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Document Release Date: 
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Publication Date: 
August 19, 1961
PDF icon LETTER TO LT. GENERAL JOS[16098738].pdf239.14 KB
Approved for Release: 2022/08/01 C03131888 1 9 AuG bsithses Is astiossi 00411* Iwo isdik coolians ba 144 irsikiebit tbaeas ma& shoommil Omilsd docks. keys its akedseSii hi dile case valid Ube to Wily of GOLINUL W IlUss ditsores whit* big stsiles loss es VS?. Mei Asstwy babe isearrognssed 001.K.S11,0SEI this ps4.Os Ilikas mosplited � treassuiless sisoosoll of debOsell slam lop ropoirSio dist She facessa sitsmallos owes sod II* 1p4illtroom seticts ressitiog Lit deisial total tbsb amass by his sorp.riairsM tbs Nall& bolottigesea reirt,. BEST COPY AVAILABLE e ,V! Approved for Release: 2022/08/01 C03131888 Approved for Release: 2022/08/01 C03131888 Sint Jaen 9i. tidies 14votimir a. E-0-2-400C/ISWairsity eavaillast DCUAWt/VCha$*:bLp ie A Distributteau Otis L t Aelleresetre wise* .ocileiswess� k MCI voi k CfritiortgY WO/ I � Div Setouritrid e_/ v 2 . zgaff-wity sow . irfrioitips (5, /{/4.!" " cad* Alits sits -2 Ceilird-gyWE Approved for Release: 2022/08/01 C03131888 Approved for Release: 2022/08/01 C03131888 SUET axoanauxe DOA QJPATIQI Ntobal 00111/XlMia 16 August 1922 Ls%4erz, Poland Pother - Mahal ammummx, bora 29 3933 et Uhrior (Lemberg Mtatriat) Pam- deseals4 Natber "alum 0011111WOKI (Nest bean 17 bloat )J99 at Wereev, PO lag at Neresalbewsika 140 11153, le Aulla NALIHOINICI (married her arch 'Mow ate had *Lila Int previous marrieze. O r jeat end Anna hed abild abuts: born LA 1)C livoreel in 197. (All reside IL )argaw) Lb , r Married Inward Minarets KAMPF 7 Nara% .19t4 Lt. Oolonel Polish Azar 1933 0:epleted. Beateramwo Ei�k04.1.1 1933-0aptember - Attended 'beef PlIsadeN1 1939 demmulitia Gymnair,a2 11 Valeetyn Septeaber 4939- deraed with PoU&h Ntgirar 1, Nerelber 193P Outfit 1, Noveiber 3939 April 1940 Nib'1,40,40, German priamiar � Leborer on prise near Chabh) ry 1946 - 2 Peril 190 - Height 5, 10" Weight 165 lbs. Hair Dirk Hrovu Nyea 11111.04rosa r- SECRET Approved for Release: 2022/08/01 C03131888 Approved for Release: 2022/08/01 C03131888 SECRET Unger& Mengerets ourr 6 January 1929 . Berlin, Bermeny ibther Irene aware& Theodor umpr,born 6 Nervieber 1085 in Berlin, Oermen Blether � Louise Metbil4e BANN (Bee: F11NIC 110 born 4 April 1890 in Berienburg OessetV Mabel OOLISIMMOKI T Minh 101 29.45 Iftestebls seller in 3srlia 194T-1951 - Wise of Berlin Begistrot April 105130.� Siorstery, Berlin Offloo 3 January 1961 1935.29113 - Ilementery sekool in ter 1- 194.1944 - Attended busts ta 1951 - 1981 alber of the 114007se Trsdk Uhl= - of tbe Megistret (ecermisor.-) Peidht V 7" Mir Berk Brovn 10444t 135 lb*. JOse Brown SEC, Approved for Release: 2022/08/01 C03131888 Approved for Release: 2022108/01 C03131888 MEMORANDUM FOR: THE DIRECTOR Attached is a revised letter for your signature to General Swing concerning an adjustment of status of GOLENIEWSKI and his wife under Section 7 of P. L. UO. Alien Affairs has advised there is strong likelihood that I & N will question the case because of lack of proof of the Polish divorce. We believe it most inappropriate to require a second divorce in the U. S. and subsequent remarriage to his current wife. Based on the facts, as we know them, the marriage is considered valid with abundant case law support including at least one Immigration case. MEMORANDUM FOR: I believe there is a good chance the case can be pushed through and certainly we should make the effort. /JOHN S. WARNER iicting General Counsel 14 August 1961 (DATE) FORM NO. joi REPLACES FORM 10.101 1 AUG 54 I 4 WHICH MAY RE USED. (471 A for Release: 2022108/01 C03131888