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Publication Date: 
October 21, 1959
1A701(41, , . Subtwo,10tt / At Lev a' 4:4-1tr.3l Ptestri Tita Ercendia t A4=i.n1 Cm:At...NI To _ 91,7 142.6-0 1 Poriol Tise itcterd_c4._Allorat, tailocsit Cort...:..t.3. To 11-oor T ..-Imat_ma, 2.12 - I sMend,e .A2Ataiat Noose: To 'study ctr ()'OWLMA 108). Initiated: 7etbruary_190, A second year of study rat. appro. Contractor: Dr. kgrantee of ths Cost: $3,500.001previous year's 8ant vas 444,0o.00). Status: Ongoing.*Believed_to to on schedule. April 1961. /0 DRAFT U. April. MEMORANDUM FOR; TEE RECORD SUBJECT: K(ULTRA, Subproject No. 108, Continuation ose-of-thiO'project,is_to continue the researCh-of-- a Dr. Draiformer colleague of Dhr- has co.n nued to be of great assiitance to Pr ..._ 4/ with Project It vs a at the 'suggeition ofDr. initiated.'hia Istopattv-t 2, .Dr work in studying 'certain characteristics of /9 character continues to be of definite interest to TSD/RB. Pr. is progressing satisfactOrny; . Funditg-tvAmontori ' -of-this project will continue to be.handled,by Accounti Or ----- conforM o p s established Pr 4, Th Aotal cost-of-thid-project for a periOd of_one year is esti- mated not to exceed. $350OChaieU should be made against allotment 1125-1390-3902. The close w rking relationship which has been -established between a Dr. . and Dr. will rake it possible to exploit the findings of AliisHprojectwithOUt.revealimgAgency interest. ; _ , Chief ; TSD/Research Branch APPROVED FOR OBLIGATION OFFUNDS: Date: Distribution:_ Original only Cost Account �4610.:�-eard_f,teg-t Object Class Date Remarks and References Obligations� Incurred Obligations Liquidated T.Triliquidated Balance 18 A19P61 de46( 01,4 ,,jr,17�rao: 61) _ 1112;:i0PA Tat F-tal z caelnaurzq "- ATTS 1A1 ION CiTCA. ,TWI-En nnce Divialoa Ev.b:projec Aroz.l.zation o. _ Under :the uthoitygrerstearin tba:ineaoratriun eat...1/.13 Apr 1- 1.957.1 -- iszcia the DC:i ttf.alt rz,e*:,-�ArkK7.4a.brcjt -.- and tha --ctension -chi :authority oiab-- rt 1.1.1=15 rerlolis1y crte. truaer the �00 Etz.o. authority en atllitio.nal auta brua b i?..,e4 to cover tha sub-oroJects axi-s-nze..3 to obareeNi e,..V2inat: coat ceater_...... 1.125�13104.3932 IPPWND F IOfl C AIDS: _ Diotributicm: Orig. :6 2. -Afith'e3GeC 4A1-8000 .11-TSPAPAS1 2 ...-TOD/A4 � 18 April 1961 MEMORANDUM FOR: CHIEF, FINANCE DIVISION VIA --TSD/Budget Officer SUBJECT MKULTB.A., Subproject 103, Invoice No. 2-- Allatment_112543903902- 1. Invoice No. 2 is attached covering the above subproject. Payment should be made as follows: Cashierr chveVin the amou t of 3500.00 drawn_on a 2: Please forward thsheck to Ch1et7-TSD/Research Branch through TSDiBudget Officer by Friday, 28 April 1961. 3._ThWls a final livVc4ice. However, sinceit_is_anticipated that additional funds will be obligated for this project, the files should not be closed. Chief TSD7Rasearch Branch Attachment: Invoice 8r Certifications Distribution: Orig & 2 -=Addressee �4/.3o OF - 18 April 1961 MEMORAN cluzr. IrDiANCE DIVISION VIA iTSDiBudget Officer SUBJECT MICULTISubpro.Wt 108, Invoice No. 2 Allotment 1125-1310=3902 . 1. Invoice No. 2 is attached covering the ab-uve_subproject. Payment should be made as follows: 'Ci-ahle check lit-tlat arnount of $3500.00, drawn his to 2. Please forward the check t4nCM*1`, TSD/Research Branch through TSD/Budget Officer by Friday, Z8 April 1961. 3.71`hti�t iss final inVoice. However, since-it is anticipated that additional funds will be obligated for this project;-the-files should not be closed. - pt Chief TSp/Research Branch Attachment: Invoke k Certifications Distribution: �rig k 2 - Addressee TSD/FASS 2 = TSD/RB TSD/RB:410 (18 Apr 61) /4 a In . ACCOUNTING BY INDIVIDUAL FOR ADVANCE NOM Follow Instructions on Reverse SUBMITTED BY =ULTRA Sub 108 VOUCHER NO. (Finance use only) , PERIOD OF ACCOUNTING 'FROM TO 1 February 1061 31 December 1961 RECEIPTS 0 SkuRSEmENTS I. CASH ON HAND BEGINNING OF PER100 9 voucueu 3.,NUMDER DATE DESCRIPTION AMOUNT sa. 2jVIA4516r DATE DESCRIPTION - 1.--6 Apr. 111071MR�Advauce See Attached tOortiflc ea 1961 layette 02 1 34,500. 