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PDF icon ACTIVITIES OF AIR AMERICA[16146822].pdf988.76 KB
Approved for Release: 2022/10/26 C03143693 OGC 66-1359 20 June 1966 MEMORANDUM FOR THE RECORD SUBJECT: Activities of Air America and China Air Lines in Southeast Asia 1. Mr. George Denney of State informed me that the Secretary of State plans to have Under Secretary Ball reply to Senator Fulbright, saying only that he knows the Secretary would be glad to be in touch with the Senator on this matter when he returns about 10 July 1966. When the Secretary returns, he will then focus on this problem; his basic feeling is that he does not want to be forthcoming. 2. Meanwhile, I will recommend to Mr. Helms that we go ahead and talk to Mr. Rostow in the White House and see if Mr. Helms wants me or someone else to take that mission. eo.ce LAWRENCE R. HOUSTON General Counsel OGC:LRH:jeb cc: DDS S013. FE OGC chrono i%ubject HBILKA (b)(3) pproved for Release: 2022/10/26 C03143693 Approved for Release: 2022/10/26 C03143693 20 June 1966 MEMORANDUM FOR: SUBJECT: Deputy Director of Central Intelligence Activities of Air America and China Air Lines in Southeast Asia I. This memorandum contains a recommendation in para- graph 4 for approval by the Deputy Director of Central Intelligence. 2. I talked to Mr. George C. Denney, Jr., Deputy Director, Bureau of Intelligence and Research, Department of State, about Senator Fulbright's letter inquiring about Air America. I suggested that we could prepare an accurate response to the Senator's letter which would be complete except for aA 's relationship with Air America, and that we could then carry the letter to Senator Fulbright and orally discuss this classified aspect. Mr. Denney felt that that was a possibility but was not sure that the Secretary would be willing to send a letter which could be considered misleading. His suggestion was that the Secretary sign an interim letter saying that he would be glad to discuss the Senator's questions with him and invite him to lunch for that purpose. I said I thought this would be all right with us, but Mr. Denney then said he was concerned that this might put the Secretary in the position of providing the Senator with informa- tion which the Director had said he would deny to the Senator's Committee. I said we had traditionally made a difference between responding to an individtal senator's request and briefing com- mittees, and Mr. Denney agreed that this was a familiar practice. I said we might overcome this by arranging that, if the Senator agreed to a meeting luncheon or otherwise, an Agency representa- tive could be there who would brief on the classified aspects. Mr. Denney thought this might be a good solution. 3. We agreed that at this time I would prepare a briefing paper for the Secretary on the company and that Mr. Denney would prepare the interim response to Senator Fulbright. and that we would exchange these papers Monday morning, 20 June, for further consie,..ration. Attached is my proposed briefing memorandum for the Secietary and also a draft letter which could be used if my original suggestion were adopted. pproved for Release: 2022/10/26 C03143693 Approved for Release: 2022/10/26 C03143693 4. I recommend that I discuss this material and the proposed response to Senator Fulbright with the Department of State. LAWRENCE R. HOUSTON General Counsel Attachments The recommendation in paragraph 4 is approved Deputy Director of Central Intelligence Date Distribution: 0-General Counsel I-DDCI 1-ER 1-ADDS 1-DDS/HB 1-FE 1-SOD l-OGC/LC pproved for Release: 2022/10/26 C03143693 Approved for Release: 2022/10/26 C03143693 BRIEFING NOTE ( SUBJECT: REFERENCE: Activities of Air America and China Airlines In Southeast Asia 14 June 66 Ltr fr Senator Fulbright to Secretary of State 1. Senator Fulbright's letter asks for information as to precisely what Air America's duties are in Southeast Asia and whether it is used for paramilitary missions in Laos. He also asks whether China Airlines is in any way involved in the American war effort in this region or now has any connection with the Central Intelligence Agency. 