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. ? ApplehateEfrcheitagfilsajbegaiiiiiiia44.4iiiik430 00 25X1A = Germany (soviet zonoSECURITY INFORMATION COUNTRY __REPORT NO._ TOPr Military Information from Bernburg i6141.?14..x.s.e......esaamvu. kalile.P.KM asso...*rnarnoos,...matecsm..enraez.^...n.v...-ane,,..fts.,.....nn.w.t.........ttn.m. et?pro,nneorme N.T.z.......Iresa.s.........1...,...? aneetemewAx..enana*o...o.wtIrrout.=, . ameograrmonlaNwomenumaseraweva.?vm tra.sauvarei_....vaven.,7er EVALUATON!! below DATE OF COTE DATE clumilED REFERENCES PAGES ?2 ? ENCLOSURES PLACE REMARKS lo mansorraarceemaosnava.....---Natonmenace. .14410?004M-116.4419.M.SataltoLVMANcekri-4,014Valark ? SOURCE 25X1X (NO. & TYPE) ??????V-? MIA Ad....?11.-0 ? 25X1A E PREPARED__ .,c) 4PTIFIrjqq2 0...am4nIii*OrnimMee,ert.n?.M.-,yunWralt /%1411/4 %\t? Paoft-FmearTlInla IXT.V.M...*?*?re.4?6,{scn eiswensemmermaisommrns.maresar 25X1X 25X1A 1, On 27 and 28 November 19511 the Adolf 'liner Kaserne in Bernburg CU 52/D 76) was occupied ;ao, capacity. Sentries wore black epaulets, Some soldiers veering red- ? bordered 'alack epaulets with tank insignia were seen leaving the billeting area. Troop practiced the construction of barbed-wire obstacles and emergency bridges in the 25X1B barracks yard where there were several piles of square timber and other construction material. Vehicles were seen ? leaving the billeting area, 25X1B 25X1X 25X1X 1B 2. The residential area bounded by Aoessebergs Ilberstedterstraeoes Julius Brummestrasee and An der Roesses which is situated next to the fenced billeting area of the Adolf Hitler lasernep.was also surrounded by a mire fence0 boviet dependents were seen in ? the new restricted area, Unidentified construction was being done in the old amannition depot west of the transmitting tower of the Halle broadcasting station, A fenee vas set-up around an area which was bounded by the Nienburg-Bernburg railroad line an the north by the Bernburg-Neugattersleben read on the casts by the transmittie: tower on the south s and. by the path from aaldau to point 749 paralleling-the.road to Neugatterslebene on the west. About 70 to 103 soldiers with black epaulets were erecting a fence. On 23 Novembers the barracks installation in Bernburg seemed to be occupied almost to capacitate All soldiers observed wore black epaulets with, the exception, of two who wore red-tordered black epaulets with tank insignia. About 150 soldiers were seen receiviva infartry training outside the billeting area, * ? a double page from a copybook which wee_found at the of leers billete on Julius . Bruareestrasse on 14 November contained notes on the combat history of the vritorqs -unit, The notes wore dated 23 November 1950 and read: ? Upon a motion of the workers of. the .Ural 'Use the 743d indep .2raer Bn-was activated in the Ural area inabbruary and :Jarch 1943. The Fourth Tank Arley ma o activated on 1C July 1941. Ti, engineer battalion saw its first combat action west of Orel on 26 - Jay 1943. It :las redesignated as the 131st .Indep is Ener Pn on 23 October 1943. qie offensive on the rightbank of the Dnieper Rivers for the liberation of the Ukra::a6a- began or. 24 eebruarY 1944. The town of Kamenedoisla was seized on 25 ;:earch 1')44 ad -- Romanova- on 17 ,ebruary 19hh. The battalion was awarded the guards flag, It . participated in the seizure of Lvov between 34 June and 27 July ands for this achieveLmnts Was awarded the order of the 'aed atar, The battalion CLASSIFICATION weetttwecammlifs OFIC .ES ONLY CONFIDEIVIATI Approved For Release 2002/01/30: CIA-RDP82-004 Document No. fi No Change In Class. 