4�1,�E 3. Progreae to Date:_amitet ted. 4. Expiration Date:.., 5. Project Monitor: FROM: ss k � (When Filled In) ACCOUNTING BY I ND I V I DUA I. FOR ADVANCE 1WOTR: Follow Instructions on Reverse UB TTE HY toMUL"aA,_ oravrozact in4 DATE � VOUCHFR NO, 2.12 - (.4 ,.. , 6'r i .4.1 PERIOD OF ACCOUNTING r25/ . mr, ao FROM 1 t963 TO cber._2.965 I. OASIs ON HAND BEGINNING OF PERIOD ,537,-.72 . 5. EXPENSES THIS PERIOD; 2 OUTSTANDING ADVANCES BEGINNING OF PERIOD VOUCHER NUMOER DATE,,, DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 3. RECEIPTS. THIS PERIOD; Mitts 497'n , Refund te RE rIPT NUMBER DATE DESCRIPTION [-760�ACL-25-72C285 � 4 ' 40444coi 12 180.0 /Vat TOTAL EXPENSES 2 37.7 I6. REFUNDED HEREWITH 1 1 CASH 'CHECK [NONEY ORDER , 1 7. OUTSTANDING ADVANCES END OF PERIOD (Attach listing) 1 . CASH ON HAND END OF PERIOD OR BALANCE DUE AOVANCEE 4. TOTAL TO ACCOUNT FOR $ sr. 9. , TOTAL ACCOUNTED FOR LL " 537-T9 I CERTIFY FUNDS ARE AVAILABLE, 1 APPROVEO I certify that the expenditures listed hereon an OBLIG.REF. NO . 533 CHARGE FAN ACCOUNT NO. 1125-1395-3932 , 00,60 DATE SIGNATURE OF APPROVING OFFICER !credit ts v64 C4 V (DN. *Niro on any attachments were incurred for officiril pur- poses of A confidential nature, that payment or therefor has not been received, and thrpt this accounting is true and correct, DATE SIGNATURE OF AUTHORIZING 1 ! OFFICER CERT FIED * FOR PAYM NT OR CREDIT 1 I SIGNATURE OF PAYEE, ! 1 DATE I 1 SIGNATURE OF 1 CERTIFYING OFFTC R 1 SPACE LOW FOR EXCLUSIVE USE .. OF OFFICE, OF FINANCE DESCRIPTION.ALL OTHER ACCOUNTS 13.33 34.39 40. 41 42.47 .1 46. 49 50 51.54 . 1 155.66 , i 1 67.70 OBJECT CLASS 71-60 AMOUNT ! 28,33 . T/A NO.1 STATION CODE E 08LIG. , REF. NO. * ..PER. PAY OA OR GENERAL COST . FAN 1 I ACCOUNT SYMBOL 1 DESCRIPTION .1 ADVANCE ACCOUNTS 13.27 , a ! sH P.,06C.NO. ..... . .. ,4 ".. ..,r. . 1u u Ple1"11 .. NO.,. . . PROJECT PO E N c ...........coot 0 AWN:LALIO. (..8. ..0. . 5, ; , YR ACCT. LEOGER NO. .... P.'. , ....."1, .1., T. 61.66 COI. NO. 1 X REP. '.1,0. 66.70 DUE DEBIT CREDIT DATE � � � � . 'I: ' ' " :41 : M4 .4. ,441,A7../,".. (41 :�://././. i . ,, . . . . . re"' / � : / ..1,'' . �141".� ''ilk. .: i'...://: :.e.ti:4:6 :. : :. , ii,42/c..s J.:2i 'A-12.0 : , .., : : . : : e � : 4'4,1-.1.yv � --)�, 2...e 1 Y V 1 i / �;('. 0 . , . . .. � . . ' )0 0 , : .., ..... * / r.p � ,:; .)(: 1 /--, . , / . / ..' -0,.-'1(.- , , � , ';.(,/ 1, � � :r:q.,,i:i .. : : : _. ,f/ ,, . (.1),/,,,p, .� c .... / - ji ) _ , I .1), I ..- 1 1,'2 1,(WE PREPARED BY DATE REVIEWED ny 1 TOTALS ( / 4) . ? � FORM ORSOLETE PREVIOUS 282 4.65 EDITIONS 11-491 CERTMCATION 1. This la to certify that X have received an accounting fro% MKULTHA, Whproject 124 which refiecte expenase_of $2,497.23* The accounting la being retained in the office of ?SD where it may be reviewed by the certifyfng officer upoe request* 2* The balance remaining after recording the expenditures has been refunded. *.t injhe amount of $40.54 ha2 been recoried on rietary company financial records* 3: 1 certlfy-that satisfactory serillces representedby____ the accounting have_been received and that to the:best of my inoviedge and teller the fwide expended vere for the pwpoeee _ authorised by_the_projeot approval. � AloPSOM: SIDNEY GOMM DC/ra WA present herewith the final accounting of the Acittlesa_ItssearclA_Project. Aacstioto- 1960 October 1961 Yebtifity Diebutsements 1960 Itquipmant 1960 Evil:taint 1960 Other expend tures 1961 - No disbursements 1942 No disbursements 1963 is 746 Labor 1964 840 Labor --9=12___Labor 248 9-14 6 si-11.23 ng Device 411.23 -Co tent 6 11.43 onsultant �-12-28 0 --12-28- 1965 - 1-21 or a.van or