2. Air America is one of four companies which together carry out extensive aviation services in the Far East. They are owned and controlled by CIA to maintain a national aviation instru- ment responsive to U. S. requirements in the Far East. The Pacific Corporation is a Delaware company which is a holding company for the others involved, and 100 per cent of the Pacific Corporation's stock is owned by CIA through private individuals as nominees. Air America. whose stock is 100 per cent owned by the Pacific Corporation, is a Delaware corporation authorized to engage in contract and charter airlift by the United States Civil Aeronautics Board. Air America in turn owns almost 100 per cent of the stock of Air Asia, a company organized in Nationalist China under its foreign investment law and also authorized to engage in contract and charter airlift by the Chinese and to maintain a large maintenance base at Tainan. The Pacific Corporation owns 40 per cent of the stock of, and effectively controls, Civil Air Transport Company. Limited, whose sole activity is the operation of the Chinese flag international scheduled airline in the Far East and has no activities bearing on Senator Fulbright's question. 3. Air America and Air Asia act as a joint venture, with Air Asia supplying maintenance and much of the services to Air America under contract. In Southeast Asia the great majority of the airlift supplied by these companies is under contract between pproved for Release: 2022/10/26 C03143693 Approved for Release: 2022/10/26 C03143693 Air America and AID. There are minor contracts with the Depart- ment of Defense and the Thailand border police patrol which have no relationship to the Senator's inquiry. The main Air America operation is carrying supplies and people into Laos under the AID contracts* but about 40 per cent of this effort is in support of CIA under the cover of AID contracts. Thus, in the company year ending I March 1965 the cost of airlift to AID was about $5,800.000 and to CIA about $4, 300,000. The AID portion is in support of normal AID programs in the area. The CIA portion is primarily in support of the Moo tribesmen in their resistance to the Pathet Lao and the North Vietnamese. The great built of this is foodstuffs and other normal supplies flown by Air America from bases in Thailand and either landed or air dropped in Laos. ALActatain amount of arms and ammunition are flown periodicallylisAkii4.4force planes piloted by Air America pilots to locations in Laos in support of the Meos and occasionally trail watch teams on the eastern border. In Laos light planes make further distribution of some of these supplies, and we have to move AID, CIA, and diplomatic personnel as needed. Similar services are performed in the same manner by Continental Air Services, Inc.. a subsidiary of Continental Airlines. This is a straight commercial activity over which CIA has no control other than by contract through AID. All of these services are performed under the direction of the Ambassador and the U. S. Mission in Vientiane and are coordinated between CIA. State. Defense. and AID in Washington. In Thailand Air America has contracts primarily for the movement of U. S. personnel but also as noted above to service the border police patrol. In South Vietnam Air America has AID contracts to service botla-C/Aposed AID programs, rt. Itryc4--- wit� , 4. The rationale for maintaining Air America is its responsive- ness to national requirements; the fact that it can be caused to take commercial risks or losses that a private company would not accept; its unique ability to perform complex aviation maintenance under Southeast Asian conditions; its area knowledge and experience; and the security of its personnel and their willingness to undertake flights that are extrahazardous, both from the nature of the terrain and the airstrips involved and the frequent ground fire experienced, particu- larly in Laos. Companies like Continental Air Services, Inc. can perform a large amount of this on a commercial basis but cannot be counted on in an emergency to the same extent we can depend on Air America. Insofar as possible. however, Air America operates on a normal commercial basis and no subsidy as such is required for its support. 5. China Airlines is a company organized in Nationalist China by Chinese retired Air Force officers. The company is 2 Approved for Release: 2022/10/26 C03143693 Approved for Release: 2022/10/26 C03143693 completely independent of CIA and has no CIA participation or control. However, it does operate in South Vietnam, particularly performing domestic airlift in conjunction with Air Vietnam but also some contract work in support of the CIA Station. It also has minor commercial operations in Laos with which CIA has no connection. It addition, It has performed some maintenance on planes which have served to support CIA activities. China Airlines has ambitions to get into the international scheduled airline business, and it was for this purpose that it obtained the loan from the Export-Import Bank. It is favorably regarded by the Nationalist Chinese government and may at some time take over the scheduled business of Civil Air Transport Company, Limited as CIA would like to be relieved of the task of performing this commercial service. pproved for Release: 2022/10/26 C03143693 Approved for Release: 2022/10/26 C03143693 A The Honorable J. W. Fulbright Chairman Committee on Foreign Relations United States Senate Washington, D. C. Dear Senator Fulbright: In your letter of June 14. 