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Publication Date: 
February 3, 1954
I )escription 49,_ %PIK 50 MAMA _Sxxbp.rsject 11 111 Itxpenditures;1 Balance - !, ,1 Poo oo: ;Us .1.*-ji 17 P;t 77; / ? 74 P3/ 9"71, ASS 641 /-a 1'7 / 6q' CERTIFICATION OF MENSES do certify that the below 'listed travelling expenses were '.curre at the direction and with the approval of the sponsor while performing assigned missions of sole interest to the sponsor. I also acknowledge receipt of the listed reimbursements _ and certify that I have not been reimbursed by any other activity, organization, or institution, for these expenses. I further certify that the lack of submission of transportation ticket stubs and any other supportive data was an unfortunate Misunderstanding between myself and the sponsor which resulted- in my discarding-this dOcumentation, 1. Round trip Cab fares Per diem (3 days) Round tri Cab fares Round tri Cab fares Per diem (4 days Increment Phone call 2. Air travel Pet diem 2 . Air travel & return Per diem 5 days Date: APPROVED: A44., Chief, TS8(C emical Division uly 1953 170.00 ' 5.00 27.00 226.66. 6.00 17.49 3.00 36.00 50.00 5.65 $546i74 eturn; 68.75 moo, $ 86.75 216.81 45. LLP $261.81 ec or of Research / - / Date: Date: MEMORANDUM FCR: THE RECORD SUBJECT : Increase in Scope of MKULTRA Subproject 24 1. It is requested that the scope of Sub ; increased to include the expenses incurred for the period 27, July 1954 through 8 Se tembe 2 ce for the above period a eq eirenTSS tiOnsidemonstra., tions, and training purposes. The expenses incurred, plus per diem totalled 6701.40. _3. A more detailed breakdown of these expenses is on file in TSS/CD. APPROVED: esearch Director Date: 3/ /ed-J- � Distribution: Original Only (TS/) TSS/CD (31 August 1955) TSS/Chemical Divis APPROVED: Chief, TSS jhemical Division /cat" V6,640,4 _ �LAPA ( 07' 55$ HEM � RANDUM RECEIPT TO: TSS/FASB FROM: TS/CD SUBJECT: Receipt of $25.33 I hereby acknowledge receipt of thefollowing: $25.33 \ Please r turn _ sissed copy(iss) of this receipt IGNATURE OF RECIFI T To JPAc.,. /q61/ 'FORM NO. WE RECEIVED ''AR 1949 39.99 - 4 MICIEA3M4 OW, MAME MI5= 11As IS-Oudot Officer =UM 2efund of Funds, Subpro,lect Invoice go Project HOLM I. Enclosed bawd Ls 425.33 to be credited to the accoun of Subpro4ect 2. Exclusive ef-the above asountpit is the am4srutanding of T$/CO that the Preseot bamte of aubPrOlmt Va le 487.96. 3. rmico requsate that both of the above mounts, totalling 411.3.29, be raturood to Anotastertt-250e40-0111 thus *loan& out Subprojecv VS. FROM FO (// P1? ,6) ev RECEIPT 40, NO0BER4,.' 1-11.5-WICC-ACKNOWLEOnWEIPT OF $ cd7V\i3 DOLLARS fe;f0 (OFFICIAL SIGNATURE) Al 0 Pt sot 1�����1�11�1111�14,M11011/1 KAR2R4 -ESC. � 15 KAR23-54- REsl'a� r HAR 23-54 � PEI OUT TIP 1* 0301 11AI123-511- � 0.6 lia23-511 Rom coes * 17 MR211-514 REsit 7 MAR2l1 -514 -- PDOJT TIP 035 8 _ 9 DATE piAR2 2-5 : Vigg-51 !Ah2 2-31 2-51 ptAii 23-5' - 4Aa2 3- M2 3-51, 1AA 2 3-51 3 Z 11�51-: ,iAR211-51 8-5L 14 EXPLANATION MO; Re0;1 2*�Q* PHO:1 MISC. 0011 Pd Out RE SA -1001 nioNE QD MSC. 4e0:1 .40� '1ISC. rat' 107.1 *CIS* MISC. 09 C.T "One of .he 'Country's fine Hotels, lennwri ita CtrarinuA -CHARGES- 1 * 39.7 .* * 05 .* 5,3 * 39.7 * 0.9. * 0.41 * * * 3j.7 Bills CiritU541'. BAL�44eg 0 3.80 013 21.113 23.88 , 7-7 CREDITS BAL.DU It is re�stef that JUN pninntiln finiegal Use amiNtlie maths.' km include4 in ono. WW1, nkindo, halfigel 0%04 y.iii p.m 31. moored By inn sz) Thiwipiv tHOWNI liEnE011 � IS A DELIVERY TICKET ONLY-INVOICE Vali DE RENDERED LATEll 1 PRONX MEtiopolibtra 3443 FgaTalp ACCOUNT lerk- ILAmet Recd -- :� POO-WARDED - -- - GAL& GAS � i , � � QTS L ' � ,.. . - RV; SALES TAX ' . . ,�-: �. . - 49-1� ' XIV this slip. It is tho only Roo:bed 71.0 you will � _ 195 a TO: FROM: SUBJECT: Receipt is hereby acovied.ed of hie p check 81 for $261.81. MEMORANDUM-RECEIPT I hereby acknowledge e eipt of the following: CHECK711/49:ali RECE-W:L E AMOUNT OF $0�44'9/ Hesse return ed copy(les) of this receipt To FORM NO. 99 MAR 1949 38. NOV 14_ 1c3.54 DATE � SIGNATURE OF RECIPIENT DATE RECEIVED WCIPT The undersigned hereby acknowledges recetpt of the for travel and per diemillovember-24_through November 2 Expenses are itemized as follows Air TraVel; ' ande urn. um-of $261-86 1954. 4.-11-_�-�. 5 � I �-� I � - * 0 S � � 216,81 Per Diem; 5 days at $9.00 per diem � � II � I � * � � � � 45�00 ...magm���00101 TOTAL 261.81 This t v s conti ous with other travel and per diem for the No reimbursement was receive during this period, except as rn zed above. SUNIZT: Ii carat FIBAICE D111131103 D3014414 Officer S Project ;403Zorak labrtrOjeCt L. �tutt 2.O2GOOi Inrotee. B. 44, 1994 invoice No. 114 for Zabpro:teet 214 of Project MAMA is etteebed. Other irmices will follow later* lb is reltsestol that pi:mut be eerie by cesblexis check tbe amount of 4D51.810 rade payable to Ittynent eboulti be itale to chief. ISS/CD through fialhAlAt Officer by 15 M:freober 1954. Attacbnent: Invoice Cenifications Distribution' Orla. itt, 2 - Addressee I - emptroller 1 MAIM - TSS/CD /4- =Sr GOZZLIS3 Chief iChooleal Division CHECIOdokfi IN THE AMOUNT OF Saila& RECEIVE. NOV 1 7 1954 For p4yment of expenses ineurred in connection vittaXIMIXRASubprojeCt24. Detailed_breakdovn and receipts on fiIe1In1TS$fCDIiI SIDNEY GOTTLIEB J--- Chief, TS/CD (1) It is borer/ certified that this Is Invoice o. lk marlin:4 to Skibyrojest 24 of rro,:e2tfitlitAVA0 that porforeanee vse_satis-_ factory, that the services vere accomplished in accordance vith mutual a6roomontsi that * detailed aeonds of the payments ima :A- colyte ars cs file Lir:4CDs that this bill Ls just and cocrect - and that payment thereof ha* not yet hoe* meda. armsr GOMM ale* T3/0 (2) It le hereby Certified thet this Invoice applies to Mgr.:tett 2Ia ur4srPrOZAct-NOI.ZtIt 0141 vile dar argO*01 sal the pro;ect is being eirried out in acecriaace vita the DO/2 mono:and= to ECI datel 3 April 1933, tbs rci mcNorambin to DO/A dsted_13 April 1953, _ *el the Du nemOrWauts to the DD/ A dated 19 June_1953. Wes s 110 II`94 i CERTIFY THAT CHARC32 -152'4 - - _.