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May 18, 1950
Approved for Release: 2022/06/16 C00893694 TO : Chief, Foreign 7:iv-ision "r" FROM : Chief C: :2) r.:Irlsruhe C SUBJECT: mamam.-- C: SPECIFIC� R�:-General Gottlob sam,a - 4,A Ref: -3 D .TCH NO C. DATE. ld Yay 1950 1. In accordance 1.,ith paragraph 9 of C: D we are Sending you photographed copies of original documents on Subject which 'were loaned to us by USA. 2. Mile the information contained in the attachment 'does not deal with a Russian network allegedly run by BALTIER & KAUL, we feel that it will be of :ome help in getting a clearer picture of Subject. and his activities. EXEMPTIONS Section 3(b) (2)(A) Privacy (2)(B) Methods/Sources (2)(G) Foreign Relations L NAZI WAR CRIMES DISCLOSURE ACT 116 COPY rs'itk 1.1 C Declassified a by the Centrat Date: Approved for Release lligence Agency , FOR,COORDINATION WITH, U A- ZAkIr e7FN pN'T -2�Litai! witr d or C Approved for Release: 2022/06/16 C00893694 Approved for Release: 2022/06/16 C00893694 POSITIVE INTELLIGENCE REPORT 'Category, . Dottier No. Subject. ;.---11NT31u.01::710: 3,2G3a, cottiob, cAnwrLI 01 th.: oiYo, Country: Carew, Coordinates, From. Team U. , 7020 AF Counter Intelligence Unit, USAFE. Report No.. 11-157-121.5 Number of Pages: 2 Reference, Report Date: 5 Doac=bor 1549 Information Dote: Sorreber 1A.9 Evoluo6on, No. bulosures: - Prepared by: Nana Nelson Source of Information. Genored Gottlab &DWI{ ' Distribution: 5 Copios WI, District No. 1 1 Cow Teem So. 11 Pile 1. 04 24 sod 29. Norestxtr 1949. General Gottlob 4,4 ;,...nturroGataal at the Prison in 1...1:11.132211G/Lenb (1.01:60-10554, in ocm11,nos 4th ...:e.oit1c. bent B2B, dated 9 gym:bar 190. 2. 7he folioelnz a4dlt1ceva. ittraam.ti...n in rifamno... :o . 2 f. of .i. 11-15....4.*9 -oat) obt.ned from 1.1.2n a; a. -.7t:a Canaan 7-.eapana staaattit devalopment pi trariouy enemies tar loatatooe the Sr Au-nc, the eennen.1 univeraltliffi and zrbrfeareor von j in PitNenf-i (51.04V-1347..:, mart all adagasoad is ~tido ososo of the y..ospanit ptoject. All tbc.e &comics kept the strict- est wiresemy in regard to thair wm restate� Hanover on or shoat the 2 3eptomber 1,414 DITIZa lammed a special order. greeni.m. Doctor KAMM the persists:Lan to have scenes to the twisting plasm med Soweltionembe of every agassay and to ampler all oposialiste MINIM antis& be stiller ter omeitimod II-WONPOUS After wervoying all the Siffsentst V-Wwwww, salmated pleas and spociali- lots end created on falize sow mtaff in the DORA tandergremem! Amatory in the Declassified and Approved unagiwoug (512111-U17%) district. The outcome of those cembised efforts owe the T-7 seinedlm, soppemedly � owbinatie� of all existing Oaten v-rooroan. by the Central Intellinpmpp ArroarnRi.e I ins to Iniemlodge, bee (2; lateens' of the V-7 type mire completed. 1916 101111= vented to fire the too missiles againet Paris. The bridges., Date: armada' the AUTOKAHN andeele-enlebtal sere deemelleitsk to he able to tramper% ei-ty the misolleet to the lassakiag at.. illemerthelets� liTfIrSit did rat gime the pants- edam Bar this venture. mom stated further that aaoardine to infornatima be stowelwed from variene V-Ccepeme imports, the missiles oarried the tiesimeetienAl to 15 oog otter ...bor. f.i, 1-7, 2-4 a.. lowg as the omepons very in the &wipe- Ins or development stage. _ C NAZI WAR CRIMES DISCLOSURE ACT EXEMPTIONS Section 3(b) (2)(A) Privacy 0_ (2)(B) Methods/Sources (2)(3) Foreign Relations ii FOR COOPARNIMON WITH IMMiiiiIIIMIIMEMINommomm..m..m.Approved for Release: 2022/06/16 C00893694 Approved for Release: 2022/06/16 C00893694 AT. W. 11-1$7-120, osi, Team No. 11, ;20 633, ,L7, Jobj, _Aini�rapptian af 3114.1k, Goulash, Cameral of Um -affan ss, dtd 5 Dae. 49, Ccmi'd. ,bas Mae miaails *wad De applied tor tactical military use. tha dmaignation *ad int. Ylar (VW10161140 - F./m*0d* FitiaPint). ma unable to civil addltimmal Information en thla aubject. D. 'at& rafesemo� to paragraph 2 b, 11-62-07/9 and porsgxuse 2 b, FIR 11.129-090, IMPCM rade the follodlig attract/out Inatead Yolt it ahead read 300,0G3 CLIO17 trasamisiaan limas. APPWOrM, . .r. 11/4-E� :.%). 11, -latrict.� 1 ," I Approved for for Release: 2022/06/16 C00893694 Approved for Release: 2022/06/16 C00893694 Cat�oart � tF r Frc'k L. POSITIVE INTELLIGENCE REPORT � Dossier No.: Subi�O� -501:1305=00.1210:1 07 ILZACIZEL, romitlabr Giassal-at-- Mr Lithe Si Counffi, -Geseiew . Coordinates: From: Team 3.1 7020 AF Counter Intelligence Unit, USAFE. Report No.: _ Number of P0.2�1: W1111211011, agimiumt_4;e44(.1paaitis) Report Data. _5_111.,inbar 194.9 :nformation Dote: somber 1.949 EualuattOtt: No- Inclosuros: _ _ - Prepared by: -Hammy Salaam Sourop of Information: Xcarsal Cottlab. aszcza_ Distribution. : 5 _Oarlaa 011, T4thJe,.1 _ . 1 Caw- --2aaa-1,�.-31-71.10 -- 1.. Oa It and 29 llaradmar MU, aussaal Gatti a asialsralapitel at ale Palma la LaXiallilf/Laa -(4905�40552) Iaamadinisa vita 3Psaitt� a.. ads& 23 llimalasz 3313. ,I. �ROM ell aat *ULU additlaal Ultras frog Dastar MEOW (Pm 11-/31-� ONO -at rani Mbar aalaallals analag la Ira 123sL 2221041 awned be aidamil biltaistims be Olds eittlaa lam* sa/21111, lam LAIDSP:14 Mom IS �Aare amblasal lialtas'ata sat Ina anala arassaled la ;alba am* ifeabar Mal= le Ida wi a la saalting MMUS . Ifs &Mar wattiaa llama pagan au Maim In 16,1 laablo UM. at a Wm saa tilled utak IlialatalY. ara. MOLD oak a saw of Ws loiter ID a ail* andlar et las I.. G. WANK Tzar% ma is tin Leman Priam. 421.11111e NAZI WAR CRIMES 61SQLOSURE ACT EXEMPTIONS Se0on 3(b) (2)(A) Privacy (2)(B) Methods/Sources 1111-' (2)(G) Foreign Relations El Declassified and Approved for Release by the Central Intelligence Agency Date: ,=.1 Ye alatzlat No. I FOR COORDINATION WITH 0,00,0A_ Approved for Release: 2022/06/16 C00893694 Approved for Release: 2022/06/16 C00893694 ilP (--� !. I Ir .nalation fro= Coy. liret of n11 I am -ritinE *.o you +bat I already said in my Janua- ry letter home which I e..41ed 27 tises and which was intercepted 27 timei There are many things you will be amazed at. I hope everything till be �K....since all these letters have been discovered an.: beesuse 2 letters which I had melted into glass tubes which were hiden in melted fat.hs- Ire also boon intercepted, I an this tine only copying those letters which are already known to th.: local Secret .*ate Police. I shall than await your acknowledgement and on receipt of it will write you corn about what is not yet kna..n at those places. One has to lookout end be very careful. Livia: and workinc conditions here ere increasingly developing in a way which forces as to consider myself es a civilinn pricionar. That ie why for some time already I have with increasing insistence, been pu- ny efforts to so home. Evei.ywhere I meet with politeness, but also Qith refusals. Everybody displays sn obvious attitude of reserve and ab- solutely everything is being kept away from as. Ttis clearly originates with the public administrations dihich awe canning the mistrust and which are very eager to further it. Yet I have never failed from the very be- i!=:gto dla lay confidence and good will. However. 'Seedily mounting of nistrust obviously begins to generate in myself a couprehansible =ion. I have therefore given up all hope of doine any useful work. Ur maim target is thus," Boma I go. I have had enough:- Nevertheless, from n11 the socperience I have vothered I iully realise that chances of snocess for requens and petitions in this tter are ve- ry small. Although I shell continue to grudge no pains insepeetine again and again mr requests, I doubt whether the administration will wow grow weary of thom. It will end by turning deaf ear, endlessly delay- ing and suspending everything. Thorofare, the hose country has got to go buoy! An initiative in this direction would possibly be to get the CDU to address the Control Council by depleting my situation and ay fervent endows's*. I expressly declare to be fully aware that my case and ma, wish represent an example for s greet manr others in thin eountry who think exactly as I do. / this was the letter which was intercepted 27 times and later dincove- red after being melted into glass tube .... In order Is exr-,edite my return hone, I will have reeourne only to you and the I. "Internationel Red Cross/. I shell also rely only on the Control Council. This agency has the charge of the Getman nation and its sasserms within Germany and abroad. I hove no intention of applying to local Legations of the l..texn Powers or other fOreign States. Suah � neve on n7 part night well be taken very much salsa by the local Go- and I do not went to risk saw. a oontingeocy. Apart from that, our ottitude is probably the reason= for to step every stop of ours escort. and we are conveyed slrf:guther. under escort' to and (roe our has been matched over. le are o out only ender organised plane end to and fcnts our dwicilss. Zany other things are die- raicllretile end spoil our stay here. The .o.oalled bw_an rights are still constantly being interfere! with. We west therefore lawn no steno un- turned to obtainer' return. Please do write to the Inc in addition to my letter requesting them to apply to the Cont :01 Council; it is quite . possible that ay initiative from here is not sulficientlr ours to bring MUC0011114 ISCL +2. 