1966 you inquired about the operations of Air America and China Air Lines in Southeast Asia. Air America is a Delaware corporation authorized by the United States Civil Aeronautics Board to perform charter and contract airlift and does perform such services under contract to the United States Government in support of Government organizations in Laos, Thailand and Vietnam. The Government's requirements are similarly served in that area by Continental Air Services, Inc.. a subsidiary of Continental Airlines. In Laos these contract flying services are managed and conducted with the full knowledge and approval of the United States Ambassador to Laos. China Air Lines, an authorized air carrier of the Chinese Nationalist Government, does perform contract flying and maid enance services in Southeast Asia for both the United States and Vietnam Governments. pproved for Release: 2022/10/26 C03143693 Approved for Release: 2022/10/26 C03143693 If you would like to go further into the details of the activities of these companies. I would be very glad to meet with you at your convenience. Sincerely. Secretary of State pproved for Release: 2022/10/26 C03143693 Approved for Release: 2022/10/26 C03143693 SENDER WILL CHECK CLASSIFICATION TOP AND BOTTOM � UNCLASSIFIED CONFIDENTIAL SECRET CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY OFF:CIAL ROUTZNG SLIP TO NAME AND ADDRESS DATE INITIALS 1 ACTION DIRECT REPLY PREPARE REPLY APPROVAL DISPATCH RECOMMENDATION COMMENT FILE RETURN CONCURRENCE INFORMATION SIGNATURE Remarks: Senator Fulbright wrote Secretary Rusk asking about Air America and China Air Lines. Rather than making a detailed written response, State plans an interim reply, which in effect asks the Senator to come and talk to the Secretary. If he agrees, the Secretary and someone from the Agency will discuss aviation activities in Southeast Asia with the Senator. State wants a briefing paper, and I have prepared the attached. Obviously, a great more detail could be put in, but unless I have made any inaccurate statements or conveyed any inaccurate (over) FOLD HERE TO RETURN TO SENDER 1 FROM: NAME. ADDRESS AND PHONE NO. DATE General Counsel 6/20/66 i , UNCLASSIFIED 1 CONFIDENTIAL SECRET FORM NO. 2-61 037 Use previous editions (40) U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE : 1961 0-587282 pproved for Release: 2022/10/26 C03143693 Approved for Release: 2022/10/26 C03143693 impressions, I would like this to stand. Please phone any comments to my office by 9:30 a. m. LRHouston Copies in Dr aft to: DDS SOT) FE- (b)(3) IS pproved for Release: 2022/10/26 C03143693 Approved for Release: 2022/10/26 C03143693 20 June 1966 MEMORANDUM FOR: Deputy Director of Central Intelligence SUBJECT: Activities of Air America and China Air Lines in Southeast Asia 1. This memorandum contains a recommendation in para- graph 4 for approval by the Deputy Director of Central Intelligence. 2. I talked to Mr. George C. Denney, Jr.. Deputy Director, Bureau of Intelligence and Research. Department of State, about Senator Fulbright's letter inquiring about Air America. I suggested that we could prepare an accurate response to the Senator's letter which would be complete except for CIA's relationship with Air America, and that we could then carry the letter to Senator Fulbright and orally discuss this classified aspect. Mr. Denney felt that that was a possibility but was net sure that the Secretary would be willing to send a letter which could be considered misleading. His suggestion was that the Secretary sign an interim letter saying that he would be glad to discuss the Senator's questions with him and invite him to lunch for that purpose. I said I thought this would be all right with us, but Mr. Denney then said he was concerned that this might put the Secretary in the position of providing the Senator with informa- tion which the Director had said he would deny to the Senator's Committee. I said we had traditionally made a difference between responding to an individual senator's request and briefing camm mittees, and Mr. Denney agreed that this was a familiar practice. I said we might overcome this by arranging that, if the Senator agreed to a meeting luncheon or otherwise, an Agency representa- tive could be there who would brief on the classified aspects. Mr. Denney thought this might be a geed solution. 