� RECEIPT DATE NUMBER THIS WILL_ACKNOWLEDGE RECEIPT OF S e3sT.45--- DOLLARS FOR DESCRIPTION: (CASA ;-CHEM- ETC)-AOESCR UBE FULLY IF -OTHER_ THAN CASHJ VOUCHER NO INITIAL DISPOSITION OFFICIAL &TOW� ALLOT-OR_BRANCH APP'N FADVA CE 1 OTHER MI.41:4V.10 �.: )ts Z7PThA2DiVI3ION TSJA4.414aot Dram Subproject 24, Project MKULTRA Invoiceiro,_13, Allotment 4-2O2-10..001 Invoice No. 13_for3uhpro,ject 24. of Pro,:ect NYMTRA is attached. Other invoices vill follow later. It is requested that paymeat be made in cash-Fa the amount of-4355.73. Paymnt should be made to Chief, TS3/CD thrott-.3h TSS/Budzet Officer 30 September_1954� Attechmentat___ Invoice: - Certifications_ Distribution: - Adirosses - Cris. 4 2 v Camptroller_. 1 TCJ/n�13 - 1 1`33/CD 2 3111/ZY acnrima . Chief Chemical Division, --CAR F.V1:-!7` NT OF Cabe I - - September 3.3j 195k Tor payment of expenses incurred in cozusection vith OCThT?k Subproject 24. Detailed breakdovn and receipts on file in TSSICD� 55.75 SIDI= GCRITM Chief, 'I'SS/CD CE /P TAO& (1) It is herehy�certified that this is Invoice NO.13 lying to Zubprojeat 24 of Pro.lect WILTRA, that wformsnce vas **tie. faetory, that the servicee were accomplished :in accordance_vith mutual agreements, that f detailed a,lenia of the veynenta DM.,. telpts are on fi1e-in-MS/64 that thie bill Is just and correct and thot. PoYment thereOf hal not yet been made& Mist Warno, a Chief, VS/0 (2) It is hereby certified that this invoice applies ItL SuhRrolect 24 under Prve,ect XittlariA vhich vas dulr approved and the prolect La beim; carried out in accordance_vith-the DD/Pow/nullusto D31 (bud 3 APrn 1953, the D31 merortzauts to DVA GlAtrA 3.3Apra 1953, mi the XI manotandva to the DP/A dated 19 Jure 1953. Nate: TOTAL ARREO TO BILL $ 4.8o none call cQllect frail 4.50 Rent vAt 74 - 9. S-CV TOTAL $35545 LI Mt/LA.4V This-is to certify that I have his day i( n cash jci/ Mfiaka 114 I CHU?, FINAUCE DIVI5ION TS3/21odcAt Officer SUSISCTI Subprolect 2I, Pro:Act WILMA invoice No. 12, Allotment 4-2502-10401 Invoice Noe 12 for-Subproject .11 of Prolect MKULTR.A 15 1. r Invoices will Valve' later. It is requestei tbat_payse . be made in cash in the amount of -'001-.40. Payment *haa4 be made to Chief, TSVCO throueh TS3/Bu1get Officer by September 1954. SIDNRYGOTTLIE Chief Chetileal Diviaicn, TqS Attmabments Invoice Certifict.tions Distributions-- Comptroller -- T�lea . a- -- - 4TCP MEMORANDUM RECEIPT TO: FROM: SUBJECT: I hereby acknowledge receipt of the following: CASH Ft '"4"1-_IN AMOUNT OF RECEIVE,j. btY 3 1954 lOned coDY(141) of thi receipt _ To FORM NC). 36-56 MAR 1949 DATE ATutig OF Re;iPIENT_ DATE RECEIVED _ This is tO c rtifyithat I have this day received $301.40 In cash. � (1) It is hereby esztified that this is lovolos Vs. 12 opplyia4 to 34bprCeot 24 of Projeot =URA, that porformmatume sati3. factor', that the Ger-does VOTO aeemplishO4 15 albootia):104_11ith - mutual aereemeate, thgit a detallel Avenida of the payments and re- oelpte are on file la ISS/CD� that this bill is .11mt-ftba oorTmo - ant that payment thereof brAs not pet boon mo4o. Oat*: � Chief, r:,,s/c-a (2) It Is hotsby 4:satin*" that this Wolof. awliee_to Subprojoot 24 net PrOpot AXOLTRA vhichiraeltkly appromiancl_tho pro;ect is 'mind corried_out_in-164:40144.64*-vith tice OOP mamorartlua-to XI dated 3 April 1953, tbo DImemortndum to DD/A dated 13 Apr11_1953, nnd t-Nit MI_memormium to.) tbe DB/A ;laud 19 Junm:19,3s Dote: two= _ August 27 1954 Tor payment of expeness_incurred in connection with NKUITRA Subproject _24. _Detailed breakdovn and receipts on file in T33/CD. 01.10 SIDNEY- GOMM Chief, TSS/CD EXPENSES INCURRED Air?reight (equireent) tiVD1C5 4IZ) .224.95 37.ko Taxis -equipment) Excess Baggage (operational 8.00 3 light bulbs 0 $0.1i5 each 1.35- 116 days $9.00/41ay 41.1t.00 Incidental operational equipsvent it .30 Lees $400.00 prvtiously recei**1 Amount 0 _ (1)4. seE rit/t/0.146 f oc� � n seE II Vox� M (3) See YDIC Ar-/ e wina.w.��������.a..1. 7 7 7.te. $701 .kO- )400-.00 4301.40 Saa .rvir. 4 9 2 4, APPLIANCES - FRIGIDAIRES RADIOS SALES -- SERVICE TERMS II AZ94r94 '-fil C e; ...c. i 6 02. ,..........u) . A -------- � - i TO: FROM:** SUBJECT: tl c+ 0 t-h m MEMORANDUM RECEIPT � DATE I hereby acknowledge receipt of the following: CASH F.: ' RECEN:.: . sEp 3 1954 Please return signed copylies) of this receipt To FORM NO. 34.110 MAR 1949 \IT OF SIGNATURE OF RECIPIENT DATE RECUVED MVO= FM CRISP, PIO= Dna= VIA sMiSiBudget Officer SO= � t Subproject 2211 Project MIL= Lxvcdce_No* 11,1oteent 4-2502-10.001 !mice No. 11 for $ubproect 2 of Project tfill71VA is tacked. Other invades VIU follov later. It is restarted that maent be made-in cash in the =CAVA of t25.00. Payment abtuld be rade to Chief, TS$ilea emelt TSStaxiget Officer* SILENT GOMM Ctief Claecical Divisions 'ISS Attachments t - Invoice rk�. 