2U.C.P.T 11-112-`%ti R ET ��������MMA A proved for Release: 2022/06/16 C00893694 Approved for Release: 2022/06/16 C00893694 c�-.):ffro:,;.;4100". , .... The letter to t IRC met +:..2 RALAY resistances an. left !AG-SOU,' only at the end of JUMB through the Good offices of a foreiAn Lega- tion. For incomprehensible reazons, my comrades also madc things dif- ficult. One has to be extremely careful here. Absolutely everything is be- ing spied on. Life bare is one in a police state of the worst sort. Th: Hitler State coulo not be compared with it. We are not trusted out of sight here. True, there is no lack of politeness, but we meet with die- truat everywhere and in the hoghest degree. All our former Russian friends abun US as much as possible and are visibly embarrassed when spoken to. They cortain17 have instructions from above to avoid any intercourse with us. In the Institute we are confined to one small room and the library. Mornings I always remark: " Here we are again for eight in our prison cell". For months .we have not been alio- Wed to go out alone. Always and everywhere an escort is present. Yet our identity cards state in writing that we are permitted to freely mo- ve about the USW. This is the purest mockery. At first our escort was recruited from the house- and kLtehen personnel. Sow an interpreter and three young girls speaking German have bean charged with the task so that they can listen in on our conversations. I an only permitted to stroll alone around the house in the evening. ROW long will this go on? The work talks set to me afe small and insignificant /only desk work/. As references, I have to rely upon my own memory and the leoal library, that is public literature; in addition, various file-material from LA and other German booty. Russian sources are beingsratoullj concealed or withheld. Any insight into the Rusnian chemical industry is being obstructed or at least veiled. In other words, one cones to know nothing. At present I know just as little about it as a year and a half ago. Therefore my presence here is completely unnecessary-even wrong, because I could with the material on hand do better work in Len- na where I could interrogate their experts. Here I am not permitted to have any exchange of ideas with local experts. Such objections, howeve: fall on deaf ears in the higher.-up planes. The spiritual muscling of the natives by the government can not be imagined. In co anion, we in the Nell State were � truly free people. There can la� no question here of a true democreey, as I bad imagined it. Hare there reigns a =Idespotiem which is much worse than the one we formerly had under r. Our human rights end whatever claim's we can deduct nom this, are not being considered. Not a single on.. of the dozens of zwriuests and complaints helve so far received a reply. me are nothing but raguic civilise prisoners, at the mercy of governaental arbitrariness. I no more believe in the possibility of our voluntary release by the Govern Bent for repatriation. Ono will probably hews to wait until regular libeletion from the outcide havens. A lot of patience will be needed for that. This le the and of the reteticion of the many letters which time and again were intercepted and with which I vac reproache, by the Mi- nistry in Moscuw. As moon as you observe that the political _tust.lon is pointing tw.erda war and there is an urgent danGer of war, sea that you disap- pear f:cm Lonna- that is my urgent advice. The Russians .,re extremely unreliable and mendacious! They will probably draft into military ser- vice all young men. Remarks in that sense have already been made here. _ CRET _-., ����� e,7771 1 �f.: Approved for Release: 2022/06/16 C00893694 Approved for Release: 2022/06/16 C00893694 110�: 1111191 �-,v 3/. Our countrymen who are civilian internees here, are also to be draf- ted. what will happen to us in that ease is totally obscure. There- fore go West, as soon as things begin to look bad. .... I have no rights of any kind bere.Domens of rajuests a&ressed to top administrations, Ministries and the superior Council of Minis- ters, have elbcited no answer,either verbal or written. The letters which I have always sent registered, reach their destination, but there is Lam reaction to thset.Nevertheless I continue writing. I express my- self very unreservedly, I ask rather awkward questions, I appeal to. the much-pre/sod hunan rights of which the efficient Sr.Vyshinsky can not say enough in the UN Assembly. iii this, however, is nothing but theory. In practice the Russians feel absolutely unfettered by obli- gations of any kind. This is entirely in line with the national ch:i - rector of a people she ignore the notion of "love of truth" and are basically mendacious. I consider with my comrades that we are in a particularly bad situation, since we do not know what is going to happen to us and can learn nothing in spits of repeated inquiries. In this respect our situation is worse than that of the worst convict. 'very prisoner, every person detained, including prisoners of war, is informed about the duration of his detention. Be knows that after so many years ha will be sot free, and be has prospects to shorten his detention and speed his release by good conduct. 4e, however, have bean deprived of our liberty without any indication of reasons for such puniartmenti and without any indication as to how long this de- privation is to be continued. Where we ars, good work is asking us in- dispensable and yet produces results contrary to what ordinary priso- ners obtain- our detention is being prolonged. Is this not insane? That is what this State, allegedly the freesst in the world, calls Deaocracy! One could laugh about it, were one not rather inclined to weop, and no and to this atate of affairs can be perceived. .... Ivan the old mother of Frau Dr.7rdhlich who is over 70 years old and ailing, was refused her return by the Russian Government without any indication of reasons. Row often have I requested, verbally and in writing, so, rsturn tem. ws well as home laavel All petitions end requests, to Ministries and higher up, remain witnout reply. C. are not even peraitted to go outside a radius of 5 kaosaterse but I disregard this rule. I have already bad sore than onc discus- sion on this matter. Since the fell of 1947 I as nursing plans to es- cape, but we are so such spied upon ,and watched over that escape is practically kopeiess. Nevertheless, I an continuously watching out for an opportunity to get away with forged identification papers, be - oauss the Russians will not let us go before 3-5 years. Only diploma- tic or war action can liberate us from this desperate prison.... .... My life Mare is very monotonous. Mork-eh:eh is pure desk work- starts day isi, day out at 0900 hours. Se sit fi of us in a small roost with primitive wooden tables and on hard ordinary etairs. There for two and � half years we have been writing reports from aamory without auxiliary means. Literary assistance is scarce, as well as Approved for Release: 2022/06/16 C00893694 Approved for Release: 2022/06/16 C00893694 -I � all otuer azterial. e have to tranascribe these reports oursl - yes on our amn typevriter. This, Aith a punctual stop of one hour for the midday meal, is our life in the office. :hal; 1 .he joyleas existence of the itviet Industrial slaves. ?rises, iwicated in Ec.! "Lae: and pmr kilogram, ere' hard smiroge 130-.1/01 rice 40-50, .roasted coffee 15i-1701 cocoa 390, t a 400r 'At 70-90, Oil 60-80, lcrd 120 haw 110. angler 30-40. L:onsuaer goods rices: echoes 61/0-70 . ho to slir sto- ckings 80=100, cloth for suits 600-1000. You have no Lice of the incredible eoverty everTAhere here. I have to make my own drawings; in abort, I have to no tbinge Alch I did not have to do even as a young chemist, let alone _hen I was depnrtment chief and later director. Connitionn here and &l- oco in MOOCCIF /which in not a bit better off/ are so poorly as we coule. not imagine them in Germany even when tines *az, nt their -.orst. :slits everything here is in short supply. Th:, only things in which we Careens are net lacking are food and clothes. Our living quarter* are princely �capered to those of the Russians. nor* is also an !des that we receive Incredibly high pay, asie- cially I. However, when you compare prices to the purchasing p0- of the Ruble, I an earning lass than what I had /in Germany/ after the last tremendous reduction and the enormous: tax dedun- tions. The only edvantage I have is the exchange rate of the hark. This explains why I as able to send you sufficient ssousy. If yoO were here with se we should have to calculate