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� � � 41611RINEMPOINNIWIIP Approved for Release: 2023/01/11 C00018161 BEST COPY AVAILABLE 18 June .1,70 izo 7.3 SITUATION INFORMATION REPORT CALENDAR OF TENTATIVELY SCHEDULED ACTIVITIES. Asterisked items are either reported for the first time, or contain additions or changes to previously reported activities. Summer, Nationwide The Weatherman faction of SDS will probably be heard from again this summer. As was widely predicted, the Weatherman "Days of Terror" demonstrations last October in Chicago where 284 arrests were made (the largest campus contingent was Kent State with 9) flopped badly. The remnants of the Weatherman faction have now been driven underground. The Weatherman leadership, which presently includes Mark Rudd, Bernardine Dohrn and others, since October has been reported meeting twice, once immediately following the October demon- strations in a remote Illinois state park and again around Christmas time at Flint, Michigan. Subsequent Weatherman events have been the explosion of the New York bomb factory and a federal indictment against 12 charged With violation of the riot laws in connection with the Chicago demonstration. � Since last fall Weatherman philosophy has obviously changed from one of mass membership to one of an elite core of revolutionary terrorists (a ievolutionary vanguard). It cannot be logically suppose.d that the New York bomb factory was the only one. Widely circulated in recent weeks is a communication from the underground allegedly authored by Bernardine Dohrn, entitled "Declar-. ation of a State of War." Dohrn, who has always been an outspoken Weatherman spokeswoman and is perhaps the most rabid female radical in the country, 'speaks in this communication (a tape recording) in typical revolutionarlf rhetoric. Whether the voice is Dohrn's or not is insig- nificant because the meisage transmitted is in the Weatherman mood and had prophc sled that witAin two weeks Weatherman would atta4-k a � * S. - � .*****-�. - 4L*4�4;:* � U..* � �� Approved for Release: 2023/01/11 C00018161 � sr NNWApproved for Release: 2023/01/11.70078118MNISMINNO0101� � symbol of American injustice. Within two weeks of the Dohrn message � a New York City police building was bombed, creating extensive dam- � age and injuring several people. On 11 June another bomb was exploded in a building of the Omaha, Nebraska, police department. The New cal.:4". York bombing is probably the work �of Weatherman and the Omaha ex- /00�1'11- .plosion may also be. The Dohrn tape recording additionally identified the third member killed in the New York bomb works blast. The victim, says Dohrn, was Terry Robbins.; and, although police authorities Are unable to verify this disclosure, the whereabouts of Robbins is unknown. Robbins, like the two confirmed deaths (Diana Oughton and Theodore Gold) had a past record of second string Weatherman leadership. An interesting coincidence is that Robbins was active up until a year or !,!.* so ago on the campus of Kent State in Ohio. Only one of many for whom the police have been searching has thus far been found. Linda Sue Evans was arrested some weeks ago in New York. Although the CIA has not been specifically identified as a prime Weatherman target, because of the organization's place in "the establishment," a continuing bomb threat to Agency facilities cannot be disregarded. An attack on the Agency would undoubtedly be considered a major coup within the radical movement. The Weatherman events of past week� s, theii lack of cooperation with other radical units and their virtual disappearance into the hippie and commune nether world indicates, an agreed-upon plan to foment violent revolution through their previously enunciated "shock brigade" tactics in a number of American urban areas. The hostile and seriously alienated youth that comprise the present Weathermian faction have threatened violence, and it is believed that their threats must be taken. seriously. A serious breech seems to have developed between the New Mobilization Committee to End the War in Vietnam and the once closely affiliated member, the Socialist Workers' Party. This breech will probably widen during the coming summer months. At a New Mobe steering committee conference at Atlanta in May, the New Mobe cold- shouldered a plan for this weekend's antiwar conference in Cleveland that was apparently a SWP brain child. The New Mohr in recent weeks has also shown itself to he in a � quandary over to continue "ii!r discontinue the mass rally concept,that 2 ���� INIME�11����� ta � fik .� .1111�����Mon. =MOM � �� . � � . . 1 - "...0.!..., ����� mf . � ...