11��-Sul)project ficetiora DiatribuUca: Addressee � Orig. & 2 vira iler � 1 TSS .t.S11 � 1 TSS/CD � 2 113S/CD/ " � , cr2fs: " .141 4,12 CERTITICATIOUS (1) It Is hereby certified that this is Invoice o.11N appkylng to Subproject a of Project =LIRA, that performsnoeoms setts.. factory, that the serNices vere accomplished in accordance vith mutual agreements, that *detailed agibill of the payments ami re. celpts are on file in T33/CD, that this bill is just Wri correct and that payment thereof hie Iset yet been wades Date: w4PMMTZMVErmigi Cnief, CD/TSS (2) It is hereby certified that this iMiColt applies to Subproject 24 under Project -MIURA vhich du1 ePproved ami the project Is being carried out in accordance with the DO/2 memorandum to )CI wed. 3 April 19531 the DOI memcrandua to DOA dated 13 April 1953, and the Del memo:minim to the DD/A dated 19 June 1953. Research Director � 1211rOICE August 20, 1954 Far peosent of expenses incurred in connecticra vith 1,2sTIZRA Subproject 24e Detaile%i breakdovn and receipts on file in TSS/CD. $25. SIDN2Y =MB Chief" T18/CD 2 June 1954-E1530 Cab' 1800 2040 -3 June 19541622 1945 10June 19541130 Cab: 1245' 1425- - 1430 CebT- TOTAL 11 June 154 The following is my expense account-for-the period 2-10 June 1954: 79.09 2.50 -86.69 Ci In addition- to-the- above, suggested that it might be possible for me to receive �a reimbursement for certain Other incidental expenses I have had over the past several months. ince , for a while, I iiixxvic thought -- such expenses would be_too:inennse_quential for-me even to bother you about, I have kept no reeords of-the-exactiamounts or the expenses.--My estimates of them are about as follows Secretarial help -in-conneotion with eduectional program 410.00 C -" 0- Phone calls 10.00 Telegrams and postage 5.00 / ( Althol01 these-last igures lack preeision, I believe they are, nevertheless, fair and conservative estimates. From the frying pen into the fire: the weather in is so disgustingly hot and moist and destruetive of initiative that, as you can see, even expert typists mhke mistakes and are too lazy to do any more than xxxxxxxx them out. May all of your air-3onditioners enjoy a 'long and fruitful life. SLC=2; C ID?, MAWS DIVIOICN TSS/Duclast Officer Subprolect 24, Project muum Invoice No. 10, Allotment 4-:2502-10-0C1 Invoiee No. 10-for Sulypros;ect 04. of ProJect :MU% is-attaehed. Other invoices mill follow later. It-is rectlested that payment be mode in cash in the amount of 4276-.50. Payment sho411 te moae to Chief, Tasito throueh frw/sudt;et Officer. tain2=nts: Invoice-No. 10-4-3 Certifications Distributiont Adeiressee Comptroller - - a Ts;/-In oject 24 _ SID= GOTT, Chief Chemical DiYISIO TZS ga0/10,/ wicv ad '11.41VICX1701;3 � (1) It is hereby certified that this is Invoice No� 10-cP91.7ina to subproject 24 of Proitet UXULTRA, that performancelime-sadefactory thrl the service, vers sccomPala'zed in accordance with =tura ' fiXtements, that a detailed a:Anal% of the payments and receipts ere on file in CD/T23� tat thin bill is Nat end correct and that payment thereof has not yet been mnde. mums _ Chief, CD/XS (2) I. $ ...ereby certified that this-invoice applies-to SOpro;e P4 urder,Pro;ect MKUIVAtfhich sous Lstrapproved aral the project Is bein,s Curried -oat la aecorlance-vdth the DO? menorael-,c to WI dated 3 April 1953, tte WI-tmornel= to DD/ A dated 13 April 1953, - � end the WI vemorandam to the DO/A dated 19 June 1933. INVOMS Jai 29, 1554 Tor payment of expenses incurrel in eonmention_irith MICULTRA_SubProJect 24. Detailed breakdown and receipts on file in TSS/CD. $276.5o SIDNEY GOTTLIEB Chief, T$3/CD FROM: SUBJECT: I hereby acknowledge receipt of the following: CASH Of /91'5/ Pl a e .eturn eignisd copylies) of this receipt To FORM NO. 36-64 MAR 1941 �ATE Sice.ip4-ear- -4.1210(pet,011. - 0 F SIGNATURE OF RECIPIENT PATE R CEIVEO ft MUMMA CHIEPi-PIVILT DIVI3ICS TOS/Budget Officer �.i.bprozect 241 Pro.; KKULT3A Invoice No. 91 Alloftent 4-2502-10 Imide O. 9 tar SilbproLect 24 of Prolest micuLzaA is attaChed. Other invoices will folios Inter. It io requested:that paymont be made it: caeh la_the-emount of-p20.00. _Payment should be mode to Chief, =AV throw) TSJA4dGet Officer by t riJiij19,4. Attactsente: Invoice No. 93brolt 24 Certitications Dietributions Addrceace Oriatlis 2 lila Comptroller - 1 753/AuicAt - lit/ T33P3 - 2 =AID. CZR-777/..Y 31DNST-ceormurt Chief C1erdon1 0We/on TM & --/%6 - t/ LUL ; CERTIA TIO. (1) It is hereby_tertitiel that this le invoice 30. 9 applying to Subpro;oct 24 of Project MULTIRA, that perfornaMee vas satiated:tory that the es ices vent scoapplishad in accordance vith mutual azreenents, that a dotallei arbeada of the payiaents az4reoeipts are OA file_in_CD/m, that this bill is just amd correct and that payment thereof has not yet been reds, Date: DIDNia:COULIS3 Chief, CO/T33 _ (2) It is hereby-certified that this invoice applies to Sutprolect 24 undo: Peot =URA Vhich vas duly approved at the pro ect is being carried out in ccoorlancewitb the ODA, samorand,..a to 141 44t44 3 AVW1953, the DC1 memora4un to DO/A alts4 13 _April 1953, =1 the oaz memoranium to the DO/A dated 19 Jute 1953. Dates - =WIGS Jay 15 1954 YOr paywent of- s-imenrred in connectionNith MULTRA-Subproject 24 Detailed breakdown and receipts on file in TWOD. -e Chief, CDftSS Cheek No._187598 Of 11the $200.00. TO: FROM: SUBJECT: Received n caah 200..00 '3 August 1954 MEMORANDINIRECEJ PT I hereby cknowledge receipt of the following:- JUL 2 1 1954 CHE.CK#4017IN -17; !E Vv17-1..UNT OF SAILS RECEIVEC). Please return s1.d copYiissi of this receipt DATE SIG MATURE OF RECIPIENT To FORM NO. 36.66 MAR 1519 DATE RECEIVED MEMORANDUM RECEIPT TO: TS/CD FROM: SUBJECT: I hereby acknowledge receipt of the following: $15.71 for payment of safe site., Flees. return signed copy(ies).of_this receiPt To FORM NO. MAR 1949 � 36-66 TO: FROM: SUBJECT: July 19W DATE //DATE RE MEMORANDUM RECE I PT DATE rior ,04.44..e.eied .0s/ I hereby acknowledze receipt of the fallowing: CASH Ft.._ J.IENT A:�11:.1UNT OF $.Y.?""