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MAY-07-2014 09:52 FROM:
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F(7�12 Lie/ n;11
Www AC cozu
ANI:;ONT Homi-Ro
EXercertDE Warrp.�1
Information and Privacy Coordinator
Central Intelligence Agency
Washington, D.C. 20505
OSD/JS FOIA Requester Service Center
Office of Freed om of Information
1155 Defense Pentagon
Washington, DC 20301-1155
Office of Information Programs and Services
U.S. Department of State
Washington, D.C. 20522-8100
Cannen L. Mallon, Chief of Staff
Office of Information Policy
U.S. Department of Justice
1425 New York Avenue, N.W., Suite 11050
Washington, D.C. 20530-0001
F- 2014 - N3O
ay 6, 2014
Re: Re i uest Under 'Freedom of In o at ion Act /
Expedited Processing Requested
To Whom It May Concern:
This letter constitutes a request ("Requ
Freedom of Information Act ("FOIA"), 5 U.S.
relevant implementing regulations, see 32 C.F.
Intelligence Agency); 28 C.F.R. � 16.1 (Demi-
� 286 (Department of Defense); and 22 C.F.R.
(Department of State). The Request is submitt
Liberties Union and the American Civil Libc
(together, the "ACLU" or the "Requesters").
St") pursuant to die
. � 552 et seq., and various
� 1900 (Central
meat of Justice); 32 C.F.R.
� 171.10 et seq.
by the American Civil
es Union Foundation
The American Civil Liberties Union is a non-profit. 26 U.S.C. � 501(c)(4)
membership organization that educates the:public about he civil liberties implications of
pending and proposed state and federal legislation, provi cs analysis of pending and
proposed legislation, directly lobbies legislators, and mo ilizes its mcniberS to lobby their
legislators. The American Civil Liberties Union Founda ion is a separate 26 U.S.C.
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MAY-07-2014 09:52 FROM:
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Requesters seek the disclosure of the �dated version of the Senate
Select Committee on Intelligence's report, Sit dy of the CIA's Detention
and Interrogation Program (the "Revised Re art"). See Letter from Sen.
Dianne Feinstein to President 13arack �barna Apr. 7, 2014),
http://bitly/OKXyvw (describing the Revised Report).
In March 2009, the. Senate Select Corn
("SSCI." or "Committee") began an investiga
program of rendition, secret detention, torture,
and degrading treatment of detainees. In the c
the SSCI reviewed six million pages of gove
the treatment of detainees in CIA. custody. Th
produce "a detailed, factual description of ho
were used, the conditions under which �detaine
intelligence that was�or wasn't�gained fit
nee on Intelligence
n into the CIA's post-9/11
and other cruel, inhuman,
urse of its investigation,
nent records documenting
SSC1's intent was to
interrogation techniques
s were held, and the
the program." Joint
Statement from Senator Dianne Feinstein, Cha rman, Senate Intelligence
Committee, and Senator Carl Levin, Chairman Senate Armed Services
Committee (Apr. 27, 2012), http://1.usa.gov/I 1q0.
At the end of 2012, the SSCI complete its Study of the CIA 's
Detention and Interrogation Program, which s � ans more than 6,000
pages, includes 35,000 footnotes, and cost $40 'Ilion to produce (the
"Initial Report"). On December 13, 2012, the SCI formally adopted the
Initial Report. See S. Rep. No. 113-7, at 13 .22,2013). The SSC1
subsequently disseminated the Initial Report to Executive Branch
agencies. After reviewing comments by the C and minority views of
Committee Republicans, the SSCI made clang s to the Initial Report,
which led to the SSCI's adoption or the Revises Report.
On April 3,2014, the SSCI voted to s d the "Findings and
Conclusions" and "Executive Summary" of the Revised Report to the
Executive Branch Ibr declassification review. 'cc Press Release, Sen.
Feinstein, Intelligence Committee Votes to De assify Portions of CIA
Study (Apr. 3,2014), littp://1.usa.gov/IhIYOkt. In her transmittal letter to
President �barna, SSC' Chairman Senator Fein in stated that the
Revised Report should be viewed as "the audio itative report on. the CIA's
actions," and that she would be transmitting the Revised Report to
appropriate Executive Branch agencies. See Le er from Sen. Feinstein to
President Obama, http://bit.ly/OKXyvw.
