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Publication Date: 
February 27, 1961
PDF icon JFK Case ALLEGED BATISTIA[16234771].pdf123.05 KB
� Approved for Release: 2023/06/07 C00562974 27 Feliii41.;y 1961 SUDJECT: Alleged Batistianos-Signed up for the 'amps. 1. Manolo RAY telephoned me Saturday night to tell me that he had heard from his Miami contact that a number of Batistianos had been recruited for training in the "camps" and some had already been flown to the camp. He said he was sure he understood this resulted from inadequate checking and th.kt/the presence of these people at the camps could cause considerable trouble. He mentioned only one name -Cruz Vidal - but said he would seek additional info. Following Manolois call I phoned giniiirTZ5i)and passed the info on to him. He WAS al- ready well aware of the problem and was taking remedial action. 2. On Sunday night, 26 February, Mango called me again. This time ha read to me over the phone the names of (1) a number of alleged undesirables eho had been recruited and dispatched (2) a number who have signed up by who as yet have not been accepted and (3) names. of people who are involved in the recruiting without necessarily implicating them in any lueationable activity: A. Those recruited and disoatched. Rafael Soler Puig 2. REmiro de la Fe (tr. of Ernesto) 43. Candido More Morales - (gangster) e(4. Carlos Yanez (nephew of Si.ntiago Rey) 5. Armando Galles Nenendea (body gad of Santiago Rey). 1. 6. Harry Perez (capitain in Batista'a police) 7. Felix Birubides (formerly of the S114) B. Those who have reristered for training 1. Rolando Masferrer et. fnu Martin Perez 3. Cruz Vidal 4. Gen. Diaz Tamayo 5. Col. Ceferino Ro.irizues 6. Maj. Montero Duque ,7. fnu Montem Diaz vf8. Ex-Col. Martin Suarez 9. Jesus Gonzalez Car:et, .7,1� : Si Extrano mimber of "la - a vu,gster 10. Col. Carlos San N.rtin 11. Sgt. Roberto Hernandez .rat() - man who murdered Dr. Escalona C. Connected with RecrLitdr.7 Approved for Release: 2023/06/07 C00562974 14-00M0, Approved for Release: 2023/06/07 C00562974 -2- Dagoterto Dories (works in Registr' Antonio Pedraja - ex-r+atista Offic..A1 Carlos Yates - hrO.4aPickxk. of Col. Cosme Varas Dr. Antonio LeMaa Forms - ex-DirectOr of Nizorra during Batista regime - a crook American Called "Jimmym - who is "second chief of trays(' bass." � Felix 'Gutierrez USed U2 werk for Fidel during Batista regime now 2nd Win to Sanjenis Approved for Release: 2023/06/07 C00562974 14-00000 Approved for Release: 2023/06/07 C00562974app-01:7002/jfk/boxes/JFK64-28/coversheets SECRET DOCUMENT Box Number: JFK64-28 Source Number: 104-10296-10110 CADRE Ref ID: C00562975 Pub Date: 02/14/1961 Pages: 2 0 C00562975 104-10296-10110 SECRET 100 of 105 Approved for Release: 2023/06/07 C00562974 1/12/2015 1:54 PM Approved for Release: 2023/06/07 C00562974 TO - Pireetor /- . MICROHIMEO t- - MAR I 1S61 f4. I u. \-Ps--'i .l L ()OMEN! MICROFILM SERVICE i--- _..1 ,, IA \;:,�N 1-elet-t1 Pure..0 of Invciatig�tioft%,C � ttentions Kr. S. J. P-piela ' 11 / � - i � J11 ITCH a Deputy Director (Plans) "' --- - . S.IT a no. ado ''P nit+ ....1. r.ORP LFS Ilia ra rret-aal 1. ,,-)S.111 L24:v 1/4, j 1. Reference is mode to your zetaar.ndwe, dated 23 Deoarabor 1960, entitled 4.�sub-ta Intellence tctivitiae in the limited fit.,tea,� in whioh sj__�ct Drevid.01_14..orw-tion oo.,1�11111\.4;mbitsa G-2 or4.oisation. ,o ...-':. 2. Rerdin4 referenced emoorondtra, the follcrwiag dat�, d-ted Jaau-.ry 1961, was provided by a frirly reli-hle SOUINIO who has extensive cont�ots in k,'uban micro circles in the Hiami, Iloride Proms The Movirsiento Revolucion-rio del 'Pueblo (KRP) h-s est-blinhpd trlaing ornona rt litruer rive,. reraeste;-(1,-Fiorida, _ 0rad .bout four blocks from f�,r.n ono.d by :into V 'S.-.,0F2. The following Ficr,Itzrs-of repo rtoi ly Worg'Irec giving _tr:. icing 7 f,t r!;q% - ' N ant elij 7' !:e .� Frrtricisco .;111!Fr.,43 c-edift - Robe*pri;011�31.1,1varell ;in /- �-7 1,vissillIF.nTrS 7,1 Lector/44011E03 LC:on/an Di 'air/SUMtr%), 1RANDSLA T7 0. Ort 1.0 Jrroa-ry 1961, Seuree reported th-t the aIRP group was pl�pning to move to another trainiiag site soon. Sourue etatcd he would ende�ver to determine the loa�Lion of ths nerd game. ,N)Ltw,-1 19- --7 Approved for Release: 2023/06/07 C00562974 Approved for Release: 2023/06/07 C00562974 SE .CF,ET Tour attention is inritsd to t.b� A. Of *allude 340/!.41.E3 ileirirrsto,:sbove who my possibly be to the-RU*1de tali's), tiOl!ALIM3- hteiisreirtir of -your mOierilad*. , 4. The sherve informstics hi.i been mute svitilsbl� by ropritoeatatives of this � gSuoy to the Mini Field Office of the'tateral Mariam Of ,� . Invostigotioo. � Ca:I-3/7631 triV4/Cligaile 6 Febraary 1961 Distribution: Orig & 3. - Addressee 1 - ci/Raa 3. - ex/L.1A - � 2 - WHA/CI Approved for Release: 2023/06/07 C00562974