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Document Creation Date: 
July 13, 2023
Document Release Date: 
August 30, 2022
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Publication Date: 
May 7, 1954
PDF icon CAT ROLE IN INDOCHINA[16101875].pdf49.22 KB
Approved for Release: 2022/08/05 C05261263 COPY DEPARTMENT OF STATE The Under Secretary SECRET May 71 1954 MEMORANDUM FOR: Mr, George E. Aurell Subject: CAT Role in Indochina It will be appreciated if you will have transmitted the following telegram: "Priority. Personal for General Smith from Murphy and Berry. "Possibility of CAT air operations in Indochina on French contract again raises question of use of Chinese air crews and ground maintenance as well as whether CAT aircraft with Chinat markings should be employed. "Embassy Saigon states French military agree use of Chinese air crews and recommends use of Chinese be permitted provided they not Nationalist Chinese from Formosa. CIA states OiDaniel concurs use Chinese air crews. No indication Saigon views regard� ing Chinese in ground crews. "FE and EUR Bureaus believe French should determine whether permit use of Chinese of whatever origin and consider important that CAT planes employed in Indochina bear markings other than Chinese. CIA has already requested CAT explore possibility change markings. Department asking CIA instruct CAT obtain views competent French political authority Saigon on use Chinese. "Request your views." In accordance with the penultimate paragraph of the telegram it will be appreciated if you will instruct CAT the views of the competent French political authority in regarding use of Chinese personnel both as air crews and ground maintenance. foregoing to obtain Saigon for /s/Lampton Berry Deputy Operations Coordinator r" 4,7flJ Approved for Release: 2022/08/05 C05261263