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Document Creation Date: 
July 13, 2023
Document Release Date: 
August 26, 2022
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Case Number: 
Publication Date: 
November 3, 1960
Approved for Release: 2022/08/01 C00467773 , - - 3 November 1960 SUBJECT: Kimsey, Herman Edwa.rd BEST COPY AVAILABLE 1. This memorandum is for information only. - 2. This memorandum pertains to anonymous allegation. made against Herman Edward Kimsey, a GS-13 #mployee assi .,to the =Technical.�Services,Division.. 26 September 1960 We were a.dVised by the Security Agency Agency of the receipt of anonymous letters by Representative 3 Paul J. Kilday, Chairman of the Armed Services Sub-Committee.on Security, and the Honorable James H. , Douglas, Deputy irectOr Defense; alleging the "next two NSA buddies to defect' Herman Kimsey and Karl Yenser". Herbert Karl yen.ser employee of the Security Office of the National Security Agency while Herman Edward Kimsey is the chief of a section in the echnic _ .� Services Division of CIA. . The Office of Security immediately initiated an. mvesti- gation concerning _Kimsey, reviewing all information at hand. interviewing him extensively... Our 'employee is a 43 year ,-.,,..married-7-6R1P,',the _Chief of the Analirei.S and Reserch....Se913;oni -.^44 Graphic'Arts ,Reproductions. ra.nc4, edty ,r,11..cal. pe31?.,ces - 352 LIM He entered fn duty with this Agency on. 53�afte � :tk-A.rl'V.,ta,ticri.wl,aa,ih.4, in the � U.,;-;S. Army fibin. 1950 to 1253 with asignixientsin CounLter , Intelligence Corpai- ur action, -close,-coordination was main" -taine , NSA o compare data-obtained froni. our respectriieempiciyees to their backgrounds and personal -contacts. We learned both are members of the Tennessee Walking Horse Association and. official � - - - - of the American Walking Horse Association, ,both have acted as judges at various horse shows. Further, both have been closely concerned in the official position of the latter associatioi opposing inhumane methods of training show horses, have been re'sp-on.sible Approved for Release: 2022/08/01 C00467773 ese-,e totP r es enla, ur�ean 'of el, ff a-tibia. � for l.abora, _ _e , _ _ _ � ,":1- er o 3innitanepu � , without ' , - Approved for Release: 2022/08/01 C00467773 ,� ...-, , ,.... , ..... .. ,..,: .., for- the. citialifi�dation-Of .Various entries and have been. ,inrilve ,..,:.-,,t,-,1,-.0:,%�.�,,,,-3.--..0,3,444e-,er,v,�,,,,,,--:...:�,,,,,-.- . , - ...".� .,� - �: -- i.-'-'e.':�i...,.'' �-� ..-.".--: -' :.:- ;.�,...,!,' - tr.-7...4,,Ajf�.,%ii.'4'447* - from the semtter.S.,':-';:-,W,e,-.44.r. e awarel ,,,,..,-,...,,-,:k.,,,,,,,,.11.05ZA7ltiVi!ff.2.f:Aft--:-.,.--1 --=,:-...., .- ' . � ,. �:. . .:' ' � � ..'....�,"-:,,,;-f-:-., ���:=:-.:.,-',..-:" .�-"----'7 ..ti...".-'.='ti44;-t.'41.P,V. ere.liave;' een.,-inniurierable.:.biqicern.a.gs: allot rivairies,:�i s_si ent, 33.07 :s 'ma arno�. . .,.....,,,.,4,,,,,,.�.�-J�,,,,,.....,4�:444:,.....*N.I..k,,-,:,�ti...- '4'41:40t0-04-v- oupin_gp!. r "-"tr' ' amount of th113�1QS1 , enge clez .. .., ,..lie:rgu�vvomr."11,11-3-...elont_r.s::-c�u1.. , act'. - tta kslieui --,le..--,...-P.,g,-,-co-log� - ,,,,,,,,,,,,,....