/ RECEIVED. JUL 1 3 Please return signed co y(ies) of this receipt To FORM NO. MAR 1919 36.66 SIGNATURE OF RECIPIENT DATE RECEIVED 9 July 1954 SUBJE...11% PON: CUIEF, PIM= DIVISION /53/tu1klet Officer Subproloot 24, Pro,lect MATRA, Invoice No.- a, Allotment 4-250240, Invotee No. 8 for SO 'Act 24 of Pro.)ject MKULTRA s atUnctomli. Other invoices 111.11.1WCW later. It-is mg:wasted that payment be mode in cash in the amount of 438.07. Payment Should be made to Chief, r3-3/CD throuGh TSS/Budzet Officer by Priday 16 July 1954. Attachments: _ Invoice No.-8 --Subprolect 24 Certifications Distribution: 31DriSTIOOTTL123 Chief - Chemical Division, T,S3 Addressee - Orit. & 2 via Comptroller - 1 TSZ/e34ot VS/CD 2 T3S/CD: A c1001001/.. C . 171CeitiCt (1) It is hereby certified that this 14 invoice 30. 8_applyingto Subproject 24 of Project MULVAi that parformaneatvaa satisfactory - that the services vers accomplished in accordance vith mutual sweementsi-that a detailed acenda of the payments and receipts ars on file in CD/TSSi-that thit-till is jusu and correct and that payment thereof has not yet been cads. � SID1M Chief, CD/r3:3 (2) It is-bereby-certified-thnt this invoice applies to_Subproleot 24 under Pr-Ojett MULZ1A which VW duly approved and-the_prolect Is being carried out In accordance viththe DD/P memorandum to DCI dated 3 April-,11953, the DCI memorandum-to DD/AHdated 13-Apri1_1953, and the DCI memorandum to the DD/h dated 19 June 1953. - Date s 74IVOICE, Juli 91 1954 For payment of expenses incurred in connection vith 1,01,TRA Subproject a,' Detailed breadovn and receipts on file in TSSICD. _ *38.07 Chief)7CDAS3 ve,34 G ACC1JT/N0 CP CCVTEACTOR-ANISOFI-CONFEHMMI_-_ _ July 7, 1954 Rotel Tax Phone Secretarial service charge dh for 7 Conferees less $1.00_esch for tvo Agency EmPlelees $21.14* $38.07 Luncheon receipts are normally retained by vaiter, hence were not requested. , ACCOUNT FORWARD FROM NO. _ TO-NO BROUGHT FORWARD 2 SAL s TAX REerAURANT TELP4OME CHARGES SECY. SERVICE Cs. 5C LONG DISTANCE LAUNDRY VALET TELEGRAMS BAGGAGE IN EXPRESS GARAGE HELD LAUNDRY DEBIT TRANSFERS FEDERAL TAX TOTAL CHA TRANpFER ALLOWANCES CASH BALANCE / ALL BILLS DUE WHEN RENDERED - 30 3.4316 16 June 1954 24 It ill requeeted that appropriate safe epees be procured for the use of the Chemical Division, TSS from (4:proximate1y 0800 to 1700. 7,7-1117 1954. It vill be - necessary-to have a suite of rooms including sitting room and bath. Thie_sulte should be located in downtown, as convenient to public transportation as possible, and it is desiratae that -it be air-conditioned. 2. This suite 011 be utilized for a meeting between members �tithe TS/Chemical Division and cetaieeOd111 contractors who are not aware of C/A, interest in thee. Discussions in this suite will be elaesified;_therefore the valls-should be thick enough ,to prevent easdropping in ease-of inetra loud conversation. 3. It is requested-that the suite be procured and peid for through youlb_office. Any expenses incurred in processing this request will be ()barged to project FKULTRA and will be_paid in cash to your office._ TSSitt-S0 Distribution: Addresses - �rig& & 1 TSS/0D -1 TSS/aS0 - 2 � 17 June 1954 ttititOilknin roar Cli137,-PINA1ICE Drnsios VIA MIXT Rebind of Punds, Subproject 24, Pro ect =MA Tea/Duciast Officer 1a Kii.d4 berrevith_foux &altars col fifty five cents (44.55) to be credited to 04 04COttat of Subproject 24, Project WrULVIA. 2. Tkfa balance vill-ba applied aks-atest future invoices ce this project. SID= 00711,1S3 Chief Chemical Division, TS8 aftWor Distribution: Oria. .4 2 - Addressee 'CERTIFY THAT �F"N7:3 1 - Codptroller TS3AAS3 - 0BLIGAirm 2 CD - CHARGZ JUN 2 1 ENT'D .. ......, MEMORANDUM RECEIPT TO: BUDGET OFFICER, TS'S FROM: Sidney ottlieb, Chief, TSS/CD SUBJECT: Cash ($39.30) I hereby acknowledge receipt of the following: 17 June 1954 DATE Cash in the amount of $39.30 for credit to the account of Subproject 24 of Project II(ULTRA Pless. return 1 - signed coPYilssi of this MOO - To 2402 quarters Eye FORM NO. a, MAR 1943 r_....1-. . . caresr mum DIMON 13S/Audest Officer 3 ifrtfe-4-'-' setund of 111Wa1s Subproject a, projoNt KKUVERA. 1. Stelosed herewith thirty nine ollsrs and thirty cents .30) to be the account of Staproject'2k, Project A. 2, Ile balance will be applied against future invoices on this project, _sr= own.= Chief Chemical Division TS3 Distributions- c.F.P.T;!----' � - Orid & 2 - Addressee - Comptroller - --)1-i----_Iro3in337 -- 2 CO - � '4;1. 470/_. N 2 I. ENT-0 =ISM: Clak7 1:3 Dr/1310 negattlaet Off low gaproject 4,Pro.,leot MKULT.M.1 iravelos, ticti is Aliotattit le-40240 ace Vo. 7 for rct:eot 214 of Project MKULZW,is attaebed invoices rill foltoe' tater. it Is requested tiett poyzent be nolo in oast",_ Payreext aboulA be :We to OW, 7.-AteD 11.1Audeet Offloer Vectrieedkr, 9 Jima, 3,154 � taarattt3! - Immice .2,1047 34.1bpro; Certifleattor.1 Distributiock; :Aimee** Cria. 4 2 vtattootennte Compt. V;4�304.1i,--et - rir4C0 = 2 734/CD� I 00111,Z3 Chief Cboseloat Dild.01011, TZS U? THAT BLCVJ 1E:77 CF.A 777 7 CASH P7.NT IN A; h7..!.INT CF: Sfft-.