3. We agreed that at this time I would prepare a briefing paper for the Secretary on the company and that Mr. Denney would prepare the interim response to Senator Fulbright, and that we would exchange these papers Monday morning, 20 June, for further consideration. Attached is my proposed briefing memorandum for the Secretary and also a draft letter which could be used if my original suggestion were adopted. pproved for Release: 2022/10/26 C03143693 Approved for Release: 2022/10/26 C03143693 4. I recommend that I discuss this material and the proposed response to Senator Fulbright with the Department of State. LAWRENCE R. HOUSTON General Counsel Attachments The recommendation in paragraph 4 is approved Deputy Director of Central Intelligence Date Distribution: 0-General Counsel 1-DDCI 1-ER 1-ADDS 1-DDS/HB 1-FE 1-SOD 1.0GC/LC pproved for Release: 2022/10/26 C03143693 Approved for Release: 2022/10/26 C03143693 A The Honorable J. W. Fulbright Chairman Committee on Foreign Relations United States Senate Washington, D. C. Dear Senator Fulbright: In your letter of June 14, 1966 you inquired about the operations of Air America and China Air Lines in Southeast Asia. Air America is a Delaware corporation authorized by the United States Civil Aeronautics Board to perform charter and contract airlift and does perform such services under contract to the United States Government in support of Government organizations in Laos, Thailand. and Vietnam. The Government's requirements are similarly served in that area by Continental Air Services, Inc., a subsidiary of Continental Airlines. In Laos these contract flying services are managed and conducted with the full knowledge and approval of the United States Ambassador to Laos. China Air Lines, an authorized air carrier of the Chinese Nationalist Government, does perform contract flying and maid enance services in Southeast Asia for both the United States and Vietnam Governments. pproved for Release: 2022/10/26 C03143693 Approved for Release: 2022/10/26 C03143693 If you would like to go further into the details of the activities of these companies I would be very glad to meet with you at your convenience. Sincerely. Secretary of State pproved for Release: 2022/10/26 C03143693 Approved for Release: 2022/10/26 C03143693 DRAFT 18 June 1966 Dear Senator Fulbright; Thank you for your letter of 14 June 1966 concerning Air America and China Airlines in Southeast Asia. Air America, a U. S. incorporated contract air carrier, the same as Continental Airlines, Inc., does perform air contract services for U. S. Government organizations in Laos, Thailand, and Vietnam. In Laos, these contract flying services are arranged and conducted with the full knowledge and approval of the United States Ambassador to Laos. China Airlines, an authorized air carrier of the Chine rRAvtg ettligo Nationalist Government, does perform contract flyingiservices in Southeast Asia for both the United States and Vietnamese Governments. e kr, Approved for Release: 2022/10/26 C03143693 Approved for Release: 2022/10/26 C03143693 DEPARTMENT OF STATE BunAu ( IN7t:L.LIM:NCE: ANI.) RU,EAIICH CONFIDENTIA1 � M=ZMORAN-DUM t'ij � � �N � CIA - r. fle2.z - r. Hugheo June.17, 1966 rorw.kra 1A:2-(:w1th 4 copy of a letter fro: 1:.4tor Flabrigt,t to the SecrottLry. I would appreci- ate your cal1.thg Lo about thia aci.tetima Sature.ay zoraiag. ...QONFIDE\TIAL ' Approved for Release: 2022/10/26 C03143693 "".� J� V+. /1.11.U�10ref, C,INIrt.�A?1 111.13CATC'W7,T"'. sr.�nr �,J� I. C.C.C,:J. 1111 en. w � TTT . I,. 