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Approved for Release: 2022/09/29 CO2695248 CLASSIFICATION J.X.LiST/CUMIXYL orricv,LL onLy SECURITY INFORIIATION CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY REPORT NO. INFORMATION REPORT CD NO. COUNTRY West Germany SUBJECT Problems of German Remilitarization PLACE ACQUIRED DATE OF INFO. 4 DO NOT C1RCULATF TNIS DOCOMENS CONTAINS INFORMATION AFFECTION IRE NATIONAL NEFENSE OF 11111 UNITED SPATES. WITNIN ThE MSANING OP TITLE 18. SECTIONS 783 AMR 114. OF MR IL S. COOL Al AIIIINDED ITS TRANSMISSION OR REVEL ATION OF ITS CONTINTS TO co RECEIPT SY AN UNAUTRONIZED PINSON PROIORITED BY LAW THE RWPRONOCTION OF THIS FORM 18 PRONIIIITIO. 7:71, SOURCE?, (b)(3 DATE DISTR. 2 January 1953 NO, OF PAGES 2 NO OF ENCLS. BELOW) PPI.EMENT TO REPORT NO. THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION 1. On 4 and 5 October 1952 In Bonn, let� General a. D. Adolf Heusinger, apprais- ing the problem of remilitarizations Germany's role in the defense of Europe, and other related problems, made some significant remarks which may be a reflection of the opinions And 1:ne ubLitude ox many senior tierman � officers; and government officials, The mere important points are summarized be- low. EDC Negotiatiens in Peris 2. Heusinger returned from Paris on 3 October 1952 after having spent several days in conference with General Speidels GeneralGruenthexe and Marshal' Juin- He was generally pleased with the overt attitude of Cy'ruentherand Juin and felt that a momentous milestone had finally been reached during his conversations. Heusinger and epeidel were given what they consider a complete briefing on EDC/NATO defense planning based not only upon present strength but also upon future plates which allow for increasing strengths after the original emergence of German contingents, first with six divisions, and then finally with a total contribution of twelve divisions. These plans, according to Heusinger� are satisfactory and acceptable to the Germans He has the impression that Western Germany has now been taken in as a full partner and that this will do much to dispel the propaganda of opposition elements who have maintained that Germany would never enlov eoual HAI-es with nther merlher eeetingents of 6DC and NATO. Heusinger intended to brief Chencellor Adenauer fully on these new developments sometime during the week of 6 October. The various German planning staffs in Paris are plodding along quite slowly but methodically. the French military working level of EDC has the best rapprochement with the Germans,who reach a quicker undei.etand- ing with their traditional Gallic enemy than with the Italians, Belgians and others. 4,. Generalaraentherhas urged General Heusinger henceforth to spend more time in Paris discussing defense tactics and strategy. In compliance with this re- quests he planned to return to Paris on 8 October. However, aa important un- resolved issue which cannot be handled in Paris is the problem of German rearma- ment and reequipment. General Ridgeway was (voted see saying that these matters should be negotiated in Germany through General Handy and Ambassador Draper, and General Heusingelealready disturbed about the slow progress of German teeele eation> is reported to be most anxioue to begin discussions with the props CLASSIFICATION DISTRIBUTION i� (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(1) (b)(3) (b)(1) (b)(3) (b)(3) Approved for Release: 2022/09/29 CO2695248 Approved for Release: 2022/09/29 CO2695248 _tea, T/' Le!e T 11 - 2 - T'T,Y (b)(3) authorized nereens. 