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Publication Date:
February 13, 1970
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I. The Washington Committee to Defend the Conspiracy met
on 5 February 1970, and discussed plans for "TDA" (the day after
the verdict in the trial of the Chicago 7). This meeting and earlier
ones were led by Richard Davis (brother of Rennie, one of the
Chicago defendants) and one Betty Gartnan, �a protest activist who
reportedly was one of those arrested during the mid-October "Wea-
therman" riots in Chicago. A reliable source of information reflects
that the 14 persons attending the meeting decided that "TDA" action
will start at 4:00 p.m. (evening rush hour to increase disruption) on
the day following the verdict. Demonstrators will march from George
Washington University to the Watergate Apartments where Attorney
General Mitchell resides. The demonstrators will not apply for a
permit and plan. to confront police if stopped. The demonstration is
planned to humiliate and embarrass the attorney general. If not
locked out, they will tour (and probably vandalize) the Watergate to
see how the ruling class people live."
At the same time as the Watergate march, a synchronized
"diversionary group" is scheduled to march on theoDepartment of
Justice building where they will place a "For Sale" sign. The Wash-
ington Committee expects from 1,000 to 1,500 participants (probably
an exaggerated estimate).
In previous meetings (late January and early February) a
number of alternative action strategies were discussed and may still
be in the committee's protest bag. The alternatives included the
placing of anti-war signs on the Iwo Jima Memorial, a demonstration
at the house of J. Edgar Hoover, throwing ketchup-filled balloons at
the Watergate Apartments and holding a "Guerrilla Theater" play
entitled "The Rape of Justice." In this presentation actors nortray
the attorney-general and other politicians who "rape" justice, a role
played by a girl.
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.At one of the earlier meetings, Betty Garman (mentioned
a.tacr-trt-:) ettl yv,i3CCI that 511C hail checked nut a building belonging to CIA
as a possible demonstration site on "TDA." No additional details,
or the location of the CIA building Garman had in Mind, are known
at this time.
The exact date of "TDA" is not definitely ascertainable. The
case will probably go to the jury late Thursday or Friday. � Because
of the mass accumulation of testimony, the jury will be virtually
unable to come to a quick verdict. Further, they may or may not
deliberate on Sunday. The best guess is-that the verdict will not be
rendered until Monday or Tuesday (16 or 17 February) at the earliest.
Committee leaders promise "TDA" demonstrations regardless of con-
viction or acquital. "TDA" activities are also planned in other cities.
The founding convention of the new CPUSA political yotith
organization was held at Chicago between 7 and 9 February. The
convention, attended by about 400 delegates, claims a current mem-
bership of 800 in 30 urban areas. It is expected that the new organi-
zation (designed to replace the monolithic and moribund W. E. B.
duBois Clubs) will not ostensibly be tied to-the parent as tightly as
its predecessors have been thus, hopefully, being more. attractive, to
the nondoctrinaire and multi-varied Marxist adolescents. �The new
organization's name (in typical CPUSA character) is Young (Communist)
Workers' Liberation League (YWLL).
The New Mobe met recently and announced their "winter-spring
offensive." They will not attempt, during this period, to stage another
mass demonstration on the order of last November 15, at Washington,
D.C., and San Francisco. Instead, the New Mobe leaders clan smaller
protests centered in many American cities and hitting hard at certain
themes at certain times.
The first effort comes next week (14-21 February) allegedly
in 100 U.S. cities and is obviously designed to encourage more Negroes
to take part in future anti-war activities, an area in which the New Mohe
umbrella has failed dismally to date. An additional emphusis is aimed
at what the New Mobe calls political prisoners. The political prisoner
issue will tend to highlight the plight of the Black Panthers, the Dow
Company trespassers (thelD.C. 9) and, of course, the Chicago*
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Conspiracy 7. Most, if not all, of the Chicago 7 are wheels in the
rqc..Icatay. MVO L es peCiany world traveller Rennie Davis and admitted
revolutionary communist David Dellinger. Although the two February
causes (repression of blacks and political prisoners) will be staged
throughout the country, the main focus will be on Chicago and Wash-
ington, D.C. Either by design or designed coincidence, New Mobe
February demonstrations will undoubtedly overlap with TDA activities
planned by the Washington Committee to Defend the Conspiracy. Such
coordinated planning will probably increase the mob size and has already
resulted in added news media (free) publicity.
During the week, Mobe leaders plan teach-ins, marches and
rallies against "Nixon's repression," climaxing on the last day, 21
February, with a mass march to the DC. courts. On February 18,
a demonstration is scheduled for the Justice Department building.
