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Document Release Date: 
September 8, 1976
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Publication Date: 
June 25, 1953
ct1telfC,ALPIZP)j.: 1. Cash received during this final year ehculd be kept separate from the 0300.00 received last fiecal year. The cash remeining from le-et fiscal year .hold be vued up first, before the new funds are used. 2. The following applies only to Fr 54 cash funds. a. A total of 01000.00 has been allotted for the folloeing puepee_ (1) Activities there unueual aecerity eonuideratione rake it difficult to get financial support from more cuseomary sources (that is, there proper funds or 5 given activity would require an undesirable amount of written or oral justification). (2) The purchate of certain:lux' material where use of other Panda would delay operations to an eacessive exten:. (3) The above includes payment for cervices, travel, h)norariee eupplies, etc. b. Tho total amount and the purposes for vhich it may be used is' subject: to amendeent whenever it appears desirable. -(y) e.- Fortione of the total amount will be furnished to pa:vision as needed. () d. One individuelein Division ehould be appointed as keeper of . -- - ---tho caeh fonds. Ho will furnich a receipt when he receives leech and in turn he willebe given a receipt of some sort fer funda leeich areeoepended. For instance, uhere possible, there should be a reciept for cupplies purchased; however vhare it is not eueterary for receipts to be given in a given case, or where for Gore reason no reelept is Le:zeta obtained, a note ehould be redo out explaining the expenditure. More payeent is rade to individual as an honorarivea, a receipt should be mule out by percon receiving tho payeent. For instance: Received from -92 euetodian of the cash fund), txxixeee $ for honorarium (or eel meal:ford if desired), signed by thoeVer received tee money. -- gj) There Jo no need to mention Division or any personal titles. 0. ( Receipts nhould be turned over to me periodecelly. These will be kept on file to be uued only if an audit of the fund is requested. f, It-ie suggested that, beginning with Fre4 oath, soma sort of a log book or ledger be kept vetch will chow the amounts received and the expendituree and the amount of cash which should be on hoed. The only purpose eor this is that it nereletvould probablymeke it colder for-eou-toekeep track oe tho present statue of the funds, from your end. 14 - . rInti o: t.t..1 P.�tl.:5:1 ri:�.110 tr.- - All e):'...rt at iti�k.cmt ot 1",�1'.'llr.,.....-tv.t.t..,. r-1 C.,:',,,.:v4. f...' � *7,.!4 to 1:,�::1"s� � cl,..1-:.c 2:-,0,...1 /5",-5,/ /5-due .,5",5" , �3 / Otlet.. oe . i ,II.R.R.RRR�e.a���� 1 1 .11�Rewr (11�.,7,..;t,L14 %-a-: - tmoat r:t 411 ttleiti cos!. 1 ....����� 1RNERIISIRRIARRRIIIRIR � --------. � � ...... � � ., - R�k4R� 1 Fe- 1 ��� R*4�11e-YW was, _���� � RR. - 7.r.vo3c1 TIrk: /1.1,:��krit 1 14,443_ . 50 e/I-ifte?....te�Cet"icecif/:$ -tip, 14; - 1 r_______44/ttf,;;�,,It SPA � _ _ a 3 0(7.100 ...../RAPR-RROAR RRPRRNORRIRRR, � VIRR, AR�=10,11REAR. /RRR�R-8. � R.01���� - RRRINR.-� Yana ...RR � "It/he-Meet& .7 -c-4.-Ntialt---Te A SP- - � 0) DRAFT 76- June 1953 CRANDUM FOR THE RECORD SUBJECT: Project MULTRA, Subproject 1.3 (9) 1. The purpose of subproject 13 is to support certain CD/TS3 nctivitie$ which are carried Out either by the 11.Division, Camp Detrick, or in conjunction with-thelp Division. ! The support wili-be In two general catagories:_ (I) _Activities where unusual security considerations make it difficult to get financial support from more customary sources (that is,-where proper-funds for a given activity will require an undesirable amount_ofwritten or oral justification), (2) The purchase of certain material where use of other funds would delay operations to an excessive extent.