� ........n. awl. ��. T ,..". �!���������40 . � �� ������ � ova. � .g.. � .....ei ...,,,,,.. � -..... ����� � ya, .1...... :",�-� %. .- . . ... '7..1k......% ..,..**�� ������� �� � � / � -���������}������ I..: �'� ..*.�� ����� � �� �� ;Ltlio".�16,��� �� 4.. � � 1.� � .. ti� ' �-�t4;�01A; .......� � � " � .. . * . .. ... . , _ . � � ��;..., . .2..6., ..,!., ..� ..1.4 � ...... �� .-1 ...... . .T..... ...., ... , -. ....1- .. . ......... . ... � ... .- � - .- � .. . -,..,....,, .-, . ..... .� ,..�� ....:- � .. . � � � . Approved for Release: 2023/01/11 C00018161 Approved for Release: 2023/01/11 C00018161. has been successful in some places "ii some occasions in the past. The most-notable success was last November 15, at Washington. Although there is no question but what a well-planned rally can pro- duce the bodies, New Mobe leaders-fear that the festive atmosphere that increasingly creeps into the miss antiwar, anti-establishment rallies is counterproductive in two ways: first, nose count alone does not seem to impress the establishment and second, mass rallies are fast becoming "old hat" and tilt participants are too interested in rock music and pot to care much one way or the other what the radical political merchants are selling. Although they have not defined exactly what they mean, New Mobe spokesmen have now verbalized a need for civil disobedience and direct action. This widely discussed tactical � change to do away with the mass protest philosophy by the New Mobe has tended to alienate its former comrade in dissent, the SWP, who still believes in the value of the Mass demonstration and hastens to point out that Hanoi likes them too. The SWP, through its youth group, the Young Socialist Alliance, has indeed built a formidable mass -movement body in the form of the SMC (Student Mobilization Committee to End the War in Vietnam). The SWP undoubtedly sees its organization work within the SMC subverted by its former New Mobe associates. The SWP additionally takes umbrage at the seemingly sincere but misguided motives of several New Mohc organizations to work for peace candidates through the summer and into the fall. The SWP does not believe that such methods are the road to American revolution. To further complicate the serious rifts and en-fighting among the organizations of the radical left, the Maoist Progressive Labor Party and the SWP's Student Mobe have recently battled in Boston. It will be remembered-that last summer the PLP faction of SDS split away at Chicago and formed the SDS Worker Student Alliance. On 24 May the � National Steering Committee of the Student Mobe met at Boston and the SDS/WSAers tried to crash the party. A battle ensued in which a num- ber of over-zealous radicals were injured. 'What is clearly implied is that the power factions in the doctrin- aire communist left in scrambling for movement supremecy will intensify the battle against one another in coming months. In all of this the Com- menist Party, U.S.A. is trying to stand on the sidelines and will pro- bdbly eventually pick up th.s pieces. The CPUSA is undoubtedly the best organized of the old left and has the 'coolest hand. � ���� � � . � � -S.:C. � j � , ;.. dr- Ae.:011. "%Jr, 4" ..: r� �di � a. . � � � ��� .� Si � �� - � . � � Approved for Release: 2023/01/11 C00018161 Approved for Release:4431/1101i11;1m111111mumme � As a capper, the Black Panther Party is also on i.he outs with the entire white left radical movement. See details under 19 June Panther activities scheduled for Washington. Summer, Georgia The Southern Christian Leadership Conference has announced a summer political action proeram for the South in general and Georgia in particular. The Summer Community Organization and Political Education (SCOPE) program specifies tlrree major objectives: mass voter 'registration, political education and community organization. SCOPE volunteers reportedly will spend ten weeks working in all 149 Georgia counties and possibly in Alabama and Mississippi as well. This week the volunteers began a one-week intensive training and orientation program at Atlanta.. � The SCOPE address is c/o scLc, 344 Auburn Street, N. E. , Atlanta. Li I. j .k�- * r�..L I (1: rAck (t',/i4Arl *19 June, Pentagon A Quaker action group, which .has been active in antiwar demon- strations, plans to picket the Pentagon every Friday in June beginning 12 June. The demonstrators will distribute antiwar leaflets at the mall entrance. Fill /e.'