Demonstrations will include guerrilla theater skits and mock trials
designed to embarrass U.S. District Judge Julius Hoffman and Govern-
ment officials. It is also reported (reliability unknown) that on the 21st
protestors will infiltrate the regular FBI tour and attempt to disrupt
and embarrass that bureau. 9 /1'4 i 9 7 0 1-1 Nue
The New Mobe, which falsely claims to advance a peace in
Vietnam major theme (but actually is directed toward a� communist
revolution in America) represents more than 100 peace interested
organizations ranging from the National Council of Churches to the
CPUSA. In its "back to the grass roots" winter-spring planning,
March will be anti-draft and April anti-income tax. In March. New
Mobesters will try to disrupt as many draft boardsoas possible through
a "dialogue of confrontation." During the week (16 to 22 March) the
19th has been selected as the day of large scale, nonviolent confronta-
tion with draft board employees. The April week (13th through the 19th)
will deal with the Vietnam impact on the economy and will encourage
tax resistance and the withholding of income taxes. More information
on March and April events will be forthcoming in subsequent Situation
Information Reports. Plans for Easter weekend are still vague and
� contradictory, but the peaceniks will certainly not miss the chance to
exploit the resurreetion of Jesus Christ.
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Asterisked items are epither reported for the first time, or
contain additions or changes to previously reported activities.
Plans arc in the making now for the next big action on the West
Coast, a War Crimes Tribunal to indict the California educational
system for its alleged complicity with the war in Vietnam. Intensive
.research is being carried out in Student Mobilization Commitrees all
over the state, including Stanford. Efforts are also being made to
bring high school students and GI's into the peace movement and to
support the GE workers'strike, the Black Panthers, and the Chicago 7.
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*February 1970, Washington, D.C.
The Washington Committee to Defend the Conspiracy will
sporisor demonstrations on TDA (The Day After) the verdict in the
trial of the Chicago 8. (See Highlights I.) I r"./
February 1970, Washington, D.C. �
A second Freedom Rally supporting the U.S. position in the
Vietnam War will be held at Constitution Hall. The February rally,
to be held indoors because of unpredictable winter weather, will
hopefully, according to organizers, have a number of "big name
entertainers" as well as Senators and Congressmen at the events.
No further details to date. � Al 14.5,A � 1111 it1n 2. c. I; � rt.'
11 February to 28 April, Washington, D.C.
From the first day of Lent to the last day of Passover two
peace grcaps, Clergy and Laymen Concerned about Vietnam and the
Pacifist Fellowship of Reconciliation, will fast and picket the White
House. These organizations must tenew their city permits wedekly.
All group members will' fast for one 24-hour period during demon-
stration and several have volunteered to fast the entires75 days..
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*12-15 February San Francisco, California
A source advised that several members of the extremist
BPP in San Francisco traveled to 1,..os Angeles yesterday for the
purpose of insuring that the BPP and sympathetic organizations
were planning activities to celebrate the birthday of Huey P. Newton,
February 17; he is the jailed BPP minister of defense. A group
called the Friends of the Panthers is planning to hold a rally some-
time between February 12 and 15, and one of the proposed speakers
is communist party member Angela Davis. Another source advised
that BPP national headquarters has instructed all chapters to organize
activities in celebration of Newton's birthday L'1"/�;1 3, ie
14-15 February, Cleveland, Ohio
The SMC is sponsoring a conference at Case Western Reserve
University, Cleveland, Ohio, February 14-15 to discuss the tliture of
the anti-war movement. The meeting is open to all youth organiza-
tions and individuals opposed to the war in Vietnam. � Participants in
the conference will formulate plans for protest activities during the
coming spring and will discuss methods to force ROTC from campuses
and methods to end University research for the Government. So far,
workshops are being planned on: United national mass actions, anti-
complicity, struggles on the campus, high schoor organizing, anti-war
GI's; workers struggles and the GE strike, women's liberation, third
world liberation, and legal and political defense. Registration will
begin 5 p.m. 13 February and the conference itself will begin at 10 4;.7
,.� � � �
a.m. , Saturday, 14 February.
14-15 February, Cleveland, Ohio
The steering committee of the New Mobilization Committee
to End the War in Vietnam will also meet at Cleveland, Ohio,. on
February 14-15 to formulate plans to coordinate a movement to
recruit high school students, college students, and a representative
number of Negroes into the anti-war movement. 7, /
14-21 February'
The New Mobilization Committee to End the War in Vietnam
plans a series of demonsttations 14-21 February to support
people and to support the defendanti in the current Chicago,
anti-riot law trial. (See Highlights III.