� 501(c)(3) organization that provides legal representatio
and organizations in civil Tights and civil liberties cases,
rights and civil liberties issues across the country, and pr
proposed legislation.
free of charge to individuals
ducates the public about civil
vides analyses of pending and
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MAY-07-2014 09:52 FROM:
TO:7036133007 P.4'11
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The Revised Report is of clear and en mous public importance.
The American public has a right to know the 'ull truth, based on a
comprehensive government investigation, ab ut the torture and other
abusive treatment of detainees authorized by fficials at the highest levels
of our government. The Revised Report is a racial part of the historical
record on the United States' abusive interroga ion practices, as well as
current and future public discussion about the CIA's treatment of
detainees during the administration of Preside t George W. Bush. Indeed,
President Obama urged the Committee to col �lett the Revised Report
and send it to the Executive Branch for declas ification, "so that the
American people can understand what happen d in the past, and that can
help guide us as we move forward." Jennifer. pstein, Barack Obarna
Weighs in on Senate-CIA Flap, Politico, Mar, I 2, 2014,
http://politi.co/leproS L.
According to Senator Feinstein, the Re ised Report -exposes
brutality that stands in stark contrast to our val es as a nation. it
chronicles a stain on our history that must nev r again be allowed to
happen." Press Release Sen. Feinstein Intern ience Committee Votes to
Declassify Portions of CIA Study, http://1.usa. ov/lhIYOkt. In addition
to chronicling the CIA's detention and torture idetainees, the Revised
Report "raises serious concerns about the CIA management" of its
detention and torture prograin. Press Release, ens. Susan Collins and
Angus King, Collins, King Announce Support or Declassification of
Intelligence Committee Report on CIA Detenti.n & Interrogation Program
(Apr. 2,2014), http://1.usa.gov/I kws9v1. Spe fically, the Revised Report
"concludes that the spy agency repeatedly niisl I Congress, the White
House, and the public about the benefits" of thi CIA's torture program.
David S. Joachim, Senate Panel Votes to Reve Report on CIA.
Interrogations, N.Y. Times, Apr. 3, 2014, Imp: /nytims/I eejlaR; see also
Letter from Sen. Mark Udall to President Sara Obama, Mar. 4, 2014,
littp://bitly/ 1 hwpii9p (noting that "much of w t has been declassified
and released about the operation, management d effectiveness of the
CIA's Detention and Interrogation Program is ply wrong. These
inaccuracies are detailed in the 6,300 page Con ittee Study[.1").
Release of the Revised Report is therefo
public access to a congressional investigative r
significance. For much of the last decade, the I
CIA's practices, as well as the resulting harm to
our nation's values, and our national security, h
and ongoing public debate. A fair public dcbat
informed by the Revised Report, Other official
been made available to the public: for example,
Services Committee Report, which concerned t
e critical to ensure timely
ort of historic
gality and wisdom of the
individuals' human rights,
ye been matters of intense
of these issues must be
nvestigative reports have
he Senate Armed
e Department of
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MAY-07-2014 09:53 FROM:
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Defense's involvement in detainee abuses, w - released in full in April
2009, The SSCI's Revised Report likewise o ght to be released.
Record R
Requesters seek disclosure of' the SSC 's recently revised report on
the CIA's rendition, detention, and interrogati n program in the years
following 9/11.
With respect to the Rum of production see 5 U.S.C.
� 552(a)(3)(B), we request that the Revised R port be provided
electronically in a text-searchable, static-imag format (PDF), in the best
image quality in the agency's possession.
iea on for E dite Process
We request expedited processing purs 1 to 5 U.S.C.
� 552(a)(6)(13) and 32 C.F.R. � 1900.34(c); 28 C.F.R. � 16.5(d); 32 C.F.R.
� 286.4(d)(3); and 22 C.F.R. � 171,12(3). Th e is a "compelling need"
for these records, as defined in the statute and egulations, because the
information requested is urgently needed by ai organization primarily
engaged in disseminating infommtion in order o inform the public about
actual or alleged government activity. 5 U.S, � 552(a)(6)(E)(v); see
also 32 C.F.R. � 1900.34(c)(2); 28 C.F.R, � 16 5(d)(1)00; 32 C.F.R.
� 286.4(d)(3)(ii); 22 C.F.R. � 171.12(6)(2). In addition, the records sought
relate to a "breaking news story of gcnetal pub ic interest." 32 C.F.R.
� 1900.34(0)(2) (providing for expedited procc sing when "the
information is relevant to a subject of public u ency concerning an actual
or alleged Federal govermnent activity"); see a so 32 C.F.R.
