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November 15, 1949
PDF icon LETTER TO MR. JOSEPH ALSO[16141923].pdf190.26 KB
Approved for Release: 2022/10/17 C03106372 � Mr. Joseph AlssP 2720 Dumbarton Avenge Wagillnitem 7, D. C. � 15 N(A 1949 Dear Joel Thank yen very mach for your comment en Klee Lames data. The contradiction between estimates et Seviet uranium resolves* is actually only apparent. The 10ROORROS are probably there but met readily espleitSbleAmmunual of quality of ere. It is entortmentely true that there are large rseersoirs of low grade uranium materials. la sax ova Case. se you /Jaw. we have then but vs also import quantities from *par esuntriss. The piblications that Miss Long refers to. spsoifisollY the 3sahllev report OR the Itadshl aspedition of l933.. sr. familiar toss and that Infoimation. iegotbar with a great deal more Dm ether soaroos has all boa* cossidowei in nor evatiatims. OSItWM/Intir / pproved for Release: 2022/10/17 C03106372 C-17"7NT NO, NC Lti 'C.t 14 CLASS L.a.A��f: n') T,'; 3 NEXT REVILT4 CATE: AUTHI KR 0- BATE REVIEWER' OMR Approved for Release: 2022/10/17 C03106372 C JOSEPH AND STEWART ALSOP 1.*AotitrAEAP,V4"Ato 2720 Dutbarton Ave. Washington 7, D.C. Dear Hillie: Telephone soNlyttoflot*,51W* Columbia 3781 November 9, 1949 I would not like to sugge,ct that your research analysts have overlooked any bets, Zut what is the ex- planation of the apparent violent contradiction between the estimates of Soviet uranium resources now prevailing here.,and the extremely impressive information published on page 27 of Sunday's NEW YORK TIMES, in a story by Tania Long, with London dateline? It seems to me that the data which Miss Long has apparently secured from Isaac Deutscher are partic- ularly impressive, since the supposed uranium deposits are located in the same Turkistan region where I too had heard rather authoritative reports of uranium deposits on the Chihese side. Moreover, if the figures given about the areas of Russia subjected, at different times, to thorough-going geological survey are truly reliable, the documents which you mentioned to me must surely be regarded as only partial evidence. Again, I repeat, I do not want to seem contentious, but I am honestly puzzled by the difficulty of reconciling what I have heard her4 in Washington and this information which now comes from London. Sincerely yours, JA:co JOS Admiral Rosette Hillenkoetter 2430 E Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. SOP Approved for Release: 2022/10/17 C03106372 ,S* (Pr) Approved for Release: 2022/10/17 C03106372 UNCliA40.1 Fla RESTRICTED AI,NF I DENT I AL SECRET (SENDER WILL CIRCLE CLASSIFI ON TOP AND BOTTOM) . CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY OFFICIAL ROUTING SLIP 11 TO INITIALS DATE I 14-17/ 0 s r 2 , 3 4 5 FROM INITIALS DATE I 2 3 'C'Err SIGNATURE RETURN DISPATCH FILE =APPROVAL INFORMATION I tACTION 1 I DIRECT REPLY =COMMENT I 1PREPARATION OF REPLY 1ICONCURRENCE I RECOMMENDATION REMARKS: SECRET UNCLASSIFIED "...�_, CONFIDENTIAL RESTRICTED FORM NO. SEP 1947 30.4 AnnmVPd for Release: 2022/10/17 C03106372 Approved for Release: 2022/10/17 C03106372 � JOSEPH AND STEWART ALSOP 108 C Street,N.W. Washington I,D.C. Dear Admiral Hillenoe'ter: Telephone District 3578 January 26, 1948 Thank you so much for your note of January sixteenth and its enolosure I have read it with deep interest, and return it herewith as requested. I greatly enjoyed and benefitted by our talk the other day, and hope that we may meet soon again. JA: cc enc. ncerely yours, S H AL Rear Admiral R.H. Hillenkoetter Director, Central Intelligence A7ency 2430 E Street, N.W. Washin7ton 25, D.O. :Approved for Release: 2022/10/17 C03106372;F-- Approved for Release: 2022/10/17 C03106372 XXXMCCX AGNCT 16 Anuary 1948 laMORASMIS OR IR. JOSEPH ALSO? - 108 C Street, NW Attached is the article I spoke to you about yesterday which, although containing nothing classified, presents the picture of a Communist dom.tnated country (Yugoslavia) in a little different way than normally. If you can use it, you are at liberty to do so, but, when you have finished, please return it to Mo. 1 H. H. Hillenkoet Hear Admiral, USN !irritator e Central, Intefli as Eno. AK 8, Chap I *Which tkike us the kind of impression tile Casual Observer Would font in "'given country and also 1111101713 US why those impressions are wrong." (Zlaterovich) Approved for Release: 2022/10/17 C03106372