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t'-',14 -2 1 rc.hetiavy, Ctkics.go, Illinois
The New Mobe announced at Chicago, on 6 February that
demonstrations will be held daily at Chicago during "Anti-Repression
Week." The demonstrations will support the Chicago 8 and indivi-
duals who expressed dissent against the United States. NMC officials
announced they were calling for participation of hundreds of thousands
of individuals across the natiott. Demonstrations are scheduled at
Boston and Seattle for "the day after" the trial ends. At Seattle, the
demonstrators claim they will "run out"_of their jobs United States
marshals, United States attorneys, and senators. T./4:: //2,.� 7
15 February, New York City, New York
A confidential informant of a Government agency advised on
7 January that the Black Panther Party is planning a "National Bene-
fit" on the weekend of 15 February to commemorate the birthday of
Huey P. Newton, minister of defense of the BPP who is presently in /-
prison.. A National Guard Armory and a local theater in New York City
are being considered as the possible location for the affair.
*Week of February 15, Brooklyn, New York .
The Black Solidarity Day Committee, a coalition or Negro
groups in Brooklyn. New York, has designated the week of February
15 as "Black Liberation Week." Leaflets being distributed by that
organization call for all black New Yorkers to join in scheduled activ-
ities charging the United States Government with gfnocide against
blacks and urging blacks to unite in the "struggle for survival." These
activities reportedly will include special programs memorializing .,/,-/7.1
Illinois B.PP leaders Fred Hampton and Mark Clark who were killed
in a shootout with Chicago police in December 1969. FYI- //11(.;.-201(iri
16-22 February, New York City, New York
The week of February 16-22 will be observed in New York
City as Black Liberation Week to make the community aware of the
"grave peril facing us. and to organize new common strategies for our
protection,." at least so said a group of black leaders at a news con-
ference in ITarlem on 23 January. The leaders were from many different
political and ideological backgrounds, including the New York Urban
League, the CPUSA, thc New York Urban Coalition and the Unfted
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- Black Women's Political League. The week has also been desig-
nated as Black History Week.
Seven days of activities are being planned for Black Liber-
ation Week.
On Monday, February 16, blacks will be asked to stay home
from work or to participate iria fifteen minute work stoppage. They
will be urged not to shop "downtown" department stores that day and
a mass rally is intended at I.S. 201 Haplem at 10 a.m.
Day-long activities will also be scheduled for a Black Political
Prisoners' Day; a Black Children of the Struggle Day: a Tribute to
Black Mothers of the Struggle Day; and on the 21st the anniversary of
Malcolm X's assassination. On the 22nd black churches will have
readings of the names of blacks who have been imprisoned or killed
for civil rights activities.
*21 February, Atlanta, Georgia
The Atlanta Mobilization Committee (a local umbrella repre-
senting the Student Mobe, SDS RYM, YSA,. SWP: GI dissenters and
several other anti-war or communist forces) will peacefully picket
the Marriot Motel with the main slogan "U.S. out of VietnAm Now"
during Vice President Agnew's address at a Republican fund-raising
21, 22,. and 23 February, San Pedro, California
The Peace. and Freedom Party held their pre-convention at
the YMCA, 1530 Buchanan Street, San Francisco, on November 28,
29, and 30. Attendance varied from a low of 15 to a high of 40 per-
sons. Candidates for political office were discussed. There was
much disagreement, shouting, and the use of four letter words; how-
ever, they finally set a date and place for their state convention. At
present the Peace�and Freedom Party is very splintered and at a low
ebb. .
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*22 February, Los Angeles, California
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� The Vietnam MoraVrinm committee (VMC), Los Angeles,
California, has applied for permission to use the Los Angeles fnemor-
ial coliseum for a fund-raising-folk rock festival on February 22.
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T cr-rnrirri ittc cxpr- c- to tin avid inn r 60,000 t 95,000
Permission to use the coliseum will be granted if the committee can
deposit $35.000 for rental plus a surety bond of $100,000 by Febru-
ary 9.
*28 February, Los Angeles California
The Brown Berets are.planning to stage another Chicano Mora-
torium march starting at Atlantic Park, 6th Street and Atlantic Blvd.