subjects, Dec30, 1965 Balance remaining $3,250.00 3)250.00 $6,500.00 $2,449.16 1,300.00 213.05 158.00 441.00 222.00 208.00 25.01 302.93 100.00 250.00 22.79 78.52 600.00 a 60.00 _1_29 00_ 867459146 Our check LD tha mount of $40.54, representing the unex- pended balance, is enclosed. Controller Acid Base roject. explains the delay. inent on Mr rharding thi ance een away :on vacatiion and this - The amount remaining in_the fund is rat/ Of the the approximately $100,.0 expended since our last report, over 951- has gone for payroll. At the present time we are engaged in a study in which the - background knowledge and apparatus provided in the grant.will be of considerable use. We arc administering carbon dioxide and air in mixtures up to HO carbon dioxide to hypertensive prisoner subjects in an attempt-to study the tffect on resting blokx1 pressure leveit That the acid base level is related to the resting rate of blood pressure is a long-shot hypothesis.. If any effect is demonstrated,, ttlis could be an important contribution. We plan to measure:Changes in the acid base balance and blood pressure and particularly the length of titre that these changes persist. There is some evidence (a the_Uterature that if one sets carbon dioxide tolerance at a new level, that homeostatic mechanisms will maintain this for a-considerable period of time. I will certainly keep you informed of our results in this experiment, I certify save teen iS ncerely, satisfactoriay ' t C.:;;),nciitures were incurred on offleil Op ES 7-41IS AN Acc16-_, I�REL. # srnic ,/ P4rsuantto-my-letter of April 25, I aM reporting to you C% the AcidBase Study. - Dun i t two months ve-have-trained - - a technician toxork_vith t student in Chemistry this fall_atj We expect to run experimental _subjects on We -attempted ore experiment to simplify finger blood col- lection by catching it under oil. This failed because -of oil contamination-of-the-_electrode fore we will proceed with subjects actording-ttetanda� thods, : Ye -PtindsA.emaining_in the_grant are suf icient for_the_next- 's studies,-. Wevvill_report to you again on December 15, nclosed please find the-a ounting fo rotl 'hich shows a' O'bslance: is should close Chat:ol , . .. , Enclosed'is an a;c6unting :ID hich_l have madt u since X had all his record i and 1 '. piyments for hist. He may use;the.balanee up in sous small'axpen(Muies 'which he his not4eCrecues d reiOursement for so 14ease.donit. - out.- -'Enclosed alsojs A-copy_ofus letter Ito which you can put In hi.sjjle4 Re is still spendlliu2r g _ rant itoney and won't account until it is all gone-. _ . , test Iiiiroonal. 'regards (When Fi n) ACCOUNTING BY INDIVIDUAL FOR ADVANCE MODES Follow Ins ructions on R SUBMITTED BY VOUCHER NO. (FinAnce use only) Mail.= ezb 324 PERIOD OF ACCOUNTING FR 1 Oetotor1.9.S2 [TO St. ;Iva 1..3 RECEIPTS DISBURSEMENTS I. CASH ON HAND BEGINNING OF PERIOD NYOW DATE DESCRIPTION AMOUNT a. . RECEIPT NUMBER DATE DESCRIPTION , oct Atts=boa Car4�,,,Ifioatotoa . via MEN MON (Mai) . MIMI ip iiiiiMMEME 1-11. El1111 , 1 TOTAL EXPENSES I! 11=11111=11111 3a. A. REFUNDED HEREWITH CA" EMI ME . CAS ON HAND END 0 PERIOD ' 1 I:I 1 TOTAL TO ACCOUNT FOR '0 II 1 TO, AL IACCOUNTED FOR clounloi I CERTIFY FUNDS ARE AVAILABLE 1I I APPROVED 1.! h 1 tl certify that the expenditures listed hereon and OBLIGATION REFERENCE NO. . CHARGE ALLOTMENT I 122344.,0-3902 NO. , . , . DATE IGNATURE Mira ' OF APPROVING 0=0313 OFFICER 1 ' A ' ,;... ,:on iinyattachments ,p cntemi. !olja: Iconfidential ciedittherrtior this sucuuniing were incurred for official nature, 4thst has not been received, is :true and correct. per. payment or and that DATE SIGNATURE OF AUTHOR 1 Z lt4G :OFFICER CERTIFIEI FOR IPAyMENT OR CREDIT , SIGNATURE, OP PAYEE DATE SIGNATURE1! 