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Publication Date: 
June 24, 2008
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Approved for Release: 2022/10/25 C06718925 , AMERICAN UNIVERSITY ogoe 0/51s W A VIA Regular Mail :Central Intelligence Agency Information and Privacy Coordinator � Washington DC 20505 ,-Re:.�FOIA.Reqiiest � Dear FOIA Officer: N G June 24, 2008 DC UNROw �Pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act, 5-U.S.C. � 552, the UNROW Human Rights Impact Litigation CHM& at the Washington-College of Law, American University, requests any and all records in any form or format (specifically including e-mail, even if currently only maintained on back-up tapes) from October 2001 onwards relating to, involving, describing or touching upon any and all investigations of civilian contractor involvement in detainee abuse connected to the wars in Iraq and/or Afghanistan, and/or any subsequent referrals of such investigations to the U.S. Attorney's Office for the Eastern District of Virginia, and/or the disposition, if any, of those investigations. Most specifically ,we seek records in any form or format (specifically including e-mail, even if currently only maintained On back-up tapes), including but not limited to those relating to: 1. The persons, agencies, departments. Offices or personnel who first received reports of contractor abuse of detainees connected to the wars in Iraq and/or Afghanistan; 2. The conduct Of investigations related to the wars in Iraq and/or Afghanistan connected to these claims of abuse, including but not limited to records relating to: a. the assignment of personnel to conduct the investigation, b. the offices for which they worked, c. the evidence they gathered, including witnesses with whom they spoke, d. and the final disposition or referral of these claims; 3. The referral of investigations, cases or claims to the U.S. Department of Justice, including, but not limited to, records relating to: a. offices and personnel involved in the decision to refer the investigations, cases or claims, b. the decision to refer the cases, investigations or claims, and c. agencies, departments or organizations who referred cases, claims, or investigations to the D03; 1 UNI.R 0 vi CA:1� WASHINGTON COLLEGE OF LAW 4801 MASSACHUSETTS AVENUE, NW WASHINGTON. DC 20016 Approved for Release: 2022/10/25 C06718925 Approved for Release: 2022/10/25 C06718925, The conduct of investigations of contractor abuse by the DOJ including the assignment Of personnel and resources�" evidence gathering - abroad, coordination with other- offices, , departments - or agencies, '-and/or- coordination with Iraqi- agencies (or, those of any other -foreign izdVernment);- The Creation, operation . and/or contours of operation (whether 'operating . actively in a .particular case or area or not) of a detainee abuse task force as refetericed in the statement by Attorney ',General Ashcroft On June 17,..2004- (copy attached),, or any group ;body initiated or formed to investigate matters relating to claims of alleged detainee abuse s'hicE includes, but is not -limited to, records relating to a. - the decisiOni-o-refer cases' to one Specific '1J..'atiorney'S'office, b. the assignment of personnel to such a foi-de, group or body, including legal advisors, investigators prosecutors and the,jurisdiction.jandlor..:mandate.�Ofthe...taSkfCraegfoup...or 6. Any report �'of any result of any investigation into claiins or allegations of abuse, including-, but -notiimited to, any reports to Congress, outside entities or persons, or other agencies or departments; 7. The conduct of investigations by the task force including coordination with other departments; agencies, and offices assignment or reassignment of personnel, indictments Of any civilian contraCtorsstemthing.froniallegatioriS'of -abuse; , _ � . , - - 8.. The dismissal(s) by the task force of any investigations cases or claims against civilian , , , . . , .contractors including records documenting the: purpose of the disrnisSal, the personnel who made the decision to dismiss the investigations, cases or claims; .9. :AnyindiCation.of involvement by the Attorney General 'or Office of the Attorney General in the CreatiOii'.and/Or:Operatioris-and/Or coritOur Of oPerationS of the task force; 10. Any indication of involvement by the Deputy Attorney General or Office of the Deputy Attorney General in the creation and/or operations and/or contour of operations of the task force; 11. Any indication of involvement by any White House or Executive Office of the President employees in the creation or operation and/or contour of operations of the task force; 12. The nature of abuse claimed or alleged, including any summaries of the kind of claims made and any evidence supporting such claims; 2 Approved for Release: 2022/10/25 C06718925 Approved for Release: 2022/10/25 C06718925 13. AllegationS-,-..clainiS;-::CaSes Or investigations of .contractor 'abuse of -detainees connected � With the wars in Iraq andior Afghanistan that were not referred to the .task force in . e Eastern District :of Virginia,. . , 14: Any review hy the State Department Or any Of its officials, 'OffiCeS,-... bureaus or sections, . Of ,Whether :the reported c.:60fact of any Civilian contractors towards : detainees related to the wars in Iraq. arid/OrAfghanistan.Was in 'violation of the law or Of any codes or norms of behavior promulgated by State Department, or of the terms Of their COntradts. The UNROW- clinic is part: of an educational institution. � American UniverSitY's Washington College of Law and this request is made for a- Scholarly purpose and not for commercial use Accordingly there should be no search fees associated with this request. As to any copy fees, the. Clinic is vvilling to pay.. any 'reasonable fees. We reserve; however. the _right to request a general,:publicinterest fee waiver for information-responsive-to the request; located and disclosed: If you deny_ all- or any part of this reqnest, yon _are required, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. �552(b), effective December 31, 2007, to specify each exemption in connection with each item of information withheld which you believe justifies your refusal to release the information. If you have any questions whatsoever regarding this'FOIA request, or believe it would be useful to discuss it in. any respeot, please telephone the Clinic .at (202) 274 4088. Thank YOili-In,adVatiCe:f6t.yotit.:prortipt::�.alidprOper'reSpOnSe.to'thiS request as reguitod,by Jaw. 1-4-1 RAI Professor Ali-Beydoun UNROW Human Rights Impact Litigation Clinic American University Washington College of Law 3 Approved for Release: 2022/10/25 C06718925 Approved for Release: 2022/10/25 CO6718925 ,C�S' Itwni t)vvt:I.N . � 02 IA $ 00000� 000481577 JUN27 2008 MAILED FROM ZIP CODE 21 237 WASHENGToN COLLEGE OF LAW 4801 MASSACHUSETTS AVENUE, NW WASHINGTON, DC 20016 0 ^ CI - w CIJA, � � � -,.� , CD -h 0 -5 CD CD SI) (/) CD c� c� CD 0) SZ69 [L900 SZ/01./2OZ :aseaia JOI penaidd\of a AMERICAN UNIVERSITY VI A S HINGT N DC UNROW CLINIC Cenico1 LyieAti oce, coc IOtthC anc,� Al-iNkket-1 Vicks-UCaor flCOy, PC 0705 0,5 E it I III11111111 i Int lit III 012F116214168 F.).re-t A tiAj 06126./2008 mailedfsr,mc 20016 US POSTAGE .44.44,1111141.11.11441