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Document Release Date: 
December 16, 2022
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Publication Date: 
January 6, 1982
PDF icon MEMO TO DIRECTOR OF EXTER[16170846].pdf132.36 KB
Approved for Release: 2022/12/12 C05153042 ��!7e. ; - _47 6 January 194.. NOTE FOR: Director of External Affairs THROUGH : Executive Director FROM : Special Assistant to the DDCI The DDCI asked me to have you oversee the creation without delay of a memorandum from the DCI to Senator Goldwater, Chairman, SSCI. This letter should cite the continuing series of Jack Anderson articles, including today's article (a copy of which is attached), and make reference to the falseness of these articles. The letter also should point out that these articles, individually and collectively, raise the possibility that a deliberate disinformation campaign may be underway. The letter should ask that the SSCI (or a more appropriate Committee) consider an investigation of the genesis of these articles, in order to determine if there is--in fact--a deliberate campaign underway to defame and discredit this Agency/ jof If there is anything I can do to assist you, please let me know. (U) (b)(3) (b)(6) cc: Genera Counsel (b)(3) (b)(6) CONrI ENTIAL Aroved for Release: 2022/12/12 C05153042 g. 5.T:tilpanatt- pre_erence. an.. .-praotwesi. WebeZ _ Ai past. and present, and any other per-.cisteibroaebed tile ideantentatively,fitt , 'fl1t Stier t 6-t!. -inie.T.bst-OOkemiiloyei!Vithliiiable4xi.lkk The.f:counterintelligence * staft.-:;" ;,- ---cf t-c7."! - greed.itjaeologleallemPtatiOiliZ.; :_crielbeedctrilAbillittOttlie rival liebit';'' eir � , -, "AKplotYesi.s.,...knOlvitke::.tatteag,cieci,ssipo,wlyogaebitephs,:p. ' bia,d.:'.-So. in:ithree4.�ii4t-i.LH:13 ' � , . .. 4. � 'eat:nil " ,..v..511,ipf.ffikkiart...,p-s.iiiiiketowitakthouia-.11.0,1456cle*Gii,...":11.-:,,.: .tht. lygrach tesis.)- , I: jr aresei i 314"/-i''.. ...-.1.:r - .t: gee bo , ,...,� leS 163164fr/e4":44:i7r,9141?..7!5.111"7( :-r-1ittie'I'hT"gazn:-ba:f4tri.Cr)v;;;*l-aril?."f4r'gri;ktt.;t*erapti41oYae't But; in the -course. of their;duties,:-�..:.may_have expressed some sympatIly-ratrip dog .SnooPft'L.'erk alleged b I- the ,-..EBI: inenz,;/buld.. Myer:la:0i .t_61.41 fobne-:of_Int,,Icqp�:targeta.:.Nz 41C:111e�the, NavS, hail de'cided to recruit'''. .dOCiiinents;-. &int.; hetfOricV.1 thaZtep:.s!.4Tclea1;according totheYSL'A.7;-1-7:?,:vs�r---''-ii-ChOle.:Packiebeiiglea ba'snoop. fee' liSecret-Tcategory for,vhich: thef-had_ti-7-mt But 41 the PCP the KPI-m!'n.",�I'llillicit :.:-1,drtiii-:-IY.V.T.;/arehilla,..-- - '..beerruclaared;-SOt.-Cia4-thelf-A potential double agent. C_Ii..!" Dutt.:IsiThotigh;:riot-titeriiili a's'. Inndatinea(7- ".iubrnit to. thiTageneYVrigordus polygtor :Witham :..t. Casey and 1.119 ClePOYFSigef-Ger'satAlertili-izirit_iiiii4.b4 rcci_H47.... graph tests, something- the'FBI2does. 1,:r.-Adm: Bobby It Inman,.werereP!F1421frE-dePartin'ehlgtAtIcifi- bRit.!:cfrai'S , not require.4-: �.,, .:-,..--i L, edly alarmed by. the polygraph ,test.�..:7: �,..�, ,i7-...-e..f.r.q..7.3f,ns..2 2(..,....�7-4- li,..."One of. thelanien passed_thelie- -; results.l'hey. suggested .that all IA9 ..:43.'o'v -w".tr,.-..-,R.;,'".": .nicsn",.S.- diteetciiiiiit-,:lii4ther fitinke4ThinFBI:ccountenntelligence;ageota.!;lie:Wq,::. sailors Y.'�?.77")'..`� bring "_'.re."-AT.; CIA refused torgive the*?gcondlbiuTrinr'.:thieugliL:theICIA'.s-lie-cletector:t.:Pnsr"sceOtlmLs:oa. boardt,the INT�ry.., :-clearanee.fa4-1/4�,,,i':4-:?.4----.41.k.?..,..1: ystat..:;:lnriana-.,,fett,of polygraphs hopes. So the:-.1>.1.a7 Plans, .4n. def?10.y.t. ';'...". The questions . in the. 'CIA's. . folY-W since his days ahead of the Nationa-is390 teams of traftel andtdogs,:,most-^ craph-r% examinations are ..:ektrenielcj,717,2 0 i,SecukityylAgelney;2;-&-ratoraty,21:15-- pir.,...,7174.7;,..beti�Lts j,szleeflino'augh� eie,flerste 'llpersonaLThey;incltide-include-aiihjects&H, the idettS*.*:4.-,1.-..1-+-:,,--.--11naYear4:?-17 . , , .. 'r . )1 1 A r �il .;�41:::;::f� Approved for Release: 2022/12/12 C05153042