� 286.4(d)(3)(ii)(A); 22 C.F.R. � 171.12(b)(2)( ); 28 C.F.R.
� 16.5(d)( I )(iv).
A. The ACLU is an organization p Marily engaged in
disseminating information in or Cr to infirm the public
about actual or alleged govern ent activity.
The ACLU is "primarily engaged in dis eminating information"
within the meaning of the statute and relevant r gulations. 5 U.S.C.
552(a)(6)(E)(v)(II); 32 C.F.R. � 1900.34(e)(2 ; 28 C.F.R,
� 16.5(d)(1)(ii); 32 C.F.R. � 286.4(d)(3)(ii); 22 '.F.R. � 171,12(3)(2). See
ACLU v. Dep't of Justice, 321 F. Supp. 2d24, n.5 (D.D.C. 2004)
(finding that a non-profit, public-interest group at "gathers information
of potential interest to a segment of the public, ses its editorial skills to
turn the raw material into a distinct work, and d stributes that work to an
audience" is "primarily engaged in disseminatin information" (internal
citation omitted)); see also Leadership C.onfere cc on Civil Rights v.
Gonzales, 404 F. Supp. 2d 246.260 (D.D.C. 20 5) (finding Leadership
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MAY-07-2014 09:53 FROM:
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Conference�whosc mission is "to serve as
and up-to-the-minute civil rights news and i
"disseminate0 information regarding civil ri
educate the public [and] promote effective ci
"primarily engaged in the dissemination of in
Dissemination of information about ac
activity is a critical and substantial componen
work. The ACLU disseminates this informati
promote the protection of civil liberties. The
disseminating and editorializing information
requests include: a paper newsletter distribute
people; a hi-weekly electronic newsletter distr
300,000 subscribers; published reports, books,
a widely read blog; heavily visited websites, i
microsite, http://www.aclu.org/accountability;
o site of record for relevant
rmatiou" and to
s and voting rights to
I rights laws"�to be
ual or alleged government
of the ACLU' S mission and
n to educate the public and
CLU's regular means ol'
abed through FOIA
o approximately 450,000
butcd to approximately
pamphlets, and fact sheets;
eluding an accountability
and a video series.
The ACLU also regularly issues press 'eleases to call attention to
documents obtained through FOIA requests, zr well as other breaking
news.2 ACLU attorneys arc interviewed frequ ntly for news stories about
documents released through ACLU FOIA req ests.3
'2 See, e.g.. Release, American Civil Liberties Union, Iocumenrs SSW FBI Monitored
Bay Area Occupy Movement, Sept. 14, 2012, http://ww .aclu.orgfrode/36742; Press
Release, American Civil Liberties Union, FOL4 Docum nts Show FBI Using "Mosque
Outreach" for Intelligence Gathering, Mar. 27, 2012, ht p://www.aclu.orenationa1-
security/foin-documents-showan-using-mosque-outrea h-Intelligence-gathering; Press
Release, American Civil Liberties Union, FOTA DOOM! rs Show FBI Illegally
Collecting Intelligence Under Guise of "Community Ox. each," Dee. I , 2011,
intelligence-under-guise-community, Press Release, Ant rican Civil Liberties Union
FOL4 Documents from FBI Show Unconstitutional Raci I Profiling, Oct 20, 2011,
hup://www,achtorginational-security/foia-documents4b -show-unconstitutional-racial-
profiting; Press Release, American Civil Liberties Union Documents Obtained by ACLU
Show Sexual Abuse of Immigration Detainees Ls Widesp 'ad National Problem, Oct. 19,
2011, imp://www.adu.orgnmraigrants-rights-prisoners-r ghat-prisoners-
rights/documents-obtaincd-aclu-show-sexual-abuse; Pres Release, American Civil
Liberties Union, New evidence of Abuse at Bagram Und 'stores Need for Full
Disclosure About Prison, Says ACLU, June 24, 2009. h liwww.aclu.orgniational-
security/new-evidence-abuse-bagram-underscores-necd- 11-disclosure-about-prithn�
says-ad u.
'See, e.g, Carrie Johnson, Delay in Releasing CIA I?
Wants More limo to Review K; 's Findings on Detainee
2009 (quoting ACLU staff attorney Anvil, Singh); Peter
on 'Nigh-Value' Detainee, Document Shows, Wash. Post
staff attorney Den Wizner); Scott Shane, Lawsuits Force
Times, June 10,2009 (quoting ACLU National Security
Jay Warrick, Like FBI, CIA 1/as Used Secret 'Letters.'