/ 3.6 . � *19 June, Los Angeles, California At a mid-May meeting of the University of California Regents, Chancellor Young of UCLA announced his intentionsoto rehire Negro, admitted communist, instructor Angela Davis. Miss Davis' initial appointment to the UCLA philosophy staff last fall caused considerable dislocation oi campus tranquility and seriously divided the regents from � the university faculty and administration. Davis was a prot4ge of new � left pasha Herbert Marcuse at San Diego State and was appointed to the staff by tenured radical leftist philosophy department chairman Donald Kalish. California law provides for a loyality oath and precludes those from state jobs who are members of the Communist Party. Miss Davis in the turmoil shouted racial foul;and to further irritate and alienate the regents, Kalish assigned Davis several additional classes to teach. At the May meeting the regents overwhelmingly voted to strip Chancellor Young of his appointment prerogatives (vote of 15 to 6) and will make the decision on Davis at the regents meeting on the 11th. � - � 4 1, 42111111101111101.1CONNow I. r,- � 410����:". 7t, 4.. I. � � !Una% � � � � � .4: � � � � .....akt:4,........rj!.V.r,�1111�14r.--..P SI.:17,1��� .?�44-... � � 44,...,4, .���� � ���:�����f ..1.;�����:. � � � ���:�.. .421.����; � � ���.; � � ���., :Q ' � yt,....!!���� ������� � � !" � � A... ��� 0"r 1. � � � � � g�arrk, �1/4 � � � � � � .. � - � Approved for Release: 2023/01/11 C00018161 Approved for Release: 2023/01/11 C00018161 � Since the regents are largely in the Governor Reagan camp there is. little doubt how they will vote. If they reject her reappointment, serious trouble could erupt on the heretofore mostly docile UCLA campus. Chancellor Young who in philosophy falls somewhere . between Nathan Pusey of Harvard and Kingman Brewster of Yale will probably tender his resignation. Since Young has been given much personal credit for keeping the lid on at UCLA (and probably with sound justification), the trouble of the northern schools could well shift to southern California next fall. *19 June, Washington, D. C. The BPP is planning a "Jubilee Day" rally and national press conference at Washington on the above date. According to a BPP source, the Party will announce a "4th executive mandate" by Huey Newton. This mandate allegedly will call for the convening of a con- stitutional convention (an Eldridge Cleaver brain child) to estatlish a provisional revolutionary government for the United States. The time and place for the constitutional convention will be made public on "Jubilee Day." /Iv it/ -ic 9 � According to another source, an additional purpose of the BP action is to protest the denial of rights to black people.. Ralph D. Abernathy may address the gathering. � 19 June at the Lincoln Memorial has been selected because this is the date On which the enforcement of Abraham Lincoln's emancipa- tion proclamation supposedly went into effect in 186�3. The Panthers have called for an end to "Nixon's era of fa.cism." The planned Panther activity in Washington constitutes a depar- ture from pat activities. Signs are that Panther membership is growing and that Panther leaders have adopted the time-honored mass movement approach so. successfully employed by revolutionary forces of the past. The Panthers have in recent weeks been busy in public relations and in organizing a number of front organizations in major American cities. The euphemistic cover names are the "National Committee to Combat Facism" (active in Washington as well as other cities) and "Black Community Information Centers." Under the 'shelter of these innocent sounding fronts Panther leaders are aggressively continuing organizing activities throughout the country despite claims that no ne* BP chapters are being -established. It would appears that 5 ��� .!���r,-- 66.4.1����� ..(�L I.. I � -,��4����.,���r����.t � � , � . . � ,N,W � � ����- � 4... - � ������.. �����..���� ' � � ��� � � � � !- � Approved for Release: 2023/01/1.1 C00018161 Approved for Release: 2023/01/11 C00018161 � this disclaimer is a deliberate deception. The new front groups are under complete BPP control and discipline and must follow all Party instruction from the Black Panther national headquarters. Currently, aside from Washington, D.C., the plational Committee to Combat- Facism units are operating in the following cities: Pittsburgh, Detroit, Cleveland, Lima, Milwaukee, Tulsa, Omaha, Augusta, Portland (Ore.), Bridgeport, Hartford, Winston-Salem, Newark, East St. Louis, Cam- bridge, Atlantic City and Jerseeit City. Black Community Information Centers are now functioning in Baltimore, New York City, Mount Ver- non (N.Y.), and Gary (Indiana). In process of being organized in either one or.the other front names are sub-rosa BP groups in Cincinnati, Dayton, Toledo, Albany, Greenville (Mississippi), Providence, Des .Moines, Flint, and Kankakee (Illinois). -Last July the-Panthers held a national conference at Oakland, California, aimed at bringing together all elements, black and 'white, of the new left. It was at this conference that the name "National Com- mittee to Combat racism" was originated. In attendance at the Oakland meeting were members of the Communist Party, SDS, and other extremist elements. One of the immediate goals of the NCCF is community control of police forces. Although the July conference flopped, most likely Communist Party delegates to the conference offered. advice to. the Biaac Panthers in the proven value of fronts. The Panthers are also involved in the current rash of feuds among extremists. Among the Panther epithets for'l.vhite radicals whom they dislike are Zionists, ideological phonies, pseudo-revolutionaries, egotistical racists--and numerous other ferocious names. Principal rhetorical spokesman for the Party is Elbert Emcy (Big Man) Howard who is deputy minister of information and managing editor of the Party newspaper, the Black Panther. Among the bitter invective Big Man heaps on the new left whites is that the new left posesses the "socialist traits of the Nazis." In coming months the BPP will probably experience additional growth through. the utilization of front organizations and will probably attempt to dIsspell their current super-violent image in the interest of building a greater mass foundation following. Panther literature Astributed by the NCCF Washington fice at 23Z7 18th Streets N. W.. , announcing the Lincoln Memorial rally _ . - s. . Approved for Release: 2023/01/11 C00018161 - 4.;����� . ������ .� ���� Approved for Release: 2023/01/11 C00018161 also is promoting community discussions. The NCCF offers to send spokesmeri to home discussions groups by appointment to deal with such topics as the U.S. facist government, why a constitutional con- vention must be held and positive alternatives to the present system of exploitation, slavery, brutality, and injustice. *19-21 June, Cleveland, Ohio A National Emergency Conference against Cambodia-Laos- Vietnam War will be held at Cuyahoga Community College, Cleveland, Ohio, �19-21 June. This conference is being sponsored by the Student Mobe and the Cleveland Area Peace Action Council. Its purpose is to plan future antiwar activity. Participants in the conference plan to demonstrate at Cleveland on 20 June when tilt Vice President visits that city to speak at a fund-raising dinner. r ;',i WA fzso.':7 - This conference is dislocating many radical noses. The New Mobe is shying away from the Ohio meet as is the large and powerful Chicago Peace Action Council which is dominated by the CPUSA sym- pathy group. The game of domination politics is being played out and,. probably the Student Mobe (controlled by the Trotskyite SWP/YSA) will � be left holding an empty antiwar leadership bag at Cleveland. i\,:.1.,f� Reportedly, the New Mobe which is feuding with the SWP (see p. 2) has co-opted the SCLC which Will support and take part of next weekend's New Mobe conference at Milwaukee but will Ahun or, token attend the emergency conference at Cleveland. Iii 10 -IT I Nal Li The SDS Worker Student Alliance is planning to send two bus loads of radicals to the Cleveland conference and a WSA spokesman states that they are going to Cleveland to fight the Student Mobe both politically and physically. /04a'5 it ,..e *26 June, Carbondale, Illinois The Committee of Returned Volunteers and the Committee of Concerned Asian Scholars are sponsoring a conference June 26-27, at Southern Illinois University at Carbondale. The objective of the con- ference is tp provide a public forum for "critical, scholarly analysis of the Vietnamese Center and United States foreign policy in general." The Center for VietnamesckStudies and Programs is located on the � campus of the university, � � - 7 f1./ 1(.;71,,-, 9 tit.�c . � 411, "if, itiPt' . t �?' � � " � Inv � ,"*..-r-440�����"%.