0rp* r, .1Leilit.040114, t.t.0�4'.0 0' VT, C^ 1. LS 'Jr, KAYE J. .T.0�, 4.1., tiArq, I. 0,14. C4J1I-J*10 P CAlli, N./. W Chhl P �1fir...11 t.,,r Approved for Release: 2022/10/26 C03143693 , SC-.aifeb Zfatez evccde commrrrec O T'OREiGN RCLATIONG Juno 14, 1966 The -Honorable .Dean nue% .Secretary of State WashinL;ton, D. C. Dear Secretary: ,-4,;(,y In New York Times of P:onday, June 13, in w'r.lch Harriso==7Trope7ted from Laos, left a ilication that it is corJ=nly accepted that Air is subsidied by the Central Intellic;ence Aey acv). that much of its woa,k is performinc; CIA missions. I have head first-hand reports from others to the same effect. I wonder whether you could tell no precisely what Air Amcl'tcals tluties are not only in LO3 but in Thailand and other countries in Southeast Asia in which It orates. I would also be interested in knowinEL whether it is true that Air America is used for some paPa-ilitary missions in LE-405 that'cannot ho performed ilitry alrerb,ft b&,:cuse the use of such aircraft wola vil;,LtL(_,n 01: thc: 1962 Cioni,\nA AO(loPk I havo also noticed tht.the 1.1:7,:poat-Import Bank has rcentIy civo a loan of over 0 million to China Air linos, now operatInL; in Southeast Asia. Could you tell e whetl.:or this airline is involved in any way in the Amerion war effort in this ro&':;Ion or now has any con- nection with the CIA? , t-a-c:"1 c21-fle d LA- %/' Sincerely -yours, Enclosure "7: Chairman 4 A. 9630 4.1V,Wii\; approved for Release: 2022/10/26 C03143693 pproved for Release: 2022/10/26 C03143693 I RH talked w/Mr. Denney, 182 2132, as Ambassador Koren's last day was 7/8. He is leaving for Saigon. LRH suggested to Mr. Denney that it might be good timing to delay this until after 14 July - date Fulbright plans to put in McCarthy resblution. MEMORANDUM FOR: Mr. George C. Denney, Jr. Deputy Director Bureau of Intelligence and Research Department of State Attached is a briefing note that Ambassador Koren can use to familiarize himself with the problem. I will be glad to go with him to talk to Mr. Rostow. LAWRENCE R. HOUSTON General Counsel CIA 21 June 1966 (DATE) FORM NO. I 0 I REPLACES FORM 10.101 1 AUG 54 WHICH MAY BE USED. (47) pproved for Release: 2022/10/26 C03143693 Approved for Release: 2022/10/26 C03143693 20 June 1966 MEMORANDUM FOR: Deputy Director of Central Intelligence SUBJECT: Activities of Air America and China Air Lines in Southeast Asia 1. This memorandum contains a recommendation in para- graph 4 for approval by the Deputy Director of Central Intelligence. 2. I talked to Mr. George C. Denney, Jr., Deputy Director, Bureau of Intelligence and Research, Department of State, about Senator Fulbright's letter inquiring about Air America. I suggested that we could prepare an accurate response to the Senator's letter which would be complete except for CIA's relationship with Air America, and that we could then carry the letter to Senator Fulbright and orally discuss this classified aspect. Mr. Denney felt that that was a possibility but was not sure that the Secretary would be willing to send a letter which could be considered misleading. His suggestion was that the Secretary sign an interim letter saying that he would be glad to discuss the Senator's questions with him and invite him to lunch for that purpose. I said I thought this would be all right with us, but Mr. Denney then said he was concerned that this might put the Secretary in the position of providing the Senator with informa- tion which the Director had said he would deny to the Senator's Committee. I said we had traditionally made a difference between responding to an individui 1 senator's request and briefing com- mittees, and Mr. Denney agreed that this was a familiar practice. I said we might overcome this by arranging that, if the Senator agreed to a meeting luncheon or otherwise, an Agency representa- tive could be there who would brief on the classified aspects. Mr. Denney thought this might be a good solution. 3. We agreed that at this time I would prepare a briefing paper for the Secretary on the company and that Mr. Denney would prepare the interim response to Senator Fulbright, and that we would exchange these papers Monday morning, 20 June, for further consideration. Attached is my proposed briefing memorandum for the Secretary and also a draft letter which could be used if my original suggestion were adopted. pproved for Release: 2022/10/26 C03143693 Approved for Release: 2022/10/26 C03143693 4. I recommend that I discuss this material and the proposed response to Senator Fulbright with the Department of State. 07,ta.k 64 e vd LAWRENCE R. HOUSTON General Counsel Attachments The recommendation in paragraph 4 is approved Deputy Director of Central Intelligence Date Distribution: 0-General Counsel 1-DDCI 1-ER 1-ADDS 1-DDS/HB 1-FE 1-SOD 1-OGC/LC pproved for Release: 2022/10/26 C03143693 Approved for Release: 2022/10/26 C03143693 BRIEFING NOTE SUBJECT: Activities of Air America and China Airlines in Southeast Asia REFERENCE: 14 June 66 Ltr fr Senator Fulbright to Secretary of State 1. Senator Fulbright's letter asks for information as to precisely what Air America's duties are in Southeast Asia and whether it is used for paramilitary missions in Laos. He also asks whether China Airlines is in any way involved in the American war effort in this region or now has any connection with the Central Intelligence Agency. 