(quoting ACLU staff attorney Melissa Goodman).
port Is Sought; Justice Dep't
reatment, Wash. Post, June 20,
inn & Julie Tate, C.I.4 Mistaken
June 16,2009 (quoting ACLU
i.closure-v by CIA., N.Y.
redact director Jameel Jaffer);
sh. Post, kn. 25, 2008
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The ACLU website specifically inclu
about actual or alleged government activity o
example, the ACLU maintains an online "To
compilation of over 100,000 FOR documen
the public to conduct sophisticated searches o�
to government policies on rendition, detentio
Another example is the ACLU's "Mapping th
analyzes, compiles, and makes available to th
through the ACLU's FOIA requests for info
and ethnic "mapping" of American common]
FBI portal, users can search the FOIA doeurn
matter in addition to accessing detailed comm
records and government activities. Beyond w
produced an in-depth television series on civil liberties, which has
included analyses and explanation of infbrmat on the ACLU has obtained
through MIA,
es features on information
tamed through FOIA.4 For
re Database," a
that allows researchers and
FOIA documents relating
and interrogation.5
FBI" portal, which
public records obtained
ation about the FBI's racial
es. From the Mapping the
s by state and subject
ntary and, analysis about the
bsites, the ACLU has
The ACLU plans to analyze and disse mate to the public the
information gathered through this Request. e record requested is not
sought for commercial use, and the Requesters plan to disseminate the
information disclosed as a result of this Rcque t to the public at no cost.6
B. The record sought is urgently n eded lo inform the public
about actual or alleged govern rent activity
he Revised Report is urgently needed
actual or alleged government activity; moreov
breaking news story of general public interest,
rendition, detention and interrogation program
abusive techniques after September 11, 2001.
� 1900.34(c)(2); 28 C.F.R. � 16.5(d)(1)(ii); 32
22 C.P.A. � I71.12(b)(2).
O inform the public about
, this document relates to a
peeifically, the CIA's
rid its authorization of
e 32 C.F.R.
YR, � 286.4(d)(3)(i1)(A);
4 See. e.g., http:f/www.aclu.org/national-security/pre.ator-drone-foia;
hup://www,ael norginational-security/anwar-al-awlaki-f la-request;
http://www.aclu.org/mappingthefbi; http://vrww.aclu.or national-security/bagvam-fonr,
http://www.achforg/salefree/nsaspyinW30022res200602 7.html;
hrtp://www.aclu.orepatriotfola; httpl/wwwmclu.orgispy des; and
hitp://www.aclu.orgisafefrecinationalsecurityleners/3214 res2007 I 011.htrnl.
6 In addition to the national ACLU olices, there are 5 ACLU affiliate and national
chapter offices located throughout the United States and rueno Rico. These offices
further disseminate ACLU material to local residents, seh els, and otgani,tations through
a variety of means, including their own websi reS, publica -oils, and newsletters. Further,
the ACLU makes archived materials available at the Am ken Civil Liberties Union
Archives at Princeton University Library:
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We make this Request to further the p blies understanding of the
CIA's program and the role of senior officials in conceiving of and
authorizing the use of abusive interrogation 1 hniques in the wake of
September 11, 2001. The public has and corn flues to manifest an abiding
interest in the conduct of the CIA and other e ccutive agencies with
respect to individuals seized, detained, and int rrogated for
counterterrorism purposes. While U.S. intelli ence officials have
acknowledged that the CIA used harsh, and co reive interrogation
techniques, Congress's investigation sets forth the most comprehensive
account to date ol' what happened and why, an it is imperative that its
findings be made public.
Over the past eighteen months, nation news stories have
highlighted the significance of the SSCI inves gation for the public
record. In the run-up to the Committee vote o the Initial Report in
December 2012, a host of articles and editorial- were published
emphasizing how important it is for the results of the SSCI's investigation
to be made public. See, e.g., Ed Pilkington, Sc sate Under Pressure to
Release Mammoth Report on CM Interrogatio , The Guardian (U.K.),
Dee. 13, 2012, http://bitly/VECh2J; Carolyn ochhead, Dianne Feinstein
Torture Report May Conflict with Bin Laden ovie, SPGate Blog, Dec.