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 Total Expenses 3OO.00 1 1 sa. 1 1 II II 1 I 4. RFI HEREWITH c H I CH E CR 1 ON Y 055 (5 I I S. CASH ON HAND I END 0 Pcploo I 1 TOTAL 10 ACCOUNT FOR � 00 I 1 1 T TAL ACCOUNTED FOR II V3 .0O.00 1 C RTI FY FUNDS ARE I AVAILA LE I I APPROVED I I I I certify OP Any :::::t�4arce;:frit:tit:Ot this accounting that attachments the is expenditures listed were incurred for offtcieil 'flir's"'that been ireceived. trueloondeorrect hereon Parer" le and Our. or that OBLIGATION REFERENCE . 1910 NO. 1 CHARGE I 31125-1390-3902 ALLOTMENT NO. DATE 1 1 SIGNATURE I 3 Dim OF APPROVING h 01317i1MS OFF HII , C 1 DC/ R DATE "I Iv ?a '51 II �1.19.2A SIGNATURE I OF AUTHORIZING OFFICER I 1 CERTIFIED FOR PAYMENT OR CREDI --,- T 1 IsiNATI.ou 1 1i OF PAYEE 1 IIII I 1 1 DATE 1 SIGNATURE I OF/ CERTIFYING 1 1 OFF CER1 SPACE BELOW FOR EXCL S VE USE OF FINANCE DIVISION PREPARED r-') 1 BY REVIEWED BY ' - I I volicAen No. 7.12 DESCRIPTION 23.39 � ALL oTHFR ACrOHNTS '49,42 5.46 PAY F.1:ti:e&. 47.52 OBLIG 53 Fl 54.57 6 NERAL 59.87 ALLOT. ACCT LEDGER NO 68.70 DUE DATE 71-80 AMOUNT DESCRIPTION. A P ITEMS 3-34 : 34.39 FXPEN�4E:: CODE YR LEDGER ACCT. NO � 6.2.57 OBJECT DESCRIPTION ' ADVANCE ACCOUNT 3.24 � . PAYABLE VOU NO CODE 45.W.,99. I EMI . N 0 . CK NO . X 505. 50. CLASS OEDeT CREDIT ..-.-....6.-,- 1 1 1 1 ' i 1 1 1 ^- 1 111 � :--,---....... 1 FORm 9140 use PREVIOUS 16.57 '''' EDITIONS. I . � I 111) ��� CONFIDENTIAL FUNDS POSTING VOUCHER .. 'I ,.., > 71.80 AMOUNT 1 ICMCOIT --------A 11 % ...... � . . . � � � . � � � � . . . � � � � � � � � � � 4 � � � � . � . � ........ FOR PAYMENT OR CREDIT I FILCEIIRTIFY!ING OFFICER . _ � � �_� � � _�_ � �._ 0_42_4. � _�_�_� , . _�_�_�_� � . � � � _44 , � ....... \ I 4. a % fi C, �..1 t\ iff ../ 4t, CERTIFIED ' DATE SiGNATURE , 0 >�� 58-67 ALLOT. OR COST ACCT. NO. 62.67 CA.No, A REF. No. 4 % Os. 1'1 i�,t `...) Os th kil I % : cc > > 0 1., ''''��� . : . .,3 � ,,z � ,... .. � ... c'...-. � �. � - � � � ..�...., � - 1./J ... 0 ... > 1:4 - -- - ".... ID ..I 1,1 F �C 0 �... 0. 0 2 0 01 ..�� _ V la 0 8' :[ :3 .r w �,,, _11b4 VC, . ........... . � � ..-. tai _ i.. VOUCHER NO. 7-12 I ! I S4-39 STATION CODE ... POOP. NO, 17c1VWC71.1:1 1 DESCRIPTION-ALL OTHER ACCOUNTS 13-33 me. I- 44> a .Pl; .. � ........ ' . � ...... � .. ...... .... .. ... ..... ... ..... _._._. .. . .. . .......... ' � � � .. ' . .. � ������������ � DESCRIPTION. ADVANCE ACCOUNTS 13.27 , . .......... . � . . - �-� . ..... . I � -� � . ... .- . ..... I. -4% �-�T. . . . . . � r � . . . . . . -. -. . �-� . . . . . � . . . ... � � . � � . � � . .-/�.-� . . . . � . . � . 6 � � � .� . . . � --� � � . . . � � � .......- � � � � a � � � ..... � � . � � . -- -- � - r - '116*������., MEP / EXPLANATION OF , , ........ In 110-7 March-10, 1964 - Memo to From Re: 7 Jan..1961- Jan. 1962 Sorry for theidelayLin'sending7thiS-attounting toLyou. It _ was buried deep inA-eonfidential report-that had-been-forwarded _ at the time of hi1962T request for further funds. Hope this is satiifee-tory. C? March.10, 196i Accounting of for the Year payments - $3,500.00 in JUnt-1961-and $3,600.00. iniDec 1961 Payment to subjects Payment to consultants Payment to Assistants Books, postage and Miscellaneous Total Expenditures 4ora payment pa 5.00 t preS46*S tsain. riot funds. $ This is a true statement.� -ther--- expenditures-of as reported- to the Iertifrt1atseivi/lor matnrials�have-been� satfsfactorily recmivPd ."."1 oxnenditures were incurred on offinfll himIness. MEMORANDUM FORTF Chief, ATTENTION SUBJECT .- Stibject is a colleague -and close personaLfriend -of -- il Early in the development of project %....� , it was recognized that s interests, status, and , contacts represented consid able tional potential. I order to protect the security of and it was decided to develop on an unwitting basishile Development involved gettin to become actively into o information and direct conat-Wtwith the vate his interest and to provide fund attribut hi revived interest, from submitted a proposal for his grant on 21 October IA 1959. _ s approve the amount of $4,600.00 and the grant was made on 28 January 1960. It should be noted that was at that time mg sources To rnoti- a eg time. rce of � was offered a research grant ras ably still is) unwitting of ay government connection with 2. As anticipated, acce ant and entered into , his .research ener-gstically, ke pin nforrned_of his progress. As it became apparent that wag'eve op ng some useful contacts, it . was recommended that the grant be renewed for a_second year. Oii 11 April 1961 it was renewed for-i Second year (January 1961 - January 1962) in the amount of $3, 500.00. 