very, very closely. iroverty here is gigantic. Living conditions are dreadful.evory fa- mily has normally only one room and aust share the kitchen with others. Incomes are very low. Thor* is little order anywhere. U- nitary conditions are devastating. lost ordinary people possess no bedstead. Many hove to sleep in one bed with ethers. As to goods, usually most of thee are unobtainable or bed, then sudden- ly everything can be had for a time. Payment of wages is very ir- regular. There is a lot of starvation and dirt. The few better- situated people have no mannere,and no culture. This town has one second-rem movie, nothing else. Cocial intercourse with the population is being prevented. There is no freedom of COASCiea40 or speech, The people are mo Intimidated that all thin talk about the freeest country on earth ie � complete eockery. There ere a great many natives in penitentiaries. Ru4 an officers who* I knee in Lemma, look the other vmy when Um; meet net, as if they did not know am; there have, however, been same exceptions. Invitations do not exist, of course. ** ne- ver boor anything about ou: reports. So one is asking us anything *beast them. Such conditions, I may, ueieaginable. One has to defend oneself with an elephants ai Cork on the plant is very such in arrears. It i5 planned to become a second Leune. Lleost ell the agrxegates which were dis- mantled in loess, are here in immence depots of machinery en a swabs, under the open sky where the material is steadily deterio- rating through atmospheric influences, while s good deal of it is being stoic::: or transformed into kitchen utensils clandestinely. lat nothing is available and thaws are shortages everywhere. - - !- 1._,) _ , .:;"'-.f"' S 0 . s U.,/;�: pproved for Release: 2022/06/16 C00893694 Approved for Release: 2022/06/16 C00893694 SECRET if we are really to complete the teak of getting the plant to the production stags1 we must hold out here for *nether two or three years. Veaeabil. a greet manpv people among the lIcal po- pulation are hoping for a ear and a change in State leedershiPA ;onsidereble numbers of the people are dissatisfied with the pre- sent government because poverty and governeental terror are greet. The people art frieetened, due to severe punishment dealt Out even for sinor offenses. 14024 of us who ers in Rubeehmeje are not allowed inside the plant. They are brought under escort to_ their laboratories and back from there to the factory gates when- ce they go home in s closer beta. I think that we hare. the other .;oviet industrial slaves, will suffer the smile fete saee day. You wo Id not believe the suspicion which reigns here, nor coul you imagine the coapliceted system of supervision mind spy-- ing applied to UA. This system he been built up to the lest de- tail and requires an imams* apparatus and e colossal number of people. Zech letter of mins is read most minutely. .... Now about something else concerning the possibility of mgr. As soon as slogs of an ininent wer are discernible, Hans suet get away to a safe place because the Aggasigine ere likely to draft ..e aunt not risk 01.4, sinew that would be the end of his freedom. He =ant by all scans escape that fete. In case of a mar do not .;,mirry about me. The local inhabitants feel kindly *bout -,:s� German and will do nothing to us. They would not even let us suf or privations. The important thing is that in case of war we remain here. :Ibis, of course, is uot certain, so let ue hope for the beat. It is important that Hans end r any circumstances ovoids service in the Rod Limy. Wangling ana irregularities ere the rule here, everything is disgusting and repulsive. One suet mistrust everything cawing from the Russians. Only the country people are ems and nice. You can transmit all mg news, even the secret ones to Dr. A. in all detailsi if you went to word by war'. ,hat I ;old you are unadorned facts, neither diet nor -.uggersted.There is no berm in their becoming known, on the contrery. Therefore ex- plain to his that everything is told br:rmi according to the truth, and that be can believe everything. Ask Dr.A. on ma, behalf to as- sist you in writing to the UN. One must repeatedly Inform the WI that we prisoners urgently want to go home, but that all applies- tions remain without reply. See to it that such letters do net get into the abside of the Russians. I have now had my well-sub- stsmtleted request for home leave refused. elthotgh I offered to ameicaley word of boner that I would return. However, Glace the word of honor hes no value bore. I gerppose that mine is originated equally. I wrote a violent letter to the State Clever., Bent. Thu will coon receive � copy of it. eoently I wrote already that one should try, with the help ad to create at Cis* Ul a clear knowledge of the repel _ tidings here and the stigigLpoint at hoes, as regards our return. y' �4 � � �, rod' g Approved for Release: 2022/06/16 C00893694 Approved for Release: 2022/06/16 C00893694 rIE. I 11, _nis its what I ?mussel 1. 1 supposes that this :titanic's Gov,,rment krept iepeating over there he. important we aro to thee. rh,! truth is that our work is ao secondary and is to much an onomows e:.:tent aufferi% from lack or confides** that nothing tuiefUl 144n come out of it. alma we are never informed. ee srw tretsed r.s spies and sabo- teurs and are pracically prisonhre kept in a "coldest wigs% I en coavineed that the RusLian Goverment loses no opportu- nity to doolase in f OM of the UN how well .ze are bore end bow fabulously we are being treated. I an confirmed in this opinion by the au:prise-with which we moot t�ontinuously - at our 2.- tisni 10 return hosei we are told that our life is mach bettor hare than at hems, that have plenty to set and to &risky live weal and are being paid much hotter eaests than the Rueutiaa emporia Of the sem ranfeselonel class. Fneing the glo- werty bore, all this is oar-oss. However, not long *go I replied to elliossoy who sada such obserwetionc, that Germans value the ideal aide of life h1r than the materiel One. In =tenons- tic Russia, however, bsre omprehonsion for such a point of view. Tbr UR are kept in this belief that WO 40 not wish at all to that we live better than we our did before. The Russiansstill figure that � Good zany of us Germans will get ancliaatised and remain. It it possible that tha UI will be die- Pgrt� believe the 2t m.isos. They can boor nothing directly us, as starrhing is Doing intercepted. evory one ::414: letters is road. I wonder whether letters 37 and 40 will seat copies of violent requests vs goverment agencies 4::strks these letter* did pot arvivel/. ao please Seise to the UN with Dr.i.s support. If Shay are mot informed 'too home, theyudll sever leave the truth. Pres the !nodes aide they net nothing but lies. SECRET Approved for Release: 2022/06/16 C00893694 Approved for Release: 2022/06/16 C00893694 �Calepory, Subject, Country, � T POSITIVE INTELUGENCE REPORT 'Dossier No.: ;7.:.)--.0 L j -1.1102:1_1 11.21.1nia.00.110,7 Ci 87:2001, Gottleb.. General of tba gat fgal 34 a. mac: Coordinates: fronts Team 11 , 7020AF Counter Intelligence Unit, USAFE. R.pot 11-159-12k 9 Number of Pages: 5 Reference: .lasiusat sPecut c) ii.pod Daft, 5 December 19, 9 infe,Thatioa Das, Soyother 191,5 Evaluation, No. Inclosurars Source of InFonswylion, Prepared by: 15".17 5"0" immerel Cistthols /OZER Diorfin,g,�, 5 Copies Kt. 031. Dletrist So. 1 1 COMY Teas So. 11 711� 1. Ins 26 esd 39 se...mar 1,9, amoral Gotalob MOE& se� listerropktel at the Prison is LAWDliadia/Leels 0409-1055C in compliance with Specific liteemeat So. /17%. betel 23 loweelear 1919. 2. In referes*. to the isitiatioo of es ist�llissoce aetwork proposed with PIR 11-151-009, the felleelag iaddltiossl tater...U.0a is hereby enteitted. Pbe detailed plas 1. reverted is for. of sit essert treeelatioa fros lb. mot.. MOO pr�parit La the primates if the lethrwlesdhe Asonti CillilLEILatION (1) Milltanr sad Politisal Cease:iterations The JI llse sea sower le held by the allie� It ha. to b� satber the iciatit it the 00111. !hie quatiee ame settled lb. day _VIA ISOLA lea� conceded te the tassleso. a 'Uhlman, Sam assimet the Meet hay. to... prepared im Serowe Seseral Staff �Tflasars sod for that reams. special eepthei� i� laid on TRUSINOlas there le so oesetry is the world stiel. flea the paint of view of Sea�ral Staff .or. ha* bees vas ever as deathly se T1LISLIGIA. e. The met disposes of � cliche conalatration area la the airsit-31ISS1 recios, with the esseestrstioa street 101inai �� float cretestion. Neer, sassiee tee/airy dleleioa la elle Attie three (3) dey�, � cavalry ;Wailes' isa.0) the, em armered 1 P. INTINS14�11 (17) dory�. to thatall itself with immether prethotles mad livalily la $ay Idea �f forest, ea Um-% they ass hold sit tsr meatie. depopelaties �f the area I. � faverable factor Poles she live tbsi.s. still ecldiag es to tbair eat basisteada to Poland. MVO � NAZI WAR CRIMES DISCLOSURE ACT EXEMPTIONS Section 