0 CERTIFYING, OFF IC R 0 , /44 I SPACE BELOW FOR EXCLUSIVE USE OF FINANCE, DIVISION PREPARED BY : 'REVIEWED 1y H � 1 :VOUCHER NO. 7.12 :1 I DESCRIPTION' - ALL ClIrM R ACCOUNTS 13.33 . 14.30 40-42 43 44.44 47,.7 SA.S7 , SO-47 � 10-70 DUE 71.4o I 28.33 Tja No 1 STATION 1 CODE EXPE ,Ir PAY RfP7 iio c.I .... GTRAL ALLOT. OR COST ACCT. NO. DATE AMOUNT DESCRIPTION � ADVANCE ACCOUNTS 13.27 ....%. P� Z. ho. ... / � 132.33 DIV. ...... .... � *or . d No. PROJACT No. COD: p ! L :: 0' fto vA AeCT. i:.0:',.I.; ci IAA. CA TR CEDGER A CT. NO. I , 2- 67 CA. NO. A otp,No. ' ',COCCI� CLASS CSED/T 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I I 1 1111 "I 1 1 1 141 1 I I I I I 1 I 1 A 1 1 III I! -Fir-- It 11111 II II 01 M I 1 I 1- 1 1 1 1 1 , , 11111111 III I 1 1111111=11 1 1 1 g 111111111 II I lII 1 I I 1 I 1 I 1 I TOTALS F�RM 282 us. 'PREVIOU D.01 ED Grants Received 1960 1961 Disbursements 4S 'Total cost Les � an Other e Unexpended Balance Is $ 3,250.00 3,250.00 $ 6,500.00 $ 2,545.06_ 1,200.00 1,300.00 117.15 11962.21- $ 2,537.79 -- This &nt of accounting fro ted. o the Fund OMTIfy*tliat services or materials have 'Ueen :sAisfactorily received an; tl7e expenditures Mere 'incurred on official b,;siness, Dater RECEIPT Receipt is hereby acknowledged of the following check: - - No. 038 Cost Account //472 � Object Class Date Remarks and References Obligations Incurred Obligations Liquidated Unliquidated Balance Z '7') PDC .1 _ . A 41/ 4 sM:q0 � ao a - -- _ L - T r ' 158ptb.r 1960 rs _C ATIVITION IMAM Finance Divieion itCULIV4 thAlpre4cot 12h Ikdar the authority granted in the latuoraryluat dated 13 ApIt 3953 troat taw DU to the DD/A, and the eXteasion Qt this authority In601024iipatlt 100144.40, Suhprojeet 1211- has been snowed and 46,500.00 of the over-all LM rot Aulds has been obligated_to_cover the subproject's expenses. Thu s obligation of fultds ebould-he clutvg04 to Allots:tent 154- 1004902* APPIOVIID 1UTIOis R20)134 Date I CERNY THAT FUNDS ARE AVAILABLE! - ORIGAPOti rif-EENC: �Sa.3 1966 MOGI 10 ALIOTmtr�rt Distributiont Orig 14 2 - Addressee 1 - TSD/00 - TSDAPAS3 AUTHORIZING OFFICER _ cy-0 CONFIDENTIAL FUNDS POSTING VOUCHER VOUCHER NO. 7-12 . DATE 2.6 VOUCHER NO. 7.12 :3,rr P 1,960 1 DE5CRteT10NA1.I. OTHER ACCOUNTS 1 s 34-39 STATION 43 40.42, F EXPEND u 145.4 47.52 ORLIG. PAY REF. NO. PER. 53 54.57 GENERAL 56.67 ALLOT. OR COST ACCT. NO. 66-70 71-60 DUE AMOUNT DATE DESCRIPTION- ADVANCE ACCOUNTS 13.27 r A-L. P"�' NO. 32.331:Ci'r:O. DIV CODE P " P' P� CODE I LIO . metm . CA YR LEDGER ACCT. NO. E Ro A, , ' :27.0. 011JECT OIT DID IT ER IT 'Ey s CODE ... .... . imp. N6. CLASS tit � � i � � 6 WI; -473� �PiCO VY-Jegeie 19ov 7-6, i),12;14,0 413 � h.. 1 T.,: _X-. . . ,5"sitI 1 !,_440i, 1 a v-re 7.---/- - 9.411,' 7�C i 977,nel lArV - /4, - - 0'0 / 7..r Irewe 1 . 0 pito- . t, er . � . . . . . 1 L. 1 S.d. 80 'M'r cif 1r . . . flifl / 61,0 141.;"7,-..r...r- ye-1.- 7f i ie..yr ia4, . . � . 1. � I 4 � 0 � 4 � � � MI MI 4 . 4 r . � 4 t 1 . . . . _ . . . . . . : EXPLANATION OF ENTRY TOTALS 4 _6* � z /57.64i5?,-4,,, DATE PP /? 9 16 DATE REVIEWED RY CERTIFIED FOR PAYMENT OR CREDIT DATE SIGNATURE OF CERTIFYING OFFICER FORM 10-59 606 USE PREVIOUS EDITIONS. 140410PANAI14 $ -MN? PINANON Drixmom VIA SSDAudaet Officer SMIZOT MIULSIVOul)project 3214 lavoice No. 1 Allotawat 1123-10093902 2. Invoice No. 1 to tbe swat a $6,500 covering the subproject is attached. Bowler, clue to refunds of 45,073.78 froa other projects (as per attacbstots) porwat sboul4 be made as folicvs 16 St caber 1960 2. tbe�clecks shoulti. be forwarded o meg TSD/ search Branch, through /Budget Officer, no later than libtirelay,22 Nopteaber 1960.