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Approved for Release: 2022/11/22 C06643867 - 66 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY WASHINGTON 25, D.C. FEB. 15, 1957 TO; Director Federal Bureau of Investigation Attention: Ur. S.J. Pupich FROM: Deputy Director, Plane SUBJECT: Information Reports 1. Attached for� your information are copies of. field reports concerning the following subjects:. 2. The information contained in these reports, which have been furnished to your representative in Mexico City, is from s no be disseminated aatside your organization. . Attach#entst. 5, 7(0 - 22 COPY _NOT RF_CORPED 145 MAR 19 i951. (b)(1) (b)(3) (b)(3) =1,1W 44851 DocId:32684131 Page- 1 Approved for Release: 2022/11/22 C06643867 Approved for Release: 2022/11/22 C06643867 SECRET w b)(1) (b)(3) PROPERTY OF FBI This confidentin.1 report, and Its wntents are loaned to you by the FBI and are not to be diAtributed outside of agency to which loaned. SECRET.� .S..('3.."S� "nme � NW 44851 oe1d.32684131 Page 2 Approved for Release: 2022/11/22 C06643867 ������� �������� Approved for Release: 2022/11/22 C06643867 /:� FORMATION REPORT INFORMATION REPORT CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY This material contains Information affecting the National Defense of the Untied States within the meaning of the &Waage Laws. Title 18. U.8.C. Seca. 793 and 794, the transmission or revelation of which In any manner to an unauthorized person iJI prohibited by 'law. NOFORN/CONTINUM CONTROL COUNTRY Mexico SUBJECT DATE OF INFO. PLACE & DATE ACQ. SOURCE: Xavier GUERRERO Saucedo,-Mexlcan Painter, and His Wife, Clara Porset daERRERO, Both Conaluni:sT,5 NO. PAGES 3 . REPORT NO. � DATE 'DISTR. � NO. RD REQUIREMENT REFERENCES CS-3,303,053 4 February 1957 Xavier GUERRERO Sauced�, well-known Mexican painter, and his wife, Clara Porset de GUERRERO, interior decorator and furniture designer, are active Communists and contaCts of an intelligence Officer of the Soviet Embassy in Mexico City. Following is information concerning their contacts, activities, and affiliations from September to November 1956. 1. General Activities a. GUERRERO continued his profession as a painter, contacting fellow-artists regarding exhibitions, paintings, and matters relating to the arts, as well as activities of many Communist-front organizations, b. Clara Porset de GUERRERO was occupied with her many interior decorating projects, as well as with activities of Communist-front organizations. Expressing her feelings regarding Mexico, she said that she is looking for a way to leave Mexico, to go to a country where the people are less hypocritical and do not use the word "friend" for personal gain. She wondered where she could go and how she could earn a living. She said she would like to go to Cuba, even though the people are thieves, gossips, and intriguers, but at least they do not have dual personalities. She would like to rid herself of all these things in Mexico, because every day she becomes more bitter. -2. Contacts with Soviet/Satellite Diplomatic Installations - a. Soviet Embassy. During November Yuri Paporov,Cultural Attache and an intelligence officer of the Soviet Embassy, was in frequent touch with Clara Porset de GUERRERO concerning his search for an apartment. Paporov finally rented an apartment, and Clara was to help him with the interior decoration, During September Clara was also in touch with Vera Kubischikova, a Russian interpreter who attended the Twentieth International Geological Congress in Mexico City in September 1956. Clara had met Kubischikova in Moscow. S-E-C-R-E-f NO FI)R.N/CDLITINUEIJ CONTROL (b)(3) (b)(1) (b)(3) ' A 1_414" Ev. X _ AVY Ev. , APP Ey. I x F.131 Approved for Release: 2022/11/22 C06643867 Approved for Release: 2022/11/22 C06643867 3. � S-E-C-R-E-T NOMRN/CONTINUED CONTROL - 2 - b. Czech Legation On 20 September Ignacio MARQUES Rodiles, a member of the Frente Nacional de Plasticas (FNAP), advised GUERRatO that the Czech Minister to Mexico would be at the FNAP headquarters for an interview. Activities and Affiliations a. Partido Comunista Mexican� (PCM) During this period both GUE2tRE10 and his wife appeared to be active in the PCM. They met with J.