-01) RECENED.jUN 9 11:71 %VA.:L..1E1.E _ � CEMIPWATICM (1) It ie hereby certified that, this is Invoice NO. 7 applying to subproject Vo of Project N13.1470A, that perforstozoe woo satisfactory that the-servites were accomplished in accordance with mutual sera* mate, that a detailed *lent* of the paypects.and receipte are oa file in CAW, that this bill la 4ust and-Correct and that paiP,ant- thereof has not yet been made. caw, ofm- (2) XI Is hereby certified that this invoioe applies to subprojeet unier Project MICILITANhieb. was duly *moved and that the project 13 beinz, carried out in_ak.vordanee vita the DV? cenorandtss to DCI dated 3 April 19531 the COI ugavorandua to DCA dated 1.3 April 1953, and, the WI tencrantss to the DOA dated 19 June 1953. DUE � JUDO 20 1952, For payment of erpenaeslaved in connection 'with ICULTRA subproject A. Detailed brealidcwn and receipt* on file in ISS/CD. ..450.00 SIDNEY GOITIMB - Chiefs TSS/CD � TO: FROM: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM RECEIPT I hereby acknowledge receipt of the following: CASH PAYMENT-IN t. NT OF SAV2-:-440 RECEIVED Piesscroturn ivied copy(iss)-of this receipt To FORM NO. 36.66 MAR 1949 JUN 9 1954 OATE, AZ-t2.1 ET The undersigned r expel:0e i ereby acknowledges receipt of the sum o 68.75 ttendi.: the meeting of the% Incases are itemised as follows: - Per Diem; 2 days at $9.00 per diem . and return.. . 68.75 �i8.00 r 86.75 6� Ve rti-oz aor 4r caw expe. sea tora.3.-raR..UG 11-(5444../KciL- at' i.snX 21 April 1954 ieceived this date Ceelliara aeck No 185372 in the amount of $212.38 _for:transmission to - ttOottt.,12.1,y3t..�,...�r1t14,00, :3,WoMet tit ts--" 0 vetTUrz404 " 11111,/44140 aka jno._ WWI � 41.0,,, "101 �ifiAltE - - 2V wo44 scias*Ittoi--...01YdW03 3H1 OV 'Vv$13. TEL. OR ACCT. NO. ; NAME STREET f7 Ceti/ h REF. TRANS. TO: FROM: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM RECEIPT OAT DATE, I hereby acknowledge receipt of the following: Please return To roRm MAR 190 CHECK&Lar IN THE AMOUNT OF RECEIVED. APR 20 1954 CFIECK#111:n 71,-; f.r. At>: .7! uNr OF. $.21-4z.3, RECEIVED signed c APR 20 1954 YIlen) of this receipt NATURE OF RECIPIENT DATE RECEIVED 13 April 1954 VIA t -cuxzr, rxxitnas DIVISION ISS/Dudcet\Officer 4ubproject 24, Prolect MKULTaA# Invoice # 60 Allotment 4-2502-10 - 6 for Subproject 24 of project IMIMALICatteched. Other invoices will follow later. It Is requested that payment be . la the forma two cashier's checks made out as.followst ,..4212.38 � e6.75 Checks should be delivered to Chief TW/cD throudh ist Of- ficer by rassdays PO Apr11-1954. Attechcentes Invoice1 6 Subprojeet 24 Certifications �113,e 3XTGOW3HT Chief Chemical Divisions TS3 Distributions- AdIressee *Orig.-I. 2 A/attachments Comptroller . 1 TS3/Bulzet - 1 TSS/cD.- 2 TS3/CD: (13 April 19,4) CMTI?ICATIONS (1) is hereby eartified that this is Invoice 3o, 6 applying to subproject 24 of Projeet KAMM, that performanee was satisfactory, that the services were aecomplishol in secordaace with mutual agree- ments, that a dstelled_aeenda of the payments and receipts are oa file in CD/T33, that this bill is just and correet and that payment thereof has not t been made. GQ224=3 Chief, CD/ra" (2) It is hereby certified that this invoice applies to subproject 24 under PROT= WOLLIA which was duly approved and that the project is being carried out in accordance with the DDIrmemorandus to DOI dated 3 April 1953, the DI memorandum to DP/A dated 13 April 1953, and the DOI_memorandum to the DO/A dated 19 June 1953.- _ - %tat Invoice April 13 1954 YOr payment of expenaes Incurred in con -_ nectlatwith MULTRA-tdbprodect 24. Pe- talled breakdown and -receipts on file in T83/M., �� II 17 Juno 1954 cllsronams DI/13103 Taahuizet Offioer Refuni of -Funds $ubprolect Pk, Pro4ec NPURA- 1. not herewith four diglars ani fifty five cents (44.55) tote creditei to the account of Subpro:ect 24, Project MUM.. 2. The bolance 11 be s t invoices oa this pro,lest. Distribution!' OOTTL113 tite Chemise/ DivisiontM3 Orig. 2 �M.draasiee - Comptroller 1 = Tal/PALT.1 2 Zrf v TO: FROM: SUBJECT: To FORM NO. 311.1. MAR 1114, MEMORANDUM RECEIPT ' BUDGET OFFICER, TSS Sidney Gottlieb, Chlef, TSS/CD Cash ($4.55) 17 June 1954 DATE I hereby acknowledge receipt of the following: Cash in the amount of $4-65 for credit_to-the account of Subproject 24 of Project NWLTRA- 7 E RECEIVED MEMO. DATE 1 4/15/54 4/15/54 3 4/15/54 4 4/15/54 -4/15/54 6 4/15/54 7 4/16/54 -4/16/54 4/16/54 10 4/16/54 11 12 4/16/54 EXPLANATION rw4. Cr _Beverage Beverag Phone � Rom Tax' Phone Phone Rest' Rest'r PAID 1 14 15 16 7 18 19 0 22 CHARGES 10.50 _3.00 .55 55.00. 1.65 .45 .45 5.00 40.00 5/1/atel "Mz-lvaa .1-s4 23 24 CREDITS 5500 5500 61.60 40.95 15.70 16.6C 21.-6( 61.6( 00.6( tikne is AsouNT Ns UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED -IrrMi 15-A011 1954 to 16 aPill 19541 meow 169, 171, and 173 were occupied by me. I refer you to yur letter to me of - 12 Utah 1954 as confirming the reservation. Daring the couree of the evening of 15 April ten (10) dinners at 14.00 each were served and eaten in the suite. Upon l'y checking out of the hotel or April, it was diecovered that the waiter's bill for the noels eaten the night- before had not been inoludA in the total billo_Bceauee the waiter could not be contacted at the time of checking out, I paid a totaled' 140.00 in cash, whichrwas- to be oenaidered as a credit and to be applied to the total bill. I was told by the Cashier that when tile' waiter's bill had been included in the totalbill , and ahar,,ed as net :he aocuoulated credit., a corrected receipt would - be prepared and sent to me. , Uncle my own accounts must be balanced ask that if eueka receint he been prepared and is availabi, that you sena it to aa It the address above. Ahanking you, 1 main, our* very truly, = 7 incurred Rotel BiU Dinner/ arixtka and coffee (no tip) Total cost April 15 and 16, 1954 $55.00 61.60 *116.60 Tips vhich vere paid at delivery by Beverages $1.35 Dinner - Coffee Total ti3TII16.85 _ $1i6.60- 6.85 3.-23 .45 Amount Advanced $125.03 rapenses 123;45 Braaace $1.04 less for_each _ 3.00 AGenel emPloree TOTAL returned h.55 CERTN=Y TH:IT 7.