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Publication Date: 
February 25, 1952
PDF icon EUGENE DOLLMAN (WATTACHME[16303124].pdf193.83 KB
VIA : (Etpeoity air or au poach) To Chief, WE FROM : Chief L SIT13.TECT: ORNERAL- 8PROI1I0- Approved for Release: 2023/07/17 C00868305 ' Soavo4ittf-ileiPermtetterr CLAMIFICATION Eugene DOLLMANN Attached herewith are three copies Ot re Subject. 3-Wash 2-Files Edo CIA SPECIAL COTIECTIONS RELEASE AS SANITIZED 2000 ma WAR CRIMES DISCLOSURE 2000 EXEMPTIONS Section 3(b) (2)(A) Privacy (2)(B) Methods/Sources � (2) (G) Foreign Relationsp Swar�em".11�Irmith Int a...ikati ern C "" � 51 28A MAR 1949 CLASS' F I CATi; ON iR COPY Approved for Release: 2023/07/17 C00868305 8--03043-1 aro Approved for Release: 2023/07/17 C00868305 - To FRC C '1 Subject: :_?eneral--i:- Seecific--Eugene DOTJMANN Source �:r_ Reference: 1: 3 _ -J L J 11 February 1952 1....-Subject has been in -contact with.1,1ilenE. for the past few months, working on the hidden anus �-roject mentioned. in referenced report. As the operation ero,7essedr_ determined that the arms in question amounted to much lee than the Ithole armament of a German Panzer Division; however, from all apeJearances, the quantity of the arms is still believed. o7!a. con- siderable.r - �1 efforts are aimed at locating the cache,-which-.s prob- ably located somewhere in Southern Tyrol on this sine of the Italo-Austrian border, and eventually confiscating it. 7 2. In the .course of this operation Subject has been in contact wita _ who has been acting as a go-between. All correspondence fran Sub iect and the other personalities involved in the search has been addressed tot n has also cone in direct contact with Subject an, has taken iT D.trips with Subject and ,it _; D. (to Southern Tyrol once, and to Inns-e. bruck, Austria, another time) to meet individuals whom Subject had stated would eventually lead them to the arms' cache. (NOTE: . C_ 3. Subject has received various sums of money front in the course of this eperaticn; the .total can be estielated at roughly 150,000 lire. \ 4. It will be remembered that Subject. originally cro 4)d into-Switzerland with an Italian passport made out to the name of -11;us-= D.V-:;,,N, under which � alias he has been livinL� in aneano. This passeo ia >tovided byt. and, when the time came fereits renewal (probably around mid-January 1952) Subject surrendered it ter ;) .and 1^.-, 11 for reAewal. Subject there- fore is at eresent without any documontz. 5. On 31 January 1952E )\received a teleehone call. from Subject in Lu7ano, reeucstine an urgent meet',ne in the Chiassc main square in connection with an important massaee. Subject adaed tha:. he. could not say too much over the telephone. t 21was, or played, ill, anr'. referred the matter to :( -):, the .ntter agreed to go up meet bubect -Ind took C. 3 with him. The apeointment had been fi: a -for 1)00 hours, 1 -r7MITM.ry. Upon croseirn; t:;e homer C_ .: ran into . 2? and another sindiidual, who later out to be a swiss FlderarTnpector. from .Berne. ((1-'-. 1�.... :iin tnis capacity scei... 7,1 Approved for Release: 2023/07/17 C00868305 Approved for Release: 2023/07/17 C00868305 t: � ge 2 -occasionally and on one occasion had. lunch with ,( 1. in Eilan.) ) and ce .. ''' e--charged .freetines and ( )later remembered that .Y cracked to his comnanion: inde should take this boy to Berne with -us". . Eventually ( )mentioned that he had aL apointment in a cafe of the main . square in.Chiasso and went on. (_ , ...).stoccl there chatting with ( 1 k V and the other man. As ,C ) reported later, it wasn't long be� fore the man from Berne tugged- n{..,, ')Is sleeve and broke the conversa� tion up. �. 6. Meanwhile t ) had met Subject in a cafe on the main square of Chiasso, � very near the frontier.. The conversation, dealing with the developments of � the arms' OperatiOn�hed not progressed very far before (. - .S'and his-. . partner appeared. .1;Then thee, did, t .); upon entering the cafe and see� in- I talking to Subject, spontaneously'remakred "So it was you1" or. words to .that effect. t_ . )! promptly asked fe. � ) and the otherman to it in on the comeersatien (which they did) to show them that his Ohl, reason for seeing Subject on Swiss territory was to obtain imforelation on a matter affecting Italian jurisdiction. From the conversation the purpose of Sub� jectle telephone ca12 becaae clearer. 7. Subject had been under very close surveillance by the 3wiss Federal Pollee Tor the past few days (it may he inferred that it was since he was without eth: docements). Subject's ever; move and :hone calls had been mohi-- tored, :ith 'ene.el,:dee. It therefore to be presumed that Subject had attempted to .ingratiate erith the Swiss to e-et.tj__ .31 into a trap. (Subject probably did not have a clear idea of .ehot. actually is.) Th.. fact that subject not warn ( )) of the impending danger during the few eeinutes which-they were tu epeak erivatele lends credence to this thecry. ( )1, who is reported to be rather gullible, as ppposed to his companion who is stated by (_ to be leuch keener, blew (� partially by ceiling him "C',ptein" in reont of Subject, who was thus abTh to confirm zny euspicions he eijet have he.d tne paet ebeut his bein connected with - 3. �'.',hen it bec=,m,, clear that the trap wae not �).ein., t, snare its quarry (st, -1 being enown to t ) as an r.V . 1. the cards were laide_ on the'tnble and '). asked .-1, Yfor the helj 71 in getting .51..!ject eat of 3witzeelend. Subject, ( .aid, had too many debts (a veey erave eisaceeeanor in Swiss eyee); h'a added that it ,::ould be ap� preciated if the Italiane could riU Switzerland of Subject. ( , ). dodged the issue or the Amc, pending consultation with :j.e ?.. The COU75 of action was then discussed between r. ____..3. office and r (- ;I 0 iia,... the pasceort .ior renewd.r --( I opposed heving Sub� ject enter Italy, nartLcularle becauee of the proble::. of ,:ho would .pay. for 'Subject's k . eep.r . 22 feels that 3u4ect is completcl, finished as far a3 intel'.igence eossibilities are concerned, and has stated that he will not SeM:ITY 1171e:.e..2ieN Approved for Release: 2023/07/17 C00868305 Approved for Release: 2023/07/17 C00868305 - gOORLT. 4iTtreithfit Page: 37 spend any more money on him. He felt tnat the Swiss should put Subject over the Austrian or German border and let him go on from there on his own. � 10.C* - .was summoned to C ._)during the week of 4 February (during: which time he saw E 1. Shortly after his return to I ''j, towards the end of the week, '"ubject was turned over to the Italians at the Italo- Community in Via 1,1 cqva, Milan, on :Thursday, 7.February.- Subject was Swiss border. He a.s whisked to the "Angelicum", house of the Franciscan \ turned over to I\ j',� OFIA, who appearrs to have hidden him so that eve* )3 doe\not know his present whereabouts. 11, expected that a fill-in on the details of the last paragraph will be obtained shortly. 12. E--- 3 COMENT: L .r... has promised to .furnish data on developments. Data on details of the arms cache, which involves Sudtyrolen Volksyiartei � .,. personalities, are also forthcoming. Prepared by L -1 .a.w.crpgg 3 Approved for Release: 2023/07/17 C00868305