*Z. n,;.,�"!..21. � � -������:�%..0.4`... � , � � � Approved for Release: 2023/01/11 C00018161 Lets /NY. ,: Approved for Release: 2023/01/11 C0001816 ���� � *26 June-5 July, Detroit, Michigan The National Association of Black Students plans to hold a con- vention at Wayne State U., Detroit,. Michigan. It is attempting to obtain a university building for the'convention; however, university authorities have not yet agreed to furnish a building. The association� has been advised that university buildings cannot be used on 4 July. The association has also called ford'a rally at Belle Isle and authorities are concerned inasmuch as large crowds traditionally celebrate 4 July there. frki /)1, 27-28 June, Milwaukee, Wisconsin A New Mobe sponsored national antiwar conference is being planned for 27 and 28 June at which time it is expected a final deci- sion will be made whether or not to return to earlier tactics of large- scale, "non-violent, civil disobedience." The belief of many rpembers of the Mobeis liberal-radical coalition that the May 9 antiwar demon- stration in Washington was a "disaster" accomplishing little with its traditional march-rally'scenario has them leaning towards more militant action for the future. Final plans as to the nature and place of the activities should come out of this conference. Regardless of the concensus decision of the group, a number of the more radical leaders and groups will opt for more militancy and will go it alone or form new coalitions. 41 Among a number of summer programs tentatively approved at a New Mobe steering committee meeting in Atlanta in May, was the organization of some sort of mass, non-violent ilemonstratien at the end of the summer involving civil disobedience. 0 p.s/1.00�: {: ../(' rdert sP;/..60 *27 June, Wa�Itham, Massachusetts The Brandeis Student Strike Information Center for whom the Student Mobe also has a "mad-on" will meet at Waltham. The Student Mobe poutingly labels the Strike Information Center as a "self appointed �. grouping with no significant base in the student movement." This meeting has been called, believe Student Mobe spokesmen, deliberately to lessen the impact of the Cleveland emergency conference. *27-28 June., .Chicago, Illinois Recent issues of the, Communist Party Daily World have given considerable publicity for a National Rank-and-File Conference'of the . - *P. �! 8 .. � Approved for Release: 2023/01/11 C00018161 � e4 � � � . � , � Approved for Release: 2023/01/11 C00018161 � American tabor movement. The Daily World has announced that a delegation.from Seattle will also take part in the June conference. One of the topics to be discussed in Chicago is the war in Vietnam and the manner in which pressure can be brought on the Nixon admin- istration to end the conflict now, bfing the troops home and bring a halt to the "bloody dissent and repression at home." The conference additionally is designed to defend trade union and membership rights against the "Nixon big business, anti-labor, racist onslaught." Daily World publicity criticizes such responsible labor leaders as George Meany, and although it is not spelled out it is obvioys that the planned conference-is a CPUSA operation. �.� � t.). � )(4 d,-/ i - � *Late June, Cleveland, Ohio According to-a source, contact with whom has been insufficient to determine reliability, the BPP plans to bomb a building in Cleveland, Ohio, on the day in late June that Vice .President Spiro Agnew plans a visit. The targeted building will be in an area removed from the Vice; President's itinerary and will be symbolic in nature. [1,/ /Ai i(q /di; A:lull:. *1 July, San Francisco, California The conviction of Black Panther minister of defense, Huey . Newton, has been reversed by the California courts. An'appeal by the state is presently in progress but will probably be denied, and Newton is expected to be freed from the California Men's Colony in San Luis Obispo on about the 1st of July. Newton was convicted in September 1968 for manslaughter in the shooting toodeath of an. Oakland policeman. He has been serving a 2-15 year sentence. There are still a number of legal technicalities to be satisfied before Newton is free. If released in early July, the posting of bail will be necessary. Since Newton is such a charismatic Panther figure there is little doubt that sufficient funds for bail can be collected. Newton's release can be expected to 'trigger jubilation in the Panther strongholds principally in the San Francisco Bay area, but no immediate violence as a result of the Newton release is anticipated. July, Washington, D.C. Pregident Nixon has set 1 July as the date for the 1970 draft lottery (for men turning 19 during 1970). Lottery proceeding will probably again be followeeby claims of foul play, establishment, roulette, etc. Additionally,. renewed new left draft abolition rhetoric can be expected to make some minor headlines in parts of the Ration. 401111111t 9 a. 1011101.11011M1110"Or � _ � . .1. . �...atry�I.A.r. � .1......� ......,,,,.....a.�.",:tyto......., .. r r . . ...... op., -.1.....41�1.161091.....-4.,..........,,.. r".....1�' ���../...��$���� � � ..". ����'4..... � . . � � . ����-� � s . ' � ' �� . ._2�������C -� � . �� . � ���� . os.�� , �:�.��� � .. � :46 ..�:��yr ....ors.-- ,.1.. :.�,. � � ...