-DS .-.FE E: CI-1J' ;A CHECK' REL.: VIA ApTit 1954 WM atiamr� 711411= DIVISION TSS/Budiet Officer StrATXT project 24, Prolecit.MLTIVB Ixtroice 1 6, Anotaezt 1e-250240� voi Dmice # 6 for Subproject 24 a project 11KULT3A-1,1 attached. Other invoices rill follot later. It is requeeted that payment be in tin fora of tvo eashierte els-sake�mode act as follognit ...4212.38 - O. � Cheeks should be delivered to Chief, TWA* through VS Budget Of titer b7 l'aciaday, 1:1) April 1954. Att acbmt s Invoice- 6 - Subprojec Certifications xcf SD= 00711...123 Chief chemical. DIV131011, T3S Distributiont Mimeses - �rid. te 2 viattschrsents Ccoptroller - 1 3/13\actiet - 1 T3/CD - 2 TM/ODa (11 April . *� .21," APR 20 1:E.;,4 � ' v4.1., Itere,/ A D .* p,-.p f? I I I "f/7/.._ UST1FICATIONS (1) It Is hereby certified that this le Invoice No. 6 applying to subproject 24 of Project MUM, that performance-vas satisfactory, that the-serrices users accomplished in accordance with mutual. agree rents, that a detailed agenda_of-the payments_and receipts are on _ file in crAa3i-th4t this bill Is just and correct and that payrent - thereof has not yet been redo.- - DIDNaGOTTLISB chief, CD 7 (2) -It 13 hetehy rtified that this Imola Applies to oUbproject e4 under PROJDniKKULLIA_vhichwas_daly approved and that the project is being carried Out in accordance rith-ths DD/Poramorandins to WI - dated 3 April 1953, the DDI mnoranthea to DD/A dated 13 April 1953, and the all_ramorandum-to_thos_DD/A dated 19 June 1953. Date: Wirth 1954 142240RANDU . Catg7,- FINASCS DIYISIO VIA t TSSCSudget Officer SMJICT SubprojectPA3ject NEULZIA, invoice.) 5, Allotsent 4-250240 Invoice 5 for Subproject 24 of Project If2COLVA.-is att-sched. Other invoices vill-follov later. It is requested that pcnt be made in cash in the =mit of )125.00. iniment should to :Ude to Chief, ?/CD throueh S3/ It Officer by liceday, 5 April 195e. Attachnents: /moles 1=5 - Subproject 24 Certifications Distribution: Addressee - Orig. & 2 viattachnents SIDSSI 00Irli'L.1193 Chief C2lectica1 Mvision Cooptroller-- - 1 TSS/CD - 2 ?S3/CD (30 March 1954) CERTIFICATIONS (1) It is herebrcertified that this is Invoice Do. 5 -Applying to subproject 24 of Project NEULLW,-that performance vas aatisfactOrY,- that the services mare acccmplished in accordance mithmutual Wee - ments, that a detailed _agenda of the payments shi_receipte_are on file in CD/TSS, that -this bill is just &Di correct and that payment _thereof has not yet been andei---- Chief, CD/TSS' (2) "It is hereby certified that this invoice applies to subproject 24 mndet PrOject WU= libioh-wurdulY approved and that the project is being earried out in accordance vith the DD/P memorandum to BCI dated 3 April 1953, the DCI memorandum to DD/A dated 13 April 1953, and the DCIrecormdum. to the MA dated 19 June 1953;-- - - Date: SID= Gormisa (3) "It Is hereby certified that the seope of the program of subproject 24 of Project WULTRA has been approved. Dat � Exec. i CERTIFY T 17777�: CZLICAT:C:: � . Invoice � - _ . Yiainh 30i 1954 Pox pcoent of expenses incurred in connection with MKULTRA subprojeot 24 Detalled_breakdovn_and receipte on file in_TSS/CD. .4125.03 SID= GOMM Chief, TSS/CD DATE MEMORANDUM RECEIPT TO: FROM: SUBJECT: �t hereby acknowledge receipt of the folio. g ati n zAlfilzActvac.. CASH PA 'F.N17" I >I A:'47.7 T D:: $12E RgA _ Please retern : signed co p(ies)-of this receipt To FORM NO. MAR WA41.41 ATUAE 0 RECIPIENT ICI V 06E,DECEIVE0- 15 March 1954 MOURAJOKYOM--01121, ?MN= DIVIZIOS VIA TSSAildsot Officer SUBMCZ Subproject 24, Project MULTRA1 Imvolee 4, Allotment 4-2524-10 inv:44.1 4 for Subproject 24 of Project MULTRA Is Iftt3Cbed.. Other invoices viU follow _later ia_request4M that payment be mde in cash IA the amount of 6250.00. Payment should be Malt to Olaf, TS3100 through TSS/Sudut Officer by Thuro4ayi-16 garch 1954. Attachments: Invoice Certifinntions SIM GOTMIZ3 Chemical Militioap T33 Distributices Addressee oaeptroller - 1 --->TSSA4.1,At - 1 ?WAD - 2 Tr.-3/CD 15 March 1954) aRTIFy THAT FUNDS ;�117. 03LIQAT:0!T n 211: 7 CHARGE TC �'.. ALITHORtZiN.:3 OFFICER ASfI PA".'�,::1- IN .". � " 'T OF 4'4'41�40 M.R 1 S � ciarnnaATIOIS, (1) It is hereby certified. that this is InvoiceG. applyiza to subproject of Project MAMA, that perfontancer vs/ satisfactory, that the services verit accomplished in accordszce vith mutual sole* mats, that a detailed ezergla of the wants mi receipts are on file in CD/Mt that this bill, is just and correct and that perseat thereof Wm not 7t, teen wale. Date:. 41D144"-W01. Chiefs aoftsan (2) It is hereby certifled-that this limit* Wales to-subProicot 211 under Project 2001=4 sbloh lrug duly approved nni thtt the proleot Is beinz carTieil out in accordance vith the DD/P memorandum to oat edam 3 April 1953, the DOI Dersorundlai to DD/A detel 13 April 1953, fat the DCI Resorandue to the DD/A, dated 19 J\Lne 1953. (3) 'It is busby certifie4 that the scope of the proems of subpro:eot A of Proloot MAMA hi been approved. Date: ���� � March 13, Mho � Tim payment of expenses incurred in connection vith 14}CULIIIA subproject 24. Detailed breakdm and receipts on file in TSVCD. $250;00 Chief, T$3/CD ���--"k TO: FROM: $UBJECT: REMORA DUM RECEIPT _ I hereby acknowledge receipt of the following: CASH PAI:e:ENT -111-i.:1.73UNT--- or ED RECEIVED. - Please retern signed copy( es) of this receipt To FORM NO. 36.56 MAR 194, MAR 1 8 1gS - cam SIGNATURE OF RECIPIENT OATS RECEIVED Invoice # 4 These expenses were incurred in connection with a series of meetings during the period 21 through 26 March 1954 attended by TSS personnel_and_various_coneultants and contraeto Expenses are such that could not be charged to other existing projects. Expenses *Hotel Rotm *Lunch *Telephone Call Parking Feta *Parking Fees *Gasoline for ..