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PDF icon CIA IN KOREA 1946 - 1965 [16023801].pdf282.41 KB
pproved for Release: 2022/04/05 C06146213 CIA IN KOREA 1946 - 1965 VOLUME III AirForce/Haas/Korean War 51-53 HS [Mar 95/KCRuffner] Doc. #3 ; page , / of asp. BEST COPY AVAILABLE CIA Internal Use Only Access Controlled by DDO DO HP 283 Controlled by: EA July 1973 Copy No. 2 of 2 PERMANENT HISTORICAL DOCUMENT DO NOT DESTROY Approved for Release: 2022/04/05 C06146213 pproved for Release: 2022/04/05 C06146213 S T PART III CHRONOLOGY. "What is past I know, but what is for to come I know not." Summer 1945 111111111111k 26 July. 1947 411111111111 25 June 1950 26 'June 1950 27 June 1950 28 June 1950 30 June 1950 AirForce/Haas/Korean War 51-53 HS [Mar 95/KCRuffner] Doc. # 3 ; page a of 9 pp. The APOCRYPHA, EsdracS. Il, 20 USSR NKVD -(Russian Intelligence Service) enters North Korea in strength. National Security Act of 1947 estab- lishes CIA. 11111111110111111111111110111111110 The war begins. KMAAG decision to evacuate all but thirty-three of its officers to Japan. Ambassador Muccio ordered to leave Seoul. FECOM Survey Party arrives Suwon Air- field. Command passes from Ambassador to U.S. Army. KMAAG Chief and remainingalipersonnel evacuate Seoul. 41111111111CIA case officers and radio communication facilities arrive Suwon and are placed at disposal of FECOM. President Truman orders U.S. ground forces into Korea. 95. S E E T Approved for Release: 2022/04/05 C06146213 pproved for Release: 2022/04/05 C06146213 1-4 July 1950 � 1-4 July 1950 5 July 1950 5 July-4 August 1950 7 July 1950 July 1950 20 July 1950 4 August 1950 30 August 1950 September 1950 ' 15 September 1950 18 September.1950 26 September 1950 26 September- ? October 1950 7 October 1950 AirForce/Haas/Korean War 51-53 HS [Mar 95/KCRuffner] Doc. # 3; page 30f / pp. General Church and Ambassador Muccio jointly occupy Osan. OSO personnel assume emergency role as military intelligence officers. First U.S. ground troops go into action near Osan.south of Seoul. OSO withdraws south to Taejon, then to Taegu with EUSAK Forward Headquarters. U.N. creates United Nations Command under U.S. Commander. OSOMIllbegins training Korean intelligence agents. OPC begins wartime build-up =NM Pusan Perimeter established along Nak- tong River. Heaviest fighting of the war with the outcome of battle continu- ally in doubt until 15 September 1950. OSO collects intelligence from island off Inchon. OSO drops intelligence teams along northern border of North Korea. OPC opens station at Tongnae, Korea. Inchon Landings U.N. Forces break-out from Pusan Perimeter. Seoul recaptured by -U.N. Forces. NKPA troops, by-passed by the U.N. Forces, go underground and become Communist guerrillas in South Korea. U.N. Forces cross the 38th parallel into North Korea. OPC establishes temporary station in Seoul. 96 Approved for Release: 2022/04/05 C06146213 pproved for Release: 2022/04/05 C06146213 12 October 1950 First Chinese Communist troops cross Yalu Riverintallorth Korea. 14 October 1950 ,General Willoughby's G-2 estimate that Chinese Communists are bluffing in their threats to enter the war. 19 October 1950 Pyongyang, North Korean capital, taken by U.N. Forces. 19 October - 25 November 1950 28 October 1950 November 1950 - 8 November 1950 25 November - 10 December 1950 1 December 1950 5 December 1950 December 1950 26 December 1950 4 January 1951 14 January 1951 25 January 1951 AirForce/Haas/Korean War 51-53 HS [Mar 95/KCRuffner] Doc. # 3 ; page 1/ of 9 pp. OSO.exploits opportunity to recruit penetration agents in interior of North Korea. ,OPC places E&E staybehind agents above 38th parallel and prepares to occupy offshore islands. OPC E&E program starts. National Intelligence Estimate Chinese Communists are capable ing U.N. withdrawal from North that of forc- Korea- CCF *strike EUSAK and U.N. Forces retreat. OSO leaves new agents in place in North Korea. - CIA staff in Korea: U.N. Forces clear Pyongyang retreating south. OPC guerrilla training camp opened.* General Ridgway assumes command Eighth U.S. Army, Korea (EUSAK). Seoul recaptured by CCF. U.N. lines rest along 37th parallel in South Korea. U.S. Forces reassume offensive.. 97 T 11���0111.....111.1........�����.m...111������=10.������������ . Approved for Release: 2022/04/05 C06146213 pproved for Release: 2022/04/05 C06146213 1 February 1951 March 1951 18 March 10 April U.N. votes to end Korean conflict by peaceful mans. Paramilitary staging and training base established on island near Pusan. 1951 Seoul retaken by U.N. Forces. 1951. .Plan to combine OSO/OPC units 'into one CIA Mission begins. . 11 April 1951 April - June in Korea General MacArthur recalled. Ridgway assumes command at FECOM, Van Fleet at EUSAK, Willoughby relieved as FECOM/G-2. 1951 11111,CIA guerrillas infiltrated by sea and air onto North Korean mainland. 