- 3. Ws Is a final irvolce. Bowyer, since it is saticipated _ that a&litional fds vill to_obligateNt for this project the tiles -thoulti not be closed. Att4tcheentifi invoice es C.ttitictts DistritutiOol Cris & 2 A&Iressee . 7;) 1 --TSD/FASS_ Chief TOD/Beisearch Brae& lel I CERTIFY THAT FUNDS ARE AVAILABLE* � CSLICATI04 gEFEUNCE No. cliAGE TO AUONINT No. eftfajr.. "WA 'WA ALITHORIZING OFFICER CHECO /77i9WI 7: JNT OF: R EC t DXVZS UD/Budget �Meer - - ; XICUINNAilluboroject 1242 Invoice No. � Alleteat /125400949Ce Inv*lee No. 3 tthe amount of 46,500 covering the above sebproject is attached. Bowyer, due to refund, a $50)73.78 from other projects (sa per attachments) ;orient 41041 he Made OA folloY*1 Ctthierts eittek it, tug $1,106.22 Able 4trorn on IL The checks should be fomente4 to chief., TSDIgnesearch Brunel* through In/ Budget Officer, no later -than l'hureW, 22 Se teeter 1960. 3. This is a finsl Lavoie.. Novevori since it is snticipateil that alifilitioaal ttv1fl b. oblif.steci for this iroject- the files shokklil not be closed. Attiebleatit, & Certifications Distelloutlotl ctrigh 2 .., A44reetes 1 - TSD/FASS X2XXX--- 2 -TSD/R3 _ 16 Sept fo) CIRTIFICATIONS (1) It is hereby eertifiedthetithiS-ie_involco No. 1 applyingto NOMA, Subkroject 12k, that performance is satisfactory; that the services are being accomplished in accordance vith mutual agreements that a detailed agenda_of_the payments and receipts is on file in Min, that the bill is just_and correct and that payment thereof bee not yet been made. Date; Cbief,D/Beseahi3ranchnch (2) It is hereby certified-that-this'invoice applies to MULTRA, project 1240.vbic1I vas dilly approved, and that the project to being tarried out in accordance vith the memormmium dated 13 April-1951, from the DOI to the DD/A, and the extension of this authority in aUbsequent - memoranda. Dates (3) It Is hereby 1Ufje4 that the wove,* under subprojects 39, cat 65 have been satisfactorily ccupleted taxi returned mused Azad,* However, aubprojeat vhich le still conttnutng Oao renAnded money. Ulan:ore, It is re-T.1**VA that the sottounts ashwa belav on 1Prfoickt NumberZ ot subpro$set 124 be ervilted to the subprOjeata as show � belov. Pro 'eat - t k#24111t - 4114Wa26 e 1:91.1.52 50400- 'CO Auomint 5.23ce.1045.1 2502.55. 64502404u 9.2502.5,-902 theiuthcrtt grnt�d 5z the oalea de ApiU, 193 - fro" ,the the extoosionQf , euteevieut steoverdalyTrejeet L2 boa %OA� of the overrall xictrom proct beta oblitated. to cover the stavio,Sect's expeoses. s 0?.1tottion of isiOtte'sbeell b Ar Ailoteent 1523. DRAFT 15 September 1 MEMORANDUM FO Rf TI RECORD SUBJECT : MKULTRA, Subproject 124 1. It is requested that Subproj�tl2ltbe approved to support the_research_program-of in "The Fsychophysiological Car-- - relates of Carbon Dioxide Environment" in accordance with the attached proposal. 2. This study-will-add-to-our methodological_sophiati____ cation for measuring-carbon-dioxide-tension and pH of Ibody _fluids as well as our-knowledge-of some of the relationships between blood pH and certain psychophysiologiCalrvariables mentioned in the attached proposal. 3. This project will-be funded through th fs for cover purposes. The ac ounting-for funds_expended_shalliconforMitOthe-established - - procedures of that-o anizationi-Titleito any_perianentequipmeht - shall remain %It charges. 4. The total dost-of7thialrojectifor-Six months is esti- mated to be $6,500 as indicated in the attached budget. Charges should be made against Allotment 1525-1009-1902. Any unused funds Viii be returned to th n lieu of overhead t the completion of the project. 