� 5.86, ... 2.10 41.4,4 8.00 5.40� vehicle - ... 2.91' Taxis ... 5.00 Taxis � � . 3.60 Taxis ... 4.45 Subtotal Credit One Dollar cr4d1t (TSS Reps for lunch) ---$2.00 Total $2.00 Expense *Eotel Roanry ... 18.50 *Food ... 4.75 *Telephone Calls ... .63 *Tax on Hotel Room ... .15 Taxis ... 6.20 Subtotal .330.23 . TOTAL . .$226.67 less credit 2.00 GRAND TOTAL 1.211.422 *Receipts attached ilbeiAmce P Aid 01177/iatiffD SALAAidg MictANO h 1954 OBIZ7,-YINANC3 DIVISION - TSS/Budeet Officer Subprojact 24, Pro:Atot XxULTAA, Invoice ) 3, Allotment 4-291240 Invoice E3 far 30projeat 24 of Project YXULISA la attrched. Other invoices will-follow later. It is revootod that payment be made in caah In the mount of :�4644. PaYment should be made to Chief TS3Y6D thrluehT53/Sudzat Officer by Hominy, 8 March 1954. .3IDNETIGOTTLL7.3 Met: C110111c61 Divioioni_TS3L Attacbments:------- Invoice 1 3 . subproje4t 24 Certifleationo Distribution: Adilressee Orid. h-2 httacbments Comptroller . 1 .431-aditet VS/CD . 2- TWO: ( March 1954) 4 CASH PAYMENT IN AMCUNT OF 1.61 RECEIVED. 'TO; FROM: SUBJECT: I hereby a MEMORANDUM RECEIPT owledge receipt of the following: MAR 8,- 154 CASH PAYMENT IN AIv17.11.INT- OF $X&P".1 RECEIVED. Please return ___ signed copylies) of this receipt To OAT( SIGNATURE Of R CIF, E T FORM NO. 36.46 MAR 1949 - OATS ECEIVED - CERTITICATIONS (1) -It Is hereby certified that aids is Invoice No. 3 applying to autpro;ect 24 of ?tot YXULTRA, that perfcTnancs vas satisfactory, thAt ti l afar-vices Yers acezziplished In accordance vith rutual agree- mite, that a detalleA_mcersla be payments anA receipts are on file in CD/T35i-that this bill la just ani correst_and that paymen thereof bur not yet been M419. Date/L._ _ CV��� �Z-4 ft% k*-4 la hersty_cartified that this invoitts_aDplIto to subproject 24 unier Project YXULTRAVhich WA duly approved and that tbe pro,jeet la '-.41ing earztai'dOt fa etatlor4ance with the Mt? mtaGrrAndm to LICI dated 3 April-1953, the XI rtnorstdm to DNA -dated 13 *It 1953, and the WI nesorandun to the MA dated. 19 Jura 1953. -- Date' Research Direct r (3) rIt lc hereby eertiffea that the scope of the pros of subproject 243f 2Tgett MICULVA has bsen_approved. CZMITY THAT � C4 ")_/3 2-- � . � TTICER Invoice March 1i 1954 ?or expenses in connection with services rendered by under MUSA subproJect 24. De. tailed breakdown and receipts on file in TS/CD. $546.74 TO FLOM SUBJECT: ee�tvi (.1 . jitcremtvif owivii- Ty, 'Ptkopte (Al( DATE: (f.e isy ......_ 4 s � e � � *iv t. � 23 1ebruryi95l& VIA: =WI& CE/M, MANTA DIVISIG3 MS/2v4et-Officer SUbpro�;ect 24, P70Jeot 2,0CULZRA, ZreniCe 1. 1, Alltnett 4-2502-104Ni- Invoice9 2 for Subrroject 24 Other layciees vii. folio, later. mAe caoh in the emount of )69 Chief, TZ3/C, thrwei TS3/3udiat of Project MKULTRA Le ettache4* It 14 reventei thul pym;qt te .64. ftimant ihoull be made to � Officer by Prideyi-26-7.brusry 1954. Attalhmeats: Inwicel 2 �-SUbrOjelt a-- Certification. : =Ant SIDTef OOTTLIS3 - Chief, TSS/cD I CERTIFY THAT (23 rebrunry 1954) 0:=N Dietrautioa: cl � - Addrenee - Orig. & 2 Ir/attachmenta Comptroller MS/Budget - 1 V3/09 - 2 CASH PAYMET U1 AMCI." 7 f-',F fT�..! �efry- ermincAnolu (1) It is certified that this is InVolet No. 2 applyingto subproject 24 of Project NKULTRA, that performance vas-satisfacter7, that the service* verge accomplished In accordanee_Vith mutual Woe- gents, that a detailed azenda of-the payments and receipts are on file in CD/T33, that Valli bill is juat and correet and that payment thereof has not yet been made, Oates 3111% Galralz. Chief, CD (2) "It is hereby certified that this invoice applies to subprojeet 24 under Project VAILVIA�vhfoh vas duly approved and that the prelmot is tein4 carried out in accordance vith the OD/P memorandum to DCI dated 3 April 19,3, the WI isoneortridua to DO/A dated 13 April 1953 WA the DC I meeorandue_tia_the'DD/A dated 19 June 19,3. Data: (3) 'It is hereby certificd that _the seoe of the program of stib ro,!ect 24 of Project XNDLTRA has:been approved re,Itos 1�20.1 TO: FROM: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM REOEIPT I hereby acknowledge receipt of the following: � -r` OF- SLAZLV CASH PA :1�'��-.- ''''� signed copiiies) of this receipt To FORM NO 34.1111 MAR 1949 February 23, 1954 For email's*i connection with 1.911LTRA subproject - 24. Detailed brealciwn oad, receipts on file in TSVCD. a aa�$69.0, 711 lebruary 199t )2=1.141MVUM MO, FM= tlY11203 Wit VW/fudge% Officer lavoice No._1, Subproject ai Project Itsm Invoice no. t for Subprojost a of Proisot XXLLTRA f OM, is sttsebsi. I% is requested that? perms:Alto ro46 by cosh, to be *sot to Chief0D/VSS, viz Dadatt OfficerITSS. siamq OOTTLtra Chief Chemical Div-1410a, T33 Attodhmsotst invoice Oertiflootioos Distributiout Addressee, - Orig. 6 2 Comptroller = - rym. seept4IMMONMR.,- luZgAitsW TIVEssistly� T33/0 a I CERTIFY THAT FUN 7 A7AILA2LE: OBLICATION"CT_ CASH PA:. IN .! F 44-7C1-1AtiCC : R Er P1V FEB 2 (I) 1254 :,;NG OFFICER 4.2411pICA11.0113 (1) *It is hereby oartitipi that this ist lavoios No, 1 1riag to soptolsat 24 of 3ro3aat KATIMAil that parfanaamoisse 01 Lorootor/i that the marrioos vats acomplishol Le accoonlmoos Vith mutual tiros- meats, that *detailed aomla of tha meanie and roosivis ore am file in ODITZ341 that this bill is NONA *arrest mai that mr- sont 'Woof Us 014 yot bon 003,1A5.0~.5.0 40.4.010 .