3(b) (2)(A) Privacy (2)(B) Methods/Sources a (2)(G) Foreign Relations C] FOR COORDINATION WITH Approved for Release: 2022/06/16 C00893694 Approved for Release: 2022/06/16 C00893694 Pt a nO. U-159-149, OSI, Team VO. 11, APO 633, ILJY. Reinteringstion of Mcnosa, Cottlab. Gemara of els oaten dtd 5 Deo. 49. Cout.d. c. Tbs AUSAULD OLVtrlOrlty in arsared unit.. is so v t in the early stAgsa tight tbe pUnned daia.15,ar,...:_ation in the Ii:; or rill very son turn into arg.nizei nicht. a. It is erroneous to baliArvo th,t otrutegic comentmtioa of iracoe's �re the Dena= oountries sions will have � threatening or deberrist offset on imasia. The reverse mill boxes. iAssia osionts on tbs communist in- fection of the Freaah Are, smi jrigbar to. lto Poen* AM lost Taos in 1,60; boo diffieult it is te regain it, I (AndOra) loaned Moon& of ectrillaum vieb tb� Prete* selumbser division Cbariemseps. (2) Alttwanps the *lamb stasis is to to =piloted will be finally desidest not 111 &s but in tbs neer end Central Stet, Genene is important. I (tEndin) ouneider that Om Oarmetiom of Gonne divisions is ispeocible smedsrpreonat sir- tsa. en the Mbar bond, it wey be Teasille oreste an orgonisation ettiob maid be able to: �. Tangibly harass the Roasian advance through Um' entire terribe3/ of too Reich. b. Carry out intonigneme wart is ths ecoopied territory. o. 3ervo as asepetwet guides in oases of military operations, lergo-esale employ of pareahmtlets sad airborne tromps. A digression way ha permitted berv: Tbo see Roselan wey of eendoetlag war will eentaim all sorts se surprises. AsionE otter things it im1eds,. ties nes et Airless, units sit* stress task foram sof pareobutists and airberme troops, swoon as tbs me of partisans. Teo entirely ffsseet objects anion haws emiy Us tap military direction in corona, must be diessereedh sos to CP into &QUM against military objects of rind. under the ncem.nd of crp.:ble officers. Pertisbro hove tasks of political nature acesseated with wilissgy opevetione. Led by :mai:owns� they are to oarry on program& ia seoperatian with tie Cowen acesandsta and to. gyoups of pre- feesisetal erirdnals, enessflapsd as somber. of to. rfc (Arposimiai of nut Thrtiss). The beets als IA tbs ellmtaatlea of all gams seeletmees. Approved for Release: 2022/06/16 C00893694 Approved for Release: 2022/06/16 C00893694 � ,Ia BD. 11-159-120, WI, Teen 11, ;20 633, lainterregation of BrACV., Cettloh, General of the -affen cad 5 Nee Parties of vides are already baize awde ap, end L1rld011 &Liar crone rim", amass returned POV's ocamersists. Both eat:Lona ure of c nature to cormidedably lisped* Taastern redact of ear, at Last in the begirmdag. /cry beelly 3.41�441* ars emateddable if Me defers is insuffiaint. ironic beam bay to listan7 in LAND3BBMG, raze e good deal, the mars so atrar all. these thimp have been tasted by lb. Itneallose in the last Ouse of the var. Through Grand 11.:.33OV all tbe principal orders mere in mr CU2C7.4�A) hands in 191.5. Another remit uhtab cef not appear quite credible, abould be are: (Li No mistake druid be made *boat ties will to fight existing in Cerny. It is eery, wry swell. Betred and bitterness bar weft up, Use there is so fighting spirit. Om ghoul& not Wait that soldiers recruited in Astra Gamer reamtblr be red in &cites against the .est. atallasill never ras that risk. The entire :reel= ..nef is orpletalp arneardiar. .:. standard division in -.Iberia is exastly Warne* dietitian In Czechoslovakia or oa the kerslaalhow6mr. The German soldiers, .nd p.otobly tree fir ialand and :seaboalcaredda, will be used in dis- tant neater, of mr. Tbair torpor! without .-ree and *wipeout is raw tamy :40 6reald of earwr. in the 'Iberian* and Banda will be used, and the world will be surprieed to hear bow thee* people will fight-teaser bey and the dieing are the rich -astern countries with unimagin- able wealth as testy. (3) DOSnallArdifl+ Brad the above evaluative ef et* dhoti= be arepted ma retell samesettey it is insepecel to ern en settee rfbre (Abeekr) organisatiow. This own be dans in tea moral A per socerr-hatelliovese ergenisationuhioh ot a later date te be serinforeel and err. In other mire, the /stallion** serrias will dewlap inn a fere of soldiers very for satin in the rear of We arm. b. Occupied walersene ter the peeper of arias nee Group is rer-rent. Welliver* eiLl be a rendary matter, ted uill berme leperrat with moral operatives. This repaint:1r nost be Wilt ep in the It and tbe &set. Immo St ell la the berder areas- Is view of the preened ritestiew I (BASenl) grad ere peerfernes Re the seemed (b) paapaattlas. It is ortals that the reborn peers dlagease of a asiaart of Sa*alllowei themeless tire will be we lest of kneriag neve. Terreter, every intelligrese� to feeriaa pragmair mm at inset eight (8) mardss of irgeratiams and that is a lot of tins tire rya. pproved for Release: 2022/06/16 C00893694 Approved for Release: 2022/06/16 C00893694 � , 11-15.1?-a2L9,� :0. 11. _A..tcintarloc...tion of :!..crl,1,1 0! !A, � cfl'on 0..4 5 .1.0 L9, ...ont'd. ,usitian two (2: is something cm 'blob: (41) M111 'vagary a military intelligence sorrioe to sass Grammy is over-run. (t) 7111, through harassing of tho roar, oontain 'arc* military Woes from being used at the front. (L) .,esejaa_thee for Wateblishoopt of time Orgenisation; Oue (1) year of sornect mark. (5) 2#1Rev Per tie entire mouths= sector WM Aver liar: 3544 otlt SIMULd be im roll-time seclewartt, all other payments only to osevor =ponies. They shouJ4 be nedestly segairgcd with plate meter ears. Wort should In the Ilse to honorary. Although imerlem to rfirk mad those porenats emerald prdeshly be ebtrgol to coongetlem Gaeta, or buouriohoo of ths people and my exporlsrmess mak* mo insist on this pzi. It is lopossiblet to Garry on a fight in the rear of the gooey without (6) 21414m. of a oommarolal or troding company. Ms chooser' mat be rogreoattatires of � Lead or. largo distriai,alao in iast4slaGemmar. The oemerany oust goy its omegir. In this 'soy tripe are oceseiflagsk and Lies addressing of ludividuaLe does not attroot *Mutton. ,hould the difficulties in ;astern Ceermossr be particularly great, at least guides for parachute units from the lest should be oeleoted Ltd toasted. (7) Miter, Orgurisations In mopeds, pletoons, oaureolss, battalions. Ito Uygur units should be termed. nottaLtaine will be Joined imeo somois. The owed ammoodeetes directly frith military beadoecrters. dens& 1 eitiot, six (i) moo. Plotoosu Throe (5) to floe (5) Kurds, acoording to horrmia objectives. , Three 0) to fire (5) platoons. gstW3i.zThroe (3), marimom tour (4) oacronlas. It the eommery is over-rue, moony mit has its ownmend poet butt area sod soastitsteme=to Mating glISSIk 'blob Wom WO� **tint le me iho summed � ce PJ3bv lc 113A pproved for Release: 2022/06/16 C00893694 Approved for Release: 2022/06/16 C00893694 i.) PL X. 117159-i24.9, rc�m Do. 11, ,,C 633, L. .?, :izinter,:oLrtioo of BE:%1,1A; Got:lob, tti .!,ffer. dtd 5 ,4C. �9, (a) Firt inr,rtt: ' Locatine of loAAina,Perammalitica in ":list and '7':eato after haring asoartalned 'from the chief of staff obi& areas ere particularly important. . (9)/Avvowttion of Deltai' Sqyad: I chief, I radio operator, 1 nesungsr, four (4) man . Platoon Staff: 1 chief, two (2) :36.dio operators, three (3) to U rIlo (5) messengurs (cna tbr each squad). Covany 1 �hist', three (3) radio operators, three ()))to time (5) meservers, 1 doctor. i Battalion Stott: I dela!, I adjutant, also deputy, throe (3) radio operaters three (3) to five (5) messoocers, I doctor, 1 oedipal assistant. a Details oorcezning selection of'persannel, their training end . operations can oattnally only be disciessedefter the Comegue3er-14---Chist has expose- . sei his serious intereat in the echoes. / (BERGER) sa in a position to draw on the eriPerlantaa of tbs b1sck (secret) Uniabeeshr frool.V.4 to 1,33, and on wr know- ledge of the totality of tbe Russian partisan-sir orders with soppLseents up to - , 1,14. (ids lateet'dated 7 Uey 1944). ! (10) Ole of the Letts, Estonians. Weraislars, perhaps also Caucasians, &stonily doidalled Innen-now. -Tbeirtraitebores parsobstista and nal-tisane. Ovay seleated volunteers. The vary flat of each K treining Fauld bolster up the ooureas Of-thare fighting lost battle in the kat. And it may prove to he the best sove to counternat,,tbe nee assiginent of nAilltal BOlcoasovaki. 