3. Prior to � s departure from was introduced to a case o r functioning under o c a cover. he aim was to recruit and to direct his acti s toward ape tional goals. Is decided to continue, unwitting of - 2 - and advised 11 in TSD requirement sw government relationship, but to keep nwas in the case. Upon request throu will respond to changes in fund! I facilitate management of the Distribution: Orig & 1 �Addressee - ==TSD1R13 TSD/RB 4 CM efl TSWELesearch Branch RECEIPT I hereby acknowled6e receipt of be following: Offic 1 the 2 the amount-of $1. 00.00 drawn_on da d A-ril April 13, 1961 Financial Accounting Feb. 1960 through-January 1961 Joy - 1, Salary (Chief-Investigato 11400.00 2,000.00 14046,00 - 2. Part tire assistants 5,960.00 3. Books, magazines-and-newspapers 4,104.00 720.00111111111 4. Contact and-entortainMent expenses (including g1ftS-for _ subjeets) 2,844.00 11 500.00, � Postage,:Btationery_and other office expense__ 10999;00 351.00 Total $ 26304.00 $ 4,617.00 Grant $4,600.00 Prepared by ! The above statement summarizes-Er. expenses_for-the-period-stated-abov This_is a true report of the expenses as shown to u have e=1.1:17_?cl an. a -...%70.7d tha zv.mitted exvendlts. DAte: Chief _____TSS/Cheraical Div1ton 18 April 1961 MEMORANDUM FOR: CZZFNANCEDW1S1QIII 1 VIA SUBJECT � t-TSD/Budget Officer MKULTRA, Subproject 108, InvOLc� No. 2 Allotment 11251-390.T.3902,� I. invoice No._2 is attached covering the above subproject. Payment should be made as follows: Cashier's check in the amount of pa able t. 2: Please forward the check to Chi4f, TSD/Research Branch through TSD/Budget-Officer by Friday, 28 April 1961. This_le_a tinalinvoice. However,_ since it is anticipsd that additional funds will be obligated for this project, the files should not be closed. Attachment: Invoice b�Certifications Distribution: Orig It 2 Addressee 1 - TSD/FASS 2 - TSD/RB TSD/Research Branch TSD/RB (18 Apr 61) A octoi:cilowat ATZSI;TIO.3- ; 1117161ca - ii it�crttid ijvt - �7,15vCax t11,: klz.-zr_e audz-..-7.crIt.- _,- $3500.00 ,,,,...L .4.,�la v., 1.1z.,F.,:t t--tz, z.-X--V.--.1,r -thrt 3 1.1..". ieetv za..X7 5":.t;i1 i i.:".1' 1.::.1.- cl-.2:7:,-;.f.,.-..-,-.1 ;-...-.2,.....a3 - c....ctlt ca- 112,-1390-3902 I-PPil(P:Z cJr-071 .." E}S.Jt.11,1Alt-3..C,12 Cl 2 - 1 4-Tspi7Aso 2 .1=TSDAIS March 2196O Dear Or, Thank you for your letter of February 25. Mr. ba out of the country until oftelorch 15, but I am sure that he wi Interested in your progress. I have ordered_theivio books you requested and hoFe they reach you in the near future -You seem to be having quite a time obtaining the publi- cations you requirei but 1 am glad you have been successful. I know Mr joins me in wishing_you-_well on your new venture of interviewing. Please us know If we can be of ossistonce. Sineefely yours, Secretory to Mr. februory 16, 1960 Monk you for your letter of February Attached li-thelirtt_poyment on your prolect in the *mount a $2,300. Miss my secretary, will be �pleased to assist you in procuring bOQe c re4renees which cannot be found i We wtll take care of the costs faf-tha pitchouts made here out of your uture grant pay- ments and will notify you as to epenfltur�s.� A00111, 1 OM very pleased for the opportunity to work with you on this interesting resolrch bsI and feel sure that V/6 con anticipate o pleasant and productive collobaration. Stncl,rely yours, EmKutive Secretery Enclosure February 3, 1960 Thanks very much foe your letter of January 28. Everything seems agreeable to me. As to remittance, It may be better to send me a bank draft, although a check can also be used here. I wonder if Some of ycur staff would be able to spare a little time and kind h to help me In pfocuririg books and references which could not be found in (both For my research protect and for my writing up of -my animal expert� C me c noir., I am doing at night as since last mont �velseen devoting my - - entire day time to work on the protect supported by . In that event, please deduct $100 from the first remittance You are-going-toen 'me and give the money to her for purchase of books for me and let me know her name so that I can write her from time to time. I will write you again soon and keep you informed about the progress of my work from time to tine. Thonk You again, lam Very sincerely yours, !emery 