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Publication Date:
December 18, 1947
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MEMO TO ADSO RE OGC MEETI[16106940].pdf | 336 KB |
Approved for Release: 2022/08/15 C06933698
Lotag..1.-a�aramaleada�Me T Z.m
1.�Aa a renult of the conference-beten :yciurselt .
. ��:.;;�-)142.,, Bigelow. Iif =tint Tr..111.celast.s- inVitation and with
7�����,-::: your
Ilade by hirk cnd to acquaint myselrwith the ope:Pations..
of his Offico in order to attwapt.* resolution of cortalq:baktili.
-.'ditterenaes et opinion in the operation.Of.50...forelen--evrr
problems. � � � , � . .1. � � � � "
. � �� � �
� 2. � On Tbuindoyi 11 :Dit0e4ter.'' 1647,. Er. Varner' and 1.
epent two cu.4 one-half houre With Er. nicalinTo: and on ,!ed4-
' nersday rtorninc, 17 December .i047,� I-uPent .a.further throe.
'hours dieoussing .foretgn cxchange..questione� with Vr..
A rational approach to the .problerz:is �oceighsed by bitter '..���.�4.�:;�.,.-
..perconal feelings which 'have. generated oitcr.e� period of .time ;-
brATTBOn th 0 calor. Spoata3. Funds And. Xrd Dicolger..� I..-to0I...
. .
t omens ��is vainly. on . the la tt arta-. stder. e Meted% ;..:(b)(3)
s, probably not Trithout fault in hic handling 'Cif th� (b)(6)
. - situation. Al ti setsch � am . porgorml .. problem may lb� the .truly � "
insoluble iter., I .stall try to .leave it :Mt' of considerati*-
' � in this -report and present my views on the theory or. the
� operation. U� : -
� .
. " as �Cbriaidored..-in
present ..endless cemplications.end:polioy..quaistions.....�In�
broadest R3p �ctn. 1or:OV417* X . rani thertV:0.1.0 tlfro 'Well er Isiet�
� ft:notions -.1
Approved for Release: 2022/08/15 C06933698
Approved for Release: 2022/08/15 C06933698
. '� .7 � �Stl:
� ,
10 ,h�� �
Dececiber 1941 t'.;lus���
Once step CO) is taktat" there remain the anichanical rec.
to earry out the,' At present" Hr. Bie1oW carries.-
out not only the three prelirtinary steps but also performs -.�����
� the mechanical ittplamontatim. � . �
�� As an outsider,.. it cippeare to 6 .that this -way be
the art= or the paioblmni ttS-Lt puts hisrin a dual 0apaeit7
. tub is perhaps xultombles. A coed Clutraplet.or the to
problen the dual caracity creates is the tact that since h
purchases caul trenefers currencies for -the stook -pile pur..posgiviq,
ritt;olow feels accountrIble :for the currencies therein
volVttd xntil trzuleferred to .curront operost2:ons: and "
This re(piree an elaborate boold:ceping ayratem.. Iris concept.7..
. of the informtion uhLoh his hooka should reflect.: ia..:in parVtat.
conflict with the concept of the:books Set up �by.',
3pcaltil 7,Navi5, so that at one naiticular.�titto the'sttio ants
of hooks do not refloat the 841161'4:urea tar the .00st ,, ... >.
operations.: Also": the masher. cies). promos',. Sit30* it involves
. the handlinr of Speoial Feuldse raises the,,
that� function can be in a separate -unit at eubjeet-to
. � � r
� trol by the. Chief" Special.."1:turite.:.:: � .� .. � � . '. �
L. I believe the. basic 'theory' to lie 4.1Ound �that the
� � � � -;
II/reit:star �end 'yourself shoul.a. look �to.Olut officer alone for tin':
prOblmn ooneerned with Special Funds, it lavoonceivable
the proliributry.steps (intelligence, planning's :and decisiens),�.::�:.....1.7.2J::
, could be set up as a ..scparitte supPort.unit under CAS te:�.forward."..::*,- �
its docisi CMS f01' implenentstion b ..Speciat.Iunda. Z
howovw" it would be preferable to keep it as .t separate Unit-
� in Special Funda. � .1.�titinits, Under no circumstances,. should. the
iiiichanicial..proceas be neparated .froct Speoial rUndit.
-nay present practical difficulties but rough' .1.0 as � rollcwat �
Approved for Release: 2022/08/15 C06933698
Approved for Release: 2022/08/15 C06933698
SLL tiff
18 December 1947 .�����..
. have rer,uler Agent-Caarthia7apraxm all mechanical. '
transactions in forolm exchange at the direction of
a spacial unit for intelligence, planninr..., tux/ apeoifie. .,.
, .-
decision, This mat would be in the position of a . ��,-
snocial advisor to the Chief, fipeolal Punda. Its
!Cimetions, duties,. and author/tie� ahould be cloarly- :�
(loaned to give it the'ridest".soope pousible under � �
the final saupervlaion o the chinr. Spacial 1,"urv3s.
I .believe !.!r. rirolow has bean experiencinr very real
'difficulties but ones which could be overcome by in..
proved advelnistrr.tion end procedures And by granting
Tridnr� $vItIlority for liaison, both with outside risco/ .�
ai-..nncips (public find privatn) and with op�-.:rations,
hnitoVe the:0 has been luldue delay in pouch rind cable
co-Tr.....nicattcric r'rtahir'- r. Bicalotts desk aiid that ..
doeision2 end negotiations have boo.-a hampered by lin..
nenes3a17 compile/Aims. 1.13 liaison and. the gathilrina
of inform:U.0n. rurthor study will be needcd, but r
fool the present office my tell be =claret:ere:a to
pf!rforri pr.opeirly its int�Illif;ence it.nd planning functions,
I nri �convincmd� the above views will not be eatisfactory to
''r. Pirolow. :Ti hen ostrzg,,itsd that the Only satisfactory �
nolutie'n is the lstabliahlent of a. apeoial unit under .0A3 -.�
coequal with npnoial Punts, which unit rould be a procureMent
and supply unit for foram currmciea reporting throurt�CA3
to ycn4 Despite the vary cat contribution afforded by
P.igelorre experience tad contacts, and. despite thei diffiaultLaa-
(eardnistriatiCrs, tprocaduras and personal) under which he la �
operstang, I cannot accept ids thoom Of a .Saparation of. fiscal '-
responsibility within 30...
.::� .
Approved for Release: 2022/08/15 C06933698