3. The Above outline of Garlaral'Zi2GR's plasm au, idowe iw the moult of a, , two (2) days intervicw. iould hizher Headquarters decide on u further Joireloocznt' of hi a propowition, 13,aa:a would be willing to cooperutein w:nr,awy,desited. APPSIOYXD. is Margo oiX, Teas Eo. 11, District Po. 1 ' 8 11111111111113provecl for lease: 2022/06/16 C00893694 Approved for Release: 2022/06/16 C00893694 POSITIVE INTELLIGENCE REPORT Ceectory 'Dossier Na., *: Subject,j11Th 0 G t, L Crottleb. G.141'91. of tire oaffes Country: from: Team Germany 11 Report No.: 11-17.2-0949 21 Sept 1%15 Report Date: No. Inclosures Coordinates: , 7020 AF Counter Intelligence Unit, USAFE. Roque s t Number of Pages: 1 Reference, 685( Sy� cdf1c) Steel or 151� r-6 Information Date: Evaluation: 2 =CRT RILLD5 Prepared by: Sour c. of Information: 'Thrones C'.,Tsl Gettleb BraGri, by .Yr. HtJL Distribution 5 atsP1�� Rq 6.31. District 14.1 1 aow Toes 11. JiI.Diatriet 14.1. File 1. Cs cosoliNes 'with ralitiorrogatios request goi5(5pecifio) �41.464 22 Aitgaat 19k9. referees* Oesural Gettlob Man at the Prises is Li11/01/1116/14411 O1051,10551), the felloviag sallies/a littera& ties oss resolved is regard to parso;raph 22, j of the slave tat& fated ropiest' 2. 1)2012 ate iaterrosst saITa(e i. lufewleage �f Nitrifies aa4 lesfattes of Orsusui �siestiets Sr essiaisre forfolso La the USSR. At the time if iki Laterrirs kW Ns sot Is � Neittos to torsi& isfesaaties parialaiss to this ostler. arertar Ihe assert& the Istervieviag Agest that b� Nal& Wassail, sar lafsrostios be dhealA Passive. attadiet I. tile revert is � letter that wee seat 111�ga11. free Um Mt le eirriow. (Iaaleware 11, sheteshati� II�17 if Ike leiter is ONcsa. iselesarei ft,paigliek traaslatles thereof). iihe writer if SkIs lett", le as ashaslatassie of 11123121. boohoo of eadaesrass122(14. ferser17 1uf enleatist is dean* of the researt�-laberate/y at the LUNA %MO IA 161131310110 (5)21141002). Man reeet��4 the letter Way* ANS*, MOW* wife. are. liCE0LD es s her sex arek still resi�ing is imarars. 3. The letter roadbed this �fflae tbreno�la toottet�e� of Coloada 11. IL. GlIALLM. Goer realiag Offieer. Lt21422112 Prises, APO 61.1 0.5. ALIT. Golseel GRAIN me sottreesoky boliffla saG oefrperstive Ii f Mato this Assat'� sissies is 1.4.1DS3126 Prises. 111111311�Di , Jr. tam 11, I, 1115T.10.1 Less% ta rg� la�liearee: 1.41hsteetatle caw if Lotter ls Sorsa. 2,7�411sif Traidation SECRET NAZI WAR CRIMES DISCLOSURE ACT 7 � EXEMPTIONS Section 3(b) (2)(A) Privacy (2)(B) Methods/Sources 160--- (2)(G) Foreign Relations El A _ FOR COORDINATION WITH r V lassified and Approved for Release .ne CentraI.Intelligence Agency ,aie: 4. 0 trt.01 11110, Approved for Release: 2022/06/16 C00893694 Approved for Release: 2022/06/16 C00893694 E(.3F1P-1T POSITIVE INTILLIOINCI RE ..CadatiPaY, nlos0o, bto. subjed, aryo?- ,n.-7irmootttee. Cos.:v.1 n, lb. Country, CoordIncnot, From: learn , 7020 AF Counter Intet04ence Unit, USAFE. Report -1z14-nra ' 44444 ..eruar, t ` Number of Poiret, 244.rence, 4660;..airleY R.p0,1 pat., 12 r..ptatit,er 1946 Wormation Ckd�i"teDb4r 194e FOUR' ilin.v3x No. hadosunra, Pnipored by, Oesor�1 Cottlot WatOta Scanro of Information 6 copies Sq 'ow In STV Distnbulion: -1--Nify�DaltaeNant E�utoofoosa. C.4 1. Oa let sail 364 Sortoolsor 1049.tietterel Cottle% 21Jo., oso fielstrroastol et ...:160101110)* 14 141217=1104.12 (4006 0-1055 11) to coeval/Lae. with s?relf1ohareantf464� 4) ..4404 14 Accost 1942. . U) � aS-- ,-,... . 0 a) ... .. 2. lat reforemola to WI Wpaelfto Ropeast, the follov1.4 taforo*tios WAS 0/401/001i .43 ?" 1.4115.. CC . 2 S. 31)I tnrcertve4 the Warman** r�parue to FIR 1142-070 parse:NIA 22. 1.... CI) :;,:igerpolg.laillio (10) dere Obviates* loam is D000sbor 1944 fro* � (to SU31=140 ortolan) W.-. ,r if-filir mod roliablo wares. kt th10 tias r= e Ala hot pal too aimoh a4Mattaa Is 0 0) 77 -` ikilkaaa'arraortit, Ka low rodo5o4 of thoo.later rorlac Colima sriftro IRAS at It. Prism allom'in rotor's fof tho Gotomilte kind:twee, he felt olairol to tire atf CD CO rp = .A.,:" - ties t. )40.5, to lb. 0..2; anthortttioa. s... 4) O.= � Cl) W1T41:E otrooacl !nattier that be to a. expert to the float of a:t rt \ teeboica. he to only otlo to 44mo � litrames eptatos shoot the rretrjool. 174.221 to -0 t5 ts ..volittion to it.* * Omsk& of lb. "sow kiwi of ty.000llter elation' to Way C � agree.,Eavevor h. believe. Utah sa� tellemisa dittevearree fee% betereea %be el& cO- ..i z.,-3 Oba,orw tveoaditim �t ity11�" attos ,41:11,� earettaashe of tue*Anor loot ether U -1 rger a) wore b4064 am andsloto4 I So rosso1(d 41061������ Teri. (Goma verde/Lt. .2141 sv = g; (-) 00,���,,,,. Arotoolhor WW1. Ism 5.3 Mono Yerso�ti tor wallop. (nu 7tr.,,... 4.06�0041�6492rwags� , les arafiga44114.) The *fetes apolte� � etabtoothoo GO� 0 yurtoma pmesmat Fors le a sawAsill � f1,14. (Gamow veral�fai not -,-.., .c co grata' touP442, el illkin eta. Ihossessafaselag yes vormiLl�44me Ismaretavdats . MOM stokirtssetes 4r�Ofele.) Aleisr414/ te Um's'. owe. tu fill,,tacalts., 0 Inca �4art.1�41.9b. 'Mow taatftiost's0A tke slaty, Utterloo baft to lo foreete4 �% et .404,50, from 01,4k eVimi. 11���4�� *ail WWI (101144�SMI41011) of Who Utters/At .44Awfbt14 lailemar yews tti gsA�r iiimalibse. - NAZI WAR CRIMES DISCLOSURE ACT EXEMPTIONS Section 3(b) (2)(A) Privacy (2)(B) Methods/Sources (2)(G) Foreign Relations FOR COORDINATION WITH SECRET � � 0 .�44,4 111111�-� .ay.. Itr-Z fala A proved for Release: 2022/06/16 C00893694 Approved for Release: 2022/06/16 C00893694 LI 11.129.05419. Detaehear%IU. 7020 IO OM. APO 633. US�2'. SUMICTI URI= Or Dram. Gottlieb. General of the eaten Si. dated 12 Sept 19h9 goat*d.. - (2) to deterelse the greet location of the trasaitter site in the =um (51o6s-17O3z) RAROVICI (5015149001) raglan. IIEED/R �to, that all instal- lahlehe ere heavily verged. hg O.P.U. it. is sitters. :hose 'melte have esodPesedly be esgseetlan-wlib the Pollak population sad are frequently replaced. It le ereggesivd 327.0711 to &Aerate. Cher* in the above eatticeed reei.on special O.P.C. mite ar. Stationed. b. la reference to the 300.000 Volt transmission lines. .1311Ggs rep�at.oly euestioned his source bat sem� insisted his lefornation tele correct. a. }TERM eoplainal the tare � the verious isdividual ray� � in the following manner: Your (h) traesiitter stetieme fern sae (1) battery. bat only three (3) stations have to ranctloe to he effective. Therefor* �th� various lagIvia- laa "If" "WO a" Soul*/ trim ahro� (3) indirldnal treamitter station* sad ere flialseed to/gather to the target letteated tir the rodar instrument. f.. man elates that this system has mothine to co with the so called � death rage'. Re szplabted the reys go aot Gouts an explosiot of oseallso bat they deter% the proper functiss of the motor by lattice !allure or sbort circuit WM* I. tarn eaumee a !Ire to the airplane. Is regard to ausonition. the rays affect sal, the meresiav reletaate (Kaalleasekallber) WA is part of the immolation. mosieg the egglopeloa �rola* ease. 3. 1132.11�1 said that h� brought the 'eare matter to Colonel SPITErs ehteetles for the purpose that U.S. Aircraft should be �dvisel not to fly over the IR3IW04A1'011101 area. Is further auphasise4 that his source, on taginser ea.: fora.: eeptala �f the warfes SS was workbag with him in the 9; Eauptont (SS itain-Offic.). Ile.esesldiers Ale to be � nee of sobriety sad a�ptain ted to Argest1a� on 2 Jetaary 1910. Mani stressed anc� mar� it. iapertenc� to !Ind ad th�r Itialeter 0111IS0101 er sou* of his so-workers and to c.t �11 rossIble informatioo dc the former RACKEZZIIC laboratory. gitifltOriat Jr. petechm ell Dated:6**ot foemonler ri 4 Cs; V:j Approved for Release: 2022/06/16 C00893694 Approved for Release: 2022/06/16 C00893694 Disenbution= POSITIVE INTELLIGENCE REPORT 'Category: Subject= Country= From: Team , 7020 AF Counter Intelligence Unit, USAfE. 3 Report No.: Number of Page, Reference: 1.2 - teab.r Raison Orate= No. Indosures: Source of Information: 5 oopits� g� 70! IG 111. 1 no.c7 Dotachoont .11 711e .001Sittr NO. t Avt. �OGItt r. Coordinate:: Sep tracer, 14,7 Informatior; Dote: 1:12CITT ULII Prepared by: iieseral Loti.lob �c40�1 fit) Ewoluction I. Ca 1st and ?nd i,rptember 1905. Geer 1 Cotslob P7fOr-2..- ao� rototarrot--to4 ot the ?rieoa in LirliGr.PG/Leedi (i03053-1055i) in comaliance with 1.7.�cl.fic S�que�t 06E5.�1 22 .lazsiAt ?. la r�fervios to Specific !edn�st ;6E5. thr followine inforr,tiln ws� obt,ined froItSGr.. a. Jth0t learned frog Gstierel of the Vaffen 3S an. Doctor of facinserinaltl.. icrx eassalt that the latter ws.� coing to Russia. is ?roof of this otetemmit at11012 184.4 the follavia4 atoryi (I) On 6 701.7 1945. inciter LAKALEY ease to 4UGth in LIACEICk7. near if. JOIASS/Tirel 0732-1226x) oat told hla that ha. ILIOCIR. had mad� 'entente with fasetell Kin �ffisems. who were technicians La the Russian Y-Woa?on� ri.ld. (Thos� limastan offtemrs 'refs (tptarel seer LILT 150271-30300 in 1941). Li/VIM was; froe mai anr to SC110104. IMF had Oest�ta (i70711-13061) sad was led free there ta� � Ruesiso thronrb (hi 11/00.10 los at this (Imo is the possession of � INV-posseager r.sis (6) wiladers. /di liters sad had hie eesplet� plass sad exacimrs on microfilm sad in photostats with ila. Sal00.01 chew** )E1022 the onetest� of an &Inatome �tronebox. aniirorimate else 1.00 Mold.. actors I i0 i)0 eentlsoters. Ostof tb� eats reason* to frailit�t� eery wow* we the fact that aripaisetias 7.217 -63 had weir-tasolta� depots all aver the geostry. At the and of World war II. LimaLLICR's wif� an! children were residing is MD warm (si-toyfin. 