7eu,4necr now states thlt the 'unebiens ef the "oncnbefehlshaber" (.en'or Commander, rest aereen :ent'n;ents) will he ender the jurisdiction of EX immediately after ratification of he treat*.es when lonsceetion brelns. The Pertinent noint, 'rem UeueInecr's nent of vier, te whAber TIP en pffective or 'an at the tim, of ratification to supervise and control Germany's activities properly -hi-in, the early ncr4od of military hnild-un. Theeers of l'reneh lnnos4tion te EDC. 60 Of late there have been many rumors of a French change of heart teeards -n the cenceot of a uni"ied intrenatienel ,uronean 'efense effort. e r mor is eirculat'na in -onn that Prenah xne1 nillot , Je (b)(1) 1 ullels narty denetyorisited "xnerel qchlen in Funich du-4nT the week-end of (b)(3) 4-5 )cteI,er 'o 'V9011:1S the creation o7 national armies, rether than the orcs-ntly eenceivei contire-ents� which would work to-ether !oe the defcnse of Aron� under the cohesive inleience e" a -rand co!lition. Billotle was accompanied by Aelell-ert !einstein� a member of the editorial staff of the "ranh!'erter All ;encine.* Fcas'neer's last trIn to Paris he heard that Tillotte rntr emer;e as the next Prench foreien minister. The rect. ant -Motto is an avotrek onnonent of IOC is Yell !morn Aed to this Heusin7er added his sesnicion that is now busily enee-ed is nlannin alternatives to ,DC. (b)(1) (b)(3) (b)(1) ;-)(b)(3) The US an Yugosl. ', Tn censieler'n the devclooin7 Yu:oslavien cituetion with it 'adual reerien- tati)n to the .rest, 7eueinger sees it as the one Treat hone for te exacerbation of future relations between the satellite states and tie: USSR uhl h lith lue'e� lead to a eomolete ruoture. He feels that o" all the netenites, -ulearia, sullect to lontinuous pressure from Yugoslavia on ene side an Tu- key and �Treece on the other, is the most vulnerable. If the setellite states ha v any chance to free themselves from the Soviet yoke ithin the forrseeable future, he believes, such a me-enant for freedom -obably would he-,in in r!ulearie and be 1ol10 e1 shortly thereafter by the other lalkan states. Teminence of 1ar. ". ')n the oeninresent suhject of imminence of war, 'Ieus'neer stated that neither the IS nor the Soviets, as the two great world nowers, can eaccessfully war under the nresent Areumstances; furthereore, neither side can successfully -onelude a land or air Ter rhieh 'euld hrin-, total defeat to the other. This situation rill continue or an indefinite taariol of time unless a c.or-nietely- revolutionary weanen or a new means of warfare is found. In time, throue;h the death of the nresent Soviet ani satellite leaders and the attrition of ideo- logical nassions, there may eventually develon a s'ncere effort by successors to elleeilte Torlel tension which has been created by the passionate strule for world newer and to resort to a noliay of peaceful co-existence. (W(1) 7onment: .This rumor is more or less eorCirmed ITT an article ehieh - (b)(3) Jeinstein rrote in the 15 Dctober 1952 edition of the 7rankfurter Alieemeile , S2GRET/C1NT3.1L - )FTICT'�LS )NLY Approved for Release: 2022/09/29 CO2695248 Approved for Release: 2022/09/29 CO2695248 --USt 496 PREVIOUS EUITIONS mminiA6. PRIVACY ACT SERVICE REQUEST RECORDS CENTER. 4. UPON RECEIPT OF MATERIAL DE- OOPrFOR SUSPENSE. a SEND REST OF SET TO DE- STROY SUSPENSE COPY. , RETURN ORIGINAL TO RECORDS CENTER. IF APPLICABLE. 76/4:25 IBOX NUMBER 1 JOB NUMBER DATE SERVICED FOR 6:11,:ck one"' 22/ ACTION REQUESTED LOAN PER. RETENT. 1 INFORMATION NAME OF REQUESTER 1/ (b)(3) (b)(6) _ OFFICE ./.;;; TEL EXTENSION COMMITTEE INVESTIGATIONS OTHER FOR ARCHIVES/RECORDS CENTER USE SERVICED BY SPACE NUMBER POSTED (b)(3) NUMBER OF DOCUMENTS SENT NOTIFIED Approved for Release: 2022/09/29 CO2695248