281960 I em plecseclioLinform you that hae_epproved your gront application foutwo of the three years you reqv . For our record, we are showing the initiotion of the project-al Fib-ruary 1, 1960. We shall provide payments on the grant semi -annually if this liagreeoble to you., Befere_the end of the two suggat in November of 1961) you write for a-continuation of your grant and send in a pr,�Igress report. The Directors ani their scientific advisers will review the progress of the study ond notify you regarding Its continuation. Will you pleese Inform me as to how the payment should be mode. Vey I transmit a check to you or would you prefer a bank crlit? The following conditions apply in the vtillzotio-n-of these funds: 1. An annual progress report be submitted at the erld of each year. 2. An annual accounting of funds expended shell be provided our records. . Any tecSnical reports Of papers whith-grovrout of the itUdy supported ut-ider this grant shall contain the following notice: -1'This study was ted in t or wholl as the c e no be) b a g nt From the The Boord of Directors end the icientifla advisers of loin me in wishirvj you well in this endeavor. Please call upon us for any osi stance that we may be able to provide. Sincerely yours, , Cost Aeciunt 1534.." Object Class Date 2 I6 FEB90 9 is Remarks and References Obligations Obligations Incurred Liquidated Unliquidated Balance �kia4, . Oa titeter_the autbortty granteti in the- Itt*Oratlatel Apri.1.1.953-1Y614 tve-rci to-the 10/A) atd th exterialm ot tbit auth tyLA aulcattientAtostOmlas eprojeot-3.04 tpttl approve4 abl-44"M�ot Pro4oet 1401141% Ants Me beeo obliotto4 to 4Nrifer tbV�atztviot*etsa expeshea sboxi14 b charge4 to Anottlent 05444:09049024, Amor PM 011MATION OF 'UM! Met Chindeeal. Dittitito I CERIIF; %NAT FINDS AVAR, Na. PiikAcc 7-444 A iff '7;C .z, 2, � CC7cCER 1.kisearoli-Dirootor Dates ts' Distributtoot Orig 6 2 .,-1404-**144) 1_,Tssioo -TsS/FASB- r. the aboVo 101WWWWFORt 0.101-11MABON DIVISION -1$00440 a:icor t NXIMAA, Slibprojsnt 104 AY0140 104 1 AlloWeat 0525.10C9494U Ardissi_ltes 1_1a ittached-co4s b� mate as relieves the szotust 2s Please forward the check_te Chief TSS/Chettical Division rourjh Tsisktftiset Officer by tridAy, 19 ftbru:ry 1 3. Sias Le a aeverters eincrit iS anticipated that additional turds_vill be oblivated tor this project, the tilos ahead not be closed& Attechtaanti Invoice & Certifications TWasatoal Distritutiont Oris & a Mimeos 1 - TWFASB 2 = TS$/C1)� TSS/CD: (5 Feb 60) 4. VIA -�T68 D111Slat t oir 5 Pub:marry 9ITT GOMM t :142WISRItt eeibprojeet 108j Inyolea NO I AMU-WA_ 0525---loc9A9ce ItriOtos No. 1S4 attaehtd, covering tb abov sutm ebeuld: be wade eefollOvs: 24 Please &ward the eololg to atert-micbeittioar Divistoo throuSt: PLJS/Bolzet Ottieer by liksav, 19 rebruory 3. MIX is a Mal in-voice, Romer, ein-lie-it is ontio,drote that tsiditional tsoda vill be obit tea tor this Vropet, the shoal sot tke elteelde Attache:ea: irrroto & Catitigattons Dietritutioo: Otis & insp. _ et PSC Mottos.' Division. 9 Ale 1960 ciartFy 1 CASH PA-fts.!_9-7 !N! !'.1.r OF: RECEIVE V. _ �,. .4473/ For aervicos owy4p4p0.04,1040404 OAWM41,4****, 11,110 40410*****wwww**WeAlt*WWWWW6 0440611WW0 0211TVIMICSIS (1) It to b.reb' certtfiea that this is Invoice Not 1 oPPleinS to Subproject No. 108 of 0W1d2A1 that performance to satisfactory, that Services are being accomplished in accordance with mutual atcresioon that a detailed atailda of the pa$Ments andreccipts il_on filo in TOS/00, that thie bill to �Inlet -and torrent and_tbat pant_thereof has not yat bsenzmada (2) It is hereby certified that this invoice applies to Snbprojeet So. 103 of WULTRA-vhdeh vas-IN-ly Approved, and that the project is being carried aUt in octordance vith_theAnemoreon4laa ot-13-April 1953 trait the DOI to_the_DDA, end, the extension of this authority in subsequent memoranda., Date: Reseerch Director RECEIPT I hereby acknowledge receipt of_the following: ioial k No-G 9949, 1nI the amount of $4,600.00 drawn-_on- ted February 18, twire:-8 bItto I & itraralt$41144, _, TBEVCC 1 TSSAMB Tssico (28 Jan 1960) MEMORANDUM FOR: _ THE RECORD, SUBJECT :-14KULTRA, Subproject ft, 108 _ and former colleague o has been of great assistanCeAoiDr in setting up Projec this pariOdDi4- independently -contacted Dr assistance -in-gettimoney forre search _woe& in our suggestioNnri Cl research plans-with Dr posal t This was done-andapprove..1.