2. Air America is one of four companies which together carry out extensive aviation services in the Far East. They are owned and controlled by CIA to maintain a national aviation instru- ment responsive to U. S. requirements in the Far East. The Pacific Corporation is a Delaware company which is a holding company for the others involved, and 100 per cent of the Pacific Corporation's stock is owned by CIA through private individuals as nominees. Air America, whose stock is 100 per cent owned by the Pacific Corporation, is a Delaware corporation authorized to engage in contract and charter airlift by the United States Civil Aeronautics Board. Air America in turn owns almost 100 per cent of the stock of Air Asia, a company organized in Nationalist China under its foreign investment law and also authorized to engage in contract and charter airlift by the Chinese and to maintain a large maintenance base at Tainan. The Pacific Corporation owns 40 per cent of the stock of, and effectively controls, Civil Air Transport Company, Limited, whose sole activity is the operation of the Chinese flag international scheduled airline in the Far East and has no activities bearing on Senator Fulbright's question. 3. Air America and Air Asia act as a joint venture, with Air Asia supplying maintenance and much of the services to Air America under contract. In Southeast Asia the great majority of the airlift supplied by these companies is under contract between pproved for Release: 2022/10/26 C03143693 Approved for Release: 2022/10/26 C03143693 Air America and AID. There are minor contracts with the Depart- ment of Defense and the Thailand border police patrol which have no relationship to the Senator's inquiry. The main Air America operation is carrying supplies and people into Laos under the AID contracts, but about 40 per cent of this effort is in support of CIA under the cover of AID contracts. Thus, in the company year ending 1 March 1965 the cost of airlift to AID was about $5, 800, 000 and to CIA about $4, 300, 000. The AID portion is in support of normal AID programs in the area. The CIA portion is primarily in support of the Meo tribesmen in their resistance to the Pathet Lao and the North Vietnamese. The great bulk of this is foodstuffs and other normal supplies flown by Air America from bases in Thailand and either landed or air dropped in Laos. A certain amount of arms and ammunition are flown periodically in Air Force planes piloted by Air America pilots to locations in Laos in support of the Meos and occasionally trail watch teams on the eastern border. In Laos light planes make further distribution of some of these supplies, and we have to move AID, CIA, and diplomatic personnel as needed. Similar services are performed in the same manner by Continental Air Services, Inc., a subsidiary of Continental Airlines. This is a straight commercial activity over which CIA has no control other than by contract through AID. All of these services are performed under the direction of the Ambassador and the U. S. Mission in Vientiane and are coordinated between CIA, State, Defense, and AID in Washington. In Thailand Air America has contracts primarily for the movement of U. S. personnel but also as noted above to service the border police patrol. In South Vietnam Air America has AID contracts to service both CIA and AID programs. 4. The rationale for maintaining Air America is its responsive- ness to national requirements; the fact that it can be caused to take commercial risks or losses that a private company would not accept; its unique ability to perform complex aviation maintenance under Southeast Asian conditions; its area knowledge and experience; and the security of its personnel and their willingness to undertake flights that are extrahazardous, both from the nature of the terrain and the airstrips involved and the frequent ground fire experienced, particu- larly in Laos. Companies like Continental Air Services, Inc. can perform a large amount of this on a commercial basis but cannot be counted on in an emergency to the same extent we can depend on Air America. Insofar as possible, however, Air America operates on a normal commercial basis and no subsidy as such is required for its support. 