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PDF icon ADVANCED PAY RATE SCHEDUL[16126555].pdf361.47 KB
Approved for Release: 2022/09/27 CO2544814 Nov 11 February 1964 OFFICE OF PERSONNEL MEMORANDUM NO. 20-31-5 SUBJECT : Advanced Pay Rate Schedules for Certain Positions RESCISSION: OPM 20-31-2, 24 Octaer 1962 OW 20-31-2 (Supplement No. 1), 20'February 1963 OW 20-31-2 (Supplement No. 2), 2 August 1963 1. Section 504 of the Federal Salary Reform Act of 1962 authorizes the President or an agency acting for him to establiah minimum rates and rate schedules for specific categories of positions, above the rates specified in the Salary Reform Act, when such advanced rates are required for recruitment or retention of well qualified personnel. Under this authority the Civil Service Commission has established advanced rate schedules for two categories of positions -- Medical Officer and Scientific and Engineering The Agency has adopted these schedules (Attachment A) in conformance with its general adoption of the principles of the Classifi- cation Act of 1949 and amendments thereto. A revision of advanced rates required by the pay increase effected by Schedule II of the Salary Reform Act is authorized herein. 2. A new advanced rate schedule has been authoriied for Medical Officer positions, and rates for Scientific and Engineering positions have been adjusted in accordance with Commission policy as stated immediately below. Except where a new advanced rate schedule has been authorized under Section 504, on the effective date of Schedule II of the Salary Reform Act the lowest rate of the grade in Compensation Schedule II of Section 603 (b) of the Classification Act which equals. or exceeds an increased minimum rate established under Schedule I becomes the new minimum rate under Schedule II; and all rates of the salary range for the grade are increased by the dollar amount by which the new minimum rate exceeds the minimum rate prescribed by law for the grade. 3. The effective date of the new schedules is 5 January 1964. The schedules apply on a world-wide basis to both current employees and em- ployees appointed after the effective date. 4. Employees occupying positions covered by advanced rate schedules will have their pay adjusted on the effective date of the new schedules by an amount equal to the statutory pay incrgase between Schedule I awl Schedule II, except in those instances where the employee's salary is above the maximum of the previous statutory range when a svaller increase results. The new rates for such employees are shown on-the attached Con- version Tables (Attachment B). This pay adjustment is not an equivalent increase for step-increase purposes. OW 4-64 C-ONFIDEN-TIA-L Group I Excluded from Automatic Downgrading and Declassification Approved for Release: 2022/09/27 CO2544814 oianproved for Release: 2022/09/27 CO2544814 #0446 5. Employees appointed or promoted after the effective date to affected position categories will receive the rates appropriate under the new schedules and lists. 6. The following information will continue to be required on all Forms 1152, Request for Personnel Action, which are prepared for em- ployees in the occupational categories to Which the special rate schedules apply: a. Under Item 5, Category of Employment, in addition to the prescribed category designation, insert in parentheses the follow- ing terms, as appropriate: "Scientific" for employees occurying positions covered by the Scientific and Engineering Pay Schedule; or Nedical" for those employees covered by the Medical Officer Pay Schedule. b. Under Item 14, Classification Schedule (GS LB, etc.), use "GSS" designation for Scientific and Engineer categories; or "GSM" designation for Medical Officers. Attachments: A/S k_EMMETT D. ECHOLS Director of Personnel 2 OPM 4-64 Approved for Release: 2022/09/27 CO2544814 Approved for Release: 2022/09/27 CO2544814 Nue SCIENTIFIC AND ENGINEERING PAY SCHEDULE Per Annum Rates 5 January 1964 Grade 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 GSS-05 5650 $5810 $5970 $6130 $6290 $645o $6610 $6770 $6930 $7090 Nft.,GSS-06 5760 5935 6110 6285 646o 6635 6810 6985 7160 7335 GSS-07 677c 6965 7160 7355 7550 7745 7940 8135 8330 8525 GSS.,�08 6810 7020 7230 741.1.0 7650 7860 8070 8280 8490 8700 Nino, GSS-09 7260 7490 7720 7950 818o 8410 8640 8870 9100 9330 GSS-10 7945 8200 8455 8710 8965 9220 9475 9730 9985 10240 GSS-11 8690 8970 9250 9530 9810 10090 10370 10650 10930 Occupational categories GSS-0801.02 GSS-0801.03 GSS-0801.04 GSS-0801.05 GSS-0803.01 GSS-0805.01 GSS-0808.01 GSS-1810.01 GSS-0811.01 GSS-0830.01 GSS-0830.02 GSS-0835.01 OSS-0850.01 GSS-0850.02 GSS-0855.01 GSS-0855.02 Ss-o855.04 GSS-0855.06 GSS-0855.16 GSS-0855.18 GSS-0855.19 GSS-0855.20 GSS-0855.21 GSS-0860.01 to which the above rates apply: Engineer (General) Intelligence Officer (General Engineer) Intelligence Officer (Foreign Materials) Operations Officer (General Engineer) Safety Engineer Maintenance Engineer Architect ..Engineer Civil Engineer Construction Engineer Intelligence Officer (mechanical Engineer) Mechanical Engineer Intelligence Officer (Oranance Engineer) Intelligence Officer (Electrical Engineer) Electrical Engineer Electronic Engineer intelligence Officer (Electronic Engineer) Electronic Engineer (Radio) Electronic Engineer (wire Communications) Electronic Engineer (microwave) Electronic Engineer (Instrumentation) Operations Officer (Electronic Engineer)' Electronic Engineer (Training) Electronic Engineer (Audio Support) Intelligence Officer (Aeronautical Engineer) OW 20-31-5 C-041-F- D E-N-T-I-A-L Approved for Release: 2022/09/27 CO2544814 (Attachment A) Page 1 Approved for Release: 2022/09/27 CO2544814 40,A, Gss-0860.02 fIss-0855.14 Gss-0870.01 ios-o8To.02 4ss-0881.01 4ss-0893.02 SS-2.301. 01 SS-130L 02 4ss-1301.03 Gss-1301.04 3s2-1301.05 ,ss-1301.07 SS-13O. o8 �ss-2301.09 SE-l310. 01 ss-131C .02 SS-131). 03 (SS-13.O. o4 WS-1310.05 GSE-1322.01 S'�SC-1320.01 GSS-132O.02 GSS-1320.03 WS-1320.05 GSS-1320.06 GSS-1320.07 GSS-1320.09 GSS-1320.10 GSS-1320.11 WS-1320.12 GSS-1321.01 GSS-1340.01 GSS-1340.02 GSS-1340.03 GSS-1390.02 GSS-1520.01 Gss_1520.02 Operations Officer (Aeronautical Engineer) Electronic Engineer .(Communications Devices) Intelligence Officer (Marine Engineer) Marine Engineer intelligence Officer Petroleum Rngineer) Intelligence Officer :Chemical Engineer). ",:hemical Engineer intelligence Officer PLysical Science) Intelligence Officer Guided Missiles) Intelligence Officer Air Weapons) :ntellIgence Officer Ground Weapons) Intelligence Officer (Naval Weapons) :ibsial Science Administrator Phyeica1 Scientist 2perations Officer (Physical Scientist) Aerations Officer (Guided Missiles) Intelligence Officer (Physics) Intelligence Officer (Auclear.,Energy) Intelligence Officer (Geophysics) . Physicist Operations Officer (Euelear) Intelligence -Officer (Electronic Scientist) Intelligence Officer (Chemistry) Onemist Dntelligence Officer Intelligence Officer Inorganic Chemist Intelligence Officer intelligence Officer Intelligence Officer Physical Chemist Operations Officer (Chemistry) intelligence Officer (Metallurgy) Intelligence Officer (Meteorology) 0peratima Officer (Meteorology) Meteorologist Technologist (Photographic) Intelligence