5. consultant to TSD sponsorship of the Attachd: Proposal - 2 - as been cleared and has served as a or a number of years. He is witting of true Distributicm:- Original Only TSD Research Brench Approved for Obligatio of___ _ _ Funds: Date: 15 Sept.60 A Propoeed Study of the Psychophysiological Correlates of the Carbon Dioxide Environment - Of all the environmental footers which influence human health, the most neglected may be ono of the gaseous constituents of the atmos- phere - carbon dioxide. While the proportion of carbon dioxide in fresh air rano only to 3/100 of 1%, the blood and the body cella carry_a_earbon _ dioxide tension uhich_would_be_in_equilibrium with an atmosphere of about 5% carbon dioxide. Changee in the carbon dioxide_tension of_body fluids are related to many physiological-end psychological processes, Over-breathing is one of the concomitants of anxietYi TheForresponding reduction of carbon di- oxide tension restate in vaseconstriction and increased &Tooth and stri.i ated muscle tonusi-with the creation of many ptome. These symptoms may._ be extremely uncomfortable, and set to accentuate anxiety. This Lvlotousi circle is very diffiCUlt to interrupt, voluntarily, since breathing is largely an automatic function. We can interrupt it by increasing the carbon dioxide content of inspired air,-and this is an important method-of-treat.- - ingte anxiety states charaoterised byhyperventilation. An in4ication of the wide-pread applicability of carbon dioxide - inhalation can be seen from two examples. Spastics and victims or ?ark/n- oon's disease May obtain appreciable relief of muscle tonus, for at-least as naeh a 0i0 al hoursi through breathing a mixture of 5-7A carbon di- oxide. The mechanism is that by decreasing the pH of the blood, more_ body fluid calcium is ionized and this is conducive to mascio relaxation. Another use o.fcAibondi�itde inhalation lies in-the treatment of classical migraine, tn this disease, the aura phase is characterized by marked vasoconstrictioa of cerebral vessels which constitute part of the tree of one or the other carotid arteries.Aural phenomena, each as: usual seotomata, are a reflection of temporary cerebral anoxemia. -After minutes to hours of vasospaam, the affected vessels becOMe-totallyexhausted - and spring into varodilation. The painful phase of migraineAe-thought to be an action en-pain fibers inthestretched walls of_the_vessels._Prelim- inary observations indicate that inhalation o1, carbon dioxide in the aura---- - phase of claesieal migraine.ean abort the syndrome bucausing vasodilatien before the emeoth muscles of the cerebral v.:waif are-totally exhaaetad. Research inAhiveffecte7ofitheivellular_carbon dioxidtieneiron- ment has beennegligible.-Thierneglect-may_be_attribetable to -several reasons: In the first platei accurate studida Of the acidobase.balanee-of: - the blood have usealy regeired-a-eizeable-amount �f arterial blood. This . is not easy to come by, since arterial panctare is a difficult and painful procedure. In the second place there has been no sthple portable device for providing carbon dioxide for inhalation. -- Finally, there has been no o�-� ���� � ecceerted effort by parzaceattoai companies to etady the problem, eince no patentable darg is involved. Carbon dioxide is cheap omnipresent ia the envirentent. Long ago, one of_the applicants :worked on the acid-base balance with micro methods and capillaryfinger_blood. The methods _were fairly ac carate but very complicated-74e knew_that simple tethodsvould_be_perfected� but were unable to do