- Encarnacion VALDEZ Ochoa, J. Encarnadion PEREZ Gaytan, Heriberto SAUCED�, and Dionisio ENCINA, all PCM leaders, as well as other PCM members. b. Frente Nacional de Artes Plasticas (FNAP) GUDZHERO continued to be an active leader of the FNAP, PCM-controlled group, during this period. He was in 'contact with its members and attended meetings. Clara Porset de GUERRERO was also active in this group, helping to collect funds and urging members to attend meetings. C. Movimiento Mexicano por la Paz (MMP - Mexican Peace Movement) Clara Porset de GUERRERO was very active in the MMP during this period. She was in contact with Juan Pablo SAINZ, Dr. Enrique CAHRERA, Dr. Guillermo MOMNO Islas, Ignacio MARUEZ, 3ergio BELTRAN, and other MMF members. She urged members to attend meetings. d. Sociedad Mexicana de Amistad con China Popular (SMAGP) The GUEAREROs continued as active supporters of the S!!:ACP during this period. In early November GUENRCRO informed Paula GOflEZ.Alonso, SW,CP president, that the SMACF should take definite action in order to get permission for the China Opera to appear in Mexico. GUERRERO met with Lie, Benito Coquet Lagunos, of the Subsecretaria of the Presidencia, in an effort ts persuade the Mexican Government to allow the China Opera to appear there.' He also complained to Coquet. that thb Secretaria de Gobernacion (Interior) had been holding two movies for two years, refusing to release them to the SMACP. e. Circulo de Estudios Mexicanos (CEM) GUERRERO continued his activities in the CEM during this period.3 f. Contacts with Cubans � Clara Porset de GUERRERO and Jose Gumersindo MORERA Perez continued continued their contacts and meetings during this period. g. 1. Elena and Ricardo PORRO, a Cuban couple, visited the GUERREROs in September. Clara Porset de GU' 'ZERO was in touch with Dr. Mario SALAZAR Mallen5 and Manuel 4ESA Andraca concerning the entry into Mexico of Nicolas GUILLEN Batista in spite of the fact that the Mexican Government had revoked a visa given to GUILLEN in Paris. Other Contacts The GUERREROS were in touch with Miguel Angel VASQUEZ,8 of the Fondo de Cultura Popular, an outlet for Communist propaganda. The GUERRMOS continued their friendship and contacts with the group reported ' previously as GUERRERO contacts. Comment. the Soviet Embassy and the Polish Legat4.on are FNAP- the -rela-tiOnship'between Clara Porse.t de GUERRERO and Yuri Nikolayevich Paporov, Cultural Attache of the Soviet Embassy, might possibly be for this purpose. S-E,C-R-E-T NOFORN/OONTINUED CONTROL (b)(3) (b)(1) (b)(3) (b)(1) (b)(3))(3) Approved for Release: 2022/11/22 C06643867 Approved for Release: 2022/11/22 006643867 S-E-C7R-E-T NOFORN/CONTINUED COMA!, -3-. .2. Comment. whieh reported that the Mexican Government would deny visas to the members of the Peking Opera Company which was touring South America. 3, Comment. 0n 22 November 1956 El Universal, Mexico City daily newspaper, carried an article in protest to the Catholic Church's entrance into politics. This article was signed by members of the CEM, includin GUERRERO, and also by members of other Communist-front organizations. Headquarters Comwnts MORERA, a Cuban national,.is.a member of.the'executive committee of the Confederacio de Trabajadores de America Latina (CTAL). 5. SALAZAR is an active member of the Mexican Peace Movement. 6. MESA, a well-known Mexican agronomist, is considered a sincere Marxist and admirer of the Soviet Union, 7. GUILLEN, a member of the World Peace Council and a Cuban Communist poet, was attempting to obtain permission to enter Mexico in the spring of 1956. During late October 1956 GUILLEN asked his friends in Mexico to discontinue their efforts on his behalf, as he was go to India. (CS-110640). 8. VASQUEZ is a Salvadoran Communist lawyer who has resided in Mexico for many years. S-F-C-R-E-T NOFDPN/GATINUED CONTRUL (b)(3) Approved for Release: 2022/11/22 006643867