Officer (Mathematics) Mathematician (Organic Chemistry) (Inorganic Chemistry) (Biochemistry) (industrial chemistry) (Pnysica1 chemistry) NOTE: This schedule supersedes the schedulnsof the same title dated 14 October 1962; 3 March 1963. OPM 20-31-5 -I-A-L Approved for Release: 2022/09/27 CO2544814 (Attachment A) Page 2 Approved for Release: 2022/09/27 CO2544814 Nue Nur C-0-N-F-I-D-E-N-T-I-A-L MEDICAL OFFICER PAY SOBEDUIE Grade 1 -10.0X-11 $10090 GSM-12 11960 r3SM-13 14035 NIT6M-14 15415 GSM-15 16180 GSM-16 17000 Nome 2 $10370 12290 14420 15865 16695 17500 3 Per Annum Rates 5 January 1964 .4 5 6 7 8 9 $10650 .$10930 01210 $11490 $11770 $12050 $12330 12620 12950 13280 13610 13940 14270 14600 114.805 15190 15575 15960 16345 16730 17115 16315 16765 17215 17665 18115 18565 19015 17210 17725 18240 18155 19270 19785 18000 18500 19000 cupational categories to which the above rates apply: GSM-0602.01 GSM-0602.02 GSM-0602.03 Intelligence Officer (Medical) Medical Officer Medical Officer (Psychiatry) NOTE: This schedule supersedes the schedule of the same title dated 4. August 1963. (Attachment A) OPM 20-1-5 Page 3 Approved for Release: 2022/09/27 CO2544814 Approved for Release: 2022/09/27 002544814 Conversion Tables Old Step and Salary to New Step and Salary Effective 5 January 1964 Scientific and. Engineering Pay Shcthl Effec. D7 te P4 o -P co .1.t o -0 co P4 w -P co A o -P to P4 w -P CO PH w -P co A o s -P CO Pi o 4- VI Pi r) -P CO Old Step 1 5525 2 5685 3 5845 4 60o5 5 6165 6 6325 7 6485 8 6645 9 6805 10 6965 Gss-05 01-05-64 1 5650 2 5810 3 5270 4 6130 5 6290 6 645o 7 6610 8 6770 9 6930 10 7090 Old 1 5715 2 5885 3 6055 4 6225 5 6395 6 6565 7 6735 8 6905 9 7075 lo 72-4-5 Gss-D6 ca -05-64 2 5j-j, 64.1 4 r235 :3 64r,o 6 663-7 Emo , ,-2,7 (.935 c., 716C 10 7337 Old. 1 6650 2 6835 3 7020 4 7205 5 7390 6 7575 7 7760 8 7945 9 8130 10 r-8:3-3:5 I 01-05-64 2 6965 3 7160 4 7355 5 7550 5 7550 6 7745 i 7940 i 8 8135 9 8330 lo 8525 ,GSS-07 II old 1 6705 2 6910 3 7115 4 7320 5 7525 6 7730 7 7935 8 8140 9 8345 lo 8'550 ass-08 0105-64 2 7020 3 7230 4 7440 5 7650 6 7860 7 8070 8 8280 8 8280 9 8490 10 8700 Old 1 7125 2 7350 37575 4780O 5 8025 6 8250 7 14475 8 8700 9 8925 10 9150 Gss-09 01-05-64 2 7490 3 7720 4 7950 8180 6 8410 7 8640 8 8870 2 9100 9 9100 10 9330 Old 1 7780 2 8025 3 8270 14. 8515 5 11760 6 9005 7 9250 8 9495 9 9740 lo 5 GSS-10 01-05-64 2 8200 3 8455 4 8710 5 8265 6 9220 7 9475 8 9730 9 �.5 9 9985 10 10240 Old 1 8575 2 8840 ' 3 9105 -4 9370 5 9635 6 9900 7 10165 8 14 30 9 10695 -------- GSS-11 i 01-05-64! 2 8970 q 9250 i'd 4 9530 5 9810 6 10090 7 10370 8i060 8 10650 9 10930 , Medical Officer Pay Schedule � GSM-1]. Old 01-05-64 1 1 9635 1002g 2 2 9900 10370 3 3 10165 10650 4 4 10430 10930 5 5 10695 11210 6096o 6 11490 711225 7 11770 8111i-90 p911755 8 22050 8 13570 8 14270 9 12110_ 9 13885 9 14600 9 16260 9 17115 GSM-12 Old 01-05-64 1 1 11365 11960 2 2 11680 12290 3 3 11995 12620 4 4 12310 12950 5 5 12625 13280 6 12940 6 13610 7 7 13255 139)10 GSM-13 Old 01-05-64 1 1 13340 14035 2 2 13705 14420 3 , 3 14070 14805 4 4 14435 15190 5 5 14800 15575 6-15165 6 15..0 7 7 15530 16345 8 8 15895 16730 Old 1 14545 2 14970 3 15395 4 15820 5 16245 6 1.7o 7 17095 8 17520 9 17945 GSM-14 ol-o5-64 1 15415 2 1 865 1633.5 4 165 5 17215 6 17665 7 18'15 8 1855 9 19015 . _ Old 1 16005 2 i6485 ..3 3 16965 4 17445 5 17925 6 18405 7 18885 8 19365 GSM-15 01-05-64 3 17210 4 17725 5 18240 6 18755 7 19270 7 19270 7 19270 8 19785 Old 1 17000 2 17500 3 18000 4 18500 5 19000 asm-16 01-05-54 1 17000 2 17500 3 18000 4 185N 5 19000 ------- Ow 31-5 0 N-F-I-D-E-r I-A-L (Attachment B) Approved for Release: 2022/09/27 002544814