� � . -^ ������ �:. err, � 44/41����41 � , � r, ...ret..,......... ...e....rer. .4...4 .... .:... ...66.C.0�:"P.V- �� L '...J-Irre....7.....rfe.7......!** .. : ...117, � .: ?.4it � 1... .-.�'..-.� 4.� . � . � -� . � ... Approved for Release: 2023/01/11 C00018161 11.11111281111111111111111111INOM Approved for Release: 2023/01/11 CO00181611 �M � 1 July, Washington, D.C. July, Baltimore, Maryland . 6-9 July, Edgewood Arsenal and Ft. Detrick The War Resisters League�and a Philadelphia Quaker action group are jointly sponsoring a campaign against the production of chem- ical and biological weapons. Of principal concern to the protestors is the production and storage of nerve gas. The groups will demonstrate in front of the White House at 10 a.m. followed by a I p.m. march to the Capitol. At 3 p.m. the demonstrators will begin a march from the Cap- itol to. Baltimore, Maryland, �which is sZheduled to arrive there on July 4. A mass demonstration is then scheduled for Baltimore on 5 July, and from 6-9 July the demonstrators will make separate walks to Edge- wood Arsenal (T July) and to Ft. Detrick (9 July). Reportedly civil disobedience is being planned for Ft. Detrick. The demonstrators will attempt to enter the Fort to demand that it be converted to a world health center. //1/ ,/,'� ',5( * 4 July, Washington, D. C, Plans for the Bob Hope-Billy Graham originated Honor America Day being produced by Walt Disney Productions are progressing. The guest list and participating organizations appear to be growing. Along with those previously reported as participants (Johnny t ash, Glen Campbell, Billy Casper, Henry Aaron, Willie Mays, Frank Borman and others) a number of ranking government officials, both hawks and doves, have endorsed the celebration. Among those prominent members of Congress in the dove category who have sent endprsements'are Sens. Church, Cooper, Hatfield, McGovern and Muskie. The hawks who have endorsed Honor America Day so far are Senator Stennis and Reps. Ford and Teague. t C,If .1 � The event will be televised live by the CBS Washington affiliate ' WTOP TV.. Charles S. Os Malley, an official of the organizing staff, has advised that city officials are whole-heartedly supporting the cele- bration. Mayor Washington is an honorary vice chairman and City Council Chairman Gilbert Hahn is a member of the executive committee. In the wake of the initial announcement, the Washington Post was snidely-critical of the Honor America Day plan. The Post editorial irr,iplied that this year's 4th of July observances will take on the trap- pings of a pro-war rally iesupport of the Presidenk's Vietnam irlicy. c � ('� 10 I. ' � � Tee'. � - - � � ����%���+" a" . -r � � . � ,Ig� � � ��� � � . � ������.401r. +SW � . � �� ��g. Approved for Release: 2023/01/11 C00018161 Approved for Release: 2023/01/11 C00018161 . ��� The Post editors believed that just the identity of the principal figures who have associated themselves with the idea have made the planned day of celebration suspect. The Post suggested that to equalize the day a number of well-known doves should step forward and offer to pa.rtici- pate. The Post should, therefore,*be pleased to note those congres- t: sional doves mentioned above who have come forward. Although the reasons are unexplained, a-recent press article reflects growing uncertainty about the relationship of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Washington to the -July 4 event. V*1-) The day's plans call for an 11 a. m. religious patriotic service at the Lincoln Memorial followed by an afternoon of entertainment on the Washington Monument ground& Details will be announced in the near future by Walt Disney Productions. The day's entertainment will be capped by the usual 45 minute fireworks display on the Washington Monument grounds. Predictions are that Honor America Day may turn out as many as sop, 000 participants. This would undoubtedly comprise the largest demonstration in the history of the city and perhaps of the world. The planners have several factors going for them over and above the basic call of patriotism. Many tens of thousands turn out annuallSr in any event for the city's spectacular fireworks 'display. There will also be many thousands who will come for the outsianding slate of enter- tainers. :'.