-for-this project is requested'provide funds for Dr'. work. with the aim of submitting's. 2. From all sources-available-to us, Dr. appears to be a competent and well_mot liWated researcher. The type Of work he_pro- poses to do is of definite interest to TSS/CD.-(Proposal-AtteTched) 3. Finyling_s_xid_pionitoring of this project will be handd. by in the regular mannt...,r. Accomting for the funds expended will be according _ V) to the prOcedures-prevlously_established by Any unused. unused. funds remainingatitheconelusionofAheprojectWill_te_returncdAo the Agency. 4.--The-total cost of this project for a period_of one year is estimated riot to exceed44;600.00. Charges should be made against Allotment o525.=loo9.7.49o2. 5.The fact that Dr. as established a close working relationship-_vithl)r. will make it ssible to exploit_thelfindings , of this project-without revealing Agency 1ntere8t;or7part4cipation. APPROVED FORIOBLIOATION OF FUNDSi Attachedt- Propos41 DistributiOn; Original_only Chief-- TSS/CheMical Division � l_emsending _you herewith two.cOpiee_each_of the prospectus_of_my_proposed_investigation,Estimates_of Annual Expenditure, andlelbriefibiographic s previous publidations. I_hope the viii act on the- ros 4us favorably as you havv- ated in your letter. Ir. s- note on page 9 is also-attached to the prospectus-an _es ates. wish to emphasize that Dr. assistance in revising this prospectus and hia-V from his past experienceLwiththe_requirements_of_ have helped-make7the_present form of presentationLo -my proposed plan more suitable_than_my_orginal_dreft._Helhas-spenticonsiden. _ able time on this=prospectus and_I am gratefuL to-him. - AsADr s research project_ii-closely related to minef-naturally-ye Will coMpsrs: notes_from time to time, so as to essure_close-mutual-cooperation and-to avoid, if any, unneceesary-dupliCation of work. DUring thelprogress_of our work whenever-either one discovers certain scientific data which might be=usefulTte_the ether, I can assure you-tool_that we will draw each_otheris attention to such data. Thing you again for your personal-interest in my work, andihoping- to-hear from you again before long, Lam, AIMS of this study.; It has long been the opinion of ths writer that_thelfollowing behavior traita_or_behavior_characteristios are the-predemineut _ characteristics_oft441 masaes. In this proposed study, the investigator proposee_to_relate certain ecological factors to the formation of some critical behavioral charaeteristics_ofeNNOW- Employing content_analyeis of historical reoords, the_investigator will trace the_relationship_of_sachAteolieleAl factors as: the geographic-ceuditioae7O/1011101 populatien_decline-and, growths food supply, floods and droughts,_insectiinfestations, pestileddes, and other natural diseases, civil ware, barbarian invasions, an the �olitical:po as and_edneation_systeme-ot_theruling from to to the formation of suchLtehiVioral_characteristiesiasi_ 1) Lack of_religious feeling (in the senee-of a supernatural being), and hence_lack_of an organised church; 2) Iversion-Ao violence; 3) Passivity to brute-forces, either natural Or human; 4) PatalittiolView toWards life; _the_dtrong-tendenoy for_one to_adjuet___ or adapt to_the_one!e_environment, however adversei-rather_than to modify orLconquer the environment; 5) Lack of Writ of adVeature;____ 6) Leek of:individual inttiativel - 7) Lack of_the_deeire_t4447independent_or_different-fromotherS; rather,-the strong tendenoy to conform to the existing social - requirements and-to imitate or follow the ones-who-have-been :- Isueceseful-socially-or in business; 8) Lack of =the- spirit of-te work; 9) The paradoxical tendency_ofithe_individnallOn_the one hand he is most selfaaoritioial in the family - almost to the point of II selfletenessvon-the other, outside the fanny, he can be most selfish -without moral_or_legal restraints; . ( 10) Indifferenee to the suffering of other people; 11) Indifference-to public welfare; 12) The feeling-of racial superiority; 13) Absence -of the sentiment of nationalism (And hence_ letisM) (until_the_turn-of the present century); . 