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PDF icon JFK Case SPEED LETTER BOB[16246502].pdf241.44 KB
1341900. ' � i ' � Approved for Release: 2023/06/13 C00563751 611�0�122�Mit�d� SPEED LETTER �������� REPLY REQUESTED DATE 21 August 1974 MOO, XX YES NO LETTER NO. m W1/COO, 3 D 54 . ATTN: FROM: Chief, OSVOC, 2B11, X1886 Please check your files for any indications that Subject has ever been employed or associated in any way with the Agency. Your reply is requested by COB 26 August 1974. 1.) t_Lf...n, A.-- TA /L Y. (b)(3) (b)(6) SIGNATURE (b)(3) (b)(6) REPLY DATE 9 dc WH/COG Desk traces on Bobbie Joe Keesee were turned over to, , OSG/OC,on 23 August 74. Also given (b)(3) to were IP trace documents requested by tLe (b)(6) Cuba Desk,upon learning that the'requirement levied .on the Cuba Desk was for desk trades only. The desk trace refs are included in KEESEE's 201/file except for DCE-14550, 15 May 1962, located in file 100L50.0, held in IP Files. We note that in two of the references, DCE-14550 and D132! 10152, KEESEE claimed CIA employment, which was proven untrue. We have no operational card on KEESEE or other references, other than those cited 1 indicating that KEESEE was ever employed by or associated with the Agency. 4 -- Chris Hopkins WH/COG/CI 23 Aug 74 SIGNATURE HE Tfi RN TO ORIGINATOR M1.01����������.Mir Approved for Release: 2023/06/13 C00563751 13-00000 Approved for Release: 2023/06/13 C00563751- ( � 42. 21 August 1974 . MEMORANDUM FOR: DD/Security for Policy and Management -4 , Executive Assistant to Director of Personnel Chief, OSG/OC SUBJECT : Bobbie Joe Keesee Request for Name Check REFERENCE : Ltr to DCI fm Asst. U.S. Atty, S.D. Cal., dtd 9 Aug 74, re: United States v. Bobbie Joe Keesee 1. The subject individual has been indicted on serious federal criminal charges in California. He may attempt some defense based on alleged employment by the Agency, or in some other manner attempt to obscure the real issues in his case by alleging CIA involvement in his activities (see referent letter). 2. It is requested that you determine, from records or otherwise, whether Bobbie Joe Keesee has even been-employed by or associated in-- any-. manner with the Agency. An early response will be appreciated. Attachments GEORGE W. CLARKE Office of General Counsext-- _ Approved for Release: 2023/06/13 C00563751 13-00000 4mIty (Approved for Release: 2023/06/13 C005637511;�:f5;72 1A2PLY TO , STATES ArTokseir AND 'REPER TO .KITIALS AND NUAiDER � SGN/11d tnUc33cirmj1ttetr1 cif ?justice UNITED STATES ATTORNEY SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA UNITCD STATES COURTHOUSE 325 WEsr F STRELT SAN DIEGO 92101 August 9, 1974 Mr. William E. Colvy, Director Central Intelligence Agency Washington, D. C. 20505 Re: United States v. Bobbie Joe Keesee Criminal Case No. 74-1158 Dear Mr. Colvy: ((;/, 79 _ .> ., TEl . (714) 293-5610 The above-referenced individual is presently under indictment in the Southern District of .California for the kidnapping of Vice Consul John S. Patterson who disappeared from his post on March 22, 1974, at the American Consulate in Hermosillo, Sonora, Mexico, and whose decomposed body was discovered on July 7, 1974, in an arroyo approximately 8 miles from Hermosillo. Keesee is charged in count one with conspiring to kidnap Patterson. Counts two, three, and four charge him with travel across state lines and in - .foreign commerce to faCilitate and perpetrate the -kidnapping Count five charges him with mailing a handwritten extortion note to the American Consulate in Hermosillo from San Diego. [A copy "Of the indictment, as well as a copy of Keesee's rap sheet are enclosed.] Keesee may, if.certain presently unresolved jurisdictional requirements are met, shortly be charged with the actual murder in addition to the five counts adverted to abc4e. As you are no doubt aware, Keesee has a number of federal felony convictions, one of which involved an airplane which he stale and flew into Cuba in 1962. He was later indicted in the District of New Mexico and ultimately convicted. However, during the course of the trial in late 1963, he alleged that his escapade across the country and eventually into Cuba was carried out at the request and direction of the C.I.A. Approved for for Release: 2023/06/13 C00563751 13-00000 � (Approved for Release: 2023/06/13 C00563751- � Mr. William E. Colby - 2 - August 9, 1974 A he jury fortunately recognized the absurdity of his story and convicted him. However, prior to trial, your agency was