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Publication Date: 
October 18, 1951
PDF icon ACTIVITIES OF SASAGAWA RY[16080026].pdf164.21 KB
Approved for Release: 2022/06/22 CO2467813 CO NTIAL, C 00Ni 'COUNTRY Japan CLASSIFICATION � ,T SECURITY INFORMATION CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY INFORMATION REPORT SUBJECT Activities of.SASAGAUA Ryoichi FE DO NOT CIRCULATE MIS DOCULNINT CONTAINS NIFORIDATION APFE�CTINO MR NATIONAL INIFILN911 OP INN MOWN STAIRS MUMS my 11111ANIFICI OF TIM =PIM:ASS ACT SO LB. C.. SI AND 22. AS A NENOOD. ITS TRANSMISSION ON INA INIVELATIOR OF ITS CONTINUO IN AM' MINION 'TO AN UN4UTROS/1911 'AMON 19 PRO. NIDITSO ST ANAL REPRODUCTION OF TWO MIMI12 PRONIUMID. REPORT NO. CD NO. DATE DISTR, IS October 1951 NO. OF PAGES NO. OF ENCLS. MISTED BELOW SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. (b)(1) (b)(3) THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION 1, SASAGAWA Ryoichi, Pi oL Age 52, purge's and former head dt the Nationalist League (Kokusui Domei)� is increasing his political and financial activities. Since the war, SASAGAWA has been closely connected with KODANA Yoshio, who amassed a fortune in Shanghai during the war as procurement agent for the Japanese Navy. KODAMA's post-war dealings in Tokyo earned his the reputation of a big-time "operator" not averse to illegal methods. SASAGAWA is KODAMAte "political adviser." 2. SASAGAWA, with the backing of KODANA0 SUGI Nichisuke, Chairman of the Osaka Chamber of Commerce, and other Tokyo and Kansai financiers, founded in 1951 an enterprise called the International Racing Boat Industrial Company (Kokusai Kyotei Kogyo K.K.). The purpose of the company is to promote motor- boat racing events, and to ,7qmstruct, store and repair boats for entrants. President of the Board of Directors of the new company SHIKAKURA Yoshiji ( 40 formerly was the managing director of the Nainichi Shiebun and presently is the reneging director of Radio Tokyo. The company was founded with the thought that the project would be potentially valuable to national defense. Former Kamikaze pilots and Naval Academy graduates are to be trained to operate the boats. Unemployed veterans will be given priority for jobs as mechanics, etc. With this training they could serve as coastal defense forces in an emergency. For this reason the company is receiving strong support from right wing organizations and former army and navy groups. 3. SASAGAA, is grooming EATSUOKA Sanji, Oi zit) a long-time follower, for the Diet elections which SASAGAWA believes will take place next sprin. An admirer of SASAGAWA calls MATSUOKA a man of great courage who Will stand out from the post-war members of the Diet and who will act with true patriotic spirit, serving as a good influence on Diet members tainted with material greed. SAMOA. believes that, even if he is not depurged, after the peace treaty the purgeesi sphere of political activity will widen considerably, Furthermore, the purgees although they may not be allowed to run as candidates themselves, will regain the confidence of the people immediately. Therefore, SASAGAWA is of the opinion that he will be able to put NATSUOKA in the Diet. 4, SASAGAWA is also the figure behind MOGE Ivan (4a Ak), president of the t_STATE Fiv ARMY Ev X SECURITY INFORMATInm CLASSIFICATION ;Banff - NAVY gv x NeRS MR Ey X Fel DISTRIBUTION LL I 1 Do IO Cange In C ass. r; DeolassMed Class. Ctarvil To: TS lae Piuth.: ha 101 (b)(3) (b)(1) (b)(3) Approved for Release: 2022/06/22 CO2467813 Approved for Release: 2022/06/22 CO2467813 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY - 2 - Kaufu Kai (00 )a, team ultranationalist organization in Osaka with mem no more than 100 . RIDGE was a former director of the Rationalist League. After the war he assisted SASAGAWA in his business enterprises, worked on the publication CC the Anti-Communist Newspaper 01112190 Shilat40 and served ow' a go-between for SASAGAWA and =AMA Yoshio. While SASAGAWA was in Sugado Prison as a suspected war criminal, RIM fasted putaicly4s a protest against arguments to abolish the Emperor system. RIDGE moved with SASAGAWA, upon the latterts release, to the Hansei where he is now living in Takatsuki City. 5. The KOkufu Kai, and by implication SASAGAWA, advocates restoration of Imperial rule with appropriate revisions in the constitution, release of all purgees, rearmament, and restoration of the Japanese spirit which has been ruined by the Americanization policies of the Occupation Forces. The party's hopes are expressed by one of its members as follows: " The public is rapidly losing confidence in the Socialist, Communist and even the Liberal parties. They are becoming antagonistic to party politics which consists of winning elections by the use of money. The people desire a true friend. This cry is answered by our right-wing organization. We are called right-wing bat we are the organization which tru.17 loves Japan and will save it." bONFI SBOBET Approved for Release: 2022/06/22 CO2467813