The moratorium is in the planning sta.grat_this tirn an further infor-
mation will be forthcoming._ � � � �Ibiki0 5,4 Ph Nick r
*March, San Jose, California
The SDS RYM faction is planning to close the Student Union at
San Jose State College during industrial recruiting in March. #
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2 March, Bel Air, Maryland
H. Rap Brown, head of the Student National Coordinating Com-
mittee, who has been free on $10,000 bond in connection with charges
stemming from racial disorders in July 1967 on Maryland's Eastern
Shore, is scheduled to be tried on 2 March 1970. William B. Kunstler,
Brown's attorney to defend him on the charges of arson and inciting to
riot, is also chief counsel for the Chicago 8. He may be cited on con-
tempt charges for his handling of the Chicago case and the Brown trial
may be again postponed. On 12 January the Supreme Court turned
aside Brown's plea that his forthcoming trial be shifted back to Cam-
bridge, Maryland. 1,1.16.1 1 j/- !;--jjr. ; /J. :(
*6, 7, 8 March, Chicago, Illinois
A group'of civil rights, church, labor and peace figures has
called an emergency conference to defend the "inalienable right" of
the BPP to "take its program to the neople." Sponsored by the Emer-
gency Conference Committee of 417 East 47th Street, the conference
will be held at the Church of the Epiphany, 201 South Ashland Avenue,
Chicago, Illinois, and will he co-chaired by Ossie Davis, Dick Gregory,
for James Groppi, BPP leader Bobbie Rush and Mrs. Angie Dikerson
of the World pearr Council. Initiating sponsors will include communists
dr. Herbert Aptheker, Cllarlene Mitchell, and William L. Patterson
as well as others of similar persuasion.
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*6-13 March, Cleveland, Ohio
The First National Conference of the "American Student
Movement (Anti-Imperialist)" will-be held in Cleveland, Ohio,
from March 6-13. The "Statement of the Formation of the Amer-
ican Student Movement (Anti-Imperialist)" conimences as follows:
"Recognizing" (deficiencies in our form of government are
stated)... "Therefore: We announce the formation of the American
Student Movement (Anti-Imperialist) which conies forward to serve
the interest of the working and oppressed people who will totally and
completely defeat U.S. Imperialism through armed revolution and
the establishment of the dictatorship of the proletariat." Several
tasks of this organization are outlined; one ta which is to "wage mass
democratic struggles in the universities against all forms of bourgeois
ideology and to combat the rise of fascism." fi4t-',,:� � C'f'ef.
*23-27 March, 8:30 p.m. EST, National Educational Television
National Educational Television (NET) will devote an unpre-
cedenteel 6-hour block of prime time March 23 to 26 for the showing
of "Trial--The City and County of Denver .vs. Lc). ren R. Watson." The
documentary marks the first time that the complete scope of a single examined on an American television program.
The program is broken into four 90-minute portions to cor-
respond with the trial's four days. As a result, the usual NV
schedule has been preempted so that these portions, may be presented
on successive nights (Monday through Thursday) from 8:30 to 10 p.m.
Loren Watson, the defendant in the trial, was arrested by a
Denver patrolman and charged with resisting and interfering with a
police officer. "The issue has national implications, involving
police and Panthers, the American system and the blackman," notes
Don Dixon, NET's director of public affairs programming. "The case
is really a microcosm,. reflecting one of our country's most critical
concerns." The antagonism between Watson and the Denver police
forms a subcurrent within the trial and is a basir of Attorney Leonard
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Davies' derense of Watson.
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"We wanted to represent the ritual drama of American justice,"
says producer Robert M. Fresco. "Therefore, everything within the
trial is placed chronologically in the documentary." Within four days,
Fresco has interspersed interviews-with Watson, Davies, Judge Zita
Weinshienk, Assistant City Attorney Wright Morgan, prosecutor in this
case, and police officer Robert C. Cantwell, who made the charge
against Watson.
NET Journal--"Trial�The City and County of Denver vs.
Loren R. Watson" will be seen on most Df the public television stations
� across the U.S. that are interconnected by NET. Local broadcast
times and dates may vary, however.
27 March, 15 April, and 30 May, Nationally
Although plans are still not definite, there is strong liVlibood
that the New Mobe will sponsor nationwide demonstrations on these
dates. These activities will be decentralized to cities all over the
On March 27 (Good Friday), the theme will be opposition to the
draft: on April 15 (Income Tax day), among other things, supporters
will be urged to withhold what they feel are "war taxes.." and on May
30 (Memorial Day), support will be given to GI's for Peace in Vietnam.
SOURCE: Government and news media.
RELIABILITY: Probably true.
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