requested to supply, if necessary, a witness N`aho could refute such a bizarre tale. Although no direct testimony on tbis .issue was necessary, you agreed to supply such a person should the need arise. [I have also enclosed copies of your correspondence with the U. S. Attorney for your convenience.] I am afraid insofar as Bobbie Joe Keesee is concerned, history seems to repeat itself every 10 years. Keesee is now telling his attorney, has already told a number of agents, and may assert at trial, a similar type story, i.e., that his involvement in the above-referenced case arose out of his relationship with C.I.A. operatives and unidentified international conspirators. Although this obviously sods .; a little ludicrous, Keesee has tried it before and is capable of trying it again. Considering that he spent 29 months as a civilian P.O.W. in North Vietnam and' in the process had his teeth knocked out and all of his toenails ripped out, anything is possible. It would be appreciated if you could state in letter or memo form whether Keesee has ever been employed by the C.I.A I am hopeful that a categorical denial of any C.I.A. employment or sanction will satisfy his defense attorney and deter him from pursuing this line of .defense. Please be asauied that I will not call a C.I.A. employee as a witness unless it becomes actually necessary. CC: Very truly yours, HARRY D. STEWARD Unite'62States Attorney ss, � % STEPHEN G. NELSON Assistant U. S. Attorney Chief, Criminal Division Mr. John S. Warner Legal Counsel Central Intelligence Agency Washington, D. C. 20505 AIR MAIL Enclosures Approved for Release: 2023/06/13 C00563751 � Approved for Release: 2023/06/13 C00563751. � to A � �11���������� � "KEASEE, Bc!..,py Joe CUBA . DPOB; 18 Feb 34, Wheeler, Texas. Deserted 1 t US Army, Fort Huachuca, Arizona, ,on 30 Jan 62 44- & flew to Cuba 23 Mar 62 where he �asked for political asylum. Was returned to Miami 16 May 62. Has been arraigned before fed. gov it officials in Miami. Claimed to have been contacted by one Buddy Carson in Dec 61 in New Mexico and recruited for work with CIA. Claim of CIA employment proven untrue. Subj then stated he had been employed by two "Spaniards" to fly them to Cuba. (DCE-14550, 15 May 62) ��=������..g." 0 0�S 0 KEESEE, Bobby Joe Subj is a forger U.S. Arr:7 Enlisted Man SN: RA 2598/4618. . . Subj deserted U.S. Arry and flew a-ronted plane fratq Albuquerque, N.M. to Cuba.. Subj clained he was in contact with a CIA agent and eTzployed by CIA to fly plane to Cube, .(SOURCE: DBA 10152, 23 Yz 62 file 100.500) - :�����-- e2)EA,0- �:1 � ������ . . ����� I, Approved for Release: 2023/06/13 C00563751 13-00000 Approved for Release: 2023/06/13 C00563751, r lo��������. .. � � ;;,;,�,.1,4re : 414.4 KEESEE, BOBBY JOE - 100-500 ic\F 4110 SEX M DOB 19 FEB 34 _g�6_-10671 11*-'3' USA, TEXAS, WHEELER 11 MAY 62 CIT-USA PI �OCC ? AKA KELLY, BOB RE FLIGHT TO CUBA AND ACTIVITIES WHILE IN CUBA. 1*019 0818554 FV�12.,.:. Bar:, J. CUM aka B. J. Kelly, Bob Kelly Subj. a US Army Sergeant. landed c. light civilian plume at Fabana Airrort 23 Mn? 62. described, himself se a VS Arm deserter und asked ;unties' asylum. ar:7 here said subject. .n. hut i been listed us c deserter since 23 :et: left his post at it. RuachUca.-ArironS. 15 Jell. Wks home Is listed as Amarillo. Texas. gubj sap assignel as an Operator of a .f114ht simulation I training device and did not lave access to any ee aa to. Also uzoer investigation : for "raising boom' ciecks sal for forgery.. So indication whether any attempt would be made to have hip returned to this cctintry. rwnelingter Post, 25 Mar 62, filed 10-7-12) . , Subj landed a single engine plane at Havana, Cuba, Libertad Airport on 23 Karch 1962. Subj ppoars to he identical with Bobby Joe Krouse, Army Serial No. 25911.618, shaent without leave : from Fort HUachuca, Arizona, has ben chnrced with interstate trans;oriction of a stolen motor vehicle based on a. Federal warrant looted 16 BArch 1962, believed responaille for paasing a nu:e�or of fraudulent checks at a in=ber of military installations In Alaska, Washington, Oklahoma, Idaho ani Florida, described as white, mile, born 16 February 1931a, in Texas, holcht 5' 61 to 51 8", 'eight leo to 170 lbe., ream build, linht brown hair and gray eyes, reportedly boo received t.aining as a paracLute jump instructor and tee licensed i pilot. (SOURCE: DBt 06)15 26 larch 1962 file 19.500 DOE.14550, 15 May 62, filed: 100%500, info as above. 1, tie � c r � Approved for Release: 2023/06/13 C00563751