'vista roes. It siebt be posollal� to ocalltro or tow Urea* Kro. Lt10433 the rheresiests of her basket. (1) Wows' =MIR was twIP /Laos apProschod tr aRUASt.A OMMAigniOA ILA Ia. IIIPSOUIlea, Prisms with Coe Wiov of eettiag MONA extraditod as � attoes� for � trial La prtsra (535134/333). Ti� first interrior took plaoo betimes 26 Lac 30 leveaMor 13A03. nh. :-.--,.asesse bowls 7 as* 10 Demoniac 19115. The conniselon consisted of � asaciral. SECRET NAZI WAR CRIMES DISCLOSURE ACT , � EXEMPTIONS Section 3(b) (2)(A) Privacy (2)(13) Methods/Sources aLIT (2)(G) Foreign Relations El � � a ~I TAN Approved for Release: 2022/06/16 C00893694 Approved for Release: 2022/06/16 C00893694 � �11,1 11 -1)0.09119. Deteohnent #11, 7020 10 SIU, ,Y0 633, u:Lr, SUEJNICTI-Eurtzso- CliTICiS or %MOIL ootol.b. 0���ra1 of U. �affini swita 12 :�pteratmir 19h9 aoot,G. � goontaeur with 05. r. on of � Colomat. tan (2) O�ra�c� 10 eus�l-n uniform and senior was an� (I) lat�rprater. )acit.s. stated that the easatrn. had a =at thoroUt tasielfaig� �f his parson hignre %hints that th� information Gould have come frau' no other Douro* %non L4J'4.11. boonu�� et tht� II.. ao outallor hod aunt amonloige. 0. 1151(0,2 loomed that LLi4Lfl rent fleet to a oats; star r the eartneeet edge of acSoae (551491-3/371). Ii said that 112 U. rt.:laity of fe.,5Cide four (4) epeeist camps existed: (1) For Diplomats (2) for Generel Officers only (3) For Generals .at Offiecre who were onplagreo as instructors no military advieers (h) Per lochaleisse and Scientists. SIP011 believes that �800.112 nigh% ISO Wartial ea the V7 weepea. Tkle V-7 was ooastrected for a distance of 3500 kilesetare sod wee able Is reset an attired* of daises (16) to Sweaty (20) thoesaad motors ant 1.:2�weippeui with s (telletrabler). asomrding to a direct stalcommt fres WOC.Mh te 'Marl. La VICS011tio eillaien. like V.7 wee the s�ia rewoon for the Rustles Istereet Is 10.10CAR. horthermsre smart. stated %h.% lUm.I.Th was sac of the few sea Is Someday. abe /Salm the prodmotioa proems* �f all soor�t viestpoaa. Stades Italy( SO ewer' LS th� feumapono Meld, be eee also net authority on the 07-262 and on recto% fightorplaatea. C. mon ia usable to give aura infornation concerning th� premium% pro.. daation of th� 5AS5MI-4131): la LIIPZIG (512011-12251). Hi. 11310wletge was gata.4tart mg his leers to teoember 191.d. 0- The report ooaceraing the improved *a ahoy.. 1-3h teak use likewise received lm 5tt0Z. darted his Christmas leave fres a former er-ffen 55 caplet*. a relks-4ersea fres Somata. The captain's civilian oeconatioa was lactates' esgimeer as4 he wee werkiag as POW in a tank fasten/ in 1.)J14GRAD (5956X-30a310 The oaptala ese emtgrated by ray of twits�risad to krgeatins en 2 January 199. Re teld 2O2OrF of"lite egs-ehoped task of dhieh � lord* sketch is amassed to this report eml la- 'Lenard, Pl. Laairdlag to BillOiRie save.. the sate foster. of the digs-chapel bask Is. that it Is ispeealtle to put th� tank set ef eaiimm free the frost. It ems be aeldliSe4 eel: br petaled hits from the rear (Saisasewtrinag oar spits Von hint's). !be trailer for spare gasoline gad amenaltion I. shaped similar I. s emelt seal- roller (wee JAMAS iselemare #2). Ihe roller eonsiste it sa armor plate of Sla (LO) anStimatera this/moos. The troller is tot/kabala' free within the tank mhos amply sr in ease of energemay. � e. maga has so additional isfermatioa reep.rdlag losatica mad getivitiee of ether Gorses seleatiste or magisoora is the 033. Seweves he Mee me% betivre thet lopertsat Gernaa wileatiets are vorkleg la nudes satellite imemetrime. I. With reforms*e to porogroph b. Specific Roque% Kg% the rim...L.4 details seseerniag IMOltie relative with the 'master. glr 'eyes. was rwoigoege Dims Mat is � comets of the Oeseral. he sae � tighter pile'. lasing 'lurid Oar I. -2- 4 Approved for Release: 2022/06/16 C00893694 4 Approved for Release: 2022/06/16 C00893694 � t_- rids 11-13o-o9119,,tit sit. 7020 IC sill. Apo 631. .;.mAl. SC3JECI-EasTrato- GAT! r. or 3I,C17t. Gottloo, Geo.-mai cif- the 'teflon S. atted 12 Septweber 19119 oont'd. Lo 1933 Fan* 133GI3 ws� celled b:cmc into the service with the rani of a amPtaln. in 1942 larger crashed end receive] � fractured skull. E� ems retired froo froetlin� &calve, service with the rank of a colonel. After recuperation froc hie injuries. he ass assigned to the Air Ministry to wher� he +sorted for the 4%ertera1 Loft- remCsaister in durge of material and eeuipment. Imarin4 this period Berger also te_i� veriou� test flights. In rebruery 191.15, Berger ems captured br the ROXISLISIS in the region between Sale113115 and POZIall (522511-16551) together with his driver. � Ste- beatheargeo-German (Eomenia). From this driver General /1/1-GliL learned Caring his Christmas lanes of the whereabouts and �cti�ities of hi. poets% Ramo Berger. After debt (5) weeks captIvitr 2erg�r see selected �� � (liseat instructor for the )(7.-262 in Gol..giy (5619s-hi/on). The German typ� XE.262 without an changes was aged there. The Alain case from C1SCICSL0YAIIA aria Y11211 (kr-kg-1623i) and were assembled Is 00311T. anearding to the driver's information one hundred fifteen (115) reedy to start KB 7L2 were in GJI,YIT in auto= of 19115. The driver ass at Ike wed of 19115 transferred to Lourca.u) (5956s-)o20r) and escaped from there Iey wof YINI.AND to 4ermenr. Re believes that Eons Berger Is in the Interior 1C1100LIA ethos 19h5 as ia�tenctor for transport gliders. ArrliCitni 1101M-1.. Jr. Data t Detachment Oacoander 2 Lialosares 1 gintedi of Eggshapitd Tank f-311 2 taliatah f.f Trailer SECRET .� 3 ��� , - 6 tlk u7;N, �,4 18. Approved for Release: 2022/06/16 C00893694 Approved for Release: 2022/06/16 C00893694 � ( ( A Iwo aanUir Approved for Release: 2022/06/16 C00893694 Approved for Release: 2022/06/16 C00893694 -�001105 A Oss Osseo O Osso Stomp look C Tic CO) Os ULM ersowee D Av.e issOOOSse io -4 A pproved pproved for Release: 2022/06/16 C00893694 Approved for Release: 2022/06/16 C00893694 POSITIVE INTELLIGENCE REPORT 'Category: 'Dossier Subject: RIIFTIRZOGATIOs:: t;til 71=RGER, Oottlob. Gensr,1 of the -C-0.7.ffed S: Country: G.rtu'rgr ' Coordinates: From: Team 11 , 7020 AF Counter Mtelligence Unit. USAFE. Report No.: 31_09t9 2.1squeet #659(Speclfict) Number of Pages: 2 Reference: Report Date: 12 Septeaber 1949 saber 1949 Evaluation: Information Date:362t 0-3 No. Inclosures: 313111! 1/MS03 2 Prepared by: Source of Informations General Gottlob AZRGIR Distribution: 5 aoples Eq 7020_16 SID 1 oopy Daum:dugout fll. Pile 1. ha 1st and 2nd September 19119. General Gottlats 3101G121 miss rolaterrogsted at CO the Prison in LAIDS3Mg0/Locis(14056 -1055E) in eoaplianee with Specific Request 44S5r ctO dated 22 Aucast 1949. C3 03 2. la rerarmsee to paragraph #3. Specific Regasst M655. the following details were obtained from DMIGrES S. General IMOLA dirfimitalr verified a proviome stateliest that he has several theneead of his former officers and meg. mho are loyal to him amid mho are nov situated in the lessiaa Zone and ims positloas to fannel bust all tiads of information. In regard to this qmestioa. IZMIR offered the following cratllaed smggestions for the establish- meat of an iatellignacte ergallgatisat Ms views am the waljoet are literally translated true noSas. attached to this report as incdosnrs 413. 1. In his egialon. the basic question for &or latollignmse wort is the problem to have either paid profossiosal agnate or patriots. le atatod-fhe Ruseleas saploy mostly petriots. mho are impeller to the paid agate. Patriots render their services without pay, only aetsal expense. are oompemostod thigh mast be kept as a moderate scale, with the exeoptioa of ledivimusl cages. e. Nerever the patriot mast have a goal. even if It is still hanging in Rh. stars. Fer Sermon patriots the ale mrald lo ths restitutioa of the lantern Osman pre- views: to the Minn river. Juana PIUSSIe. the 1112 PORT of DANZIG sad tie Later- natiemmliastian of the MUMS= river. Out of methisg nottiag will be forihoominga Partber rehaltilliatima of the Germs& batort Soldier Irrostaaltetwan Daifisatios of the Serene membatents 1.e. Maffei SS. livered Divisloas if the Paramhatiets. Air Verse niriag pgraaaagl (ag amuse Sr...) and Savy. The prolialaary stage is farther eAvanced as it 10 usmally Saha for pronto& iowever no fire orgassiestioa exists as yet. If a gmal is Siva. there will be platy of people, who will strive earnestly towards: this min. NAZI WAR CRIMES DISCLOSURE ACT EXEMPTIONS Section 3(b) (2) (A) Privacy (2) (8) Methods/Sources [V (2)(G) Foreign Relations 13 FOR COORDINATION WITH F-r ( A. 0,0 VIA/. I MI, Approved for Release: 2022/06/16 C00893694 Approved for Release: 2022/06/16 C00893694 11111.4112.1 C R f- ! - - , PLR. -131 -0949. Detachaant #11. 