this ourselves. In May of 1960 a_simple Micro system was rode available_in We have developed and used a simple certable�eourceof_carbogen and are presently_using it in explorations et_the treatment of migraine. The situation_is ow ripe for a comprehensive s aduoiLthe-bio- -- chemical physiological, psychological and treatment aSpects of alteration - - of the carbon dioxiderlevel of body_flaids. It is proposed that the acid-base equilibria* of psychiatric _ patients be surveyed, using the new method of Variations related to diagnosis and coerce of illness may_be readily_pereleved.--Then, with the same kind of_patientsi-the-feasibility-of altering the acid-base - equilibrium be carbogen inhalationvand the duration of alteration after such inhalation, would be studied on patients on normal vehnteers. The effect of carbogen inhalation of selected patients, especially spastice, victim of migraine and patients with anxiety would be stadied with repeat- ;C:CA I a k. K. -14-44s�-�G�rt.... ed Oyalcal determinations of acid-ba -variables. Effect ofacid-base changes on MO, EEO and blood pressure would be determined with_a poly- graph wUch is already available. In summary, the_primary_objective of the propoeed study i V) explere the parameters-of acid-base psychePhYsiological correlates, tieing a method 'which has just been While there are specific treat- ment objectives,-such as in cases of excess motor tones, migraine and anxi- eity, these are secondary. 2. Methods are eseentially the mioroanalytie system of (1, standard inhalation methods andLa_vcreatile� polygraph. lame appropriate, psychological-tests es well_ aapsychiatrie interviews weld be used. The beic facility is a-Very active psychietric service apeotal tiling in acute illneteesp.tegether-with the_eterfand realities of a general hospital. 3. Basic exploration -should hot require over 6 moths. 4. Budget. --Y0 do not yet have ,a breakdown on the Siggaard Ander- sen apparatus, but this ahould-be-available in a few weeks and will be sent in as a supplement. total cost of apparatus is here estimated as 02 500.- Personnel: - Psychiatrist $ 2-1000(1/3 time) Technioian 1,500 Apparatus 21500 MisoeUanooiaiiI and Overhead 500 $ 6,500 5� Qualifications. general hospital with en active 24-bed psychiatric service. - a a large, Extensive laboratory and consultative facilities are available. The Hospital 18 Ln- corporatod as anon,profit organisation and is tax-exempt. qualifications of the Project Direotor and psychistrlst are indicated below, 6. With the exosption-or preliminarY olinida_oboervations on the treatment of nigrainei- there-have-been no:stadies.bearing-dirootly7oh-7 the ,abject of WA proposal.. Psychiatri 3loiclgrant fnon th ifically for .study of treatment feasibility of classical SiA0 with carbogen The present reqiest Ls for basic work, V 44 =6= and overlap with the clinical study is minimal. 9. h rather interesting application of this study ht be in the field of personality eTaleation. Since there are certain psychegi- cal variables, each as-areciety, which-relate-to-the Geld...bass egailibrium, ' it is just possible that=the new and style nothed of aoid,base study would apply here. Possibly, -the ability of an indiVidual to withstand marIced a id= - base changes without development ofidisahling symptoms or-other-physical changes would te-an index of psychological stability.? The induction of acid..Ii base choices, through hyperventilation, coald be a kind_of stress test. With the -apparatus which is proposed, the -extent of acibase--change�coald bdo termined readily. The Lancet � Saturday I4MayI 6o TILE ACID-B, E METABOLISM A KEW I