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Publication Date: 
November 17, 1951
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. , 'end he was more outepokenithis time than on pi vious ocCaoione when I visited him. Illo ineieted tint the�Genetalisoied is still 66 main stumbling block to Chinese I ,national unitY, and that he ghlang Kai-sheg )pt only thOseIpeoplo; who '"obeyed II ,himn. Li Cited severallpast instances when officiala wei.elrorced cnit of office because 'they disobeyed or questioned'hislOrdere. Li sees'ne hope!orfuture for the Nation- itilietjGovernmtntIon the mainland III, He believee that if Chiang Kai-tihek invaded thei , ! Imainland he bkuld not find any !support ftomth comnon PbOple,Hthdy still remember 11 ' Ike adminietratiOn. He fUrthet! insisted that 1 nyIef thelformor'KUomintang members 1 . 1 I !and officiallfIthe Nationalist Covernmentlwh defectedlto the Peiping regime 1 ;WoUld,net,re-iefect andaupPOrtl!aNationalietl nvasion Of the Mainland:, Li said I I these. former ilationalints1 were peOple 01 hadIbeen'perseCuted by'atang for the . II ipast 20 years. they would certainly nev. r rally aroundlChianpragain should he ro- i !appear.onthe[mainland6�Li. did net mention,wh4t. tyke or; itwort oA lack of support � 1 'Chiang might et from the anti,CoMmunist guert has on the mainland. , f 1! 1 ! ! I I ' I I. ! � H3. !While' Li gave a virtual:b blanket indictment of he TaiwanrOovernment, he admitted ' , Italat not all .heIpeople 01 the Wand le oba H.� !The Only hope ana salvation, Li:: il r in the fluture of China was m ill in . ,flthi d releelo bl composed! pf independent, , liberal, an Lemocratit, elements I!, Ho did not onti ti any 'particular. individual Or i ..: i'ztoup! in or o!t Of thelf0ernmen who conid:me t the eiialifications.1 However, he activities. e dik: not anticipate any e rly s lut 1 ' idid say that me of these tuturIleador must CoMo froMthelyounger generation, many .ef whom' ere liill unknOwn and:have never partl ipat d ii0overnmentJ or public!!' n for,China. : (b)(3 � ; .couNTRy, chinaIt ii !; SUBJECT ';1�!1',H 1 I I PLACE' ACQUIREDL DATE " ACQUIRED BY :SOURCE ' 1 ' DATE OFINFORMAT ON . � ] u�,,' !j� � Approved for Release: 2023/03/02 C00771585! i! !�I CENTRAL:INTELLIGENCE. AGIINCY! � � I. REPORT NO. INFORMATION RE ORT - DATE DIST . /71N0Y 51 NO. 'OF PAGES 2 NO. OF EN ILIST 11!LOW1 SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT ,N r Ills DOCUNINT CONTAINS INFOONATiOW AAAAAA IMO Till NATIONAL OP /III UNITIO 11A/11$ 11111111 INS 1110ANINO Of INS ISPIONAIIII ACT 110 U. S. Ill APO II. A$ ANIMA. II ISSION OM tilt AAAAAAA ION OF ITS CONTINTS IN ANT AAAAA TO AN UNAUTN0111110 PINSON IS ISO. 10101010 ST LAW. MITMOOUCTION OF WI FM IS PlIONISITID. SOURC THIS VALUATED INFORMATION :/ interviewed Vide President Li rsung-jer at he privet residence in ,Riverdale, . . iNew York,!foriover an hour I . ! The l st.time I visited withlhim:wae. in!:! �,A0ril'195L Fe' is still' the same rilted:houee with his Wife! and Chinese, 'IMaid and appeared in goodlhealthL He said he lap het been away frem New York be�: 'cause Of his iInabilityje,drive'lvcar orlIto epeak'Mnglibh. . Apparently, however, he !continuesAo 't43colve ptivatelreporte fro hieleources ml Hone Kong concerning the not correaponded with:his former! si,,who he!lays in being kept under octet police force. anp KAt.rn#N still vory critical '. �China mainland and TaiWan bUt: he eat ho ha , ;IN/angst:military colleague. General Pat Isurvoilianee bn,Taiwan'hy'the Generalissimo* I, 1 !RI' I foundIL4's attitude towarde noneraliesimoal � J. wtr NAVY PAU Taiwan) Interview with Genera Teung,j His Relations With'Dr Hu 43h1h *it l ARMY, t � 1,1 � P , � � I MIMIMIMimmilimmid...HApproved for Release: 2023/03/02 C00771585 CLASSIFICATION NSIN S ONLY , ' 1 ApprovedforRelease:2023/03/02C00771585' ' SECRT/U5fiPALS ONLY I ' , m Li was depressed because. 4e could not sayWhan he couldi [ "go home'. .H indicated , that, he did not plan to 1 aire the US4nthe;Ilear future,'and scouted reports from. .Indochina that he -would direct the snti4Cmmunist.forcee in South China when an ; , -:. � :.$ - , , i 1 1 ,.. ' ' ' l'c 1 1: .: ; � - 1 all-out invasion is launched.. I ' L' -` q;',,' Li also related to Me a story aboUtjGOVernor,Thoma E De1413304, recent visit he, said the information cane roml President Chiang Kai-shekls office there., Li ,s inforMant said thel Generalissimo was very displeased with Governor DeWey,andlaccorded him a ;chilli, reception'. The Generalissimo blames Mr John Fosterj)ullea for faiiure to include Nationalist China the San Francisco japanes Peace Conferencelio, He ie said to have'toldCoverhor , �. . I Dewey that since Mr .Dulles was his advisor' On foreign.affaira her/ye-way/ shOuld have persuaded Mr Dulles to invite;Nitionalist China tolSan tiranciseO. , Governor Dewey is said to have explained to the GeneralissiMo' that it that :time Mr !Dulles was working for the TrumanAdMinistration and the Generaliseimo should.therefore not put the entire blame oh. the Republicans or Mr personallY, Shin, [1 !, :1 . !i, 1,41. ;1.a.,,, Dr, Hu Shin, former Ambassa or to thelUS;_haal seeing General Li Tsung.. Jen. He told Me that he hi decided �nst es no interest in a "third force,' or in' Li personally. : He, said that if, he, had a Meeting with Li theinews Would be circulated and it Might be interpreted in Taiwan that he gig was !pitting with I tO form an1 Opposition party against the Generalisiimo. H 1 , i ' � S: REZA'S CIAiS ONLY pproved for Release: 2023/03/02 C00771585 I I � o Taiwan; (b)(3)' in