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Publication Date: 
June 23, 1967
PDF icon ACTIVITIES OF JULIAN MAYF[16160130].pdf106.67 KB
ALL INFORMATION CONTAINED HEREIN IS UNCLASSIFIED EXCEPT. WHERE SHOWN OTHERWISE Approved for Release: 2022/11/29 C05363895 14 CENTRAL INTELL;IGENCE AGE WASHINGTON, D.C. 20505. DATE: 08-17-2007 CLASSIFIED BY AUC 60324/BAY/STP/c1d DECLASSIFY ON: 25X 3.3(1) 08-17-2032 Direetor Federal Bureau of Investigation Attention: Mr. S. J. Papdch FROM: Deputy Director for Plans -W.. SUBJECT: Adtivities of Julian ayfield 1. The, infortatienrip par ra ha 2-5 was received jUiian Hudebn MayfieIdi an Ameaban Negro horn. .6 JUneT1928 in Greer, Sbuth. CarOline, who, has been the sUbject . of previous 'correspondence, , � 2. Julian Mayfield, who recently arrived in London, said that he had contacted the Czechoslovak Embassy there in an attempt to obtain payment for the publication in Czechoslovakia of his novel, The Grand Parade, He said that if he learned that the Czeehoslovta 31tvernmput, did, in fact, owe him, money, he L10 his " companion" San rake, � . daughter 0.�Professor St. ClaWbrake of Roosevelt_Ugiversi4_14_, .Chigago,,vohld visit Czechoslovakia and probably return to New York via a Yugoslav ship. 'e c so that he wove a foot. ad outsid .of the' United States. Eventua 3. fad .. been living in Ibiza, Spain, since deavi Ghana- short].' efore the 1 e � and would like to purchase property. i1dha he hopes to settle so ewhe .. Africa, but he has no illusions about the African revolution, noting that the Africans needed to be told the I'harsh truths" about their inability to organize, to.resist.outside forces and to govern themselves. 'Mayfield gave the impression of being considerably leftist in political beliefs; he said that the' United States was indeed the nutber one enemy of the world's people and that he wanted . ' Mu, '40 �lo -.o.97 ef2 3 to become politically 'active when he retairsed. _to the United States. .07.� 4. .14ayfield seemed disilluSioned4t, h Ghanit.and� the former N)s regime and said that he had had no inflUtnce it bliena whilem4ivereiromi" despite rumor,s to the contrary. The only American Negr9i;who had had any influence vas Shirley Graham DuBoid, hilt' she had been bussetiol 130 1967 unaware of any -discontent :until. the day ofrithe Ghan�aian! 670up itself. . � . poi .).% zt_ uti ii.t.,t ,5. Mayfield hopes to obtain--a British publi en- h iher for boOk on Ghana while' in London 'and predicts. that he will lose the friendships (b)(3) Approved for Release: 2022/11/29 C05363895 pproved for Release: 2022/11/29 C05363895, �� � of many 'Ghanaian �exiles vbenever the book is published. r 6. 7. is request;e'd that no aCtiOn be taken on the, ip4sis Of this information Vi.thoirt prior eoptdinatiOn with this Agency.:, . Q8CI 316/0825-67 Approved for Release: 2022/11/29 C05363895