5. China Airlines is a company organized in Nationalist China by Chinese retired Air Force officers. The company is 2 pproved for Release: 2022/10/26 C03143693 Approved for Release: 2022/10/26 C03143693 completely independent of CIA and has no CIA participation or control. However, it does operate in South Vietnam, particularly performing domestic airlift in conjunction with Air Vietnam but also some contract work in support of the CIA Station. It also has minor commercial operations in Laos with which CIA has no connection. It addition, it has performed some maintenance on planes which have served to support CIA activities. China Airlines has ambitions to get into the international scheduled airline business, and it was for this purpose that it obtained the loan from the Export-Import Bank. It is favorably regarded by the Nationalist Chinese government and may at some time take over the scheduled business of Civil Air Transport Company, Limited as CIA would like to be relieved of the task of performing this commercial service. 3 pproved for Release: 2022/10/26 C03143693 pproved for Release: 2022/10/26 C03143693 A The Honorable J. W. Fulbright Chairman Committee on Foreign Relations United States Senate Washington, D. C. Draft Response to Fulbright Dear Senator Fulbright: In your letter of June 14, 1966 you inquired about the operations of Air America and China Air Lines in Southeast Asia. Air America is a Delaware corporation authorized by the United States Civil Aeronautics Board to perform charter and contract airlift and does perform such services under contract to the United States Government in support of Government organizations in Laos, Thailand, and Vietnam. The Government's requirements are similarly served in that area by Continental Air Services, Inc., a subsidiary of Continental Airlines. In Laos these contract flying services are managed and conducted with the full knowledge and approval of the United States Ambassador to Laos. China Air Lines, an authorized air carrier of the Chinese Nationalist Government, does perform contract flying and mairt enance services in Southeast Asia for both the United States and Vietnam Governments. pproved for Release: 2022/10/26 C03143693 Approved for Release: 2022/10/26 C03143693 If you would like to go further into the details of the activities of these companies, I would be very glad to meet with you at your convenience. Sincerely, Secretary of State pproved for Release: 2022/10/26 C03143693 Approved for Release: 2022/10/26 C03143693 SENDER WILL CHECK CLASSIFICATION TOP AND BOTTOM UNCLASSIFIED CONFIDENTIAL SECRET CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY OFFICIAL ROUTING SLIP TO NAME AND ADDRESS DATE INITIALS 1 DDCI 2 General Counsel � 3 4 5 6 ACTION DIRECT REPLY PREPARE REPLY APPROVAL DISPATCH RECOMMENDATION COMMENT FILE RETURN CONCURRENCE INFORMATION SIGNATURE Remarks: FOLD HERE TO RETURN TO SENDER FROM: NAME. ADDRESS AND PHONE NO. DATE UNCLASSIFIED 1 1 CONFIDENTIAL i SECRET FORM NO. 037 Use previous editions (40) 2-61 z. U.S GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1961 0-5872.82 pproved for Release: 2022/10/26 C03143693 Approved for Release: 2022/10/26 C03143693 DEPAiiIMENT OF STATE BURZAU c. INTI:L1,1n7.NCE: AND RE6EAIICH A C r: I NT I 81 ILA:. CIA - r. Holmc FR0X: In - Mr. Hugez Ju.17, 1966 I forwAr(i. io:rt:with (4 copy of a letter fro:a i;aator to 'the Secrotftry. I would appreci- ate your calliog D.o about thia aorzetime Saturaay zoralag. ..cONFIDENTIAL . pproved for Release: 2022/10/26 C03143693 J. w.1,1.4.t1.4.0.01., AAA., Cmt.10...APt 006/AY.0 D. tot...,0A.04AZA, 10W4 r , � 4L04'.,C 0 It,C, vY. veA tr. A,Nt: CA ALS:pg. KANr7, Amf., VAANA %AD c..Irrawo P CA.r. 14.1, Zercate SIV�Ar s13, 't*A.)..1. 4. C�C't� CO�414. rol CoMM�rrEC ON FOnEIGN RCLATIONG . CA...0,14,41.4. ',ft.... A ), , f� ����''. June 14, 1966 , r.� � 101 Whin, I' Approved for Release: 2022/10/26 C031436931 .The 1:ono:able:Jean nus:-c Washinston, D. C. Dear XI'. Secretary: story in '.2h.? :ew_York Times of P:onday, June 13, in whch Harrison 7.