�. / Abbie Hoffman, Jerry Rubin and the Yippics have not altered their plans for a .smoke-in and an insurrection city for the Monument grounds for the same day. Like the 'Black Panthers, Hoffman has calred for a constitutional -convention. He says, "First we're gonna proclaim our- selves a new nation, then we're gonna declare war on Amerika. It's gonna be a summer of siege for Washington. We're out to occupy the :4 Capitol and have a hot three months of liberation." I- � It has been reported that the Yippies had planned a confrontation with the police. A reliable source, however, has recently advised that the Yippics are now shying away from violent demonstrations believing them no longer to be useful. Yippie party members allegedly prefer to be in the background and appear "straight" so that they can execute pro- jects of a larger scale. One project that has been recently discussed in Yippie cirdes for instance is the kidnapping of a foreign ambassador and tire holding of him for ransom of a political prisoner such as Bobby Seale. Yippie leaders feel that such an action would set a pattern for other . � 11 � r14_7- /4.-//1/?>?. .2, Approved for Release: 2023/01/11 C00018161 Approved for Release: 2023/01/11 C00018161 111111111111111111eismompft. radical groups and create fear among elected officials. No definite plans have been made for political kidnappings. Unfortunately, such talk among the irrational revolutionaries cannot be easily laughed off. Although the Yippies are known for, big mouth and little action, the very dire possible Consequences of their thinking regarding kidnappings could be extremely serious. � David Giltinan, a New &lobe spokesman,. has stated that the New � Mobe expects the 4th of July to be a "real blood bath" due to the con- flicting demonstrations scheduled on that date. Giltinan's statement was probably an effort on the part of the New Mobe to discourage atten- dance at the Hope-Graham affair. Although there may be some skirmishes � on the Monument grounds, a major confrontation between pro and anti- war forces seem not to be in the cards this time. The Yippies should be outnumbered 1000:1�and against such odds, crazy as they seem, the Yip- - pies should not provoke the "straights."' 'FlU /4/ ( .7c 9-18 July, New York A World Youth Assembly under the sponsorship of UN Secretary' General U Thant is expected to attract 750 participants from all over the world. The assembly budget ($733,500) is reportedly in trouble. 13 July A third contingent of the VencereMos Brigade will travel to Cuba for six weeks of citrus fruit picking (on the Isle of Youth) and for political indoctrination. Two Brigade offices, one'bn New York and one in Cambridge, have published a call for volunteers among high school and college youth. The Brigade is expected to consist of approximately 500 persons and will probably depart from New Brunswick, Canada, by Cuban freighter as have the two earlier contingents this year. 29 August, West Coast . A national Chicano moratorium is being planned by radical leftist Mexican-American "organizations principally in the San Francisco Bay area. Additionally, demonstrations are planned in a number of western c:itjes between now and 29 August. The themes of.the planned protest actions arc the usual--bring the boys home, let the Vietnamese eMploy sci1tcletermination4 etc. Involved in the various National Mora- � toritxm Committees are A number of organizations that often indolvc lane 4 IttegOOSIVII. 1; kph,. e. e. 101. t.e.. 411=MMINNIMM. ��.*: Approved for Release: 2023/01/11 C00018161 .�� � Approved for Release: 2023/01/1-1 C00018161 . � - themselves in anti-establishment activities. Some of the organi- zations involved are the Mexican-American Political Association, the United Farm Workers Organizing Committee, the Young Socialist Alliance, the Socialist Workers Campaign Committee and others., � *15 September, Chicago, Illinois Judge Julius Hoffman has continued the conspiracy to riot trial of Bobby Seale to 15 September. Seale is presently being tried (with a number of his confederates) for the kidnap murder of a former fellow. Black Panther in Connecticut. Recent court decisions, inciden- tally, have affirmed the constitutionality of the Connecticut proceedings thus far. It had been alleged by the defense that the indictments were � illegally grounded. t: 7. 7 f VI% IL) (a,/ 7C . *20-21 June, Newport, Kentucky � The National States Rights party, a white extremist anti-Negro group, has scheduled its annual convention at Newport. An organization � official has assured Newport police that the convention will be peaceful. r�F.1 /OS 3 k. - - c *20 June, Augusta, Georgia A march is scheduled on Saturday in support of he Augusta police for their efforts during the Augusta riots of 11 May. The march sponsor, a labor union, is hoping for 5-10,000 participants. r(2_(. - /tit27-?,�-�� � 7- SOURCE: Government and news media. RELIABILITY: Probably true. � 13 � � me. 1' � 0 4i:4P. rip!: s r.--� � - . � ���� . � 0. � !����� . � ... ; ����������:"... � ire � Approved for Release: 2023/01/11 C00018161