-- - 2. These funds are to he used to Pe5rfer services, travel, honoraria for unusual services,-suppliesi-etc. 3. Cost for Subproject 13 is not to exceed 4,000.00 for a period of time ending 15 August-19'54. . PROGRAM APPROVED AND M3C01,1214DED: 'eseareakChairm_n-- Date:a../06_%. ms3 Attach:lent: Cost E5titate Orli.inal Only. � /0 Chemical Division/TSS- APPROVED: Chemical Division, i APPROVED FOR OBLIGATION OF FUNDS: lie search Director Date: 1441,4 fC3. � CUSP ESTIMATE Travel Services Honoraria Supplies and Equipment Mi-cellaneous and Contingencies $1,o00.-00 $ 200.00 300.00 200.00 200.00 J0 V3 _ t1-4. ti 12 extol. 13 karil 3;553f thil_fttrth.42;�.* ,!:.:1-1,1214..o..1- in Jr.,,to3J. r 4 arel ,./ '7"1- F.)1f v ',11 #13 4 to er:zez,,11.13:3,.... (R) �:; ---. G4'4.74. 11:rt tn�tf, � ) - - 1 '4.0. � tho 1,-MirOzw-12 harz: bte-r.� ail.4-;;;:zttcAt fa=7.Y Cti A '4.1�13 I":41 vvjav, ....tatb.......rei.......efr....tnadratO t n�-�;: ; 4.2-.1 1.4 t" r ,....t.PAi~- � JUN 2 5 En .;�� Savoic .17.:?. 1, 3ti'vr 3 J..0.;" 1;33 13, :11.:VULIN 1 Tor Sqpro;eet 13 ct in atacbal. It 13 rove-...;t1 tLzt te csar. to illb.111. CD/ t2irolch (W4.1.v.v-s.70y noon Ew..lcy. 13 %My. Lvi 0,r1rtlflarAtoll,n Di7z;trl:tutio.n.: . Cr tr.,. tz - �el - 1 - P SI:=Y CW2LIZ JUL OJT (1) ":,;,-; tInIt t17.10 11 Involco aolyin3 . C% A ace0::-:1=ces 14`,1;th tt t:11.�; C011,'N.',*6Zi*,, Curt thlt, 1;;:z�art.-30i' pv..4,14 AnIr �Cr Cble (rIt"..1" (2) zt tt,tc,tolca rtT.),:lic.;i7;tQ aft 1.,�!:!-I Is cf;n7iol ?.7.11:. in c4,-;o:f-.311:vul D2J/2 to iI aiVz.;.11. 3 41 iY.,11.1:a4C:Z7.!...%al!,.4 to LOA 13 4r1t Data N.f...*1�111V41.114.114,Atfartift�~11.11.000..1016:141.... /12 , Aan�nrc4 (3) "It 1.1 torb.y cortificla tint thc s.-.7cpe of tl-a 7i)roL.1-1.,24 el? c,1167.:Drol..:zt2 or kroTot 11::::ONDA beza - C,00ty .0 - MEMORANDUM RECEIPT TO: Sidney Gottlieb FROM: SUBJECT: Budget Office, TSS Cash (250.00) 9_Jul4 1953 �Art I hereby Acknowledge receipt of the following: Cash in the amount of $250.00 for Invoice No. iforlSubproject 13 of Project MUM. - Please return si5nosl copy(ies) of this f To - FORM MO. 36.66 MAR 1249 WrMiCAROPO, 454 Office Memorandum TO FROM : stavcr: 00 Received fro ,t) /3 7,7-- UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT DATE: 6 JulY - 1 (o Div Te0t1 Jr.nuary 1954 TOVDot Orricer fleflara- olZw4,Zaprolect 13) Projeot herewith fIT-V dellara (50.00) in caoh, tO 114 - ereclitea to the oceelmt $,.170r-d-431)rojdot MUM. / Liatrtion; C.: 1 - : . 1. - 2 C. al Dliloion, APPROV.Ut viNialon,_ ^ MEMORANDUM RECEIPT BUDGET OnICER/TSS FROM: Sidney Gottlieb, Chief) TS/CD SUBJECT: Cat% ($50.00) I hereby acknowledge receipt-of th�e following: Cecil lathe amount of $50.00 for &d to the aecount_of_SOprOjeet 1 Project KULTRA _Please return 1- signed eopy(les) of this re FORM NO. 36.66 MAR 1949 CATE REMYVED 4-7 / RECEIPT THIS WILL ACKNO LEDGE RECEIPT OF FROM \ FoR C11;1 � / 1) � I/ kr;) - .�$ .� Li t ^ ..e 4 � i OFFIC(Al St ri�jtz.n4 V.04 4,(4�0 � f!tvrt.7.,,z Wr,-4v �����,t���-��� $ Qffief.,r 1:%al:9rol.:(3ct.- 3.31 .1.10:1.TFA Int:51;y3 invaca N7.:. 2 for ;:-.'