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Approved for Release: 2023/01/11 C00018207 � 8 June 1972 BEST COPY AVAILABLE SITUATION INFORMATION REPORT Ten international unions representing more than 4, 000,000 workers will officially participate in a "Labor for Peace" conference at the headquarters of the International Brotherhood of Teamsters Local 688 in St. Louis on 23-24 June. 'The purpose of the conference is to establish a new "Labor for Peace" organization whose principal aim will be to bring an im- mediate end to the war in Southeast Asia. The international unions participating in the conference include the following: The International Brotherhood.of Teamsters; United Auto Workers; Amalgamated Clothing Workers; AFL-CIO; the West Coast International Longshoremen 'Union; the United Electrical, Radio and Machine Workers; the National Council of Distributive Workers; the National Hospital Union; the International JeWelry Workers; and the Furniture Worker's Union. The "Labor for Peace" group is being spearheaded by the leadership of the United Auto Workers. Leftist labor leaders back- ing the antiwar group are: David Livingston, secretary treasurer of the Distributive Workers of America; Harold Gibbons, international vice president of the Teamsters; Clifton Caldwell, vice president of the Amalgamated Meat Cutters Union and William Simons, vice presi- dent of the American Federation of Teachers. David Livingston who was once active in the Young Communist League organized the Communist Party-led "bring-the boys-home- strikes" in the mid 1940's. He is currently a spokesman for the CPUSA influenced Peoples Coalition for Peace and Justice. Harold J. Gibbons was once active in the Workers Defense League (1951) an affiliate of the Socialist Party (a Marxist organization), the National Council Against Conscription (a cited Communist front group in 1948), and is currently a spokesman for the National Peace Action Coalition which is controlled by the Trotskyite Socialist Workers P3rty. William Simons of-the Washington, D.C. teachers union was most vocal backer of the left-Wing "Childreris March for Survival!' Q. \,U"iL; j 'F. � trpii L�tr:'1. � Ker.�� a.... (FA, � Approved for Release: 2023/01/11 C00018207 � .��� 1��:.� �4'..�11 � 1.-anr, � =���� 0.4 s. � . � �Approved for Release: 2023/01/11 C00018207 dilort." held in Washington, D.C. on 25 March 1972. Hanoi traveler Clifton Caldwell is currently advocating the complete and immediate with- drawal of all American military forces from Indochina on Hanoi's terms. Livingston, Gibbons, and Caldwell recently returned from North Vietnam (April 72) wheee they conferred with Le Duc Tho, Hanoi's chief Paris negotiator and other Communist chieftains. Upon their return to the states, the three trade union leaders condemned the United States participation in the war and called for the U.S. to accept.the current Hanoi peace package. Promoters of the new "Labor for Peace" organization promise to mobilize the rank and file of the labOr.movement and its leaders to bring the Vietnam War to an immediate end. Some 1,500 to 2,000 official trade union delegates are expected to attend the proposed con- ference. Actually, the new group is an effort to undercut AFL-C10 Chief George Meany, a consistent supporter of U.S. policy in Vietnam. In 1967 a similar effort, the "Labor Assembly for Peace" was staged and judged a dismal failure because few working men would support a sellout to the Communists in Southeast Asia. It is felt that the "Labor for Peace" Conference in June will also fail to acc mplish its goal. It';!�. 4.1 1/ _1 ti CALENDAR OF TENTATIVELY SCHEDULED ACTIVITIES Asterisked items are either reported for the first time, or contain additions or changes to previously reported activities. *Date unknown, Washington, D.C., Baltimore, Md. A Lithuanian anti-Communist Emigre Organization has announced tentative plans to hold a number of peaceful demonstra- tions in various U.S. cities to protest the denial of religious freedom by Soviet occupation forces in Lithuania. Lithuanian officials are discussing plans for a demonstration to be held in Washington and Baltimore but have not decided on a date. The themes of the demonstrations will be "stop religious persecution for Lithuaniar4and "freedom for Lithuania." r ,24.%/ f! :3 ;) 5 114/ 7. *8June, Alameda, California _ Reportedly, antiwar organizers are lanning a demonstration f "et _ I), gy A") . - � Approved for Release: 2023/01/11 C00018207 � Approved for Release: 2023/01/11 C00018207 � at the Naval Air Station on the above date. The purpose of the demon- stration is to protest the sailing of the aircraft carrier USS Oriskany from Alameda to Soptheast Asia. No major problems anticipated. Kt. n-ct 71 ,t- *9-11 June, Alhany, New York Officials of the National Welfare Ridits Organization have announced plans for an Eastern Regional Survival Conference to be held at the Sheridan Intowne (3t)0 Broadway) on the above dates. Scheduled to address the conference are Senator George McGovern, author of the NWRO sponsored bill calling for a guaran- teed family income of $6500 for a family of four and Rep. Shirley Chisholm, leader of the National Womens Political Caucus. Other scheduled speakers are Gloria Steinetri, women's liberation leader and Eleanor Holmes, chairwoman of the New York City Commission on Human Rights. The NWRO also has scheduled a national conference to be held July 5-9 at the Coronet Hotel (20th and Collins Avenue) in Miami Beach, Florida. ' 1, ' :) 7 il/Y7.:3- itt � ,( *10 June, Washington, D.C. A children's march to urge the end of the Vietnam War will be held on the above date. Principal sponsors of the demonstration are sons of directors of the Institute of Political Studies, which has been identified as the "Think Tank of the New Left." Leaders of the