=1.:;r7reported from Laos, left a ily.licatiOn that It �.h; coonly accepted that Air subsidl cy Ccntral Intellic;enco Ancy that much of ..7.:k;s VaDa''(:. is performins CIA missions. I have heard first-hana reports from 'others to the same effect.. I wonder whE:thor you could toll me precisely what Air Amer:Lca's tlutyie ar,, not only in Laos but in Thailan,1 and other countries in Southeast Aeia in which it operates. I would also bo interested In knowing whether it is trc that Air America is u:3ec.1 for f;0111 Para-military mtflon::, in :1,7a05 that cannot ho performed L,; aircrt r-::. se the lyle of such aircraft wola (;oht1.,1 of: thc: 1962 (;011(,V;A 110c1ll.M. I have also th;:.t.'6ho ,.7,:1)(rt-Impolt Bank has c,ive:1 a loan of over 4 million to China Air Lines, now operatins in Southoast Asia, Could you tell :ne whether thic airline is involved in any way in the Ameriez4n war cffor in this relon or now has any con- nection with the CIA? Enclosure ct(1, Sincerely yours, 9 6 3 0 (I, , /1,C..c) ...",2 ,.--,:--,.....-c. ---� ....-.1....,....��.,,- . A-...1.." .1-U.-1.1111.)rlit vf 412 Chairman nis) pproved for Release: 2022/10/26 C03143693- Approved for Release: 2022/10/26 C03143693 tai � MESSAGE FORM TOTAL COPIES: OR IG: � UN IT: �OGC EXT: 7521 DATE: 1 necember CABLE SECRETARIAT DISSEMINATION BY /6� PER SECRET ROUTING ANIS/OR INITIALS - SEEN BY ) 5 6 (b)(3)- 7 A, n INDEX NO INDEX RETURN TO BRANCH FILE RID ci FILE IN CS FILE NO CONE: OCC-C- 0 (classification) FILE, VR, SECRET .D.0-5/1/73 3 FE r46 4, SOD Mel We r. BANGKOK LCDATA HBILKA (date and time filed) � 5 3 7.9; (elite) (Pica) (reference number) CITE DIRECTOR T1' 2] I 1. CAPTAIN ROBERT W. BAILEY IS FORMER HELICOPTER PILOT FOR AIR AMERICA WHO HAD BEEN INVOLVED IN H-34 HELICOPTER ACCIDENT IN LAOS ON 16 JUNE 1970. AS RESULT OF ACCIDENT INVESTIGATION BY COM- PANY, BAILEY'S EMPLOYMENT TERMINATED 28 SEPTEMBER 1970. FAR EAST PILOTS ASSOCIATION (FEPA) FILED GRIEVANCE AGAINST COMPANY ON BEHALF OF BAILEY AND SAID GRIEVANCE NOW SUBJECT TO REVIEW IN ACCORDANCE WITH PROCEDURES OUTLINED IN FEPA AGREEMENT. MR. BRACKLEY SHAW, WASHINGTON ATTORNEY, ENGAGED BY AIR AMERICA TO /-7.= REPRESENT COMPANY; CAPTAIN WELDON D. BIGONY, PRESIDENT OF FEPA, WILL REPRESENT BAILEY. 2. SHAW IS REQUESTING BIGONY TO COME TO WASHINGTON END OF DECEMBER FOR CONFERENCE ON CASE. UNDER FEPA_ AGREEMENT ON SYSTEM BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT, IF HE AND BIGONY AGREE THIS WILL END 5 4 4 3 3 2 APPEAL. IF NO AGREEMENT, PROCEDURES CALL FOR THEM TO SELECT RELEASING OFFiCER COORDINATING OFFICERS (corNiugUED) GROUP 1 AUTHENTICATING Excluded fl CAM automatic downgrading and OFFICER declassification SECRET REPRODUCTIOI pproved for Release: 2022/10/26 C03143690HIBITED. COPY NO. ORIGI UNIT: D(Tt DATE: Approved for Release: 2022/10/26 C0314 MESSAGE FORM TOTAL COPIES: I. SECRET ROUTING AND/OR INITIALS - SEEN BY 1 5 2 6 3 7 4 CABLE SECRETARIAT DISSEMINATION BY PER CON F; 1:1 INDIO( fl NO INDEX RETURN TO BRANCH FILE RID FILE IN CS FILE NO 0 FILE, VR, (classification) SECRET TO F-PAGE (elite) (pica) (date and time filed) (reference number) CITE DIRECTOR Z//16O -1 THIRD PARTY FOR FINAL ARBITRATION OF MATTER. THIRD PARTY SHOULD BE SOMEONE WITH APPROPRIATE SECURITY CLEARANCE IN VIEW OF NATURE OF FLIGHT AND CARGO. 3. WE WOULD APPRECIATE IT IF YOU WOULD DISCUSS WITH DEFENSE ATTACHE BANGKOK, WHO WE UNDERSTAND IS AIR FORCE COLONEL, IF HE WOULD BE IN POSITION TO PARTICIPATE AS THIRD PARTY IN EVENT FINAL SYSTEM BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT PROCEEDING REQUIRED. SUCH HEARING WOULD BE END OF JANUARY OR FEBRUARY IN BANGKOK AND MIGHT TAKE AS LONG AS SEVERAL DAYS. IN EVENT DEFENSE A.TTACHE IS NOT IN POSI- TION TO ASSIST, COULD HE OR YOU SUGGEST QUALIFIED PERSON TO ACT AS THIRD PARTY. THIS SHOULD BE SOMEONE OF SOME STATURE, PREFERABLY WITH EXPERIENCE AS HELICOPTER PILOT IN VIEW OF TECHNICAL NATURE OF SOME OF THE PROBLEMS INVOLVED. IDEALLY, SEVERAL NAMES COULD BE SUGGESTED FROM WHICH SHAW AND BIGONY COULD CHOOSE. 4 END OF MESSAGE 4 3 RELEASING OFFICER 2 COORDINATING OFFICERS SECRET I GROUP 1 ilke:!uded horn automatic duNnuading and dot Ia.,sification AUTHENTICATING OFFICER REPRODUCTION BY OTHER THAN THE ISSUING OFFICE IS PROHIBITED. COPY NO. pproved for Release: 2022/10/26 C03143693 ORIG: UNIT: CET: DATE: Approved for Release: 2022/10/26 C03143693 � MESSAGE FORM TOTAL COPIES: SECRET PTAND/OR INITIALS - SEEN BY -ROUTING 5 2 6 3 7 4 3 CABLE SECRETARIAT DISSEMINATION BY PER INDEX NO INDEX [1] RETURN TO BRANCH FILE RID El FILE IN CS FILE NO CONF: 0 FILE, VR, (elite) (pica) (classification) SECRET 1-13AGE 3 WILLIAM E". NELSON c/FE 4 3 (date and time filed) (reference number) CITE DIRECTOR PS / SA iDDS /HBILKA C FE /TBL r. LAWRENCE R. HOUSTON General Counsel o ODA ODA 4 3 .2 2 COORDINATING OFFICERS RELEASING OFFICER SECRET Excluded from automatic downcraoing and declassification GROUP I Ply nrrp TAN TI-IF (1FFIC.F IS PROHIBITED. REPRODUCTION u TI-IAN for Release: 2022/10/26 C03143693 AUTHENTICATING OFFICER COPY NO.