�al,..roe-ct. 13 or rro.lect N.;,.";;LTAA 13 att.n,01.:(1.s tith3-4- itV=ACC.4 It /0 rolly,41 tiliat morit axiulti t4 tt:.3In �-� ./ttif.t �����. -- - �,4 $ 3ITC;Triilt ellontoal 4-plyttagn, ft,z� At';424::ent.o: 7A-xica re:r� 0 ... C3bproOect 13 ^t. r11..".-1�!,LutleAtt (1-13. Ittig.tztevvrita - - '21T4Q1 - 2 1,7,%-���� � - CERTIFY THAT FUNDS A rZE AVAIL\ T.; LE L-FI-F1V1ioN R�;:*-7.;17.; rc, � � C":LAWIZ AUX-YEW...IT r:O. _JUN 2 PO 0 � ,nvo es Juno 17 1954. - For ptty.aont . of 0:0�Zi.).F.,*38 incurr4 in connecttion v1th-1;11':ULTRA- subproject 13. $5 � V711.1.-Vri1 (%!,1 -it. ."! 3 2i17;VI.1 CA"Irti 1!%.!.L.% :Zc,b . 2 a ^ 13 (A: � t-Ilf:t to;11.:' 3. i3 ^ tir-t, 3 ; = �%.8 -1%11; tr.t )1Q1,; � '� 44nt'al� 4. 2, I a- ;die i --' - ''' - ':- -,-, -4-.4- -:---1- . ---',.1 ;I .3":; '.::: k t:i 1 1�si, It:...3 (,,. ,../ i r; 1;71 0.,1 ...-,,,,,,,,. �, d . % ,.t.:0`01.21., C it3,.. tr,,, tO � -, r tj. ;,,, . � c:1,1,.,;0.,, b 4.. ..,;_, .0 .a...,; 1 ...% ,._31 ': sr ... .:, 4 '.... '..., ki, 1,3.... ti . - . , ...- . ,,,,. � - i Dtltf): Li; :".,', C7...si0,1 0`.1.1. 3 : ''' 13 a:4 t.t7ta ::.); 1 1,-;;;Y..;� -,:.::41417-.7i ' * V' 1 h i! t.';,.:!.1. 1 ''' riJ 141MORAHDUM RECEIPT jtc-c-f-g-44. 143- I hereby acknowledge receipt of the following: CASH PAYMENT. IN AUNT OF RECEIVED.JUN 24 1954 Please return signed copy(ies) of this receipt DAT c:!! sst; SIGNATURE Of RECIPIENT To CATE RECEIVED FORM NO. 36.66 MAR 1444 STAIVAP/1 PCAM 1,03. t4 OfJicc lvi norandura -UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT � receiveri-troa - DATE: 8 July 1954 17 the. sum of Five 121un;;r-zd Delb?.rs ( %500.-a) ) on this th,t,e 8 July 1954. : 69 Custodian of Fund - 03\3 ft, DRAFT 15 Angust 1954 IIEWRANDUMICRI THE REMO SUBJECT . EXtenelon of Time for Project . KAMM/4 Subproject 13 Since Subproject 13 J�expired and there are still funds remaining in tho project, Subproject 13 i3 hereby extended for one year fred date of expiration. Original APPROVED: Chief Chemical Division P3 er 3.3)4 *.?.?.Ca it, '� 1 ; . . � w 3 le 12 t.::;..,1r11: :-..5,..Y.)-10-Ckl-t 1.173. 3 rcx 13 .13 t.3iti'2.!.;,-.11.:,:.%.7.-�.:ir:fct /3 c-t: : C tat . it; i.rtt 1Z1 ;;;`,11 (Y: 0.0 � 1;3' t;t211.4 -:::1;* /Z.')tCJk � 13. ,CAt 4..4 :Lit.' LI .2t3V. zee ..,� 1 - TS9/PAS3 - CczIptrollor '14;Y 'TZkr.t 4- 2. gd - (iv/ Novecber 23:, 1954 Fov reynntr:of 'exIlenses COP=0140:1 vitlaliKULTRA slIbproject 13 �11 � � 43 �CO ) r.e.W 1,4 1.11",...7)/Z".+1tc 31V7e21,YSre:',:. 1:ara, � � � 141.4;174 $ c.1;;�.c., �20d fats 'At - (�,3 3.1;�. --rda�zr a in 7-C,c1=.10 V:LIC1). Elt7ki 7121.,:f.),,tt* 01,-*t� ZIt';1:;:::;`:-17.*:14--1-4 t $ I T.:.atKird 1953. t.177.1. I -r�C`1$1,-; -;17)41;:, 1.14 A.:Yr1), _ � IN � � TO: FROM: SUBJECT: - MEMORANDUM RECEIPT I hereby acknowledge receipt of the following: DME 434-7,0.--t-41.- '113 Ci,5.311 . M1 OF 153�6)- RECEPIE.O. DEC 8 1954 plea e return signed copy(les) of this receipt To _amawar FORM NO. 36.66 MAR 1949 DATE RECEIVED 1? Receipt ia hereby ac iledgeti_of_$300. cash. Date: This is to cert4fi that the following items of equipment pttrehs5e1 vnder Project MATRA 13 and 30 bare been co altered .8114 coataninated in the conduot of research that to conform with eafoty regulatiene of tho contractor thoY met be consid- ered expendable, dropped from non�=upandablo property recorda and destroyed at tho_conolusion of_testa._ 1 e PSHar,02 Fire Extinguisher_ 1 ea Metal Turning tat_J. (Scare Roebuck) APPROVED: f TSS ,tbezaleal Division a a-- a - a APPROVED t - Date, � MiarLTRA .Subproject.. 13 - !zeription _ Obligations Expenditures Balancei 0 '"(���4'4--to,/�' c/1.3 � *, ����=i1OIMIg "-- 1 ; i/000 ; 1 ' 1 -4