14) The strong tendency to compromise witheUt-regard to One's rights, Suetice or truth; 15) The strong_tendency to look with suspicion i _anythi that is new (somewhat modified by the impact of the tendency (as it is almostly in interpersonal relatiops; 17) Te a entidocilit7 toward authority (which has mistaken for "Cooperation" and hae wrong y nterpretecl as an inherited_trait developed rem a laydraulie-44tiety "founded upon the proposition_that the individual-had to be forced to do-What was necesf,ary-for his society and thus_fdrihimself) but always with an inner feeling of bitter resentment or hatred and readiness to amcnas authorities when they are overthrown and on the run. These behavioralcharactoristics have confronted the withanumberof_serious_psychological probleme_in their revolutionary-efforts._ Our second step in this studyF, therefore, will be to anyalyse the_metho4s_by which the Communistt-endeavor-to solve these psychological problems. - third atep in this study ill-be an investigation of the euccesse and failures of-tho Couteunists in their_efforts to_solve-these problems lIT to date; and an analysisiofItheajor conflicts between eter and Communist policy 111101 invitably must b�lvCdIitbefutu�. Methods: In part -o . -and two_of_ourlstudy_w$_shall_adopt:A:MethodoL.dentent- analysis of certain historical documents and records. In our thir&step_of_invantigation_we_shall_employ_threa gene methods: (a) observation of -the- behavior of-the of various age groups who from time to tine come from the (b) interviewing these people; and (e) giving tests to the younger (school age) groups brought up in the during the last decades We shall design our test forms in such a way as to_diecover these Children's attitudes_towardst (1) the state ve. the ificlitidOall (2) faMily:, parents and other relatives; ()) varioue_religionsi (4) physical moral concepts on practiCal_matters (na against abstraCt_moral_prineiples); (5) Sconomio-and_politidal systems; leading personalities in_history; , (7),arte1 drama_and literature; and (8)-personal'planelandtpersonal11 ambitions for the fitures In ouri observations_and interviews_of_the_peoples who have resided in the under the Communistl_special attention_will_be given to the influenceof_the_attitudes_and other_behavior_Characteristics of the older_generation_over the younger generation-who_are brought up mainly or7solely under tho Communist rule. ...u_a_2112jeztiji_Scial,oieitat Based OnIthe_findings of this investigation'of-the_behavio characteristics of the old and young who have resided in the Communist .during the last decade a tentatiVia4rogneeis will be made as to hoeLfer_an_accomplishment_of the-Commanist Revolutionary_ effort could be_expected from_psychological standpoint. Many of -the above mentioned behavioral_charaeteristits_are:closely interrelated. __Most of these behavior traits are_bred'iiLthe_family from generation_to generation. Therefore in our historical -analysis we shall pay specialiattention_to the cl iem_(the writer prefere this-term to ufamilialism" or family_sy ee). have played a very Japer ant role in the formation of the personality. In our historical_ analysis besides the physical-and neonomic forces, we shall give_a 03144 a critical examination to these-two systems of philosophy_to_tind:out� if any, the evidences to subetentiate my long suspicion-that these two systems of philesophy as they are kAown to-day are partly-oriOnal--and partly invented_by_the later scholars since the In additionto and the public examination systems,-and their:offitially announced purposes and their undetlying secret motives-(which, as far as this writer is aware, have not even been suspected by the Scholars of 41tuVe), and coneequently theAnilding up of the elite-class - known-Ao-theildftijilk Scholars also had had some influence over the personality makeup of th. people, and muct also receive d'40 evaluation in our investigations_ In our itaaination of these two phildnaphital :system!, we shall have occesione_to gather evidande to teat this writer's theory-that well as other systems of 'thought daring the period-Of theatolves the natural products of then prevailing so* al-conditions-or rather of the refleations of the_prevailing_mental moods of the massee-of that period. In the abeence of a supernatural religion and an_organieed-chureht _ it would be a_tresendously difficult taek for any government to achieve social solidarity and social-a'-ability. this was accomplishediby: ( of though came t became an important