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Document Release Date: 
August 18, 2022
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Publication Date: 
August 30, 1951
STANDARD FORM NO. 64 Approved for Release: 2022/08/10 CO2271115 Office Memorandum � UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT TO Director of Training FROM : Nilliam J. Morgan SUBJECT: Weekly Report . 23 August - 30 August 1951 IN Ct.,� NO r t csi3A; BV CUifiSQICy I-00ft DATE: 30 August 1Y.51 On 24 August 51 Miss and I carried out testing at for SRA.8. Only eight are enrolled for this course, one of om was absent because of illness. Of the seven who took the test, one scored quite low. He obtained two Poor,and one low Mediocre on the critical test, just getting by. Dr. and I have decided to let him try his hand in the coursesbut if he does not hold up dur- ing the first two weeks he will be dropped* 2. Miss has completed the compilation of frequency distributions and norms for the following tests: Henmon-Nelson Test of Mental Ability, Miller Analogies, Logical Reasoning, Word Meaning, Reading Speed, Reading Comprehension, Oral Directions, and Iowa Language Aptitude. On the basis of this analysis we now have norms that are derived from a CIA population - and, therefore, the interpretation of individual scores on these tests will henceforth be more meaningful. Miss has now begun to compute product-moment coefficients of correlations between different tests. Our aim is to get tests that do not correlate very high with each other so that we measure different traits with each test without dApiication. (b)(3) (b)(1) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) 3. Our research work on predicting language proficiency so far has been confined to readingsrather than spoken,Russian. However, the more expensive language courses at the F.S.I. and the other universities are the conversation ones and we should have adequate meant of predicting proficiency. We are, therefore, offprinting and getting together the necessary test materials for testing aural language proficiency. It is hoped that this program can be put into effect within six to eight weeks. In the beginning it would be purely an experimental project, but as soon as critical scores are determined the program will be used for screening q?plicants. 4. For the next week I will be in attendance at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association in Chicago. Among other things, I hope to be able to spot persons who can serve as contacts in the different colleges in connection with the Career Corps Program. (b)(3) 220.1:0 Irj; .2Z 3 2 -9 �t Dth cat i'f /1_1:711G wiLLIAM J. MORGAN toptittun (b)(3 Approved for Release: 2022/08/10 CO2271115