0 0 Declassified Class. Changed To: TS $ apjfRIIA 6 nate: By: -11 1,10 11111, i Approved For Release 2002/01/30 : CIA-RDP82-00457R010400300007-0 J.Lh1L4A &WNW/CONTROL/US OFFICIALS ON started advancing with the components of the First Ukrainian Front on 12 June 1945 and threw a bridge across the Oder giver between 25 and 30 Juno 19450 kOr the capture of Petrikau, the battalion was awarded the order of Bogdan Khmelnitsky 3d class and, for the seizure of :Jteinau, ileustadts Neisse and Ratibor, the order of Aleksander Nevsky. The battalion participated in tha battle for the liberation of Praue from 5 to 9 Lay 1945. It was awarded the order of Kutuzov 3d class or the battle of Prague anel Berlin. Doring its history, the 131st Indep Gds ..;ngr Bn received 27 unit citations by Conrale [talin0 ** 25X1A *1111W2Fiento The information confirms tho Adolf Hitler Kaserne as quartering compoaentFUrthetilidentified engineer regiment of the GOM up. to 28 Hovolaber ? 19510 ,:;arle source-previosly re.)orted that the ammunition depot .just northwest of Bernburg was imnroved oos;3ibly for the storae of onineer oquixont 25X1A and alimunition, 25X1A ** Conacnt The 131st Gds IIngr Bn is an. old component of the former X Gds ank :Jor.;3377fie present 10th Gds lank Div, The document described in preseat renort shows that, in 1950, the battalion still had its numerical dosigiation of .:;orld ,Jer II. The battalion is believed to he tationeo in .ICramplit. The combat route described in the document agre3s with wartime * inforAation on the combat history of the X ads Tank Cortas which was surnamed. Ural Volunteers. CKWIIAMILOY SZGARWCOMNOL/US OFtICIALS ONLY Approved For Release 2002/01/30 : CIA-RDP82-00457R010400300007-0 25X1A CLAS'SIFICCAISTD4444/FCC); 12. r:11VTC7i.T.S 0rTY 44 Ap(prove Fpr RelleatEG10112a1/20FalifiefOR82r006VRAR40 ?COLINTR'N emeee..fteeateeteeeranaiemotmearMekimsm? ,nrrirArrtr , fa . rin Z.7 Tramiammaemar-olimeeeeirm..-sm....v.,..o---rrneeraecleao-L-crvaszt,an.aa.IiEF? TOPIC F4allyint. VilifArv nmil Sr MaSEAW -weceentreermireeee-seeneenVelrer,e,ez EVALUATION__M_25X1X __PLACE O8TAINED_____25X1A DATE OF CONTENT.---? 25X1A DATE OBTAINED 25X1A ?DATE PREPARED__2_1=-1252._ REFERENCES _rdowermermowereer.-er, W?eira ApifileMilipeaPeeme* ,PAGES_I?ENCLOSURES (NO. & TYPE) REMARKS_ repo. 25X1A seemiell4.111.11 wwwe ereaternieluemeeeelecreeletleeeMen. rtraeledegte??? utnnuorrqs,....e. *es* WeeffegiM.:WreRe al.exMa..40egenSWIMIYIWIIWW1.11=SeiM tmomemeamosorao. remota.. oe 4.1Kraeromeatabaselensaaccdotzus werane.mompantaxaka ..e-swro-n-pswew -entiacraaawern SOURCE 25X1X l.- At 8 a.m. on 25 November 1951, tanks Nos 602x 604, and 607 and two trucks, loaded with boards and practice targets, wore unleaded at the 4olnirstedt (7. 53/Y 61) railroad station by about 50 soldiers and left toward Letzling Heath. 2. Vehicles soon moving to the .,onirstedt railroad station at 3 p.m. on 30 November included tanks Nos 607 and 340, SP gun No 02 and three trucks carrying ammunition boxes. The vehicles wore entrained on 1 December. Five more tanks, including -os 052, 053, loaded uith boxes and bundles, were en trained at 6 p.m. on 1 December and the train loft toward Magdeburg. 3. Two groups of 5 or 6 officers and 150 soldiers arrived at the Wolnirstedt railroad station aboard the 5:30 p.m0 train from 1:olbitz, one group on 3 Do- comber Tld one on 2 December, They proceeded toward Tiagdcburg aboard the 5015 p.m0 express train. The soldiers , ore ?redd-bordered black epaulets with tank insignia. Some of them wore bands around their heads and arms. * 25X1B 25X1A * Commerrt. the three tanks unloaded on 25 25X113 ,!even or belong to the 10th Gds Tank Div, while the tanks entrained at 8 p.m. on 1 December belong to the 136th Gds Hv Tank SP Regt of the Third Shock Armyo The novements indicate that, as at other troop training grounds in the Soviet Zone of :lernany, small detachments conducted firing practice with live anmuni- tion. . PS CLASSIFICATION OMMENTIA04 C2T1(1,/,6 OFVIJI;LS OnY w?loweemeameepoggeW rfitTrument No. -.Ad f No Uangs !a Class, El LI Dadasd Claws. Changed Tos TS $ 1, Atha ji 704 Approved For Release 2002/01/30 : CIA-RD tirwr. 7_0 iyAel,