ingredient of modern ugh "infiltration"); (2) artifidially_building up the " S (3) the building-up of a distorted version of w1ichitaS than Olesely linked up with Olanlswr (4) artificial creation of an elite class; (0 -Setting up an artifioial and maintaining a-natural iron curtain throughont_the centuries; and (6) brute force, as-a-last resort, as a deterrent_for_individnal deviation or disobedience. In our historical investigation-w0-whall try to collect factual evidence ehowing_how_theett-phenomena were accomplished,-and bet they affect the modes-of thinking and patterns of behaviorof_the people during each period. In oltr_Otudy of the Communist psychological_teohniques in ruling we ihall-try to cOnpare-the eimilaritiee and_difterences between rulers and modern Communistsi---and-to find out what the ancient tangible effects on the behavior patterns of the masses have taken place. In this study special attention will 44-devoted_to_the_fact that in the nbovulitI-Of_behavioral characteristic* there_are_certain characteristics_whichlwill work favorably for theComlunist efforts in resolding the society while certain others with their so deep Acre historicalefts_will_work againet-thew. Our work_will_be trying to see how well_the_Communists expleit-the favourable traits and what means they have employed to combat or destroy the unfavourable ones. Relationship, to other ntudiest Many of the above listed behavioral traits o characteristics of the have been frequently mentioned in the ritinex of the experts. But they are very often-fragwentary7andtscatterad7. in various books and articles and more -often than not, either-erroneous, misleading or superficial-in-their-interpretations or evaluations. Ac far- as this writer is aware, there ban been no attempt to put these known cheracteristice together and make a comprehensive-and systematio and scientific study of the. While this writer haa not-had the epportun ity to read tho reeent book by on 'the-basis of summaries and reviews_the_book-seems-to epresen the personil opinions and views of the author rather than coc1n�ions_ drawn from carefully and sYstomaticallY analysed uclentific_data_frem both ecological rind:psycholOgical-points of views.: The same CoMments-- - The took may be applied_ is an excellent and concise _summary and evaluation of-the opinions and vie wa of PrevioualwritersionicuIturalJraditibelof and it has brought forth a number-of-behavioral characterietice-of the which form a part ofjour topies to_be investigatediin_thiaproposed -plan. Bt - book ropra&ents neither_a comprehensive _nor e systematic _study of the ecological. And -paychological faCtoralwhich_are-respo- . - development orthi� entelity ibleifor the a a well-documented andifirst_rate book on Ccnuiznisu up to 1954, but the book bately--teratches the - surface of many_deep ooted.poychological problems_whichiwoiaidLto-- inveatigate in thie_proposed-study. (Chapter 5 of this book contains_a number of interestin _but-not_altogether correct vieaa-aboat history and the basic structure of tne sonl,sty. At should_be regareed as a wellibalanced view_and:preVie4 Of an author,who_seema_to be quite familiar with the_hiatorical-backgroond ofH society, but it can hardly be considered a scientific appreaCh.)- - There are certain advantageS-for-thlifinvestitation being undertaken by a trained psychologist tvho-is completely_conversant with both the mordern and tie classical styles in and who reside,- 1 (1) the project is primarily a psychological research; a) the arials required for this _investigation about history, Culture, and thought cannot be gathered fro original texts ini also essential to lite original- inve nguage-soarcearfhe largely-available terials for the part of the tigations-which_isrelated to the recent Communist_efforts, and these too- are available behavior, personal interview (4) direct obsorvation of the 'since =the Communists took over .of the proposed study. who h-Ave lived in az.e ite&ential part the most strotegie_Pla00 for gathering,thid kAnd-of-Hlive" psychological-data. 1 Duration of_prqjact, � The magnitude-nr-thi$ proposal:is-ouch that many years7prolitably- Ould be devoted-to'-it-.---It is antieiPated, however, eseential parta-=-0fthe-_research_and_reporting can -be_aecempliehed is -- three years. it-is hoped_that_t he_ grant can be made fara7.minialmiof - two years with- some assuranee- of continuation upon: submission :or - -- satisfactory evid ee7cif4regress. 