7020 1G 510.11'0 63'. u517. a_qrratte- U.ATIOU Of S. Gottlob. General of the Woffon 51. doted 12 Septosbor 15,9 oont'd. The seat of the organisation should be BZRLIS (9230E-13291) end YILY:a(bilb1-16231). Without the latter, wort in the Southeast MALAASS would be impossible. Branch offices are to be established in SISA1(h70521 -15271) and LU3ECE(5350-1051). LUIS= would be important for the coverage of SUED= and PI2IA1�. Besides � sole Intelligence Service for gathering end transmission of information, it is also suggested to Urepare an *calve Intelligence Service, that is an organisation which in case of need would be willing and able to commit eabotege and fight. Secesesry equipment: Tine faces. ductile explosive* (Insteprengetoff). shortwave traninitting and receiving sots, sada and cypher sten, radio facilities. It depends upon two (2) to three (3) personalities who would organise the matter. d. Zetablisheent of an unsuspicious co:nercial onoperLtion, f.i. � nail order house. for the purpose of sending foodstaff for toe patriots and other necessary items as out:leen above. Ditablishment of another uneuspicious society with � well 'bounding we, f.i. .Priands of Peace.(Priedensfreusde) for the purpose of gathering the .patriotic elements. e. Strongest comitasut of women, recruited froa tomer signal comenuti.. cation women auxiliaries, vho are today again in influential positioas is the deism telephone and teleamph service. Unification of those on a professional huts to he facilitated through the existing Postal 1:ap1.a1ies Union. According to Imam all this are minor details. . f. However two (2) important points should be clarified according to (1) Are the rumor* cireulated by the lase/sae about a secret peat be- tween the USA. end the USSZ correct? Mill tho USA defend ZOIDPI or is ZUROPS's scission moneidarod dosed for the =At Will Russia receive a fresaltend in ragas and is this decision scaly Pet off for the moment cat of prestige reasons? (2) MUGU refuses any cooperation with SLORia7. Es is oonaidseed to be unreliable and supposed to be � couard. 3. 1112flrlis ova statsavat explaining his positive end attitude is attached to this report as inelosere # in the Gamma eriginel asd Inglish Translation thereof. APTILD/111)s PAIL:T. . Details 41.1 Deteahmeet �meander 2 lealoseress 1 - Berger's notes( 2 - Serger'e Statement ind imgltsh Translation Approved for Release: 2022/06/16 C00893694 Approved for Release: 2022/06/16 C00893694 LifTh - STA rEcriT. At the time trhen I prevented Adolf :.itler'n laying hands on the two highest American officers in aerman captivity,I did this not with an ors en recompensedout because I could reconcile no other behavior with the principles of honor I had laid down to my sS men.Kowever, / had the simultaneous idea that the two gentlemen could drew the attention of the President of the United States to the enormous danger threatening from the East. my plan was wreaked by the intervention of riimnler (Agents re- marks flimsier held the two officers three weeks in Constanoe). When Nr.Spivey came to see me at Landsborg, I realized that the nrinoiples of honor still held good in America and within its Army. I did not went Colonel Spivey to .have any difficulties on account of hie attitude And therefore, as a warning and for verification, gAve his im- portant information which had reached me even through prison walle.This information came to me through men and women whom I knew as unobjectio- nable and absolutely devoted to ths truth. In doing this / had no intention whatever to give myself undue importance or to obtain release from Landsberg Iv devious ways.. I an held hers unjustly and I know that the day of my release will come. On the other hand,I was influenced by my concern about Germany as well as the entire Weetern World. .1 neither underestimate, nor exaggerate the danger from the East. For inner-political reasons Russia is e giant on feat of clay, but these feet are quite aolid.Tbrough the Garasn invasion Russia was en- abled to identify the greater part of the anti-onarannlat forcee, and to destroy them.To this must be added the greatest political imprudence of the Western Foweres the extradition of about.150 000 men she fought in separate all-Rueoian divisions of the Waffenitho extredltiotrof Wlassov and this !Cossack Corps. What remains of it now should be shifted- but everything een be done if the will of the American Army to hold the west is strongsr than Stalin's will to dominate the World. In Russia itself -Asterloa.mmet begin to regain the confid..004 which wee lost through the extradition. My present situation is quite outside ol._A,gia matter under dis- cussion and has notinfluenoed the above statement. (signed) OottlobL4erger. Translation of Inolosure # 2 to FIR-11-131..0949: Approved for Release: 2022/06/16 C00893694 Approved for Release: 2022/06/16 C00893694 .E0,4,9gfrik7m7777--, SECRET 71:20 AF C MAZER E =LUSE= I= PCAIXIIIEITE S 0 An. ?'( ii LTP:07-: APO US USAF .:LB/ft 1 Mu rept', rotor tot 685 (S000ifio) 22 tncunt 1549 SUSJ2CTI Emintarrozation of Cott lob Bil028 I 70s Scant in Chem� Tour 01. 7020 AP CDT 1. Reactance im made to Dm 11-62-0748, 2823ECTj Cameral of tho ricer= 88. DED=8, Gottlob and EDI 0-666s, SUUJECT as above. 2. It S. desired that KTIGKI bo rain".:-:-..-rozated to ohMais tho follosincs 6. Souroo of Canons]. BERGM'y information oanoornirc th. formor Gancyral of Um� Daffen SS and Doctor of Pr,cittoorinC unaza volloanc for the Hussians to the V amd roakrt samapons.fisld. h. larcasatica mann:tins tho pros:ant location of vnaza and dotalls as to the axact type of work ho ia clzrrontly oncacod o. Additional information ocznocra=',1; the proaant producto of the nAsuaumn in LCIPZIr. d. Additional information rocardinc the "improved eac ihapod' version of the 7-24 tank. o. losation and astivitiss of other Gorr= asiontiete or emzinsers marking in the USSR or soctellito countries. ie It is furthor desired that an attempt be node to verity or disolaim a previous cii.tessaist by General BERGER that he has several thousand of his . former &floors and men uho are lapel to him and mho are now situated in the Rasa= Z4MO and in positions to funnel beak all kinds of information ears. Garnisc their astivitios. In the count 1188028 doeo verity this statemsnt it La desired that Walla of his plan of s000mplishinc this operation be obtained. 4. It in undargtoad that a relative of DERGER's is in tho RUBILUI1 Air Para* training Runsions -to fly and that ho bas information eoneeming some esporinmatal work seine an near 22=A3. It is 4.. trod that sompists informs.- tion sosoarning this individual be obtainod. Sassliatiac his remount Location. Itcooloatco of Aix Gaits in tho particular arca. type of alraraft in tho area lad available information aonoornirc the axpariassztal mart La tho arose ?,f NAZI WAR CRIMES DISCLOSURE ACT EXEMPTIONS Section 3(b) (2)(A) Privacy (2)(B) Methods/Sources (2)(G) Foreign Foreign Relations FOR COORDINATION WITH Ir Declassified and Approved for Release by the Centrp Intelligence Agency Date: c>, Approved for Release: 2022/06/16 C00893694 Approved for Release: 2022/06/16 C00893694 � 22 An.; GO, Hilo 7020 AF CI Unit, B4, 113 Air FOTCOG 1:1 Europa, APO 053, UnAF �Rointerrocaticax of Gobtlob BalGE4." (Con:tin-nod) 6. 21m, information egarittinad- in paraGraph 3 and 4 %ar. obtained froo GOUCMCB ocrsaidinlmOoloda" to General DERGER; therefore. it ie olicoated that the Agent enntInoting the intorrlee be cautious lOicr, approzohinc the Gowni an thaw cohjosta. CY 07MER OF IWO ROBDIPS, C LIFFO. P J07.1'; Cap UV! 0peretta:3o Of fioor --�rt OV 1444.1t':(1 � ik� - 1--k2 "4 � 0-4 !---3-4.1 Approved for Release: 2022/06/16 C00893694 Approved for Release: 2022/06/16 C00893694 POSITIVE INTELLIGENCE REPOR1 *Cat940rY, Sobfact.. reb,r.y �Dossler No.: -1, J.; :TYTearn , 7020 AP 'Counter Intelligence Unit, USAFE 11 Report No.:1 1-62-;)747 Number of Pages: Reference: 1 Zuly 1?4) ..... say Repo!, DEtte3 I - Information Date. 190 i'.er_ry Nelsab / No. Incioeures: � Prepared by. soofoe of infonoofion,loner.:i 3.3t.tlot. ri i.....1..! 5 ..;opiet.- IN. 722::, .',.i. DistnIsotion. 1 -3-r-ry Tam-. -712 -i41-ista Coordinates: -6 EvGluation:. 1. n U. Erie. 1._ July 1949. uancrtil of the :e.ffoo-..,z, Jottlob we int�rvienmd at the ,rison VGA beaten...fed by the ;rirsee 'isribunol .: iUreber to tueaty- flyll (25) yenrn a. the ooLdenz:c41 pereoo,..1 Liestary of 1e the fo1ioed/4i lottleb bora on 16 July 1696 la .7.:;It-1%7T:N,(484,-Cdi-10051) riot of 1...14,,erahein, rurbtannerg. hie alLttnry 2,1 LL1/4 1. as Cosnerea of the Chl�f of the Siti helot-toter (z.1:-Meln-3ff1.1s) from 1 rU. 1940 until the �Ad of .-orld 'sr ;I. ill) uas further in aharce of the rooruittat sal or.;nalsetion of 1,11 ".Agg�Pernan volunteer ,xerfon-S.:.; Dlyjoiene in taro's. L.isee 1 Oetoher 1744 he woo responsible for all irisoaare of ear:, end the Irolkestars(keoplee -.)uard) Divieloaa. la addition to his above se/Mimed datie� the silitery safegunraiar of the satire Jor.