1 June 1951 CIA staff in Korea: 1111.1111111 13 June 1951 U.N. Forces back.on 38th parallel. 2 July 1951 OSO/OPC units in Korea merged into CIA's first combined Clandestine Services 10 July 1951 Summer field mission. Acting Senior CIA Repre- sentative FECOM appointed by DCI. Truce talk begin at Kaesong. 1951 Paramilitary, E&E, air, and maritime operations intensified. CIA intensified intelligence penetra- tion operations. Agent radio operators infiltrated to establish communications with staybehind agents in North Korea. Generals George Marshall as Secretary of Defense and Walter Bedell Smith as DCI agree to place covert and clandes- tine operations in support of EUSAK under Commander-in-Chief, FECOM only as long as combat continues in Korea. 27 November. 1951 AirForce/Haas/Korean War 51-53 HS [Mar 95/KCRuffner] Doc. #3 ; page 5 of 1 pp. Truce talks resume at Panmunjom; cease- fire line agreed upon. 98- �V������������������=����������������, Approved for Release: 2022/04/05 C06146213 Approved for Release: 2022/04/05 C06146213 28 November 1951 November - April S E,74-1 T' CCRAK established by FECOM order. Stalemate along Korean battlefront 1952- during discussions at Panmunjom. 1 December 1951 8 January 1952 Winter 1951-52 12 May - 12 June 1952 � 1 June 1952 AirForce/Haas/Korean War 51-53 HS [Mar 95/KCRuffner] Doc. #_1, page pp. CIA strength in Korea: 111.1111111116 Washington OSO/OPC headquarters merged into single CIA Clandestine Service (DDP), Notice No. 8-52 ' signed by Walter Bedell Smith. Apogee of CIA mainland guerrilla effort. Communist Forces mop up U.N.. guerrillas. . U.N. Forces sweep up Communist guerrillas. Mark Clark replaces Ridgway at FECOM. . CIA staff in Korea: Narrative ends. Cease- ire signed a year later at Panmunjom on 27 July 1953. 99 q�X-C-17; T Approved for Release: 2022/04/05 C06146213 Approved for Release: 2022/04/05 C06146213 Apr 11 Jul Jul 10 Nov 27 Nov 28 General MacArthur is recalled and General Ridgway assumes command of FEC. General Willoughby is relieved as G-2 FEC. Merger of OSO and OPC units into one mission, Joint Advisory Commission Korea (JACK), Truce talks begin in Kaesong. Truce talks resume at Panmunjom. Establishment by US Military of Covert, Clandestine and Related Activities in Korea (CCRAK--later CCRAFE) with CIA Station chief .as deputy of CCRAK. Dec Liberal Party is founded. Increase in CIA staff in Korea ilk 1952 --Tgar Transfer of JACK headquarters to Seoul with bases in Pusan, Inchon, and Seoul. Apr is appointed acting and later on 2 Aug, Chief, CIA Mission Korea. May 11.11111111111is appointed chief of reactivated Embassy unit in Pusan.. May 30 Priority assigned to EE program by Korea Mission chief but with little success. Primary EE responsibility, is re- tained by Korea Mission despite Air Force criticism. AirForce/Haas/Korean War 51-53 � HS [Mar 95/KCRuffner] Doc. # 3 ; page 1- of 9 pp. - 529 - Approved for Release: 2022/04/05 C06146213 Approved for Release: 2022/04/05 C06146213 r(T Late May Jul Aug 2 Sep Late 1111111111111111C is appointed deputy cffief of CCRAK replacing the chief of mission. Capri Incident in which CIA indige- nous guards fired at President Rhee's yacht. 1111111110arrives as new chief of Intelligence Operations. Credibility of much of Korea Mis- sion's North Korean reporting be- comes increasingly questionable. - 1953 - Jan CIA is accepted as Fourth Force in military theaters of operation such as Korea under agreement approved- by Joint Chiefs of Staff. Mar Vice Admiral Harvey E. Overesch is designated Senior Representative, North Asia Command, and CIA Com- mander for Far East Command, JCS, as pertains to Korea in conduct of unconventional warfare. 11.111111111111111111appointed chief of Embassy unit in Seoul. Jun 30 Tongnae Base closes. Jul 8 Pusan Base closes. Jul 27 Signing of Korean Armistice. Signing of Armistice results in new operating restrictions caus- ing decrease in CIA activities north of demarcation (DMZ) line. AirForce/Haas/Korean War 51-53 - 530 - HS [Mar 95/KCRuffnerl Doc. # 3 ; page S of 9 pp. Approved for Release: 2022/04/05 C06146213 Approved for Release: 2022/04/05 C06146213 / Jul 27 Aug Late 1954 �Tan Nov 1955 sEloeit'ff 0111111111111becomes chief of Korea Mission. Korea Mission headquarters (JACK) is closed. Korea Mission is reorganized and divided into smaller units under military cover. Reassessment of station assets re- veals papermills and fabrications as sources for most of station North Korean intelligence. Initiation of successful audio oper- ation Establishment of AMECA mechanism to develop contingency plans in event of death of Rhee or unilateral de- cision to march north. Establishment of aim Operations Base 4IIIIIIIkfor purpose of de- veloping operations against North Korea. the head- quarters of Korea Station is moved AirForce/Haas/Korean War 51-53 : HS [Mar 95/KCRuffner] Doc. # 3 ; page q of 9 pp. - 531 - aySTiyeirfl" Approved for Release: 2022/04/05 C06146213