11, 2012, http://bitly/USwxpf; Matt Bewig, Sc ate Report on CIA Torture
Techniques May Remain Secret, AllGov, Dee, 0, 2012,
http://billyNLaX WE; Jim Kouri, Senate Dern erats Urge Probe of CIA
Interrogations During Bush Years, Examiner, Pee. 7, 2012,
http://exm.nr/TZTQuk; Mark floscnball, Senat rs to Vote on Probe of CIA
Interrogation Program, Reuters, Dee, 6, 2012, ttp://reut.rs/RbuL3T;
Editorial, Our View: Snowe, Committee Shout Release Torture Report,
Portland Press Herald, Nov. 23, 2012, http://bitly/RYpVnl.
Similarly, during the weeks leading up
Committee's declassification vote, nationwide
continued to emphasize the critical importance
See, e.g., Bradley Klapper, Feinstein Asks. Whit
Report, Associated Press, Apr. 8, 2014, http://b
Joachim, Senate Panel Votes to Reveal Report
N.Y. Times, Apr. 3,2014, http://hyti.ms/leejla
Taylor, & David Lightman, Senate Panel 'Irina&
Terror Suspects After 9-11, MeClatehy, Apr. 3,
http://bitly/lqzYEXj; David Ignatius, A Tortur
Congress and the CIA, Wash. Post, Apr. 1,201
Marisa Taylor & David Lightman, CIA 's Harsh
More Widespread Than Thought, Senate Invest(
Apr. I , 2014, http://biLly/llimoXPY; Greg Mil
Ellen Nakashima, CIA Misled on Interrogation
and following the
edia outlets have
f the Revised Report.
House to Edit Torture
tly/lkwLrBl; David S.
n C.I.A. Interrogations,
; Ali Watkins, Marisa
CIA Illegally Interrogated
d Debate Between
, littp://wapo.st/lhEjfEg;
Interrogation Tactics
ators Found, IYIeClatehy,
er, Adam Goldman, &
rogram, Senate Report
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ZAPGPI rt)E11413A1113N
Says, Wash. Post, Mar. 31, 2014, http://wapo.'illecujNM; Bradley
Klapper, Senate Report: Torture Didn't Lead o Ilin Laden, Associated
Press, Mar. 31, 2014, http://bitly/li5ZDOt; M k Mazzetti, Senate Asks
CIA. to Share Its Report on Interrogations, Y. Times, Dec. 17,2013,
The contents of the Revised Report wi
debate about the CIA interrogation program.
provides "the public with a comprehensive ria
insinuated itself into U.S. policy," a narrative
historical interest" as the nation's lawmakers
Free the Torture Report, L.A. Times, Apr. 27,
Expedited processing should he ,grante
A lication for Waiver or La
A Release of the record is in the lic. interest.
I inform urgent and ongoing
he Revised Report
alive of how torture
hat "is of more than
mve forward. Editorial,
itation ees
We request a waiver of search, review, and reproduction fees on
the grounds that disclosure of the requested re ord is in the public interest
because it is likely to contribute significantly t the public understanding
of the United States government's operations o activities and is not
primarily in the commercial interest of the req ester. 5 U.S.C.
� 552(a)(4)(A)(iii); 32 C.F.R. � 1900.13(b)(2); 28 C.F.R. � 1.6.11(k); 32
C.F.R. � 286.28(d); and 22 C.F.R. � 171.17.
The Revised Report will significantly contribute to public
understanding of the government's operations r activities. Moreover,
disclosure is not in the ACLU's commercial in crest. Any information
obtained by the ACLU as a result of this FOIA request will be available to
the public at no cost. See 32 C.F.R. � 1900.13 )(2); 28 C.F.R.
� 16.11(k); 32 C.F.R. � 286.28(d); 22 C.F.R. � 71.17.
Thus, a fee waiver would fulfill Congre
amending FOIA. See Judicial Watch Inc v. R
(D.C. Cir. 2003) ("Congress amended FOIA to
construed in favor of waivers for noncommerei
quotation marks and citation omitted)); OPEN
Pub, L. No. 110-175, � 2, 121 Stat. 2524 (find'
secrecy, is the dominant objective of the Act,"
v. Rose, 425 U.S. 352, 361 (1992)),
s's legislative intent in
sorti, 326 F.3d 1309, 1312
nsure that it be liberally
1 requesters." (internal
overtunent Act of 2007,
g that "disclosure, not
noting Dep of Air Force
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T0:7036133007 P.10/11
B. The ACLU qualifies as a repr sentative of the news media.
A waiver of search and review fees is warranted because the
ACLU qualifies as a "representative of the n media" and the Revised
Report is not sought for commercial use. 5 S.C. � 552(a)(4)(A)00; see
also 32 C.F.R. � 1900.02(h)(3); 28 C.F.R. � 16.11(k); 32 C.F.R.