~101114410040; "aft -TrDzx cagiv OW, C0=34 (2) 'tit is hereby ortined thafthis invoice wiles to 64hp:raja-at 24 under Protot =JIMA \CPA Icou duly amesvu1 and that the projtat La toias as:riot out im 4444T4=4* vith the DO? memorandum to WI --- utoki. 3 APril 1953i 'the D3 bezorandain to DOA .dated A2ra 1953, aa. the Iva =email" to tho DDtt dotal 19 Juno 1953. Dates (3) �It is hereby cortified-that thee *4 Abe pro,4wma of subpro:oat of IVO:1qt 11XU144..""Ak has beaft tvprove4. Data: 21 " MEMORANDUM RECEIPT - FEB 2 3 TO: FROM: SUBJECT.: - I hereby acknowledge receipt of he following: Please return CASH PA .."12:NT IN Ai 1171.ANT OF RECEIVEP, signed cogyilesl of this receipt To FORM NO. MAR 1349 5.65 DATE SIGNATURE OF RECIPIENT 7'2,44 �g DATE RECEIVED Invoice srliiiMIIMMIMMooMida Tebrues7 i1,395e Tor mama to various individuals in connection with NICIZTRA subproject ge. Datailei breakdoin2 and receipts on file ?SS/CD. � $56.8 �021arrarrin cue, TssileD Expenses charged to Subproject 24 are those against other existing projects. MENSES: 11 Feb.1954 MKULTRA. Subprject No. 24 INVOICE NO. 1 "These expenses were in connection with a meeting held 10 Feb. 1.954 in order to review progress and coordinate activities in several-hKULTRA ripleqts. The following CD/TSS sersorinel were, present: Sidney Gottlieb, The others present were: ect 7 ubproject 7 d ch could not be charged Hotel room rent (receipts attached) $30.6.0 * Coffee, cocktails:and-lUnch $21.85 0.0110000.1109,9 999 SOO OO � OO 0940011 * Telephone calls TOTAL GOOM 485 CREDIT: One dollar from each CD/TSS representative, for lunch.. ........... OOOOOOOO " OO $ 4.00 CORRECTED TOTAL 0,1111,0061,004456.85 * Payment made in cash no receipts obt,ined. 1117A140.140 FORM February 1954 Received this date the sum of $36.00 for Payment of hotel accommodatioss_secured for DD/P/TSS/CD. 8th floor, corner suite, 64 Office Memorandum � UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT TO : Record FROM : anjECT: Returned by hotel reservations.' DATE: 11 Feb. '1954 $5.40 in cash as overpaymen or-adv c DD/OSS/Idalson & Security Officer 9 February 1954 1. in response to your request for hotel accommodations, he undersigned utilized the s.,iutes of t in his name r&4te ISOM 0,-2. rented the rooms ostensibly for conferences with clients and witnesses in connection with a case for which Ms services were retained. (1-3. Since will not be present it is recommended that the leader of the group should be prepared to answer any questions or handle any situations that may arise-by stating that he is identified With and is acting it his behalf at the meeting.' 4. The same should be true in the C.330 of persons from - Security Office who visit the rooms this afternoon for the purpolie of checking on the premises and :Eking appropriate preparations for the meeting. 5. In case any telephono calls are made it is requested that the leader of the group pay for them vbe he relinquishes the key :and checks out of the hotel. -- -- 6. Returned herewith is 35.40 cash since $36.00 was advanced to pay for reservation and the suite obtained cost t30.60. Receipts for this avenalture are also attached. 8 February 1954 Received this date the siza of $30.60 for payment of hotel _ suite for two days, Feb. 9 and 10,-in "7-.� 71. 3 0 CAFE TELEPHONE L. D. ItIHONEII LAUNDRY �VALET TELEGRAM BAGGAGE TOTAL XEMORAIDUK FOR TVS RECORD SUMMT: Pro 14KULA, ubproj tot 2.74 1. It is of value to CD/T28 to have, at irregular_ietervels, meetings during-vhich cp/Tss coetacts can diecuss_projects in tbe sensitive field for mbich Project MKULTRA-mas approved, These eon- -teats are specialists in their cwn particalar fields, ana the meet- ins provide an opportunity to exchange ideas and they etisinete _ suggestions of nev lines of approach to wobleni in the NMI= field. 2t. Bringing severel inlividuels together at a moon meeting Point usually involves travel expenses, ana the meeting itself often involves expenses for a frOCUTIS meeting site, etc4__The_services of specialists_often require consulting-fees. The purpose of Subpro. jest 24 is_to_previde a means to cover the necessary-expenses-of such meetings. 3. It is contemplate& that certain inaividuals_attenaing these meetings mieht be unwitting of governmene or Agency interest, _ might be uncleared, or might amide* nowitten association as a con- anion for_theirleartioipetion. 4. This subprojeet mill be limited to situations itch can not be banalea-by one of-the-Other established: NKULTRA subprojects, and it mill not be use& to cover the expenses of Agetey employees er: regular consultants. 5. The total cost of this project Is estimated at $2,900.00 for a seriod -ofCele year. APPROVED: PROGRAM APPROVED AND RECCWENDED: APPROVED FOR OBLIGATION OF WADS: . Original Only PrOjeot MUMMA) Subproject coacot �Dacca coaocdi coo�oDogat too).; Ihrinturto enowasonewps zenti4e vEna vooi efe4Te SriloceJo4troU UM io ioaozz&MI fallitalSff WOO MOW= =Ma= ATM111301fi Ttoonse Divistork =WV -Prigerst MIURA� upzoet1 Urger the authority granted la the viezororktue tlatedit3Agri 1953 froa the 'XI to the 11)/Ai esti the Pother authority grantel im the memorandum date4 17 Apri1 1913 from the DOA to tbe Comp- mm tbm 4Weets WPIrr>5 Plar*Iftt NZir3A41'-evi. the. 2*-* mre:oilm 4atel 19 June 19530 from the bOI to the DDIA-esimodIns the auducrity to covirr Mott Tear MI', 2,tPro.1104t at M. bean awroreds 42,900;00 or the oviat-aLt 1,4roe0t 34KULT1A runts have been oblUatel to eover the submiiatil orPonact� PRM1241 -tmovr.t.) rscastalteDs MX= COW= Chier Cheadeal OVSD nit 03LI4ATIO rotee Dat4; CF.,RTIrf TH.Vr FIN7 t:71' a_VAiLA OBLIGATV::: DietribUttoos Mdreazee Exec Eao -W4Budot . I. � Ta3poslatry * 2 raarzh iAreotor CHARGE 7Q