7-N Stiplimentary_Notes is to be noted that_the_lists of_ecologocal.factors (eco- logical variables) ami:behavioral_characteristicsL(defendent variables) are merely tentative onee_and_are_to-be-grouptd.into smaller numbersof_categories_according to thArLsimilaritieS - and differences in nature_and_according to the convenience of the analyticalL-vretedures.AUld_as the_investigation_is_making_ progress, newecological_factors_and_ne_behaviorali,eharacter- /sties willjappear-to_require_attention_and_a_regrouping or reorganization of the categories of both ecologioal7fictors_aml' behavior necesaary so the new factors or new_characteristics,Such_orgenization and re-organization7will_be_reported_to=the_SocietYille soon_as_it is done. The investigator has now commenced_to_workA)ut_somewhat in detail a concrete-pretedUre_forLhistorical_analysis. As_doen as this is completed, a-copy-will be submitted_to.the_Society. _ Detailed procedures fer_observation on_ibehavior-and7interviews and giving tests will_be_worked out in_a_laterLstege It appeersEthat_the_scope_in_the_proposed_Plan-is somewhat vast. However, as soon as the_detailed_h4toridal_proCedure is worked out, the_scope-will be consequently narrowed ,dowa_and_the work in view will be more concrete end precise. The same is applied to observatiOn-ef_behaVi4, interviews and tests in a later stage of_the_investigation. There is 'a relationship between Dr. present re- search and this proposed plan which may be briefly-eatea stated as follows:- (1) Both work_tewarda-the same goal: the scientific wider- standing 0f the national character. ! (2) Dr, ries to reach hisAro4 by:basic-scientific- approach, ewphasing the personality of the individual while this proposed investigation will try to reach its goal-through historico-ecological approach, that is, to find its basic faetors. for the formation of the personalit (3) Dr aim is to discover certain- national characteristics without presumption, hence, his_methodlie-indtetive, while this proposed investigation is more or less_based-on the _ . investigator's previous assumptions which are to be verified by historical analysis, hence, the method is .more deductive than _ inductive. (4) Dr. s interest is primarily in the development of personality:Wthe as a scientific study in psychology, while the present-investigator is also .interested_in_the beatings of the historical-roOted_traits on COmmunist'd revolution and vice-versa.: 1) Book* (Mo.3t17 including boo magazines and - newspapers publish in C OM= last rem which - certain materials related to the proposed ranearOh can be Bifted)_4116weisesee*www*esirwaltee .*.e'si.esse�olkoleffs 4 2) One Assistant 444 44144444temmike4444mernses. *** *** 1, ,-- � 7 � , 3) Contact and entertainment expenses *see ww wi ******* 4MCWO wt.& (For contact with various persons who make to and with the no arrivals from to time); fzquentviLto from. Urn k) Incidental and_m scollaneous ............ . - (Per supplies, - postage, etc.)--'- � , 5) Compensationfor the investigator - - 2i000- SI Durinthesecon& and third years, the following o should- be addiedtO the annual- estimates 1) 31,OOO will be required for travelling rraieoato are to be -made for the asinistant or other persons to travel to , and some rural districts ruled by the Columnist as for north as to gather first - hand data. ZOO for printing interview protocols and tost forms (second year) and for secretarial assistance in preparing reports. , 1 No will undertake, with s approvals 1) to organise -the ecological variables into logical categories 2) to organize the-defendent variables (behavioral -characteristics) into categories; 3) to note in some details the proposed analyst c procedures; 4) to identifi the proposed relationship to my project; 5) to indicate a plan for systematically reducing tha scope of this study and increasing its precision' I'. Novem6se 6, 1959 AEMCRANDUM 10: _ Tho DIredors '-,UBJECTs Fraloct Fropoz44 Cotuilory 3-- The attached propkzol old was smoited by Dr. to YOU VIM I nott thatioucit of the wor o r.. Qtoity a o an* of ortliaal 000fogy but re-Um:4 o Oorilltiult*g ntorost 1rt human behavior. It is Mt that the work or Dr. will oompicroo1 Dr p work ord lll C itat:omplls1W at tr1 t to ( 1 In Enc: 2