� 286.28(d); 22 C.F.R. � 171.17. According' , fees associated with the
processing of this request should be "limited o reasonable standard
charges for document duplication."
The ACLU meets the statutory and re ulatory definitions of a
"representative of the news media" because it is an "entity that gathers
information of potential interest to a segment
editorial skills to turn the raw materials into a
distributes that work to an audience." 5 U.S.
also Nat 7 Sec Archive v. Dept ofDef., 880
1989); et Am. Civil Liberties Union v. Dep't
24, 30 n.5 (D.D.C. 2004) (finding non-profit
"primarily engaged in disseminating informati
"representative of the news media" for the san
"primarily engaged in the dissemination of i
Privacy Info. Ctr, v. Dep 't W.Del, 241 F. Sup
2003) (finding non-profit public interest grou
electronic newsletter and published books was a "representative of the
news media" for FOlA purposes)] Indeed, th ACLU recently was held
to be a "representative of the news media." Se v. Women's Action
f the public, uses its
� istinet work, and
� � 552(a)(4)(A)(ii)(11); see
2d 1381, 1387 (D.C. Cir.
'Justice, 321 F. Supp. 2d
ublic interest group tO be
n"). The ACLU is a
e reasons that it is
mation." See Elec.
. 2d 5, 10-15 (D.D.C.
that disseminated an
Network v. Dep't of Defense, No. 3:11 CVI53
3683399, at *3 (D. Conn. May 14, 2012); see
Union of Wash. v. Dep't of-justice, No. C09-0
at *10 (W.D. Wash. Mar. 10, 2011) (finding A
"representative of the news media"), reconsid
grounds, 2011 WL 1900140 (W.D. Wash. Ma
(MRK), 2012 WL
Iso Am. Civil Liberties
42RS1.� 2011 WI, 887731,
LU of Washington to be a
ed in part on other
19, 2011).
Pursuant to applicable statute and regul dons, we expect a
determination regarding expedited processing 'thin ten (10) calendar
days. See 5 U.S.C. � 552(a)(6)(E)(ii)(1); 32 C. '.R. � 1900.21(d); 28
On account of these factors, fees associated with re ponding to FOIA requests are
regularly waived for the ACLU. For example, in Octob 2013, the State Department
granted a fee waiver to the ACLU with respect to a requ st for doctunents concerning the
United States' targeting killing program. In June 2013 t e National Security Division of
the Department of Justice granted a fee waiver to the AC Al with respect to u request tor
documents relating to standards governing intelligence collection and the Division's
interpretation of an executive order. Since at least 2002, ovemment agencies ranging
from the Department cif the Navy to the Department olt mmerce have grunted the
ACLU fee waivers in connection with its FOR requests.
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C.F.R. � 16.5(d)(4); 32 C.F.R. � 286,4(d)(3);.22 C.F.R. � 171.12(b).
IT the request is denied in whole or in
all withholdings by reference to specific exe
also ask that you release all segregable portio
art, we ask that you justify
ptions to the FOIA, We
S of otherwise exempt
We reserve the right to appeal a decisi in to withhold any
in or to deny a waiver of fees.
Please furnish the applicable records t
Ashley Gorski
American Civil Liberties Union
125 Broad Street
18th Floor
New York, NY 10004
Thank you for your prompt attention ti this matter.
I hereby certify that the foregoing is t e and correct to the best of
my knowledge and belief. See 5 U.S.C. � 552 a)(6)(E)(vi).
2 f31 I cy krors/xi
American Civil Liberties Union
125 Broad Street
18th Floor
New Ynn innrin
Fax: 212.549 2654
Approved for Release: 2022/11/22 C06191816
-07-2014 09:52 FROM:
TO: 7@36133@07
Approved for Release: 2022/11/22 C06191816
American Civil Liberties Union
125 Broad Street
New York, NY 10004
Pb: (212) 549-2500
Information and Privacy
Coordinator From: Ashley Gor ki, National Security Project
Central Intelligence Agency
Washington, P.C. 20505
ACLU National
Legal Department
Fax: 212-549-2654 Pages: 10
Date: May 6, 20 4
Re: Request Under Freedom of Information Act
Approved for Release: 2022/11)22 C06191816