-v. te Vaatal service nod isetellatIonn VINr ur:ter htu onanead, )1noe 1241. b. Er.23.1111e siviliaa ooeupation athletics� Ir.:;truotor with ea 46.46.10 �ft�r votive porticipatioa In World 1 he �� 40 et_ hletille teeober la vnrioun etteea echoole mud roe inter 4ireta of 01., Lia44iit4/4*-A41,111.1.t� Atalotio lastituta.) i 0 ..AUttzfl rt 4100., 011014 ;IllitiadHOrli � b/R I. ru expert la pre-quilitary ruith ealkeetiea sod treialag. So wall the eo-�uthor of the drill red41-Alozu for firing �reS physical trsiia I the tenser CIL111.ol. lie wea 11-144.3e1 Ouxt.teri St the former deiehirwthr 404 hold onl/ slope flys" (3; other) the retort.- peal. of Louise/4st u-leeel until 19)9�Illy the Treaty of Wartalllee the *Salahelftbe WA. It Villa tilt. United to A .%reocth of 103.00%; =4.41 444 ve7t estremeLy sealified former offieer, of r14 ,ar 1 fo:. apeelel . a1se1o4s I. a eller,. si,Lu. tveilolNe ) %OW. 174 IZA.0.4114% � loserel -toff laspeotion tripe. t I NAZI WAR CRIMES DISCLOSURE ACT EXEMPTIONS Section 3(b) (2)(A) Privacy (2)(B) Methods/Sources IGIT (2)(G) Foreign Relations CI FOR COORDINATION WITH Approved for Release: 2022/06/16 C00893694 Approved for Release: 2022/06/16 C00893694 rawalowstammo;AqvatwcR F. T itpt, 11.42.0949, 7:m 11, 7C20 1 1L... 633, -oabjeet: -; az TEM altTTYS-ZIS 133R.13R1 Jottlob. did 13 July 194i oontid. 2. Ikaring tvo (2i intorroentioar tnrea 1::.ur_ �nob t.Lo 6CCrfett� (Sr the aeasrolte Let experionoe -:.atort affnifs and lastarn warfare could be touchati. 11.e currcl.t trfts obtained from aenerr.1 hSBZ a. BM:WA was veLl no;tnoiate:1 tn..1 for-or ...aoretory fur tine Join Foitel irstem by the nem.: of :,er:oon r try of Via l'ostel Department woo bad 1.& U. to d to hot oaly In ohprze, of the ae=an nail servies but .21so the telephone, teleruph 4 rodio serviec. 4.8 other branches of the ;amen Kilitory :,at-.01.1rtr:ent the 3.Brz.,an Post had its Oen reseeroh li,boratorio for teobsical In hi� to-loacity to the chief for the protootion of r.:11oeto.1 inatn11.,t1ons has beeno frequent visitor in the aearet reaeoroh 1 borotory of the J011=11 rt in the 11."..117.11Mr3 on the Teltover Canal In .!_:::-:.:....11.(52.302e-1325:.). Re- e�areh in the elsotroalo-rtdlation fields was aolnly eohdosted there. Toessds the srd of ;:orld '..or II Very naaosasful tacit of �firiog by nIt;ht without any visible 11s2it" were m� de. 2.2.733 7' who had this dories 1.1.ntn11�4 111 a huntini rifle had exoellerl result-. The "leueral sciEgastel that 11. �uthoritise dotermlnei (1) If the former E:..1E.-1.1U.:1 1..boratory & loo. too in the Russian reator of (2) rie ascent of oat. riu.: an sone. of the 7: ...;r ja Russian bonds. (3) To get from former Lir:inter the Liens address of the than employed ohlef-enzinesr of the ' laboratory. Es would be In t..e position to foralab the Complete infOrontion on ;11 activitlea of too Ilialr.213LThC). (41 ilf.lift&R voiced lb. opinion that the Au/1E1am �1. for the development of methods of "firin.: ty higtt wit)2041 /risible light and alai:lax innovetions are derived firma catterlel smenetlas from the f '.:;./..11UNI laboratory. (3) 4th fi Jl :1111a3 research aerator rr,s further Oonneoted a German eacinaer who derel.ped the -lethod of aidanitorlov rs4.10 oonversatiosas botloion 014 aor eselple mentioned the inynslon of _doily shish won inroad,' known to klersoln Intelligenoe durir.4 the plaentn4 ate's*, tbrnuah r- dio oonvera,tion-J Vain eilsiaeor oes� In csharp;e of e r dlo Interco-opt st-,tior in 160-:.D and hie nem* roirtbt be 11t.,..1te obt-1 Lod throt4, 1:1alstor b. During Auauat end ./iptsaber 1947. Jonor,1 37r..12.1i 'cleaned la Bonner I in 13...J8..1)148201i-113010. A tre vete tins � kosti�n Jatilforse wrs held therg for Intende.:: es he �,;�t. In (Tess, Emma to get 133113...011 a1tn11 Att unl 411.: � ,� �..nwor�,t1041 (-1 r 1-\j- I Approved for Release: 2022/06/16 C00893694 Approved for Release: 2022/06/16 C00893694 pp) NO aq.. 'EURL. I 4.5ctu Pi 1:11:1:1:81:113. ub:le"It: 41121-"AL Large srabterrensan bunkers loested on dry grouae omly shatter tImi III - transformer atatlossa. High voltage power of 3.-.:o.,�:::-., volt. I. an,;�..ied by the rIOVICX Industrie district. The paver 1/LE cr./ installed on the aui:,�ie up to one (11 to On. end one half (1i) k1loaeter Wore toe stppoysedly on this foiloyd baslct Four (4) tr.tecaitter statio.A for- one (1) battery, but way (3) statioLs have to funotlon to bd =OW* infoVesint altitudes of 14,000 =eters yore recoiled. rho eff:et Of those infre-raye is to explode ammunition cc boqrd of un alreruft. to disturb the ignition of gasoline '.na turbo oncinos creak of rooks* planes.- ri eal to noun� tbe ::::::::::::::::::;2:crrel InkOZR eonsidered it worthwhile to telt with the Aur:Aan im order to r�ally� =lab lnformetion from him. The =plc t,c1:: :::.::: deelt elth the Russian kir.Defense aloOg the cD_:;-"..i seotor. Tble definse system le supposed to oansist of E4 electrical 1-y 1-n- 12r conbleation. EFSROgH was very much interectec In thlf h�tter end trlod to get additional informetion.iparing u ten (10) days le,ve fro-: eoreloaseat around Christmas 1946 ho net n Yol4e-fermen from :OUnlAim an aseaser and a former ufter in theiaffets. Ttole_en4luol!r wus LI :. treaefOmer station. Tram there the power linos L-re carried under- . greandreto avoid the debsetion of the tr,haformor. The ayatem oper,tes . effective. Tte various individual infro-rwys nre fooused together ,nd � Alveolar means of. ruder instroanat beamed on .1 tersot. Aiseoplin�: to (1) BCROlnle informant on this matter. who emigrated to -44:gen- tins is nonsidered by the Clemens' areliable nouros. 111113741 rowdy eanflocatioft or the above rppert from members of the V UN11 group Mr.. simian Underground NOVOOPOS) in Jannery 1949. :owever ifiR03.1 stated that =Oa of the =LOU =sabers have bean in _Alesia. S. Anoorting $o General ELIRGSR the fornor General of the ,:affon- SS Wed doctor of engineering KiMi.2311 I. worz1m7 for the Itulainms. Ho is eonaidered an expert on V and RoaSet we.7ons ::nd 1,. .ns-ged in the same field in Hoesis. d. In regard to Hessian tmk. ;,roduotioo LI.R.):: et,tea:. The 04=an tank works in ..1t1 F berlin-V LT were dismantled in 1943 and completely tr,nalarna: :41.1 rcbol,t LICKIN0RAD139,111.4015E). RI. Informatl...0 on :,ro,:uotl.:c flur.en, .r aIM 1947 000 1.30o tenko per :tooth. rm.!" J. to i#4) -am,c c; � Flintier and Ferdinand 'situ 8.8 on .nti.lror%ft ILO ,vr. :1-JduOad. S H - 3 - Approved for Release: 2022/06/16 C00893694 Approved for Release: 2022/06/16 C00893694 Ireo rI spt. 11-42..0749, tm .1, 7020 ,Alf . 633, -ubjoat: 11117712.411 21ROSR1 00ttlob1 dtd 13 Zu.; i-j4) dlitentinsi BUMMOr 1948 OA improved agg-ntz.pod Torolto. f tha T-34 tont idth a trailer for spore gasoline ..rd erti.lery an:lursltIon e. Development of the 1-1.07.1I1Z and laoth wary dro- dnaed at the in I.1. :10(5120b-1225::). �heroes tha smeacsa- rta applicaSion of the k.I.LLaT.M.r was 'roven throgout .orid _,r 11, the development of the similar IrLlima5Au5T ref:lobed the testin6 stags only in 7Obthary 1943. Udder Central EURWIR's supervialon very &uvulae- Fa tests with this new weapon were conducted on the Autobahn between LZIFL10 and BER111. A small group of 'maffen-S5 employing this TAMT wort able to hit -after a abort experimental period reerl; all haw flying eiroraft above the tutobohn. <itudan reached with this woa2on were 3000 to 5000 meters. The FLIsa-;.:Rrz:T consists of a b.rrel 1:1,12 of en pluwiwom and steel alloy, it is loaded with eleven (11) ts thirteen (13) two (2) sentinelsr rockets which are fired all at one time. The Initial velocity is 650 meters increasing to 15-20 meters. C113111 be- lieved that both the PUIZ:11 and 71.1Gill-1ALLT were produced oy the Eusaf4-710mcs for Regain in large quantitiee.betwean 1945-1943. 3. asossel EC-233 e at the begins:Linz, of tho interview axtro:,iy reservod and very reluotant to make any statement. Eowtver ia the or the oonversation the interroeating Agent was able to g!qn tho Gaserslos eonfidsnes and it is believed thnt the inforrm.tion rd l tad I. truthfal and asset. a. Should higher autbmrities disaire L further intorropftl:.n of ommral DIA2dR, the fo,low104:: suggestions are hereby submitted: Saplcitstioa Of the General's experience durinc the war ;:U6Oit, Sc aftsmaader of all 4,,pran-J._; Division& on the :.aistarn front. If the important role. played Is:- the 4affsa-ZZ Divisions, in the war a:sir-ft kusais la sot ywt fully knows, the ;literal eight Ist the proper author- ity to write sueb s history. Farthermost he hos bosom the relly1;,;.: ;ulat of all sati-communistic groups in Zurcpc. Th. fat that be wo6 utlo to treats the Various parOarsan. but antl..bolsbevietle speaks probebly Ue was at this time the confident of ea Ilk. BARD12A� nElna end .1-11'.Uk-o, who are today again th l&to n IA the Ukrainian Underground movement ag last the hulaharlLt v&to. MOIR is also an expert in all awpantli of offar:Nive ?animals...warfare. Finally he ii o cwoalaliat in arv.,or.d warf,ra. � karic.nt jr. / /Aosta.14 3hargli TIMMll DIST2.11=11.41i 5 0op1ea - H4 1020 -Jr J1L 1 Sopy - tea ill filer Approved for Release: 2022/06/16 C00893694