demonstration are expecting 150 participants composed pri- marily of children under the age of 14 accompanied by their parents. Demonstrators will assemble in MacPherson Square at 1 p.m. for a rally, which will be followed by a march around the White House. (.1 9? .3/1 *13 June, Washington, D.C. The Congressional Black Caucus has announced the establish- ment of an annual Adam Clayton Powell Memorial Award to exem- plify the high standards of the late lawmaker. Rep. Louis Stokes stated the first award will be presented at the organization's $100 a plate national banquet on the above date. - e, *19 June,- Atlanta, Georgia The Atlanta Coordinating Committee, a loosely knit coalition of antiwar groups, has announced plans to demonstrate against President Nixon during his scheduled trip to Atlanta on the above dlte. Antiwar leaders are,contemplating actions which will include a picket line in fi-ont_of the civic center where President Nixon will 'speak and will be followed by a rally. Efforts will be made to hand 6- 7)6,91 e iftece.A.A. .4. ��:�-���� � -.. � � � - 4,4.����?...�.�,....:71'.1 ���-� f ��%"" :fir.; �-.,�-� : �kt*-- .:?"0"" � � � �-�.^-� ���.�- eart" 4". � � �-��� `-'�� _�-.�-;;;;"'"-� � . � '4 ' � ...,�.:�!/"Y.444' ,.1.,24-�rt.� � ����������� � ������� � Approved for Release: 2023/01/11 C00018207 a. � . � � �� � -- .-.. �����41,. Approved for Release: 2023/01/11 C00018207 President Nixon a peace plan; however, the demonstration will be focused on legal mass action, which does not according to ACC spokesmen rule out the use of civil disobedience. 6 *22 June, Washington, D.C. 7. -2- The Instittte for the Study of Nonviolence, an antiwar organiza- tion founded by folk singer Joan Baez in 1965, plans to sponsor a "Ring Around the Congress" antiwar demonstration at the Capitol Building on the above date.. plans call for mass encirclement of the Capitol by mothers and their children to show "American outrage" at the Vietnam War. After encircling the Capitol, the protesters are scheduled to break up into groups, visit individual memb-eis of Congress and ask them to sign statements supporting an immediate cut-off of funds for the war. Demonstrators are then instructed to reassemble either in the Capitol Rotunda or on the steps of the Capitol to conduct a public "roll call" to determine which House and Senate members signed the state- ments. Joan Baez, current president of IFSN, civil rights activist Coretta Scott King, actresses Candice Bergen and Jane Fonda, and folk singer Judy Collins (all antiwar activists) Nan to join .in the above protest. In addition, La Donna Harris, wife of Senator Fred Harris (D-Okla.) is attempting to Organize a Congressional wives contingent which may include the wives of Senators George S. McGovern (D-S.D.), Edward M. Kennedy (D-Mass.), Philip A. Hart (D-Mich.) and others. The estimated size of the proposed demon- stration is unknown at this time. LIYI 1.4. 0 f. (,/,. *24 June, Oakland, California Huey P. Newton, the co-founder of the radical Black Panther Party and current "servant of the people", recently announced that the party was eschewing its policy of "non-involvement" in politics. D. Pursuing its new course of "establishment" politics, the BPP endorsed black Congresswoman Shirley Chisholm (D-N. Y.) for president on 27 April 1972. In addition, the ne\y. "non-militant" Newton-Seale faction of the B PP has scheduled another mass voter registration drive, with free groceries for all, at the Oakland Auditorium between noon and 6 p.m. "on the above date. A-.," A/*"(1-~' - .-,,-.- Vt 517 ,2._ � 1.4, 4... � ila 0: t, -.../. e(L.,-,-� -,..., 4,, ,-A e, � 2.���� ���." �,��� .� :$ � 'Approved for Release: 2023/01/11 C00018207 .4�-',"�*c..ce.....,�4S-...�� � � 1����� � � -) . _����� � ���,.....� - - Approved for Release: 2023/01/11 C00018207-.'""*. ����� ersmikmairamm � Speakers will include Bobby Seale, the current chairman of the BPP; Ericka Huggins, a Panther leader who stood trial for mur- der a year ago with Seale in the gang killing of Alex Rackley at New Haven (hung jury); and Ray "Masai" Hewitt, the current Black Panther Party minister of education. /,� a ea-r, ",/-,117,-, (./�-� V% � � 441i g , t( �� � -1/1/1/4 he � - � e:�:). /7 *28 June.; Washington, D.C. / 7-) Nine antiwar activists, including pediatrician Dr. Benjamin Spock and Yale Chaplain William Sloan Coffin, will stand trial on the above date charged with unlawful entry. *The nine defendants were part of a crowd of 130 antiwar demon- strators who unlawfully remained in the. U.S. Capitol Rotunda after closing time on 16 May 72. With the -3-cception of the above nine who pleaded not guilty, the -remaining defendants entered a plea of nobo contendere (no contest, neither admitting guilt nor claiming innocence) which was accepted by the Superior Court handling the above cases. A $25 fine or two day sentence (with credit for time already , served) was imposed on the 'no contest" defendants. c---4 *29 June, New York City The Angela Davis Legal Defense Fund has announced a fund raising concert to be held in Madison Square Garden on the above date. An all star cast will include Nina Simone, Chita Rivera, Carmen McCrae, Ossie Davis, the Persuasions, Jimmy Witherspoon and others. � / L4 7.4k/ 7 � � 1(.. te. - Recently a jury acquitted Miss Davis of charges of murder, kidnaping and conspiracy stemming from the shootout in the Mann County Courthouse in August 1970. At a press conference Davis stated she will support all "political prisoners" and their fight for freedom. Presumably, unless the event is cancelled, funds raised at New York will be used to assist the so-called political prisoners. , :;�.� � ,� SOURCE: Government and News Media RELIABILITY: Probably True � 5 � � � � %ft. � 3 � ���� 4 ��;%:. ";�1'� , " .1: e � Approved for Release: 2023/01/11 C00018207 � I..